Wednesday, 2011-07-06

arrrghhhKraln, wat phone is this
arrrghhhis that the surround?00:01
arrrghhhhere's some other one
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emwehmhm.... 07-06 19:24:21.210 D/GpsLocationProvider( 2203):  void android::status_callback(GpsStatus*): +method_reportStatus env=0x0 mCBO=0x4079cdc811:25
emwethat "env" ptr (JNIEnv*) should not be null in jni GpsLocationProvider...11:26
emweok, gotta go shopping. laters.11:26
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SpecRmates, how do you access your SD card from windowss when in android?15:24
rpierce99are you running looped or partitioned?15:24
rpierce99data.img or /data partition15:25
SpecRhow can I know that¡?15:25
rpierce99you would have had to partition your sd card manually15:25
SpecRfrom android or WinMo?15:26
SpecRRunning: Linksys embedded, Linux 2.4.X|2.6.X15:30
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arrrghhhrpierce99, just assume looped15:31
arrrghhhSpecR, wtf are you talking about15:32
arrrghhhUSB Mass Storage doesn't work15:32
arrrghhhas i've told you before15:32
arrrghhhat least i'm pretty sure we've had this damned convo before15:32
arrrghhhyou can kinda fake it with Droid Explorer tho15:32
SpecRim sure we havent15:36
SpecRanyway, good to know15:36
arrrghhhuh huh15:38
arrrghhhdon't make me go to the logs dude.  i'm pretty sure we have.15:38
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emwestinebd: i've identified the gps issue. on gb they dropped a vm registered polling thread in the GpsLocationProvider which carried the JNIEnv ptr in TLS. now our gps lib has to use the create_thread_cb of the GpsCallbacks struct to create it's pthread which then gets registered via AndroidRuntime::createJavaThread(). unfortunately the gps-rpc code calls the update_gps_* hooks as well which to me looks like librpc sets up its own16:55
emwethreads. need to figure a way how i can have the update events being fired by the gps_status_thread in gps_msm7k itself. dunno if it's possible to have the rpc threads being pulled through AndroidRuntime...16:55
arrrghhhyou really hacked at that emwe, good work.16:56
emweguess why there are no kernel updates...16:56
emwenext thing in kernel is likely the wakelock issue when plugging extusb headset. kills sleep. annoys me to run a wakelock keeping app in order to not have the device suspend/resume in a 1 sec loop16:58
emwethink that's not that great for the hw.16:58
emwei use to listen a lot of music @ work... so this is a showstopper.16:58
arrrghhhfix 3.5mm while you're at it :D16:58
emweabel already got me some code he hacked up for .27.... so only time will tell.16:59
emweapart from that, i did a little smd_tty change again to resemble .27 a tad bit more. no smd bug/crash yet.17:00
arrrghhhthat would be very nice.17:00
emwerhod is running now fine since ehm.. dunno. 2.5 days or so without resets.17:00
emwestill some audio/acoustic stuff... was playing music through headset then a call arrived, unplugged extusb and got no sound in the call...17:01
emwecar garage must have thought i am playing tricks on them.17:01
emwebut they played tricks on me... 650 euro for gf audi car repair...17:01
arrrghhhsounds like typical Audi repairs... $$$17:01
arrrghhhsorry, €€€17:02
emwewas including ehm... technical check thingy. TÃœV :)17:02
arrrghhhsounds kinky17:02
emwedunno if you got that in us.17:02
emwecar is forced to be checked every 2 years for public traffic fitness. otherwise you won#t get the sticker and it's not to be moved in public anymore.17:03
emwesorry my strange english^^17:03
arrrghhhwe kinda have that17:04
arrrghhhemissions testing17:04
arrrghhhevery state is different too, cali is very strict17:04
arrrghhhWyoming, I don't think they even have any emissions lol17:04
arrrghhhbasically make sure the car isn't polluting more than it should...17:04
arrrghhhsimple test, $25 i think.17:04
emweemission test is part of it. but the technical fittness ... brakes, tires, lights, windscreen wipers(?), everything.17:05
arrrghhhyea, cali does more rigorous testing than any other state.  definitely don't have that here.17:05
arrrghhhthey test the emissions, and make sure the gas cap seals lol17:05
arrrghhhhere's your sticker17:05
emweticking bombs on your roads ^^17:06
arrrghhhi hear it's much harder to get a driver's license in Germany tho17:06
arrrghhheh, it's the driver's problem if their car is not up to snuff.17:06
emwei assume yes.17:06
arrrghhhlike you have to get a private tutor and pay a lot of money just to take the driver test in Germany17:06
arrrghhhand if you fail, you must wait 6 months and do it all over again.17:06
emweyap iirc that wait on triple fail is correct.17:07
arrrghhhour driving test is a joke compared to that...17:07
arrrghhhanswer 15 stupid questions and pay $15 or smth.17:08
emwemy parents paid quite some bugs for my "small" motorcycle license @ 16 and then i did car and "big" motorcycle @18 which cost again quite some.17:08
arrrghhhno individual instructor, can retry as many times as you want for free AFAIK17:08
arrrghhhyea, it's crazy17:08
arrrghhhhow easy it is to get a license here17:08
arrrghhhand i don't think they ever make you retake any of the tests.17:08
arrrghhhyou have to go renew, but just go down and pay $15 again to get a new license.17:08
arrrghhhi've never had to retake any tests...17:09
emwei have to retake that gps thingy ;)17:09
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emwedunno if it'll be that fruitful this evening.17:09
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arrrghhhi won't hold it against you17:12
emweso yap, looks like these update_gps_* hooks are called from yet another thread which is a nono now.17:33
rpierce99emwe: are you troubleshooting the sleep bug or trying to fix gb?17:35
emwefix gps on gb. and sleep could be evaluated afterwards.17:35
emwenearing the former.17:35
rpierce99ah i thought it would require a rewrite, that's good news17:37
emwestinebd brought it into new api style a while ago.17:38
rpierce99that guy is a sneaky-hard worker, he makes it seem like he's lazy, but I know better17:42
stinebdum no, i'm incredibly lazy, in fact17:43
arrrghhhshame on you for thinking otherwise rpierce9917:44
rpierce99saying he's lazy is part of the sneakiness arrrghhh17:44
emwethere he is ;)17:44
rpierce99you're falling for his ninja tactics17:44
arrrghhhi see17:44
arrrghhhi've fallen for lesser ninja's.17:44
arrrghhhdid it just get really gay in here?17:45
rpierce99that depends, when did you get here?17:45
arrrghhhyou're the mac phanboi, not me ;)17:45
rpierce99oh snap17:46
stinebdhow do i get my marketing related tweets to go to google+?17:46
arrrghhhi don't know that you can...17:46
stinebdtherefore google+ sucks17:47
arrrghhhgoogle+ seems to integrate with other services17:47
arrrghhhbut i don't think other services integrate with google+ (yet)17:47
rpierce99you can sms google plus, rig up something to send an sms when you tweet17:49
arrrghhhquittin time, cya guys.17:58
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stinebdslickdaddy183 or whatever, you're all set. no more whining18:17
rpierce99stinebd: i see you guys were talking about mmsc for cdma, doesn't each cdma carrier have a unique mcc/mnc that is used as a key for the apn list?18:29
stinebddon't know18:30
rpierce99that's how gsm works18:30
rpierce99i guess i'm not sure if the mcc/mnc we get from the ril is hardcoded or from the provider18:31
stinebdbefore rewriting it was hardcoded to the same value for all cdma providers18:31
rpierce99it looks like it queries for it in the else block at line 2015, but ril code is a foreign language to me18:33
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emwegtg. need to rework that gps update event stuff in a hopefully acceptable manner. gnight.18:43
stinebdlooks like on american cdma providers (at the least) we get a valid mcc but mnc=018:45
stinebdon all of them18:45
rpierce99yeah i get 310 0018:45
arrrghhh310/00 works18:45
rpierce99arrrghhh: the question is does verizon get something other than 310 0018:46
stinebdso we can't just set apns18:46
arrrghhhstinebd, i don't see why not18:46
arrrghhhrpierce99, yes, let me check18:46
stinebdbecause they all have the same mcc/mnc18:46
rpierce99oh mcc is country code18:46
rpierce99network code is empty18:47
stinebdideally we'd have the ril use mmsc info based on some other network identifier (pretty name?)18:47
arrrghhhah crap, that's the operator.numeric build.prop setting18:47
rpierce99that's not used anymore i thought18:47
rpierce99ril sets it18:47
rpierce99stinebd: i think ideally we'd get a valid mnc and use apns18:48
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stinebdwe can't get a valid mnc18:48
rpierce99i'm talking ideal world, like if we all had gsm :)18:48
stinebdthe issue here being that north american cdma providers do not set mnc18:50
stinebdat least on the tower to device link18:50
stinebdbackhaul probably uses an mnc18:50
rpierce99xdandroid adding the qr code for all of their attachments is genius18:59
messtinebd, I see you made a commit to system_wlan_ti to change the device name to wlan0, does that work?19:00
rpierce99err xda-developers19:00
stinebdmes: if it doesn't work, i wouldn't have committed it19:00
mesI see, some reason that change to my tree still leaves a tiwlan0 device name19:00
stinebdthere are frameworks, rootfs and libhardware_legacy changes relevant to that issue as well19:01
stinebdwell maybe not frameworks19:01
mesI think those were in hyc's trees but he was trying to just link the name to wlan019:02
mesif it works for you there must be something that is not right here19:02
stinebdthere's a rootfs change which is not in a public git repository yet19:03
mesip link old_name new_name19:03
stinebdi will not provide support for that19:06
mesit doesn't work now anyway19:08
arrrghhhso stinebd have you talked to jb lately?19:10
stinebdaudio routing won't be in frx0719:11
stinebdstop asking19:11
arrrghhhi know19:11
arrrghhhi'm just wondering how it's coming along19:11
arrrghhhi haven't "seen" him in ages.19:11
arrrghhhbleh, he hasn't updated anything on git in ages either.19:13
stinebdwtf git19:13
stinebdwhy u no push all commits19:13
stinebdooh user error19:14
stinebdnow real branch up19:14
stinebdi'm learning local tracking branches so forgive my ineptitude19:15
stinebdit's a required concept for a certain frx07 feature that i'm keeping closed source19:16
arrrghhhdon't sweat it champ19:16
stinebdyou win an internet if you find out what it is19:16
stinebdand don't say it here19:16
stinebdhuge spike in comments on my blarg after retheming it19:23
arrrghhhthose bastards with their front-facing cameras19:26
messtinebd, was there a change to /etc/wifi/wlan_loader ?19:45
stinebdgit log19:45
mesin the tree that is not publicly available? the rootfs that supports #define TIWLAN_DRV_NAME "wlan0"?19:51
stinebdi made the tree publicly available just for you19:51
stinebdstop getting tudey19:52
stinebdand yes i have corrected my git merge fail as well ;)19:53
mestudey? ya, nothing was there after May6, couldn't really understand what you were talking about20:04
stinebdthere is now20:05
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Tandyman100The TP2 runs android way faster than the TP, correct?21:31
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stinebdnot really21:31
Tandyman100From what I saw it has the exact same specs, just a WVGA screen.21:32
stinebdthere's a marginal improvement likely attributable to turbo mode21:32
Tandyman100Turbo mode?21:32
stinebdin the end it's not noticeable21:32
Tandyman100vtec just kicked in, yo.21:32
Tandyman100Hmmok. I guess I'll just wait and save for an HD221:33
arrrghhhit's the same proc21:35
arrrghhhsame ram specs21:35
arrrghhhand more pixels to push21:35
arrrghhhtmo hd2 has way better specs...21:36
Tandyman100Well, yeah.21:37
Tandyman1001GHz snapdragon, almost 500mb of RAM, etc.21:38
stinebdor you could get an android phone21:38
stinebdto run android on21:38
Tandyman100what's the fun in that?21:38
Tandyman100I'm really looking at the HD2 because it runs WP7 as well as Android21:38
arrrghhhWP7 suxxors21:38
Tandyman100how so?21:38
arrrghhhand android on it... isn't like android on a native device21:38
arrrghhhi think of WP7 like i do iOS21:39
arrrghhhboring static unchanagable things21:39
Tandyman100I've seen/used it, seems REALLY snappy21:39
arrrghhhit's fast21:39
arrrghhhthe UI is fast...21:39
arrrghhhbut the browser blows donkey balls21:39
Tandyman100yeah, it's not that customizable21:39
arrrghhhand there's only one AFAIK21:39
Tandyman100but for a lot of people that doesn't matter21:39
Tandyman100There's Opera Mobile 11 for WP721:39
Tandyman100I think...21:39
arrrghhhdo you know21:39
Tandyman100now I'm not sure21:39
arrrghhhcuz we have wp7 tester phones @ work21:39
Tandyman100other than the lack of customizability and crappy browser, it still seems to me like iOS for people who don't want an iPhone21:40
Tandyman100someone who wants something simple21:40
Tandyman100the HD2 is a beast of a phone21:41
Tandyman100MeeGo, Winmo, Android, Ubuntu, WP721:41
* Tandyman100 drools21:41
arrrghhhno kbd, no thanks.21:41
Tandyman100bluetooth keyboard.21:41
arrrghhhyea, how conveinent.21:41
arrrghhhi didn't know they got MeeGo workin on it21:41
Tandyman100I've been using a Diamond, I got used to using an onscreen keyboard. On a bigger screen, I think it'd be pretty usable.21:41
Tandyman100I thought they did...21:41
arrrghhhwhy do you lie child21:42
Tandyman100because memory glitches21:42
stinebdso between meego, winmo, android, and wp721:42
stinebdthere's one useful mobile os available for hd221:42
stinebdand it's not native21:42
stinebdsounds like a good investment to me21:43
Tandyman100there's NAND for HD2...21:43
Tandyman100there's even builds with the new Sense rubbish, right?21:43
stinebdif you're buying hd2 for android you'll be disappointed21:43
arrrghhhthey give you the runs tho21:43
arrrghhhstuff like gps doesn't work well21:43
arrrghhhbecause no one RE'd the whole GPS crap with warm injection, XTRA updates (internet info on sat loc)21:44
Tandyman100ah. Hmm. So what would be a good sub-$150 GSM Android device?21:44
stinebdatrix is $100 right now21:44
arrrghhhyou don't care about lack of a kbd21:44
arrrghhhi think he wants to buy it off-contract21:45
arrrghhhdhd maybe, dunno what those run21:45
stinebdhd2 <$150 off contract?21:45
Tandyman100Used, yes.21:45
Tandyman100if you get lucky on Craigslist.21:45
stinebdthen that goes for any current android phone too21:45
Tandyman100Wow, Droid Eris' with broken screens for $50 eac21:48
Tandyman100screens aren't that expensive...21:48
arrrghhhassuming you have the skill to replace it21:48
arrrghhhhave at it21:48
stinebdlooks like my n1's screen21:48
stinebdmaybe even worse21:49
stinebdmine had a more defined web21:49
arrrghhhthat's pretty damned bad21:49
Tandyman100woah what the hell21:49
stinebdi threw mine at an oncoming truck21:49
stinebdjust for the lulz21:49
stinebdthen i remembered i had an overseas trip in two days. lulz gone.21:50
Tandyman100...aaaand gtg21:51
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stinebdguess it was bed time21:51
stinebdarrrghhh: how many gold skulltulas are in the spirit temple?21:53
arrrghhhat least 1721:56
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arrrghhhwhy didn't we convince him the RHOD would scream22:01
arrrghhhwould've been much more fun22:02
arrrghhhtell him to get a Vogue22:02
bzohi arrrghhh22:06
arrrghhhhello sir bzo22:06
bzoI'm in CO right now22:08
bzoyour neck of the woods :P22:08
arrrghhhwhere abouts?22:08
bzoco springs22:08
arrrghhhnice.  my sister lives down there :P22:08
arrrghhhpikes peak hill climb was... last weekend i think?22:09
bzosheesh, this area is full of military dudes and evangelical christians22:09
arrrghhhi wanted to go, heh22:09
arrrghhhit is jesus/military country.22:10
arrrghhhthere's one of the largest wacko chruches in the country down thar22:10
bzoyou closer to denver?22:10
arrrghhhyea, i'm in it in fact.22:10
bzoyeah, with the shooting last year right?22:10
arrrghhhsomething like that22:10
arrrghhhthere was some gay dude as well22:10
arrrghhhwho ran this crazy huge megachurch22:11
bzoright, I think I drove past that stadium church the other day22:11
arrrghhhi dunno, i don't follow that crap very closely :P22:11
bzowell, at least the folks here a nicer and more mellow than CA22:11
arrrghhhhead ot the mountains22:12
arrrghhhit gets more chill for the most part22:12
bzoI have to keep my road warrior instincts in check here22:12
arrrghhhthere's the occasional crazy mountain man that just wants you to get the fuck off his property22:12
bzoI can completely understand that, thinking about becoming one of those guys22:13
arrrghhhbut yea lots of good 4-wheelin campin great shit in the springs22:13
arrrghhhmountain man bzo22:13
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mmbzodamn, thought the sky sox game was rained out but seems to have started22:14
mmbzogotta run, bbl22:17
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stinebdgoogle+ invites are open for now22:52
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rpierce99people on my google+ are posting on google+ that google+ invites are active again23:01
stinebdit hasn't been publicized well23:03
stinebdso that's useful actually23:03
rpierce99i set up google+ so it posts to my facebook also, it's very hackish23:04
stinebdbut i want the opposite-ish23:07
stinebdtwitter -> g+23:07
rpierce99you can go the other way:
stinebdno want other way23:08
stinebdscrew google23:08
stinebdexcept android23:08
stinebduh oh battery time over23:08
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