Friday, 2011-06-24

XofratsHow big is your ext2 partition?00:03
jonpryi set mine up as a 512MB fat, 2 512MB nilfs2, 1 128MB swap, and the remaining ~ 6GB as nilfs200:04
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Xofratshow is nilfs00:09
jonpryits faster00:15
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slickdaddy96Hey hyc I supposed you aren't going to allow anyone to get to any of your updated versions of your build anymore? It's a shame the idiots ruined it.  It is a nice build.00:55
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arrrghhhemwe, hiho.  booting .35 now.10:29
emweoi, thanks :)10:29
arrrghhhhonestly tho with .39 at the stage it is at... is there much point to .35?  no offense...10:30
emweassume you are on a "plus" build.10:30
emweno idea if it's worth it. perhaps it's just for the fun of it.10:31
arrrghhhheh, fair enough :P10:31
arrrghhhi was looking forward to testing .35 forever10:31
arrrghhhand then jonpry and wistilt2 swooped in and freakin cranked out .3910:31
emweit's taking me quite some time getting into things, understanding and adopting... or just freaking bug searches. get one thing done, stumble over the next thing.10:32
emwewell yeah, our own fault if we try to do it differently then .27 :)10:32
emwebut it feels to be able to make phone calls and listen to music with earphone ...10:33
emwefeels nice10:33
emwedamn topa incall bug10:34
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arrrghhhemwe, so far so good10:53
arrrghhhmissing the sleep LED is odd :(10:53
arrrghhhso i don't know if it's actually sleeping10:53
arrrghhhbut wakes are fast.10:53
emweyeah... one thing at a time.10:53
arrrghhhso i don't know if it's actually sleeping10:54
emwetrying to make up my mind about how far a led driver can be generalized.10:54
arrrghhhbut assuming it is, wakes are very nice.  just like .3910:54
emweany subjective fb differences?10:54
arrrghhhfb seems smooth10:54
arrrghhhbetter than .2710:54
emwedefinitively .)10:54
arrrghhhnot sure if it's better or worse than .3910:55
arrrghhhit seems about the same TBH.  maybe slightly slower... but it's a minute difference.10:55
arrrghhhi love looking at the kernel version tho :P10:55
arrrghhhi'm such a dork10:55
emwelet me do that too... didn't for a long time ;)10:56
emwehm, michael@think :)10:56
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emwestinebd: did you notice any issues with 20110613 gapps gb market that the search button does not work?11:29
stinebdman i haven't had time to run gb in months11:29
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imrangreeting every one11:31
emwestinebd: hiho. thought you did test it out due to you mention the updated gapps package recently.11:33
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stinebdthank you sir11:54
stinebdvery nice11:55
stinebdmoto has won some respect11:55
stinebdso much so that i may upgrade11:55
arrrghhhi'm surprised TBH.11:55
stinebdsmart move considering one of their major rivals did the same11:57
stinebdtheir main rival in the same segment11:57
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XethronI just got an Android!!! :D12:18
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arrrghhhXethron, great, I just got an Internets12:43
Xethronwhat internet?12:48
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arrrghhhTHE Internets12:56
arrrghhhemwe, i need to use .35 more, but i haven't had any random slowness like on .39...13:08
emweyap. that's the first thing i figured. it's not getting sluggish as i see it here, too.13:08
emwe(first thing when i fired up topa with .39 yesterday)13:08
emwebeen running .35 fulltime today on rhod13:09
arrrghhhhad a little kinepshit after i updated the amazon app store...13:09
emwelistening to music...13:09
arrrghhhit kinda froze up13:09
arrrghhhsorry, i like to make up words.13:09
emwei like looking them up @dict.leo.org13:09
arrrghhhdoesn't help non-native speakers :P13:09
arrrghhhyea, you won't find that one lol13:10
stinebdi've never heard kinepshit13:13
stinebdwe should put an entry for that on the wiki13:13
arrrghhhi've never actually written it down or typed it13:13
arrrghhhemwe, FB does seem just a tad slower to respond.  but with no lag, i'll take it.13:15
arrrghhhapps seem to be slightly snappier as well.  this was true in .39 as well, when it wasn't dragging ass :P13:16
emwebtw, no OC... just in case you didn't know.13:16
arrrghhhi don't OC13:16
arrrghhhbut .39 suffers from the same problem13:16
arrrghhhthere's a bug that .39 has as well13:17
emwewell, wouldn't call it suffer.13:17
arrrghhhnot being able to overclock... pretty sure that's not a benefit :P13:17
emwewhich bug?13:17
arrrghhhbut back to the bug - when the phone is *trying* to sleep, and you try to wake... panel wake fails every single time.13:17
arrrghhhif the phone is in a sleep-state, no problems with panel wake.13:17
emweyou said earlier you dunno hwo to judge it sleeps. how now? ;)13:18
emwedunno if i've seen that.13:18
arrrghhhi don't know if it's actually sleeping13:19
arrrghhhit was loading an app13:19
arrrghhhscreen went off13:19
arrrghhhand i was unable to turn the screen back on, panel wake fail13:19
arrrghhhso i'm assuming a little here sorry :P13:19
arrrghhhit's just the EXACT problem i had on .3913:19
emwecdma perhaps?13:19
arrrghhhfigured i would pass it on ;)13:19
emwei don't recall i've seen it13:20
arrrghhhat least i don't think so13:20
emweyeah, will watch out for it13:20
arrrghhhjonpry's not here 1 sec13:20
emweif that 35mm isn't frustrating me a lot, i am gonna dirtily hack in sleep led. allthough i really would like to get a comon led framework for our devices up13:20
arrrghhhtake your time man13:22
arrrghhhi don't want to rush ya13:22
emwebut i wan't to. need to catch up with those low and high number suckers.13:26
emweand then i can leave that yc-a300 for topa.13:26
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stinebdshut that guy up14:10
stinebdi don't know14:10
stinebddo that thing where you insult morons14:10
arrrghhhpretty sure he's immune, but i can try14:11
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arrrghhhemwe, so far so good on .35.  not sure if this'll make any sense... but...15:40
arrrghhhthe touch screen seems... less responsive.15:41
arrrghhhit's fine when i'm swiping between desktops15:41
emwedunno either. that 35mm is keeping me busy...15:41
arrrghhhbut clicking, it seems to be noticably more difficult for it to recognize clicks15:41
arrrghhhlol work on 35mm15:41
arrrghhhthat's more important anyways :P15:41
emweyeah, i had some strangeness it reacting a bit too sensitive. i increased pressure threshold a bit15:44
emweperhaps it was too high.15:44
emwecan get back to that though later. just remind me.15:44
emwei think i should be getting out this evening. get a beer or something. at least soon...15:45
emweby chance know the htc ace codename?15:48
emwea mixed up.15:48
emweace == desire hd15:48
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arrrghhhyou're asking questions above my pay grade emwe15:50
emweoh man... if importing this htc code will get me going better.. i hope.15:51
arrrghhhcall audio all works15:51
arrrghhhgood stuff15:51
emwejb's stuff ;)15:52
arrrghhh(well, other than busted speakerphone in acoustic code)15:52
arrrghhhjust wanted to ensure it all works on .35 ;)15:52
arrrghhhyou asked me to test this thing :P15:52
emweyeah, thanks.15:52
emwejust don't start iterating over what's not ;915:52
arrrghhhfor the record, i have had some odd slowness15:52
arrrghhhbut, it seems to be like .27 slowness15:53
arrrghhhnot like .39 slowness15:53
arrrghhhif that makes sense...15:53
emwei think i had no slowness, yet.15:53
emweapart when mp3 playing and being busy decoding15:54
arrrghhhi just mean navigating UI15:54
arrrghhhand it randomly gets slow.15:54
arrrghhhon .27, it's not unbearable15:54
arrrghhhit's 'reasonable' slowness15:54
arrrghhhon .39, it's crippling15:54
emwewell, at times in launcherpro it get's a bit slow in appdrawer15:54
arrrghhhphone becomes unusable.15:54
arrrghhhyea that's what i mean15:54
arrrghhhbut other times it's really fast15:54
arrrghhhi keep blaming the shitty random write perf15:55
emwedepends also likely on the memory settings of the launcher.15:55
arrrghhhwhich, i've tried to find a card i own with better than 20kb/s15:55
emweif it keeps stuff in mem or onot15:55
arrrghhhwell the slowness on .35 seems about on par with .2715:55
arrrghhhnot bad15:55
arrrghhhjust obnoxious :P15:55
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emwearrrghhh: 35mm works. but don't ask how. htc did it. not sure all are gonna like it.17:00
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arrrghhhemwe, details man details17:17
emwe#htc-linux ;)17:18
arrrghhhi see17:19
arrrghhhi was thinking you were going to say the code was messy or smth17:19
arrrghhhand devs won't want to commit it17:19
NeoMatrixJRso...uh...what happened to hyc's FRX06+ page???17:23
NeoMatrixJRsorry, been gone a while17:23
NeoMatrixJR1.) are you sir equating bacon to nothing?! (the beatings will commence until you repent!) and 2.) do we have an update or did hyc get tired of people asking about it? (or did everything finally get committed?)17:25
arrrghhh#1, i love bacon.17:26
arrrghhh#2, pretty much it.17:26
arrrghhhall of it17:26
arrrghhhsomeone on tiad8's site kanged it, and i told him about it :/17:26
arrrghhhtoo little too late, but he pulled it.17:26
NeoMatrixJRah nfw... can't we like, ban tiad8 from the internet or something?17:27
arrrghhhi actually had that discussion.17:27
NeoMatrixJRso FRX06+ if you've got it, FRX06 if you don't?17:27
arrrghhhwe determined it's not possible to ban someone from the internets.17:27
arrrghhhDDOS be damned.17:28
arrrghhhNeoMatrixJR, deal.17:28
arrrghhh07 should be soon.  stinebd is battling TI wifi, then hopefully RELEASE17:28 my copy of FRX06+ was just going to see if there were any updates.  I saw some of the comments about .35/.39 kernels and wondered if hyc had anything posted about that....17:28
emwethey work on that. .35 to some extent, .39 likely better and feature complete ;)17:29
NeoMatrixJRI'm all chill about updates these days.  I can live w/ WinMo (gasp!) for now as I've got a shiny new android tablet! W007!17:29
arrrghhhemwe, i really do like .3517:30
arrrghhhjust get it up to snuff :P17:30
NeoMatrixJR'cept the bloody thing keeps wiping my pictures!17:30
arrrghhhthat's a feature17:31
NeoMatrixJRand it needs a rear camera... QR codes are worthless to me now :(17:31
emwearrrghhh: there's a tiwlan issue with frx07?17:32
NeoMatrixJRyeah...wait...that doesn't make any sense... I thought the wlan modules were a kernel thing... why does the new system care?17:32
arrrghhhemwe, am i mistaken?17:33
arrrghhhi thought stinebd was fighting that name change...?17:33
emwearrrghhh: ah, still. ok.17:33
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NeoMatrixJRarrrghhh, oh, I think I remember now.  He was fighting to get both wireless modules to use wlan0 instead of whatever TI is using.17:43
arrrghhhdidn't i basically say that?17:43
arrrghhhtrying to change the name of all the wlan devices, so there's not 2 names out thar17:43
NeoMatrixJRdon't remember if there was a reason behind that or a 'just cause' sort of thing.17:43
arrrghhhtrying to unify everything so updates aren't so painful.17:43
NeoMatrixJRdunno. I keep getting dropped from freenode...not sure what's going on there.17:44
arrrghhhchatzilla kinda blows...17:44
NeoMatrixJRI think my cable internet is acting up again17:44
NeoMatrixJRusually it works fine17:44
NeoMatrixJRwhat do u use?17:44
arrrghhhdepends on OS17:45
arrrghhhxchat on winblows17:45
arrrghhhkonversation on linux17:45
arrrghhhwait you're in Georgia?17:45
arrrghhhi hate these services17:46
arrrghhhnext says iowa17:46
NeoMatrixJRmediacom changed out our IPs recently.... Used a block that used to be in Georgia apparently.17:46
arrrghhhnever heard of them17:46
arrrghhhlocal ISP?17:46
NeoMatrixJRever since everything's been kinda screwy.17:46
NeoMatrixJRI'd say regional.  They're big but not as big as TW or Comcrap17:47
NeoMatrixJRthey're just as good at screwing everyone over though17:47
NeoMatrixJRdamn monopolists17:47
arrrghhhcompanies big and small have gotten very efficient at screwing people over.17:47
NeoMatrixJRThey kinda fill in a lot of the large gaps that don't have TW, Comcrap, or VZW17:48
arrrghhhseems the bigger the company, the better they are at screwing.17:48
NeoMatrixJRI was getting < 1mbps on a 12mbps connection for a while.17:48
NeoMatrixJRthey oversold the node.17:48
NeoMatrixJRwouldn't admit to it.  Was a big problem for them for a while though.  Lots of complaints on their support forums.17:49
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arrrghhhgood lord17:50
arrrghhhone thing that comcast has always provided17:50
arrrghhhconsistent speed17:50
arrrghhhtypically more b/w than what i pay for.17:50
NeoMatrixJRyeah, I had them for a while down in KC.  I know everyone complains about them, but they were good while I had'em, but that was before they started all that bandwidth capping, port blocking, etc non-sense17:51
arrrghhhi've never run into that17:52
arrrghhhcapping, port blocking, none of it.17:52
arrrghhhnever even really had an outage, and i've been a comcrast customer for 6+ years.17:52
arrrghhhin multiple houses17:52
arrrghhhg2g, peace17:53
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NeoMatrixJROnly time I had an outtage w/ them in the 8 months I had them was when they were upgrading a line outside my house.  I usually have 4-5 outtages a month w/ mediacom (granted *most* are .5-2 hrs during the day when I'm at work)17:53
NeoMatrixJRlater arrrghhh17:53
NeoMatrixJRg2g 2 actually... Later #xdandroid17:54
GlemSomjfi, I've setup the 2.6.39 repo just for fun... (Using the .config... Dunno if that is intended as default?)... ->
GlemSomthough note, compcache does NOT compile with 2.6.39.... So, I've disabled that too...18:05
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hyccompcache was replaced by ramzswap18:49
hycI haven't checked recently, are the autobuilds enabling CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_REDIRECT=m now?18:51
hycneed it for transparent proxying18:51
emwehyc: likely not yet. i never fulfilled your request.18:55
hycno rush, was just curious18:56
stinebdatrix unlocked19:14
stinebdsuck it att19:15
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madplayahi any one here21:31
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