Sunday, 2011-09-04

arrrghhhjonpry, i think it does00:28
arrrghhhstinebd, of course... att doesn't want that deal to fail.  they'll end up paying billions for nothing otherwise.00:29
arrrghhhBulitPruf, no clue what you mean how would an install get unrooted... our builds have always been rooted, it's just now SU app provides some security.00:29
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arrrghhhstinebd, i uploaded another bundle, same name... i put it in the home directory and after upload moved it to mirror00:50
arrrghhhit's gone from mirror now... should it overwrite the existing file on the server...?  i'm hoping it will, but the date hasn't changed yet on the website.00:50
ryannathansrm -rf /00:54
ryannathanstry again ;D00:54
arrrghhhyea... i don't have that kinda access :P00:55
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arrrghhhdamnit, still hasn't updated :(01:09
arrrghhhi'm thinking manual intervention will be required... bleh.01:09
BulitPrufarrrghh: someone borrowed the rhod they were complaining that apps we constantly force closing01:18
arrrghhhsounds like data.img corruption01:19
BulitPrufapps are acting like first run each time01:21
BulitPrufno way to recover I imagine01:28
arrrghhhdelete data.img01:32
arrrghhhi backup regularly with tb01:32
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MrObviousMy battery life sucks. It just dies on idle after a while. Is that normal?10:22
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MrObviousHmm quiet. I guess that should be expected on a Sunday morning.10:50
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rees86hey all11:04
rees86just did a full backup of my frx install, anybody need anything experimental tested on a Rhod210 before I update?11:05
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arrrghhhMrObvious, battery life does suck11:50
arrrghhhget used to it :D11:50
MrObviouslol ok11:52
arrrghhhusing tips from my speed improvements thread helps11:52
arrrghhh'cept maybe the overclocking one...11:53
arrrghhhbut droidwall can help11:53
arrrghhhmanaging memory can help11:53
arrrghhhpm disable helps a ton, if you're willing to go through it11:53
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MrObviousPM disable?11:56
MrObviousAnd what is your thread?11:56
arrrghhhthe speed improvements thread?11:57
arrrghhhthat's the title.11:58
MrObvious That?11:59
arrrghhhlol yes11:59
arrrghhhthe one that says speed improvements.11:59
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arrrghhhwho is being MrObvious now... :P11:59
MrObviousThanks. I'll try it later.12:00
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the_eye_Hi I run Version 2.2.2 FRX07 in a Diam100, wifi fails, anything to try to work ?12:06
arrrghhhdid you read the FAQ?12:07
the_eye_No, sorry, where is the FAQ ?12:09
arrrghhhthere's a GIANT link at the top of the FRX07 thread...12:09
arrrghhhsays FAQ?12:09
the_eye_Sorry but there is no link in
arrrghhhthe FRX07 thread12:11
arrrghhhi didn't say the main page12:11
arrrghhhif you search for FAQ from that main page12:11
arrrghhhi think you'll be surprised with where it takes you...12:11
the_eye_ok, thanks12:13
arrrghhhlet me know if you still get stuck12:14
the_eye_I try wifi-nvram.txt solution12:16
arrrghhhit is necessary if Android doesn't detect a MAC for your phone.12:18
the_eye_Its just say Wifi fails, how can I see more about it12:20
the_eye_in FRX06 works fine12:20
arrrghhhwell if it works fine in 0612:22
arrrghhhthen you don't need the wifi-nvram trick...12:22
arrrghhhit clearly states that if wifi NEVER worked12:22
arrrghhhdid you replace anything?12:22
arrrghhhhave you tried FRX07.1?12:22
arrrghhhi just put it out...12:22
arrrghhhhot off the presses12:23
the_eye_I really appreciate your work, I gonna try it right now12:24
the_eye_where I can find it ?12:25
arrrghhhthe forums12:26
the_eye_found it12:26
arrrghhhyou can probably keep your data.img12:29
arrrghhhbut if stuff doesn't work right, i'd recommend blasting that out12:29
arrrghhhthe only other thing you can keep is the ts-calib file12:29
arrrghhhplease replace everything else the_eye_12:29
the_eye_ok, I replace everything and data.img just in case12:30
the_eye_first boot fails12:44
the_eye_no wait, false alarm12:46
the_eye_long boot logo but finaly loads12:46
the_eye_You are super ! wifi works again !12:50
the_eye_and Landscape orientation is correct now12:53
the_eye_Android version is 2.2.2 ! I think FRX07 was 2.3.3 !13:14
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arrrghhh"Android version is 2.2.2 ! I think FRX07 was 2.3.3 !" - try again.13:20
arrrghhhFroYo has been on 2.2.2 for a while now13:20
arrrghhhgingerbread is 2.3.x13:21
the_eye_In new FRX07.1 I see version 2.2.2, but in previus version FRX07 I see version 2.313:22
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arrrghhhthe_eye_, that's simply not true.13:25
the_eye_I true, it was the previus version I got when wifi is not working13:27
arrrghhhwell then the previous version you had was gingerbread.13:27
arrrghhhbecause that's 2.313:27
the_eye_so FRX07 was 2.3.x and FRX07.1 is 2.2.x ?13:29
arrrghhhthat's a lie13:32
arrrghhhFRX07 was 2.2.213:32
arrrghhhFRX07.1 is 2.2.213:32
arrrghhhFRX06 was 2.2.213:32
arrrghhh05 might've been 2.2.1... i can't remember.13:32
arrrghhhwhy are you not grasping this13:32
arrrghhhFroYo is 2.2.x13:32
arrrghhhGingerBread is 2.3.x13:32
arrrghhhnone of the FRX series, which is FroYo was ever - or will be ever - 2.3.anything13:33
the_eye_Yes you are corect but when I have installed the FRX07 in my phone it says version 2.3.3 and also has the scroll efect in menus that13:34
the_eye_ver 2.3.x has13:34
the_eye_could be possible ?13:35
arrrghhhit's not possible13:48
arrrghhhyou didn't install FRX0713:49
arrrghhhyou didn't install FRX13:49
arrrghhhif it said 2.313:49
arrrghhhwhy are you not grasping this13:49
arrrghhhyou can go back to ANY version of FRX from files.xdandroid.com13:49
arrrghhhand it'll NEVER say 2.313:49
arrrghhhthere is a version of GingerBread tho13:49
arrrghhhwhich if you installed it, that is 2.313:49
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the_eye_You are right I mesh it up14:10
the_eye_I make some changes so I must use a Gingerbread image14:11
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the_eye_Is it possoble to flash a diam100 ROM phone with xdadroid ?15:19
helicopter88if you mean,flash android on nand,no15:19
the_eye_ok thanks15:25
jonpryDetule, pong15:55
stinebdarrrghhh: pretty sure it did update16:38
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arrrghhhit did16:47
arrrghhhthank you sir16:47
arrrghhhfor uh... confirming.16:47
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arrrghhhstinebd, can  you explain to my tiny brain how these keymaps work?17:12
arrrghhhi'm trying to add the italian_raph one as a test to help this user, and i also want to look at adding the blackstone in as well...17:13
arrrghhhit looks like i should be able to just add a folder, "italian_raph"17:14
arrrghhhput the microp-keypad.kcm file in that folder17:15
arrrghhhthen tell the user to put "physkeyboard=italian_raph" in the startup and it should work...17:15
stinebdraph_it please17:16
arrrghhhthat's fine, i was just matching the convention of the other raph's...17:17
arrrghhhwhich don't match rhod lol17:17
arrrghhhshould we make all the raph's match rhod...?17:17
stinebdyes but we need to add symlinks for backcompat17:17
arrrghhhstinebd, is there anything wrong with my logic tho?17:24
arrrghhhassuming i follow those steps it should work for the user?17:24
arrrghhhwhat am i missing17:24
stinebdnothing wrong with your logic, should work17:24
stinebdstop asking multiple questions17:25
arrrghhhjust trying to sort out what's wrong.  gonna put out another to see... i'm trying to get these folks that are making these keylayouts to commit them to you17:25
stinebdi'm playing metroid17:28
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stinebdarrrghhh: you doing anything for labor day?18:47
arrrghhhwas going to go camping18:48
arrrghhhlooks like that's not happening.18:48
arrrghhhlol no18:49
arrrghhhgf doesn't have the day off18:49
arrrghhhand always whines when i go to the hills w/o her18:49
stinebdyeah me too18:49
arrrghhhwent 4-wheeling up on red cone a few weekends ago when she was working18:49
arrrghhhgot all mad at me... heh18:49
stinebdwell i'm having a cookout when i get home from work so you can drop by if you want18:51
arrrghhhtha'd be cool, if i didn't live 3,000 miles away18:52
stinebdthat's why i offered. i'd call the cops if you actually showed up18:52
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arrrghhhstinebd, is there a way to tell how many colors Android is using on a phone...?22:33
arrrghhhi assume it goes by the version, and whatever the hardware is capable of...22:36
arrrghhhthis random question is brought to you by - nickleby22:36
arrrghhhpost #100122:36
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