Monday, 2010-10-04

JesusFreak316Did you try all the buttons, not just the ones on the keyboard?00:00
IDTman! i have been trying every possible button/combination for the last 2 hours00:01
IDTand googling disparately00:01
IDTanyway .. thanks, JesusFreak316 :)00:01
JesusFreak316You're welcome; I'd check out other terminal apps or possible connectbot and use your pc keyboard over ssh.00:02
IDTouch ...00:03
IDTconnectbot .. i didn't know this thing exists00:03
IDT(just googled it)00:03
IDTi think this will be very useful (also faster than the device kb)00:04
IDTthanks alot00:04
JesusFreak316You're very welcome.00:06
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yousefmI was wondering how to allow an app to click multiple buttons or select multiple checkboxes through a sliding motion04:42
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jjpeaslhey arrrghhh08:56
jjpeaslyou've been testing camro's kernal right what device are you using?08:56
arrrghhhhaven't tested the new kernel yet08:59
arrrghhhdo you know what's in his new kernel?09:01
jjpeasloh ok ive posted results ive got on my device, thought you had same device as me but not was gonna ask if you were getting the game hangs on shut down.09:01
hyperfire21game hangs?09:01
jjpeaslsame lol09:02
jjpeaslbut you already new that09:02
hyperfire21i tested the 10/3 kernel.. i was able to shutdown on my rhod40009:02
jjpeaslonly hang with usb or ac connected for me09:02
hyperfire21what device do u have09:03
jjpeasltilt 209:03
hyperfire21i didnt check with it connected09:03
jjpeaslrhod i think09:03
jjpeaslwell just checked with it not connected and it hangs on all three09:04
hyperfire21what kernel did u try09:05
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hyperfire21did u start with a fresh data.img?09:06
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jjpeaslnope because everything works fine with old one, can try that.09:07
arrrghhhshutdown is finnicky09:07
arrrghhhespecially with a so-called 'dirty' data.img09:07
arrrghhhthey're working on fixing that.  i've heard USB is hanging up shutdown as well...09:08
jjpeaslwill do the new data img09:08
hyperfire21arrrghhh i was having those led's lighted up from wistilt2's kernel even after replacing modules n zimage from camro's so i started a fresh data.img09:08
arrrghhhhahaha nice09:09
arrrghhhwere they dimming and everything?09:09
hyperfire21but how did the led's still light up09:09
hyperfire21yea orange n green09:09
arrrghhhi thought that stuff was in kernel itself09:09
arrrghhhoh that's normal09:09
arrrghhhi thought you meant button lights09:09
arrrghhhthe normal kernels - green = sleep, orange = wake09:09
hyperfire21no i think it shouldnt have done that though.. cuz after creating new data.img the led's went away09:10
jjpeaslalso seems the haret text screen is faster along with the boot screen09:10
arrrghhhjjpeasl, placebo effect i assume09:11
arrrghhhhyperfire21, uhm they've always done that... recently i've noticed they take a while to turn on, not sure why.09:11
hyperfire21oh weird.. i guess i didnt stay in android long enough to notice after new data store.. lol09:12
arrrghhhyea, on first boot (aka new data.img build) it's sooooo slow09:13
hyperfire21man i posted in every forum i could find for someone to update psfreedom for rhod.. lol09:13
arrrghhhstinebd said that's why not all the apps show up at first sometimes.  cuz the phone is so slow.09:13
jjpeasllol thats so true just hitting boot screen lol09:13
arrrghhheven after the system comes up09:13
arrrghhhyou kinda have to let it sit to get its daemons out09:14
arrrghhhwtf.  i have a gig on google docs, but it won't take document uploads over 1mb?  stpuid.09:14
jjpeasli was doing that alot last night those damb keys just keep moving on me09:14
jjpeaslyeah booted into android now woooot wooot time to test.09:15
jjpeaslnew data and still getting hangs on shut down09:19
arrrghhhnothing plugged in?09:19
jjpeaslnothing plugged in09:19
arrrghhhare you on camro's kernel or one from the autobuild?09:19
jjpeaslthe one he posted last night on the link i sent09:20
jjpeaslno auto build using camros09:20
arrrghhhwell let him know09:20
arrrghhhi can shutdown just fine from the autobuild kernels09:20
arrrghhhi haven't tried his new one yet09:20
jjpeaslwould the build matter ?09:21
jjpeasli'm using Android v2.2 Froyo: Reference09:22
arrrghhhthat's usually what i test on09:22
jjpeaslhey where can i edit my sig on the forums was looking last night this way i can put my device info in there so i dont have to keep posting09:23
arrrghhhwhere you would on any forum...?  user CP or control panel?09:23
jjpeasldont see it09:26
arrrghhhyou don't see user cp09:27
arrrghhhnext to quick links09:27
arrrghhhwhich is next to new posts09:27
arrrghhhdo i have to take a screenshot?  LOL09:27
jjpeaslcould it be that i'm a junior member?09:27
arrrghhhyou don't use firefox do you...09:27
jjpeasli see that09:27
jjpeaslyeah i do lol09:27
arrrghhhtype in user cp09:27
arrrghhhexactly like that09:28
arrrghhhif you don't get it, then yes i guess that is the problem... how many posts do you have?09:28
arrrghhhi thought after 5 you get basic privleges... i didn't think the user cp was ever blocked09:28
arrrghhhi could be wrong tho, i don't know that much about the rules there09:28
jjpeaslno i see the user cp09:28
arrrghhhthere you go09:29
arrrghhhi have this quick type thing in ff enabled09:29
arrrghhhi love it09:29
arrrghhhi just start typing and it searches09:29
arrrghhhBTW shutdown fails for me.  it actually resets the phone instead of shutting it down09:29
arrrghhhbut the autobuild kernels i don't have a prob with shutdown.09:29
jjpeaslopening up ie and seeing if i find it there lol09:30
arrrghhhi thought you said you see it?09:30
arrrghhhyou're not making any sense dude09:30
jjpeasli see the control cp no edit sig09:30
arrrghhhit says "edit signature"09:30
jjpeaslbut maybe after 5 post i get it lol.09:30
jjpeasldont see it09:31
arrrghhhyou couldn't find user cp09:31
arrrghhhi don't know if i trust you09:31
jjpeasllol i see the user cp09:31
arrrghhhyea, eventually09:31
arrrghhhdo you not have 5 posts @ XDA?09:31
jjpeaslon the left after clicking it i dont see edit sig09:31
arrrghhhshould be just above "Edit Email & Password"09:31
jjpeaslnope not yet have to wait five mins between posts still09:31
jjpeaslnope not there09:31
arrrghhhyea i have a few more than 5 posts...09:32
jjpeaslsince i get hang gonna go back to my old data img09:32
jjpeaslalso notice there is no led right now might turn on later do have it connected.09:51
jjpeaslbut i'm off thanks for the input and help as always arrrghhh will catch you later.09:53
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arrrghhhcamro|away, fyi, it seems shutdown on your new test kernel doesn't work...10:17
arrrghhhit resets mine10:17
arrrghhhjjpeasl said it froze his.  not sure what his deal was.10:17
camro|awayarrrghhh: could be, don't know, whch method i implemented on this kernel10:18
camro|awayas i told ... i'm testing, and hoper for helps from the other devels and revengineers10:18
arrrghhhcamro|away, haha ok.  well let me know if you have another one.  seems i didn't update one of the threads quickly enough and someone reposted the kernel/modules for some reason LOL10:18
arrrghhhfair enough.10:19
arrrghhhyour battery code will hopefully be committed soon, no?10:19
arrrghhhi've heard nothing but great things about it.10:19
camro|awayacl: is working on it ...10:19
camro|awayi'M not happy with it, if USB won'T commited, too10:19
camro|awaynot sure what will be happen now ..10:20
arrrghhhi don't think USB has been tested...?10:20
arrrghhhyou understand why they want to commit just the battery stuff tho10:20
arrrghhhhard to track down which piece of code broke what when there's a lot to commit.10:23
arrrghhhor when there's a lot that gets committed rather ;)10:23
arrrghhhholy crap.  i didn't even test USB, i didn't realize it was working LOL10:27
arrrghhhwe'll see if it finishes... so far so good.10:27
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NeoMatrixJRcamro|away: are you really |away? do you have a latest kernel to test?  The one I'm running for you now (that I swear shutdown properly on 1st test) just rebooted on shutdown instead of shutting down....11:20
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NeoMatrixJRwait...I think I see it.  I was on USB this time when I did power off11:40
NeoMatrixJRretrying w/o usb11:40
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jjpeaslarrrghhh, u there?11:44
* arrrghhh hides11:45
arrrghhhnobody here11:45
jjpeasllol whats this thing it requested ctcp version from me?11:45
arrrghhhirc thing11:45
arrrghhhnot like google was invented yesterday dude :P11:46
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jjpeaslare you sure i've never seen this google you talk of11:47
arrrghhhgo use the google!11:47
jjpeaslno clue what it means lol.11:58
arrrghhhperhaps that wil explain it a little better.12:03
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hamagcgood morning guys12:08
hamagcboy windows 7 is coming up fast12:23
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xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, RESOLVED FIXED, Locate Service - NetworkLocation.apk12:50
arrrghhhw00t12:50 changed the Status on bug 14 from ASSIGNED to RESOLVED FIXED.12:52
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, RESOLVED FIXED, Startup.txt file is incorrect12:52
hamagcnetworklocation works now/12:55
arrrghhhfor GSM12:55
arrrghhhnever worked for CDMA12:55
hamagcdid you figure out whats up with cdma?12:55
arrrghhhstine said changes in the ril are required12:55
arrrghhhand didn't really seem too keen on helping me with it lol12:55
hamagcwe need an ril dev damnit12:55
hamagci sent one of my phones to acl so hopefully he can do something with it12:56
arrrghhhhe's CDMA too12:56
hamagcgive this project a little kick in the ass12:56
arrrghhhi'm guessing he's lost when it comes to the ril12:56
hamagcbut the phone isn't activated so i don't know what good that will do him lol12:56
arrrghhhseems like a wholly different beast to deal with.12:56
hamagcoh i'm sure12:56
arrrghhhprobably won't do him any good with respect to the ril12:56
hamagci know looking at rils, the hero and evo ril is like 800k, ours is like 50\12:57
hamagcso i'm sure there is alot missing lol12:57
hamagci got the evo ril to work but couldn't get data to work12:57
arrrghhhdoes Android start in landscape mode for you?12:57
arrrghhhor does it start in portrait?  as i recall on my RAPH it started oK12:58
arrrghhhseems like a RHOD thing then.12:58
hamagcare you running frx02?12:58
hamagcya, you have rintones for calls?12:59
hamagci have no call ringtones12:59
arrrghhhstine was very careful in stating that system is not for frx0212:59
hamagconly notification12:59
arrrghhhhaven't tried calling myself lol12:59
hamagclol look in settings12:59
hamagci can manually set one for calls but it's overwritten by the settings which only gives me silent for an option12:59
arrrghhhthe only option is silent?12:59
hamagci haven't had ringtones all weekend :(12:59
arrrghhhi read ppls were fixing that issue with a format of the card brauhaus13:00
hamagcok, i left a note for stinebd but don't know if he got it13:00
hamagcanother format?13:00
hamagci can give it a shot and see what it does13:00
arrrghhhthat's what peoples were sayin13:00
hamagcbut i'm doubting it cause it's not all ringtones13:00
arrrghhhnot sure if they were running the new system or not tho13:00
hamagci have everything but call ringtones13:00
arrrghhhi deleted my data.img and booted again13:01
arrrghhhand now i can select ringtones13:01
arrrghhhlast boot all i had was 'silent'13:01
hamagcthats weird. and i'm on a new data.img13:01
arrrghhhi can click & listen to 'em13:02
arrrghhhlet me reboot again13:02
arrrghhhwithout deleting the data.img13:02
arrrghhhsee if i can still do it13:02
arrrghhhcamro's new battery meter code is f-ing awesome.13:02
arrrghhhnow if only there was some better power management, that part would be all wrapped up!13:02
hamagcright! i haven't tried his newest yet, he is working on shutdown again the poor guy13:03
arrrghhhyea i saw that13:03
xdandroidNew XDAndroid Releases bug 21 filed...13:03
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, Android starts in landscape mode13:03
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arrrghhhringtones still there13:08
arrrghhhstill selectable & audiable13:09
arrrghhhso i'm not sure causes it to break13:10
hamagcthats weird13:15
arrrghhhseems inconsistent is a theme with this project tho :P13:16
hamagcarrrghhh: While using WIFI the G/3G icon used to disappear, but now it keeps showing.13:34
hamagcMaybe related to the Mobile data breaking after using Wifi Bug. - bug 1713:34
xdandroidBug minor, Low, ---, developers, NEW, Data G/3G icons visible in not. bar while using WIFI13:34
hamagcbug 1713:34
arrrghhhsounds like a personal problem to me13:34
hamagcweird, anyhow - i believe this but happens when 3g breaks period13:34
hamagci noticed that when my 3g breaks, i get a white up arrow in my stuck 3g icon13:35
arrrghhhcan you recreate it with any consistency?13:35
hamagcenable wifi, and it stays13:35
hamagccan't really recreate, just noticed when it happens13:35
arrrghhhmaybe one of the devs could use a dmesg when that happens13:35
arrrghhhor a logcat13:35
hamagcif i disable my apn (via widget) then renable, it works still13:35
arrrghhhnot really sure TBH.  not even sure who would want it lol13:36
hamagcll run one next time13:36
hamagcbut i don't believe it's a bug, i believe it's 3g breaking in general13:36
hamagcwhich is most likely due to instability in pppd13:36
arrrghhheither way that sounds like a bug to me...13:37
hamagcthey were talking about that in htc-linux last week13:37
hamagcya 3g breaking is a bug13:37
hamagcbut i don't believe it's related to wifi13:37
hamagcjust fyi13:37
arrrghhhyea, but they couldn't get rmnet to work at all13:37
hamagci know :(13:37
arrrghhhi don't really ever use wifi13:37
arrrghhhon my phone at least13:37
hamagcand i think that'll be a big key for us cdma guys13:37
hamagcfrom what i can tell, all the cdma devices are using rmnet13:37
arrrghhhperhaps that's the key then13:38
arrrghhhno ppp on cdma13:38
camro|awayhamgac / arrrghhh / NeoMatrixJR <- please test new kernel13:44
camro|awaysee on xda - is uploaded13:44
camro|awayspecially: power_off and INCALL (if you will be called and if you make a call)13:44
camro|awaymus go13:45
hamagcon it13:46
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hamagcok incall worked (never had an issue with incall that i can recall). shutdown restarted me.14:00
hamagcbooting again14:00
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hamagcsecond test, shutdown reboots14:08
hamagcstill no adb14:10
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, awake?14:10
hamagcarrrghhh: whats with the bugs reported in red?14:12
hamagcbug 16 i have not noticed and i use wpa on my home wifi. can switch in and out of all day long without issue.14:14
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, Mobile data breaks after using WIFI14:14
hamagcbug 4 is squashed in frx02-pre14:14
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, stinebd, ASSIGNED, Buttons cut off in the open call menu.14:14
hamagcthank god too!14:15
hamagci had no idea what half of those were for lol14:15
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hamagccrap this breaks data again14:49
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hamagcyep, sure enough. new v5 kernel breaks data again.14:55
hamagclol atleast shutdown does something now instead of freeze though14:56
hamagcthere is a log and radio log from a data crash15:03
hamagci think that one was a data crash15:04
TheDeadPHONEI'm on an iPad.15:05
hamagci need to smoke15:05
hamagcbut before i forget15:06
hamagc-dmesg from crash15:06
hamagcsame one as logcat15:06
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arrrghhhbugs in red = high priority of some sort15:15
arrrghhhblockers, critical etc.15:15
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valearnaHi, I'm trying to build aosp from froyo branch for dream, but some proprietary files are missing. extract-files can't find, and I've also tried to extract those files from a cyanogen 6 rom for dream always using extract-files. Building went ok, but once I flash the rom using fastboot my g1 is stuck on g1 logo. Suggestions?15:23
hamagcbest bet would be to find a channel that supports dream15:24
hamagcthis channel is only for winmo devices that are running android15:24
hamagcnot android native devices15:24
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valearnaok got it. Thanks15:24
hamagcon another note, i guess our governor just signed a new bill in CA that makes possession of pot an infraction now15:26
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arrrghhhwell i can possess up to 1oz in denver and not get anything :D15:31
hamagcthats almost as good as prop 19 :)15:31
hamagcya well wait until we vote in nov and it becomes legal in the state :)15:31
hamagcyour in denver?15:31
hamagcheh didn't know that. one of my best friends is in denver15:32
arrrghhhand i don't see why the gov't doesn't just legalize it & tax the crap out of it15:32
hamagcthats what prop 19 is15:32
arrrghhhturn all these budget shortfalls into surpluses.15:32
hamagclegalize it and tax it15:32
arrrghhhi'm don't follow it that closely.15:32
arrrghhhi don't15:32
hamagcmakes it legal to manufacture, distribute, and use it :D15:32
hamagcand i can legally grow it15:33
hamagcbut who knows what will really happen15:33
arrrghhhseriously the money they're blowing on the war on drugs can be made 10 fold.15:33
arrrghhhwe'll see15:33
arrrghhhthe fed gov't still doesn't seem keen on it.15:33
hamagcit;s said that if we pass prop 19 and make it legal, our president is going to sue the state15:33
hamagcwhich will make waves for him come election time lol15:33
hamagche can count CA out15:33
hamagcwhich i don't understand15:34
arrrghhhif he's suing CA for that i wonder what a republican would do ...15:34
hamagcwe vote on something and make a new law and the gov't sues us for it?15:34
hamagcif we vote isn't it just supposed to be that way now?15:34
arrrghhhyou'd think so15:34
hamagcthats like the gov't wanting to free rapists and we vote no and the gov't does it anyway15:34
arrrghhhbut the republicans are running on a ticket that states they're basically going to undo everything obama has done thus far.15:35
hamagci'm so moving to canada if that happens15:35
arrrghhhso it seems to be a theme in politics lately.15:35
hamagclol right15:35
hamagcoh gay15:36
arrrghhhoy i should go see if i can scalp a server before they're all tossed.15:36
* TheDeadCPU waits for his pizza.15:38
hamagci guess the new law doesn't take effect until 1/1/201115:39
TheDeadCPUSome new law which is actually just common sense?15:40
hamagcya, they are trying to make pot legal here15:40
arrrghhhstfu TheDeadCPU.  you guys have retarded laws too.15:43
hamagcarrrghhh: did you text kernel v5?15:48
arrrghhhnot yet15:48
arrrghhhshould i?15:48
arrrghhhthe fixes don't apply to me :P15:48
hamagcplease and let me know if your data is working or if it's just broken for me again lol15:48
arrrghhhalthough i guess shutdown didn't work.15:48
arrrghhhdamnit i guess i should update all my posts again15:48
TheDeadCPUhamagc, well pot should be legal.15:50
TheDeadCPUIt's not here.15:50
TheDeadCPUWhich saddens me15:50
arrrghhheat that.15:50
xdandroidNew XDAndroid Releases bug 22 filed...15:52
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, Picasaweb sync unavailable15:52
hamagchmm picasaweb sync?16:01
hamagcwe have an old version of gallery installed?16:01
arrrghhhI don't know who Laura F is and wtf she's rambling about.16:06
arrrghhhi'll try it16:06
arrrghhhchicks use this port?  lol :P16:06
hamagclol right16:09
hamagci thought my g/f was the only one and only because i made her16:09
arrrghhhhaha i made one of my own bugs 'trivial'.  awesome.16:09
arrrghhh"because I made her"16:09
TheDeadCPUPizza arrived16:09
arrrghhhthat's how all relationships are supposed to work LOL16:09
TheDeadCPULike my relationships?16:10
arrrghhhi don't think what you have with women can be called a relationship.16:10
TheDeadCPUThat last one was almost a year!16:10
arrrghhhdid you cheat on her?16:11
TheDeadCPUI would never do such a thing.16:11
arrrghhhoh i'm impressed.16:11
arrrghhhmaybe you do have some integrity :P16:11
TheDeadCPUI'd rather eat my own arm then cheat on someone16:11
arrrghhhi'm holding you to that16:12
arrrghhhi can confirm that bug from laura16:12
TheDeadCPUEven though I'm a manwhore I do have some standards.16:12
arrrghhhi remember my picasa web sync used to pop up automatically, now i get nada.16:12
TheDeadCPUAnd I do actually have feelings for people.16:12
arrrghhhnorwegian feelings, but feelings nonetheless.16:13
TheDeadCPUThat actually hurts.16:13
TheDeadCPUI've got REAL feelings for people until they hurt me.16:13
arrrghhhit was a burn, it wasn't supposed to make you feel warm&fuzzy.16:13
arrrghhhLOL then they turn into norwegian feelings?16:14
TheDeadCPUThen I just nothing them.16:14
arrrghhhhamagc, data borked seems to just be you.16:16
arrrghhhi can't seem to enable wifi16:16
arrrghhhi guess i should go back to an autobuild kernel to confirm/deny bugs...16:16
arrrghhhgood lord this seems WAY slower.  weird.16:17
arrrghhhhamagc, do you find that all this booting kills the battery?  lol i'm already at 30%, and i haven't really used the phone that much.16:47
hamagclol usually ya, it will def. help kill the battery. everytime i reboot android it loses a little. luckly at work i leave it on the cradle most of the time.16:48
hamagcreminds me16:48
hamagci have an invention to look up16:48
hamagci want to make my truck charge my phone just by being inside of my truck16:48
hamagclike a powermat on crack lol16:48
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arrrghhhthat'll give you cancer in 3 weeks?16:48
arrrghhhthere's a company that's working on wireless power16:49
arrrghhhwitricity i think is the name16:49
TheDeadCPUThere's lot of them.16:49
arrrghhhthis company has a proof-of-concept16:49
arrrghhhlike they've used it?16:49
TheDeadCPUMy dads got a TV and BluRay  with wireless power.16:49
arrrghhhuh huh16:50
TheDeadCPUI think it's up to 5cm LOL16:50
TheDeadCPUThey have to be on the TV table lol16:50
arrrghhhyou guys have some awesome inventions btw.16:50
TheDeadCPUDon't you mess with me cheeze slicer.16:51
TheDeadCPUWe did invent mass rape too!16:51
arrrghhhnot sure that's an invention dude...16:51
TheDeadCPUAnd Mjød!16:51
arrrghhhwtf is that16:51
TheDeadCPUThat'd be beer.16:51
TheDeadCPUViking beer.16:51
arrrghhhyou didn't invent beer16:51
arrrghhhi was going to say16:51
arrrghhhyou could've just said mead16:52
TheDeadCPUWe did invent that.16:52
arrrghhhi love mead16:52
arrrghhhi thought the scots invented it tho16:52
TheDeadCPUVikings in Scotland16:52
TheDeadCPUAnd the oil platform in general is16:52
TheDeadCPUa norwegian invention*16:52
arrrghhhlooks like the chinese again dude16:52
arrrghhhthey always get the alcohol inventions.16:52
hamagcwhy has no one taken a battery from the jack-me-off flashlights and made a battery that charges when shaken16:54
arrrghhh"Around 1891 the first submerged oil wells were drilled from platforms built on piles in the fresh waters of the Grand Lake St. Marys (a.k.a. Mercer County Reservoir) in Ohio"16:54
hamagcfor phones16:54
arrrghhhcuz they provide such a puny amount of charge16:54
arrrghhhtha'd be like trying to power your phone from a potato16:54
hamagctrue but overtime it adds up16:54
TheDeadCPUStill, the modern oil platforms are norwegian.16:54
arrrghhhyou can power a small clock, but not a freakin phone.16:55
hamagcso if i go for a mile jog, thats more power i had than before the jog16:55
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, sure they're built there... but you guys didn't invent them :P16:55
TheDeadCPUhamagc, out of every phone nerd.. How many takes mile jogs?16:55
TheDeadCPUWE DID OK?!16:55
arrrghhhuh huh.16:55
hamagci'd think our phones move alot throughout the day (walking, running, driving) all cause vibrations, enough to provide even the smallest amount of energy16:55
arrrghhhhahaha that's a good point.16:55
TheDeadCPUWe did invent the MODERN oil platform.16:55
hamagclol true TheDeadCPU16:56
TheDeadCPUThe one with cinemas and shit16:56
arrrghhhwhatever helps you sleep at night TheDeadCPU16:56
TheDeadCPU: D17:01
TheDeadCPUAlso, we invented 2H2O. dunno the English word for it. HeavyWater or something.17:04
arrrghhhsounds deadly.17:04
arrrghhhLOL that's us dude.17:05
arrrghhhboth guys were american.  all the way.17:05
TheDeadCPUWell. It was invented IN Norway.17:06
TheDeadCPUAtleast the first successfully made Heavy Water was made in Norway17:06
arrrghhhlink or it didn't happen.17:07
TheDeadCPUgive me a few17:07
TheDeadCPUI know this, 'cause we had the first plantation for it, and the germans stole it in WW2 :(17:07
TheDeadCPUI was wrong.17:08
TheDeadCPUWe made the first commercial Heavy Water.17:08
arrrghhhyea looks like you guys sabotaged the nazi's from getting it.17:08
arrrghhhyes, i see that.  the first plant basically.17:08
TheDeadCPUn 1934, Norsk Hydro built the first commercial heavy water plant at Vemork, Tinn, with a capacity of 12 tonnes per year.17:08
arrrghhhyes yes i see that17:08
TheDeadCPUOfc we ded.17:08
TheDeadCPUWe didn't want to give the Germans nukes.17:09
TheDeadCPUEven though we gave the US all our Heavy Water. And you see what that ended up in becoming.17:09
hamagcwtf? you guys made heavy water?17:10
TheDeadCPUhamagc, yea?17:10
hamagcheavy water... lol didn't know there was such a thing17:10
hamagci wonder what that does for hydrogen17:11
TheDeadCPUIt's needed for an A-bomb17:11
arrrghhhyea most of the uses seem related to blowing stuff up.17:11
hamagcscrew abombs, i'm thinking for my truck lol17:11
arrrghhhyea... again with the cancer.17:11
hamagcbah, cancer is just life telling us to die sooner17:12
arrrghhhthat's right, i forget you smoke cigs :P17:12
TheDeadCPUCan't have fun without a little cancer : D17:12
hamagclol yep17:12
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hamagcbut smoking isn't everything17:12
hamagci don't think cigarettes cause prostate cancer17:13
hamagcunless your smoking out of your ass! hahahaha17:13
TheDeadCPUA laptop did before17:13
hamagcdo you know what people died of before cancer?17:13
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arrrghhhold age?17:14
hamagcno, cancer17:14
hamagcthey just didn't have a name for it yet17:14
TheDeadCPUWhat did the 3 homeless kids get for Christmas?17:14
arrrghhhi'm sure there were other things17:14
arrrghhhthat's... horrible.  and yet awesome.17:14
hamagcoh there are always other thingds17:14
hamagclucky drunk driving hadn't been invented yet17:14
TheDeadCPUCancer Jokes are awesome17:14
arrrghhhbullet wounds i hear were popular17:14
hamagcor cannon ballss17:14
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TheDeadCPUOr Golden battleaxes.17:15
hamagcsure alot more people die of cancer now than they did 100 years ago17:15
hamagcthere are also alot more people now than there was 100 years ago17:15
hamagci think cancer is just over rated17:15
TheDeadCPUAnd a lot more electricity.17:15
arrrghhhappears i pissed off someone in the forums myself17:16
hamagcwhat signature17:17
arrrghhhi love it17:17
hamagci wanna laugh at it!17:17
arrrghhhfollow the linkies17:18
arrrghhhhe quoted my post17:18
hamagcugh i have to search?17:18
arrrghhhand i quoted the douchebags post17:18
arrrghhhno, just click a couple of links.  jeez.17:18
hamagcoh the brazil one17:18
hamagcthats huge17:18
arrrghhhhe told me to get a better monitor/resolution basically.17:18
TheDeadCPULol arrrghhh.17:18
hamagclol i never understood why xda lets members have sigs that are 1/2 a page long17:19
arrrghhhi told him i run 1920x1200 @ home and 2560x1024 at work and that wasn't big enough.17:19
hamagctell him your tp2 only comes in one resolution17:19
arrrghhhwell his posts are almost always some retarded 2 word answer too.17:19
arrrghhhso you have a two word answer with that gigantic retarded sig.17:19
hamagcSent from unknown by using XDA App17:19
arrrghhhhe's a winnar17:19
hamagcwtf kind of xda app does sigs like that17:19
hamagcjeez, maybe we should get kicked here or something17:20
stinebdyou got something against retards?17:20
hamagconly when they throw kittys17:20
arrrghhhor have stupid sigs.17:21
TheDeadCPUOr are kitties?17:22
arrrghhhstinebd, i wanted to ask you about that dialpad bug... can i mark it fixed?17:22
arrrghhhbug 417:22
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, stinebd, ASSIGNED, Buttons cut off in the open call menu.17:22
stinebdyes, fixed17:23
stinebd(pending release)17:23
arrrghhhi marked a couple others fixed as well :D17:23
arrrghhhdid you see that picasa web sync one?17:23
arrrghhhbug 22 i think17:23
xdandroidBug minor, Low, ---, developers, NEW, Picasaweb sync unavailable17:23
stinebdcan't do anything about that one17:23
arrrghhhis that related to gallery 3d being rolled back to the 2d apk?17:23
stinebdeither live without picasa sync or live with buggy ass gallery3d crashing every 5 seconds17:24
hamagci hated gallery 3d too17:24
arrrghhhfair enough, just wanted to be sure that was the cause.17:24
hamagcwhat about my bugs?17:24
hamagccall ringtones?17:24
arrrghhhdon't care about yours.17:24
stinebdthey've been redirected to /dev/null17:24
arrrghhhworks for me.17:24
stinebdringtones work for me too, as long as they're on sdcard17:24
stinebdi've yet to find a way to get /system ringtones working17:24
hamagcall of mine are on sdcard17:24
hamagclet me try media scanner again17:25
arrrghhhstinebd, are we planning on going back to gallery3d at all?  i thought that was on hold because of hw3d, but obviously not...17:25
stinebdit's broken even with hw3d17:25
stinebdon vga17:26
stinebdnot sure about wvga17:26
hamagcwhat about live wallpaper?17:26
arrrghhhwell i can test if you want.  not a big deal, i marked the bug as low/minor.17:26
stinebdi swear to god if you ask about that one more time17:26
hamagcseems to crash since frx0117:26
stinebdlive wallpaper will NEVER be supported17:26
arrrghhhseriously.  it's never included for a reason.17:26
stinebdour hardware simply cannot do it17:26
hamagcthe masses will have to get over it then17:26
arrrghhhthere's no bug on live wp is there17:27
arrrghhhi don't see one17:27
hamagcnope :)17:27
hamagcfigured best to not make one17:27
hamagcdamnit, still no ringtones. wtf?17:28
arrrghhhcuz i'd just drop it like a bad habit.17:28
hamagclet me try a fresh data17:28
arrrghhhhamagc, that's so weird... i don't know why on that one boot it didn't work for me, and now it does.17:28
hamagcthats a shame, i liked them. i found 1 or 2 that didn't seem to have negative effects for me17:28
arrrghhhyou can certainly use them17:28
arrrghhhbut they won't be supported.17:28
stinebdthe only ones that will work would be 2D ones17:28
hamagcwell i have a feeling that it's a signature issue now17:29
hamagcso if stinebd says no, then it's a no :(17:29
stinebdlike the polar clock and maps17:29
arrrghhhbut i want the matrix bg17:29
hamagcehh i really only used the zombie one and plasma17:29
stinebdplasma shouldn't work either, with hw3d on17:29
stinebdpretty sure that's a renderscript lwp17:30
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hamagci dunno, just know that it worked on everything previous to frx0117:39
hamagcplasma worked great too, never noticed drain on battery, ran smooth. was nice17:39
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dizzayis any1  here?17:41
dizzayi got a question17:47
dizzayor two17:47
stinebdonly the first one is free17:47
dizzaycan i make it a 10 part question? ;)17:47
hamagcthis might cost dinner17:48
stinebdno. that's your free question. next!17:48
dizzaywell im going to port android to my tilt 2 does any1  know if it runs smooth? if not would overclocking improve visuals? if so by much? or not enough to notice17:48
stinebdit does not run smooth, overclocking won't help improve it.17:49
hamagcgpu issues17:49
arrrghhhyou're going to port it eh17:49
hamagcand it's already being ported, do you know how to code?17:49
stinebdhamagc: the only gpu issue is that android doesn't use the gpu for the UI17:49
arrrghhhisn't that from ASOP tho?17:50
stinebd(common among all devices)17:50
hamagcis that default is is that an issue?17:50
arrrghhhi could be wrong.17:50
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dizzayi hate the laggy ness17:51
dizzayWindows mobile FTL17:51
dizzayexcuse my misuse of the word port,17:51
dizzayput it on my phone17:51
hamagcok wtf?17:51
dizzayis more accurate17:51
hamagcnew data.img and still no ringtones17:52
hamagcno phone ringtones17:52
dizzayand whats gpu17:52
hamagconly notification ringtones17:52
hamagcgpu-graphic processor unit17:52
hamagcthe cpu of graphics17:52
hamagcjust without the c17:52
hamagcso wtf is wrong with my system?17:53
hamagcis anyone else on raph running frx02pre?17:53
dizzaywhat system u mean17:53
dizzayim running tilt 217:55
dizzaywith energy rom 6.5.17:55
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hamagccamro back?17:56
arrrghhhstinebd, what phone do you have?17:56
arrrghhhi thought he had a RAPH kickin around.17:56
stinebdarrrghhh: raph11017:56
arrrghhhringtones work for you don't they?17:56
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stinebdthe silent one definitely works17:57
hamagcyay lol17:57
arrrghhhthat's my favorite ring tone.17:57
stinebdlast time i tried them, they did17:57
arrrghhhdid you try them on your new system image?17:57
arrrghhhthat's what mr hamagc is cryin 'bout.17:57
camrohi hamagc:17:58
arrrghhhwhat's weird is, on one boot all i had was silent.  new data.img, i get ringtones.  reboot on 'dirty' data.img, still have ringtones.  not sure what the deal is/was.17:58
camrois the power off now working for all ?17:58
hamagcpower off reboots me17:58
hamagcthats mostly working :)17:58
hamagcbut killed data again17:59
camrowhich device, which kernel ?17:59
hamagcraph800 - v5 kernel17:59
camroreally ? fuck17:59
camroand it does a reboot ?17:59
hamagcyes reboot17:59
camropff - com'on sell your phone ..then we can commit usb and power off18:02
camroanyhow ..incall now working for all ?18:03
hamagclol but then you get all these cranky cdma people that bitch and moan18:03
camrohave you try to call your device and then test if micro is working ?18:03
hamagcmic was working for me without issue, sound in and out18:04
hamagcand still no adb18:04
camrowas the incall mic working before ?18:04
arrrghhhyea usb detects... but can't do anything with it.18:04
hamagcon one of the kernels it broke but last couple of kernels it was working18:04
arrrghhhi don't think in call mic was ever broken on CDMA for some reason.18:04
arrrghhhoh really?18:05
camrobut it is related .. if you have an app for recording calls or if you have set incall startup parameter18:05
hamagcya one of the first kernels i believe18:05
arrrghhhi don't think i was ever able to recreate the issue.18:05
stinebdeverything is always broken on cdm18:05
arrrghhhstinebd, but this is something that's working in CDMA and broken on GSM.  so there :P18:05
hamagcno incall startup that i recall, and i think our system comes with a call recording app but i've never used it18:05
arrrghhhat least that's what i've extrapolated from all the reports.18:05
camroyeah, stinebd can we make a special rootfs ? -> like something with fdisk, dd, and some special gpios, which killall cdma devices, then we can proceed - lOL18:06
arrrghhhwait... no18:06
arrrghhhdon't do that.18:06
hamagcjust mark us as no longer supported18:07
hamagci'll blame makkonen18:07
arrrghhhfawkers.  i wish there was a GSM provider that was worth a crap.18:07
hamagci wish there was a gsm provider that could match sprints pricing18:08
arrrghhhor if the gov't provided all the towers, then the companies would just compete on price & features.18:08
arrrghhhof course then no body would get service, because the towers are managed by the gov't LOL18:08
camrohamagc: well, hmm, your device reboot ... hmm must talk about with cotulla, do you have a nk.exe from your winmo system ? maybe i can take a look how it willb e done there18:08
hamagcwhere would it be? windows folder?18:08
camroarrrghhh: does POWER OFF working for you via v5 kernel ?18:10
arrrghhhit was working before18:10
camrowell, it is complete diff technic18:11
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camroif it was working before , wouldn't help, it is complete different now ..18:11
arrrghhhok let me try it18:11
hamagci don't see an nk.exe in windows18:11
arrrghhhi think i forgot to on v5.18:11
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camroalso, NeoMatrixJR does also have an special device where a lot of problems are ... maybe he can also try the new kernel and let me know18:12
arrrghhhhe has a special device...?18:13
arrrghhhi thought he was RHOD18:13
arrrghhhnot sure tho18:13
stinebdnot "rare" special. "short yellow bus" special.18:16
arrrghhhi figured, but what i'm confused is why18:18
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arrrghhhcamro, testing shutdown on v5 now.  RHOD400 btw.18:19
arrrghhhlovely CDMA device.18:19
arrrghhhworks perfectly camro.18:20
hamagci don't see nk.exe anywhere :(18:20
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arrrghhhfind helps.18:21
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stinebdisn't that kind of stuff hidden by winmo?18:21
arrrghhhstinebd, GSM uses PRL files just like CDMA... don't they18:24
* stinebd shrugs18:24
arrrghhhthat was a definitive answer.18:26
arrrghhhi can't seem to find nk.exe either lol18:26
arrrghhhsomeone commented that PRL files are unique to CDMA18:27
arrrghhhbut that doesn't make sense, GSM devices have to get updated tower lists from somewheres...18:27
stinebdwtf is a prl file?18:28
arrrghhhlol perhaps not.18:28
arrrghhhi'm not a whiz with it, but as i understand it the phone uses it to get updated tower info18:29
stinebdgsm uses access point names18:29
arrrghhhso if you want to switch carriers, you have to use a different prl18:29
arrrghhhisn't that for data tho?18:29
stinebdi would assume gsm doesn't use that kind of nonsense18:29
arrrghhhhahaha so how do you switch providers on a GSM phoen?18:29
stinebdyou go to the provider list and select a new one18:30
arrrghhhor how do you get an updated tower list?18:30
stinebdyou dont need an updated tower list18:30
arrrghhhthat... doesn't make sense to me.18:30
stinebdit's not archaic 1970s technology18:30
stinebdcarrier IDs, sir18:30
camrohamagc: does the POWER_OFF works for you ?18:30
hamagcpower off restarts me18:31
stinebdGenerally PRL updates are done on CDMA and PCS phones. GSM phones do not need PRL updates. Without a PRL file your cell phone would only receive service on its primary carrier’s network. Eliminating coverage in areas where your carrier does not receive service.18:31
stinebdi would imagine then that the PRL would be in the radio firmware on gsm phones18:32
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stinebdgsm towers should identify their carrier ID and those of their roaming partners18:33
stinebdare you starting to understand why people hate cdma?18:33
arrrghhhespecially since i just read that CDMA has 18% of the global market share.18:33
hamagc18% worldwide18:34
hamagcthat means usa and china18:34
arrrghhhindia too18:34
arrrghhhand some scattered places in south america18:34
arrrghhhsome interesting comments about how CDMA is superior tech18:37
arrrghhhbut still no body wants to use it LOL18:37
hamagcthats a money issue18:37
camrohamagc: was the POWER OF working for you on any kernel ?18:37
hamagcno not that i can remember18:38
hamagcmaybe when shutdown was first implemented it was kinda ifish. worked at times, froze at other times. nothing consistant.18:38
stinebdso my vreg solution still wins?18:39
arrrghhhvreg solution?18:39
stinebdsome ridiculous hack that i found by doing echo 0 into various vreg debugfs hooks18:40
arrrghhhlol for shutdown?18:40
hamagccamro: gone through entire phone but can't find nk.exe. i see where it would be located in the kitchen but not on the phone itself18:41
arrrghhhperhaps that's what he means then...18:42
hamagchmm, i'm running a stock rom, i don't think there is a kitchen for it18:42
arrrghhhyou're on the stock ROM?18:42
arrrghhhfor shame.18:42
hamagclol ya i got tired of winmo being crappy and full of issues18:43
hamagcso i said screw it, stock rom with xdandroid18:43
camrohamagc: is it ok, that we push this new method, which is better, that it works for you also, better as hanging - or ?18:43
hamagci would much rather a reset than a freeze18:43
arrrghhhbesides, is anyone else experiencing the issue?18:43
arrrghhhi think hamagc is the problem.18:43
hamagchmmm that is a possibility18:44
hamagci wish i had another tp1 cdma tester..... cough cough arrrghhh18:44
arrrghhhinsurance took mah raph... :(18:44
arrrghhhotherwise i would've loved to keep it for testing.18:44
hamagcstupid assurion18:44
arrrghhhand to kick randomly.18:44
arrrghhhwhat does NeoMatrixJR have... he's RHOD huh.18:46
hamagci'm the only lonely raph guy now :(18:46
arrrghhhthere's still a few, but they seem to stick to the forums.  like i used to.18:46
hamagclol there are tons on the forums18:46
hamagcbut i don't know of any with any experience in this18:47
hamagcnothing that can be used without having to explain every step over and over lol18:47
arrrghhhi guess18:47
arrrghhhbut this is just a simple shutdown test.18:47
arrrghhhi haven't seen any other monkey's complaining.18:47
arrrghhheven tho i asked them to test it.18:47
hamagci'ma make a post in your thread18:47
arrrghhhput some fire under those monkey's butts.18:48
stinebdone day the users are gonna come in here and make camera work and battery last forever and we're all gonna look like idiots18:48
stinebdand they'll call US monkeys18:48
hamagclol thats ok with me18:48
hamagcatleast then we get camera and everlasting batteries18:48
arrrghhhi'll be a monkey in that case.18:48
stinebdyou guys surrender too easily18:49
stinebdi'd be all "youtoobz or it dint happan!"18:49
hamagcTheDeadCPU can make a video and change the recording times so it looks like our battery lasts 4 days18:49
arrrghhhhis norwegian accent will give us away tho.18:50
TheDeadCPUNo it wont.18:50
stinebdand the ridiculously low voice18:50
stinebdunless you can slow it down without changing pitch18:50
TheDeadCPUstinebd, I've gotten a new mic in the new one! :(18:50
TheDeadCPUI'd be able to do that..18:50
stinebdthen you just sound like you're about to pass out on heroin18:50
hamagcnos tank gone wrong lol18:51
hamagcoh boy, they pushed the patches18:51
TheDeadCPUBut I'd be able to just record an audio track over the video after18:51
stinebd37 build errors, 0 warnings18:51
stinebdyay no warnings18:52
TheDeadCPUThere are always warnings.18:52
arrrghhhwas that battery or power off stuff they committed?18:53
arrrghhhi guess i should check huh18:53
hamagcit was18:53
arrrghhhah just power off & incall18:54
hamagcwow, last patch was the most popular by far huh18:54
hamagcno battery?R18:54
arrrghhhyea, there were a TON of responses.18:54
arrrghhhnot yet18:54
arrrghhhi think acl is going to clean up camro's code... not sure tho.18:54
hamagcya i think so18:54
hamagctomorrow hopefully then :)18:54
camroINCALL pushed18:55
arrrghhhcan't wait for that stuff to go mainline.18:55
camroPOWER OFF pushed18:55
arrrghhhindeedy.  what's up with the batt algo tho?18:55
hamagcare you waiting on xls sheets from me?18:55
camroacl: is cleaning crazyvirus battery code ..18:55
arrrghhhhamagc, yes, it's all being held up by you.18:55
camrono, it willb e ok, if you can log again with new kernel18:55
hamagci can log again when i have a kernel to log with :P18:56
camrobecause i made the log data easier to import (time was too complicate for soome persons ..18:56
TheDeadCPUI'm gonna get a friend of mine (which runs norways biggest IT website) to write another XDAndroid article.18:56
hamagchell i can log a diamond again tonight with the 1340mah18:56
TheDeadCPUThe one they had up like 8 months ago linked to Engadget...........18:56
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, so what, 10 people see it a month?  :P18:56
hamagcno i remember seeing it on engadget i think18:57
TheDeadCPUThe last one had 10'000 clicks on the Engadget link.18:57
arrrghhhyea, i remember that as well :D18:57
arrrghhhfreakin awesome to see publicity like that.18:57
TheDeadCPUSo no, arrrghhh a bit more then 10 people18:57
arrrghhhof course i think the latest one was about the hd2 specifically.18:57
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, no offense d00d just jokin ;)18:57
arrrghhhyou dig me for being American and having CDMA, so i gotta do the same to you :P18:58
TheDeadCPUlol I know :p18:58
TheDeadCPUpocketnow's had like 3 XDAndroid articles.18:58
hamagcno thats not it18:58
TheDeadCPUAnd 1 gazillion about the HD2 port.18:58
hamagcsame thing though18:59
hamagclol thats aweomse, xdandroid (originally developed for the touch pro 1) was made famous when it ran on the tp218:59
hamagcguess i should add us as a friend on facebook19:00
hamagcone of these days19:01
arrrghhhi have no friends19:02
arrrghhhfacebook or otherwise.19:02
hamagcthats ok19:02
hamagcyou'll always have friends on the forums19:02
arrrghhhhaha not really.  those guys HATE me even more than people in real-life.19:03
TheDeadCPUI don't<319:04
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, CONNECT-UTB LOVES YOU19:04
arrrghhhi even manage to piss of random posters there too19:04
arrrghhhi thought edvard's squeeze was going to flip when we got into that horse argument.19:04
TheDeadCPUBut we still love you19:04
hamagclol i guess is should read up19:04
arrrghhhshe seemed a little peeved, but not too upset.19:05
hamagci have forgotten all about connect-utb19:05
TheDeadCPUhamagc, go to forums.Connect-UTB.com19:05
TheDeadCPUAnd enjoy19:05
hamagchow is edvard?19:05
hamagchaven't heard from him like all year lol19:05
arrrghhh"It is very random and when I try to dial a phone number from contacts or favorites etc, it connects but then silence"19:05
arrrghhhanybody heard/experienced that?!?19:05
hamagci'm confued19:06
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, yea. Then I just hit the bitch.19:06
arrrghhhi am too19:06
TheDeadCPUhamagc, Edvard is ok. But he's busy nowadasy.19:06
hamagcwho dials contacts from favorites? is he talking about the no speaker issue or something?19:06
arrrghhhyea he seems very busy19:06
arrrghhhi'm guessing19:06
arrrghhhbut i can dial out no prob19:06
arrrghhhi am at a loss tbh19:07
TheDeadCPUWell. If I call someone and they don't say a word I go over there and hit them.19:07
hamagcby TheDeadCpu19:07
hamagc01 Dec 2009, 20:5619:07
TheDeadCPUWhat did I do when I was a noob you say?19:07
TheDeadCPUI'm confused19:08
hamagclol there are too many threads to read through right now19:09
arrrghhhi keep trying to help19:09
hamagcaww that nice lady traded her horse for a car?19:10
arrrghhhsomething horrible.19:10
hamagclol TheDeadCPU you posted19:10
arrrghhhLOL try again.19:10
hamagcmini mac thread?19:11
TheDeadCPUI posted what in december?19:11
TheDeadCPUOh hey, my first post on Connect-UTB19:12
xdandroidNew kernel available (20101005_005810) at
TheDeadCPUOh god. Picture of my ex in those screenshots -.-19:12
* TheDeadCPU hides19:12
hamagc Chrysler LeBaron convertible, year 1993-1995.19:15
hamagcdamn i loved those cars19:15
hamagcstock turbo... droolo19:15
NeoMatrixJR"power off from RE of wince's kernel"???19:15
arrrghhhhuh?  what?19:16
TheDeadCPUGive me a Volvo 242 Turbo. That > LeBaron19:16
hamagcnaa give me a lebaron with a shelby motor19:17
hamagcupgrade the turbo19:17
hamagctake the top off19:17
hamagcand laugh at hondas19:17
arrrghhhand like everything else19:17
arrrghhhyea, as your motor blows LOl19:17
NeoMatrixJRpart of description of latest kernel.  what does it mean?19:17
NeoMatrixJRlatest *main* kernel. not camro's19:17
arrrghhhgotta just be power off19:18
TheDeadCPULets have a head on crash and see who can drive away from it hamagc.19:18
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hamagcvs a volvo? i'm no crackhead19:18
hamagchowever my smartcar...19:18
TheDeadCPUvs an OLD Volvo that is19:18
NeoMatrixJRso is there any testing ongoing w/ camro's kernel anymore or is he just still soaking up batt logs?19:19
JesusFreak316Eh, more OT discussion, go figure. :)19:19
arrrghhhNeoMatrixJR, his code is ready to be committed it seems.19:19
arrrghhhi think next bigun is USB19:19
hamagcNeoMatrixJR: he is still testing stuff, new kernel as of this morning but i think he is making changes again19:19
JesusFreak316All the testing is already done since last night?19:19
JesusFreak316or morning wherever you live.19:20
hamagcehh i would have told her to get an american truck too19:20
NeoMatrixJRedit 5 up on his xda post as of 12:41pm central US time19:20
hamagcchevy to be specific19:20
hamagcthen i could have taught her how to put it on bags19:21
hamagcand drag the rollpan off :)19:21
JesusFreak316Oh, didn't see that one.19:21
arrrghhhi love mah yota19:21
*** camro is now known as camro|away19:22
arrrghhhbest truck around for what i like doin :D19:22
hamagclove the womans taco19:22
hamagcthing has almost 250k on it19:22
JesusFreak316I guess that's one way to say you're away in irc, camro.19:22
hamagcbut i love my dime19:22
JesusFreak316Oh, um what kind of taco are we talking about?19:22
arrrghhhi assume19:22
camro|awayNeoMatrixJR: not sure which troubles you had, but try the new v519:23
JesusFreak316Ah, I think I've heard taco as slang for something else.19:23
arrrghhhwhy don't people call them coma's?  tha'd be sweet.19:23
camro|awayINCALL + POWER OFF19:23
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, don't go there.19:23
arrrghhhcamro|away, go to bed :P19:23
camro|away+ if possible ->battery logging19:23
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, cause Comas are something else..19:23
hamagclol taco sounded better i guess19:23
camro|awayyeah ..19:23
TheDeadCPUEvery time I read camro I read Camaro.19:24
hamagclol me too19:24
JesusFreak316camro: just checking your thread, when you say it works with dirty data.img you mean it won't boot loop?19:26
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, no meaning it'll work on a data.img that's not new - as in not newly created.19:26
arrrghhhdirty as in used & abused19:26
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JesusFreak316I know, but I'm saying will v4 have any positive effects on in-call mic on a dirty data.img or does it have to be fresh for the kernel to be effective? Just wasn't sure what he meant by "works".19:27
hamagcworks means with old data.img19:28
arrrghhhthat should only apply to shutdown19:28
hamagcand we're on v5 now19:28
hamagcwhere have you been all day, psh19:28
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arrrghhhthe whole dirty data.img thing.  should only apply to shutdown.19:28
arrrghhhnothing to do with mic19:28
hamagcok i'm lost19:29
hamagci read the car thread and saw nothing about horses19:29
arrrghhhi had to split it19:29
arrrghhhthere's a thread 'horse chat'19:29
hamagcya saw that one too. i think i'm missing something in the middle lol19:30
TheDeadCPUOh lol.19:30
arrrghhhwe derailed miga's thread SO bad i felt like i should split it haha19:30
JesusFreak316Oh, ok. I'm just asking because I updated a freind's tilt2 to v4 and wasn't sure if it actually did him any good.19:30
hamagclol ok now shutdowns been pushed19:31
hamagclets see how many people complain that it jsut restarts them19:31
arrrghhhjust you hamagc :P19:31
hamagcshould have like 2 or 3 from the cdma guys lol19:31
hamagci'm one of the 2 or 319:31
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, eh maybe.  most of that stuff is getting committed soon.  battery hopefully tonight/tomorrow...19:31
arrrghhhhamagc, yes, but you're the only one with the issue :P19:32
hamagclol so far!19:32
hamagcok, quick test on shutdown and i am off for the day19:33
arrrghhhgood LORD this is tedious.19:33
JesusFreak316Ohhh KISS the band... Never mind.19:33
arrrghhhi guess the norwegians are 30 years behind in the music area... hahaha19:34
arrrghhhi think the bulgarians are just getting into 80's muisc.19:34
hamagcso kiss is on tour19:34
hamagcin the us19:34
hamagcwith eminem19:34
JesusFreak316Hey, I would have LOVED to grow up in the 80's.19:34
hamagcand papa roach19:34
TheDeadCPUWhen isn't KISS on tour?19:34
arrrghhh80's music sucked dude.19:34
hamagcthought that was just the oddest line up19:34
TheDeadCPUI wish I grew up in the 60s19:35
arrrghhhyea... that's a really odd lineup19:35
JesusFreak316I don't think so.19:35
hamagci dunno i kinda liked 80s music19:35
TheDeadCPUI'd be like 18 in the 70s19:35
hamagcsuicidal tendencies19:35
JesusFreak316Sure, there was lots of crappy pop but there was alot of good stuff too.19:35
hamagcawesome music then19:35
arrrghhhyea, i guess there's awful pop in any decade.19:35
JesusFreak316Rickroll song was 80's right?19:35
JesusFreak316I hate today's music.19:35
hamagci hate todays style19:36
arrrghhheh, there's some good stuff.19:36
hamagcwhole 80s thing19:36
hamagcdrives me nuts19:36
arrrghhhi can play devil's advocate too19:36
JesusFreak316I hate today's pop culture and I'm only 19; imagine me when I'm an old fogie.19:36
hamagchow cute!19:36
arrrghhhi think in any decade, only tools like pop culture.19:36
hamagci wish i was still 1919:36
JesusFreak316Sure, there's some good stuff, but you don't hear it by listening to the top 20 hits in my opinion.19:36
hamagcgod those were the days19:37
arrrghhheh, i'm kinda glad i'm not 19 anymore.19:37
JesusFreak316TheDeadCPU's even younger, right?19:37
arrrghhhcollege was fun, but having no money kinda sucked.19:37
arrrghhhhe's 17 as i recall19:37
* JesusFreak316 is making money in college. :D19:37
arrrghhhwell i made money in college too19:37
arrrghhhbut it's not like i had a lot to go around :P19:37
hamagclets see, 19 i was just out of the marines19:37
hamagcmoved back to cali19:37
hamagcmet my gf19:37
hamagccrashed a couple of cars19:38
JesusFreak316I mean I'm getting paid to go to college. Still don't have a job, lol.19:38
hamagcdid some drugs, went to some parties19:38
TheDeadCPUI'M OLD.19:38
hamagcya i'd totally do it all again19:38
TheDeadCPUMom says I'm a big boy now.19:38
TheDeadCPUBut yea. I'm 1719:38
JesusFreak316TheDeadCPU: Yay! Rapist pretending to be young. :P19:38
hamagcgod 17 i barely remember19:38
hamagci went into the marines19:38
hamagcgraduated high school19:38
arrrghhhin that order?19:39
TheDeadCPUJesusFreak316, maybe..19:39
hamagclost my skating sponsorship19:39
hamagc17  wasn't as cool19:39
TheDeadCPUAll in one year hamagc?19:39
JesusFreak316roller derby sponsership?19:39
hamagcclose though!19:39
arrrghhhoh... you're serious.19:39
JesusFreak316Can't spell atm.19:39
arrrghhhi thought you meant skateboarding.19:39
hamagci went the way of non-main stream19:39
JesusFreak316As long as you didn't date a roller derby, er, chick.19:40
arrrghhhskateboarding?  mainstream?19:40
TheDeadCPUOh scholarships.19:40
TheDeadCPUI've got one of those.19:40
arrrghhhsponsorship.  very diffrent.19:40
hamagcthink of it as a job19:41
hamagci got paid to skate19:41
arrrghhhblade as it were19:41
hamagcloved it until i blew out my knee when i was 1719:41
TheDeadCPUI've got to get up in 4 hours19:41
arrrghhhyea that's the problem with professional sports19:41
hamagckilled that for me19:41
TheDeadCPUStupid school.19:41
JesusFreak316pretty intense.19:41
arrrghhhbreak yourself, and there goes your income.19:41
* JesusFreak316 has school MWF. :)19:41
hamagcmarines still took me though19:41
TheDeadCPUOH WAIT19:41
hamagcuntil i blew it out again19:41
TheDeadCPUI don't have school tomorrow..19:41
hamagcnow i miss sports19:42
hamagcthats all19:42
* TheDeadCPU Is going to stay up late.19:42
TheDeadCPUEven though mom told me not too..19:42
JesusFreak316Why no school? Viking day?19:42
TheDeadCPUMeh. It's some stuff regarding the 17 days of being drunk in May.19:42
TheDeadCPUWhich we call Russetiden.19:43
arrrghhhomg i'm a genius19:43
arrrghhhand retarded19:43
arrrghhhall at the same time.19:43
TheDeadCPUIt's the 17 days before you get your exam paper things19:43
JesusFreak316That's quite the holiday.19:43
hamagcyep, shutdown restarts me on new kernal19:43
JesusFreak316Oh, not national just school holiday.19:43
hamagci like :)19:43
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, did you cure cancer?19:43
JesusFreak316I was seriously hoping it was 17 days where the whole country gets wasted.19:43
arrrghhhjust found a way to make this tedious crap at work a little easier on my eyes.19:43
TheDeadCPUI can still make Cancer jokes then.19:43
arrrghhhlol if i cured it you wouldn't be able to?19:44
arrrghhhhell then you could make jokes about how cancer is a joke...19:44
arrrghhhbecause i cured it.19:44
JesusFreak316Cancer jokes, do tell.19:44
TheDeadCPUJesusFreak316, Anyone between 14-22 are wasted those 17 days.19:44
TheDeadCPUJesusFreak316, what did the 3 homeless kids get for christmas?19:44
arrrghhhi want a new cancer joke.19:45
hamagcif cancer had a face what would it look like?19:45
hamagcthats all folks19:45
JesusFreak316I don't really see the connection between homeless and cancer though.19:45
hamagcok i'm off19:45
* JesusFreak316 is quite partial to helen keller jokes.19:45
hamagcgoodnight guys19:45
hamagcor w/e19:45
*** hamagc has quit IRC19:45
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, I've forgotten all my cancer jokes.19:46
arrrghhhdamnit jim!19:46
TheDeadCPUI had like 2019:46
arrrghhhi have a lot of dead baby joes.19:46
arrrghhhthose are always classy.19:46
JesusFreak316Still, anyone know any helen keller jokes?19:46
TheDeadCPUDead baby jokes please.19:47
JesusFreak316Like Why can't helen keller drive?19:47
TheDeadCPUBecause she's got cancer.19:47
arrrghhhshe's a woman?19:47
JesusFreak316Nah, 'cause she's a woman.19:47
TheDeadCPUCancerous woman?19:47
TheDeadCPUIt isn't a joke without cancer....19:47
JesusFreak316I'm sensing a disturbing obsession.19:47
arrrghhhmaybe TheDeadCPU is trying to cure cancer19:47
arrrghhhor prevent it from being cured, haven't figured out which.19:48
TheDeadCPUI like cancer19:48
TheDeadCPUI'ma die due to it I hope19:48
TheDeadCPULike me granddad.19:48
arrrghhhwe've all gotta have dreams.19:48
JesusFreak316You even want to die from it. Wow19:49
TheDeadCPUNot rly.19:49
JesusFreak316I wanna see your post.19:49
TheDeadCPUAlso, I'm going to die in a Zombie apocalypse or in high speed going through the pearly gates in a fireball.19:49
TheDeadCPUI'm picky on ways to die.19:50
JesusFreak316I'll be in the Zombe apocalypse but not dying so much as kicking zombie butt.19:50
TheDeadCPUI'm going to die because I'm the only survivor in the whole world. And after killing 6billion zombies I'm all alone.19:51
JesusFreak316I'm ready from all my l4d playing.19:51
TheDeadCPUI'm ready from my paranoia.19:51
JesusFreak316Where's your post on connect-utb?19:51
JesusFreak316What's your name on the site?19:52
TheDeadCPUYou want it more specific?19:52
JesusFreak316What? There's a forum?19:53
JesusFreak316Um, who's the random chick in the background?19:54
TheDeadCPUMy x before my x.19:54
TheDeadCPUOr, my x 2 exes back or something19:54
JesusFreak316Not bad looking.19:54
arrrghhhnever heard of that before19:55
arrrghhhi guess i should check it out, looks cool.  does it run well?19:55
TheDeadCPUBetter then Sense 2.5 on the TP atleast19:55
JesusFreak316I like cookie home tab too much to give it up.19:55
TheDeadCPUI'ma get her back.19:56
TheDeadCPUbrb, sms time19:56
TheDeadCPUOh wait19:56
TheDeadCPUit's 2am19:56
TheDeadCPUI'ma wait till 6am19:56
TheDeadCPUGive her something to wake up to19:56
arrrghhhyour creepy ass txt?19:56
JesusFreak316Why don't you tell her you're an xda admin? Irresistable.19:57
arrrghhhwho was it... talking about picking up chicks by having android on their phones...19:57
arrrghhhit's like uhhhh chicks don't care about that crap LOL19:57
TheDeadCPUThat chicks a dancer and hardly knows what windows is.19:57
TheDeadCPUBut she's god @ PC gaming oO19:58
arrrghhhlike 'exotic dancer' kinda dancer?19:58
TheDeadCPUWell. No, but she did em private dances.19:58
JesusFreak316Pc gaming without windows?19:58
TheDeadCPUJesusFreak316, lol19:58
arrrghhhshe could click like the wind JesusFreak31619:58
TheDeadCPUShe's a pc noob but a gaming nerd.19:58
TheDeadCPUAnd does amazing bjs19:59
arrrghhhyea maybe a little19:59
JesusFreak316Most definiely.19:59
arrrghhhunless she's handing 'em out.19:59
arrrghhhor... mouthing them out?  that doesn't make much sense.19:59
* JesusFreak316 averts his eyes.19:59
TheDeadCPUNo she doesn't.19:59
TheDeadCPUShe's like on the other end of the slut scale.20:00
TheDeadCPUIt took me almost 8 DAYS to get her into bed.20:00
arrrghhh8 days!??!20:00
JesusFreak316What? Slut, sluttier, and UBER SLUT!!!1!20:00
arrrghhhjeebus dude.20:00
arrrghhhif you think that's a long time... LOL20:00
TheDeadCPUThat would be a joke.20:00
arrrghhhcan't really tell.20:01
TheDeadCPUIt actually took me 5 days. But.20:01
JesusFreak316hahaha *forced laughter*20:01
arrrghhhyour jokes are so... distinctly norwegian.20:01
TheDeadCPUShe hasn't had sex since nor before that.20:01
arrrghhhglad you're keeping such good track of your exes.20:01
arrrghhhwith that, it's quittin time20:01
arrrghhhcya guys later.20:01
TheDeadCPUShe's my best friends sister.............20:01
JesusFreak316Only norweigian jokes I know involve vikings and er pretty much vikings.20:01
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TheDeadCPUShe's the 'I'm only after a stable relationship' girl.20:02
JesusFreak316I'm an "only after marriage guy"20:02
TheDeadCPUHoly shit there is a low amount of people here.20:02
TheDeadCPUJesusFreak316, Christian?20:02
JesusFreak316Hence the name. :)20:03
TheDeadCPUI was born a Christian.20:03
TheDeadCPUSeeing as Norway is a Christian country.20:03
TheDeadCPUI do respect religion.20:03
TheDeadCPUIt's just people using it wrong I don't respect.20:04
JesusFreak316Well, that's not how i'd defince Christian; I'd call that a Christian upbringing but this isn't exactly the place for theological discussions.20:04
JesusFreak316I don't respect them either.20:04
JesusFreak316You hear about that pastor in Gainesvilles, Florida that was threatening to do a Koran burning?20:04
TheDeadCPULike that Al Quaida or whatever. They use the religion wrong.20:04
TheDeadCPUYea I did.20:05
JesusFreak316He irritated me so badly.20:05
TheDeadCPUMe too actually.20:05
TheDeadCPUAlso, what's your view on Buddhists?20:05
JesusFreak316It saddened me that he got all the publicity and all these people I know at my church who serve the homeless every thursday, visit nursing homes, etc. get nothing.20:06
JesusFreak316Actually taking a world religions class currently.20:06
TheDeadCPUSounds interesting.20:06
JesusFreak316As a Christian I believe they are in the wrong and need to come to know Christ but I'm not gonna force it onthem.20:06
JesusFreak316The class is interesting but SOOO MUCH INFORMATION!20:07
TheDeadCPUYea lol.20:07
JesusFreak316Why you ask?20:07
TheDeadCPUI'm one of those has to know type of persons.20:07
JesusFreak316Ok, but why that religion specifically?20:08
TheDeadCPU'Cause I've got a Buddhist brother :p20:08
TheDeadCPUWell. I do not believe that there is a god. I believe in godlike powers. But not that there is A God. There might be multiple gods. But not ONE God.20:08
TheDeadCPUSo. I don't really have a religion.20:09
JesusFreak316I have heard while Islam is one of the fastest growing religions, at least in the UK, that is because of their high birth rate.20:09
JesusFreak316Buddhism has many converts.20:09
JesusFreak316Interesting. What do you base your belief on?20:09
TheDeadCPULot's of celebs are Buddhists.20:09
TheDeadCPUNothing really.20:10
TheDeadCPUIt's just what I think.20:10
stinebdno, you're thinking of scientology20:10
JesusFreak316Lots are scientologists too, but lets not go there.20:10
TheDeadCPUlol stinebd.20:10
JesusFreak316I was thinking the same thing.20:10
stinebdrich people are attracted to scientology because, as it turns out, the more you spend on their equipment, the more power you get20:10
JesusFreak316Tom Cruise, lol.20:11
TheDeadCPUWell. I'd say my beliefs are a bit Christian. But a lot non Christian too.20:11
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JesusFreak316More pluralist?20:11
TheDeadCPUAnd a bit Norse Mythology actually.20:11
TheDeadCPUWhat now?20:11
stinebdi'm an agnostic. i believe that if there were a god, He wouldn't allow us to port android to winmo phones.20:11
JesusFreak316Personally, I can't imagine believing in a religion that I've mixed and matched.20:12
JesusFreak316stinebd: Nah, that'd be the God of Steve Jobs failing to prevent Android from being ported to iphone.20:12
TheDeadCPUJesusFreak316, Well. It's my religion, I don't need other people to tell me what's right.20:12
JesusFreak316I'm not saying you aren't.20:12
stinebdTheDeadCPU: yes you do. that's the entire point of religion20:13
TheDeadCPUI believe in what I think is right.20:13
JesusFreak316Just expressing my opinion.20:13
TheDeadCPUstinebd, Not if you make your own. ZING20:13
TheDeadCPUWell. That's my view of all religions actually. But I still respect religion.20:13
JesusFreak316I'm not a Christian because it helps me cope with life; I'm a Christian because I believe it's true.20:14
TheDeadCPUYea. That's what all religious people should be.20:14
JesusFreak316That's why I can't say to a Buddhist, "Cool, your religion works for you; mine works for me."20:14
TheDeadCPUBut, I still feel most religious people just follow the masses.20:14
JesusFreak316I believe that if Christianity is true, there are dire consequences for not believing in it; I can't force people to believe in it but I can try to at least be a witness.20:15
stinebdbut why would god blame us while never providing proof?20:16
stinebdseems irresponsible20:16
JesusFreak316Proof of his existence?20:16
TheDeadCPUWell. I believe that a god wouldn't punish someone for not doing what he wants.20:17
TheDeadCPUI believe god is fair.20:17
stinebdif i live a just life, but never observe christian beliefs, i don't think i should go to hell for it20:17
JesusFreak316TheDeadCPU: With all due respect, it doesn't matter what you believe; what matters is what is true. I'm not saying I couldn't be wrong.20:17
JesusFreak316If you're walking on ice and you believe it will hold you up that doesn't matter if the ice is 2 cm thick.20:18
TheDeadCPUGood point.20:18
stinebdwhat if the ice is on a sheet of concrete20:18
stinebdand you're wearing skates and pushing around a cylindrical piece of rubber20:19
JesusFreak316Well that's a whole 'nother (irrelevant) animal. :)20:19
stinebdhockey season is coming up btw20:19
JesusFreak316Oh yeah, hockey.20:19
TheDeadCPUMeh hockey.20:19
JesusFreak316I'm a half bandwagoner.20:19
TheDeadCPURally is a real sport.20:19
stinebdthats what people who suck at hockey say20:20
JesusFreak316I aways root for my city's teams but only when they are any good lol.20:20
stinebdhah, that's a full bandwagoner then20:20
TheDeadCPUstinebd, It's because I've never plaid hockey.20:20
* stinebd is a baseball bandwagoner20:20
JesusFreak316I say a full bandwagoner is someone who changes teams when they are good.20:20
JesusFreak316I'm just 75%. :)20:21
TheDeadCPUI'ma start a YouTube cooking show.20:21
TheDeadCPUI'ma call it Cooking for broke students.20:21
stinebdyou should20:22
stinebdand then get al roker on it. he'll eat anything you give him.20:22
TheDeadCPUstinebd, would ya watch me badass norwegian accent making food?20:22
stinebdonly if you wear a horned helmet20:22
TheDeadCPUI can do that.20:22
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stinebdthen i might catch the highlights20:22
TheDeadCPUCooking for broke students. A cooking show with a viking.20:23
JesusFreak316What would you cook?20:24
stinebdthe soylent green is people20:24
TheDeadCPUJesusFreak316, stuff I can afford.20:25
TheDeadCPULike pasta.20:25
stinebdcup noodles!20:25
TheDeadCPUI'd take them out of the cup then boil em.20:25
stinebddon't forget you only get like 15 minutes on youtube20:25
TheDeadCPUEasy peasy.20:25
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TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, home?20:28
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, indeed :D20:29
arrrghhhtime to SMOKE damnit.20:29
arrrghhhstupid work20:29
TheDeadCPUSay hi to your girl from me.20:29
TheDeadCPUOr woman or whatever.20:29
arrrghhhi'll be sure to do so20:29
TheDeadCPUIs she there now?20:29
arrrghhhshe only knows of you as 'one of those nords' basically.20:29
TheDeadCPUYou've told her about me? oO20:30
arrrghhhnah, she's hanging out w/her kid at her ex's parent's house.20:30
arrrghhhi told her i talk with some norwegian guys online & post on a forum where the admin is from norway...20:30
TheDeadCPUOh lol20:30
arrrghhhnothing really specific.  she's not a fan of me sitting on IRC all the time lol20:31
TheDeadCPUI bet you talk about me to her all the time20:31
arrrghhhoh yea20:31
arrrghhhnothing but you20:31
arrrghhhHAHA i don't even know your real name.  that's awesome.20:31
TheDeadCPUI'm like whats keeping you together.20:31
arrrghhhwhat would my life be without TheDeadCPU20:31
stinebdeverybody knows that20:31
TheDeadCPUMy real name would be what's on me irc.20:31
TheDeadCPUSo that's Joachim Løkås.20:31
stinebdcrazy letters20:32
arrrghhh... like the saint?20:32
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, maybe..20:32
TheDeadCPUI love me Norwegian letters20:32
arrrghhhstinebd, guess i'm not everybody... i didn't know your name until the bug tracker opened lol.20:32
TheDeadCPUBryan Stine or something right?20:33
stinebdhow did you find that?!20:33
TheDeadCPUYou sure that is his real name?20:33
arrrghhheh i guess it could be fake.20:33
TheDeadCPUI right clicked on "stinebd" on my xChat.20:33
arrrghhhstinebd, i saw it on the bug tracker site.20:33
stinebdif i'm gonna fake my name, it would make it Johnson McHugepackage20:33
arrrghhhyour real name is listed as Bryan D Stine on IRC...20:34
stinebdsure is20:34
arrrghhhLOL you have your real name there too.20:34
stinebdthat's intentional of course20:34
arrrghhhi'd imagine so.20:34
arrrghhhguess i'm just paranoid.20:34
stinebdthis way if any prospective employer decides to google me, they see all these embarrassing irc logs20:35
TheDeadCPUI'd have Dex Hutchinson as a fake name.20:35
JesusFreak316stinebd: Sorry to resurrect a dead topic but didn't want you to think I was avoiding the question. Many people would say that God doesn't prove himself because that doesn't require faith but I don't think that's the reason as Jesus clearly proved himself to his disciples. One possible explanation for the lack of direct intervention today could be the Bible itself. Before it was written, people had no other way to know20:35
JesusFreak316 God so God had to miraculously prove himself. At one point after he is asked for a sign from Heaven Jesus says, "They have Moses and the prophets; if they don't believe them, they will not be convinced even if someone were to rise from the dead." Obviously, you might disagree with that statement, but much of faith is based on the heart and people choose reason for an excuse not to follow the rules of the Bible. But,20:35
JesusFreak316 with that not, we can let that discussion die if you want.20:35
JesusFreak316lol wall of text.20:35
arrrghhhholy novel batman!20:35
JesusFreak316arrrghhh: Me and Dead were discussing religion earlier.20:36
* TheDeadCPU reads20:36
arrrghhhyea, i'm kinda glad we haven't discussed religion in here20:36
arrrghhhi have a feeling you & i wouldn't meet eye-to-eye on the topic :P20:36
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, check the logs then...20:36
JesusFreak316Of course you may disagree with the last two statements but whatever.20:36
arrrghhhi can't20:36
arrrghhhi musn't20:36
TheDeadCPUI'm glad arrrghhh wasn't here.20:36
JesusFreak316arrrghhh: Istn't that a quote from something?20:37
stinebdwell clearly i don't agree with JesusFreak316 but i'm not going to argue. there's no winning an argument, but i find the topic of religion fascinating, so i discuss it in down times.20:37
JesusFreak316Fine with me.20:37
TheDeadCPUJesusFreak316,  stinebd, what if we just stop the religion discussing?20:37
arrrghhhoh i love discussing religion20:37
JesusFreak316Fine with me.20:37
arrrghhhjust most religious people get upset when i do.20:37
arrrghhhprobably for the better.20:37
JesusFreak316This is certainly not the place for it.20:37
TheDeadCPULet's discuss Web browsers.20:37
stinebdkhtml sucks20:38
TheDeadCPUOr not. That's almost worse then religion.20:38
stinebdthere. something we can all agree on.20:38
JesusFreak316TheDeadCPU brought it up. *Point finger.20:38
TheDeadCPUAs in worse discussion.20:38
TheDeadCPUWinMo sucks.20:38
JesusFreak316Idk what khtml is.20:38
arrrghhhwebkit FTL20:38
JesusFreak316TheDeadCPU sucks.20:38
stinebdkhtml is the rendering engine webkit was forked from20:38
JesusFreak316ie4 ftw!20:38
arrrghhhkhtml started life as konquerer's renderer20:39
arrrghhhi guess it's still doing that for a life huh.20:39
TheDeadCPUI hate Firefox. But there is one FireFox build I LOVE.20:39
arrrghhhjust one build huh?20:39
JesusFreak316Oh yeah, I remember konquerer.20:39
JesusFreak316Which one?20:39
JesusFreak316Sensing a joke.20:39
arrrghhhnever heard of it.20:39
TheDeadCPUNo jokes.20:39
arrrghhhhe sounds serious, for once.20:39
stinebdyou guys got me sidetracked from this movie and now i have no idea what is happening.20:39
JesusFreak316I'm thinking he is.20:39
TheDeadCPUCheck out ghostzilla.20:39
JesusFreak316So it just makes it look like you're being productive. Brilliant.20:40
TheDeadCPUIt works great20:40
arrrghhhNinja Browser20:40
arrrghhhvery fitting.20:40
TheDeadCPUYou can make pictures black and white, or change the transcperency and such20:41
TheDeadCPUPerfect for people working on computers20:41
arrrghhhi guess my coworkers can catch me on xda, i don't care :P20:41
JesusFreak316Stupid google url.s20:43
JesusFreak316Best office tool ever.20:43
arrrghhhthat's evil.20:44
arrrghhhAHK is great as well.20:44
arrrghhhyou can write all sorts of devious scripts with it.20:45
JesusFreak316But you can't remove all trace of it very easily though like you can with the usb doohickey.20:45
arrrghhhbut technically any tricks we play 'cannot effect production'20:46
arrrghhhotherwise it'd be a freeforall20:46
JesusFreak316That's a dumb place to work.20:46
JesusFreak316No Nerf turrets?20:46
arrrghhhhaha i haven't seen any20:46
arrrghhhi'm talkin like you can't break someone's computer so it's unusable.20:46
arrrghhhwe only screw with people if they leave their screen unlocked too.20:47
JesusFreak316 example20:47
arrrghhhchrist that thing is loud20:47
JesusFreak316Personal favorite:
TheDeadCPUI'd buy it20:49
JesusFreak316Too bad the motor would burn out really fast. :(20:49
TheDeadCPUIt melted..20:49
JesusFreak316or that. :P20:50
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, did I tell you that I'm starting a cooking show?20:52
arrrghhhuh... wat?20:52
TheDeadCPUOn Youtube.20:53
TheDeadCPUCooking for broke students. I'd also have a monthly WHAT I'VE ORDERED FROM SOME TAKE OUT PLACE CAUSE I'VE JUST GOTTEN IN MY SCHOLARSHIP special.20:53
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TheDeadCPUAlso. I'm broke now lol20:53
arrrghhhtoo many 4k computer rigs and iPod's i guess.20:54
TheDeadCPUI wish I'd get robbed.20:54
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arrrghhhit's hard to have sympathy for ya dude20:54
arrrghhhi got robbed20:54
arrrghhhseveral times.20:54
TheDeadCPUI'm still gonna make a cooking show.20:54
arrrghhhit's not cool20:54
TheDeadCPUAs long as they don't take me I'm fine.20:54
TheDeadCPUI've got insurance.20:55
arrrghhhthey didn't touch me20:55
arrrghhhand i had insurance20:55
TheDeadCPUI'ma calculate what I'd get.20:55
arrrghhhbut 'replacement cost' doesn't mean 'what you paid for it'20:55
TheDeadCPUIt does here.20:55
arrrghhhit depends on your plan20:56
arrrghhhunless the norwegian gov't only has one insurance plan...20:56
TheDeadCPUI've got full "inbo" insurance20:56
TheDeadCPUWhich means anything and everything I own.20:56
TheDeadCPUExcept cash.20:56
arrrghhhwell yea20:56
arrrghhhsame here20:56
arrrghhhanything i ask them to cover, at least.20:57
arrrghhhbut my TV that was stolen - cost $1700, but that was a few years ago.  so they gave me ~$1200 fo rit.20:57
arrrghhhwhich i guess isn't bad, but still sucks.20:57
TheDeadCPUI've got 40 Ps3 games.20:58
arrrghhhyea, that's what netted me a lot of dough20:58
TheDeadCPUThat's 24k nok20:59
arrrghhhthe freakin games20:59
arrrghhhjeez you said the dollar was worthless :P20:59
TheDeadCPUThat was NOK20:59
TheDeadCPUYea games here are the shit20:59
arrrghhhnorwegian kroner or whatever20:59
TheDeadCPUI'd get 13'676,85USD if I was robbed now.21:00
TheDeadCPUIn just hardware.21:00
arrrghhhthat's almost exactly what my policy was21:00
arrrghhhalthough i should probably update it...21:00
TheDeadCPUWell. With my skiing and other winter activity equipment I'd be around 30k USD21:01
TheDeadCPUI've got this pair of snowboarding pants.21:01
TheDeadCPUThey cost roughly $50021:01
arrrghhhwtf dude21:01
TheDeadCPUSports are expensive21:02
arrrghhhyea, but they don't have to be that expensive!21:02
arrrghhhmine were like $100 or something21:02
TheDeadCPUCheap clothes.21:02
arrrghhhcheap.  right.21:02
TheDeadCPUThe jackets are even more expensive.21:02
TheDeadCPUMy snowboard was almost 6k USD21:03
arrrghhhthat's... stupid.21:03
TheDeadCPUI didn't pay.21:04
arrrghhhwhy would you spend 6k on a snowboard21:04
TheDeadCPUI won it so fuck you.21:04
arrrghhhwhy would anyone pay 6k for a snowboard21:04
TheDeadCPUI'd never do that.21:04
arrrghhhfair enough.21:04
arrrghhhhonestly, what makes it cost that much?21:04
arrrghhhor is it like signed and "worth" that...21:04
TheDeadCPUIt's titanium core.21:04
TheDeadCPUOr, titanium middle plate.21:04
arrrghhhso does it ride well?21:04
TheDeadCPUIt's like what they use on X-games21:05
arrrghhhha. yea.21:05
TheDeadCPULast time I used I lost a pair of $500 pants.21:05
TheDeadCPUHalf of the pant.21:06
TheDeadCPUIt's still up in that godly high tree in sweden.21:06
arrrghhhnot sure if i want to know how you did that21:06
TheDeadCPUFaild at a backflip.21:11
TheDeadCPUWas in that damned tree for like 15 minutes21:11
TheDeadCPUWas a 8meter high jump lol21:11
TheDeadCPUI think I have footage of it somewhere..21:13
* TheDeadCPU finds his camera21:13
TheDeadCPUDamn, I didn't calculate in my $1500 camera.21:13
arrrghhhdude.  you just need to send me money.  or expensive things.  i guess i'd rather the things.21:14
TheDeadCPUI can't afford the shipping.21:14
arrrghhhyou can afford the things.  but not the shipping.  should've thought about that before you started talking about the nice things.21:15
TheDeadCPUMy most recent x is talking to me....21:18
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, May I hit her?21:18
arrrghhhi don't think i'm qualified to answer that question...21:19
arrrghhhbut if she's within range, i don't see why not.21:19
TheDeadCPUShe's 304km away.21:20
TheDeadCPUI'd take the plane that leaves in 10 minutes.21:20
arrrghhhbetter get going.21:20
arrrghhhsomehow i have a feeling your kind of hit is not my kind of hit.21:21
TheDeadCPUI'm thinking about a bitchslap.21:21
arrrghhhhow about a gloveslap?21:24
arrrghhh*gloveslap, shut yer big yap*21:24
TheDeadCPUMeh, she's a great person so I'ma be nice.21:24
TheDeadCPUShe said the good ol' being friends thing.21:27
arrrghhhcan't say i've ever done that21:27
TheDeadCPUI told her 'bout my weekend. She still wants to be friends. Well good then.21:27
arrrghhhi've had ex's that wanted to...21:27
TheDeadCPUYea, but this girl was my friend for a long while too :p21:27
arrrghhhhaha i see21:28
arrrghhhi'm not really friends with any girls... there's a few at work i guess haha21:28
TheDeadCPUI've got a nice 50/50 mix of friends.21:28
arrrghhhi usually don't get along with girls.21:28
TheDeadCPUThough I've got no ugly female friends.21:29
TheDeadCPUI get along to well with em girls..21:29
arrrghhhi can't stand the vast majority of them.21:29
arrrghhhf-ing airheads, most of them.21:30
TheDeadCPUWell. Those I hate.21:30
arrrghhhi know a few who aren't21:30
TheDeadCPUAnd they know so.21:30
TheDeadCPUI'm probably the non gay nor metro guy in the world that knows the most about make up lol.21:31
TheDeadCPUIt saddens me.21:31
arrrghhhyou sound both right there bro :P21:31
TheDeadCPUIt's because I can listen to like 3 conversations at once while having another one with someone else lol21:32
arrrghhhhahaha i cannot do that.21:33
arrrghhhunless it's online or sometihng21:33
arrrghhh4 voice convo's... no way.21:33
TheDeadCPUI've gotten offered to be an air traffic controller.21:34
TheDeadCPUThey'd pay my full education with 600k nok to spare a year.21:34
TheDeadCPUAnd guarantee me job for 10 years.21:34
TheDeadCPUI said no 'cause I had to get eye surgery.21:34
TheDeadCPUWhich I don't want to hace.21:35
TheDeadCPUI'd have to have*21:35
TheDeadCPUIt's 3:30 am21:36
arrrghhhit's 19:36 here21:36
TheDeadCPUYou use 24 hour?21:37
TheDeadCPUI'm used to just go for the am/pm shit cause a lot of americans dun know 34h21:37
arrrghhhi hate am/pm21:38
TheDeadCPUI love you for that.21:38
arrrghhhand yea hardly anyone here understands it21:38
arrrghhhstupid americans... i know.  screw you.21:38
arrrghhhbug 522:03
xdandroidBug blocker, Highest, ---, developers, NEW, Microphone not working during incoming call.22:03
TheDeadCPUbug arrrghhh22:04
arrrghhhread that bug22:05
arrrghhhthe newest comment22:05
arrrghhhthat's awesome.22:06
arrrghhhi must test this.22:06
TheDeadCPUYea. I did22:06
TheDeadCPUDidn't happen :(22:06
arrrghhhdo you have the mic issues?22:06
TheDeadCPUMight be device dependant.22:06
arrrghhhwhat is yours, raph100?22:07
TheDeadCPUI love me raph22:07
TheDeadCPUAlso, you should try PointSense22:07
arrrghhhi wish the tp2 had the hd2 internals.22:07
arrrghhhyea i haven't22:07
arrrghhhi don't know how i missed that post entirely22:07
arrrghhhbut i did.22:07
TheDeadCPUIt's old lol22:07
TheDeadCPUNov '0922:07
arrrghhhwho wrote that?22:07
TheDeadCPUThat post?22:08
arrrghhhno pointsense22:08
arrrghhhthat's crazy22:08
TheDeadCPUIt's in the post somewhere22:09
arrrghhheh i googled it22:10
TheDeadCPUbrb, switcin pc22:10
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arrrghhhfeel better?22:14
TheDeadCPUThat slow laptop is slow22:14
arrrghhhi didn't think you had anything slow.22:15
TheDeadCPUIt's the School Latopt.22:15
TheDeadCPUI HAVE to use it at achool lol22:16
TheDeadCPUI'm forced by school politics to use that laptop for anything school related22:18
arrrghhhyou always talk about how there's wacky things that go on here in the usa... but that is MESSED UP dude.22:18
arrrghhhlike facism22:18
TheDeadCPUthere is a reason.22:18
arrrghhhseriously tho, why would they do that?22:18
TheDeadCPUIt's part of my scholarship.22:18
arrrghhhi thought your amazing gov't paid you to go to school22:20
arrrghhhwhat do you need a scholarship for?22:20
TheDeadCPUIt's just a small scholarship, which involves that laptop and like $100 a month22:20
arrrghhhfer whut?22:20
TheDeadCPUAnd free dindin22:21
TheDeadCPUI just get it lol22:21
arrrghhhusually there's a reason22:21
arrrghhhgood grades22:21
arrrghhhgood in sports22:21
TheDeadCPUI was the 3 best in mathematics for my age 3 years ago,22:22
arrrghhhc'mon man you should be a dev then :P22:23
TheDeadCPUI HATE maths22:23
TheDeadCPU3rd best in Norway that is,22:24
arrrghhhyet you hate it?22:25
arrrghhhgo figure22:25
TheDeadCPUI was stupid back then22:25
arrrghhhif you say so22:26
arrrghhhhow old is edvard?22:26
TheDeadCPULike, I did whatever my parents told me22:26
TheDeadCPUAnd I was unhappy as fuck22:26
TheDeadCPUUmm, 20 i think22:26
arrrghhhmade any videos yet for food?22:26
TheDeadCPUIt's 4 AM.22:26
arrrghhhmy gf wants to know what we should have for dinner :D22:26
arrrghhhc'mon brah22:27
TheDeadCPUMacaroni and meatballs.22:27
TheDeadCPUEasy and fast.22:27
arrrghhhshe says she makes both of those from scratch and it takes too long22:27
arrrghhhbut maybe tomorrow night :P22:27
TheDeadCPUDon't make it from scratch.22:27
arrrghhhwe just get big hunks of ground beef.22:27
TheDeadCPUThat's not studen't like!22:28
TheDeadCPUAnyways. You're having lasagna.22:28
arrrghhhshe usually makes that from scratch too lol22:28
TheDeadCPUYou're eating out.22:28
arrrghhhcan't keep spending the $$$ on that.22:29
TheDeadCPUPizza then22:29
arrrghhhare you buyin?22:29
arrrghhhcall the pizza guy with google voice22:29
TheDeadCPUI've just had one delivered......22:29
arrrghhhbuy me a pizza22:29
TheDeadCPUThat was 5 hours ago22:29
arrrghhhthat doesn't help me22:29
arrrghhhyea i was still @ work when you got it haha22:29
TheDeadCPUGive me your adress name and the number for the pizza place and I'll order22:30
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