Saturday, 2011-10-22

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scottreaquestion re frx07, cannot recieve sms on my cdma network, any advice?11:12
rpierce99what carrier?11:14
rpierce99wait, sms or mms11:14
scottreatbaytel, northwestern ontario canada, sms11:14
rpierce99that's odd, sms has always just worked11:15
scottreai can send them, can make voice calls no problem11:15
scottreai can also recieve sms in winmo11:15
rpierce99there might be some craziness with the way that carrier sends sms to your phone, like there was with sprint MMS, but that would be really strange11:16
scottreai have tried neofroyo, frx07.1, cyangogen6/1, all the same issue11:16
rpierce99the only way we'll know for sure is to send yourself an sms from another phone, and immediately after your phone was supposed to receive it, run getlogs to pull all of the necessary logs and post it so we can see if there are any errors11:17
scottreaok, i will give it a try11:17
rpierce99are you familiar with getlogs for xdandroid?11:18
scottreano, but ill d/l it and see if i can figure it out11:18
rpierce99but you know where/how to get it?11:18
scottrealook slike its on the market11:19
rpierce99probably a different one11:19
rpierce99admittedly i'm not all that creative with naming things11:19
scottreaheh ok11:19
rpierce99the apk is in the androidapps folder in arrrghhhs frx07.1 distro11:19
scottreaok im in neofroyo atm, will it work if i just grab the ark?11:20
rpierce99no one is going to debug neofroyo sorry11:21
rpierce99well, no one in this room11:21
scottreaok np11:21
scottreaill load up frx11:21
scottreashould i update kernel? or use the one in the distro?11:27
rpierce99kernel is unrelated to SMS11:29
rpierce99doesn't matter11:29
scottreaok i have a log11:55
rpierce99dcc was unnecessary, that's why it does pastebin :)11:57
rpierce99tell me the exact steps you took before creating this log11:59
scottreabooted, sent a txt to other phone, got an error, sent it again, recived the text on the other phone, replied, waited for about 30 sec, then ran getlog11:59
rpierce99so the last send SMS i see in this log should be immediately followed by a receive sms12:00
scottreai didnt get the reply sms12:00
rpierce99right, "should be"12:00
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scottrearpierce, might i have an issue with my smsc? i cannot enter the number on the "testing" screen13:21
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rpierce99servers like mmsc are only used for outgoing messages, incoming messages are sent directly to your phone13:39
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blue_bytehello...? anyone there?20:33
blue_bytehaha, i have a rhod100 and using cdandriod for a while now(long time since i use winmo. anyway i installed a few app, and removed them(and i think i screwed something somewhere up). my settings page doesnt want to open, when i go to menu, click settings, i show the black screen, with the settings headder, then i closes. do you know the prob might be? i renamed my data.img file and rebooted haret and in the new data.img everything wo20:54
blue_bytenot a recent update, its something on the data.img. do you think its possible to fix or do i have to reinstall and backup all my files in the old one to the new one?20:54
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arrrghhhtitanium backup is your friend20:54
arrrghhhalthought it might be too late for you20:55
arrrghhhjeez man give me some time to respond.20:55
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blue_bytedamn, sowi plz say again21:02
arrrghhhtitanium backup is your friend21:03
arrrghhhalthought it might be too late for you21:03
blue_bytehaha, ah oky, ill just backup pics and usefull stuff to pc then create new data.img21:04
arrrghhhyou can try to back everything up with TB21:04
arrrghhhperhaps all is not lost21:04
arrrghhhtitanium backup?21:04
blue_byteoh. ill have a look21:04
blue_byteyou dont know of any apps that integrates itself into the settings that might have caused this21:05
arrrghhhmaybe some launcher or keyboard app?21:08
arrrghhhthere's a ton that could potentially21:08
arrrghhhyou're basically saying "anything that interacts directly with Android"21:08
arrrghhhi've heard if you look at lolcat you can see the db that's corrupted21:09
arrrghhhblast out that db and it'll recreate it21:09
arrrghhhbut i've never cared that much myself to go into that detail.21:09
arrrghhhnew data.img, restore with tb.21:09
blue_bytehaha, no i was meaning like an app that creates new option into the settings page that creates a crash. but i unders thand what u mean.21:10
blue_bytelolcat? what is that?21:10
arrrghhhoh, i don't think that's possible21:10
arrrghhhit's associated to adb21:10
arrrghhhbasically system logs21:10
arrrghhh'userland' if you will21:10
blue_byteah yes, ill have a look now21:11
arrrghhhit shows logs of errors in that area21:11
arrrghhhso if you look at it while you have that issue21:11
arrrghhhyou can see what the problem is21:11
blue_bytethanks. ill have a look now21:11
blue_bytei dont wana be a bother, but what programming languages do you know? what operating system do you use to program and debug xdandriod? is there a first time tutorial for noobs?21:14
arrrghhhand it's on the FAQ21:14
arrrghhhthere's a section for logs/adb21:14
arrrghhhhow to set it up21:14
arrrghhhthe basics21:14
arrrghhhfor programming languages C seems useful for the kernel21:14
arrrghhhsome C++21:15
arrrghhhdepending on what you want to work on21:15
arrrghhhsome assembly is useful i'm sure with the bootloader stuf21:15
arrrghhhjava in userland21:15
blue_bytewow oky, so its not just one language for the whole system21:15
arrrghhhthere's a *couple* of pieces to a mobile operating system/phone.21:16
blue_bytehaha, yeah thinking about it now i understand why21:16
arrrghhhreally depends on where you want to focus21:17
blue_bytewhere do you focus?21:17
arrrghhhi don't21:17
arrrghhhi've messed with the rootfs a little in a semi-competent manner.21:18
blue_bytejust support?21:18
arrrghhhyea, mostly21:18
arrrghhhwiki poop21:18
blue_byteah ok. debugger21:18
arrrghhh'bug wrangler' i think is a term stine used21:18
blue_bytehaha. oky and stine is also part of the project?21:19
arrrghhha big part.21:19
arrrghhhbigger than probably any other one person...21:20
blue_byteand he/she is more into programming and in device work21:21
arrrghhhnot many women honestly.  i was shocked when i found out cmonex was a chick tho lol21:22
phhwell she is the only one in this crazy world ...21:22
arrrghhhphh is a bearded lady, being French.21:23
blue_bytehaha, oky,21:23
arrrghhhohai phh21:23
phhit's portugeses who are said to be mustached ladies :p21:23
arrrghhhi was just saying French men are girly21:24
arrrghhhno big deal tho... :P21:24
arrrghhhseriously tho21:24
arrrghhhhow many women have been the lead or even involved in any big development projects...21:24
arrrghhhnot many.  there's a few.21:24
arrrghhhin our world i can only think of cmonex tho.21:25
arrrghhhwhich i assume that SPL poop is all ASM21:25
blue_bytehaha, thats true. not going to argue. what does cmonex do? where does she fit in?21:26
arrrghhhbootloader unlocks for WinMo phones21:26
arrrghhhi don't know what she's done since all that tho21:26
arrrghhhher and olipro21:27
arrrghhhthe beasts of winmo unlockings21:27
arrrghhhblue_byte, long story short with their work winmo devices were able to flash any image21:27
arrrghhhinstead of just stock ROM's.21:27
blue_bytesounds like your project has some very experianced people21:28
arrrghhhthere's been a couple people involved over the years.21:28
blue_bytewhats your inspiration?21:28
phh(cr2 was mine)21:29
arrrghhhfor whatever reason i like making electronics do things they were never "meant" to do21:29
blue_bytelmao, thats good21:29
phhwell he is the one who "welcomed" me here in the first place and helped me in my first tasks21:29
blue_bytebut i mean like what keeps the project alive?21:30
phh(wifi and bt on diamond \o/)21:30
arrrghhhblue_byte, insanity21:30
arrrghhhand uhhhh21:30
phharrrghhh: ah. i don't drink coffee, that's why i'm no longer there :/21:30
arrrghhhi dunno, i guess the great kb for the rhod21:30
arrrghhhphh, lol i don't either.  wtf am i doing?  :P21:30
arrrghhhthe other devices still seem to be alive merely because they're cheap21:30
arrrghhhand people try to squeeze every last bit21:31
arrrghhhi like having what my carrier thinks is a winmo device21:31
blue_bytehaha. so are you all located in one part or just like all over the world21:31
arrrghhhthey don't consider it a smartphone lol21:31
arrrghhhall over21:32
arrrghhhhence --> THE INTERNET21:32
phhblue_byte: some europeans, some americans, and i think there are some australians ?21:32
arrrghhhsome users21:32
arrrghhhi don't know any aussie devs21:32
arrrghhhwell, dzo21:32
arrrghhhi think he was (is) a kiwi21:33
arrrghhhfunny, never really involved with our port directly21:33
blue_bytelol. oh another question. the gingerbread release. how is the support for that android on the ROHD100?21:33
arrrghhhbut so heavily involved indirectly...21:33
arrrghhhrhod100 has some unique issues21:33
arrrghhhbut the current GB release is ancient21:33
blue_byteoh, so if i were to join in id be the first South-African?21:33
arrrghhhthe code on the repo is much more up to date21:34
arrrghhhwell we've had south african users21:34
arrrghhhnot sure if we've had any south african devs21:34
arrrghhhi don't know where every single person is/was from..21:34
blue_byteif i wnt to be a def i have to learn a phone specific language, think ill start somewhere there21:35
arrrghhhnot really phone-specific language...21:35
arrrghhhthere's a lot of weird phone-specific issues21:35
arrrghhhmainly hardware without any source21:35
blue_bytewell, im sure you somewhere in America cause its half past 3 here.21:36
arrrghhhor anything else to compare to... there's some similarities to other devices21:36
arrrghhhi am, phh is not.21:36
phhblue_byte: i'm a student, that helps a lot with the weird time :p21:36
arrrghhhwell i g2g21:36
blue_byteyeah, im currently studying Computer systems, so i21:36
arrrghhhcya guys21:36
blue_bytecheers, nd thx hey.21:37
blue_bytephh: im also currently a student21:37
phhyou wouldn't be there at this time else i'd say :p21:37
blue_bytehaha, well, i have been taking it easy, cause close to exams and my subject dnt have exams so little studie for me. i did Delphi for 6-7 years, and VB(hate tht language). and a lot of ASM. otm trying some hacks nd stuff (for personal use, so its legal) lol nd im not much of a sleeper21:41
phhi'm a sleeper, and that's really annoying :(21:43
phhi want to do so many things, but days are so fucking short21:44
blue_bytewht is the time now there21:44
blue_byteid stay up any night and rather sleep through the day21:44
blue_bytesi vous parlez francais?21:46
blue_bytelived in parts op africa where their main language was french but it was a mixture of french and their local languages, and we went on courses for frech nd still barly understood them, nd now after 6 years other, proper speaking frech ppl cnt understand me. now hve to learn again from scrash. but a very usefull language21:49
phhok that explains21:50
phh(your sentence isn't french :p)21:50
blue_bytereally? whats wrong with it? the installed french dictionary corrected it for me21:52
phhwell, in french you'd rather say "est-ce que vous parlez français?" or "parlez-vous français"21:53
blue_byteoh yeah, now i remember the est-ceor something to change it into a question21:56
blue_byteest-ce que21:56
blue_bytemay i ask what you do in the xdandriod system? maybe u can help me, the logcat tell me my settings just died haha21:57
blue_byteZygote  ( 1260): Process 1373 terminated by signal (7)22:00
blue_bytewhat is that signal 7?22:00
phhi used to hack in the kernel or interfaces between android and kernel22:01
phhbut i'm no longer active22:01
blue_byteah oky22:01
phherr, signal 7 is bus error22:01
blue_bytehere is the end of the dump22:02
blue_byteBootReceiver( 1295): Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_06 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)22:02
blue_bytedalvikvm( 1295): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 9500 objects / 568136 bytes in 150ms22:02
blue_byteZygote  ( 1260): Process 1373 terminated by signal (7)22:02
blue_bytedalvikvm( 1295): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 526 objects / 84312 bytes in 150ms22:02
blue_bytedalvikvm-heap( 1295): Grow heap (frag case) to 7.616MB for 123080-byte allocation22:02
blue_bytedalvikvm( 1295): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 133 objects / 6240 bytes in 140ms22:02
blue_bytedalvikvm( 1295): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 117 objects / 176408 bytes in 140ms22:02
blue_byteActivityManager( 1295): Process (pid 1373) has died.22:02
blue_bytedalvikvm( 1295): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 474 objects / 22912 bytes in 150ms22:02
blue_bytedalvikvm-heap( 1295): Grow heap (frag case) to 7.657MB for 92972-byte allocation22:02
blue_bytedalvikvm( 1295): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 2 objects / 56 bytes in 140ms22:02
blue_byteUsageStats( 1295): Unexpected resume of while already resumed in
phhpastebin -_-'22:02
blue_byteInputManagerService( 1295): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@450b258022:02
phhfor pastes that are more than 3 lines long, use a pastebin22:02
blue_byteoky, where do i get that ?22:03
phhgoogle pastebin ? :p22:03
phhperhaps xdandroid have its own pastebin, but hum i'm not aware22:04
blue_byteyeah im lazy22:04
phhyeah well there are tools for lazy people :p22:05
phhlike pastebinit22:05
blue_bytehahaha. oky do i send you the link now?22:05
phhwell it's not needed now that you pasted it here -_-'22:06
phhbut i'm totally clueless22:06
phhanything in dmesg ? :D22:06
blue_byteim what/22:07
phhadb shell dmesg22:07
blue_byteim using droid explorer. will hve a look for adb shell now22:09
blue_byteit says the same basically22:18
blue_bytesignal 7 (SIGBUS), fault addr 437c5d8c22:20
phhand nothing before it ?22:22
blue_bytewell, before it is just22:23
blue_bytepid: 2014, tid: 2014 >>> <<<22:23
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blue_bytehave a look there22:26
blue_byter3 is locating to the faulty address, how do i get a raw registry dump? if possible?22:28
phhand that's in dvm22:28
phhuh ? you've got a raw registry dump22:28
blue_bytethis is from logcat22:29
blue_bytei mrean a registry dump in that address, i only have a stack dump and a few registry dump? or am i undestanding this wrong?22:30
phhna you're right22:37
phhi'm guessing there is some way to link gdb to processes22:38
phhbut i'm not sure how22:38
phhi mean i don't know.22:38
blue_byteoky, so if u hve to guess wht does it look like?22:38
blue_bytecore system files screwed22:38
phherf i was reading the stack upside down22:45
blue_byteif goes from top->down22:47
blue_bytewell im going to sleep nw. hope all goes well nd the for the help. will let you know if i manage something. cheers n good luck with studies22:52
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