Thursday, 2012-01-19

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jonprybroken oc is even better. people will set it to like 11ghz. be like wow 3.2 allows way moar overclock. this thing hauls00:09
jonpry+super stable00:10
detulei just downloaded neocore from the market00:12
detulethey've added a third digit00:12
detulemy score is "022.6"00:13
detulea bit depressing00:13
arrrghhhoh... that is depressing.00:14
detulewhat kind of a beast scores +100?00:15
detulei remember i tried the touchpad once00:15
detule~50 maybe00:15
detuleone thing that I may need to include in that post is this wifi-nvram business00:16
detuleit happened to me yesterday had to manually import the file00:16
arrrghhhi thought that only happened to people who it couldn't pull the mac from.00:17
arrrghhhdamnit, you're really not going to add the OC caveat?  i'm going to edit your post.  :P00:17
arrrghhhi guess i need to sort that out.00:18
detuleit could be the new kernels00:18
arrrghhhwell, that's always been an issue00:18
detuleperhaps we're not compiling some of the mtd modules it needs to generate that file though i would think this would have cropped up by now00:18
arrrghhhperhaps the new kernels make it worse?00:18
detuleno idea next time i blow my data i'll put some sleep statements in init so i can better read the errors in the flying text00:19
jonpryyeah i never really ported the mtd stuff to 3900:29
jonpryin particular there is some bs in mach-msm that is supposed to make a fake partition layout. and its busted. but even if it worked the nand driver we are using can't read its partitions00:30
jonpryif it can read anything00:31
arrrghhhwell having the right mac is all well and good00:32
arrrghhhbut we should figure out a way to insert one if one is not available...00:32
jonprysounds good to me00:36
arrrghhhdetule, so no wifi-nvram file gets created at all, or just the mac is missing?00:37
arrrghhhi forget.00:37
detulein our case nothing gets created00:37
detule"our" = 3.200:37
arrrghhhthat's probably always the case, looking at init.00:37
arrrghhhi *think* i know how to do this in a semi-sane way.00:38
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jonpryconvert linux to hex?00:39
detuletake a seed from the clock00:39
detuledo some mod 16 arithmetic00:40
jonprycreate a prompt like enter password, then convert to hex00:40
arrrghhhyou guys are nuts.00:40
detuleenter password :)00:41
jonprylater sniff password off the air00:41
arrrghhhcrap, i forget it's not straight up bash00:42
arrrghhhi failed so hard on the simplest thing last time, mainly because of that lol.00:42
jonprywe could change that00:42
jonpryi have bash 4 android00:42
arrrghhhdon't we have bash too, it's just not the default?00:42
arrrghhhi thought i could do /bin/bash and get a bash prompt00:42
jonprynot sure00:43
jonprydon't think xdandroid has bash. just busybox00:43
jonpryits just really big00:44
arrrghhhah.  probably why it's been left out...00:44
jonprymaybe not 406kb00:46
arrrghhhnot bad00:47
jonprythat sounds almost worthwhile to me00:47
arrrghhhwhy wouldn't it be in thar?00:47
detuleMAC=`(date; cat /proc/interrupts) | md5sum | sed -r 's/^(.{10}).*$/\1/; s/([0-9a-f]{2})/\1:/g; s/:$//;'`00:47
detulei can't take credit for that00:47
arrrghhhdetule, did you just do my work for me00:47
arrrghhhis that a completely random mac?00:47
detulegoogle did00:47
arrrghhhwouldn't we want the first 4 octets static or something?00:48
jonpryhmm. i think the trouble with bash is that its dynamicly linked00:48
jonprycould always strip init to just enough to mount system. then run an init.bash with moar power00:51
detulewell that script above seems to work in an adb shell00:53
detulei am out goodnight00:57
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arrrghhhaw wth01:15
arrrghhhhow did i break netloc!?!?01:22
ryannathansarrrghhh: gps works but netloc doesn't aye?01:23
arrrghhhand netloc worked in my previous build01:24
arrrghhhbut in my effort to sign i jumped thru many hoops01:24
arrrghhhand now it's not working.  not sure wtf.01:24
arrrghhhi'll re-release tomorrow.  probably something stupid.01:24
ryannathansarrrghhh: copy accross the networklocation from the gapps package back to your data.img01:24
arrrghhhupload's almost done.  oh well.01:24
arrrghhhi had this fixed in the build damnit.01:25
ryannathansi had the same problem a while back01:25
arrrghhhi'll fix it again01:25
arrrghhhthis was working...01:25
ryannathansmy guess is that something isn't being linked properly while building01:25
arrrghhhdunno why it worked before and not nao01:25
arrrghhhi'll rebuild01:26
arrrghhhand check it in the mornin01:26
ryannathansi posted th fix here i think, it's down for maintenance or something atm though
arrrghhhi know dude.01:28
arrrghhhthat's not really a fix tho01:28
arrrghhhemergency maintenance01:28
arrrghhhthat's really weird stinebd, how it goes to the .cz site01:31
arrrghhhbut not files.xdandroid.com01:31
arrrghhhunless it goes to .cz first...?01:32
arrrghhhoh well.  bedtime, peace.01:32
arrrghhhbuild is on the .cz site lol01:32
arrrghhhnetloc still broken :P01:32
arrrghhhother poop should be all fixxxxored01:32
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detuleoh i see gbx0c is up09:40
detuleor rather gbx0b retouched….09:42
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arrrghhhdetule, retouched...10:19
detulewhat's wrong with your netloc10:20
arrrghhhit don't work :(10:21
detuleon coma? i never had any issues with it10:21
arrrghhhi'm in a coma.10:21
arrrghhhyea, cdma10:22
detulei thought gsm folks had some problems10:22
arrrghhhwhen i tick location by wireless networks, i don't get the popup10:22
arrrghhhwell it should work over wifi too dude10:22
arrrghhhand it does not.10:22
detulehm my build must be magical10:22
arrrghhhand since that popup doesn't show, i'm pretty sure it's not activating for some reason.10:22
arrrghhhthis did work before10:22
arrrghhhbefore i signed it...10:22
arrrghhhyou're not running my poop are you10:22
detulei don't go by popups i go by google maps finding my location10:23
arrrghhhyou know what i mean tho?10:23
detulethough truth be told i am on some google maps 5. something10:23
arrrghhhsettings -> location & security10:23
arrrghhhif you check "use wireless networks" it'll pop a agree/disagee box up10:24
arrrghhhsome google mumbo jumbo that they're stalking you10:24
arrrghhhthat doesn't pop up when it's broken10:24
arrrghhhjonpry, wassup10:25
detule"I don't know where the "actual" error is. I don't know if anyone has found it yet... Bleh." <- have faith10:25
jonprydunno, no service10:25
arrrghhhdetule, early report is good10:26
arrrghhhi've only got one so far :P10:26
arrrghhhthat wizardking had no audio, ever... but he said it's workin now.10:26
arrrghhhthis has quite a few updates10:26
arrrghhhi dragged ass getting it out :D10:26
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arrrghhhdetule, NetworkLocation.apk exists in /system/app10:31
arrrghhhi'm at a loss, and have to go to work :(  i'll bbl.10:31
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rpierce99only replacing system.ext2, netloc isn't working for me either10:57
detulerpierce99, 959c48b49be3843c512355f1ee8e1c25  NetworkLocation.apk11:01
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detulethough i guess those could differ11:03
detulei wonder which gaps arrrghhh used11:06
detulerpierce99, think NetworkLocation is signed?11:15
rpierce99not sure how i would know11:16
arrrghhhdetule, i can look11:19
detulearrrghhh, pretty sure you and i have different gapps11:19
arrrghhhalso, i just did the .sh with -g11:19
arrrghhhso it "automatically" downloaded 'em.11:19
arrrghhhthey appeared to be from 8/28/2011 IIRC11:19
arrrghhhwhere do you get your gapps !!?!11:19
detulepretty sure the same way you do11:20
arrrghhhwhy the hell can't i search my own thread11:20
detulecan you md5 the gapps in your build directory11:22
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arrrghhhdetule, sure 1 sec11:26
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detuleanyways it should be 1647897d8ac3efb04723d2ad2c361a3f as in
detulethat package produces a network location with md5 959c48b49be3843c512355f1ee8e1c25 which is what i have and it works fine11:38
detulein the meantime i guess people can download/install their own11:38
detulei am out11:38
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arrrghhhthanks detule, will check whenever i get a chance to breath.11:41
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mgross029arrrghhh: did you get the SuperUser update fixer to work on your personal install?12:04
arrrghhhcouldn't roll it in12:04
arrrghhhi guess i could provide the update fixer in AndroidApps12:04
arrrghhhbut i was hoping to roll it all in.  doesn't seem feasible.12:04
mgross029Yeah not if it stops us from compiling the image12:05
arrrghhhemwe said he couldn't do et12:05
mgross029ChainDD wrote a nice update tool though...12:06
mgross029It's really just knowing that it is out there.  Because it doesn't really jump up and say "hey run this first"12:07
arrrghhhyea it doesn't12:07
arrrghhhand when it failed, i honestly didn't look into it cuz everything still worked lol12:08
mgross029for detule's benefit I loaded up 3.2.  Update SU...  All working good. :)12:08
stinebdarrrghhh: you replaced the 12/30 one?12:11
arrrghhhstinebd, yea i'm a slacker12:11
stinebdyeah don't do that again12:11
arrrghhhi just wanted the link to be the same12:11
stinebdfor the historians12:11
arrrghhhdon't make me put the date in the link then :P12:11
arrrghhhscrew them, these are test builds12:12
stinebdwell then screw you, ssh key removed :P12:12
arrrghhhso you're a historian i guess?  :P12:12
stinebdno but i don't like to hear them bitch12:12
arrrghhhyou have people bitching?12:12
arrrghhhtell them to bitch at me12:12
arrrghhhso that i may slap them12:12
mgross029Just don't date your links. :p12:13
arrrghhhthat's what i'm sayin12:13
arrrghhhstine wanted me to12:13
arrrghhhseriously tho12:14
arrrghhhi understand for gbx0a -> gbx0b -> etc12:14
arrrghhhbut i'm still fixing regressions.  that doesn't warrant a new release.12:14
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arrrghhhdetule, md5 of gapps zip matches15:03
arrrghhhso i guess the signing process is buggering it?15:03
arrrghhhi thought the gapps package was signed15:04
arrrghhhperhaps re-signing those apk's with XDAndroid's keys is bad juju?15:04
rpierce99market still works, not sure why netloc would care so much15:09
helicopter88Just to make sure,can't you copy later the gapps?15:15
helicopter88after the signing process?15:15
detulearrrghhh, if it's the keys there could be something in logcat at boot15:17
arrrghhhhelicopter88, i might be able to15:17
arrrghhhseems dubious tho15:17
arrrghhhdetule, you want a logcat from boot?  :P15:18
helicopter88as detule has said,it shouldn't be the cause15:18
detuleanyone here building their own omgb nand images?15:36
arrrghhhmuziling i think15:37
arrrghhhi don't know if anyone else it15:37
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arrrghhhwait, isn't there a wifi.mac command!??18:20
arrrghhhhrm, i guess it still would be better to do this in init.18:20
rneesearrrghhh how goes ?19:07
rneeseyou sound fustrated....19:07
arrrghhhi said oshit cuz i read something on a website that was surprising19:09
arrrghhhand i was just thinking out loud about the issue with wifi-nvram.txt19:09
arrrghhhobviously if anyone had any ideas, they were welcome to chime in.  not sure why you did...19:09
arrrghhhrpierce99, it still says test-keys, despite the apk's being signed.19:15
arrrghhhso i don't know if that's another issue... seems trivial, if there's no other problems.19:15
rpierce99sounds more like a question for stinebd to me :)19:16
arrrghhhyea, probably right.19:16
arrrghhhIMHO it's trivial :P19:17
rpierce99well it could mean that the signing isn't working right19:17
arrrghhhi guess i don't quite get it.19:17
arrrghhhis it just signing APK's?19:17
arrrghhhor is there something else with the actual system image that it signs?19:17
rpierce99no idea, someone should try to upgrade from gbx0a to gbx0b w/o replacing data and see if it dies19:18
arrrghhhyea, considering my versioning has been...non-existent.19:18
rpierce99well, i upgraded from gbx0b to gbx0b2 today without replacing data, so i guess that means it works19:20
arrrghhhcuz the last public release was signed by stine19:20
arrrghhhi guess it's just this stupid netloc, and wifi-nvram19:21
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rneesearrrghhh you named it b2 and not c ok23:04
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rpierce99no its neither23:25

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