Tuesday, 2011-10-18

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sputnickIs the "nexus S" device is a good choice in France (used but good) for 200€ (=~ 170$) ? I had "nessus one" that was a good choice when upgrade comes...01:12
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ryannathansapp inventor is the biggest pile of steaming shit ever07:02
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arrrghhh"nessus one"11:42
arrrghhhemwe, wassup11:42
emwearrrghhh: adding rhod bt stuff. just a matter of doing the board stuff.11:45
emweui, raph doing fine still... wifi standby11:58
emwe19 hours @ 45%11:58
mgross029emwe, How's it going?11:58
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emwemgross029: question is is your wifi going? ;)11:58
mgross029rl has been kicking my a$$ lately..11:59
emweah same here :)11:59
arrrghhhemwe, that's insane.11:59
arrrghhhi didn't think raph could go less than 8 hours w/o a charge...11:59
arrrghhhor are you just doing extended testing unrelated to battery :P11:59
mgross029emwe, Well had many difficulties with it at first11:59
emwearrrghhh: remember i got that voodoo raph... likely a deinit thingy which pulls down all vregs somehow.11:59
arrrghhhvoodoo raph :P12:00
mgross029I think I've got a clean system finally though12:00
arrrghhhi don't remember that.12:00
emwearrrghhh: just let it lie around since last evening.12:00
emweit gets 24h easily. ofc doing nothing but idling.12:00
arrrghhhRAPH users everywhere are asking how the...12:00
detulewhat app did you guys use to test prox?12:00
arrrghhhdetule, zDeviceTest12:00
arrrghhhor... a phone call12:00
emwedetule: zdevicetest or quicke AndroSensor12:00
emwei think i am out of prox testing. i added my "report_far" param to the driver.12:01
arrrghhhthat's good12:01
arrrghhhso it's not always thinking its near now?  ;)12:01
emweyap, always reports far and i can end phonecalls myself.12:01
mgross029emwe, I used the .27 1358 Kernel and the gb System.ext2 from 10/13.  The previous gb system.ext2 seem to break and through me into a bootani loop.12:01
emwemgross029: that is a acoustic kernel, yes? the latest system is running here on the rhod. might be though that some stuff i added for testing from abels device tree broke something. dunno.12:02
emwewtf... when i enable bt, i get those duplicate service definition errors from init:12:03
mgross029emwe, yes your latest .27 acoustic kernel...  Could be...  That could be why the wifi or bt wouldn't work initially when I tried that system.ext2 from 10/1312:04
emwemgross029: you had bt going with any acoustic kernel and gb?12:04
mgross029The acoustic kernel and system.ext2 prior to the acl changes you made.  BT would sync but the call audio would not route.  Came through the ear piece on the 10/13 system.ext212:07
mgross029Figured there may have been some missing pieces to the acoustic on that 10/13 system.ext212:08
detulethis sensor code in froyo is too damn stupid12:08
emwemgross029: nah, shouldn't be anything missing related to that. we'll see.12:09
emwedetule: it's one big loop iirc, right?12:09
mgross029emwe, you are still working bt on the .27 correct?  Haven't enabled on the .35 just yet?12:09
emwemgross029: no, working for it on .35.12:10
detuleemwe, it's looping too damn fast12:10
detulei get resource busy12:10
emwedetule: isn't there some "wait" params supplied?12:10
emwelong ago i looked at it.12:10
detulei'll have to look into it...but it works as is, just errors out on _most_ read_prox calls12:11
mgross029Cool...  I did put that rootfs in .35 but since those pieces aren't in place I knew it wouldn't work, but the system came up stable12:11
detulewhenever it manages to open the device it actually reads fine12:11
detulezDevicetest success12:11
emwedetule: is it always polling also when no sensor app is active?12:13
mgross029emwe, here is what I got in kmsg when I enabled wifti in case you are interested.  http://pastebin.com/c4hhemj012:13
detulewhen there is no app active it actually polls fine (no errors)12:13
detulewhen i turn the phone app for some reason the errors are very frequent, is the phone app accelerating the polling? dunno12:14
emwemgross029: oh yeah, that stupid duplicate definition of service. had the same with bt here, just right now.12:14
mgross029Did it start with that binder error?12:14
emwedetule: might be it's doing it more frequent then. but i dunno much about the froyo behaviour.12:14
emwemgross029: no, but i first need to find out what htis error is. i found a bugreport on google. seems eons ago, service defs must have had a max of 8 arguments.12:15
emwemgross029: and i see we got a service with more already... dunno if there's a commit fixing that up or if that is still "open".12:15
mgross02910-18 08:50:21.660 I//system/bin/tc( 1292): Cannot find device "rmnet0"12:17
mgross029Ahhh...  Also here is something I saw in my Logcat when enabling the wifi12:17
mgross02910-18 08:50:21.670 I/logwrapper( 1292): /system/bin/tc terminated by exit(1)12:17
emwewtf is tc?12:18
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mgross029Good question...  I hadn't had a chance to even look that up yet12:18
emweopen(/sys/module/board_htcraphael_rfkill/parameters/bdaddr) failed: No such file or directory (2)option enable_hci << omg12:19
mgross029emwe, that is the portion of the sysfs that is missing in .3512:20
emwemgross029: that portion won't even be around at that place :P12:21
emweok, we got a patched brcm_patchram_plus... let's tinker again...12:21
mgross029you running hciattach?12:21
emweit's actually a wrapper calling brcm_patchram_plus which is modded to look into that specific path.12:23
emwewhich won't be around (and is a legacy of .27) and a "laziness hack".12:24
mgross029emwe, on bt in froyo and with the .27 in gb that location exists and the rhod references it.12:24
emweyes, it's a .27 thingy.12:24
emweall board setup wen't in that raphael code and the module never got a more generic name.12:25
mgross029probably the reason .27 has so many issues. :p12:29
emwenah, it's just a bit unclean but time savy.12:32
detulehey emwe i have a question for you13:06
detuleshoot your prox is not working13:07
detuleperhaps you other good GB folks with working in_call prox can tell me, if the prox sensor updates continuously while in call, as in take the phone off the ear back on screen goes on/off13:13
detulei seem to remember there being some funkiness13:13
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detuleok emwe i got prox working on 27 + froyo13:50
detulei have a design question or two for you when you get a chance13:50
emwedetule: nice. people will love you.13:51
detuleemwe, lol i had very little to do with this13:51
detulere: kernel driver, this is obviously written with a GB type of sensor library in mind13:52
detulei.e. interrupt driven rather than to be polled (as I am doing in froyo)13:52
detulei had to do very small patches (add a hook) so I can poll it....now my question is should we try and maintain it dual natured, so that it can be used with both GB and froyo, or just change it for froyo since 27 might not be used with GB?13:53
detule(this will allow for some small improvements in how the prox driver is polled)13:54
detuleas things stand now though, it is modular, as in can be used with both GB and froyo, though the froyo side could be improved (you'll see what i mean when i send you the patch)13:55
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lodtankhi there, i'm searching some info about what which buttons of my phone should do in android14:00
lodtanki remember info about that in some thread, but i can't find it right now14:00
lodtankcan someone give me a hint?14:00
rpierce99the 4 front buttons, under the screen?14:02
rpierce99or, i guess that's just rhod, i should say hard buttons, not necessarily 414:03
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lodtankrpierce99: exactly, i also have another in the middle, but i mean the 4 around, which should be standard afaik?14:04
rpierce99no those are just raph14:05
lodtanktake call/stop call/a home button/an back arrow14:05
rpierce99yeah, those buttons are on all but they are only in that orientation on raph14:05
rpierce99well, oh rhod home is a win key14:06
lodtankcan you tell me, what which should do in android?14:06
lodtanki think one button is recognized wrong here14:06
rpierce99talk = talk, back = back, win key = menu, end key = home14:06
rpierce99at least on rhod14:06
lodtankok, on back my screen goes black, have to switch screen on, unlock again after taht14:07
lodtankand the end key goes back in menu14:07
rpierce99so that is power for you14:07
rpierce99end key should be home14:07
rpierce99are you running a non-standard rootfs?14:07
lodtankafaik not, but i think i'll just try it with a new one14:08
lodtanki haven't done anything worthy on it yet14:09
lodtankhm.. i just searched for a pic of the original htc touch diamond: the 4 buttons are switches upside down:)14:11
lodtankt-mobile put the start call/end call buttons on the upper row:)14:12
lodtanki'll take that one? http://files.xdandroid.com/FRX07.1_Full_Bundle_20110901.zip14:14
lodtankjust to make sure14:14
rpierce99sure, you probably don't need the whole bundle but it certainly can't hurt14:14
lodtankwhat everything do i have to delete? my andboot dir? the "Android" dir?14:16
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rpierce99are you trying to start from scratch or save all your stuff?14:20
lodtanki try to make a clean new start, just to avoid any errors which could occur because of some old stuff14:23
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arrrghhhlodtank, which RAPH?14:23
arrrghhhthe RAPH300 is unlike all the other RAPH's14:24
rpierce99your andboot folder (or wherever system and data are on your card) is the most important part, but android apps like to put stuff in random folders14:24
arrrghhhand the keys are different.14:24
* rpierce99 doesn't spend any time in the raph forum14:24
lodtankarrrghhh: it's a mda compact IV to be specific14:24
arrrghhhlodtank, that tells me nothing14:25
arrrghhhwhat RAPH14:25
arrrghhhread the FAQ14:25
arrrghhhtell me which RAPH14:25
rpierce99it's a DIAM14:25
arrrghhhwhich DIAM14:25
arrrghhhi think there's only two DIAM's but i don't really know.14:25
arrrghhhnot many users left have DIAM's14:25
rpierce99yeah i know nothing14:25
arrrghhhDIAM100 and 500 are all that i know of DIAM's.14:26
lodtankit's no raph, a diam14:26
arrrghhhthere's a boatload of RAPH's.14:26
arrrghhhlodtank, so no kb?14:26
arrrghhhthe thingy you type on14:26
lodtankno? only a hand full of buttons14:26
lodtankno real kb14:26
arrrghhhso DIAM14:26
arrrghhhwhich DIAM14:26
arrrghhhis that the startup.txt you chose?14:27
lodtanki'll take the battery out, mom14:27
arrrghhhmom lol14:28
arrrghhhi'll slap you boy14:28
lodtankmom in the sense of wait a moment:)14:28
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arrrghhhunless you meant moment14:28
arrrghhhin which case i don't wait very well :P14:28
emwehm, seems americans really don't get the "mom"...14:29
arrrghhhemwe, never heard that before to be honest14:29
emwei bet lodtank is german :P14:29
lodtankemwe: volltreffer:)14:29
emwearrrghhh: i used to "mom" a lot ages ago and every american confronted with it didn't get it. dunno how we think this is the abbreviation...14:30
rpierce99i wouldn't get wam either14:31
lodtankunder the battery it's written diamond 20014:31
rpierce99maybe brb is the closest thing?14:31
emweone second?14:31
detuletoo colloquial14:31
detulesays one english non-native speaker to the other14:32
emwedetule: assume i'll see what you meant earlier when you send me a mail :)14:32
detuleemwe, that was all based on the premise that .27 might not get used with GB, which i guess is kinda false currently14:32
emwedetule: yap, might be used very much with .27. think froyo sensors should pull the brake in case things get too fast.14:33
emwebrb5, mom, one sec my friends.14:34
lodtankso, which startup should i take?:) the diam100?14:38
emwelodtank: i'd say diam100, yes. there seems to be no specific keymap support for diam200 (,yet).14:42
emwelodtank: you'd have to live with the reverse keymap until there's support. which likely will only make it with your help.14:43
lodtankhow to help?14:43
emwelodtank: the button mappings are just upside-down, yes?14:45
emweeverything else works as expected, yap?14:46
lodtanki'll test it exactly as soon as the new clean android has booted14:47
arrrghhhlodtank, did you look at the battery14:48
arrrghhhor the phone14:48
arrrghhhyou have that damned German diam, don't you..14:49
arrrghhhjust like that damned german raph.14:49
arrrghhhze Germans are invading!14:49
emweit's a tmo variant from the looks.14:49
arrrghhhRAPH300 was the same way14:49
lodtankarrrghhh: the phone itself says diam200 inside14:49
arrrghhhbuttons were completely reversed from every other RAPH14:49
arrrghhhlodtank, damnit.14:49
arrrghhhso there's another DIAM14:49
emwearrrghhh: looks like you wan't to add keymap support for it.14:49
arrrghhhthat has only now surfaced, how many years into this project lol14:49
arrrghhhemwe, i don't see how14:49
arrrghhhkeyboard is one thing14:50
arrrghhhthat's easy to do in a startup14:50
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arrrghhhbut the front buttons?  aren't those hard-set if you will?14:50
arrrghhher i guess i did it for blackstone14:50
arrrghhhprobably some way to do it for raph/diam...14:50
emwethe keycodes are in the keymap, no? just add another one inversed to the other diam?14:50
arrrghhhlodtank, sorry thinking out loud.14:50
arrrghhhemwe, yea, probably.  i'll look into it.14:50
lodtankone more difference is, that this tmo-variant has no card slot14:50
arrrghhhlodtank, i'll make a rootfs for you to test here...14:51
lodtankit seems like it has a card soldered in14:51
emwesame for all diam iirc14:51
arrrghhhlodtank, that's true for all DIAM's.14:51
lodtankah ok14:51
arrrghhh4gb sd literally soldered to the board14:51
arrrghhhpretty cute, eh?  :P14:51
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emwelooks like that was inspiration for WP7 requirements.14:52
arrrghhhlets see14:54
arrrghhhi have that blackstone rootfs14:54
arrrghhhi never committed this blackstone fix either.14:55
arrrghhhemwe, i suck at this14:55
lodtank.oO( was already worth coming here:)14:55
detuleemwe, sent14:55
emwearrrghhh: remember you wanted to fix my build script detecting the kernel root dynamically? ;)14:56
emwedetule: i feel i got too many patches at my place.14:56
arrrghhhi do suck at this :(14:56
detuleemwe, i hear ya - should i address this elsewhere?14:57
emwelol, no idea. we used to have people sent to ML. but likely nobody else is gonna test it out and push anyway.14:58
detulegotta go later boys and girls14:58
emwethx for working on this detule. laters.14:58
arrrghhhhrm... lodtank this is going to take some trial and error14:59
arrrghhhmainly because i don't know what i'm doing.14:59
lodtankhm... i keep getting; "task rpcrouter:15 blocked for more than 120 seconds" <- normal on first boot?14:59
lodtankarrrghhh: then you're not alonw:)14:59
arrrghhhlodtank, how long15:00
arrrghhhhas it been booting ^^15:00
lodtank10mins perhaps15:00
arrrghhhthat's too long15:00
arrrghhh10 mins max15:00
arrrghhhdid you do ts-calibration?15:00
lodtankdidn't come up yet? i did with the old rootfs, but it should be gone, when i have deleted the android dir?15:01
lodtanki mean it should request a new calibration?15:01
arrrghhhread the steps in mah post...15:01
arrrghhheither you use the calib file attached15:01
arrrghhhor you use an older kernel15:01
arrrghhhthe newer kernels knock out the calib portion15:01
arrrghhhnever letting you calibrate...15:01
arrrghhhso once you get a ts-calibration file that works15:01
arrrghhhsave it 1,000 times over.15:02
arrrghhhand reuse it15:02
lodtankhm.. i think i calibrated once;)15:02
lodtanklet's boot again :/15:03
emweso now the good question we ever had a DIAM200 boot. or if there's some kernel work involved?15:03
emwelodtank: did it ever boot for you into userland?15:03
lodtankemwe: it did, with my "old" android it ran15:03
lodtankwlan worked15:03
arrrghhhemwe, yea it should work15:04
arrrghhhjust buttons are reversed15:04
arrrghhhsame for RAPH30015:04
emweso yeah, but with the same kernel we all use.15:04
arrrghhhthese yokels are sneaky15:04
lodtankdon't know which one it was exactly... any full bundle from xdandroid i think15:04
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lodtankhm.. now even my win won't startup anymore;)15:17
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lodtankstill trying to get it booted... my startup.txt was wrong15:48
lodtankand i'm making one damn mistake after another;) so still no boot:)15:48
lodtankbut i'm sure i'll accomplish this hard task:)15:49
emwethe only thing you could change is rel_path=andboot if you got such a folder. shouldn't be too hard, but easy to break :)15:50
lodtankthere are many ways to break it :)15:51
lodtankwrong position int he config:)15:51
lodtankwrong location on the card15:51
lodtankstarting haret before you changed what you wanted to change:)15:52
lodtankwhat about making haret.exe stop, when it founds an invalid/unknown parameter?15:55
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emwelodtank: there's not much haret can do when it's about cmdline parameters. it's all kernel related.16:09
lodtankso who makes the error popup in windows?16:11
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lodtankanyway, android is up16:13
lodtankif i press my home button, i get the call-list16:16
lodtankthe stopcallbutton does back function16:17
lodtankback switches screen off16:17
lodtankand the talk button seems to bring me back to the startscreen16:18
lodtanksounds like an "easy" up-down switch16:18
rpierce99talk = home, back = power, end = back, home = talk16:19
lodtankand the middle button gives me a menu?:)16:21
lodtanki hope i'm telling this right:)16:21
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lodtankhm.. but i only can send it to off with the back button16:24
lodtanknot wake it up16:24
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lodtanki also get the options menu when pressing back for some seconds, which appears also for the power button16:24
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emwelodtank: yeah, that is the mapping also for RAPH.16:30
emwehaving end-call collapse is a bit strange though i must admit16:30
emweother then that, your buttons are just upside-down. sounds easy to fixup.16:30
lodtankhm.. does android have any problems with hidden wlans?16:45
emweiirc there was some talk about it recently, yes.16:46
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arrrghhhi thought acl was fighting that on OMGB16:48
arrrghhhand lodtank that sounds exactly like the RAPH300 too16:48
arrrghhhi think that will be easy to fix.  the keymaps confuse me a little, since it lists multiple keys for each function, but i'll whip you something up to test.16:48
lodtankwell, tell me how to test the keys exactly, i'll do it16:49
lodtanki don't have much experience mit android...16:49
lodtankonly with xdandroid on this one16:49
arrrghhhi'll give you a rootfs16:49
arrrghhhand you'll replace the existing one16:49
arrrghhhchange a setting in your startup.txt16:49
arrrghhhand boot... see if the buttons work as they should16:49
lodtankhm.. i can't connect to my wlan oO16:59
lodtankit's hidden, wpa2 secured16:59
lodtankandroid scans, and finds my neighbours16:59
lodtankso wlan is not totally broken:)16:59
arrrghhhit won't scan and find yours if it's hidden...16:59
lodtanki added it by hand? doesn't that work?17:00
lodtankcan't i force a connect?17:01
arrrghhhi've never tried to connect to a hidden network17:01
arrrghhhnot sure if that works or not.17:01
arrrghhhemwe, ?17:02
arrrghhhmight also be a TI issue.  my network isn't hidden.17:02
emwearrrghhh: didn't it come to light lately that connecting to hidden secured networks was a wpa_supplicant issue?17:04
emwearrrghhh: i am not sure if it was chipset related or not. might be.17:04
emwearrrghhh: don't have hidden network here.17:04
lodtankdamn, seems to be a problem with android17:05
arrrghhhhidden networks isn't really a method for security17:06
arrrghhhas they can be "seen" with any decent software...17:06
lodtanki know17:06
emwelodtank: no, not with android itself. let's call it a specific userland piece tying to kernelland.17:07
emwearrrghhh: you might be right. don't wanna bet on it, it might be "broken" ti wpa_supplicant. acl can confirm for sure i think.17:07
emweyay, bluetooth is up.17:08
lodtankwell, there's a special app for it;)17:09
lodtankbut it also only works with already known networks17:09
arrrghhhemwe, yay17:11
lodtankunhidden -> works :)17:11
xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, Mat C., who says: woot woot - excellent work thanks17:33
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arrrghhhwoot woot indeed17:45
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detuledamnit missed all the fun17:53
arrrghhhyou did17:55
arrrghhhdetule, can you explain to my tiny brain why every button has mutliple key codes?17:56
arrrghhhlike CALL is key 231 and 61?17:56
rpierce99different models send different codes?17:57
rpierce99or so the multiple buttons can do the same thing?17:57
* rpierce99 is shooting in the dark17:57
arrrghhhi guess i'll just try mucking stuff around17:57
arrrghhhand see what works for lodtank17:57
arrrghhhcuz i won't really be able to test this17:58
arrrghhhheh, i guess i could.  enable the keymap on my raph and see if they're reversed for me lol17:58
arrrghhhand i guess i shouldn't say every button has multiples17:58
arrrghhhhome seems to only have one17:58
arrrghhhbut search has 2, and we don't even have a dedicated search button17:58
* arrrghhh is confused17:58
rpierce99i thought some keymaps had ptt -> search17:59
arrrghhhi thought that was only on F22's magical rootfs'17:59
rpierce99yeah, no idea17:59
arrrghhhlet the speculation run wild!  hizzah17:59
rpierce99just change shit and see what happens, what's the worst that could happen, his buttons get all messed up? oh wait...17:59
arrrghhhtime to break stuff18:00
detuleif anyone feels like trying out prox on froyo .27 : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/38520332/prox/prox.tar.gz18:01
arrrghhhi wonder what keymap lodtank is using18:04
arrrghhhi guess the default...18:04
arrrghhhrpierce99, multiple phones is the explanation it seems18:08
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lodtankwhich keymap? what setting?:)18:09
rpierce99detule: what do i do with services.jar, and what is the location for the bind mount of sensors.default.so18:09
lodtanki only changed android to german?18:09
arrrghhhlodtank, will have something for you to test shortly18:10
rpierce99yeah arrrghhh he wiped clean to a new FRX07.1 today18:10
arrrghhhthat's fine18:10
arrrghhhit'll just be an updated rootfs.18:11
arrrghhhlodtank, i am uploading the rootfs now18:21
arrrghhhmight not be right, but it should be different lol18:22
arrrghhhlodtank, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12691845/rootfs-20110930-10e154f_diam200.zip18:23
arrrghhhbasically take that rootfs18:23
arrrghhhand in your startup.txt18:23
arrrghhhlook at the 'set cmdline' section18:23
arrrghhhin between the quotes i need you to add this18:23
arrrghhhmake sure there's at least one space between each command, and all commands go between the quotes...18:25
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arrrghhhcrap it's probably pretty late in germany.18:26
arrrghhhi guess i should attempt to apply this fix for the RAPH400 folk as well.  all one of 'em.18:26
lodtankwell, it's 00:27 here;)18:27
arrrghhhlodtank, can you test that out for me?18:39
arrrghhhi'm curious if it works.... if any buttons are off i can make a change pretty quickly and we can retest.18:40
arrrghhhby we i mean you :P18:40
arrrghhhi'm "at work" right now (at home) so i'll be inandout.  thanks.18:40
lodtanki'll boot it and do some little tests, and then i'm out:) time to sleep;) but i'll stay here in the channel18:41
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arrrghhhlodtank, that's cool.  if you find something wrong, i can put up another and you can test tomorrow hopefully...18:48
lodtankhm... it just behaves the same? i copied the rootfs to my andboot folder? renamed it to rootfs?18:54
lodtankedited the startup as you said18:54
arrrghhhperhaps it doesn't work the same as blac/topa...18:56
lodtankis there something like xev for android?;)18:57
arrrghhhi don't know what that is18:57
arrrghhhi don't know how to tell exactly what keymap you're using either18:58
arrrghhhi guess i'll try to break it on my raph...18:58
lodtankit show's you which keys are pressed on linux, which keycodes and such stuff18:58
arrrghhhthat would be nice18:59
arrrghhhyou didn't have a physkeyboard setting before, correct?18:59
lodtankbtw.. where is a file manager on android?19:00
arrrghhhgotta get one from the Market19:00
arrrghhhi'm thinking about including ASTRO as an APK in AndroidApps....19:01
lodtankhm.. can't login in my google account19:01
lodtankit keeps telling me my connection is unstable..19:01
arrrghhhso no physkeyboard setting means it pulls from the default .dl and .kcm19:01
arrrghhhdefault .kl and .kcm rather19:01
lodtankbut i can't believe the unstable thing.. my router is about 4m away;)19:02
arrrghhhno data plan?19:02
arrrghhhhas Market ever worked?19:02
arrrghhhdoes other stuff work like browsing?19:03
lodtankbrowsing does19:03
arrrghhhmy tiny brain is missing something.19:03
arrrghhhthis worked for blac...19:04
arrrghhhi'll have to ask stinebd19:04
arrrghhhhe'll know right away :P19:04
arrrghhhlodtank, do you have a minute to troubleshoot?19:04
lodtankhm.. a minute, ok;)19:05
lodtankhm.. tried to login into market again -> black desktop19:05
lodtankbar on the top is there19:05
arrrghhhdo you have ADB?19:06
lodtankhad a lot of messages about hanging processes :/19:06
lodtankyeah, i get the market license foo now19:06
arrrghhhit won't be a minute... you can go to sleep.19:06
arrrghhhi'm sure i'm misunderstanding init again.19:06
lodtankhehe:) i'll help you tomorrow, no problem, but it's really time to sleep for me now:)19:07
arrrghhhno worries mate19:07
arrrghhhgood night19:07
lodtankonly one more question..19:07
lodtankwhat does the circle with two arrows in it mean in thetop bar?19:08
arrrghhhit's syncing19:08
lodtankturning clockwise19:08
arrrghhhso if you go settings -> accounts & sync19:08
arrrghhhand look at your google account19:08
arrrghhhyou will see what is syncing19:08
arrrghhhand what is set to sync19:08
lodtankit's really slow right now..19:09
lodtankanyway,thx for all your help19:09
lodtanki'll help debugging tomorrow:)19:09
arrrghhhsync makes things slow...19:09
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arrrghhhi wonder if i can swap keymaps live19:37
arrrghhhthis should be fun19:37
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arrrghhhi wonder if i just had the permissions wrong19:54
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d3tul3rpierce99, *.so should go in /system/lib/hw/ whereas services.jar should go in system/framework .... mount binding over the respective files is ok20:48
d3tul3first boot may take longer (because of the new services.jar)20:49
rpierce99this is a long boot, wow21:04
rpierce99if you hadn't said something i would have rebooted by now thinking it was a bootloop21:04
d3tul3logcat for errors21:05
d3tul3make sure it's not stuck on something21:05
rpierce99W/MountService( 1388): Waiting too long for mReady!21:06
rpierce99about 10 times21:07
d3tul3still on it?21:07
rpierce99yep, it's responsive, but there is nothing on the screen21:08
rpierce99lights come on21:08
rpierce99holding end brings up recent apps21:08
rpierce99but the screen is black21:08
rpierce99i just adb'd it a reboot21:09
rpierce99prox is a little spammy21:10
d3tul3the debugging stuff is in there21:10
d3tul3it should be very spammy21:10
rpierce99hm, lock screen came up after the reboot21:10
rpierce99freaking works, nice21:13
rpierce99made a call and moved my head towards and away a few times, takes a bit to collapse, but that's probably on purpose21:13
d3tul3it has about a second delay or so21:14
d3tul3you can test it with your finger....on the other hand zDeviceTest updates should be instantaneous21:14
rpierce99yeah i don't really care either way, i just don't want to have to unlock the phone after a call21:15
rpierce99or in a call21:15
rpierce99and it works great for that21:15
rpierce99hopefully that stops it from dying after long calls too21:15
rpierce99who knows21:15
d3tul3that would be nice21:15
rpierce99about the only time i ever use it as a phone is conference calls, which are generally at least 30 minutes21:16
arrrghhhyou do conference calls in android rpierce99 ?  ballsy.21:19
rpierce99not usually, i try to use my home phone, but if i'm on the road or the home phone is occupied...21:20
arrrghhhi use gtalk21:20
arrrghhhmainly because the dumbphone they gave me for work doesn't work in my basement.21:20
rpierce99yeah i have been using phone dialing in gmail a lot lately21:21
arrrghhhpretty sweet21:21
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d3tul3don't know why i am clinging to froyo like a madman....oh yeah probably because emwe has done everything that needs to be done on .35 already21:25
rpierce99yeah i can't wait until the goto bundle is .35 + GB21:26
rpierce99just not there yet21:26
arrrghhhGB is getting thar21:26
arrrghhhand .35... well that still has quite a few things.21:26
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