Sunday, 2011-11-27

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rpierce99stinebd: cry a little more, if the game is too hard just say so01:10
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stinebdrpierce99: have you played it?03:28
rpierce99still busy with skyrim03:28
stinebdthen shut up about it03:28
stinebdit's a legitimate gripe, not complaining about difficulty03:28
rpierce99some stupid mechanic?03:29
stinebdit's some stupid oddly shaped block in each level that you have to twist around to fit into a stupid oddly shaped hole in a door03:29
stinebdand twisting it either takes forever or kills your wrist03:29
stinebdand it adds absolutely nothing to the gameplay03:30
rpierce99whats the point?03:30
stinebdto piss me off i think03:30
stinebdme specifically03:30
stinebdlet me find a youtube to properly describe it03:31
stinebdlol they fast forwarded it in that one03:33
rpierce99that's odd, seems pointless03:34
stinebdit's like a retarded tech demo they had for e3 or something that they just decided to keep03:35
rpierce99meh, it's genius, nintendo doesn't make mistakes03:36
stinebdwell the rest of the game is really damn good03:37
stinebdbut that, and some other gimmick i can't remember right now, piss me off every time i come across it03:37
stinebdsome other stupid motion control crap that didn't need to be there03:38
stinebdone thing i do like is they don't always tell you exactly where to go, so in a sense it's like the old school games where you just have to wander around for an hour until you figure out what has to happen03:39
rpierce99it's "open world"03:40
rpierce99except not really because it's zelda03:40
stinebdit's what made the first zelda awesome03:40
stinebdnot really open world03:40
stinebdstill linear, but you can't see the line03:40
rpierce99yeah, like all the others03:41
rpierce99need x to do y03:41
rpierce99need y to do z03:41
stinebdyeah but they don't tell you what x and y are03:41
stinebdunlike the last 7 or so03:41
stinebdthe only way to get lost in twilight princess is to not read the text03:41
rpierce99tp was still good though03:42
stinebdthis is more like a link to the past, where they send you to one big area (1/4 of the game world) to find some old man or something03:42
stinebdtp was good but way too easy03:43
stinebdocarina was too easy too03:43
stinebdwind waker was tough because i'd fall asleep sailing and die03:44
rpierce99i know it's probably blasphemous, but i've only played the first hour or so of ocarina, i didn't like it03:44
rpierce99didn't much care for majora's mask either03:45
rpierce99haven't finished either one03:45
rpierce99never played wind waker03:45
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sytheznmgross029, thanks for the links... I'd figured out the first, but i hadn't worked out the permissive thing06:02
sytheznthen my server @ work lost a couple fans and overheated... scramble06:03
sytheznhmmm.. still throwing the this into void thing, but at least it's not killing the build06:07
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chrasohi chennal08:26
chrasoneeds help on building android from scratch, currently downloading the 4.0.1 source08:27
chrasocan some1 please tell me why even ICS has the old kernel?08:28
chrasoi have experience of modifing & compiling kernel for diff distros but didn't done with android08:29
chrasowakeup guys08:29
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arrrghhhdetule, wasn't emwe experimenting with removing the mute mic stuff from the RIL?11:44
arrrghhhi'm mucking with wistilt2's .39 stuff and the latest GB image i have is from 11/1911:44
arrrghhhand i got audio working again, but the mic doesn't work.11:44
detulehow badly does it not work :)11:52
arrrghhhi'm going to go with "not at all"11:53
arrrghhhtried to identify a song with soundhound11:53
arrrghhhdidn't detect any sound11:53
detulethat's kind of going beyond basic functionality11:53
detulehow about in-call?11:53
arrrghhhpicking up sound is beyond basic functionality?11:53
arrrghhhi'll try it now11:53
detulemake sure you are not on silent11:53
arrrghhhwell i actually heard something from the phone11:57
arrrghhhwhich i hadn't in the longest time11:57
arrrghhhso i was happy that it was actually playing something.11:57
arrrghhhhey, the magic schoolbus12:00
arrrghhhthe prox sensor doesn't seem to work so well in .3912:08
arrrghhhthe phone call is 'hung'12:08
arrrghhhi keep getting wait/fc messages12:09
detulenever had a problem with prox12:09
arrrghhhthat was really odd.  audio did work in both directions.12:09
arrrghhhprox always worked exactly as i expected it to in omgb12:09
arrrghhhi haven't really messed with it on .39/HaRET12:09
arrrghhhbut that definitely was not how it should act.12:10
rpierce99it's funny, the thing I am most nervous about with the purchase of my new tablet is that I hope the developer community for it is active and competent and not just a bunch of kangers12:10
arrrghhhphone calls in general seem bad juju12:12
arrrghhhdata hasn't returned12:12
arrrghhhwon't go into airplane mode12:12
arrrghhhnew feature, now you must reboot after every phone call.12:12
rpierce99wtf are you running now?12:12
arrrghhhwhat i think is the newest gb test image12:14
arrrghhhdated 11/1912:14
arrrghhhand wistilt2's magical kernels12:14
arrrghhhnewest autobuild rootfs12:14
arrrghhhit's strange, everything else seems to work fine.12:14
jonprytegra cough cough12:15
rpierce99jonpry ?12:16
detulewell these pmem overlaps that appear when you take camera snapshots.....they're there on 27 as well, but for some reason 27 ploughs right through them12:16
jonpryrpierce99 your looking at an iconia?12:16
arrrghhhdetule, lol12:16
arrrghhhgood ole .2712:16
jonpryan arm processor without neon isn't worth its salt12:16
jonpryor sand12:16
rpierce99might as well be speaking german12:17
arrrghhhno grfx12:17
jonpryits like a pentium with no MMX/SSE12:17
rpierce99so here's my plan12:18
rpierce99i'm buying a 10" tablet for 22912:18
jonpryexcept that the fpu is so horrible that the MMX/SSE have to be used for scalar work12:18
rpierce99i'm going to buy the accidental warranty thing12:18
rpierce99i have until late january to return both12:18
rpierce99for a full refund12:18
rpierce99so if something better comes along, great12:18
jonprywhy not get a playbook?12:18
rpierce99if not, i think one of my kids will accidentally drop it before the year is up12:18
rpierce99because the BB software sucks? Do they have solid ports to other OSes?12:19
jonpryi'm trying to get one to put android on12:19
arrrghhhsupposedly it runs android apps, lol12:20
jonpryanother 8660 device. but it haz hdmi12:20
rpierce99iconia has hdmi12:20
jonpryso 1080p might be more important12:20
rpierce99oh youre saying the tp doesnt12:20
jonpryits cool and all that i can play 1080p so you don't have to recode, but it doesn't actually look any better than 720p12:21
jonpryer it12:21
rpierce99but to be clear, at this moment the PB doesn't run anything other than BB OS?12:22
rpierce99hm, dunno if I could put up with that12:23
arrrghhhit runs the BB OS12:24
arrrghhhbut it does run android apps, no?12:24
arrrghhhor is that "coming soon"?12:24
rpierce99i think they may have launched it, but it doesn't work with everything afaik12:25
arrrghhhyea, making it work with 100% of all Android apps is not going to be an easy task.12:27
arrrghhh100% of Android apps don't work on Android, so....12:28
rpierce99looks like you have to repackage your apks as BAR files12:30
rpierce99and even then they don't always work12:30
rpierce99"Android NDK apps that use C and C++ libraries will not function — only apps that are written specifically to the Android Gingerbread 2.3.x implementation of the Dalvik VM will run."12:30
arrrghhhso less than 10% i bet12:31
jonpryandroid does not even work w/ all android apps12:38
arrrghhhyea, i said that :P12:39
sytheznyay 8o first build, only 6 1/2 hours12:40
arrrghhhto build?12:40
sythezncompile & build12:41
sytheznmake from first repo sync12:41
arrrghhhare you including the repo sync in that 6.5hrs?12:42
sytheznnah, just the build12:42
sytheznsync took 3 1/2 hours or so12:42
arrrghhhi think starfox said it took 3-4 hours on his RHOD12:42
arrrghhhoh he was building kernel tho, nvm.12:42
arrrghhhwhat are you building on again?12:43
sytheznubuntu 10.10 on virtual box on win7 64 on a quad q950512:44
arrrghhhthat's... odd12:44
arrrghhhi guess it's cuz of the Vm12:44
arrrghhhthat proc has the virtualization extensions tho, right?12:45
sytheznhow'd you figure?12:45
arrrghhhdo you have it disabled or something?12:45
sytheznnah, it's enabled12:45
rpierce99it doesn't matter what kind of a machine it is if you only dedicate 500mhz and 256m ram to the vm12:45
sythezncpu usage's sitting at 95% on 16 cores12:45
arrrghhhrpierce99, good point12:46
arrrghhhwhat did you allocate to the vm12:46
arrrghhhcuz damn12:46
arrrghhh6 hour build seems retarded.12:46
sytheznlmao it's running with 8GB ram dedicated, and all my cores12:46
arrrghhhi have Q930012:46
detuledid you run make -j"million" ?12:46
arrrghhh4 cores12:47
arrrghhhand i think ics was building in just over an hour12:47
sytheznnah, -j1812:47
arrrghhhwhat -jX did you run12:47
arrrghhhwhat have you done12:47
detuletry it with something sane next time12:47
sytheznwell considering i've got 16 cores...12:48
sythezni figured it's be best to use them12:48
arrrghhhdo you have dual q9505's?12:48
sytheznno, 4x Q9505's12:49
jonprywell something is not right12:51
sythezncould it be hdd limiting it?12:51
arrrghhhi'm not sure what tho at this point12:51
arrrghhhdo you have something circa 1970's?12:51
jonprymaybe try -jram/2GB12:51
arrrghhhsome reel-to-reel tapes?12:52
jonpryi think you can cause it to thrash with too many jobs12:52
sytheznlmao nah12:52
jonprynot real swap kind of thrashing, but it forces headers and stuff out of cache12:52
sytheznah... ie try with 4?12:52
sytheznhmmm will do12:53
arrrghhhdo you have a lot of other stuff running on the server?12:53
sytheznnah, this's my baby12:53
sytheznapart from xbmc for video, not much12:54
detuleperhaps the VM is not virtualizing your cores12:56
sythezni don't think so... they're all loading12:57
sythezni mean it's not like some're heavily loaded and others not12:57
arrrghhh6.5 hours is retardedly long build time.  seriously.12:59
arrrghhhmight i add that 10.10 is a very odd choice :P12:59
detulemy sturdy Q6600 w -j5 manages in what less than an hour12:59
sythezni dunno then12:59
sytheznfor a clean build?12:59
sytheznand why's 10.10 odd?13:00
detuleyeah though don't take that time to the bank, it was certainly less than 2 hrs13:00
arrrghhhsythezn, 10.04, makes sense.13:00
sytheznhow so? lts13:00
helicopter88on my i5 gb takes 30 mins in vm,with 3 gb of ram13:02
arrrghhhsythezn, 10.10 is not lts...13:03
arrrghhhlol heli13:03
arrrghhhsythezn, you've buggered something.13:03
arrrghhhno clue what at this point.  i guess try -j413:04
arrrghhhi usually did 513:04
helicopter88I run make -j4 or -j513:04
arrrghhhit would peg all 4 cores13:04
helicopter88-j6 goes pretty fast13:04
sythezni know, lol 10.04 is. but i don't see how lts makes any difference13:04
arrrghhhsythezn, uhm, support?  do you know how the ubuntu release cycle works...?13:04
helicopter88not sure what have you done,if on 4 cores takes 30 mins on 16 cores should take uhm 7.5 mins?13:05
sytheznyeah, but it's not like it's running as a server... no high availability crap or anything13:05
arrrghhhsythezn, so?13:06
arrrghhhso why are you on 10.10 lol13:06
arrrghhhif it's not a server shouldn't it be on 11.04 or uh... 11.10?  :P13:06
sytheznwell... why not?13:06
helicopter88Isn't 10.04 LTS?13:06
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helicopter88sythezn: quick test,clone the kernel source,do make -j16 and check out the speed13:07
sythezn* blonde moment13:07
helicopter88here with make -j6 takes a minute or less13:07
sythezni am running 11.1013:07
helicopter88oh,that crap13:08
arrrghhhsythezn, you said 10.10 -_-13:08
arrrghhhseveral times13:08
arrrghhhbut anyways13:08
sytheznyeah i know... i was thinking otherwise13:08
arrrghhhi'm at a loss for the atrocious performance13:09
helicopter88what kernel are you running on that?13:09
arrrghhhyou're saying all 16 cores were pegged for the entire 6.5 hours?13:09
arrrghhhthat seems... awesome, lol.13:09
arrrghhhi guess it's not pegged the entire build time13:09
arrrghhhbut 90%+ of the time it probably is13:09
helicopter88and,are you sure your cpu is not a chinese clone?13:10
sytheznmore or less, at least they were in the 60-80% range when i checked13:10
sythezncould be ram... i had an issue with one of my modules dying a couple weeks back13:10
sytheznperhaps another's on it's way out13:11
helicopter88kernel is updated,uhm,then or it's the ram,or you have a set of extremely crappy cpus13:13
sytheznthe only things i've changed in the build were to add -permissive in frameworks/base/libs/utils/Android.mk13:16
sytheznand -u_fortify_source in build/core/combo/HOST_linux-x86.mk13:19
arrrghhhyou should try building clean13:20
arrrghhhat least once13:20
arrrghhhjust to see, as a baseline...13:20
arrrghhhplus, AFAIK it'll make future builds faster as well13:20
sytheznwell this shoul have been a clean build, it was a build from sync?13:21
sytheznoki i'll try...13:21
arrrghhhyou just said you've changed thins13:21
helicopter88-fpermessive doesn't make the build slower,but allows support for gcc 4.6 if i'm right13:22
sytheznyeah, but that was because it wouldn't build without the changes13:22
sytheznand the u_fortify is for the same reason13:22
helicopter88idk,i don't know about that13:22
arrrghhhi dunno then13:22
helicopter88could you try with the kernel?13:23
helicopter88should take seconds to do it13:23
helicopter88in worst case should take 20 mins13:23
sytheznhow do i build just the kernel?13:23
helicopter88you download the source13:23
arrrghhhhow did you just build the system image?13:23
helicopter88you run make13:24
sythezni just synced the gingerbread branch13:24
helicopter88kernel source,not android source13:24
helicopter88or,since you have gb source13:24
helicopter88try make bootimage -j1613:24
sytheznhmmm... definitely not seconds13:27
helicopter88after a clean takes 2-3 mins here13:27
sythezn+- 2min13:28
helicopter88didn't took a lot13:28
helicopter88I guess that it can't go down 2 mins,hdd bottleneck maybe?13:28
sythezncould be... no raid here13:29
arrrghhhi don't have a raid13:29
arrrghhhi need to build one, for my data drives13:29
helicopter88ok,make bootimage -j16 took way less than a minute13:30
arrrghhhbut the drive i build on will probably never be in a raid13:30
sytheznwatching proc usage, it's sitting at 15% average13:31
sytheznbrb, i'ma run some memory diag n see what's up13:33
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SytheZNWell... ram seems okay so far13:49
helicopter88I've tried make bootimage -j16 and -j32,both 25 secs,running 11.0413:49
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Sythe_ZNWell... ram seems okay so far13:50
helicopter88<helicopter88> I've tried make bootimage -j16 and -j32,both 25 secs,running 11.0413:50
helicopter88not sure what have you done to cause those massive 6 h13:51
Sythe_ZNAfter a clean?13:51
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Sythe_ZNsell... the only other thing different to the how-to is the curl location13:55
Sythe_ZN*well even13:55
arrrghhhmaybe you're just not cut out for this.13:56
Sythe_ZNCos was giving me 40413:59
helicopter88Sythe_ZN: the one you have is the right one13:59
Sythe_ZNSo that's not the prob then...14:00
rpierce99why would you ever download an executable over ssl? /confused14:01
Sythe_ZNWell, what diff's it make?14:02
rpierce99other than a few ms of extra latency for you, nothing, i'm just surprised that's the URL google is putting out there, because for them it's a lot of extra overhead14:03
arrrghhhSythe_ZN, what are you trying to achieve exactly14:03
arrrghhhwith this whole building experiment you're attempting14:03
Sythe_ZNWell, what's the alternative for raph?14:04
arrrghhhwhat do you mean14:04
arrrghhhthere are prebuilt images..14:04
arrrghhhit's the same for any device14:04
arrrghhhall the same tree14:04
Sythe_ZNI mean it's kinda hard to make changes without building14:05
arrrghhhjust curious what changes you're planning on making i guess14:05
arrrghhhand it's actually easier to make changes without building IMHO14:06
arrrghhh(depending on the changes you plan on making, of course)14:06
helicopter88can't someone build gb just for having a own baked gb?14:06
Sythe_ZNI'm not sure just yet... I guess it depends on what I find14:06
Sythe_ZNRam tests're not revealing much...14:07
arrrghhhhelicopter88, of course they can14:07
arrrghhhbut he seems to be going thru quite a lot for this...14:08
Sythe_ZNLemme try again with -j5 n see14:08
helicopter88ehm,i've spent a whole day to sync and compile ICS just to check out how much time it took :)14:08
Sythe_ZNHow else do I learn?14:09
arrrghhhthere's lots of other ways to learn14:10
arrrghhhbut ok14:10
Sythe_ZNI dunno... I guess I learn best by doing14:10
Sythe_ZNReading just gives info, not experience14:11
Sythe_ZNWatching driving videos doesn't mean you can drive :_14:11
rpierce99Sythe_ZN: don't worry about arrrghhh, when he doesn't know the answer to a question he defaults to "you shouldn't do it"14:17
rpierce99texting isn't working? you shouldn't text :P14:17
Sythe_ZNrpierce99, lol I go the same way at times :P14:18
Sythe_ZNOi I dunno what's going on here... gotta find the bottleneck14:19
Sythe_ZNAfter a clean bootimage took about 6 mins14:20
arrrghhhrpierce99, well.14:21
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arrrghhhyou remember mankineko trying to "help" that guy with partitions?14:21
arrrghhhand the 3-day saga the ensued?14:21
arrrghhhsome people just aren't cut out for this stuff.14:21
rpierce99and that's not for you to decide "i'm not going to help" is much different than "you shouldn't do this"14:21
* sythezn cries like a little girl14:21
sytheznafter a clean, bootimage took about 6 mins :?14:22
arrrghhhrpierce99, when is that decision made?14:23
sytheznand hdd's don't seem to be doing much14:23
arrrghhhso going back to the driving thing, if a 9-year-old wants to learn how to drive, we should let them?14:23
arrrghhhmeh.  enjoy rpierce99.14:24
sytheznused to work :P on farms in old rovers14:24
rpierce99we should, because it doesn't matter to us, their parents should not, are you sythezn's mommy14:24
arrrghhhit's mostly for my sanity14:24
arrrghhhbut that's always on a razor thin wire anyways14:24
sytheznarrrghhh, i'd lend you my sanity, but evidently it's broken14:25
sythezni'm not trying to be a pain, really... i just want to figure this out14:26
sytheznplease forgive my ignorance14:26
sytheznstill building :?14:56
sythezni don't get it14:56
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Achillhi i want to install android in my htc15:21
Achilli have htc touch diamond15:21
Achillcan anybody help me ?15:21
arrrghhhAchill, where are you getting stuck15:24
arrrghhhyou also might want to wait for someone to respond :P15:24
Achilli download these files15:25
arrrghhhi would use that post15:26
arrrghhhit's for the touchpro, but it's pretty similar to the diam15:26
Achilli want to tell you something15:28
Achillwhen i click on haret.exe15:28
Achillthe mobile restart15:28
arrrghhhdid you follow the directions?15:28
Achillnot from this post15:28
arrrghhhplease do15:28
arrrghhhmany important steps15:29
Achillok ok15:29
Achilli go now15:29
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Achillim getting this screen15:34
Achillwhen i click on haret.ext15:34
arrrghhhyou didn't copy it15:34
Achilli copy :/15:34
arrrghhhplease read the directions carefully15:34
arrrghhhre-read if need be15:34
Achilli extract all files from full bandle15:35
Achilli realy do15:35
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arrrghhhif you're running haret without a startup.txt15:35
arrrghhhor the startup.txt is empty15:35
arrrghhhyou'll get that screen15:35
Achillthese is files on internal storage15:37
arrrghhhthey should be on your SD15:37
arrrghhhor what is your SD on your diamond15:37
arrrghhhi don't see a startup.txt -_-15:37
arrrghhhyou said you copied it...?15:37
arrrghhhit's not there.15:38
Achilli extract all files15:38
Achillfrom full bundle15:38
arrrghhhand read all directions15:38
arrrghhhwhich tells you to grab the startup for your device15:38
arrrghhhStep #315:38
Achillif is in the root15:42
Achillwhat must to write ?15:42
Achill\root ?15:42
helicopter88remove rel_path15:43
Achillok startup.txt is ok15:43
arrrghhhAchill, root = no folders15:43
Achillnot working15:45
arrrghhhmight need a little more to go off of than that15:45
Achillbut im sure i do right15:45
arrrghhhi'm sure...15:45
arrrghhhyou mind describing "not working" a little?15:46
Achillwant to remote control my pc15:46
Achillto see ?15:46
arrrghhhnot really15:46
Achillplease help me15:46
arrrghhhi am15:46
Achillfor you is 1 min job15:46
arrrghhhplease describe what's wrong on your phone15:47
arrrghhhwhy didn't it work15:47
arrrghhhwhat's not working15:47
arrrghhhwhat happened15:47
arrrghhhthe screenshots were good, they told me you didn't grab the startup.txt15:47
arrrghhhit's difficult at first, i know15:47
Achilli extract this file: in my root of my internal strorage and i go from my mobile in file explorer and i click in haret.exe15:48
Achillthat what i did15:48
Achillis on a root , and the startup.txt hasnt rel_path15:48
Achillso the startup.txt is ok15:48
Achillnow whats going wrong15:49
arrrghhhyou need to place a startup.txt file where you are running haret.exe from15:49
arrrghhhgo into the STARTUPS folder15:49
arrrghhhfind your phone15:49
arrrghhhcopy the startup.txt15:49
Achillok now the phone restarts15:50
Achilland it didnt show android screen15:50
arrrghhhwhat did it show15:50
arrrghhhwhat startup.txt did you grab15:51
Achillnothing, it restarts15:51
arrrghhhwhat startup.txt did you grab15:51
helicopter88arrrghhh will say it once more,then i'll start running and screaming,something bad will happen15:52
helicopter88Achill: can you pastebin your startup?15:55
helicopter88you have a diamond?15:56
arrrghhhwhich one15:56
arrrghhhi think there's a 200 that surfaced15:56
arrrghhhah crap15:56
arrrghhhyou're not going to get data connectivity.15:57
Achilli remove the cable15:57
arrrghhhno i'm telling you15:58
arrrghhhif you have a data plan with your provider15:58
helicopter88Achill,is your windows mobile rom overclocked?15:58
arrrghhhyou're not going to get data connectivity15:58
helicopter88or you run some overclocking app in wm?15:58
Achilloverclocked is ?15:58
Achilli havent original rom15:58
helicopter88Diamond's cpu goes at 528 MHz15:58
arrrghhhhaven't or have15:58
helicopter88what rom do you have?15:59
arrrghhhsome come overclocked15:59
Achillhmm i dont remember , i installed long time ago15:59
arrrghhhwell if winmo is overclocked15:59
arrrghhhandroid won't boot15:59
arrrghhhi don't remember the symptoms, but these sound fishy.16:00
Achillso i cant use android16:00
arrrghhhyou can't use android if winmo is overclocked, no.16:00
Achillhow can i fix it ?16:01
arrrghhhturn the clock down to stock 528 in winmo, android will boot fine16:01
Achilland how can i do that ?16:01
arrrghhhwell, i've never overclocked winmo16:01
arrrghhhthere's probably some app16:01
helicopter88damn,i can't remember that name!16:01
arrrghhhAchill, use a good ROM16:02
arrrghhhthat doesn't overclock out of the box.16:02
Achillso must underclock my cpu16:04
arrrghhhyou must not overclock16:05
arrrghhh528mhz is stock16:05
arrrghhhno under or overclock16:05
arrrghhhstock clock16:05
Achillits not working ether16:13
Achillmy clock is on 528 mhz16:13
Achillbut still dont work16:14
Achillmobile restarts16:14
arrrghhhi'm... not sure what else would cause that16:17
arrrghhhi guess try a different kernel...16:17
arrrghhhkernel = zImage16:18
Achilllet it go arrrghhh ty for help16:33
Achilli stay with windows16:33
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sytheznokay, so i've been going through the build/target/product and i dont have full_msm defined... anyone know what it should contain?18:48
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mgross029sythezn, Are you referrring to out/target/product/msm?19:33
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