Friday, 2011-06-10

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stinebdi was pretty sure i set a minimum donation amount to block that kinda thing18:39
stinebdnow i have to dig into how all this works18:40
stinebdi wrote that a loooong time ago18:40
arrrghhhyea i'm not sure what he was trying to achieve18:41
stinebdguess not18:42
stinebdpoor design decision18:42
arrrghhhhe just wanted to throw pennies at you stine18:44
hyceho, nope. there's no Edit button for my details. seems only the admin can edit?18:47
stinebdi guess that's why arrrghhh still hasn't set his real name18:50
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arrrghhhwhat is this 'real' name that you speak of18:51
xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, mclovin, who says: WOOOOOOOOO18:52
stinebdsomething that isn't a noise you make during defecation18:52
stinebdtry that again18:53
stinebdthat seems to be better18:54
rpierce99i think in the naming convention around here, arrrghhhs real name is obviously a_______  rrrghhh18:55
stinebdnow you need to donate 5 bucks to make a scene18:55
stinebdrpierce99: lol that's actually what i set it to on xdandroid.com18:55
stinebda rrrghhh18:55
arrrghhhno wonder emails were getting sent like that.18:56
arrrghhhi fixed that on my xdandroid email acct :P18:56
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hycI don't see anything in google docs19:03
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hycre: the ip link rename thing, probably better just to patch the dev name in the device driver :P19:15
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stinebdin the kernel?19:17
stinebderr kernel module19:17
hycI guess then we'd have to patch the firmware loader too19:17
hycto find the right device19:17
stinebdi'll find a way to make it work19:17
stinebdi don't take no such device for an answer19:18
hychmm, apparently my tweak to my build to set the gles version to 1.1 fell on the floor. it's back to 1.0 in my latest system.img doh.19:19
hyc /system/build.prop opengles.version = 6553719:19
hycwith the updated that ought to be 6553719:20
stinebdi don't think i have that in frx0619:21
hycah, probably not. that's why I never committed a patch for it19:21
stinebdi can do it, not a big deal19:21
hycand that's why it didn't get set consistently in my builds :P19:21
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arrrghhhhyc, i just thought of something19:30
arrrghhha change to MMS...19:30
arrrghhhi know the whole Sprint debacle is bone-headed... but in the meantime, why not change the fix to work how Sprint thinks it should?  IE instead of pausing it, insert 8sec for the slideshow of the still.19:31
stinebdalready merged locally19:31
stinebdtoo late19:31
arrrghhhseriously tho19:33
arrrghhhi think it would make more sense to the end-user19:33
hycbut who cares about end users? :P19:33
arrrghhhand it is the way the carrier does it.19:33
stinebdspecifically sprint end-users19:33
* arrrghhh glares at his Sprint branded phones...19:34
hycI don't even remember how that code works now19:34
hycI *do* remember that I tried to stuff a 5 second default in several places and it never took effect19:35
hycyeah, just never found the right place to fix the problem19:35
arrrghhhwell i don't want to spend a lot of time on it, just a thought/hope.19:35
arrrghhhbecause hitting play then seek is kinda confusing.19:35
hycI guess that's true19:35
arrrghhhobviously Sprint just needs to fucking fix the way they do MMS...19:35
hycI can look at it some more...19:36
arrrghhhbut I'm not holding my breath on that one.19:36
arrrghhhk.  i'm here to help in any tiny way i can ;019:36
rpierce99arrrghhh: i can think of approximate 83000 opportunities that you could have mentioned this prior to, oh i don't know, the minute after it's all merged19:37
arrrghhhi know.19:37
arrrghhhisn't that just perfect..19:37
arrrghhhthat mms thread on ppcg reminded me..19:37
rpierce99i think the way it is now is closer to what the pdu is calling for19:38
rpierce99assuming a part without a dur is forever19:39
rpierce99i agree that it is a little "nicer" to override sprint being dumb and make it a nice slideshow, but that seems almost akin to what sprint is doing, modifying the content to an implied intent19:40
arrrghhhyea, to make it a better experience for stupid people like me.19:41
arrrghhhit's not a big deal.  one of those 'trivial enhancement' type of bugs.19:41
hycunfortunately, to understand the code is not trivial19:41
arrrghhhhyc already freakin did an amazing job on cleaning up their poop.19:41
arrrghhhshoveling it if you will19:42
stinebdi wouldn't say amazing19:42
rpierce99i wont19:42
arrrghhheh?  that was quite a conundrum.19:43
stinebdincredible or marvelous19:43
stinebdnot amazing19:43
arrrghhhperhaps clusterfuck would better describe it19:43
stinebdto call it amazing would be an insult to hyc19:43
rpierce99any word from sprint arrrghhh19:43
arrrghhhi see...19:43
arrrghhhrpierce99, nope.  not since the phone convo19:43
rpierce99and i see your post hasn't gotten any response on the forum, big surprise19:44
arrrghhhyea... surprise surprise.19:46
arrrghhhwhen i looked at that forum with the dude on the phone i said it looked dead...19:46
arrrghhhhe said 'oh people inside sprint randomly get on there' or something to that effect.  great.19:46
arrrghhhisn't that why i'm talking to you..?  bleh.19:47
arrrghhhnow they have all the text in an email, so they can't say the page isn't loading bwhahaha19:47
arrrghhhi didn't expect this to be easy, but it's certainly better than just calling up customer service...19:48
hychm, probably gingerbread already has fixes for this19:50
hycbut again, they decide based on compile time config.xml19:50
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stinebdgonna stab this build system20:03
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hycfigures arrrrghhh ran away already :P20:07
hycrpierce99: if you're around, could give this a try.
hycreverted the pause patch, replaced with a default duration20:08
hycbased loosely on a gingerbread patch...20:08
rpierce99works. seems fast20:15
hyctoo fast?20:15
rpierce99seems like text frame was like 1s, pic was like 2s20:16
hychmm, ok20:16
rpierce99that's just that one20:17
rpierce99most of them are very long20:17
rpierce99that must be one where i edited the pdu20:17
hyclooks like the default should be 7 seconds20:18
hycthere's a config.xml to override that but I'm sure we haven't changed it20:18
rpierce99yeah it's about 8 seconds by my rough mouth timing20:18
rpierce99"one one thousand"20:18
hycok, close enough ;)20:18
hycthe next question is what does it do when you actually send a video with its true duration20:19
rpierce99i wish it didn't have those dump text pars but whatevs20:19
hycor an audio, for that matter20:19
rpierce99i don't think i have any video20:19
rpierce99did you ever send me any20:19
hycmm, don't recall, lemme send again20:19
hycok, sent a video with text20:22
rpierce99this better not be like that random video chat site20:23
hycheh. I can send you some pr0n if you'd prefer20:23
rpierce99that worked well, aside from it being the most horrible quality video i've ever seen20:23
rpierce99like i can't make out any shapes even20:23
hyctaken on the TP2, so no surprise20:23
rpierce99oh well, 12 seconds of video20:24
hycok, so that got duration ok20:24
hycI actually have another patch uploaded Mms2.apk, same web directory20:24
rpierce99probably only because it's embedded in the file20:24
hycyeah, no doubt20:24
hycsave the one you've got, try this other one20:24
rpierce99is this one supposed to be different?20:29
hycit might be, depending on image vs audio/video content20:29
rpierce99seems same to me, but i don't know what i'm looking for20:29
hycok, if it's the same then just keep it, this is the version I'm going to commit20:30
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hycthere was some weird logic in the original code I copy/pasted from gingerbread20:30
hycthis is simpler...20:30
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hycyou tried viewing both plain img and video msg?20:31
hyccommitted and pushed20:32
hycstinebd: more for you ;)20:33
NeoMatrixJRok, so if you wanted to have a physical keypress launch an app where would you set that up?20:37
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NeoMatrixJRfound it20:42
NeoMatrixJRquick launch buttons were configured20:42
rpierce99hyc, yes both worked the same way as before20:43
hycok thx20:43
stinebdwill the gingerbread sensor code work in froyo?20:51
hycdunno but I'd guess no20:51
stinebdbecause it's much nicer i think20:51
hycI thought they reorganized the entire structure of the sensors libraries20:51
hycwe would have to backport framework bits too20:52
hycnot sure at that point where the line is between froyo and gingerbread20:52
hycthere are G1 froyo roms with gingerbread framework20:53
stinebdthe driver in gingerbread is nusensors20:53
stinebdso i don't know if nusensors was implemented before or after froyo20:53
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stinebdlooks like it was after20:54
stinebdoh well20:54
hycyeah definitely it was new for ginger20:57
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stinebdlibstagefreight sigsegv21:14
stinebdwhich is a closing brace21:15
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stinebdwpa_supplicant is pissing me off21:35
rpierce99Suck it Lavos, you're dead.21:49
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arrrghhhw00t, logs are back.  and hyc you fixxored it so quickly!  :D  thank you.22:06
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stinebdmother FUCK22:35
stinebdgreat time for a power outage22:36
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