Wednesday, 2011-09-28

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detulearrrghhh, when you are bored try booting this on the raph
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ryannathanswhat's most of android written in09:24
rpierce99low level interactions with the kernel are mostly c or c++, can't recall09:25
helicopter88well,low level is written mostly in C09:26
ryannathansi'm learning C09:26
ryannathansi may be of service sson09:26
ryannathansatm i code python and php09:26
detulebetter hurry up09:27
detulerpierce99, have you been using that RIL i posted?09:32
rpierce99i have09:32
rpierce99as far as I know i haven't missed any calls09:32
rpierce99but i'm not sure you ever know09:32
rpierce99unless someone tells you09:32
detuleright, the difficulty with missed calls...09:34
rpierce99my wife hasn't complained09:34
detulefishingmedic the whistleblower, one of the few people who uses their phone as a phone09:36
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arrrghhhhey i use my phone as a phone10:22
arrrghhhjust nobody calls me :D10:22
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mgross029Hmmm...  I thought we all did...  heh10:23
arrrghhhemwe, just the man i wanted to harass10:24
mgross029emwe, Good Afternoon... (In Germany that is) :)10:24
emwegood afternoon.10:26
arrrghhhemwe, i still have intermittent audio routing problems.... i pulled logs from the google voice command failures10:26
arrrghhhwasn't picking up any audio.  i also had an incoming call where the far-end couldn't hear me.  i called them back and it worked...10:27
arrrghhhso i only have a log from the voice command failure, if you're interested.10:27
emweyeah, mail it over if you like. but honestly, i don't know if i will get the failure.10:27
arrrghhhi really hate it when stuff works at first10:28
arrrghhhthen breaks later :P10:28
arrrghhhmakes it difficult to troubleshoot..10:28
arrrghhhsent.  thx emwe10:29
mgross029I get that every now and then with the acoustic stuff on .27 that Alex had us test too...10:29
mgross029In Froyo that is...10:30
arrrghhhdetule, :(10:32
mgross029I was able to install Voice Search in gb and the mic seemed to pic up for me so far...10:32
arrrghhhdetule, not sure if it helps diagnose or not, but activesync still seems to be convinced it's connected.  click explore tho and it's empty.10:33
arrrghhhthe 'breathe' ring is still happening too.10:33
arrrghhhhuh.  i guess activesync just had to time out.10:33
mgross029arrrghhh, on XP?10:34
arrrghhhadb never does come up tho.  i'll give it another shot, but it's not looking good.10:34
arrrghhhmgross029, yea...10:34
arrrghhhi'm testing some kernels that effect the RAPH/DIAM notification jogball thingy10:34
mgross029I've had that with activesync...  Kills me sometimes...  I've even had to reboot the system to get it back...  bleh...10:34
arrrghhhand were pretty much done, until detule decided to try and enable wlan :P10:34
arrrghhhmgross029, nah.  different issue.10:35
arrrghhhkernel fails to boot10:35
detuleyeah i have absolutely no clue what happened i broke something without actually writing to any of the files10:35
detulei may have to start with a new tree but I am trying to avoid this very hard for my and arrrghhh's sanity10:35
arrrghhhit's very odd10:36
arrrghhhboots fine on my RHOD too10:36
arrrghhhi'm still on the newer haret & init_offset too10:36
arrrghhhalthough none of the other test kernels required that10:36
emweyou tried to adb later on?10:36
detuleyeah so it's something in the raph driver but that file is the same as earlier itterations that booted fine10:36
arrrghhhi only added that when it failed10:36
arrrghhhemwe, later on...?  it's frozen on the total commander screen.10:36
emwedouble vibe? don't recall10:36
arrrghhhdouble vibe..10:37
arrrghhhthat means the kernel is picking up, correct?10:37
emwebut did you try adb? :)10:37
emweyap, should.10:37
arrrghhhemwe, i have adb wait-for-device shell running10:37
arrrghhhand... nada.10:37
arrrghhhthis isn't my first rodeo :P10:37
emweshould take max 50 seconds or so iirc10:37
arrrghhhnp mate.  trying to help troubleshoot.10:37
mgross029emwe, did you get a chance to go through the log I sent you the other day?  Just checking...10:39
arrrghhhlets flood him with logs10:39
mgross029Yeah...  Poor guys...  He's going to be dreaming logs...10:39
arrrghhhmore like nighmaring10:39
mgross029:p yeah...10:39
mgross029arrrghhh, you have any better .27 kernel than the one Alex put together?  Just checking...10:41
arrrghhhjust the one emwe put together for me10:41
arrrghhh"better", dunno10:41
arrrghhhthat's what i've been running basically10:41
arrrghhhthe newest i've gotten from alex or emwe.10:42
mgross029Gotcha...  Thank you Sir...10:42
arrrghhhemwe, did you see the wir sind wir video?10:42
arrrghhhmgross029, np10:43
detulearrrghhh, same link as last -> should be autobuild hopefully that boots10:47
arrrghhhi'm going to punch this raph in the face10:50
arrrghhhi'm going to make sure this new haret and init_offset aren't messing this all up...10:51
detulestill doesn't boot?10:51
emwearrrghhh: blocked in DE. but i think i know it from the radio.10:51
arrrghhh <--- right link?10:52
arrrghhhyea, lemme break this down.  1 sec.10:52
emwemgross029: nope, not looked.10:52
detulejust download from glemsom and make sure you can boot that10:52
detuleor anything10:52
arrrghhhdetule, that is the plan10:53
mgross029emwe, np...  I know you're busy...  Still trying different things to see if I can get it to work...  You wouldn't happen to be able to point me to a different phone.apk I could try?  Just incase it isn't loading correctly...10:53
arrrghhhif activesync is screwing this all up, i'm going to stab people.  mainly myself and bill gates.10:54
emwemgross029: i only know the phone.apk we use.10:54
mgross029emwe, Ok...  Thank you Sir...10:54
emwemgross029: the thing is, you shouldn't be getting any force closes at all10:55
emwemgross029: this was .27-acoustic + froyo-acoustic, right?10:55
mgross029emwe, I've tried the .35 kernel you provided and I was also trying with Alex's acoustic and this is in GB...10:56
emwemgross029: i only know i got no probs with .35 and gb on this rhod400... bummer.10:57
arrrghhhi think it is activesync...10:58
mgross029emwe, np...  Just fun testing...  Always can fall back to Froyo for now...10:58
arrrghhhy'know how it'll sometimes "convert" files when you xfer them thru activesync?  i think it's butchering something.10:58
mgross029I'm sure it is arrrghhh...  It is a pita...10:58
arrrghhhi always just used the disk mode.  but because of adb failing without booting with activesync on... damnit.10:58
emweE/Libacoustic-wince(  185): msm72xx_enable_audpp: 0x0000 << that doesn't look good.10:58
arrrghhhdetule, i'm sorry.10:58
arrrghhhi thought i had used activesync to xfer to the device before10:59
arrrghhhevidently not10:59
arrrghhhgot a meeting, bbl.10:59
mgross029emwe, where is that from?10:59
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detuleno arrrghhh if you were to boot that zImage alone, try this should have LED notifications as well as wlan.....11:38
detules/no arrrghhh /np arrrghhh /11:38
arrrghhhi'm trying to think when i started activesync'ing the kernels.11:39
arrrghhhoh well..11:39
detule(though the LED code may have regressed from yesterday)11:39
arrrghhh1 sec11:39
arrrghhhF adb.  i'm going to go without lol11:39
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detulestill bad11:41
arrrghhhyea.  now to determine why.11:42
arrrghhhi kinda assumed it was activesync.  i never got the chance to test it, had that meeting.11:42
detuledid that standalone zImage/or glemsom boot?11:42
arrrghhhno, and that's where i left it unfortunately.11:42
arrrghhhwhen glemsom's didn't boot, i figured it had to be activesync.11:43
detulealright, i guess the order of operations should be 1. glemsom, 2. zImage 3. tar.gz11:43
detulei gotta go bbl11:43
arrrghhhyea, lemme get a working autobuild kernel booting.11:43
arrrghhhi've stripped out everything i can think of.  still failing.  this RAPH might not be wanting to test Android anymore :(11:47
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mgross029Well updated .27 Kernel in GB made call and go this...12:05
mgross02909-28 11:55:30.800 W/ActivityManager(  242): Activity idle timeout for HistoryRecord{406b7348}12:05
mgross029Then 1 second later...12:05
mgross02909-28 11:55:31.170 E/AndroidRuntime( 1001): FATAL EXCEPTION: Thread-2612:05
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emwemgross029: that was from your most recent log you sent me. something seems fishy with your setup. dunno where that might stem from.13:03
mgross029emwe, ok... Hmmm...  Pulled the system.ext2 and .35 kernel which arrrghhh sent over to me...  Used the latest rootfs...  Not sure what I could be doing different...  Also used gingerbread.user.conf from the Alpha version but it didn't look much different from froyo...13:14
emwemgross029: same here. so it must be some device variant odity.13:15
emwesorry if i am not jumping on it too much, yet. prox still strikes me.13:15
arrrghhhemwe, don't sweat it.  i'd rather you focus on one thing, and do that well13:16
mgross029emwe, not a problem...  Take care of that prox...  I'm still plugging away on Froyo and testing different things in gb...  Thanks...13:16
arrrghhhthan focus on many things and do them all poorly...13:16
emwein case i can do it well...13:16
mgross029I wish I could do that at work... 'Only focus on one thing at a time' :p13:23
arrrghhhtest acoustic works13:24
arrrghhhso raph still works13:24
mgross029Cool...  Voice Search on Raph too?13:25
arrrghhhno data13:26
arrrghhhso can't test that13:26
arrrghhhbah, i guess wlan probably works there13:26
arrrghhhtoo many things to test!13:26
arrrghhhand i'm supposed to be working on this report @ work....13:26
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detulearrrghhh, what's the verdict14:35
emwetotal strangeness, i got one local commit from hyc on my gb branch which is not in hys fork, neither in froyo regarding keyb auto-bl.14:47
detulemaybe it's something that was mailed out to the ML but never applied14:54
emweehm... even gitorious activity page lists the commit in question, but it's not in his branch... wtf14:54
emweas i've had virtually no issues on gb with his 2 commits, i am gonna push them to gb and pull back to froyo. however that irregularity in his branch came up.14:55
emwelikely also the reason for the keyboard turning of lights when slid out in frx0714:55
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emweof course i can't replicate with raph...15:00
emweanybody remember rhod froyo behaviour?15:02
emweauto-bl=on, slide out, keyblight turns off?15:03
emwehuh, raph enables keyblight on slide in and out and disables sometime later.15:04
detulesliding out my keyboard messes up my screen15:04
emweis that your broken rhod thingy?15:04
emweheh, you are no good candidate ;)15:04
detulei'll do it just so i can guilt trip you into firing up the raph15:05
detulesettings->Display->Brightness-> check auto?15:05
emwei use the power widget, though15:06
emweand yes, the raph is fired.15:06
emwebut i am also interessted in rhod somehow15:06
detule i got no backlight on the kb when i slide it out15:06
emwecan you toggle to no-autobl and it will turn on?15:07
emwe(when slid out)15:07
emwethat's what i remember.15:07
detulethat i can't test15:07
detulei lose the screen as soon as i slide out15:07
detulei can try toggling auto-bl off then sliding out15:07
emwewhen autobloff, then it should enable iirc.15:09
emwedoes in any mode the keyb backlight disable after some time for you?15:10
emweok, there's some strangess, shortly enables then disables now for me on raph.15:13
emweand disabling autobl enables keybbl15:13
emweso it's kinda similar to what we see on rhod.15:14
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detuleis auto_bl controlled by auto_bl in -klt.c?15:18
emweauto_bl in klt.c is controlled by userland15:19
emweliblights that is15:19
detuleyeah kb lights up with auto backlight toggled off15:21
emwethis was on rhod, yap?15:22
detuleso the only place auto_bl is used is in setting the does it interfere with the keyboard then isn't that set_kbd_state15:22
detuleyeah rhod15:23
detulei mean kbd_brightness_set15:24
emweit's all done in PowerManagerService.java15:24
emweit evaluates the brightness level arrays and sets them dependent on light sensor value (which is not working good)15:25
emwedependant on brightness level,it selects keyb and button and lcd backligth values and sets them via liblights15:25
detuleso you are saying it's a userland bug not kernel15:26
emwethe lux values and other autobrightness tables are in device/xdandroid/msm/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml15:27
emweyap, think so. i am running both patches, not just one in gb.15:27
emwebecause i think i once figured with hyc that one patch got lost on the merge of his branch.15:27
emwegoing to put an acoustic build up with that patch then.15:27
emwearrrghhh: you are keeping some kind of changes list for the releases?15:31
arrrghhhemwe, changes list15:37
arrrghhhwhat is this jibba jabba.  let me catch up on what i have missed...15:37
arrrghhhseems what i've missed isn't important15:39
arrrghhhemwe, i don't really have it down to a science.  usually i just create a google doc and compile what needs to be updated.  i typically don't do that tho unless we're ready to release.15:40
arrrghhhFRX07.1 was my baby, and i f-ed it up a few times.15:40
arrrghhhhad to re-release 2 or 3 times :P15:40
emwei already forgot what i fixed up in gb to get going...15:40
arrrghhhyea, as far as a changelog stine usually took care of the nitty gritty stuff15:40
arrrghhhand i would just put in my .02 of what i changed... which was usually simple little things.15:41
detuleemwe, does the LS actually work as it should?15:42
emwedetule: i think it shouldn't for any build.15:42
arrrghhhdetule, i'll have something to report on RAPH in a few.  i still can't get my FRX07.1 build to boot, but the gb acoustic test works fine.  so i'm not sure what i FUBAR'd.15:42
emwegb is definitively faked and we got no working kernelland reporting.15:42
arrrghhhneed to investigate moar.15:42
emwean updated froyo-acoustic build is uploading here. still takes a while.15:43
emweso you can test out that raph and rhod froyo keyb bl thingy15:43
detulewth mAutoBrightessEnabled15:43
detule(I am just referring to the spelling lapse in naming of the variable)15:44
emwei have not completely understood how that huge bitch of a class works out. hyc must have looked, understood, be done ;)15:45
detuleok so let me see if i have the logic correct, we set auto-bl, it should somehow set the backlight corresponding to the environment light, but apparently the LS isn't working....then what the hell are we doing when auto-blk is turned on?15:45
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emwedetule: userland takes the lowest matching array index from the lumen value reported by "kernelland" which is 0 in froyo. then it looks up the keyb and button value at that array index the autobrightness arrays also defined in the config.xml below and set's that via liblights back to useland.15:54
emweas these keyb and btn values at index 0 are 255, it sets 25515:54
emwethese arrays need to be fixed up when ls reporting is correctly working15:55
arrrghhhi would like to live in kerneland15:55
arrrghhhit sounds like a nice place15:55
emwedamn, keybbl still fscked up with autonl15:56
emweraph that is15:56
detulethanks emwe15:59
detulearrrghhh, the issues you were having with booting, that doesn't sound like frx vs gb....16:02
arrrghhhi don't know what the hell happened16:02
arrrghhhbut something got buggered up on my FroYo build I was using to test your kernels on16:02
arrrghhhwhich was vanilla FRX07.1.  i think imma start over with it... i've stripped everything down and it is still failing horridly.16:03
arrrghhhdamnit emwe16:04
mgross029arrrghhh, sounds like you're having fun...  :p16:16
arrrghhhjust one of his TOPA users.16:16
arrrghhhyes emwe, YOUR TOPA users.16:16
emwei don't have the strength to stand that user support. :)16:17
arrrghhhyea, sometimes i wonder why i even bother...16:18
arrrghhhthe PM's i'm getting are becoming more retarded16:24
arrrghhh"Hi . Please help me .How to unlocking Lg e900 (windows phone 7 ) ."16:24
arrrghhhi understand the PM's about Android/the port... but damn.16:24
arrrghhhemwe, did you like that wir sind wir vid?16:25
emwearrrghhh: said earlier it's blocked in DE ;)16:25
emwearrrghhh: but i think i know it from radio16:25
arrrghhhthe vid or youtube?16:25
arrrghhhi didn't see you said that, sorry...16:25
emweyeah, some music fee collection assiciation16:25
emwethe GEMA that is16:25
arrrghhhperhaps i can find another mirror.  great video.16:25
emwecollects royalties for playing media and if you use that music unauthorized...16:25
emweis that some ages old already?16:26
arrrghhhwhat the vid?16:26
arrrghhhyea, it's from like 200416:26
emwegot it.16:26
arrrghhhperhaps that will work?16:26
mgross029emwe, proxy your connection with a US IP...  :p16:27
emwejust realized i never had seen that vid. nice sumup of the last 60 years of germany.16:30
arrrghhhoh well.  was a cool song and vid about Germany ;)16:30
arrrghhhah, cool!16:31
arrrghhhyea, i thought of you when i saw the vid.  thought you would enjoy :D16:31
emweoh man, even "Trabant" cars in there ;)16:31
emweyou heard about them? ;)16:31
emweGDRs low cost car said to be been made of cardboard. :)16:32
emweit was hardened cardboard or some such.16:32
arrrghhhseems after the wall fell, everyone just let them rot.16:32
emwewe had one as well. 24HP iirc.16:32
mgross029emwe, where abouts in Germany?  I have Aunts, Uncles, Cousins near Rüsselsheim16:32
emwemgross029: eastern germany, köthen.16:33
emwewas 9 when the wall fell.16:33
mgross029Ummm...  Gee...  I feel a little old now...  lol16:34
arrrghhhlol i was uh... 5.16:34
arrrghhhmgross029, how 'bout now?  :P16:34
mgross029I was 17...16:35
mgross029Hitting 40 this year...  Woohoo...16:36
detulewould not have put you at 4016:36
mgross029I don't really care...  Ages doesn't bother me...  Gotta get old sometime...  heh16:36
emweturned 31 2.5 weeks ago...16:36
mgross029Thanks detule...  I think...  :p16:36
mgross029Happy Belated Birthday emwe...16:37
emwelol, thx.16:37
emwedetule: that raph kernel was acoustic'ish?16:37
detulevanilla plus -navi.c mods16:37
arrrghhhoh right16:37
arrrghhhi'm supposed to be sorting that out16:37
detuleplease for the love of god someone boot that thing16:37
* arrrghhh slides work aside16:37
arrrghhhdetule, i think it was always an issue on my end.16:38
arrrghhhi didn't suspect it at first, since other kernels booted.16:38
* mgross029 kick arrrghhh aside16:38
arrrghhhneed to figure out what changed.  AFAIK, nothing that would cause this.16:38
arrrghhhmgross029, lol16:38
arrrghhhshutup old man16:38
detuleerr vanilla plus -navi plus -klt mods16:38
mgross029Ok you wipper snapper...16:38
emwedetule: ker+mod3 ok?16:39
detuleno mod+ker716:39
arrrghhhholycrap that's going to take a while.  back to work... will report back when the 50k/s download is done detule ...16:41
emweLinux version (root@localhost) (gcc version 4.5.1 (Sourcery G++ Lite 2010.09-50) ) #63 PREEMPT Wed Sep 28 11:34:15 EDT 201116:43
emwedetule: booted with usb plugged, no breathe during bootanim.16:44
emweshould kick in soonish i think16:44
emweyap, does...16:44
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detulek emwe what's the word16:56
detulebreathing is charging16:56
emweyeah, so charge breath works. was afk as well...16:58
detulehere's the mapping (state <-> effect)
detulein earlier versions i had trouble with continuing to breathe after unplugging and letting sleep16:58
emwesleep breathe is disabled, yap?16:59
detuleyeah when sleeping trackbal should be off (i didn't actually disable anything)16:59
emweit always breathed here when sleeping17:00
detuleas in before?17:00
detuleprior to my kernel?17:00
emwebefore yeah, with stock behaviour17:00
detuleoh man17:00
detulei spent SOOOOOOOO much time17:00
detuletrying to figure out why that was happening17:01
arrrghhhdetule, why?  that has been sleep indicator for a long time.17:01
emwecan only say it breathed. how and waht enables that, dunno17:01
detulearrrghhh, dude i thought for the longest time we were wondering why it was breathing when going to sleep17:01
detuleat least i was17:01
emweok, but now you somehow disabled that ;)17:02
arrrghhhemwe, that's the plan17:02
detuleyeah i did i forced it to clear the trackbal17:02
arrrghhhwe're making it more like a native phone...17:02
arrrghhhtrying to at least :P17:02
emweok, i got counterclockwise rotation. is that good? ;)17:02
arrrghhhwhen plugged in?17:02
detuleno idea did you send yourself something?17:02
emwejust sent me a mail17:02
emwearrrghhh: no, plugged out.17:02
arrrghhhso that's the notification17:02
detulegreat that's that rotate17:03
emwewhen plugged no notification makes it17:03
detuleit repeats right?17:03
emweyap, it does17:03
detuleright same on rhod17:03
emweugh oh...17:03
emweit stopped17:03
emwedidn't touch anything.17:03
emweshall i count the rotates?17:03
emwedoes that help you detule?17:03
detulewell let me see17:03
arrrghhhAFAIK it should keep the notification going until you clear it..17:04
detuleit wakes up to send rotate to the device17:04
detulethen falls asleep17:04
detulesomething is reseting it when going to sleep17:04
detuleperhaps i somehow changed the default sleep behavior from breathe to OFF17:04
detulearrrghhh, so in winmo too it breathes when phone is asleep? what happens when it receives a notification?17:05
emwedetule: managed to rotate 9.5 times. the last round was stopped in the "middle".17:05
arrrghhhit does NOT breathe when asleep17:05
emwei think he meant with notification going. :)17:06
arrrghhhIIRC when a notification is received, it trumps any other notification - charging, etc.17:06
arrrghhhemwe, :P17:06
emwedetule: wasn't there some reset cmd issued in raph-navi suspend code? dunno if that is related. sorry if my comments are not fruitful. dangerious half knowledge here only.17:07
emwei am so pissed by prox.17:07
detuleemwe i think i got it it's that stupid microp_klt_set_led_states(old_state) on resume17:07
detuleit clears the mask to zero17:07
detuleone sec17:07
* emwe sees a kernel package flying in.17:08
arrrghhhif only XDAndroid paid the bills.17:08
emweheh, yeah.17:08
arrrghhhthis is a ton more fun than sifting thru Cisco documentation.17:09
arrrghhh"documentation" rather17:09
detuleemwe, that reset_navi sets the misc register -> whatever the hell that is17:10
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emwedetule: i know i asked before... pardon... you where from US?17:11
emwePL? CZ?17:12
emweNO? ;)17:12
emwegiving up.17:12
detule:)other slavic country17:13
emwegood afternoon @ 17:15 :)17:14
arrrghhhthat's east coast tiem17:14
detuleworking in the US17:14
detuleoi stupid nested folders17:15
detuletoo revealing:)17:16
emwekernel info lines at dmesg start tells as well17:16
detuleor rather not_working in the US as it seems17:17
arrrghhhRAPH800 boots again.17:17
arrrghhhno clue what the problem was, just replaced everything pretty much lol17:17
arrrghhhoh the battle of evermore...17:21
emwehow does blink look like? just all 4 "corners" solid blinking?17:21
detuleyou tell me17:21
arrrghhhemwe, depends17:21
arrrghhhthere's a few different "blinks"17:21
emwehm. just looked at detules code logic and read "BLINK" ;)17:21
detulethat's SYSLED_BLINK17:22
detulewhatever that means17:22
arrrghhhi think that one is the ringing notification17:22
detuleno that's SYSLED_RING17:22
arrrghhhwhich is the whole wheel/dial lighting up17:22
detuleit's currently not programmed17:22
emwecharged might take a while still17:22
arrrghhhthere's too many17:22
detulestill messing up the taskbar notification when sleeping?17:22
emwe13 rounds!17:24
detuleoh yeah i like it17:24
emweyou dropped misc register? perhaps it influences repeat?17:24
emwelike our topa/rhod 4byte register does?17:24
emwe"register" not to be taken to wordly...17:25
emwestill rotates.17:25
emweyou did it detule i would say!17:25
detuleno here's the change
detulemy bit arithmetic is strong buahaha17:25
emwethere's bitmask documentation?17:26
emwesorry, i am so lazy the last days.17:26
detuleno, the masks are in microp-klt.h 0x1f00 covers all the SYSLED_* bits17:26
detuleit also helps that the dbg_effects hooks in -klt.c are written17:27
emwewhat is old_state tehse days? still 0?17:29
arrrghhhwell now that you've got it all figured out, i seemed to have fixed my user-error :P17:29
detulealright now we just need to agree on appropriate effects for "amost full" and "critical battery" coz i just picked those out of thin air17:29
arrrghhhdetule, i can try to determine what happens in WinMo.17:29
detuleold_state is init-ed to 0 as you surmised so astutely emwe:)17:30
arrrghhhIIRC, almost full lights up the wheel solid17:30
* emwe needs to lookup astutely17:30
arrrghhher full, not almost full.17:30
arrrghhhemwe, lol17:30
detuleoh yea i have no clue what light up is in terms of effects speak17:30
arrrghhhdetule, well i can tell you what winmo does.17:30
arrrghhhand try to describe it to you and we can match Android behavior as such... sound good?17:31
detuleyou can test all the effects by echo-ing in /dbgfs/micropklt_dbg/effect17:31
* emwe feels he can leave the arena again :P17:31
emwestill rotates btw :P17:31
detuleemwe, thanks man17:32
stinebdarrrghhh: it's up17:32
detulewish i could help you with prox17:32
emwedetule: thank you for doing this blindly.17:32
emwestinebd: evening.17:32
stinebdhi emwe17:32
emwedetule: i see no "solid"...17:32
stinebdhow's it going?17:32
emwestinebd: tired of prox and keybbl stuff. and you?17:33
stinebdtired in general17:33
emwehah. can understand.17:33
detulei am out later gentleman17:33
arrrghhhcya detule17:33
emwelater detule. thx.17:33
emweecho 1 is neato.17:36
arrrghhhemwe, i think that's incoming call17:36
arrrghhhseizure mode17:36
arrrghhhstinebd, thanks.  just grabbed frx07.1 here @ work... just for my own edification, is that the only mirror?  the .cz site?17:36
arrrghhhi asked that, but evidently got dc'd.  bleh.17:37
emweok, i am leaving. gnight peeps.17:38
arrrghhhg'nite emwe17:41
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arrrghhhstinebd, ?17:45
mgross029I hate ATT...  We ask them for cable lengths for a solution they are providing and all we hear are crickets on the call...17:47
arrrghhhlove those conference calls17:47
arrrghhhwhen you ask a technical question of the vendor17:48
mgross029So now I have to pull together the number of cables we will need and put together the detailed network drawing...17:48
arrrghhhand they choke..17:48
mgross029Yep...  Pretty much was the way it went...17:48
arrrghhhwe've had a TON of those17:48
mgross029I'm sure...17:48
arrrghhhi don't know if we're a picky bitch of a company or what17:48
mgross029No...  It's them...  Always them...17:49
arrrghhhbut it seems like all the vendors we have promise out the wazoo, then when it comes down to it can't deliver half of what they promises.17:49
arrrghhhjust drives me batty.  i understand sales people overpromising17:49
arrrghhhbut not the technical people actually implementing the crap...17:49
mgross029I agree...17:49
arrrghhhoh well17:50
arrrghhhwhy i could never be a salesman17:51
mgross029This is a data replication solution for our disaster recovery and our network engineers wouldn't do anything to help us out...  So I pull the solution outta my A$$ for them...17:51
mgross029I tried to be a salesman one time...  Boy was that terrible...  Hated cold calling...17:51
stinebdarrrghhh: currently the releases are served up by only17:52
arrrghhhi'm also horrible at lying to people.  i can't do it, especially if i was selling a solution/product that i have to stand behind.17:52
arrrghhhstinebd, ah.  ok.17:52
mgross029Ut oh...  Stine is back...  Back to work...  :p17:52
stinebdrootfs and initramfs are served by either htcandroid or files.x.o17:52
stinebderr x.c17:52
stinebdbased on geolocation17:52
arrrghhhis that just because of space?17:52
arrrghhhthe bundles take quite a bit of both.17:53
stinebdfiles.x.c has a monthly transfer cap17:53
arrrghhhright, i remember you running up against that.17:53
mgross029stumbled upon a build.prop entry anyone ever try it?17:54
arrrghhhi haven't17:54
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mgross029I'm going to throw it in to see if it gives me a faster lock without going into WM and updating QuickGPS17:55
stinebdthat's not gonna do anything for you17:56
mgross029@stinebd, Ok...  Thanks for saving me the time...17:56
arrrghhhbuild.prop settings are mostly snakeoil, unless the underlying code is there to support it.17:56
arrrghhhlike tiad adding all these options for BT.  useless without code to support BT lol17:57* are props that the ril checks for (duh), and our ril doesn't check for them. it's probably htc's ril that checks for it17:57
mgross029Thanks for clearing that up...  :p17:58
arrrghhhquittin tiem18:00
arrrghhhcya guys18:00
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mgross029Later all...18:45
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arrrghhhxdandroid later tell d3tul3 on a full charge, the RAPH does go solid.  seems a little dim, but solid.  I don't think there was a setting for that...  i'll see what it does on low battery.  IIRC, just the intermittent blink on low batt.19:35
xdandroidarrrghhh: The operation succeeded.19:35
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slickdaddy96What do you all think about the upcomming Nexus Prime and the fact that some variants of it might have a keyboard?  Thinking that might be my next phone if it comes out on Sprint.22:44
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