Thursday, 2011-09-29

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t0gus4how to mount the phone on linux?04:27
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t0gus4xdandroid phone, connected to usb port on linux04:49
t0gus4in order to browse?04:49
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ryannathansslide down teh menu at the top05:50
ryannathansshare files via usb05:50
ryannathansusb mass storage mode05:50
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mgross029emwe, Hey How's it going?10:25
emwetrying to figure the autobl=on keyb-bl issue10:26
emweneed some distraction from the prox10:26
mgross029That is for the Raph right?10:27
emweand for rhod.10:27
mgross029Oh...  The auto brightness issue...10:27
emwesame issue. autobl=on and slide out keyb -> keybbl turns off, or is off10:27
arrrghhhryannathans, you are evil.  you know mass storage mode doesn't work.10:27
emwetoggle to manual brightness and keybbl turns on.10:28
emwearrrghhh: hey.10:28
arrrghhht0gus4, adb you can 'browse' the phone10:28
arrrghhhemwe, yo10:28
ryannathansarrrghhh: does for me10:28
emwearrrghhh: got a chance to test the froyo image? likely no worky.10:28
ryannathansnever fails10:28
t0gus4I just want to connect and mount like an external drive10:28
arrrghhhryannathans, are you partitioned?10:28
* ryannathans looks down10:28
arrrghhht0gus4, it doesn't work10:28
arrrghhhemwe, not yet10:28
emwearrrghhh: doesn't work on raph. rhod not tested. debugging with raph now.10:29
arrrghhht0gus4, i guess i shouldn't say that.  it obviously does, if you partition your card and install the build as such lol10:29
arrrghhhemwe, kk10:29
arrrghhhi might have time @ work today.10:29
arrrghhhnever have time for this project after work anymore...10:29
emweno worries.10:30
t0gus4right but since I'm running xdandroid from the SDCard10:30
emwearrrghhh: you are taking care of *my* TOPAers. so ...10:30
t0gus4probably not a good idea to partition it10:30
arrrghhhemwe, lol10:31
arrrghhht0gus4, ok10:31
arrrghhht0gus4, then no USB mass storage.10:31
t0gus4but thanks10:31
arrrghhhyou'll have to use ADB.  it fakes it10:31
arrrghhhdroid explorer does a really good job of faking it.  win-only tho.10:31
* t0gus4 searches ADB10:31
arrrghhht0gus4, go to the FAQ10:32
emwedamnit, wheres devtools on froyo!?10:32
arrrghhhemwe, dead10:32
emwei hate when that doesn't ship10:32
arrrghhhin development.apk...10:32
emwesame as apidemos. good tools10:32
arrrghhhemwe, i put the apk in androidapps10:32
t0gus4thanks arrrghhh10:32
arrrghhht0gus4, np.  don't listen to ryannathans.  he's full of lies and deceit.10:32
emwearrrghhh: yeah, i got a shitload of apk here...10:33
arrrghhhoh well.  i have to go to work.  cya guys.10:33
* t0gus4 searches for ADB for ArchLunux10:33
emwet0gus4: it's part of the android sdk10:33
emwet0gus4: cli only. rather a development tool. Android Debug Bridge10:34
t0gus4Ya I'm just looking for one that'll work on my distro10:35
t0gus4I'll prob have to compile it10:35
emwethe sdk should contain an x86 elf binary.10:37
emwei doubt google has opensourced it.10:37
emwenot sure though..10:37
t0gus4heh I'll give it a go10:38
detuledownload sdk then download platform-tools through the sdk interface10:39
emwedetule: is your liblights patch quite ready?10:40
detuleemwe, yes the charging/taskbar notification part is...i was hoping to add a ringer/led support, but i guess i would need someone with service on their raph to test that10:41
emwedetule: there's ring/call support in lights api?10:42
detuleyeah through the attention already calls it, it's all in place10:42
emweah cool10:42
detulei just need to tell it what to do10:42
emwewell, i can plug in the sime here. not right now, but i am around.10:43
detulei guess this is relevant to rhod/topa as well, though not sure i want the led to do anything on an incoming call10:43
emweyeah, dunno what else to light on rhod topa10:43
emweshould in in silent mode only, no?10:43
emweor is the alert only called in silent (non vibrate) mode only, anyway?10:44
detulethat would require patches outside of liblights10:44
detulealert is called on Ring10:44
emwewe should figure some more led magic before we do this fro topa/rhod i'd say10:44
emweif you got some patches ready, mail them over so i can apply them here for the builds10:45
t0gus4the SDK seems to work on Arch10:47
t0gus4Downloading the platform-tools as suggested10:47
mgross029emwe, just for fun I was watching my /proc/kmsg with auto_bl enable and disabled...  When auto_bl disabled I see this microp-ksc: micropksc_set_kbd_led_state (102)  When enabled I don't see this come across kmsg...10:47
mgross029Just thought I would see if I could assist...  You may already know this...10:48
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emwemgross029: yeah, right, it skips it. already debugging PowerManagerService.java10:48
emwedebugging in the means of enabling debug output there and see what it actually gets reported as ls-value and what it selects to push to kernelland via liblights10:49
emwe(if at all)10:49
emwei think we report 0 as ls-value10:49
mgross029Ok...  Understood...10:50
detuleactually micropksc_set_kbd_led_state does something stupid regardless of the argument passed to it10:50
detuleit always executes the same thing10:50
emweit massages it to 7 bit?10:50
emweoh... man, i am lazy to look up :)10:51
detuleno it writes 1 to that QWERTY_ENABLER for RHOD/KOVSKY10:51
detuleexcept it does it for raph too10:51
emwedamnit, looking at abels nand .2710:52
emweone sec10:52
emwewhat's wrong about it? at leat from the code that is just the enable disabler...10:54
emweok, it doesn't tell it which brightness for raph. do you mean that?10:55
detuleyeah i mean even if you pass 0 to set_kbd_led10:56
detulewhich should somehow mean turn off10:56
detule(i guess)10:56
emwe0 should turn it off, yes. what is missing is setting an eventual brightness to raph keyb.10:57
detuleright it never configures a raph payload10:57
emwebecause it was likely never there and we only enable/disable for it10:57
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detuleexcept i dont see where the disable is10:57
emweone sec... never tested manual bl how the keybbl behaves.10:57
emweehm... wtf.10:59
emwewhat's that voodoo in micropklt_set_kbd_state()...11:00
emwelol, another function export.11:00
detuleyeah it's a maze11:01
detulealright emwe i got the kernel and the lights patch, mailing these to you - and then at some point mailing these to the ML (after you tell me all the things i did wrong)?11:02
emwewhat should be wrong? except the usual spaces vs tabs indendation and coding style?! ;)11:02
emweok, whatever that bug is it must be userland.11:05
emweit did spit out several times the debug messaeges which ligth values it sends to liblights for lcd,keyb and btns. stopped.11:05
emwethen 09-29 17:01:49.250 D/PowerManagerService( 3175): enableLightSensor false11:06
emwe09-29 17:01:51.510 D/PowerManagerService( 3175): enableLightSensor true11:06
emweand that's it. no more debug output about which values it selected from the config.xml overlay11:06
emweand slide out is off, slide in is on for raph here11:06
detuleer so i guess you are expecting something about keyboard there11:07
emweeven toggling to manubl keeps the keybbl on when slid-in11:07
emweexpected this as before:11:07
emwe09-29 17:00:03.640 D/PowerManagerService( 3175): lightSensorChangedLocked 011:07
emwe09-29 17:00:03.640 D/PowerManagerService( 3175): lcdValue 2511:07
emwe09-29 17:00:03.640 D/PowerManagerService( 3175): buttonValue 25511:07
emwe09-29 17:00:03.640 D/PowerManagerService( 3175): keyboardValue 25511:07
emweso it spits out what vals it selects11:07
emweas we report 0 lumen, this is the values of the autobrightness arrays at index 011:07
emweif you are interessted open it up.11:08
emwe(if my explanation yesterday wasn't good)11:08
detulei can't open my kbd11:08
emwei mean, open up the config.xml if that still interessts you how the values actually get "selected" and sent over to liblights.11:08
detulebut I am looking at PowerManagerService - we're using mUserSoftwareAuto*11:08
detulemUseSoftware blah11:09
detuleok i see in PowerManager where it spits out those values, so the issue is after that the kbd doesn't light up?11:11
emweit stops going through that code11:12
detuleso i guess the failure is somewhere on line 222911:12
emweehm, is this a typo as well?11:15
emweah, apparently not ;)11:16
emwetwice buttonBrightnessOverride.11:16
emweok, what you see as a failure there?11:16
detuleok i think i am not up to speed, and you are doing a fine job of explaining things i am just a bit slow catching up -> what's the symptom exactly, are you trying to figure out why the keyboard backlight stays on when you slide in the kbd?11:17
emweand why it turns off when slid-out, yap11:17
emwewhich should be the same behaviour on rhod and froyo11:18
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detuleis the slide in/out flag this mKeyboardVisible11:18
emwebut: it usually works the first trials and then stops working11:18
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emweyap it is from what i grasp detule. doing a more debuggish build again...11:19
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fishingmedicdetule, so far so good on the new RIL, AFAIK no missed calls, at least no one complaining that I didn't answer, and no voice mails showing up without having the phone ring.11:19
fishingmedicI'll let you know if there are further issues, but so far so good, even with the airave on.11:21
detuleso it's this setKeyboardVisibility function that PowerManager defines and then it's presumably used elsewhere (where?)11:22
arrrghhhfishingmedic, you seem to be the guy who sets the bar for this problem lol11:22
detuleemwe, perhaps it's best to add a LOGD statement in set_light_keyboard in liblights to figure out what exactly gets passed to the lights library11:27
emwedetule: with the "bug" presetn i get tons of this:11:30
emwe09-29 17:27:35.320 D/PowerManagerService( 3724): setScreenBrightnessOverride -111:30
emwe09-29 17:27:35.320 D/PowerManagerService( 3724): setButtonBrightnessOverride -111:30
emwedetule: 139711:30
emwethat looks like 1 second intervals it's coming in. likely sensors reporting. wth..11:32
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fishingmedicarrrghhh, it's because I have people who piss and moan when I don't answer their calls and I'm on the road so much, my phone is my lifeline11:44
fishingmedicalthough I can't say it's not nice when some of the calls don't ring through ; )11:44
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emwearrrghhh: btw, totally offtopic, we got a volume level issue. i got my ringer/notification to 75% level and its low. i switch full and back to 75% and they are much louder then before. this is similar/identical to the dialtone thing you observed and i confirmed. just fyi. so yet another thing to fix.11:48
emwearrrghhh: was whondering why my noti-sounds are so calm...11:49
arrrghhhglad you can confirm my craziness11:49
arrrghhhsometimes that stuff is hard to describe..11:49
emweyap. so it needs a ramp up full and we can go back and it's fine. just no idea yet where to start looking for the issue there :)11:49
emwenow back to lights...11:50
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arrrghhhemwe, np11:55
arrrghhhseems there's a few volume control problems11:55
emwealso on other devices not just rhod?11:56
arrrghhhand i had audio completely fail on me yesterday, but had to deal with an important phone call so i didn't get logs.11:56
arrrghhhemwe, yes the issues are across the board AFAIK11:56
emwehadn't audio fail here...11:56
emweok, good to know at least ;)11:56
arrrghhhyea it sucked11:56
arrrghhhno ringing on call11:56
arrrghhhthen i answered, completely dead.  no sound.11:56
arrrghhhcouldn't hear me on the far end either11:56
emwehmhmhmhm. i don't wanna hear about issues.11:57
* emwe goes visit microp-keypad.c11:57
mgross029emwe, went into gb to test this out and it is working there...  With auto_bl enabled I get microp-ksc: micropksc_set_kbd_led_state (255) in kmsg...  Not sure if you can pull any thing from gb instead of trying to fix this in froyo...  Just a thought...11:58
emwemgross029: gb with .35? or .27?11:58
mgross029sorry forgot to mention that...11:58
emweworks with .27? damnit.11:58
mgross029It's your .27 acoustic kernel11:59
emwei hoped it wouldn't work with .27 :P11:59
mgross029Also I noticed the led_state is 255 in gb but 102 in froyo when it is working...12:00
mgross029btw...  My audio intermittently fades too...  Not sure if it actually goes away all together but I know I've been sitting with my phone in front of me and I haven't heard it ring...12:02
mgross029That was in froyo with the latest .27 acoustic kernel...12:02
arrrghhhmgross029, for me all audio dies12:03
arrrghhhi answer the call, hear nothing, far end hears nothing12:03
arrrghhhvoice command keeps failing for me too... bleh.  i hate inconsistency.12:03
mgross029Yeah...  Voice Search doesn't work for me...12:03
mgross029arrrghhh, remember I was telling you in gb I could not get an APN to create?12:05
mgross029Well I figured out how to fix it...  Build.prop...  Believe it or not...12:06
arrrghhhwha'd you have to change/add?12:06
mgross029some ro.cdma statements seems to do the trick...12:07
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arrrghhhi don't need to do that jibba jabba12:08
emwemgross029: the value differences for lightvalue to set stems from the fact that the fake lightsensor class in gb reports 255 to userland and this is hacked to be the max lumen value, so the maximum values are selected from the brightness tables.12:08
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mgross029arrrghhh, ro.cdma.home.operator.numeric=310004  This I figured out is actually your MMC(310) and MNC(004)...12:10
mgross029emwe, I see...12:10
arrrghhhmgross029, wtf12:10
arrrghhhi thought mnc was 0012:10
arrrghhhmaybe that was the problem lol12:10
mgross029Well for Sprint but I found a build.prop for Verizon and it seems to be different...  However I have had it working with 00 in MNC12:11
mgross029I've seen a statement in kmsg or logcat that calls 31000 when making a call...  I'll have to look again to see what referenced that...12:12
mgross029I've been able to send and receive MMS with 310 0012:13
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mgross029So maybe the 4 doesn't matter much...  Not sure...  Just thought it was interesting that APN was populated with that statement in build.prop12:13
arrrghhhit pulls from a few places12:14
arrrghhhthere's also the apns-xml.conf12:15
mgross029Also updated ro.telephony.default_network = 4 Option 4 is CDMA w/EVDO12:15
fishingmedicFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK    voice mail just popped up, one missed freaking call!!!12:15
mgross0290 which is default is WCDMA12:16
arrrghhhfishingmedic, pull logs NOW12:16
mgross029Maybe your service went away momentarily...  Could blame it on Sprint...  heh12:16
arrrghhhi made a phone call today12:16
arrrghhhand immediately after the call, my phone said "searching for service"12:17
mgross029Wow...  I'm shocked...  lol12:17
arrrghhhso the RIL isn't flawless for CDMA by any manes.12:17
arrrghhhi had to flip airplane mode on/off to get the radio to come back.12:17
mgross029That you made a call that is...  :p12:17
arrrghhhgot some free tix to bush/chevelle12:17
arrrghhhand i'm selling some of them.  called someone who wanted to buy 'em :P12:17
fishingmedicI realized the VM icon after another call came in and rang, so there might be other garbage.  But I called VM and it was received at 1201 EST so hopefully that corresponds to something in the logs.12:18
arrrghhhfishingmedic, odd12:18
arrrghhhyou rec'd a call rigth after...12:18
fishingmedicit was from my ex father in law... maybe the phone just determines if it's someone I want to talk to lol12:18
arrrghhhi wonder if they bashed heads12:18
fishingmedicnah, my ex FIL left the message and cuz I didn't call him right back, he called again.  I wonder if something else was going on with the phone at that time though, text, data, etc.12:19
emwedetule: what does this tell you...12:19
emwe<4>[  403.476867] microp_keypad_clamshell_work: clamshell is open12:19
emwe<7>[  403.477020] micropklt_set_kbd_state: 012:19
arrrghhhtoo many variables.  perhaps we should all go back to winmo.  i hear our phones are made for it...12:19
fishingmedicarrrghhh: BITE YOUR TONGUE12:19
fishingmedicmy winmo rom is still stock 6.5 not a change to it cuz I don't use it at all anymore.  It's nothing more than something to boot android from12:20
arrrghhh'cept i'm on energyrom12:20
arrrghhhwith titanium12:20
arrrghhhno sense BS :P12:21
arrrghhhand yea... haven't really used winmo in ages.  i used it last night because of the phone call...12:21
fishingmedicI was using a hacked unlocker and when you flash stock again it relocked and I haven't bothered unlocking it again since I don't use winmo12:21
mgross029Yeah...  I turned off Sense too...  Don't need it running and causing unforeseen problems...12:21
fishingmedicarrrghhh, just PM'd the link to you on XDA. Can you forward them to emwe and/or detule?  I didn't go through and pull any info out, so didn't want to post on here.  it looks like the radio just died for a couple of minutes around the time the VM was left.12:29
mgross029Found another one for Verizon 310012...  I've actually tried to use these settings before when manually configuring APN and they wouldn't even let me save them...  Wondering if it was because it was set to WCDMA...12:29
arrrghhhmgross029, lol12:30
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emwedetule: i think the microp-keypad.c patches have fscked up. it inverted the logic with clam/clamshell which is set to gpio_get_value() for the clamshell gpio. actually rhod doesn't even define one, so that shuoldn't be evaluated at all if no gpio is defined in pdata... the other thing is, why does it work on rhod still? because it uses another mechanism to detect the clamshell state. not via gpio.12:33
arrrghhhfishingmedic, there's nothing between 11:59 and 12:02..12:35
arrrghhhand the lolcat doesn't go back that far, but the important part is probably the radio logs.12:36
emwedetule: if you'd like to do me a favour - as i don't endlessly like to toggle the rhod kernels - can you enable debugging in microp-keypad.c and dump the clamshell.gpio pdata value to kmsg on init?12:37
emwedetule: also interessted in what it spits out on toggling actually.12:37
fishingmedicarrrghhh, that's what I mean, the radio log seems to keep chugging away and for whatever reason, seems to have died during that timeframe that the call came in.12:39
arrrghhhthis was the problem from the beginning12:40
arrrghhhyour logs didn't show anything for the missed calls12:40
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arrrghhhdetule's actually showed a problem where the RIL was receiving a incoming call, but wasn't passing it on to userland.12:40
fishingmedicnever have, but IDK if is has something to do with why the radio just stopped for that timeframe12:40
arrrghhhvery odd12:41
arrrghhheverything else looks "normal"12:41
fishingmedicit's like a noon the radio said "break time"12:41
fishingmedicmaybe it's a union radio12:41
fishingmedicand it worked within minutes, wtf12:41
arrrghhhout east?  almost a certainty.12:41
fishingmedicdoes this mean anything?  It's the last line before it died for 2+ min  ( 1328): AT< [MSM] RMSM state goes 12 to 1112:43
arrrghhhi'm sure it means something.  unfortunately i don't know what that is :P12:43
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detulewow screen lit up like a xmas tree13:00
detulealright emwe i just graduated out of i2c school i know very little about gpio so you're gonna need to do some handholding here13:02
emwedetule: i'll be around later this evening. i have a theory. just have to leave now. laters.13:04
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detulefishingmedic, you using sprint 2.32 or verizon 2.3713:12
detule(haven't seen your log btw so i have no idea what happened, but like arrrghhh was saying what i was doing was addressing an issue where the RIL was getting ring notifications but android wasn't acting on them)13:13
arrrghhhdetule, i can send you the log if you want13:14
arrrghhhbut it looks... scant at best.13:14
detulesure send away likely won't be able to tell much....only thing i can think of is seeing if the phone lost registration during that time13:15
fishingmedicSprint 2.3213:15
detulefishingmedic, you should graduate to verizon 2.37....this issue where the phone registers and re-registers with towers with 1xRTT vs 3G13:15
detulethis used to happen to me ALL the time with 2.3213:15
detuletoo much de-registration activity13:15
fishingmedicdetules, alright, looks like I'm gonna have to unlock this beotch to be able to upgrade.  Will do so later tonight and see what happens.13:16
fishingmedicarrrghhh, my thoughts exactly lol13:16
arrrghhhoh right you have to unlock to flash just a radio13:16
detulewith 2.37 i've actually _never_ seen it do that13:16
arrrghhhfishingmedic, i would recommend 2.37 as well.  working great here.13:16
fishingmedicnah, no biggee, just gotta get on another pc to unlock, not a big deal13:16
arrrghhhperhaps i shouldn't ask.13:17
fishingmedicask what13:17
fishingmedicmy thoughts?  I laughed at "graduate"13:18
arrrghhhno why you need another PC to unlock.13:18
fishingmedicthe unlocker is on my laptop, I'm on my desktop working.13:18
fishingmedicIIRC it's specific to the phone ID13:19
arrrghhhi don't think it matters13:19
arrrghhhbut i don't remember13:19
fishingmedicOlipro and Cmonex were concerned about people using it and charging to unlock13:19
arrrghhhthere's a bunch of weird rules with unlocking13:19
fishingmedicyeah, that's why I was on a hacked one after the first unlocker, but the issue with it was if you flashed stock again it relocked, and I never bothered unlocking again13:20
fishingmedicreal convoluted shit, will do it in a bit, got a meeting in 10 minutes for work so after that13:20
fishingmedicthe calls I seem to miss are my wife, my ex father in law, my ex wife and my brother.  I think the phone is like a personal secretary and just doesn't ring for people I don't want to talk to13:21
fishingmedicMaybe it's a feature!13:21
arrrghhhi accidentally blocked my gf's calls thru google voice13:22
arrrghhhof course, she was like yea... "accidentally"13:22
fishingmedicof course13:22
arrrghhhso she got a number disconnected message13:22
arrrghhh<3 google voice13:22
fishingmedicsleeping in the dog house now13:22
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ringerdoes anyone in here use the htc desire?13:31
arrrghhhwrong room13:32
ringerindeed lol my bad13:33
arrrghhhi wonder if there's a music manager for linux that doesn't require a GUI13:54
arrrghhhall my damned music is on my server..13:54
arrrghhh"Your device must be running Android 2.2 and above with OpenGL2.0"13:55
arrrghhhseems to work ok on 1.1... wth.13:55
arrrghhhbah, i'll just spool up a VM on the server.  probably less headache that way.13:56
mgross029arrrghhh, having fun talking to your self?13:57
arrrghhhit passes the time13:58
mgross029You could just use mplayer...13:58
mgross029Maybe already in your Linux build...13:59
mgross029Well maybe not...  Not in my Ubuntu anyway...  apt-get took care of that though... :p14:00
arrrghhhdo you even know what question you're answering? lol :P14:05
mgross029music manager for linux without GUI...14:06
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mgross029Well that I guess isn't a manager but a player...  :p14:06
arrrghhhmgross029, specifically for google music.  crap, i just realized i didn't even mention that in here.14:06
arrrghhhyou can't read my mind?!?!14:06
arrrghhhi was talking with someone else about google music lol14:07
mgross029Well that is a good thing...  Wouldn't want to know what is going on up there...  :p14:07
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mgross029arrrghhh, Well I tried 310012 in build.prop and it did not create the APN in gb, but using 310004 did...  Plus it populated everything else as well...  That could be from a couple of other ro.cdma options I put in build.prop14:22
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d3tul3emwe, if i read the rhod pdata correctly, dumping the clamshell gpio will just tell me the stylus state?14:30
arrrghhhmgross029, hum.  ok14:31
arrrghhhi guess we'll have to see if it breaks other devices/carriers14:31
arrrghhhif no, then we can push.14:31
mgross029arrrghhh, Just tested it in froyo too...  I even sent and mms...  All worked correctly...14:35
arrrghhhno need to configure an APN?14:35
mgross029Correct...  I deleted my config and rebooted...  Came back in and all information is there...14:36
mgross029I was thinking instead of pushing the ro.'s to the main build is to check the physkeyboard in startup then put the appropriate specs in APN...  This way it would ensure compatibility..14:38
mgross029Oh...  Forgot to finish what I was saying...  Check in the init and then echo the needed to the build.prop...14:38
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mgross029Another thought is if the xdandroid build takes advantage of it we could us this method to customize builds for different carriers, to improve functionality...14:42
arrrghhhmgross029, yea that would be the one issue14:46
arrrghhhit seems we would have to put in some checks14:46
arrrghhhand how do we know a rhod500 user is on vz?14:46
arrrghhhthey could be in venezula, canada...14:46
arrrghhhor on ussc.  etc.14:46
arrrghhhseems best to leave it open, and just tell the user to configure the APN.14:46
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mgross029I see what you are saying...  I'm sure through checks we could validate or even put it as something in a setup wizard...  Just a nice to have...  Thought it was interesting...14:49
arrrghhhyea, for sure.14:49
arrrghhhbuild.prop wields all sorts of powa14:49
mgross029Found this pastebin for the Sprint EVO build.prop if feel like messing with it...
mgross029arrrghhh, something interesting to note comparing the default xdandroid build.prop to the EVO or other Sprint build.prop's out there is these two entries...14:56
mgross029Sprint: = 12 = 214:57
mgross029Not sure if the xdandroid ril would use these different values or not though...14:58
stinebdthe only property it checks for is
mgross029@stinebd, Thanks...  So the and are pretty much useless in the build.prop at the moment...15:23
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stinebdinherited from aosp code for actual devices15:29
stinebdmaybe some day i'll clean it out15:29
stinebdprobably not15:29
mgross029Gotcha...  Things just seep over at times... :p15:29
stinebdbeing quite similar to dream, our device tree is based on that from back in eclair15:31
mgross029Yeah...  I remember all of the different eclair builds Reffermattness used to post...15:34
stinebdcan you believe those clowns used to use binary roms? crazy15:35
mgross029@stinebd was trying to clone earlier and could never get a connection any thing going on with git clone git://
stinebdkeep trying15:36
mgross029Ok...  Just busy ehh...15:36
stinebdalso note i have no access to that repository, it's phh's15:36
mgross029Ahh...  Ok...15:37
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mgross029Well anyway...  Hope everyone has a good evening...  C'ya...15:46
stinebdarrrghhh: alive?15:47
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stinebdgod damnit arrrghhh wake up15:47
arrrghhhjust got back from mah meeting16:05
arrrghhhwhat's up stinebd16:05
stinebdi forget now16:05
arrrghhhand you say you're not a stoner.16:05
stinebdoh wait16:05
stinebdi remember16:05
stinebdwe had an issue with sdcard (in android) when using sd partitions right?16:06
stinebdfat had to be the last partition or something16:06
arrrghhhFAT had to be the first16:06
arrrghhhotherwise winmo was like wtf16:06
arrrghhhno card16:06
stinebdoh but it worked in android16:07
emwed3tul3: it should be 0 for rhod. just wanted to be confirmed. because it's commented in the logs. i am just soo lazy to test rhod, but likely going to anyway.16:07
arrrghhhwell... i don't know how to tell if it worked in Android.  if you can't boot, how can you tell?16:07
arrrghhhhow can you boot Android from SD card if winmo doesn't recognize you have a card...?16:08
stinebdbut i mean fat as p1 worked in android16:08
arrrghhhyes, indeed16:09
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stinebdgit rerere is rereretarded16:10
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fishingmedicarrrghhh you around?16:31
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fishingmedicarrrghhh, when you can, confirm which vzw radio you're on, can't find 2.37 only 2.3516:35
arrrghhhfishingmedic, 1 sec16:39
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arrrghhhdamnit.  my search-fu is failing.16:41
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arrrghhhfishingmedic, hum16:43
arrrghhhnot exactly official :P16:43
stinebdi feel dirty16:44
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arrrghhhyou should16:44
stinebdi have not showered in 27 years16:44
fishingmedicnice stine16:46
stinebdactually i forked settings for the atrix16:46
stinebdand added an entry16:46
fishingmedicarrrghhh is that the one you're using?  I didn't search for it because I wasn't sure it existed lol.  It's not on the OP of the thread in either PPCG or XDA lol, sorry about that16:47
arrrghhhi know16:48
arrrghhhi'm using 2.37.00WV16:48
arrrghhhwhether or not that link is the exact same radio i'm on...16:48
arrrghhhwho knows16:48
arrrghhhi freakin KNOW i posted on teradog's thread about this16:48
arrrghhhbut my searches turned up nothing16:48
arrrghhhteradog was the one who originally mentioned using a vz radio on a sprint phone.16:48
arrrghhhby originally i mean he was the first one i saw to mention it :P16:49
arrrghhhthat links back to the same post.16:51
arrrghhhso i'm retarded, that is the download link i'm using :P16:52
fishingmedicI flashed to a vzw radio, but it might have been 2.35, but I can't find any of my old radio shit on my pc, prob deleted it all wanting away from winmo16:53
arrrghhhyea, i know how that goes.  binge & purge.16:53
fishingmedicI was trying to dig through my 2TB backup but couldn't find shit on there either16:53
arrrghhhthat's quite an achive16:54
fishingmedicnah, that's just what's available, I'm not backing that much shit up lol16:56
d3tul3fishingmedic, back when i got my phone i think once on ppc you helped me out by telling me about sashimi....changed my world forever :) though i may be misremembering things16:57
fishingmedicI used to have a ton of winmo ROMs from my apache, TP2, Omnia, TP, etc, etc.  But I think I purged almost everything16:57
fishingmedicmight have been, I loved sashimi16:57
fishingmedicAnd if so, I hope I helped!16:58
fishingmedicNow I have only a few ROMs and shit, but about 1.5TB of porn!16:58
d3tul3oh you did - i was quite the noob16:58
fishingmediclol, and now I'm using your tweaked RIL!16:58
d3tul3yeah winmo stifles people's creativity :)16:59
fishingmedichmmm, quickGPS auto updated for me, nice.  Must have been when I took it out of airplace mode16:59
arrrghhhd3tul3, a n00b?  :P17:02
d3tul3emwe, i started looking at microp-keypad but it made me fall asleep17:02
d3tul3arrrghhh, oh yeah there was this darrenwilsn or something character on ppc17:03
d3tul3he was the arrrghhh of the winmo world17:03
fishingmedicDarren's good people17:03
arrrghhhyou mean dumb?  :P17:03
arrrghhhdumb and angry17:03
d3tul3no as in he gave me shit for asking stupid questions17:03
fishingmedicAlthough he lives in PA and those people are shady there...17:03
arrrghhhPA people are shady17:04
arrrghhhamish bastards17:04
arrrghhhd3tul3, i've been getting better at that17:04
arrrghhhunless the question is completely retarded17:04
arrrghhhthen the flamethrowers are set to scald17:04
d3tul3arrrghhh, some of that is necessary17:05
arrrghhhi got the same treatment :D17:05
d3tul3it's unfortunate, since it takes a bit of knowledge to know how stupid some questions are....there you are thinking you are talking about something completely reasonable when in fact, you are not....then again there is no excuse for laziness17:10
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arrrghhhlaziness is the big problem17:14
arrrghhhpeople don't want to read, they just want their extremely important question answered.17:14
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fishingmedicfreaking power failure...17:24
fishingmedicwas just saying I never realized how alike Darren and arrrghh are lol17:24
fishingmedicexcept that everything Darren did, he did on his phone, posting, downloading ROM's, etc.  Never had a pc until a couple of years ago lol17:27
d3tul3no offense to Darren but i don't think he's put in the work that arrrghhh has ... though i only spent a month or two with the ppc folks17:27
arrrghhhwell i've always had a computer tho17:31
arrrghhhif i had to do this all on my phone, i'd stab people.17:31
arrrghhhlike starfox, compiling kernels on his RHOD lol17:31
d3tul3emwe, [    5.550994] microp_keypad_probe: clamshell.gpio is 017:31
fishingmedicWell Darren was helpful like arrrghhh, but his skills for fixing things, etc, there's no comparison.17:35
fishingmedicAnd winmo's a diff beast than android, especially getting android running on a phone it was never meant to run on17:36
arrrghhhit is fun17:36
arrrghhhin a masochist kinda way.17:36
fishingmedichell, even I knew my way around winmo decent, arrrghhh will attest to my android skills, or lack there of lmao17:36
arrrghhhyea, adb was quite an adventure17:37
arrrghhhyou seem to get the hang of it once it was setup tho..17:37
fishingmediclmao ADB, while my basement was flooding and you remoting in to my pc... my wife was like WTF is going on...17:37
arrrghhhyea the timing of that was odd to say in the least.17:37
arrrghhhi was dry lol17:38
fishingmedicat least one of us was17:38
fishingmedicpeople used to piss and moan about you in the threads, but if they just freaking read and searched, they would find the answer.  screw 'em I say17:39
arrrghhhoh well17:39
arrrghhhi've tried not to belittle as much as i used to :P17:39
arrrghhhunless they have it coming17:39
fishingmedicthey'll get over it and if they don't F 'em17:39
arrrghhhyea, most of the people that really didn't like me had hatred that stemmed from my "attacking" of tiad8.17:40
fishingmedicand to that I say f 'em... let them go there then17:40
stinebdi still hate you for that17:42
stinebdtiad was my good dominican-hazeltonian friend17:43
fishingmedicdon't forget he was a professional baseball player too17:43
fishingmedicI go back to what I said about shady PA people...17:43
fishingmedicthat's right, no a pro, just semi pro17:44
stinebddo you realize i'm a shady PA people?17:44
fishingmedicwhat kind of state allows the sale of fireworks to only out of state people?17:45
fishingmedicAt least CT says F you, no one can buy anything, screw you all.17:46
fishingmedicI hate CT if you couldn't tell, bunch of snoby assholes here17:46
fishingmedicAnd hopefully you realize I'm just screwing around about PA people...17:47
d3tul3emwe, i am getting correct clamshell notifications in dmesg via microp_keypad_work on rhod...but as you hinted this does not use gpio_get_value17:47
emwed3tul3: yap yap. the latest patches inverted it for raph because that code got touched for rhod but had no effect for it. thx for testing.17:49
emwed3tul3: so got you "correct" slide in/out behaviour at all times?17:49
d3tul3not sure what you mean by behavior all i am seeing is dmesg notifications17:50
d3tul3(my screen dies so nothing i can test about that)17:50
emweautobl=on and keybl should turn on when slid out17:50
emweand turn off when slid-in17:50
emwethat was broken ... don't make me chase ghosts here :)17:50
d3tul3this is somewhat correct when auto brightness is set to off17:51
d3tul3and almost completely broken when auto brightness is set to on17:51
emweai good.17:51
emwegoing to push the .27 on the rhod tomorrow evening then.17:51
d3tul3so what did you change17:52
emwefor raph, invert the value for the micropklt and input_* call in microp_keypad_clamshell_work()17:53
emwehonestly, only tested the first. was too much on the couh this evening.17:53
emwegot inverted screen behaviour ;)17:53
emwefixing up the latter and it should be like it should.17:54
emwe(at leat for raph that is)17:54
emweno idea about rhod, yet. or rather, not looked what it spits out.17:56
emweneed one working phone still :)17:56
emwedidn't even have a smd.c crash the last days.17:56
emwewhich confuses me.17:56
d3tul3damnit i need you to have them consistently17:56
d3tul3so much that you'll apply my patch17:57
emwei had them 3 days in a row and now nothing.17:57
emweheh, yeah. looking forward to getting them again. as stupid as it sounds.17:57
d3tul3so er you have a few minutes to explain to me what happens when i click auto-brightness in android17:59
d3tul3i know it sets an internal system variable17:59
d3tul3does it write to sysfs?17:59
d3tul3or it just interacts with liblights via the light_state it passes17:59
emweyap, it does via liblights.18:00
emwewe eval auto or manual mode. don't recall how they call it.18:00
emwesensor mode?18:00
d3tul3ok so we write to dbgfs?18:00
d3tul3you've added the lcd-backlight property18:01
d3tul3i mean you've added auto-backlight18:01
emweyeah, for .35 that is18:01
d3tul3for lcd-backlight18:01
d3tul3is that anywhere on 27?18:01
emwestill in dbgfs18:02
emwe.. /dbgfs/micropklt_dbg/auto_backlight18:02
emwewhat we hinder in liblights - might be different across official devices - is passing down lcd backlight values to kernelland when we are in auto-mode18:03
emweuserland would usually still tell libglights about lcd backlight values to set allthough in auto mode18:04
emwei think because the auto mode they think of is based on ls readings reported to userland and then userland selects values from the overlay tables and tells them back to kernellland.18:04
emwebut our automode automatically adjusts the lcd backlight.18:05
emweonly can think of this as a theory.18:05
emwesound stupid? stine can tell :)18:05
emweok, raph looks good. going to re-revert the two hyc patches i took out because it enables keybbl whn toggled. likely on of the patches fixes that again.18:07
emwei am off. past 12 already.18:07
d3tul3thanks emwe i was trying to figure out how auto_bl gets set from userland this clears it up18:08
d3tul3good night18:08
arrrghhhg'nite emwe18:10
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arrrghhhelesbb, wassup19:44
elesbbhey couldnt figure this out LMAO19:46
elesbbdidnt know where the text chat was ha19:46
elesbbsorry arrghhh19:46
arrrghhhi assume too much sometimes :P19:47
arrrghhhso i've only got a little bit of time before i go home19:47
arrrghhhformatting with the HP tool didn't resolve it?19:47
elesbbalright not a problem19:47
elesbbwell i just got home actually and read your post19:47
elesbbi'll try it now19:47
arrrghhhoh ok19:47
elesbbok my device wont show up in the HP USB Formatting tool ..19:56
arrrghhhyou're using a card reader or..?19:56
elesbbeven the menu buttons are not selectable . and im using a built in card reader on my laptop19:56
elesbblet me try using my TP219:56
arrrghhhdoes the card show in windows?19:58
arrrghhhin explorer?19:58
elesbbyes when using the built in card reader it showed in windows but not the HP tool .19:58
arrrghhhhum, never had that before19:58
elesbbso i then used the TP2 Flash drive option and it worked19:58
arrrghhhit should show in hp tool if it shows in explorer19:58
arrrghhhperhaps you just needed to close & reopen the hp tool.  meh.19:59
elesbblol well it didnt . and i did that already lol . i got it formating now having it connected to my TP219:59
arrrghhhnot sure why your card reader didn't work, but glad it's working in your TP2 :p20:00
elesbboh bother this looks like it could take awhile -.-20:00
elesbbha yeah that was strange . im sure it just had something to do with the way HP designed the card reader .20:01
elesbbahwell my trusty TP2 has it working :D20:01
elesbbbtw do you get paid for doing all the dev work on the TP2 with android ?20:02
arrrghhhi've received some donations20:03
arrrghhhbut it doesn't pay the bills if that's what you're asking.20:03
arrrghhhi'm out.  will be back when i get home... good luck.20:06
elesbbalright thanks so much man ! and you surely devot a lot of your time to it ! thanks so much dude20:08
vw_elesbb, I have had no luck with my internal card reader on a Dell laptop. I always had to use an external card reader or the phone. I use a 16 Gb card, and is that ever painful to wait for full format.20:09
elesbbha yeah im only on 2gb ! and its taking forever . man i feel your pain !20:10
vw_It does eventually work well. Just need to go do something else while waiting. Mine took about 4 to 5 hours.20:11
vw_I do, or have had, partitions on my card to test other builds. I leave the no_partitions in mt startup txt just in case I forget that I have them on that particular card.20:12
vw_I gave up on the partitioned builds for a while. Did not see any significant advantage over FRX07.1. There might be a few things, but the stability and support for this one always bring me back to the basics.20:14
elesbbahhh sorry bout that , i was watching youtube . lol . and yeah i tried the neopeek build cause i read that one guy was playin 3d games on it without the jitter or lag . so i wanted to try it but i couldnt get that working so i gave up .20:21
hycsome work OK, some don't20:22
hycAnything that wants more than OpenGLES 1.1 will run badly20:22
hycif at all20:22
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stinebdhappy bards20:35
arrrghhhhyc, yo!20:35
elesbbah thats what i thought . is the openGLES hardware or software ?20:35
hychowdy arrrghhh20:35
hycOpenGLES is both20:35
arrrghhhhow goes it sir?20:35
hycthere's a software library, but it can only do well what the hardware is capable of20:36
arrrghhhelesbb, indeed.  the video gpu has to support the software.20:36
vw_There's lots of claims out there. Stick with what the "true" devs are working on. They know what works and why, rather than throwing sh*t against the wall and see if it sticks.20:36
hycfinally getting a breather. finished my conference paper and sent it in.20:36
hycstill need to draw some slides, but I can take my time now that the paper's done20:37
elesbbahh that makes sense . UPDATE . im now copying over Froyo 7.1 now to the newly reformatted card wish me luck ! lol20:37
hycSo what's new, what have I missed?20:38
hycThinking about getting a Droid3 before my next Europe trip20:38
arrrghhhthere's some prox sensor work going on20:38
arrrghhhthe rest of the work is just cleanup.  detule is trying to get raph up to speed with userland notifications20:39
hycLED notify?20:39
arrrghhheveryone is working on getting the new acoustic integrated.  still having issues.20:39
elesbbhey arrrghhh i think that worked . code now says "creating a new data.img" now thats something ive seen before ;)20:40
arrrghhhelesbb, w00t20:40
hycaudio has been really annoying for me. mic always dies about 10 minutes into a phone call20:40
arrrghhhhyc, i wish mine was consistent20:40
arrrghhhsometimes it's fucking fantastic.  other times, all audio is dead.20:41
elesbbyessss . thank you so much arrrghhhh !!! you rock20:41
arrrghhhfortunately more often than not it's working.20:41
arrrghhhelesbb, np20:41
arrrghhhhyc, there's some *slightly* newer code for acoustic.20:41
arrrghhhAFAIK it's just userland, but there might be some kernel changes too.  alex and emwe have been patching things here & there.20:42
elesbbnow time to tinker around :D have a nice night arrrghhh you to hyc ! maybe i'll be around to shoot the sh*t ! if you guys dont mine a noob (to android that is) hanging around :D20:42
hyclol, just don't say anything stupid if you don't like being laughed at :P20:42
arrrghhhi get laughed at on a regular basis.  don't sweat it elesbb, all are welcom.20:43
stinebdcould you guys imagine this place if there were no noobs hanging around?20:49
stinebdit'd be empty20:49
stinebdthe xdandroid bot would be here all alone20:49
stinebdhow's life hyc?20:51
elesbbahahahah nice . and quick question , with the froyo 7.1 do i need my sim card removed ?20:51
arrrghhhelesbb, nope20:51
arrrghhhthanks to sir hyc20:51
elesbbawesome thanks hyc ! was just wondering cause it shows no service but then again i am in the booonys :P20:52
elesbbhave a goodnight everyone !20:52
arrrghhhelesbb, well if it doesn't come up on its own20:52
arrrghhhmake sure you are set in CDMA or GSM mode20:53
arrrghhhwhichever you use...20:53
elesbbCDMA im sprint FTW :D and thanks again guys for everything you do !20:53
arrrghhhtake it easy20:53
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d3tul3didn't emwe say our LS is hacked to report 0 lumen?20:54
d3tul3hyc how far off were my suggestions about resentCallState20:56
hycI don't recall what you're asking about20:57
hycpretty sure you were right that CRING wsas a problem20:57
hycthe actual RIL message is supposed to include a bunch of other fields, and your logs showed the phone wasn'tgiving that info20:58
stinebdeat my ass java20:58
stinebdyou do what i say now20:58
d3tul3eventually i traced through it to the phone app refusing to respond to CALL_RING if phone_state was idle20:58
hycI guess I nedd to catch up on some reading, where did you post these findings?20:59
d3tul3eventually i included a diff in my post
d3tul3xdandroid, later tell emwe how come my LS is reporting maximum lumen? <- according to this the keyboard backlight logic is working fine21:01
xdandroidd3tul3: The operation succeeded.21:01
hycok, the diff looks reasonable21:02
hycit's working for you?21:02
hycthat's really all that matters...21:02
hycstatic vars are always init'd to zero implicitly, it's a waste of code to inti to zero explicitly21:02
d3tul3this bit of wisdom about static vars is something i only recently picked up while looking at microp-klt21:03
d3tul3works fine now, i was able to replicate the missed calls 10 out of 10 on boot, not anymore21:03
hycon boot?21:03
hycnothing should be happening on boot21:04
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hycunless you're booting while winmo had an active connection21:04
hycwhich is stupid. that's why I always have winmo in airplane mode.21:04
d3tul3right when booting i see in the logs AT< 3 resentCallState gets set to 1 but never a request for GetCurrentCalls21:04
d3tul3therefore resentCallState is left stuck at 121:05
hycOK, I understand what you're saying21:05
hycbut on a fresh boot, that should never happen, unless you were using the phone in winmo first.21:05
d3tul3not using the phone in winmo, though don't think i have airplane mode on21:05
hycthen you're asking for trouble. lost calls, lost txts.21:06
hycmay have to chalk this up to user error.21:06
d3tul3wait you are saying that AT< 3 doesn't happen if I am in airplane mode?21:06
hycyou say you could reproduce the problem 10/10 before?21:06
d3tul3for sure boot up in android21:06
d3tul3and start calling the phone21:07
hycset winmo to airplane mode and try to reproduce it. I'm sure there will be no problem.21:07
d3tul3before i start doing this let's just be clear, i am talking about missing calls after the boot process is completed21:10
d3tul3but before using the phone to make outgoing calls (after booting fresh)21:10
d3tul3ok let me unbind the ril21:11
hycbut if you're getting a '3' from the phone at boot time, that means it already had a connection21:11
hycand it could only mean it was a connection left over from winmo21:11
stinebdpeanut butter jelly and a baseball bat21:12
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d3tul3hyc, right you are21:23
d3tul3thanks, i was aware that an active winmo connection might cause missed calls/texts during the booting process, but never thought it could manifest into an issue post boot sequence21:27
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arrrghhhthe voicemail helped him pinpoint when the call was missed.  there's a convenient 2 minute gap in his radio log.21:45
hycwell, that sounds like radio or network issues21:49
hycI can't think of any reason why the radio would receive a call but not log it21:51
raymonddullit almost sounds like the radio is in some kind of sleep/power save mode,and the voicemail is waking it up21:51
arrrghhhi dunno21:59
arrrghhhi had a weird situation today21:59
arrrghhhi made a call, went fine21:59
arrrghhhimmediately after the call, the phone said "searching for service" and had an X on the signal strength meter22:00
stinebdyou have to pay to make more than one call per session22:00
arrrghhhwould not come back.  airplane mode on/off, and 3g came back.22:00
arrrghhhstinebd, lol22:00
arrrghhhtracphone?  :P22:00
stinebdthey'd do it if they could22:01
stinebdmaybe after the merger22:01
arrrghhhtracphone is hilarious22:01
arrrghhhbut i guess if you never make calls22:01
arrrghhhit probably is cheaper22:01
arrrghhhbasically if you just have the phone for emergencies, ha22:01
stinebdand if you never have emergencies22:02
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arrrghhhproblem solved?22:02
d3tul3stinebd, do you know off the top of your head where is libsensors in froyo ?22:02
stinebdyes i do22:02
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stinebdwould you like me to tell you where it is?22:03
arrrghhhi'm assuming he did't ask for his health22:04
stinebdsometimes people test me randomly, i thought that's what this is22:04
raymonddulllol,with at&t you have to pay for multiple calls? with both sprint and tmobile I do that all the time,it just uses minutes for both calls like usual22:04
stinebdd3tul3: hardware/android-hardware/sensors22:04
stinebdmaybe i offended him22:06
d3tul3thanks stinebd offended who me? you need to say a few choice words about my sisters and/or mother first22:07
stinebdare they hot?22:07
* stinebd runs22:07
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d3tul3i gots keyboard back-light with auto-backlight on22:43
hyccool. I've had that for a while22:44
hycapparently I never pushed the patch22:44
hycwhat did you patch?22:44
d3tul3well apparently we hardcoded the wrong value for the light sensor22:45
hycthat would make sense. it never changed values for me.22:45
d3tul3i just changed the value in micropklt_dbgfs to report lumen 0 rather than max lumen22:45
hyclame. so we still don't actually have working light sensor22:47
d3tul3not that i know of22:48
hyctoo bad. wistilt2 posted the info for actually reading the sensor22:49
hycI guess nobody has done anything with the info yet22:49
d3tul3is it on the ML?22:49
hycno, it would be this irc log22:49
hycor htc-linux22:49
hycI don't remember which22:49
d3tul3there's a read statement in the dbgfs hook but it always reports a value +65K22:49
hycI seem to recall that was added because the sensor needed to report *something* in order for something else to start working22:51
hycit's in the git log22:51
d3tul3perhaps i should look in [acl]'s nand tree i seem to remember him making some progress on the LS22:57
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ryannathanswhy is glemsom's kernel service down23:19
ryannathansfirst i dont have permission to view page and on a refresh i get 40423:19
stinebduser error23:26
ryannathansworking for you?23:26
stinebdhaven't tried it23:27
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