Friday, 2011-08-12

jonpryDetule, maybe you try the SLUB allocator as well. its strange that vmalloc does what it does. i think it might be because of SLAB00:04
jonpryalso there is strangeness in arch/arm/mach-msm/include/mach/msm_iomap-7x00.h00:08
jonpry.27 allocates at 0xF0000000 for peripherals, not sure about 35, but we are located at 0xE*. this probably removes 256MB of virtual space from the kernel.00:10
Detulejonpry, so this call is a kmalloc call, are you sure that somehow defaults to vmalloc00:24
Detulei mean in ppp_deflate00:24
Detulei just tried applying the patch, i was thinking about going w this for a few days00:26
Detulei guess both 27 and 35 allocate at 0xF800:34
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emweD3tul3: plz look in .35 ppp_deflate commits. i applied a patch from somewhere around the net which iirc is very (if not totally) similar to what jonpry posted. i had teh very same issues "months" ago on .3501:57
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hycwow, emwe is re-entrant02:26
emweyap :) moin hyc02:41
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lapin{GR}goodmorning all!05:30
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Detuleemwe: thanks, here's a stupid question how do you look at a particular file's commit history on gitorious07:26
emweDetule: git log <path-to-file>07:38
emwegit log -p ... for the diff as well07:38
emwegit log <dir> works as well.07:38
emweif you want to look at a log from another ref ... git log <path> <ref> where <ref> is a remote/branch e.g.07:39
Detuleyeah i was wondering if it can be done on gitorious rather than locally....if not, they should make it their next feature :)07:39
emweor was it the other way around. don't remember ;)07:39
emweif you add a remote and fetch a branch or all branches from it, you can browse it's log just fine07:40
Detuledo you recall what were the symptoms on your phone whenever deflate would blow up07:40
emwesymptoms was stacktraces at least. what does git log show what i had written? ;)07:40
emwedunno if data (smd7) crashed in the sense it stopped working.07:41
emwetoo long ago. was one of the first things i had to "find a fix for" when data was working.07:41
emweshit, gitorious doesn't allow the history to be shown... object too large. thanks.07:43
emweDetule: so the comment leaves room for interpretation ;)07:45
Detulenice, k i am currently running a kernel  with that patch applied07:45
Detulei am hoping this was the source of the bug i was seeing on 3907:46
emwesmd7 stopped working?07:47
Detuleno the bug where the timer (and certain functions of the phone) would slow down07:48
Detulelooking at my logs i invariable see a smd_close(), then smd trying to open channel 7, and right after that a pppd page allocation failure07:48
emwewas it only you who had this or also jonpry?07:49
emwei am very very very seldomly seeing this07:49
emwei think mostly reboot, and sleep a while07:50
emwethen clock is off. but so seldom.07:50
Detulenot sure, i think jonpry may have seen the bug on his device but i don't know if he is running 39 full time....i am, and this happens every couple of days or so on average....i only have two logs saved, and the above behavior is in both07:51
Detulei think jonpry is onto something with the allocations in arch/arm/mach-msm/include/mach/msm_iomap-7x00.h, looks like in 39 they are off by a significant amount leaving less space for the kernel07:52
Detuleif that's the case, maybe this is why this bug crops up more oftren on 39, kmalloc starts struggling earlier to find contiguous allocations....dunno my understanding of how the slab woks is next to nothing07:55
emwei think .27 .35 and .39 iomap layouts are differently last time i looked.08:03
emweat least in little pieces.08:03
emweam also quite ignorant about it. ;)08:04
emweyou had been running debian not any android-flavour, right?08:04
Detulei was just enjoying a nice python script timestamping my dmesg output ;)08:05
Detuleemwe: to be clear, running debian in my chroot08:06
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lapin{GR}anyway here who can help me with a simple git question?08:08
emweDetule: sorry for asking again... you didn't have any iowait issues, or did you with .39?08:09
Detulehow would they manifest?08:09
emwestart a long-not-used app which is not preloaded and do your daily nap to wait until it's ready.08:11
emwei see loop0, loop1 and mmcqd goign crazy when this happens.08:11
Detuleno, but running partitioned build with NILFS for my data partition08:11
emwei think part of the problem is that the dalvik cache is on data partition and this *might* cause a lot of io08:12
emwewhy this manifests so hard i dunno.08:12
Detuleimo, partitions are much better than looped builds...and then nilfs2 has treated me very nicely08:13
hycagreed, looped builds suck08:14
emwei am still eager to find out what causes these issues for me as .27 has never been that bad on looped builds iirc08:16
emwefirst i am going to try to pull to longterm this evening.08:18
emwein the hope their's some improvement. early 2.6.35 where said to be really painful regarding io. htc also upgraded to .. perhaps there's some good stuff pending.08:20
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D3tul3micropklt_set_color_led_state(1) -> solid green led, led_state(2) -> solid amber led, led_state(3 or 4) -> blinking green there a parameter for blinking amber led?09:48
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jonpryD3tul3, to change that stuff all you really need to do is replace 0xE000 with 0xF000 and change ./include/mach/vmalloc.h:#define VMALLOC_END  0xe0000000UL11:13
D3tul3jonpry: just to make sure, need to change all 0xE0 values in iomap-7x00.h with 0xF8 (this would make it the same w 35 and 27)11:31
jonpryD3tul3, in that case SPL_BASE would be 0xF911:33
emwejonpry: this increases the vmalloc reserve by 256mb, is this right? or o am i totall off/wrong?11:33
jonpryjust add 0x18** to all the _BASE numbers11:34
jonpryemwe it increases the virtual range used by the vmalloc allocator11:34
emwejonpry: this is vmalloctotal in /proc/meminfo i assume?11:35
jonpryshould be11:35
emwejonpry: i have 573440 kB on .35. what you got?11:36
jonpryi don't have my phone11:36
jonpryi'm guessing its 25611:36
emwewhich kjernel D3tul3 ?11:37
D3tul3k jonpry got it thanks11:38
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krissearrrghhh: hi11:50
krisseTried running tiwlan but it blockes at the same location...11:51
arrrghhhdo you have logs?11:51
krisseCan u find some design info on this kernel... Just to see what it does next11:52
arrrghhhnot sure what you mean11:52
krisseI have logcat and dmesg11:52
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krisseI added logging11:53
arrrghhhpastebin pls11:53
krisseIts blocking after irq return11:53
krisseI think i posted the error yesterday11:54
krisseI have it not in front11:54
krisseCurrwntly mobile11:54
krisseOk i pastbin it when i'm home11:55
krisseYou wil be here for some time?11:55
arrrghhhi'll see if i have the old stuff11:55
arrrghhhnot sure, i'm at work11:55
krisse:) ok11:56
krisseIts logged no?11:56
xda-Squirrelsim at work too lolz11:57
xda-Squirrelsname of the game today is crappy old ibm informix database and pfs: first choice database11:58
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xda-Squirrelswhy are people so technologically dense?12:11
xda-Squirrelsclinic is afraid that me copying an MS SQL .bak backup file is going to screw up their system and are making me wait, despite our scheduled time to get data, until they're out of the system.12:12
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xda-Squirrelswhich puts me right into the middle of another, more important and expensive, contract's appointment time.12:13
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arrrghhhxda-Squirrels, tell them they're not paying you enough12:17
xda-Squirrelsi pushed back their appointment with me to get data to after 1pm12:19
xda-Squirrelsthey can deal with it12:19
stinebdtell them they're paying you too much12:19
xda-Squirrelsf that ;o!12:19
xda-Squirrelsthey're getting paid too much if they dont see that copying a simple sql backup file isn't going to trash their system12:20
stinebdsweet, that ghibli movie i never saw is on on demand12:26
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D3tul3emwe: what back color led? :)12:51
emweD3tul3: there's that button for conference speaker. the little micropphone sign is the "back led"12:51
emweon the back.12:52
emwei've been debugging the led cmds a bit. the last of the four bytes we send is for controlling blink duration when a "blink led programm" is selected.12:52
D3tul3by the way i am sure you know this but for the record buff[2]=5 is amber blink buff[2]=4 is green blink12:53
emwethe first two somehow select the led programm to run. it's not that first is back and second byte is front led..12:53
emweisn't it in the enum color_led just like that?12:53
D3tul3i didn't think those were defined in color_led12:54
D3tul3but i am probably wrong12:54
emweah no right. i had them in in between. i know it's these. just reverted that stuff i had here12:54
emwebecause the assumption first byte is back and second is for front led is wrong it seems12:55
D3tul3who needs frequency then :)12:55
emweyou can have it blink n-seconds only12:55
emweinstead blink forever12:55
D3tul3oh that's a nice feature12:55
emwefourth byte (not counting cmd byte) controls that12:55
emweso the last 0xff is infinity .. set it to 0x01 and you get it blinking once12:55
emweonly if blink led is on, though.12:56
D3tul3makes sense12:56
emwethere's some magic i haven't figured entirely.12:56
emwei can trigger led-disco here with dbgfs and a little shell script12:56
D3tul3cool, i have high hopes for this vmalloc and ppp_deflate patched kernel that i am on right now12:57
emwethat fix solved it for me. :)12:57
D3tul3if it hopes to be the cure for whatever ails 39 i am doing away with the sleep debug led notifications all together12:57
emwei am just merging stable and longterm .35 in my tree. just running ... still a way to go till
emwe2.6.35.14 i meant...12:58
D3tul3once i get no interference from the sleep debug notifications i'll look into writing a blink callback though what i had in mind was a lot simpler (and more hack-ish) it seems than what you are doing12:59
emwei am way from what i have in mind regarind leds. but i am trying to keep pragmatic, yet.13:02
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D3tul3you have the right idea13:02
emweor microp management itself.13:02
stinebdok guys13:02
stinebdi got a good one for you13:02
emwemerge acoustic? or plan your japan trip?13:02
stinebdthe japan trip was back in may13:02
stinebdthis is even better13:03
stinebd#1  0xb00037b4 in call_array (ctor=0xafd40004, count=4, reverse=<value optimized out>) at bionic/linker/linker.c:161513:03
stinebdwhen running an aosp image i built for atrix13:03
* emwe hides13:03
stinebdi've been working on this for 20 hours straight and got nothing13:04
stinebdCM built and runs just fine13:04
stinebdtaking bionic from nvidia's repo has the same crasher13:05
stinebdi'm honestly lost13:05
stinebdbtw i can't get the whole nvidia tree because it goes 30KB/s13:06
arrrghhhcan't wait a few weeks? :P13:12
arrrghhhD3tul3, what about GPS killing sleep?  i don't know if there's any other sleep blockers...?13:12
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arrrghhhkrisse, i don't see any pastebins in the logs13:16
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arrrghhhjust mentions of what's going on13:17
krisseI'm just here13:17
arrrghhhthat's fine13:17
arrrghhhi was just sayin :P13:17
krissenever used pastbins before13:19
krisseI will upload zip with 2 files in there13:19
krisse1 logcat13:19
arrrghhhheh, it's not hard13:19
krisse1 dmesg13:19
krisseor kmsg13:19
arrrghhhif it's multiupload or some such site i won't be able to get it.13:19
krisseto activate the wifi only thing I do is load the wlan.ko13:20
krissethat generates already the error13:20
krissenow the freeze13:20
krisseI only need to load wlan.ko right?13:22
D3tul3arrrghhh: yeah i am not suggesting killing sleep dbg notifications for the mainline kernel, just in my tree.....i use gps only sporadically and then i am mindful to turn it on/off...whereas full time notifications i think would be an everyday benefit13:23
arrrghhhi think so13:23
arrrghhhfar from positive tho13:23
arrrghhhD3tul3, damn you13:23
arrrghhhyea, i want to get rid of the sleep notification13:24
arrrghhhpeople don't get it, still.13:24
krissehave a different result now13:24
rpierce99i'm still not convinced that my suggested change to the leds won't work for mainline13:24
D3tul3it will13:25
stinebdit won't13:25
stinebdtrust me13:25
arrrghhhit can?13:25
rpierce99it does?13:25
D3tul3oh you mean with users13:25
stinebdwait what was the change?13:25
arrrghhhwe need to resolve all the blockers of sleep before eliminating the sleep LED13:25
arrrghhhAFAIK, GPS is the only one... no?13:25
D3tul3amber light only with cpu on AND screen off13:25
arrrghhhother than stupid apps at random.13:25
stinebdwon't work13:26
rpierce99amber light would just indicate a sleep blocker, would go off instead of green sleep, and would go off with screen on13:26
D3tul3won't work in what sense13:26
stinebdin the sense that phh would never accept the patch13:26
rpierce99because phh is an unreasonable SOB or because there is something wrong with it13:27
stinebdmostly the 2nd one13:27
D3tul3come on let's not tease it out of you, what's the larger issue13:27
stinebdthe larger issue is why you want to do screen logic in the core of the kernel outside of its driver13:28
D3tul3it's one call outside of the criver13:28
arrrghhhcuz they want to have their cake and eat it too13:28
stinebdi don't care if it's one call or 800 trillion jillion calls13:29
stinebdanyway better to do it in userland13:29
stinebdand i accept patches for anything13:30
arrrghhhwhy can't the blockers on sleep get fixed, and then sleep LED eliminated entirely?13:30
rpierce99so it's not because the logic isn't sound, it's because implementation would be hackish, i can accept that13:30
arrrghhhemwe fixed the GPS issue in GB.  I'm sure it can be ported back to FroYo13:30
emwearrrghhh: remember i said i fixed nothing in that respect? it just works. likely some hooks need impl. dunno. haven't looked at froyo. and i'd rather like to look at the hd2 gps library worked on by tytung :)13:31
D3tul3stinebd: i am actually not even sure any calls outside of the driver are needed13:31
arrrghhhemwe, meh.  you fixed it, deal with it :P13:31
arrrghhhand yes, i would like you to look at that HD2 GPS lib.  that would be HUGE13:31
D3tul3probably everything could be done inside microp-klt.c much like it's done with the current debug notifications13:32
emwejust add a module param and be done with it.13:32
emweand have it default to off if you like.13:32
emweman, when i read the linux commit logs somehow cold showers run over back...13:35
arrrghhhshivers eh13:37
stinebdshiver he timbers13:37
krisseHi all, does somebody now where the parameters are configured in the kernel for NAND. I mean like IRQ's and so one? or are they dynamically asigned?13:39
arrrghhhemwe, i don't know what he means13:42
arrrghhhdo you?13:42
stinebdarch/arm/mach-msm board files13:42
emwei think that answered it.13:44
stinebdwas i right?13:44
emwei wouldn't have said sth different :)13:44
krissehi all14:04
krisseI have a problem with insmod wlan.ko14:04
krisseafter doing that the insmod freezes14:04
krissethis is the pastbin14:04
krisse (dmesg)14:04
krisse (logcat)14:05
krissecan somebody help?14:05
krisseI added some logging to the kernel.14:05
krissebut didn't find how to go further then msm_sdcc.c14:05
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stinebdtmo and att's plan is brilliant15:39
stinebdhave tmo become a twin of att so they can't even tell them apart, for them to block the sale15:40
stinebdthe fcc will be powerless to stop them15:40
stinebdtomorrow sprint will start charging $2/MB after 2GB in hopes of being bought by verizon15:41
arrrghhhkrisse, these aren't complete logs15:47
krisseI know that15:47
krisseits the part from when I started the wifi15:47
krissenot enough?15:47
arrrghhhi see an untracked PID at the end15:47
arrrghhhi don't see where the driver goes back down in the dmesg15:47
arrrghhhthe logcat is pretty much useless15:48
arrrghhhE/WifiService(  156): Error configuring interface tiwlan0, :java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected code 213, but got 60015:48
arrrghhhthat's all that really is about wifi in it15:48
arrrghhhit'd probably be best to provide all logs15:48
krissethat last untracked pid is I think from unplugging my usb cable15:51
krissedo that15:51
stinebdwoooooo linker fixed15:52
stinebdI/SurfaceFlinger( 1391): SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run. Initializing graphics H/W...15:52
stinebdD/        ( 1391): 2s elapsed in InitFifo; is daemon started?15:52
stinebdsilly zygote, if you have to ask that question, the answer is no15:53
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XofratsI posted a patch to /init to support ext4 on xda, let me know if there are q's16:51
emweXofrats: where did you post it?16:52
XofratsIn the tp2 section, the thread about unclean shutdown16:54
emwei should be reading more rhod forums it seems :)16:55
emwewhat's your observations with ext4?16:55
XofratsI've had 2 reboots so far, it hasn't eaten my data.img16:56
XofratsI ended having to nuke mine yesterday anyway, so this was a good way to get it started16:56
emwerunning ext4 system image looped i assume?16:57
XofratsYeah, but the patch supports partitioned ext4 now16:57
Xofratsext4 _data_ image16:58
XofratsNow I just need to track major showstopper for .27 ext417:06
Detuleext4 might be more secure but i am not so sure it offers much better performance than ext217:07
Detuleat least in terms of write speed17:07
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bluenotehey whenever I "power off" xdandroid, my phone reboots.  is there a way I can cause it to actually just power off?19:57
rpierce99that used to work, something in FRX07 stopped it from working, so unless you feel like debugging it yourself, no19:59
JesusFreak316"Power off" then pull the battery. :P19:59
rpierce99although even with FRX06 it always happened to me after using it for like 3 days19:59
bluenoteit's always done that for me20:00
bluenotepre frx7 or not20:00
rpierce99either way, it's a bug not a feature20:00
bluenotebut unlikely to be fixed it sounds like?20:01
rpierce99until someone cares enough to fix it20:01
rpierce99but most of the devs don't reboot into winmo that often, so i doubt it20:01
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stinebd[19:59:26] <rpierce99> that used to work, something in FRX07 stopped it from working, so unless you feel like debugging it yourself, no20:17
stinebdsounds like arm9 crashing20:17
rpierce99so just make arm9 not crash during shutdown? Done! glad to get that one marked off the list20:18
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stinebdpeople keep clamoring for a reboot option20:23
stinebdthat gives it to them :P20:23
bluenotethere's an app for rebooting, theres no shutdown app that works :/20:54
arrrghhhyou want to actually shutdown the phone?20:59
arrrghhhpulling the battery sounds like the app for that :D21:00
bluenotefree, too!21:03
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XofratsYou know my back cover wore off from taking it off too many times21:16
ryannathansi bet your mad.21:17
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xda-Squirrelsom nom nom22:27
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f00bar80do you support epad devices ?22:42
JesusFreak316It's only for msm7201 based windows mobile handsets.22:53
JesusFreak316Yeah, no; you'd be better off just googling it.22:54
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xda-Squirrelsstorms are a-brewin'22:57
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XofratsWho maintains the rootfs git repo?23:07
arrrghhhwho else23:08
XofratsHmm, need to talk to him about incorporating the ext4 changes23:09
arrrghhhwhat about the so-called 'brain-dead' way the modules are handled?23:12
XofratsThat too23:12
XofratsMine is a hack, because it's dealing with /lib/modules after the hack23:13
XofratsIf I were to do it, I'd check if find -type l matched uname -r, then nuke the dir before ungzipping23:14
XofratsThat way no stray modules23:14
arrrghhhso long as it's fixed23:14
arrrghhhneed some way to detect23:14
arrrghhhno need to do that every boot y'know23:14
XofratsMine wouldn't23:15
XofratsCombo of wc, find, and nuke-from-orbit23:15
XofratsI could produce a patch I guess23:15
JesusFreak316_Psst, arrrghhh, you should be proud; tomorrow I'm quitting Verizon and actually getting a T-Mobile sim for my HD2.23:18
XofratsBut first I need to get telnet working on this23:18
Xofratsadb ain't cutting it23:18
XofratsHmmm, usb0 has an interface w/telnetd running, but Win* doesn't see it23:20
XofratsDo I have to enable tethering for usb0 to show up?23:21
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XofratsOkay, a bit better..  Had to adb forward, and run telnetd -b
XofratsCan't say it's the ideal way to do it, but oh well...23:41
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Xofratssilly squirrel23:55
xda-Squirrelsoh yeah, squirrels make a barking sound... */bark*23:55
xda-Squirrelschirpy bark, w/e ;p23:55
XofratsActually, they quack23:56
XofratsI swear, this one squirrel...23:56
xda-Squirrelsto finish converting one of my old (eww i know) codes to C# or be lazy...23:57
xda-Squirrelshave most of the core code done, just need to tie it all into the UI23:57

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