Friday, 2012-01-20

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ryannathanshow does one package a patch09:29
arrrghhhcrazy world09:29
arrrghhhdon't tell me this is your idea of symlinking the keymaps again09:30
ryannathansthat was a good idea09:30
ryannathanstiem to practice patch stuff09:31
arrrghhhthat was an atrocious idea09:31
arrrghhhwhat are ya patchin09:31
ryannathansrandom crap so I know how to do it when I fix something serious09:32
arrrghhhwell don't submit the patch then :P09:32
arrrghhhi guess create it... then set it on fire?09:33
ryannathansyes, that's it09:33
ryannathansfatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git09:33
ryannathanso crud09:33
ryannathansgit != repo?09:34
arrrghhhi don't know what you've done09:35
arrrghhhrepo and git are two different things tho, yes.09:35
ryannathansrepo init blah09:35
arrrghhhi thought either would work09:35
ryannathansthen the normal repo sync09:35
arrrghhhi always repo sync09:35
arrrghhhbut i think you can git pull09:35
arrrghhhobviously you have to init first..09:35
ryannathansi guess there is a different way to patch with repo09:36
ryannathansdoesn't look liek it, i'll just follow some random website09:38
ryannathanswhat is this branch madness09:39
arrrghhhwhat is your madness09:39
ryannathanssvn was so much easier -.-09:40
arrrghhhbegone troll.09:40
ryannathansi'm trying to work out the purpose of branches09:41
arrrghhhwhy ask such questions09:41
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ryannathansi can't follow because it cries about it not being a git repository even when i follow from command 109:44
ryannathanssame as our wiki09:44
arrrghhhwhat are you doing09:44
* SytheZN sneezes09:44
arrrghhhso git add or git commit -a does nothing?09:45
ryannathansgit add vendor/xdandroid/msm/device_msm-vendor-blobs.mk09:45
ryannathansfatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git09:45
arrrghhhwhere are you running that from09:45
arrrghhhalso, why not try git commit -a09:45
ryannathanssame thing09:45
ryannathansi'm running from root of the repo09:45
arrrghhhwhere are you running that from09:45
arrrghhhso ~/xdandroid09:45
arrrghhhcan you build?09:46
ryannathansit's running on my phone now09:46
SytheZNWith regards to the system source, how would I go about isolating changes between the xdandroid source and the gb master?09:46
arrrghhhthen i really have no clue.  works great here.09:46
arrrghhhSytheZN, uhm... why?09:46
arrrghhhthat sounds painful and unnecessary.09:46
arrrghhhi'm sure some git diffs or something...09:46
arrrghhhbut, painful.09:46
arrrghhhryannathans, git is installed?  lol09:46
ryannathansyes ofcourse09:47
SytheZNBecause I'm trying to get the google master branch to run off this kernel09:47
ryannathansi think i fixed it09:47
ryannathansit did a git init in ~/xdandroid09:47
ryannathansi did*09:47
arrrghhhthat's not necessary09:47
arrrghhhat least i never did that.09:47
ryannathanswell git commands work now09:47
arrrghhhSytheZN, it won't09:47
arrrghhhryannathans, that's nice.  you've buggered something else.09:48
arrrghhhi followed the wiki to the T, and it works great.09:48
arrrghhhon 3 different machiens09:48
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SytheZNFriggin 3g09:48
SytheZNBecause I'm trying to get the google master branch to run off this kernel09:48
arrrghhhSytheZN, it won't09:48
SytheZNwhy not?09:48
arrrghhhwe had to change a bunch of poop for our devices to work09:49
arrrghhhwhat's wrong with our tree?  :P09:49
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arrrghhhemwe, what's up09:50
emwevendor/* is not a git repository! it's extracted from the dream-blob zip09:50
emwegit ops from <root> won't work as that is no git repos either09:50
Sythe_ZNThat's exactly my point... thus the need to isolate source changes09:50
arrrghhhah, good point09:50
arrrghhhSythe_ZN, wtf?09:51
emwedevice/xdandroid/msm is a git repo. so you can only git-op in the msm dir itself09:51
arrrghhhi guess all my patches have been on rootfs now that i think about it09:51
Sythe_ZNWell I want to get the pre-release master branch running09:51
arrrghhhi don't think i've submitted any patches for the system image09:51
arrrghhhSythe_ZN, why.  WHY?09:51
emweso, bbl. making myself scarce again :P09:52
Sythe_ZNLmao why not?09:52
arrrghhhemwe, lol thanks09:52
emweyour welcome.09:52
arrrghhhSythe_ZN, there's no fucking point.  at least if you do, why would we want to help you?09:52
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ryannathanso shizzle09:52
arrrghhhso many developers have worked so hard to get our tree up and functional on all the supported XDAndroid devices.09:52
ryannathanswhere does git format-patch put it?09:52
arrrghhhwhereever you run it from IIRC09:52
arrrghhhas a .patch file09:53
Sythe_ZNYou probably wouldn't, evidently... basically, I'm trying to get it running to get a better understanding of what's going on under the hood09:53
arrrghhhSythe_ZN, i just don't get the point.09:54
ryannathanstime to try editing something that's09:54
ryannathansIN the git09:54
arrrghhhthe source on our tree is for our devices.  AFAIK we try to stay close to base, but there's some changes that we have to make, and some changes that we like to make.09:54
arrrghhhwhat would trying to redo all the hard work that's already been done achieve tho?09:55
Sythe_ZNHow else do I go about understanding the changes then?09:55
arrrghhhjust seems pointless.09:55
arrrghhhmost people start small09:55
arrrghhhtrying to understand one thing09:55
arrrghhhone bug09:55
Sythe_ZNI don't want to redo it... I just want to understand it09:55
arrrghhhnot "oh let's start with a clean system image from google and redo every line change by XDAndroid"09:55
arrrghhhi don't know if what you're doing will help you understand it, but i guess if you think it will have at it.09:56
Sythe_ZNThat's not the point at all. I just want to understand where the changes have been made and why09:57
arrrghhhlike i said, some had to be made09:57
arrrghhhsome were just a preference09:57
arrrghhhsome are because we're masochists09:57
Sythe_ZNlol no kidding09:58
arrrghhhi don't get why you'd want to go thru, line-by-line, commit-by-commit, and understand every single change09:58
arrrghhhthat's just insane.09:58
arrrghhhlike i said start small09:58
arrrghhhtry to wrap your head around a bug that nags you09:58
arrrghhhthat's actually helpful to the community, assuming you fix the bug :P09:58
Sythe_ZNit's no more insane than going through a car bit by bit to understand the principles behind it09:59
arrrghhhyea, so you'd tear apart 2 cars to the frame to do it?09:59
Sythe_ZNlol not would, have09:59
arrrghhhlike i said, if you think it'll help have at it.09:59
Sythe_ZNThe point being to learn how to put them back together, and in the process learn to better design my "lotus"10:00
arrrghhhhave fun.10:00
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arrrghhhd3tul3, run.10:01
d3tul3what's going on10:02
Sythe_ZNMeh, as it stands, I don't even understand where to start looking to patch a bug, let alone how to go about it10:02
arrrghhhSythe_ZN wants to go thru every single commit XDAndroid made to the AOSP tree.10:02
arrrghhhSythe_ZN, that's why i suggested starting small.10:02
arrrghhhinstead of trying to do a gigantor compare that will leave you more confused10:03
arrrghhhfocus on something small10:03
Sythe_ZNSuch as?10:03
arrrghhhtry to understand how that little piece works & interacts with everything else10:03
arrrghhhi dunno10:03
arrrghhha bug?10:03
arrrghhhthat bothers you?10:03
arrrghhhlike i suggested before?10:03
* Sythe_ZN finds a bug10:03
Sythe_ZNNow where do I begin?10:03
arrrghhhwhat's the bug?10:04
arrrghhhit kinda depends.10:04
arrrghhhadb is a good place to start10:04
Sythe_ZNI don't understand the outer framework, let alone the intricasies10:04
Sythe_ZNM'kay... -starts reading-10:06
d3tul3oh i missed emwe10:07
arrrghhhhe just popped in to slap me around a little10:07
Sythe_ZNLet me put it this way: where does one begin when learning a system?10:08
arrrghhhSythe_ZN, as with anything, to understand why things break you gotta learn how to debug/troubleshoot it.10:08
arrrghhhdon't bite off more than you can chew10:09
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arrrghhhi've real... nvm10:09
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arrrghhhdon't bite off more than you can chew10:10
SytheZNYeah, but how do you debug something without understanding what it,s supposed to be doing in the first place?10:10
arrrghhhi've really only just begun to understand how a lot of this works.10:10
arrrghhhlike i said, start small.10:10
arrrghhhyou don't write code to fix something without understanding the issue10:10
arrrghhhdon't put the cart before the horse10:11
SytheZNThat's my point... i'd like to get a broad picture before looking at the grains10:11
arrrghhhthen go thru every single commit, i really don't give a shit at this point.10:11
arrrghhhi'm telling you, you'll just get lost.  it's quite easy.10:11
arrrghhhi frequently get lost mucking thru the source10:11
SytheZNYou're misunderstanding me... I don't want to go through every commit. I just want to start by looking at what in the source has changed, and what's remained the same10:12
arrrghhhso you're telling me you already understand all the google AOSP source?10:13
SytheZNNot at all10:13
d3tul3start here at the bottom of the page it lists the activity in chronological order newest commits to oldest10:13
d3tul3you are looking for tags * pushed * commits10:14
d3tul3if it's an xdandroid team member, those are commits coming out of xdandroid10:15
SytheZNI'm saying that looking at tje source tree, identifying which branches and "leaves" have changed will generally give a good idea of which side's been reverse engineered, and where the most problems lie10:15
d3tul3the page above has all the information you need10:16
d3tul3including a complete list of changes10:16
SytheZNSarcasm d3tul3?10:16
SytheZNAh, thanks10:16
arrrghhhwhy is that sarcastic?10:17
arrrghhhhe's trying to help you in your useless pursuit10:17
SytheZNI realised. Thus the "thanks"10:17
SytheZNI understand where you're coming from arrrghhh, and i,'m not disputing your point. I'd just like to understand what the engine's trying to achieve before stripping the carb10:20
arrrghhhi'm trying to think of a good analogy, but i'm freakin done.  enjoy.10:20
SytheZNWell, thanks anyways. Ta d3tul310:22
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arrrghhhwell, that was fun.  now he's going to ask what each commit does, and how it effects everything :P10:22
arrrghhhwhat's this line do...10:22
d3tul3the git tree is public information … in fact its availability is what distinguishes xdandroid from all the other xdandroid wannabes10:23
arrrghhhoh i know10:24
arrrghhhi just don't think that's the best place to start learning.10:24
arrrghhhperhaps i'm mis-judging his ability, but IMHO that's not a good place for a newb to start.  he insisted tho.10:24
d3tul3what did that guy on ppcg say…you never know who the next acl is :)10:25
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arrrghhhyea, and i'm not against helping.  i just don't think going straight to the source tree is going to do him a damned bit of good.10:26
arrrghhhit certainly wouldn't have done me a damned bit of good, but hey who knows.10:26
arrrghhhi'm still amazed that brinka guy managed to actually fix the cam issues on rhod100, but couldn't even figure out how to run his own kernel.10:26
d3tul3think i patched the new kernels to properly create wifi-nvram10:28
d3tul3yeah it should work now … i*think10:28
arrrghhhgo on...10:28
d3tul3just added some of the nand stuff that we were missing…you should be able to test easily just by moving the existing wifi-nvram and kexecing10:29
arrrghhhstill think the init hacks for a randomly generated MAC are necessary?10:29
arrrghhhprobably, since some still have issues on .2710:30
d3tul3yeah those can't hurt…10:31
arrrghhh$400 for snowboard goggles.10:33
arrrghhhif only i was loaded..10:33
d3tul3wish i could disentangle xdandroid from the rootfs10:34
d3tul3because it seems an overkill to have initrd as well as rootfs, and if there is ever any hope of an xdandroid nand build it'll have to happen10:35
arrrghhhah, true.10:35
arrrghhhi've wanted to make a build of XDAndroid for NAND10:35
arrrghhhIMHO NAND'll be a little easier since we can focus on builds per-device.10:36
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d3tul3meaning rhod only10:36
arrrghhhthere's a few other users that might actually get other devices up on acl's work.10:42
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mgross029Ok...  This is too funny not to share.  I just got an email of CELL PHONE EMERGENCY INFORMATION.   There is a part that say (Hidden Battery Power), which made me laugh alone, but then it goes on to say press the keys *3370# which will restart your cell phone and unlock 50% more battery!  LOL14:46
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scottreacan someone help me with a froyo.conf line?15:15
helicopter88scottrea: what's your issue?15:18
scottreai made a change to framework.jar and recompiled it, can i just mount over the old one in the froyo.conf file15:19
helicopter88I would rm the old one15:20
helicopter88you can do that through user.conf15:20
scottreaso just a lineto rm the old one and the copy the new one?15:21
d3tul3what did you do to framework if it's not a secret15:25
scottreai was having problems with sms on a cdma network, i had to make a change to bearerdata for a nonstandard dtmf code15:26
d3tul3on frx?15:27
scottreawell i have it working on gingerbread15:28
scottreabut id rather use frx715:28
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d3tul3and it works in gbx0b as is?15:38
scottreano, i was about to compile gb from scratch15:38
scottreafroyo doesnt seem to work on my system15:38
scottrea*compile on my system15:39
d3tul3how did you get it to work in gb?15:39
scottreaprivate static String decodeDtmfSmsAddress(byte[] rawData, int numFields)15:40
scottreaadded else if (val == 0) strBuf.append('0');15:40
scottreaits all in thread 5 at the link above15:41
d3tul3your provided have any native android devices15:42
scottreanot on their cdma network15:42
d3tul3that's unfortunate...good job on hunting it down....15:43
arrrghhhi'd say ditch tbaytel15:47
arrrghhhcrazy that you'd have to jump thru those kinds of hoops just for sms...15:48
scottreaonly game in town15:48
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arrrghhhthere's only one cell provider?15:49
scottreawe used to have rogers, but they bailed recently, handed over all their customers to tbaytel15:49
scottreawe now have a hspa network, tbaytel buys all their hardware from rogers15:49
arrrghhhhah.  well i guess that's one reason to not live in a rural area.15:49
scottreaive never been mugged, another +15:50
arrrghhhi've never been mugged lol15:50
arrrghhhwell if the patch doesn't blow everyone else up, i don't see why it can't be implemented15:53
arrrghhhdunno how many people it would benefit.  at least one...16:03
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arrrghhhoO i don't think acl has the new gles hotness.16:26
NeoMatrixJRdoooooood.  arrrghhh: finally got around to updating to the latest GXB0B package.  Glad I waited since I saw another update just came out.   So....perfect....  BT's a bit of a bug.  It doesn't like to connect after it's paired, but it works once it DOES connect.16:30
NeoMatrixJRI'll try to get some BT logs posted to the forums later when I'm home.16:31
arrrghhhBT is not so stable16:32
arrrghhhbut ok16:32
NeoMatrixJRYeah, I didn't know how extensive the known instabilities were....16:33
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arrrghhhwith BT?16:50
arrrghhhi dunno16:50
arrrghhhit seems flaky at best.16:50
arrrghhhi don't know if BT will ever be stable...16:50
arrrghhhmajority of devs don't even have BT headsets.  i know ACL and detule had to buy one...16:50
arrrghhhif my car had BT, I guess I could see a case for it.16:51
arrrghhhi just don't personally have any other desire to use BT.  it sounds like crap, and is just a pain.16:51
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