Saturday, 2011-11-26

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babijoeehows the ICS coming along00:56
babijoeestill taking 20 minute booting times?01:05
jonpryno its only a couple minutes with the animation off01:09
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hycwow, ICS is already ported to G103:18
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netHi everyone11:03
netis there a framework-res.apk available in frx07.1?11:12
netbeen trying to find it but to no avail.11:14
rpierce99there is a framework-res.apk in every android build11:14
rpierce99frx07.1 is a AOSP rom, so you don't need to hack APKs to make changes to it, you can change stuff in the system image then build it from source11:14
netso does this essentially mean I cannot use the UOT kitchen to theme the build?11:19
rpierce99i don't know anything about the kitchen, but i'm sure you could11:19
rpierce99if you need framework-res.apk its at /system/framework/framework-res.apk11:20
rpierce99or in system.img mounted on a computer it's just framework/framework-res.apk11:21
net(here is a link there is no system folder or anything similiar11:21
netthere is a system.ext2...but I'm not sure, I can't use or open this file11:22
rpierce99what are you trying to do?11:23
netI'm trying to theme the build on my windows mobile phone, running xdandroid frx07.1 (changing colours,icons and fonts etc).11:25
rpierce99for what purpose though11:26
netpersonal use11:28
netI'm not sure what you mean?11:28
rpierce99you're going through all this because you don't like the color of froyo on your personal phone?11:28
netI've been through something similiar to create a theme for windows mobile to be released under gnu public licenses for other people to use11:30
netbut yes that is the reason currently I like to see what can be done to froyo for myself11:30
netplenty of others have themed because they don't like the stock rom of something.11:36
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sytheznokay... what am i missing?13:56
sytheznmake: *** No rule to make target `vendor/xdandroid/msm/proprietary/BooksPhone.apk'13:56
rpierce99if you're trying to make just a single component i think it's mm14:01
rpierce99if you get that when trying to make the whole thing I have no idea14:01
sythezni'm just running make...14:01
sytheznatm i don't even know where to start looking14:02
detulei had that too i ended up commenting it out somewhere14:02
detulei don't think it's in the gapps that i downloaded14:02
sytheznaha! then perhaps it's been removed14:03
sytheznyou remember where you commented bac?14:03
detuleno likely you and i are making some kind of a mistake14:03
sytheznwell all i did was to run -g14:05
sytheznso either it's been removed from the gapps referenced, or i dunno 8o14:05
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detulein vendor/xdandroid/msm/device* delete the line about BooksPhone.apk14:08
sythezni need to steal my work server :'(14:11
sythezn32 cores make compiling sooo much quicker14:12
sytheznthis looks better, thanks detule14:14
sytheznspoke too soon... refbase error 114:15
sytheznnow this is the same thing i was getting before, passing null into bool, in trackme14:18
detulethat sounds like a different error, google is your friend with these, when building GB chances are someone's already had to deal with whatever issues you are seeing14:21
sythezni see14:22
sytheznseems it's an issue with gcc in ubuntu 11.1014:35
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mgross029sythezn, still around?  Here are a few files I had to change to make my build work in unbuntu 11.1015:32
mgross029That should take care of the gcc error in make15:33
mgross029It's the path.path.path.filename15:33
mgross029Here is BooksPhone.apk if anyone is interested
mgross029Can't recall which make error this one fixed but it you'll see it eventually.
mgross029Just a couple of modification I found while googling and wokring to setup my build environment.15:35
arrrghhhjust throw out random fixes15:35
arrrghhhrm -rf / fixes all15:35
mgross029Well I'm working on getting the link where I found all of that but haven't good that far.  But I would agree rm -rf fixes all. :p15:36
mgross029Figures.  The web links are on my work system.  bleh...15:38
detulei gave up some time ago on compiling in ubuntu15:40
arrrghhhwhat do you use to compile?15:41
detulei never encountered a compilation error that returned zero google hits, until i tried to cross compile something in a ubuntu vm15:41
mgross029Yeah it was a chore to get things working but after you get it set up it works pretty good.15:41
arrrghhhi've only compiled the system images on my system15:41
arrrghhhseems to be OK15:41
detulefedora works for me15:41
arrrghhhi was in dependency hell last time i tried fedora15:42
mgross029I think the toughest part was getting the java set up properly.15:42
arrrghhhi never had a problem with that.  use-alternatives or whatever always got it workin15:43
mgross029Evironment variable hell so to speak15:43
arrrghhhbut i have a lot of other things that use java15:43
arrrghhhso i already went thru java dramas on this system.15:43
detulearrrghhh, is right, alternatives ftw15:43
arrrghhhit's on the wiki :P15:43
mgross029tried alternatives it would not work.15:44
detuleit's not like alternatives "doesn't work"15:44
detuleit's a simple thing it just changes a symlink or two15:44
arrrghhhhey, you android peoples15:45
arrrghhhi've always wanted some nav app that works well off road as well as on15:45
arrrghhh(i basically would like it to have maps where i can just load gps files to them, so i can follow a track)15:45
arrrghhhi think they're GPX files15:45
mgross029Android / NAV hmmm  don't see the relation. heh15:45
arrrghhhi'm seeing how cheap i can be - would rather not have a standalone unit.15:45
arrrghhhi'll pay for software15:46
arrrghhhif it can save me on hardware costs15:46
mgross029You probably what the check out the GIS web sites15:46
arrrghhhgeneral mills, inc?  :P15:47 hrm.15:47
mgross029Sec pulling up sites for you.15:47
mgross029GIS = Geologic Information System btw15:49
arrrghhhi was thinking geographic.15:50
arrrghhhbut ok15:50
mgross029Sorry yes geographic.15:52
mgross029ArcGIS  Looks like there is an app on the Android Market15:55
mgross029Took me a minute to find because I couldn't remember the name.  I get the magazine.  Don't remember why though.15:56
arrrghhhi'll probably just have to 'try' a bunch15:57
mgross029Yep that will probably be the best way.  Google 'Android GIS App' brings up a few15:58
mgross029Looks like ArcGIS isn't compatible with our devices.  Oh well.  At least that will give you an idea of what to look for.16:02
arrrghhhstupid old phone.  *shakes fist*16:03
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Nero___Hey all16:10
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* arrrghhh looks around16:11
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BulitPrufhi guys16:14
Nero___Xdandroid is an open source project right? do you permit developers of the public to modify the files involved for personal use?16:15
arrrghhhNero___, if you fix anything, patches back are always nice16:16
arrrghhhdownright required if you make any kernel changes.16:16
Nero___I'm relatively new to the android developing scene...using cygwin. So I just wanted to play around with xdandroid, see what I could do.16:17
arrrghhhi'm sorry16:17
arrrghhhyou're using cygwin16:19
arrrghhhi'm sending my condolences.16:19
Nero___Ah yes >.< I understand I should be using....ubuntu?16:21
helicopter88Nero___: [21:40:49] <detule> i gave up some time ago on compiling in ubuntu16:21
arrrghhhi would say some linux-distro, yes16:21
arrrghhhubuntu is probably the easiest to start with16:22
arrrghhhbut some ^^ have had issues getting a proper build environment setup16:22
arrrghhhothers don't :P16:22
detuleha don't quote me on that, i've just had better luck elsewhere, ubuntu works fine for many16:22
helicopter88here java + ubuntu makes me crazy16:22
arrrghhhjava in general makes people crazy16:23
helicopter88Nero___: start with ubuntu16:23
helicopter88so you can follow the guides16:23
Nero___ok I will ...16:23
Nero___does Xdandroid count as a rom?16:24
arrrghhhmost guides seem to be written with ubuntu in mind16:24
arrrghhhno ROM counts as a ROM16:24
arrrghhhROM = read-only16:24
arrrghhhwhich is a misnomer in itself.16:24
arrrghhhread-only memory sorry16:24
phharrrghhh: well in smartphones there is no longer any rom ...16:24
phhor perhaps 1kB for 1° stage bootloader16:25
Nero___they should totally call it something else then >.<16:25
arrrghhhso calling WinMo a ROM is a misnomer16:25
arrrghhhNero___, totally.16:25
helicopter88let's call it build16:25
phhor just keep that name because people are too lazy to coin a proper one :p16:25
arrrghhhphh, puh.  SPL.  get rid of it.16:25
BulitPrufmy Rhod gives sound troubles all the time16:25
phharrrghhh: hum spl is not read only16:25
arrrghhhi've always called them builds.16:25
arrrghhhphh, damn you.16:25
Nero___builds it is.16:26
arrrghhhBulitPruf, you'll have to be a little more descriptive than that.16:26
Nero___so in order to work on xdandroid as a build does it come with it's own kitchen/build environment?16:26
helicopter88phh,about my patch,well,properly with a menuconfig for 2 users wanting it?16:26
arrrghhhNero___, build environment?  yes, it's called 'linux'.16:27
phhhelicopter88: i totally agree with it16:27
arrrghhhNero___, this isn't winmo, sorry.16:27
helicopter88I've just added the line,had a tester a bit of time ago saying it worked,then why mess more? lol16:28
BulitPrufheheh, yea16:28
phhhelicopter88: it's not like doing make menuconfig takes more than 10s ...16:29
helicopter88i don't have any knowledge in kernel developement,so for me it's going to take more than 10s16:30
BulitPrufI was trying to figure out a pattern or so, but whenever I start it I get no sound coming out of it. The volume controls work, songs play but are not heard.  The phone function doesn't emit any sound, whether on speaker or earpiece, but it doesn't give any errors like no hardware or anything16:30
Nero___I see...woah (mind is being blown)16:30
mgross029arrrghhh, updated the wiki with the correct repo url.16:30
BulitPrufjust seems to funtion normally but no sound actually comes out16:30
helicopter88If i'll have time tomorrow,will try to do something about it16:31
arrrghhhmgross029, k16:31
arrrghhhBulitPruf, there's lots of odd sound routing problems on the public code.  you're on FRX07.1?16:32
arrrghhhwe're testing some big changes to the audio routing code, but there's still lots of things to iron out16:33
BulitPrufthat's 2.3.3 right?16:33
arrrghhhBulitPruf, ...?  what build are you on?16:33
BulitPrufI'm using the 2.3.3 one16:33
arrrghhhthere isn't16:33
arrrghhhthere is... but it's ancient16:33
arrrghhhlike, ridiculously ancient16:33
arrrghhhfrom March.16:33
arrrghhhi can't recommend running it.  as i said, it's ancient.16:34
arrrghhhso you are on 2.2.216:35
arrrghhhi actually didn't have many audio issues on it16:35
arrrghhhyou say you lose all audio?16:35
arrrghhhare you on the newest rootfs/kernel?16:35
arrrghhhmight be worth a shot16:35
BulitPrufit's the same standard package16:35
arrrghhhunlikely it'll fix your problem16:35
arrrghhhbut i'd at least try that16:35
BulitPrufbut it does say 2.3.3 in the About...16:36
BulitPrufleaves me real confused16:36
arrrghhhis the notification bar white?16:36
arrrghhhthen you're not on FRX07/.116:37
arrrghhhwhat does it say under "build number"16:37
arrrghhhI'm on FRX07.1, it most definitely says 2.2.2 under Android version.16:37
BulitPrufit's died16:37
Nero___oh dear...16:37
BulitPrufwhich is why I am confused16:37
arrrghhhBulitPruf, you've mixed something up somewheres.16:38
arrrghhhwe do have a gb build16:38
arrrghhhbut again it's ancient unfortunately16:38
arrrghhhdevelopers are working on a new one16:38
Nero___maybe just flip it back to your previous OS and reinstall a new build16:38
arrrghhhbut there's... let's just say a lot of changes16:38
BulitPrufgonna have to try it over later16:38
BulitPrufbut my other question16:38
Nero___gb is really good for an alpha16:38
Nero___too good ... >.>16:38
BulitPrufsometimes signal strengths are white, then green, what's the difference?16:39
Nero___for wifi?16:39
arrrghhhNero___, no16:40
arrrghhhBulitPruf, green = connected to google, data working16:40
arrrghhhwhite = not connected, data not working (typically)16:40
arrrghhhi have seen it where the bar is white and i am connected16:40
arrrghhhbut that's usually before i've setup my account in accounts&sync16:40
BulitPrufkinda makes sense16:41
arrrghhhso i assume it's just checking connectivity with google's servers16:41
arrrghhhand basing that on whether or not the device has connectivity with the outside16:41
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Nero___cheers for the help guys take care16:56
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helicopter88phh,have i sent mistakenly the mail to you?17:15
arrrghhhperhaps you do need a tut on how to email17:15
helicopter88I don't check when i send things17:15
helicopter88I don't check texts,mails,whatever17:16
arrrghhhyou're going to have fun when you get a real job.17:17
helicopter88then i'm going to check whatever i send17:17
helicopter88for now,i can just send everything to everyone17:17
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rpierce99anyone have any good reasons not to buy an iconia a500 for cheap? /off-topic17:28
arrrghhhi only enjoy jumping down people's throats in #htc-linux when someone brings up wp7.17:29
arrrghhhgood times.  i can't think of one tho, seems like a good device.17:29
arrrghhhi think alex has one...17:29
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