Thursday, 2011-10-06

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raffadnaHi guys could some body help me with my HtC touch pro ?I've installed FroyoB Thunderbolt v1 but Haret does not run...05:29
helicopter88raffadna: this isn't the proper channel for non-xdandroid builds,come on #neopeek to get help05:30
raffadnaI would like only to know the best version for my device,I used an xda builds but now il does not work anymore and I don't know why...05:33
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helicopter88I'm currently using frx07 or neofroyo,first one is more stable,the second one is faster,but there are more bugs05:35
raffadnacould you suggest the best builds for my HtC touch pro raphael??05:44
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raffadnais there somebody that have HTC TOUCH PRO RAPHAEL??06:24
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mgross029emwe / detule / arrrghhh...  My radio dropped this morning just randomly...  I was able to grab a radio log for your reading pleasure...  :p
mgross029This is similar to what has been happening with the latest .27 + acoustic...  Typically after a call07:41
emwemgross029: this was with what components running? kernel and userland version.08:06
emweapart from that off to a meeting soon anywa.y08:06
mgross029modules- this is the .27 kernel08:07
mgross029This was on Froyo btw...08:09
detulethat PDSS command is mysterious08:29
detuleor rather those responses08:30
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detulenot sure what prompts those but i don't see it in the log, maybe something before the log started08:31
detulemgross029, here's some conversation about it
detulesounds like it's something location related - were you using the maps app? (going by what i am reading in the irc log here)08:36
mgross029detule, Thanks...  I was using WAZE yes...08:37
detulewith gps on08:37
mgross029It's happened after a call too...08:38
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emwealways when i look into radiolog it's like a pig looking into a clockwork.08:43
detulenot even sure if that's what choked your radio....08:43
detulesame here08:43
emwedetule: regarding new toolchain, what was your question?08:43
detuleoh does the make command differ?08:43
detulei saw there are some parameters you could issue, but is the need for those negated by whatever patches on make in the config files08:44
emweyap, there's either that make param to produce alligned code assignes, or rather forbid unaligned, or you can disable a kernel config option which disables the sw alignment trap and does it in hw08:45
emwei got a .35 patch it. it's dead simple.08:45
detulek so kernel config and then same make command08:46
mgross029emwe, great job on the latest .35 kernel...  Really runs weill...  Only tried it in Froyo so far...08:47
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emwemgross029: that .35 isn't really different what was before08:47
emweonly calmed down smd rpcrouter debugging... whcih might have an impact. dunno.08:48
mgross029Yeah I noticed there wasn't much changed but it seemed to run faster...08:48
emwemgross029: perhaps the very verbose debugging had its effects08:48
emwedetule: you are gonna test performance with new toolchain?08:49
detulewell i tried to build 39 with your 35 patch and same make command i was issuing as before and it wouldn't boot (This a week or so ago)08:49
detulei was trying to figure out what i did wrong08:49
detuleby the way found a missing clock commit on 3908:49
emwewhich explains that slowness?08:50
mgross029detule, how far did you get on the boot?08:50
emweregarding toolchain: either new toolchain+patch+no make switch or old toolchain+nopatch+makeparam08:50
detuleemwe, no idea if it's going to cure it or not, but i am running with the patch now and if it survives the next 48 hrs without the bug cropping up i'll declare myself the savior of 3908:50
detuleemwe, your clocks are way different08:52
detulethan 2708:52
detuleer different to my untrained eyes that is08:52
detule"these non-aligned08:58
detule          fetch/store instructions will be emulated in software if you say08:58
detule          here, which has a severe performance impact."08:58
emwedetule: that's alex' clocks, and yeah, a tad bit different.09:25
emwenever touched it.09:25
emwetime to rebase ... no time.09:25
detulerebase to what09:26
detuleemwe,  it doesn't matter that your prox_en and prox_int_n gpios are switched from what's in acl's tree?09:40
detuleer nevermind didn't see his later patch -> corrections for gpio my bad09:51
emweyeah, but what made me whonder is, that his original patch had it like mahimahi board file09:56
emweif you film the sensor area with another camera you see the blueish light flickering/blinking09:56
emwedoes here as well09:56
emwelike in abels youtube vid09:56
emwehaving the gpio inverted does not enable it. so it seems correct as it is. just doesn't fire the irq so the isr isn't triggered in the driver.09:56
emwedetule: rebase to alex' tree and start on over. i am tired off cherry picking in his stuff09:57
emwedetule: will have to redo most of the upstream patches and "daily use" fixes.09:57
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detuleemwe this more elaborate disable_irq/enable_irq that acl has in the enable function of the driver -> that wouldn't make a difference?10:07
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mgross029detule, still around?11:45
detulein and out11:46
mgross029Remember when I talking about getting the FC in gb on
mgross029Well I put the new .35 kernel on from emwe and now I don't get the FC message, but instead my screen goes black then it goes back to the home screen and the radio gets disabled which disconnects me...11:48
mgross029Wonder if it has something to do with the prox sensor stuff he is working on...11:48
detulethe radio business/back to home screen sounds same as before no?11:49
detulethe black screen , dunno that could be prox related i guess, but i was under the impression the proximity sensor wasn't actually working11:49
detulecouple of ways you could test this i gues11:49
mgross029Not exactly...  I never get the FC message on my screen...11:49
detule"cat proc/interrupts"11:50
detulesee if you see anything about "prox" there11:50
mgross029While making the phone call right?11:50
detuleno before11:50
mgross029I have seen prox info in my logcat before...11:51
detulethis is different11:51
detulecounts how many times the prox interrupt has fired11:51
mgross029Ok...  I'll pull that...11:51
detuleso basically read the number once11:51
detulethen make a call try to activate the prox sensor and coax it into action11:51
detuleand read the number again11:51
mgross029Yep...  How many times it is tapping it on the shoulder...  :p11:51
detuleif the two numbers differ the interrupt has fired11:51
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detule(take all this with a grain of salt, i am no expert on this)11:52
mgross029NP...  Good start...  Thanks...  I'll post a pastebin when I'm done...11:53
detulei wonder if there is a prox sensor app on the market that will let you do this without using the phone app which already seems faulty11:54
mgross029Well there is Androsensor which monitors multiple sensors on the phone..11:54
detuleyeah do that or sensor test11:55
arrrghhhzDeviceTest as well11:56
mgross029arrrghhh lives...  :p11:57
mgross029Thought you were sleeping over there... heh11:57
arrrghhheh, working.  same difference.11:57
arrrghhhlol @ elesbb11:58
mgross029Yeah...  Me too...  Swamped but always time for some xdandroid fun...  :p11:58
arrrghhhi have soooo much crap to do today.  probably won't be around much.  just caught up on the logs11:59
arrrghhhi saw prox stuff and got excited :P11:59
mgross029Our next Disaster Recovery test starts Monday...  Bleh...12:00
arrrghhhwe've gotta do one of those soon12:01
arrrghhhdisconnect cables, shutdown servers, see what explodes.12:01
mgross029We go rebuild everything in NJ...12:02
arrrghhhwe have a facility in another state12:02
arrrghhhthat is quickly becoming an exact mirror of our data center here12:02
mgross029Luckily I don't have to go up there this time...  Manager and Director are going, so that should be interesting...  heh12:02
mgross029I keep pushing to insource ours, but no money...12:03
arrrghhhyea, that's always the problem12:04
detuleer mgross029 which gb are you running?12:04
arrrghhhwe're spending a shitton of money to have this alternate data center mirror our DC up here.12:04
mgross029emwe's acoustic version...12:04
detulethe prox stuff in libsensors, that's pretty recent12:04
detulechances are whatever you are running doesn't have userland support for prox12:05
arrrghhhyea, i don't think emwe put that in our image... i can't remember.12:05
arrrghhhso many images.12:05
detule(it wouldn't/shouldn't even be polling the sensor)12:05
mgross029It isn't...12:05
mgross029Actually just lost connection to it from ADB and I can't turn the screen back on...12:06
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arrrghhhhow goes it emwe12:07
mgross029He was listening...12:07
mgross029detule, actually I think I was wrong...  154:          0     msmgpio  capella_cm360212:09
mgross029That shows up on /proc/interrupts12:09
detuleright interrupt hasn't fired12:10
mgross029That was when the phone was idle...12:10
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mgross029Interrupt probably won't fire until I make a phone call right?12:11
detulei have no idea how that sensor is polled -> might fire on just changes in proximity?12:11
mgross029Ok...  Yeah...  Didn't even get to the market before it locked up on me...  rebooting now...12:12
detulei think the market exercise is pointless as is the phone apk business neither of those are looking for proximity if you don't have the right libsensors12:12
detule(it's probably the case that the prox sensor isn't even powering on)12:14
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emweehm.... init: no such service 'dhcpcd_wlan0'12:15
mgross029detule, emwe 154:          2     msmgpio  capella_cm3602  It fired twice when trying to make a call...12:19
emwethat's the enable and disable, yes. but it should fire "constantly" when light condition changes.12:20
emweonly then it will trigger reporting12:20
mgross029Ok...  I was pulling a logcat -v time, logcat -v time -b radio and a cat /proc/kmsg plus the cat /proc/interrupts at the same time...  I'll look through those to see if anything reported around when the call was made12:22
emwewill likely get an image out later for you guys to test.12:26
emwesupper time.12:27
mgross029Ok...  Thanks emwe...  Enjoy...12:27
mgross029I'll pastbin portions of these logs where the problem occurred...12:27
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arrrghhhemwe, good eats.  new test image for.. prox? :D12:28
arrrghhhi think my SD card has been thoroughly slaughtered.12:36
arrrghhhit doesn't want to boot any build lol12:36
mgross029arrrghhh, been seeing 8GB Class 10 on sale for around $10 like crazy lately...12:38
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caliban2yeah arrrghhh, buy a class10 and still be unable to boot any build :D12:40
arrrghhhmgross029, yea i don't know if a c10 card is a good idea12:41
mgross029I think that is what I am running on...  Checking to see what I ordered...12:41
mgross029Haven't had a problem with booting...12:42
arrrghhhyou didn't read teh forums12:42
arrrghhhhyc killed a c10 card after a few months12:42
arrrghhhand some can't use 'em at all12:42
arrrghhhseems to be a crapshoot.12:42
arrrghhhbesides, c10 cards are really only good for HD video, like a camcorder.12:42
detuleemwe, can you use gpio_to_irq before gpio_direction_input in _setup? this seems erroneous12:42
arrrghhhi wonder what a defrag would do12:43
arrrghhhi guess it's worth a shot.12:44
mgross029arrrghhh, well I haven't had any problems...  Maybe they are not Class 10...  Can't remember where I ordered them from now...12:47
arrrghhhwell, there's a lot of people that said c10 cards are bad juju12:47
arrrghhhbesides, there's no benefit in our phones...12:47
arrrghhhso why buy c10?12:47
mgross029Yeah...  I saw that after I bought these...12:47
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mgross029I just remember reading it now...12:47
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mgross029C10 is what I've seen on sale lately...  Maybe for a good reason... heh12:48
arrrghhheh like i said they're good in camcorders12:49
arrrghhhdownright necessary depending on the quality of video you're shooting.12:49
arrrghhhwell defrag seems to be doing something... just retardedly slow12:54
arrrghhhthis card probably has had it.  couple of years running Android, gawd knows how many formats and reshufflings...12:55
detulearrrghhh, can you use .35 with froyo?12:58
arrrghhhi would assume so12:58
arrrghhhmgross029 said he did... why?12:58
arrrghhh(you'll need an acoustic build, i have a link if you wish)12:58
detulethat's ok no sound is fine for now thanks12:59
mgross029Finally found it...  Bought them back in the beginning of July and they are Class 4... heh12:59
arrrghhhyou didn't just look at the card itself?  lol13:00
mgross029detule, Yes...  .35 works well with froyo actually...  Just sysfs is missing so parts...13:00
arrrghhhyou and the ...13:00
arrrghhhi thought i overused it :P lol13:01
mgross029Tried but the writing was too small and did not have a magnifing glass...13:01
mgross029some* not so...13:02
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emwedetule: can you elaborate a bit more?13:29
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detulemight be only a design specification...13:46
emwedetule: ok, i don't understand though, yet, why i'd request a irq from that gpio and then don't use it to request_irq() ...13:46
emwegoing to try it just in case for the power gpio.13:46
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emwedetule: if you got htc_ls_microp.c at hand... either i need a holiday or... get_ls_adc_level() the for-loop. how the hell does it ever reach a high adc_level value? am i just braindead (today)?13:50
detulethat loop returns values between 0 and 10 right?13:51
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detuleemwe, then you map them to lux values in sensors?13:51
detulewhen i wrote it in dbgfs i had it return adc_level*255/9 to map it on notches between 0 and 25513:53
emwedetule: yeah, but lets say i get 0x3ff (1023) reported the break conditions is if (adc_value <= levels[i]) ... so if (0x3ff <= 1) the first case. how does adc_level ever get that high then?13:53
emweoh lol. brainded. haha.13:53
emweoh boy.13:53
emweforget. ignore. erase chatlogs. plz. someone.13:54
arrrghhhthe damage has been done emwe13:54
emweunbelievable arrrghhh.13:55
rpierce99don't worry emwe, arrrghhh has no idea what you just said13:56
arrrghhhare you assuming that because you have no idea what he just said?  lol13:56
emwenah, he just plays dumb for not having to maintain userland.13:56
rpierce99no i'm assuming that because you don't write code arrrghhh13:56
arrrghhhyou forget i used to13:57
arrrghhhand i still poke around.. yeesh.13:57
rpierce99i'll believe it when I see it :)13:57
arrrghhhi've done some rootfs modifications13:57
arrrghhhnothing fancy.13:57
arrrghhhwho cares?  i never pretend to be a developer.13:58
rpierce99i'm not judging14:00
rpierce99no need to be sensetive14:00
rpierce99it was a joke because you made it seem like you were judging emwe, which was also a joke I'm sure14:01
emweit was not funny i pulled the idiot card ;)14:02
arrrghhhwhole lotta judging going on14:02
arrrghhhi don't see any swimsuit models14:03
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detuleugh 35 boots in landscape14:08
detulei can't flip the kbd open14:08
arrrghhhin FroYo?14:08
arrrghhhhit the back button14:08
detulethat worked thanks14:09
emwewhat? landscape?14:10
emwei should be silent for today. it's for sure a totally obvious thing why it boots in landscape. just to dumb to grasp it. sure.14:11
detulewell i can't test anything on the sensor because it doesn't even power up for me....which i guess makes sense, it powers up on enable/disable from userland right?14:14
emwedetule: yes. fire up AndroSensors or zDeviceTest14:15
detuleemwe on froyo?14:16
emweah eh14:16
emwei think it just reads without any enable/disable14:16
emwedon't care that much for froyo honestly.14:16
detulesure....i didn't see it power on in _probe14:17
detulei tried putting that gpio_to_irq after gpio_direction for p_out14:18
emwedoesn't it say it's common error calling gpio_direction_input() without doing gpio_to_irq() before? and that is already done.14:20
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detuleemwe, i think it says that it is an (unchecked) error to call gpio_to_irq without calling gpio_direction_input first14:22
detulethis is what i see happening in the _setup function in the driver14:22
emwethat's how abel has it on .27 nand and htc on ace-.3514:23
emweok, that gpio.txt wording leaves room for mine and your interpretation honestly.14:25
detulei don't know it makes sense though to declare the gpio as input before requesting an interrupt for it.....dunno perhaps my ignorance is showing....not worth much but microp-keypad is setup the way i am saying14:25
detulewhat's a good driver to check?14:25
emweone not touched by htc and us? ;)14:26
detulesomething generic :)14:26
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detulethough if acl's driver is setup the same way , and his seems to be working properly, than in all likelihood this is not an issue14:31
arrrghhhdid prox actually work for him?14:35
arrrghhhi think he said it partially worked, but the numbers seemed skewed14:36
emwedetule: moved the gpio_to_irq below the gpio_direction_input(). no help.14:37
detuleemwe, thanks for entertaining my ideas on a busy day14:38
emweit was an idea, so why not try it.14:38
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detulebtw the clock commit on 39 was a fruitless labor14:45
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emwedetule: got varying - userland conrolled - keyboard backlight going. buttons don't do varied, as liblights just does on/off. you think it's worthwhile making it varied as well? think so that would be good.15:44
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f00bar80i have FRX07_Full_Bundle_20110715 on RHOD210 for more than 3 weeks now, today i can't boot in , on screen keep throwing duplicate definition for service, any idea what's wrong ?15:49
arrrghhhf00bar80, i'd guess data.img blasting would be in order15:50
f00bar80arrrghhh, so i need to replace data.img ?15:51
arrrghhhjust as a test15:51
arrrghhhrename it15:51
f00bar80arrrghhh, renamed it to data.bak , tried to boot, got the new data created and again getting the same errors on the screen , init.rc: #: iginred duplicate definition of service ..15:56
arrrghhhyou're not running anything special?15:57
arrrghhhjust FRX07.1?  what kernel/rootfs?15:57
arrrghhhi had this issue when i was testing acoustic and .3515:57
arrrghhhi figured it was related to one of those two things...15:57
f00bar80which comes with this bundle , didn't get any custom kernel or fs15:57
detuleemwe non-varied i think is fine15:58
arrrghhhthat's... odd.15:58
arrrghhhi guess backup all your data on the card and format it with the HP tool...?15:58
arrrghhhi don't know what would cause that duplicate definition error.15:58
detuleemwe, i have the CAPS/FN patches bored from working on other things?15:58
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emwedetule: i think i was too fast waiting for your answer...15:59
emwedetule: can keep it gb for now.15:59
f00bar80arrrghhh, FRX07.1_Full_Bundle is the last release ??15:59
emwedetule: patches for froyo or gb?16:00
emweand no.. i am not bored.16:00
arrrghhhf00bar80, full bundle, yes.16:00
arrrghhhthere's been some minor updates to the incrementals16:00
detuleemwe kernel patches are for 2716:00
arrrghhhbut nothing major.  nothing that would effect RHOD16:00
f00bar80arrrghhh, then i have to reinstall :S16:01
arrrghhhf00bar80, ?16:01
detuleemwe, the userland patches are built for froyo but i suspect they might be identical i just copy pasted cyano16:01
emwedetule: send them along so i can look and see what you did. ;)16:01
arrrghhhf00bar80, backup the card, format it, restore the data.16:01
arrrghhhunless you want to start over... i don't care.16:01
f00bar80arrrghhh, is there no upcoming 2.3 ?16:02
detuleemwe, for the record this needs to be tested on RAPH and whatever other devices have caps/fn led16:02
arrrghhhf00bar80, we've had a gb build for months now.  Since March.16:02
arrrghhhit's just not as stable16:02
emwearrrghhh: you must admit that olg gb build isn't on par how gb is now.16:03
arrrghhhemwe, but you must admit, even with the newest changes you've made the GB build still isn't as good as FroYo...16:03
emwearrrghhh: i don't use froyo. wouldn't dare to go back honestly.16:04
emwei can't complain. still waiting your jitless experiments.16:04
arrrghhhdata flakiness is especially maddening.  i was running it for a few days there, and now i can't get a data cxn at all.16:04
arrrghhhi needs mah data.16:04
arrrghhhyea, i was running with JIT on.  seemed fine.  didn't try to recreate the bug tho16:04
arrrghhhthe reason we disabled it so long ago...16:04
emwegoing to google a bit for the data issue.16:04
arrrghhhbut i'm on a conference call.  bbl.16:04
f00bar80arrrghhh, from where i can get the gb bundle ?16:04
arrrghhhprobably some PPP differences emwe16:05
arrrghhhf00bar80, the forums?16:05
arrrghhhsame place you got the FroYo build from...16:05
emwef00bar80: don't try it. stick to froyo unless there's a new gb build, honeslty.16:05
arrrghhhmister i won't go back to froyo :P16:05
emwethat old build compared to the new is imho comparing apples and carotts.16:06
arrrghhhno offense, but other than GPS what's fixed on the new?16:06
emweok, i am exagerating a bit :P16:06
f00bar80arrrghhh, url ?16:06
arrrghhhf00bar80, i don't have time, you can't search!@?!!?16:06
emwearrrghhh: ok, i am biased.16:06
arrrghhhemwe, :P16:06
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emwewhonder what i was committing the last months to gb when it didn't improve.16:07
arrrghhhdunno.  new gb release would be nice, but stine doesn't want to release until the BT blocker on TI is resolved.16:07
emweok, could replicate the crash with topa and .27-acoustic kernel16:10
emwe(acoustic doesn't matter here)16:10
detuleemwe, sent, let me know if you have feedback16:10
emwedetule: might need till tomorrow.16:10
emwearrrghhh: here's the likely gb-ti-bt fix:   wasn't hard to find with some google translate of a chinese site :)16:26
arrrghhhpass it on to stinebd16:26
arrrghhhor try it yourself, you haz raph16:26
emweand topa on which i just replicated.16:27
arrrghhhah, i forgot TOPA is TI as well.16:27
arrrghhhso it's fixed it on TOPA...?16:27
arrrghhhor you recreated the BT bug on TOPA?16:27
emwebug recreated. just found the patch.... but not the patch download button on github. WTF.16:28
emweit#s a fucking one liner. nevertheless wan't to give credit.16:30
arrrghhhwell i would test the patch, to see if it indeed fixes the problem.16:32
arrrghhhthen worry about giving credit...16:32
detuleon github16:32
detuleadd .patch16:32
detuleto the commit URL16:32
detuleit will spit out the .patch16:32
emwethank you detule  :)16:33
arrrghhhheh.  that's a cute trick.16:33
f00bar80arrrghhh, i think you have a RHOD210 or maybe i'm wrong, this GBX0A has any issues on RHOD210 ??16:34
arrrghhhi have a 40016:34
arrrghhhthe issues are listed in the thread.16:34
emwedetule: you are keeping up to date with froyo repo?16:37
detuleer that's a good question, not in a month or so damnit, do i need to rebuilt those patches16:38
emwedetule: thinking about pushing the varied button thingy also to froyo so we keep the two trees in sync. if we don't like it, we can go back later on, or just fix up the overlay config.xml.16:38
arrrghhhare you going to un-patch the kernel as well...?16:38
arrrghhhremove wistilt2's hack for getting it to work is what i mean.16:38
emwenot looked at the patches. i do assume that went out. :)16:39
detuleemwe, by the way i found a small one-line change that allows the PowerManager to make light adjustments on-the-fly rather than only on screen on16:39
detuleemwe, i don't quite understand, the varied button backlight -> that's just an overlay change right?16:39
emwedetule: it's a liblights change as well. we can change what values go to kernelland via the overlay table, though. we can make it all 255 if we like.16:40
emwedetule: just don't wan't the code between the branches identical16:41
emwegoing to push the little thingy. likely someone needs to "fixup" froyo overlay config.xml like i did for froyo.16:41
emwe(if that is yet perfect is written on another paper)16:41
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detuleemwe, you don't want the code between the branches identical? man i am slow today16:42
emwedetule: no, i wan't it identical. and i already pushed the liblights patch to gb. and then you said you'd like to keep buttons fixed, not varied. but i just pushed to froyo as well as like them to be identical. if we don't like it, we revert on both branches.16:43
detuleoh looking at the patch now...whew understood - i think what you are doing is just fine16:45
emwei can only guess it's fine :)16:45
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detulek i may need to rebuild those liblights patches i sent you against this current tree16:46
* emwe keeps secret that button backlight isn't even added for rhod on .3516:46
emwedetule: i haven't tried. perhaps they are just fine.16:46
emwedetule: you can rebase quite easily16:46
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detule"git rebase" is on my "to learn" list16:47
emwegit branch -t froyo-rebase-test; git checkout froyo-rebase-test; git rebase gitorious/froyo -i and then look what happens.16:47
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emwe(initial command done from your local froyo branch tracking gitorious/froyo)16:47
emweyou can throw all stuff away if it doesn't work out good. worst you need to fixup with a manual merge.16:48
detulemagic happens16:52
detulethanks emwe it took me to some sort of a text shell initially that i just ":q" exited out of, then did the rebase16:52
stinebdemwe: that does not fix ti bt btw16:53
emwestinebd: ouch. you crash my hopes.16:56
stinebdjust didn't want you wasting your time to roll a test image just for that16:57
stinebdlike i did16:57
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emwestinebd: what is though, when it doesn't crash anymore on topa?16:57
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* stinebd shrugs16:58
emwestinebd: .2716:59
emwestinebd: just discovered my topa from my thinkpad.16:59
emwedunno what else bt'ish to test...16:59
stinebdcould you reproduce the crash on topa before?16:59
emweyap, half an hour ago16:59
emwesame kernel16:59
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stinebdwell i don't know about topa, all i know is on my raph it still crashes with that patch17:00
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stinebdi was going to look at this more on saturday but i gotta work17:01
emwestinebd: just paired fine. before it just crashed system_server17:01
detuletake it easy guys, i am out17:02
emwelaters detule.17:02
emwe(crashed system_server short after enabling)17:02
stinebdafter enabling?17:02
stinebdas in the check mark comes on?17:02
arrrghhhdetule, peace17:02
emwewell, used power widget to enable. think that is near the "checkmark" ;)17:03
stinebddid the green line at the bottom come on?17:03
stinebdor was it only kinda green?17:03
emwedarkish green, then crash17:04
emwejust transfered a file to topa17:04
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stinebdi believe you17:04
stinebdcould it be that it needs a make clean?17:05
emweit has rebuilt quite some stuff17:05
stinebdok i'll try that and see, then17:05
emwei got issues with wifi on topa, though.17:07
stinebdwhat kind of issues?17:07
emwefails to get an up17:07
stinebdprobably missing a merge from froyo17:07
emwehm... Set_key: Wrong Key << typo in passphrase?17:08
emwe E/wpa_supplicant( 2071): Set_key: Wrong Key17:08
stinebddon't bother17:09
stinebdthere's a missing merge then17:09
stinebdi had that in froyo when i forgot to merge something17:09
emwe<3>[ 1136.973876] init: no such service 'dhcpcd_wlan0:-h android_ad07f88d53a0d8ac wlan0'17:10
emwestinebd: you still remember in which area?17:10
stinebdlibh_l or system/core or some crap17:12
emwecan't spot stuff in libh_l17:19
emwesystem/core has some bcrm patchram stuff17:19
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stinebdalso check init.rc17:21
stinebdit was something painfully nonobvious17:23
emwestinebd: that's the only diff. the rest i took over some time ago.17:31
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d3tul3emwe, i think i was overthinking something when i was writing that kernel patch -> i'll have something more elegant tomorrow18:06
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emwed3tul3: no hurries. just gb'ed my RAPH. no froyo device left.18:06
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emwearrrghhh: you are in the dog house talking bad about gb. :P18:09
arrrghhhi love gb, just wish i could run it daily18:09
arrrghhhthe data issues kill me...18:09
emwelet me google shortly tomorrow for a one liner.18:10
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arrrghhhemwe, you keep it up brotha.  one line at a time...18:11
emweyah, better then my never finished .3518:12
emwe"my" is relative.18:12
emweok, raph doesn't crash with gb-tibt18:12
emwebut somehow very flaky to discover from thinkpad.18:12
emwei'll let stine verify. going to hold on.18:13
arrrghhhif you want cook up an image18:14
arrrghhhi haz a RAPH i can test on.l18:14
emwearrrghhh: you still got the .27-acoustic kernel around?18:18
emwearrrghhh: and btw.. did i name the other images frx07.1plus instead gbx0aplus?18:18
arrrghhhyes you named them frx07.1plus18:18
arrrghhhand i don't have the RAPH here now...18:18
arrrghhhbut i do have a .27 acoustic kernel for it18:18
emweok. just packed up the sytem image.18:19
emwearrrghhh: mail out. have fun.18:23
arrrghhhso that's for testing on RAPH18:24
arrrghhhon .27+acoustic18:24
emwefor any device.18:24
arrrghhhand see what BT does?18:24
emweyes, acoustic18:24
arrrghhhwat am i testing18:24
emweyeah, includes the likely tibt18:24
emweyou can drive it on the rhod as well, though i meant.18:24
emwealso try wifi on raph. shouldn't work. can't get it to work on raph and topa18:25
emwecan't get ip adress dhcp'ed.18:25
emwei am out. leaving the box on though for the upload.18:25
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arrrghhhdamn you emwe18:28
arrrghhhhe said the build includes prox... what a tease.  we all know that doesn't work.18:31
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