Wednesday, 2011-06-01

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jaremyleeis anyone on here talking02:21
jaremyleei cant get sound from android upgrade02:22
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jaremyleedont look like im gonna get help here02:29
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ryannath1nslove the people who come on for ten minutes and expect to be helped instantly03:26
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Migait's 'cuz they don't know how IRC works03:38
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smiley_has there been any work done on making the battery metering more stable on RAPH100?   I saw something about RHOD in the forums05:14
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ryannathansPlayStation 1 Emulator on Android, woot! :P08:19
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ultradj83Dear all... I'm getting crazy with my raphael, keyboard mapping is not correct...09:34
ultradj83In startup.txt I have physkeyboard=raph09:35
ultradj83but it's not correct09:35
smiley_mine works excellent09:39
smiley_but I have nordic_raph/raph_nordic09:39
smiley_what kind of keyb layout do you have?09:40
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ultradj83i've got the italian keyboard10:05
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smiley_looks like nobody has created an italian keyblayout for raph10:12
smiley_rhod100 has one10:12
arrrghhhwouldn't surprise me10:13
arrrghhhnot many RAPH folk10:13
arrrghhhevidently there's a nordic_raph layout lol10:14
smiley_hehe.. I have the nordic_raph so I have no problem ;)   but ultradj83 needs italian10:14
arrrghhhask him to make an it_raph10:14
ultradj83could you please explain how to make it?10:14
smiley_ultradj83: here is your chance to commit something to the community.. make an italian keymap to raph :)10:14
arrrghhhultradj83, look at the other keymaps10:14
arrrghhhit's pretty straightforward AFAIK10:15
arrrghhhthey're in the rootfs10:15
arrrghhhf22 really needs to commit his rootfs changes.10:15
smiley_but many of them looks to be in .bin format10:16
arrrghhhlook at the .kl's10:16
arrrghhhfor example10:17
smiley_yeah.. but looks like the raph only has .bin according to the init-file10:17
smiley_elif /bin/grep -c 'physkeyboard=nordic_raph' /proc/cmdline >/dev/null ; then10:18
smiley_        cp -f /init.etc/keymaps/raphfix_microp-keypad-swedish.kcm.bin /etc/keymaps/microp-keypad.kcm.bin10:18
ultradj83I'm on win7...10:19
arrrghhhyou'll want linux to do this work methinks.10:19
arrrghhhit'll make things easier.10:19
ultradj83i have a pair of VMs on my laptop10:20
smiley_i never figured out how to make rootfs image yesterday when I built latest gingerbread from git10:20
smiley_I thought it would be built with the system.img but it didnt10:21
arrrghhhthere's a script10:21
arrrghhhfor building rootfs10:21
ultradj83i'm searching for a raph.kcm10:22
smiley_arrrghhh: in git?10:24
smiley_the git repo10:24
arrrghhhscript is somewheres lol10:24
arrrghhhi'm not sure where, never built the rootfs mahself.10:24
smiley_hehe ;)10:24
arrrghhhi would imagine the script is in git10:25
smiley_I will figure out and it can be added to the build wikipage10:25
arrrghhhi don't think there is a rootfs build wikipage10:25
ultradj83sorry guys, I've been managing android only for a week... where's the git?10:25
arrrghhhultradj83, he linked you to it earlier10:25
ultradj83ah ok10:25
arrrghhhif you ask F22 really nicely and grab a nice pic of your kbd he might make one for you10:25
arrrghhhbut he hasn't been around much lately... :(10:26
smiley_I mean on the
arrrghhhsmiley_, that's for the system image10:26
smiley_but wouldnt you want rootfs to be built at the same time?10:27
arrrghhhnothing to do with rootfs10:27
smiley_hmm ok10:27
arrrghhhi don't see any reason why you would need the rootfs built in tandem with the system image...10:27
smiley_I'm new to this so don't know all the details ;)10:27
arrrghhhmaybe that script is in the scripts for system image...10:28
arrrghhhyea rootfs is a little silly, but i guess it was necessary to break it out.10:28
arrrghhhrootfs = / basically10:28
smiley_the thing is that I had to modify the initscript because dhcpcd failed to initalize10:28
smiley_in rootfs10:28
smiley_and I guess that was because of changes in gingerbread (the system.img)10:29
smiley_I did mount the existing rootfs and made the change there so I solved it10:29
arrrghhhi don't have any issues with that on gb10:29
ultradj83I cannot find any kcm... shall I browse the rootfs.img through droidexplorer?10:29
arrrghhhultradj83, whatever10:30
ryannathanswoah, i look away for a while and something is happening in irc10:30
smiley_I had.. it tried to launch the service dhcpdcd_tiwlan0 which doesn't exists in init.rc10:30
arrrghhhsmiley_, hrm i thought tiwlan was being eliminated10:31
arrrghhhperhaps that hasn't been completed...10:31
ultradj83any idea of the path for .kcm?10:31
smiley_yeah.. someone said it would be replaced with only wlan instead10:31
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arrrghhhultradj83, in the rootfs.  you were linked to the git, that has direct files for you to look at...10:32
ultradj83sorry but i cannot see them...10:32
smiley_but building gingerbread was a nice 5-6 hours full CPU trip ;)10:32
smiley_works really good.. as long as I don't overclock10:33
smiley_only issue I have is that from time to time something really slows down the whole phone..   usually happens after I have been to Market10:33
arrrghhhc'est la vie10:33
ultradj83is this the correct link?
arrrghhhultradj83, good lord that's for the system image.10:37
arrrghhhjust ask F22 to make the keymap for you10:37
arrrghhhtake a good pic of the keyboard10:37
arrrghhhand ask nicely.10:37
smiley_  lol..  the italian one is missing from that page ;)10:39
smiley_might be possible to quickly create it since there is one for RHOD (don't know how much difference there is)10:40
arrrghhhthere's even a placeholder for it.10:40
ultradj83i'm getting crazy for a keyboard... unbelievable...10:40
smiley_  thats the italian one for rhod10010:41
ultradj83it's completely different10:42
arrrghhhit's a completely different device.10:42
arrrghhhthere's the FUZE keypad layout10:43
ultradj83should be very similar10:43
ultradj83it's better to start from en raphael or similar, this one had different special keys10:46
ryannathanssmiley_: that was me that said it was moving to wlan0 :)10:46
smiley_I think I have some electrical ground problems in my room.. if I have my raph connected to the Macbook with USB and touch my Dell PC with my feets I can feel electric the hand I'm holding the raph in ;)10:46
ryannathanssounds safe10:47
arrrghhhsounds like your macbook is trying to kill you10:47
ryannathansdon't try running doom or quake on your rhod... the delay is unbearable10:48
arrrghhhuhm.. ok?10:48
arrrghhhdid you expect it to be flawless?  lol10:48
ryannathansyou push shoot and a few seconds later it reacts10:48
smiley_probably the PC that is angry since it's always switched off ;)10:48
ryannathansheh, I don't trust Apple products, the end.10:49
ryannathansmac defender? Seriously, what could be runnin on there that isn't displaying itself ;)10:50
jon_put dell pc and raph across temples and report10:51
ryannathansFrankenstein Inbound.10:51
ryannathansheh, I'm off, have fun.10:53
ultradj83in my init.etc/keymaps there's no raph.* file10:54
ultradj83there's a raph_navi_pad.kl10:55
smiley_the correct keymap gets copied to that file during boot10:55
ultradj83ah ok10:55
ultradj83copied from?10:55
smiley_the commands are in there10:56
ultradj83from line 46210:57
smiley_and not strange that I couldnt figure out how to build rootfs.  that part of the repo wasn't cloned ;)10:58
arrrghhhhahaha10:58 :)10:58
ultradj83but init.etc/keymaps is the source10:58
ultradj83of the cp10:58
arrrghhhsmiley_, there's the script.10:58
smiley_yes.. init.etc is part of the rootfs image11:02
ultradj83this is my kb:
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smiley_which did you see the raphfix_microp-keypad-swedish.kcm file?11:05
ultradj83effectively it's strange, but it's the only one...11:13
ultradj83it's in my init.etc/keymaps11:14
ultradj83for the nordic layout11:15
ultradj83added raphfix_microp-keypad.kcm.bin11:16
ultradj83thi is similar but symbols at 1st row are wrong11:17
ultradj83and FN acts as Maiusc11:17
ultradj83anybody still there?11:21
arrrghhhwhat do you want11:22
arrrghhhi don't see a question11:22
arrrghhhso i didn't respond..11:22
ultradj83i'm trying to write down the layout on myself11:23
arrrghhhstill don't see a question11:24
ultradj83nothing, I cannot find a similar layout to start from11:24
arrrghhhthere isn't one11:25
arrrghhhthat's why we're asking you to make one11:25
ultradj83sure, and how can I use it once ready?11:26
arrrghhhbuild the rootfs11:27
arrrghhhusing that script smiley_ mentioned earlier11:27
arrrghhhi think you can just name the kl or kcm or bin file something unique11:29
ultradj83I'll try asap, but I've never built anything,,,11:29
arrrghhhand then just use that in the startup11:29
arrrghhhi've never done it mahself tho.11:29
arrrghhhnever needed to create a keymap :P11:29
ultradj83I exported some keymaps from my device, but I can't open them as text11:30
arrrghhhare they .bin?11:30
ultradj83.bin, .kcm and .kcm.bin11:31
arrrghhhyou can't open .bin files directly11:31
arrrghhhthose are compiled11:31
ultradj83sure, but it's the same with .kcm11:31
arrrghhhyou can open .kcm and .kl11:31
arrrghhhthen you're doing something wrong?11:31
arrrghhhlet me rephrase, i can open .kcm and .kl no problems.11:31
ultradj83i export files and I try to open with notepad11:32
ultradj83maybe my droid explorer exports corrupter files11:32
arrrghhhi don't use that trash, notepad++ ftw.11:32
arrrghhhi don't use droid explorer either...11:32
ultradj83i use notepad++11:32
ultradj83how do you connect the device?11:32
arrrghhhwhy not just click on the links we gave earlier?11:32
arrrghhhthose load in the browser, you shouldn't have issues there...11:33
ultradj83sorry guy, I clicked them11:33
arrrghhhyou clicked them11:33
arrrghhhbut did you read them11:33
ultradj83mind that I have only a bit of experience with linux11:34
arrrghhhi've said it before11:34
arrrghhhi'll say it again11:34
arrrghhhask F22 nicely to make the layout for you.11:34
arrrghhhit seems like you're in over your head, and you're drowning.11:34
arrrghhhlike trying to learn calculus before you know basic maths.11:34
arrrghhhyou need to learn the basics before you jump into this advanced stuff.11:35
arrrghhhdon't go straight to the advanced stuff.11:35
ultradj83no, it's only that you're talking to a person that has no knowledge on linux and android11:35
ultradj83yes of course11:35
ultradj83who is F22?11:35
arrrghhhguy who made a lot of modifications to the keymaps11:35
arrrghhhand makes a custom rootfs11:35
ultradj83how can I write him?11:35
arrrghhhpost in his thread11:36
ultradj83ah yes, I read that 3d, it made me succede configuring hw buttons11:38
ultradj83I will soon reply again to you on the 3d11:42
ultradj83thank you so much for help11:42
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smiley_thread? :)12:10
arrrghhhhyc, you thar?  i got a response from Sprint.12:10
smiley_never built the rootfs-image  mine is working..  just would be nice to understand what change that caused the error in init.rc12:11
smiley_btw when I update the git repo I will get the latest updates from google too?  not just xdandroidstuff?12:12
arrrghhhi think if you pull master12:12
arrrghhhwhich is FUBAR12:12
arrrghhhbut if you just pull froyo, you'll only get updates from XDAndroid.  stinebd does sync the repo with Google on a pretty regular basis.  Probably when he's ready to release something new ;).12:13
smiley_I did pull the gingerbread thread12:14
arrrghhhwhat i said applies to gb as well12:17
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arrrghhhdon't pull master, it's borked.12:17
arrrghhhbut i think if you do, it'll get updates from lord google.12:17
smiley_yeah I saw master was borked12:18
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smiley_I'm happy with my build now :)  apart from the heavy lagg that seems to occur from time to tim12:18
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smiley_what load do you have on your phones?13:30
smiley_mine seems to stay stuck at 4.0013:30
smiley_with 4 processes STAT d13:30
smiley_"D for uninterruptible sleep"13:31
arrrghhhyou looking at top...?13:33
smiley_and ps to get the 4 processes13:34
arrrghhhload average for me is 0.32 1.82 and 1.8213:35
arrrghhh4.00 sounds... high lol13:35
smiley_put load is just processes waiting13:39
smiley_but even13:39
smiley_so it's not CPU.. but still I wonder why13:40
arrrghhhsomething is pegged13:40
smiley_but you was on froyo still?13:40
arrrghhhright now i'm on froyo, yes.13:40
arrrghhhi've used gb for a couple of weeks as my daily drive.13:40
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hycthe idea is to eliminate tiwlan0, but I've only written patches for froyo, no one has done it for GB yet14:38
hycsprint replied? what'd they have to say?14:42
hyclast I recall, F22 is trying to get away from making all the keymaps, and get other people to learn how instead.14:44
hycthe keymap compiler is part of the build system. if you've built the whole source tree then its in your build/tools14:45
arrrghhhhyc, yea sprint responded.14:54
arrrghhhnot well unfortunately.  basically said the link i sent them is (now) dead and that they need to understand more...14:54
arrrghhhlink is not dead, at least not from my end.14:54
arrrghhhsounds like they want to setup a conference call.14:54
arrrghhhi asked them to give me plenty of warning so i could get you on the call.14:54
arrrghhh"The messaging platform is actually pretty new (launched in the last year or two).  There are some nuances that are different from the other carriers when sending via protocols such as SMTP (where we include the subject information)."14:55
arrrghhhSMTP, i don't get what that has to do with anything.14:55
hycright, it has nothing to do with this14:59
arrrghhhdidn't think so.14:59
arrrghhhsince he thinks the link is dead, i'm sure he didn't read it :P14:59
hycyou don't happen to have the actual email I wrote? I could forward you a copy14:59
arrrghhhthat's the link i gave them.15:00
hycworks fine here15:00
arrrghhhi got a meeting tho, bbl.15:00
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arrrghhhhyc, so would you be OK with a conference call at some point?16:58
arrrghhhi'm still not sure "when"...16:58
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hycbut make sure to forward them the actual content of those emails first.17:03
arrrghhhawesome.  thx dude for supporting something that has absolutely no benefit to you.17:03
hycnone of this "link doesn't work" crap17:03
arrrghhhyea i'm going to make sure they read that post.17:03
arrrghhhis there anything else you want them to read?17:03
hycand the followup17:04
arrrghhhi was going to show them the next post from the ML as well17:04
arrrghhhcool.  i'm with ya.17:04
hycthat should cover it17:04
arrrghhhschweet.  thanks again dude.17:04
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emweoh, something going on with sprint. wow.17:05
emwegood evening17:05
arrrghhhhowdy emwe17:05
arrrghhhi'm badgering sprint employees.17:05
emwearrrghhh: chasing phantom bugs...17:05
arrrghhhsounds like fun?17:05
emwelast two days my topa send menu and back keys stopped working17:05
arrrghhhthat seems odd17:05
emwevolup voldown and end worked though17:05
arrrghhhi'm assumign they work in winmo?17:06
emwethen they started working again17:06
arrrghhhthat's... odd.17:06
emweyes they did...17:06
arrrghhhstill sounds hardware related tho.17:06
emweno idea really.17:06
arrrghhhditch the TOPA17:06
emweread what acl said in htc-linux?17:06
arrrghhhset it aflame.  RHOD is the only thing that matters.17:06
emwegoing for 35mm :)17:06
arrrghhhoh yea, he said it's going to be a PITA for haret tho.17:06
emweah reminds me... how much battlife do you get with .27 on your rhod?17:07
arrrghhhwell obviously it depends on usage17:07
emwehad it running .35 idle for sth like 16 hours17:07
arrrghhhbut with 100% sleep bzo hit 65+17:07
emwewis also mentioned some serious drain on .3917:07
emweso i am not alone...17:07
arrrghhhyea, he said he was seeing 6%+ per hr in .39..17:07
arrrghhhi did notice my phone getting hot on .3917:07
emweah sounds familiar17:07
arrrghhhwhich hasn't happened since the olden days of .2717:08
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emwewhonder what it is...17:08
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emwe.27 runs some mixed codeaurora acpuclock mixed in.17:08
emwethe imported googles acpuclock impl in their tree but don't use it...17:09
emweah man... so less time. in the mids of marriage preparations for mother in law17:09
emwemarrying on 11th...17:09
arrrghhhyou're preparing a wedding for your mother in law?17:09
emwewell we are the "children" so to speak17:10
emweso we got some duties17:10
emweit's not like we are pure guests17:10
arrrghhhyou're not getting married, right?17:10
emweno, we aren't.17:10
arrrghhhyou just have to show up and get drunk.17:10
emwenah, some little "management" has to be.17:11
arrrghhhat least that's what i usually do at weddings.17:11
emwealso have to make that marriage paper...17:11
arrrghhhgawd my buddy is getting married.  what a freakin racket.17:11
arrrghhhi'm tempted to do it just to get a new kitchen.17:11
emweyou should too, no ;)17:11
arrrghhhi don't think i ever want to get married.17:11
arrrghhhbut for the free stuff, it's tempting.17:11
emwei rather have kids before we marry ;)17:12
emwefree stuff?17:12
arrrghhhthat's kinda backwards, but ok.17:12
arrrghhhyea man, the wedding registry?17:12
arrrghhhit's a racket.17:12
emwei have no idea what a wedding registry is... sry.17:13
arrrghhhgift registry?17:13
arrrghhhyou know what i mean by that, right?  gifts?17:13
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emweso all the stuff the couple gets, ok.17:13
rpierce99the bride and groom make a list of all the crap they want for wedding gifts, people then buy them that stuff17:13
arrrghhhit's a racket!17:13
stinebdi get married every time a new video game console comes out17:14
emwearrrghhh: so get your kitchen :P17:14
arrrghhhi noes.  i'm tempted.17:14
rpierce99hey stinebd, you know the irc logs aren't working, right?17:14
arrrghhhbut then i'd actually have to get married.17:14
stinebdrpierce99: meh17:14
arrrghhhweird, the logs died yesterday.17:15
emwemissed them at work.17:15
stinebdlooks like it's working to me17:15
arrrghhhstinebd, there's logs from 6/1?17:15
arrrghhhaw wtf17:16
arrrghhhdid you just flip a switch :P17:16
emwelol. they just appeared17:16
emwehe did :)17:16
arrrghhhstine manually compiles the logs from each day.17:17
stinebdcron must've been pissed off from the pam config changes i did17:19
stinebdguess you have to restart it sometimes17:20
stinebdwe're 16 days away from a year of logs17:22
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emwestinebd: not that i am digging deep into it at all, but you got an idea about gb's hw3d to fail in terms of neocore? mostly black backgorund and only effects visible?17:49
stinebdwell known bug, no known solution17:50
stinebdother apps work normally17:50
emwewasn't it the same on froyo in the beginnings?17:50
emwefigured earlier the gralloc buffer size isn't patched.17:51
arrrghhhthat was never an issue on Froyo17:51
arrrghhhand like stine said, it's only neocore... other apps/games are fine.17:51
arrrghhhi think some yokel pull the libs from froyo and put them in gb17:51
arrrghhhand then neocore 'just worked'17:51
arrrghhhnever tried myself.17:51
arrrghhhyea i dunno.17:51
stinebdwhat libs?17:51
emwestinebd: what for was the gralloc buffer size changed required for?17:52
arrrghhhstinebd, probably just the gralloc and the libgles17:52
stinebdemwe: modified gpu size - if the userland egl driver didn't match gralloc's buffer sizes, buffer creation would fail (leading to problems in all apps, including bootanim)17:52
stinebdof course we had to increase it for our devices, from hvga to wvga17:53
stinebdarrrghhh: those are included in gingerbread already17:53
stinebdyour information is bunk17:53
emwestinebd: hm, works with "old" and "new" one. upping then.17:53
arrrghhhlol i'm just guessing, and i know they're included17:54
arrrghhhbut they're different for gb no?17:54
stinebdall i did was switch to the ogles 1.1 driver (in hopes of it fixing that bug -- it didn't)17:54
arrrghhhhere's the poop post.17:54
stinebdwhat we have now works pretty well for anything other than neocore17:55
stinebdoh fuck off with neopeek17:55
arrrghhhi knew you were going to say that.  but that's where i read it.17:55
arrrghhhshould've used tinyurl to trick you lol17:55
stinebdlol i love his "possible fix" for the keyboard issue. setting an emulator prop17:56
rpierce99no, neopeek posted that17:57
arrrghhhah i didn't scroll down.17:59
arrrghhhugh... long day.  sorry.17:59
hycneopeek are a bunch of clowns, from all I've seen17:59
arrrghhhwell in their defense they are mostly kids.18:00
arrrghhhfaryaab is like 14.18:00
stinebdwell he's no tiad818:00
arrrghhhaccording to his sig :P18:00
arrrghhhthat's for sure...18:00
arrrghhhah time to go home.  take it easy!18:02
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hycwhatever. even at 14 years old I knew how to read documentation and make a computer system do what I wanted.18:04
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stinebdat 14 years old, all you had to work with were punch cards18:04
* stinebd runs18:04
hychaha. DECwriter.  :P18:04
hycbut I still have a paper tape roll with my Star Trek game on it.18:04
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jaremyleehey not getting any sound from the phone when in android mode18:11
jaremyleemic not working etc18:11
rpierce99you downloaded the newest build that I linked you to right? Instead of the one you downloaded the first time18:11
jaremyleekeeps resetting to windows mode too18:12
jaremyleecould i have gotten the wrong start up file would that make a diff18:13
rpierce99not those symptoms18:13
rpierce99those would be indicators of an old build normally18:13
jaremyleeshould i try to reinstall the build18:14
rpierce99check in settings, about phone or whatever and check your version numbers18:14
jaremyleeone sec18:15
jaremyleein windows mode or android18:15
jaremyleek got em i think18:18
rpierce99in android18:20
jaremyleek one sec18:21
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jaremyleesorry pierce son pulled cables out of the wall18:50
jaremyleeyou there18:51
jaremyleewhich numbers do you want18:51
jaremyleebuild or kernel18:52
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jaremyleehopefully i will not get disconnected again19:07
jaremyleepierce let me try this again you still here19:07
jaremyleedid i freeze again19:11
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jaremyleepierce buddy i really need you right now19:18
rpierce99_i was afk19:19
rpierce99_anyone can help you though19:19
rpierce99_just post em both and we'll see what we can figure out19:19
jaremyleei try talking to people last night too any nobody answers19:19
jaremyleekernel is    Glemsom@autobuild-19:21
jaremyleebuild id FRX0619:21
rpierce99_well that combo should certainly be getting you audio19:22
rpierce99_tell me more about where you find you have no audio, in games, just ringers, phone calls, etc19:22
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jaremylee_having probs with weather affecting my wifi sorry19:24
jaremylee_[18:20] <jaremylee> kernel is    Glemsom@autobuild- [18:21] <jaremylee> build id FRX0619:24
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jaremylee_lol there i went19:26
jaremylee_did i lose you19:26
jaremylee_guess so19:28
rpierce99_rpierce99_: well that combo should certainly be getting you audio19:29
rpierce99_[6:22pm] rpierce99_: tell me more about where you find you have no audio, in games, just ringers, phone calls, etc19:29
jaremylee_phone calls no mic or speaker or ear19:29
jaremylee_no ringers19:29
jaremylee_no music19:29
jaremylee_just vibrates and all sound is set to on19:30
rpierce99_you do see ringers in the list though?19:30
rpierce99_and you don't have the volume all the way down? haha19:30
hycturn off vibe...19:30
jaremylee_nope all the way up19:30
jaremylee_keep getting errors activity search (in application search) is not responding19:31
rpierce99_has that happened from the beginning?19:33
jaremylee_and activity sound settings(in application settings) is not responding19:33
jaremylee_ yes sir it has19:34
rpierce99_hope you don't have too much customization in, probably time to blow away data.img and let it rebuild19:34
rpierce99_all apps and settings will be lost19:34
rpierce99_but it sounds like something funky went on with your first boot19:34
rpierce99_that made your data freak out19:34
jaremylee_so delete that file19:35
rpierce99_rename it just in case a new one has the same issues and you want to roll back to this one19:35
rpierce99_if there's anything worth keeping19:35
jaremylee_no nothing19:35
rpierce99_just delete it then19:35
jaremylee_going back into windows mode then19:36
jaremylee_k do i just start haret again19:38
jaremylee_after deletion19:38
rpierce99_and remember not to touch anything during the first boot for about 5 or 10 minutes19:39
ryannathanswhat device?19:40
rpierce99_rhod 400 on us cellular19:40
jaremylee_i hope this works19:41
rpierce99_me too, because if not i have no idea what's wrong with your phone, i'd probably blame winmo19:41
jaremylee_lol winmo sucks19:42
jaremylee_like to erase it and have only android19:42
ryannathansone day19:42
rpierce99_hmmm, windows 8 doesn't look anything like windows19:43
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jaremyi hate wifi too19:44
jaremyneed to get sate internet out here19:44
jaremysatt i mean19:44
jaremysat even wow19:45
jaremyso you in the US pierce19:46
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jaremyk now i have alittle sound out of the ear pierce  full blast though19:50
rpierce99_there should not be any apps force closing19:52
jaremythere is19:52
jaremystill have to do it19:52
rpierce99_what apps19:52
jaremyyup like sound etc still says them sorry mess19:53
ryannathanswindows 8 looks crap.19:53
ryannathansOS based on javascript and html5? yeah, sounds like a good idea- -.-19:53
rpierce99_how'd that work out for palm19:54
ryannathansis the only app crashing sound?19:54
rpierce99_and search or something19:54
ryannathansHave a look to see if your media folder is existant and still contains all original unmodified content19:55
jaremynow the phone is stuck with black screen and can hear static from speaker19:55
jaremyreset to win19:56
jaremylet me check19:56
jaremyi tthink if i had the money id just by an htc desire19:56
jaremyits all already donme19:57
jaremyfolder there looks like same stuff i have messed with it19:58
jaremydid i freeze again20:01
rpierce99_i have no idea where ryannathans was going with that line of questioning20:01
jaremyi just checked it20:02
jaremyyou all know more than me20:02
rpierce99_whats up with your winmo, is it stock or are you running a different rom20:02
jaremyi guess20:03
jaremyphone came outta box from us cell20:03
jaremyi didnt change anything20:03
rpierce99_anyone remember the app that pulls logcats?20:04
ryannathansone does that?20:04
jaremypierce give me the link for build again ill try that one last time20:05
rpierce99_if you're going to do that, start completely fresh, delete everything on the card, format the card with the hp tool, and redo the install20:06
hycanyone have any suggestions re: USB port getting loose over time?20:07
rpierce99_the link and instructions for formatting are in the troubleshooting section of the first post20:07
hycI've got really shaky connections now...20:07
rpierce99_stop sticking things in ports they don't belong in :P20:07
jaremyty pierce20:08
jaremyon the two ts cal files20:08
jaremydo i need the top one or bottom one20:08
rpierce99_like i said last night, always remember you have a rhod20:08
jaremyi get it the blac ts file is for blackstone20:09
jaremyim guessing20:10
jaremyi ll be back in a bit20:10
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rpierce99_that IS what it says in t he section about calibration20:13
rpierce99_arrrghhh: ever heard of an issue with your build where sound settings crashes and you don't get any audio20:13
rpierce99_he's formatting and reinstalling everything now20:14
arrrghhhreboot didn't fix it?20:15
arrrghhhif that did somehow implode, i figure that a reboot would fix it.20:16
rpierce99_well the only time I told him to reboot was to delete data.img, and it stayed through that, but he may have rebooted it on his own20:16
arrrghhhweird.  never heard of that.20:17
rpierce99_yeah me either, that's why he's starting over20:17
rpierce99_he started with mrpippys build20:17
arrrghhhlol how old is that20:17
rpierce99_or mrpippys collection of links20:17
arrrghhhthere's nothing left over...?20:17
rpierce99_1 year since it's last update20:17
arrrghhhif he's mixing & matching...20:17
rpierce99_we checked kernel and system image versions, they were yours for sure20:17
arrrghhhRHOD didn't have sound 1 year ago.20:18
arrrghhhhrm, alrighty.20:18
arrrghhhnever heard of that with FRX06.20:18
arrrghhhor... really ever since I got mah RHOD :P20:18
rpierce99_i really need to figure out what's holding a wake lock on my phone, it's pissing me off having like 3 hours of battery life20:23
arrrghhhusually is an app20:23
arrrghhhif it's not GPS...20:23
arrrghhhi was thinking about that recently20:23
arrrghhhwhat else kills sleep at this point?20:23
arrrghhhother than shitty apps20:23
rpierce99_yeah i uninstalled the apps that i thought would be most likely20:23
arrrghhhor GPS20:23
rpierce99_in dmesg all i could find were SMD_DS wakelocks20:23
arrrghhhi don't know if shitty apps can be considered 'blockers' on a no sleep bug.20:24
rpierce99_i don't even know what that is20:24
arrrghhhRIL crap20:24
arrrghhhblame hyc20:24
hycactive data connection20:24
arrrghhhlol he even wants the blame!20:24
rpierce99_so an app20:24
rpierce99_using the webs20:24
hycyeah, something is talking20:24
hycwhich is why I use droidwall...20:24
arrrghhhi saw that comin20:24
rpierce99_so did I20:25
arrrghhhi guess i should check out droidwall20:25
rpierce99_I figure the way i use firewalls i would just allow everything anyways20:25
rpierce99_except maybe angry birds, not having ads would be sweet20:25
hycthere ya go20:25
rpierce99_that one was for you arrrghhh20:25
* arrrghhh cringes20:25
hycturn off network access, no ads20:25
manekinekohmm I thought I was the only one with like 3 hours of battery life these days20:26
hycI only have a handful of apps that have net enabled. plus the android services that have to have it20:26
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manekinekopretty frustrating new development, I've been just blaming both of my batteries losing a cell simultaneously20:26
arrrghhh3 hours seems wrong20:27
hycthat seems pretty unlikely20:27
hycI still get 16 hours or so20:27
rpierce99_yeah it's definitely awake more than it should be, it is orange more than it is green or flashing green when sleeping20:27
manekinekoI would say mine is now orange about 25% of the time while sleeping20:27
hycyeah, that also means some app running20:27
manekinekois there an app for debugging app wakelocks?20:27
hycall I know is watching kmsg20:28
hycit tells what wakelocks are active at sleep time20:28
rpierce99_logcat doesn't even have apps that are wakelocking afaik20:28
rpierce99_i tried that20:28
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arrrghhhyea dmesg would show wakelocks, sorry.20:29
arrrghhhlogcat would be for debugging apps that autostart.20:29
manekinekohmm someone should really make that, seems like a surefire popular app with the hacker types20:29
rpierce99_but if it's apps it's just SMD_DS20:29
arrrghhhi thought userland wakelock was PowerManagerService20:29
rpierce99_i didn't have any of those in my logcat20:29
arrrghhhperhaps that's more than just 'userland'20:30
arrrghhhi always used to see those when i was debugging wakelocks.20:30
rpierce99_yeah when i was researching this the other day, the way an app gets a wakelock through the api is through an instance of the powermanagerservice20:30
rpierce99_but maybe an app can request data without explicitly waking20:31
arrrghhhso that seems consistent20:31
jaremypierce quick format or allow compression20:31
arrrghhhyea and leave the data/SMD cahnnel open20:31
arrrghhhjaremy, neither20:31
rpierce99_jaremy: as the walkthrough says, full format, fat3220:31
hyceh? quick format is fine20:32
rpierce99_never know20:32
hycfull format will just waste a write cycle for the SD card20:32
jaremyi am reading it but i have never formatted and sdcard lol20:32
manekinekoI dunno, seems like there have been a shockingly large number of problems resolved by full hp tool format20:32
hycvery weird...20:32
arrrghhhi dunno what's up with the built-in winmo/windows utility20:32
jaremyk doing full20:32
arrrghhhperhaps a quick format with the HP Tool would work also20:32
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jaremymake up my mind plz lol20:33
rpierce99_manekineko: any apps you installed recently that you would suspect?20:33
arrrghhhjaremy, just do a full format...20:33
hycrpierce99: do a ps and see what's running20:33
manekinekohmm LauncherPro, but that's popular enough that if that were the culprit I think I would have heard of it20:33
rpierce99_yeah and i don't have that20:33
manekinekoAmazon App Store, finally broke down and installed it, and it does things in the background20:34
manekinekoGoogle Reader feed syncing20:34
rpierce99_i also use amzn, but so does arrrghhh20:34
manekinekoupgrading Fancy Widget to Pro20:34
hychm I haven't tried amazon app store yet20:34
manekinekopossibly MultiTasking Pro but I installed that a little while ago now20:34
manekineko(love that app should really be built in)20:35
arrrghhhhyc, it's only good if you're a whore for free apps... most of 'em aren't worth it.20:35
rpierce99_i just use it for the free app every day20:35
arrrghhha few have been.20:35
manekinekoyeah, I just use it for the free apps20:35
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rpierce99_the last 2 days have been neat games but they don't work on our phone20:35
hycoh well20:35
arrrghhhyea i figure eventually i'll get a newer android device.20:36
arrrghhhso if the games don't work now, i'll have 'em for when i do get a real android device...20:36
rpierce99_yeah i've been hoarding them for that as well20:36
manekinekoheh yeah, same20:36
arrrghhhi like that you don't even have to install the app20:36
manekinekoyeah I've been getting the apps and not installing them for a while20:36
arrrghhhyou can grab it for free, and not even use the silly thing.  it'll just keep it.20:36
arrrghhhi wish the stupid $0.00 emails would stop tho.20:37
arrrghhhperhaps there's some preference i haven't found..20:37
arrrghhhhyc, it sends me an email every time i 'purchase' an app from the store...20:37
manekinekoturns out there was no need for the Blackstone to have its own driver for its soft buttons20:38
manekinekoAndroid seems to have built-in support for soft buttons that just involves putting a file in a certain place20:38
jaremyso theres no way to get rid of the windows and just use android20:38
arrrghhhjaremy, there is, but it's not stable.20:38
rpierce99_so in ps the only things that i would think could be it, maps:NetworkLocationService maps:LocationFreindService, the google music app, new one, hm, odd why is the scbs daemon running20:38
arrrghhhlots of work left to be done on NAND20:38
jaremyah k20:38
rpierce99_hyc you disabled scbs -d right?20:40
jaremyi love you can use stylus cause my fingers to big for the onscreen keyboard of the dersire20:40
rpierce99_hm, i never started it but it is running20:40
arrrghhhi love having a physical keyboard.20:40
hycweird. it's definitely disabled in init.rc20:41
jaremyi like the htc pro touch 2 it is perfect phone when android is added20:41
rpierce99_should "stop scbs" kill it?20:41
manekinekoI like it too, but perfect may be a strong word20:41
jaremyfor me i mean20:41
hyceh, it ought to, but it usually doesn't right away20:41
manekinekofor me, it's perfect minus a capactive screen, a fast CPU with lotsa memory, a high end display, compass, and NFC20:42
hycgive it a couple seconds and check again, might need to kill -1 it20:42
arrrghhhmanekineko, lol20:42
arrrghhhi'd be happy with a faster CPU and some moar RAM.20:42
rpierce99_i get cannot kill pid 126: Operation not permitted20:42
arrrghhhyou must be super to do it20:42
manekinekohmm that's odd, I seem to have scbs running as well20:43
manekinekoand I'm on vanilla hyc20:43
rpierce99_hm, something in common20:43
arrrghhhthat has scbs doesn't it?20:43
manekinekoyeah but not in init20:43
rpierce99_i can't kill it20:43
hycI wonder if it got enabled by default somehow20:43
arrrghhhlemme look if it's running on mein20:44
arrrghhhmein phone!20:44
manekinekoit seemed like it had a lot of potential once its quirks were worked out, it's a shame he seemed to have stopped developing it20:44
rpierce99_killall scbs did the trick20:44
manekinekoshows up on mine under ps as /bin/scbs -d -co /sdcard/scbs.conf20:44
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hycgrep scbs /init /init.rc20:45
arrrghhhit's running on mein20:45
manekinekogrep scbs /init /init.rc20:45
manekineko/init.rc:service scbs /bin/scbs_start -d -co /sdcard/scbs.conf20:45
arrrghhhhyc, that returns "init.rc:service scbs"  yadda yadda like manekineko's20:45
hycit should be oneshot / disabled in there20:46
rpierce99_i seem to still have a lot of orange though20:46
manekinekohmm only oneshot in mine20:46
manekinekonot oneshot disabled20:46
manekinekooh right20:47
manekinekofast cable connect/disconnect seems to have gone away on mine recently20:47
manekinekohave you guys noticed this?20:47
rpierce99_haha hyc i love that your new pppd line has like 1000 parameters20:47
manekinekodistinct lag now on those icons appearing and disappearing20:47
hycyeah, fast usb had to be disabled20:47
hycthe interrupt was causing SoD20:47
manekinekoah ok20:48
manekinekohmm it may be a coincidence, but this guy is sleeping better than I've seen in a while20:48
manekinekoorange down to maybe 10%20:48
manekinekoguess I'll let it sleep for a while and see if my battery is down to 70 in an hour20:49
hycgah. the "disabled" is missing from my git copy20:49
jaremyi'll be glad just to get sound when the download is done hopefully lol20:50
rpierce99_you going to remember how to install it properly?20:51
jaremyyes sir20:51
manekinekothings to remember on how to install it properly:20:51
manekineko1) read the guide in the first post20:51
manekineko2) there is no 220:51
jaremyi made mistake of not reading it last time i have this time20:52
hycwell that explains that anyway...20:52
rpierce99_hopefully that helps sleepytime20:52
jaremyand pierce helped me alot20:52
hycI hate having to repackage just for stupid little glitches20:52
manekinekoso what exciting projects are you moving on to hyc?20:52
hycexciting, not so much20:52
hycI'm enhancing multimaster replication in OpenLDAP20:52
hyca project that I actually would rather not waste my time on, we already have MMR and I don't feel like enhancing it. :P20:53
rpierce99_no software projects bore me more than taking something that works and spending a ton of time making it a little better20:53
rpierce99_love making new stuff though20:53
hycyeah, totally20:53
arrrghhhyea i think that's why the hd2 petered out20:54
rpierce99_do want
hycgreat, if you want to turn into a vegetable20:56
rpierce99_reminds me of Wall-E20:56
manekinekodang, there's something out there that will not blend20:56
rpierce99_blendtec failed?20:56
manekinekoyeah, on a rugged phone20:57
manekinekoit only mostly blended20:57
manekinekoit's on Engadget20:57
arrrghhhi love will it blend20:58
arrrghhhthe iPad was the best IMHO.  he had to snap it in half over his leg before cramming it into the blender.  awesome.20:58
manekinekohah just looked it up, that's pretty good21:01
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rpierce99_hm, i don't think that actually turned on21:01
manekinekoit's pretty intact however21:01
arrrghhhthey claime it was still functional21:01
arrrghhhbut don't prove it...21:01
rpierce99_yeah engadget claims it still worked21:01
rpierce99_i think they took that ringing at the end literally21:01
arrrghhhi hope not, cuz that was cheese21:01
rpierce99_what do you expect from engadget21:02
arrrghhhwhy does windows 8 look like windows phone 721:03
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rpierce99_because microsoft is on a path to complete and utter failure21:04
arrrghhhlol seriously.21:04
jaremyi use xp i like it the most21:04
manekinekowell, the old Win7 style was definitely going nowhere on tablets21:04
arrrghhhmanekineko, true21:04
arrrghhhso that UI is great for tablets21:05
arrrghhhbut they're talking about this being THE UI...21:05
arrrghhhit seems21:05
rpierce99_supposedly it like switches to desktop mode for some apps21:05
manekinekowait really?21:05
manekinekoI thought this was an alternative interface like Win Media Center21:05
rpierce99_they are catering to touch pcs21:05
arrrghhhyea i just got to that part of the video21:05
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jaremywow my wifi on comp is so slow tonight21:10
jaremygot quiet in here all of a sudden21:12
manekinekowatching the Win8 video21:12
arrrghhhyea it locked up my laptop21:12
arrrghhhi figured it was a sign.21:12
jaremylol i like my old xp21:12
arrrghhhhonestly tho this laptop blows.  i really need a new one.21:12
rpierce99_yeah even the windows 8 videos are crash-prone21:12
manekinekoheh I'm rather partial to 7 over xp21:13
rpierce99_arrrghhh: mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac mac21:13
jaremyi had a dell xps and i really like it21:13
stinebdi have this theory21:13
stinebdthat apple is a huge coverup21:13
rpierce99_i actually do really like mac os for a laptop OS21:13
rpierce99_and i like windows 7 on my desktop21:13
stinebdthey're the real-world encom and steve jobs is clu and he escaped from the grid21:13
arrrghhhi like kubuntu on my... well i only really use two machines anymore.21:14
jaremyi hated vista21:14
manekinekowho doesn't21:15
arrrghhhvista was a public beta21:15
manekinekoI never really liked the idea of a UI overlay like Media Center, and they seem to have really taken the idea and run with it for 821:15
arrrghhhthat you had to pay for, if you were a fool enough to buy it.21:15
rpierce99_vista is the ME of the new.... millennium21:15
manekinekothough I suppose if they really make the touch UI a first class citizen along with the classic Windows UI, I might be able to change my mind on that21:15
rpierce99_i'm not poking my desktop monitor any time soon21:16
stinebdfirst class citizen, wtf does that mean21:16
manekinekoseeing the video was the first time I thought maybe my future tablet shouldn't run Android21:16
stinebdyou want it to be fat and hold a lot of oil stock?21:16
manekinekoit means being able to actually do everything a reasonably competent user might want to do from inside of it21:17
stinebdthat's not what that means at all21:17
stinebdyou're nuts21:17
manekinekoI wish someone would take the Linux core and make an operating system that wasn't inscrutable for the common man21:17
manekinekoUbuntu is definitely no OS X still21:17
stinebdif the common man refuses to learn, it's an impossible task21:18
arrrghhhyea linux will never be for 'the common man'21:18
manekineko*desktop operating system I mean21:18
stinebdmac os being friendlier to dipshits is a fallacy21:18
arrrghhhunless it's setup like an embedded system21:18
manekinekoAndroid does a fairly good job on it21:18
jaremyhell windows changes so fast once you finally get it half learned they change the darn thing again21:19
stinebdandroid has a learning curve too21:19
stinebdwhat mac os and android do is entice the users with pretty transitions and ooh shiny21:19
arrrghhhjaremy, this is technology...21:19
arrrghhhall tech is like that.21:19
jaremyi know21:19
arrrghhhit's cisco's motto for chrissake21:19
stinebdcisco's motto is the human network21:20
jaremycomputers used to be 10 yrs out of date  when they hit the market  wonder how far the are now back21:20
arrrghhhkeep it complex, make sure engineers make $$$21:20
manekinekowell, pretty transitions as well as not making a user learn what mounting an SD card means21:20
jaremysame way with cars21:20
arrrghhhoh manekineko you'll figure out what that means someday.21:20
stinebdwe're all sitting here talking about operating systems on #xdandroid21:21
arrrghhhit is mighty ironic.21:21
stinebdnone of us is getting any action21:21
jaremyjust about have to take em to a computer tech to fix them lol21:21
arrrghhhi figured that's what you first popped in for stinebd21:21
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jaremywish it would quit storming here had enough of rain21:24
stinebdwhere? nevada?21:25
stinebddoes it rain in nevada?21:25
jaremytoo many tornados this year already too21:25
jaremymonsoon season prob21:25
stinebdmassachusetts had some doozies today21:26
jaremyyeah missouri sucks21:26
jaremyi hate it here21:26
jaremythey just got dsl out here in country  i miss cable21:26
stinebdi hate the country in general21:26
stinebdmy dream is to work for ntt in tokyo21:27
stinebdand for the earthquakes to magically disappear21:27
arrrghhhgood luck with that last one21:27
jaremy<------ not going anywhere near japan its gonna fall into ocean  soon21:27
arrrghhhit is an island21:28
manekinekoJapan's a fun place21:28
jaremyunder ocean21:28
manekinekodespite the earthquakes and radiation21:28
jaremylike the lost city21:28
stinebdi installed a geiger counter app on my phone for the trip21:28
stinebdit was either fake or i'm screwed21:28
jaremyjust goto red cross they will give you one21:29
jaremya pen one21:29
hycarrrghhh because CWM users are so helpless they got nowhere else got get help21:30
arrrghhhwell F that21:31
hyc;) just sayin...21:32
hyclike I said, if I could delete garbage posts on my own threads....21:32
jaremymake sure you take your eppy pin with you stinebd21:32
stinebdi don't have a peanut allergy21:32
stinebdi have an ionizing radiation allergy21:33
jaremyeppy in the heart is for that too21:33
stinebdi truly don't think so21:33
jaremyyour skin will fry but lol you will be alive21:33
hyciodine pills?21:34
stinebdi need some of those iodine tablets21:34
jaremyin one of those moods21:34
stinebdor a buttload of iodized salt21:34
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stinebdpretty sure those tablets are a before thing too21:35
stinebdnot like the morning after pill where you wake up in a ruptured nuclear plant21:35
jaremybetter just goto a surplus store and get mop gear21:35
hycyeah, the iodine has to get to your thyroid gland before the thorium does21:35
stinebdi'll just have them take the thyroid out21:36
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jaremylol they might eat it afterwards21:37
jaremyhave there been anymore earthquakes over the late21:37
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arrrghhhso hyc, do you think the keyboard repeat letter bug is fixed?21:40
arrrghhhi haven't had it since, but i certainly haven't tested it thoroughly.21:40
hycyes and no21:40
hycit doesn't get stuck any more21:41
arrrghhhstill cuts out?21:41
hycbut i've occassionally had it start auto-repeating very soon21:41
hycso I think just the auto-repeat params need tweaking21:41
hycalso, independent of that patch, kbd behavior is still funky.21:42
hycshift/alt don't always work as documented.21:42
hycIf I'm in Portrait mode and start Connectbot, they don't work.21:42
hycif I'm in Landscape mode when I start, they usually work.21:43
hycbut in fact, if you keep them held down while pressing another key, they work. So, just like the G1 kbd.21:43
hycyeah, very weird.21:43
hycdunno if that's kernel or userland screwing up.21:43
hycprobably userland21:43
arrrghhhit's always userland21:44
hycI dunno where that shift mode is controlled anyway, I'm perfectly fine with hold-shift-down if it's always gonna work that way21:44
hycbut in the press-and-release mode, it also gets mucked up by the autorepeat21:45
arrrghhhso stinebd is there anything i can do to help with the mountain of merge requests?21:46
hycof course then you don't need a shift LED - you know you're holding down the shift key already...21:46
arrrghhhnot sure i can afford more hookers tho.21:46
stinebdarrrghhh: yes. wire me $5 million so i can quit my job and merge them21:47
hycdamn, who knew android maintenance was so expensive....21:47
arrrghhhdamn, you got a nasty hooker habit.21:47
stinebdit's the coke21:47
arrrghhhgettin all those hookers coke would get pricey...21:48
stinebdmy dealer keeps suggesting pepsi but i like the coke packaging better21:48
jaremymt. dewwwwwwwwwwww21:48
arrrghhhdo the shrew21:48
jaremyi think my blood has been replaced by mt. dew21:49
stinebdi'm a patient of the good dr. pepper21:52
stinebdand thankfully it was one of two sodas/pops stocked in the vending machine near my place in tokyo21:53
jaremylol i like the cherry vanilla dp21:53
manekinekoarrrghhh, is the wiki on XDAndroid on building Android up to date or are there any gotchas I should know?21:56
arrrghhhshould be good21:57
hycwe oughta tweak the froyo build env to allow using java 1.621:57
hychaving both 5 and 6 installed kinda sucks21:57
jaremydarn thing finally downloaded22:00
jaremyso far so good22:02
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jaremypierce it is easy after you've done it once22:04
jaremylike you said22:04
jaremywill find out in 5 more mins if sound is working22:05
arrrghhhcredit score.  what a silly number.22:11
stinebdmine is 322:11
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arrrghhhthat's pretty good22:13
jaremyk speaker phone works through the ear piece but  i can hear them but they cant hear me22:13
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arrrghhhor so i hear22:13
jaremyand still doesnt ring22:13
arrrghhhjaremy, can you set ringtones?22:13
arrrghhhif it's set to silent22:14
arrrghhhor vibe only22:14
hycdo they play when you select them?22:14
jaremylet me check22:14
jaremygot a warning says something about leaacy in use22:17
arrrghhhthis is FRX06?22:18
arrrghhhnothing old?22:18
manekinekolike the warning pops up on screen?22:18
jaremyjust a mnin22:18
jaremyill tell you what the warning is22:18
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arrrghhhi've never heard of that.22:18
arrrghhhi've only had force closes and uhhhh22:19
arrrghhhyea don't think anything else pops up.  other than accept dialogs22:19
jaremyactivity android system ( in application settings) is not responding22:20
arrrghhhforce close.22:20
manekinekoyou did hit wait if it was an option right?22:20
jaremyno sounds22:21
arrrghhhalright, we were all just kidding that android has sound.22:21
jaremythe mr pippy crap had me download crap to my window os for updates it said22:21
arrrghhhneed to go Apple if you want that fancy crap.22:21
manekinekoif you hit wait when the popup came up, and not force close, and sound is still not working22:22
manekinekoI think you must have a hardware or firmware problem22:22
manekinekono one else has ever had this problem that I've ever heard of22:22
manekinekoyou didn't do anything weird with your WinMo did you?22:22
manekinekoflash any weird things to ORM?22:22
jaremyprob that crap it had me download for22:22
arrrghhhI like ORM better22:22
arrrghhhit sounds like DRM, but open.22:22
arrrghhhhyc, your build is magic.  my phone has actually been waking properly for phone calls.22:24
jaremyso should i take out the sd and return phone to factory settings and try it22:24
arrrghhhjust return the phone to the factory22:24
manekinekoyeah, I haven't been having the wake problems on phone calls since I switched to his and stuck it on partitions22:24
arrrghhhi'm still looped22:24
manekinekojaremy, you running any custom ROM or ever have?22:24
manekinekoso I guess it's just hyc's badass build22:24
arrrghhhdon't make his head too big.22:25
hyctoo late22:25
manekinekowell his software does run on every computer in the world hahaha22:25
arrrghhhi guess his big head is justified... now why i have a big head, no body22:26
arrrghhhwill ever know22:26
manekinekothe build is kinda embarassingly better than FRX06 at this point22:28
manekinekoit seems like malpractice directing newbies to install FRX22:28
hycyeah, it's actually usable :P22:28
rpierce99_if it didn't have the sound/bt tweaks it'd be perfect for me, i have problems with audio22:28
manekinekohaving working BT is a pretty big bullet point though22:29
arrrghhhwhat issues besides speakerphone mic?22:29
jaremyso will reseting to fact erase all contacts pics and etc22:29
hycyou can replace the libaudio with FRX0622:29
arrrghhhi don't have audio issues other than that22:29
rpierce99_any incoming call doesn't work until i toggle spkr22:29
manekinekojaremy, yep22:29
manekinekohmm, yeah, I encountered that problem once or twice too22:29
rpierce99_mic audio i mean22:29
jaremyk ill grab another sdcard quick then22:29
rpierce99_what kind of sd card are you using jaremy22:30
manekinekoother sdcard?22:30
jaremysorry tired22:30
jaremyload it to comp22:30
hycjust copied a bunch of apps from my G1. Lightsaber works. :D22:30
manekinekoall the essentials22:31
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arrrghhhno joke, there's a lightsaber app?  lol22:31
arrrghhhi guess that doesn't surprise me22:31
hycyeah, it's cute22:35
hychmm, glow hockey is Reaallly Reaalllllyy slow22:35
manekinekohmm Ubuntu Unity doesn't seem to work in my new VirtualBox instance22:37
manekinekoI think I may have dodged a bullet but I was kinda curious about what the fuss was22:37
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hycgoogle sky map works. even without a compass, puzzling.22:38
manekinekoyep, that one has always worked22:39
manekinekono Google Earth though22:39
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jaremyleein processof returning to factory mode22:40
manekinekoyou never did say if you installed any 3rd party ROMs or anything did you22:40
jaremyleenot that i know of22:40
arrrghhhit's a pretty intentional thing22:41
jaremyleethen no i didnt22:42
jaremyleesorry tired22:42
jaremyleethis has been a darn thorn in my side for two days22:42
manekinekoI assume everything works fine in WinMo?22:43
jaremyleek sound is working on ringers22:46
manekinekowhat'd you change?22:47
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arrrghhhfactory reset?22:51
arrrghhhpeople need to realize their limitations.  some people should not be running this...22:51
arrrghhhi helped out one of those people the other day.  haven't seen 'em back so i guess that's a good sign.22:52
manekinekolimitation: not willing to read instructions22:52
arrrghhheh some people can read it all day22:53
arrrghhhand still not process one word of it.22:53
manekinekolimitation: unable to follow precise instructions22:53
arrrghhhyea i try to be thorough, but not confusingly so.22:53
arrrghhhperhaps i err on the side of confusingly so.22:53
arrrghhhif computers were easy i wouldn't have a job.22:54
stinebdthat's why i wrote the wiki stuff in paragraphs and not lists of steps22:59
stinebdpeople who can't follow directions see that, black out and wake up in the gutter somewhere22:59
arrrghhhthe paragraphs can be more confusing, as too much information tends to put people in comas as well.23:00
arrrghhhalthough my post could be more concise.23:01
stinebdi WANT them to be confusing23:01
stinebdhyc and manekineko can figure it out just fine23:02
stinebdtiad8 not so much23:02
stinebdso we're all good23:02
manekinekohmm 2.5 hours later, and my phone is at 87% battery, maybe it was scbs somehow killing my battery23:11
manekinekothough WisTilt2 has it running on like 15 phones without issue as I understand it23:12
arrrghhhrunning on mine23:13
arrrghhhdrain isn't significantly more23:13
manekinekocould be a coincidence that my battery life has improved, it had only drained out in 3-4 hours a few times recently23:14
manekinekoso I'm not sure if it always does it or what23:14
hycwell, I've had experience building android for G1...23:28
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