Saturday, 2011-05-28

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stinebdnexus one netflix engaged00:51
stinebdi do believe it's made of boobies00:52
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IINSPECTORpls help me01:34
arrrghhhperhaps you should ask a question01:34
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arrrghhhcuz you coulda just killed someone01:34
IINSPECTORi want toinstall android on tp201:34
arrrghhhand in that case, we can't help01:34
arrrghhhok and01:35
IINSPECTORi download xdandroid01:35
IINSPECTORfrom website with name FRX0601:36
IINSPECTORand install to tp201:36
arrrghhhassuming a lot01:36
IINSPECTORbut the screen show no network signal01:37
arrrghhhlike you're following all the steps01:37
arrrghhhdid you read the FAQ?01:37
IINSPECTORyes i following all step01:37
IINSPECTORand read  faq01:38
IINSPECTORfrom link01:38
arrrghhhthen you must've tried01:38
arrrghhhthat's not my faq01:39
arrrghhhi specifically go over network01:39
arrrghhhnot sure if teradog does01:39
arrrghhhdon't ask me01:39
arrrghhhi'm not him01:39
arrrghhhi'm talking about the faq on xdandroid.com01:40
IINSPECTORoh, i'm sorry for mistake01:40
arrrghhhman what a beast first post teradog made01:40
arrrghhhwith direct links, still to tiad8 builds... classy.01:41
IINSPECTORif i want to install xdandroid on my tp201:43
IINSPECTORand boot screen of xandroid now showing01:44
IINSPECTORbut the screen show no network or no signal what should i do01:44
arrrghhhwhat does it suggest in the faq01:45
IINSPECTORi can't find link for FAQ01:46
arrrghhhso you went to xdandroid.com01:48
arrrghhhlike i said01:48
arrrghhhand you typed in faq01:48
arrrghhhand nothing came up?  i find that hard to believe.01:48
IINSPECTORok i found that01:49
IINSPECTORi'm read the FAQ and make sure following step01:51
IINSPECTORbut the screnn show no service againt01:51
arrrghhhso you never get service?01:51
IINSPECTORok it now work01:55
IINSPECTORthank for help01:55
IINSPECTORwhat driver for xadandroid01:58
arrrghhhmight want to elaborate a litte01:59
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arrrghhhor, y'know, not at all.02:25
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ryannathansmanekineko: ping06:08
ryannathansWifi sits on 'obtaining IP address' and never moved past, any suggestions?06:18
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ryannathansodd error in logcat06:36
ryannathansoh, amongst other things there is a permission denied, would make sense considering hyc added that superuser06:52
ryannathansheh, that wasn't so hard. dhcpcd  ( 2291): /system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-run-hooks: Permission denied07:10
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hycyou must have screwed up when you installed the system img07:13
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ryannathanstime to get a new system, acore is dying on me :P07:19
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ryannathansit is hating on me deleting things from cache, it says read only when I do a rm -rf07:24
ryannathanswtf - sudo mount /dev/sdb4 /media/cache -w then a sudo rm -rf /media/cache/* still comes up as read only 0.o07:34
GPFerror_remount the sdcard07:34
GPFerror_for rw07:34
ryannathansehh, I was. -w07:34
ryannathanssudo mount /dev/sdb4 /media/cache -w is read write yeah?07:34
GPFerror_doesn't look right but you can google :)07:35
ryannathansI have, -w and -o rw are both read write but both produce same result07:35
ryannathanssuccess :D07:36
ryannathanseven though I was sudo, I apparently still had to chmod 77707:37
GPFerror_ok cool07:38
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ryannathanshopefully wifi works now07:43
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ryannathansYUSS Everything seems to be in order now08:05
hycyour timing is a bit off08:05
ryannathans:P you did a good job on the build08:05
ryannathanshope to see more excellent work in the future08:05
hycthanks. like I said, it's what I run on my phone. so yes, I know it actually works ;)08:06
hycI just uploaded a new set a few minutes ago08:06
hyclike I said, your timing is a bit off08:07
ryannathansSo it seems08:07
ryannathansleast I know how to get past my problems now :P08:07
hycnothing too special, fixed a couple small kernel bugs, variable keyboard backlight, kexec/reboot in shutdown menu08:08
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ryannathansis there a new system or just rootfs/kernel?08:09
valykheya all08:09
hycthough if you've already got my 0523 system, you could just download update-20110523-0528.tar.gz08:09
ryannathansI presume I have to start from scratch again :P no worries, least I know how to get everything working08:09
hycand extract it on top of the 0523 system08:09
ryannathansI think I will stick to that option :P08:09
valykcan anyone send me the default music app for froyo ?08:10
ryannathanswhy's this?08:14
ryannathanscan't you just pull it out of frx06 on forums?08:14
ryannathanshyc: good ole web browser cache made me download the old kernel... :P08:16
hycsad... I'll be deleting the old files in a few days08:16
ryannathanswhere's the update link?08:18
hycno link08:18
hycI gave you the filename already08:18
ryannathanssweet, downloading now08:19
ryannathansWhere's a good place to start learning java/C?08:19
hycdunno. I learned C from a book 30 years ago08:20
hycI never sat down to learn java. just tweak it and occasionally google for help with syntax.08:21
ryannathansheard that java is very close to c,,08:21
ryannathansuse to be able to do some light java08:21
ryannathanshad a game server in java once upon a time :P08:21
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xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, Ivo Smits!08:26
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ryannathanshyc: still there?09:06
ryannathansany idea what causes BluetoothEventLoop.cpp( 1374): get_adapter_path: D-Bus error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown (The name org.bluez was not provided by any .service files)09:07
ryannathansodd, scbs seems to be slowing shutdown however you meantion that it is disabled by default09:46
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ryannathanshey rpierce9909:50
ryannathansjust trying to get bluetooth running on hycs system09:50
rpierce99never done it, but i thought it was integrated09:51
hycit is09:51
hycryannathans just breaks it every time he installs it09:51
ryannathans^^ this.09:51
ryannathansI fixed wifi, was a simple permissions error, was thinking this is the same but logs contain no permission erroors09:51
rpierce99possibly wrong hcd for your phone?09:52
hycthere are no permission errors in the image files I uploaded09:52
ryannathanswas thinking that, in the process of bringing my hcd over09:52
hycif you're mucking around inside of those images ... whatever09:52
ryannathanshyc, all I am doing it mounting them and doing a cp -R over to the correct partition. There's probably a better way though.09:53
hycyou're a moron09:53
ryannathansThanks :)09:53
hyccp -R doesn't preserve permissions09:53
hyclearn something about Unix/Linux09:53
ryannathansshould I be using dd?09:54
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hycyou should be using whatever commands, correctly.09:54
rpierce99you should have used dd to move the image files onto partitions, if you copied thats where the permissions problems came from09:55
hycand I'm not here to teach you the basics of Unix command lines09:55
rpierce99but man cp would probably be a good thing too09:55
ryannathansi see I should have been using -Rp I think. I am a bit rusty with my UNIX, havn't used it for quite a while09:56
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ryannathansbecause I fail so much at life my cp -R never worked10:44
ryannathanshowever,  my cp -Rp is working perfectly :D10:44
rpierce99amazing how stuff works when you do things right :P10:45
ryannathanseven bluetooth@10:46
manekinekohey, what's up11:16
manekinekoyou pinged?11:16
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ryannathansdid you end up looking at that audio bug more closely?11:31
manekinekonope, haven't been looking at that again11:36
manekinekodid you try it on a native device?11:36
ryannathansoh about that11:36
ryannathansi will do that now11:36
manekinekois it a Froyo device?11:38
ryannathansHTC Desire - Froyo - Stock ROM - Telstra - Australia11:38
ryannathansbug doesn't seem to be presetnt11:49
ryannathansno bug here11:50
ryannathansNote that this is HTC Sense11:51
manekinekohmm they have a lot of changes to music?11:52
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manekinekohyc, you around still?12:02
ryannathansheh, he never sleeps :P12:21
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ryannathansmeh, off to bed13:27
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Serrenhyc, first off, thanks for your great work. Im trying to run a 100% version of your most recent build. I have all the files except initrd.gz. Is there a prebuilt one can point me to?14:02
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Serrenor is the autobuild a-ok?14:06
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hycnot sleeping but I'm playing a couple gigs this weekend.15:04
hycand yes, latest autobuild initrd is fine15:07
rpierce99damn apps keeping my phone from sleeping15:18
rpierce99hey hyc, with your newest stuff, i get this when trying to enter display settings, - gotta run though15:23
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hychm yeah, my settings is crashing too. missing a resource.19:53
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serren_hyc, fyi, also seeing the crash in settings. its funny, because in Sound, all sub-menus and selection boxs work except the Volume submenu. but Display mostly works.20:30
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manekineko_anyone here manage to get rootfs running off a partition on a partitioned build? it's not working for me and I can't seem to figure out why21:16
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hycGrab update-20110523-0528.tar.gz from that page and extract it over your /system21:58
hycit's mostly  the same as you already have, but I've added the updated Settings.apk and SettingsProvider.apk21:58
hycmain system img is fixed now too21:59
manekinekoout of curiosity, what's the fading keyboard backlight supposed to look like? is it very obvious it's happening?22:00
manekinekoI'm using your build from earlier today, and am not sure I see anything fading22:01
hycyes, it should be very obvious22:05
hycyou have the kernel too?22:05
manekinekohmm odd, seems like an odd result for it to boot up and be running fine, but for that not to be happening22:05
hycwhen you open the keyboard the button light and keyboardl ight both come on, yes?22:06
hycand when they go out, also instantly?22:06
manekinekois there supposed to be both a fade in and out?22:07
hycdunno why that is. you're on kernel 1331? yes, both.22:07
hycfade works here.22:07
hycbutton light doesn't fade, it's just on/off.22:07
hycbut keyboard should.22:07
manekinekohmm nevermind, think I was just an idiot22:08
manekinekoI may have forgotten to copy in the downloaded kernel22:08
manekinekothis kexec thing is pretty hot, should make kernel work much more convenient22:09
manekinekoof course, as with all things kernel related, it turns out Android multitouch wasn't supported until kernel .3022:09
manekinekowhile poking at this zoom bar thing, I was surprised to see the G1 supported multitouch and had a capactive screen22:10
manekinekoI'm impressed you gave up that and the compass for the TP222:10
hycheh. bigger screen means a lot.22:13
hycmultitouch doesn't strike me as useful.22:13
manekinekoyeah, definitely not critical, but kinda nice22:14
manekinekomain thing is just that pinch to zoom22:14
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manekinekoif only I could get that damn zoom bar working....22:14
manekinekothis whole outdated kernel thing has made this much harder than I originally expected22:14
hycpinch to zoom is annoying. I can use gmaps onehanded, and use zoom buttons.22:15
hycpinch to zoom requires two hands. stupid.22:15
hycyes, the outdated kernel totally sucks.22:15
manekinekooh wait, kexec takes a kernel patch huh22:16
hycI've decided it's pointless to keep fixing .2722:16
manekinekoyeah, it really is22:16
hycyeah, the patch due to kexec is tiny22:17
manekinekois your kernel repository public?22:17
hyckexec itself works fine, but our device init stuff is too fragile22:17
hyci posted the patch on the ml22:17
manekinekookay I'll get it from there then22:18
hycno, i guess I should put a clone up on gitorious. haven't done it yet because it didn't seem worthwhile...22:18
manekinekoonly patch necessary for kexec compatibility is 0002-Skip-clock_late_init-if-booted-via-kexec?22:19
manekinekofade effect is excellent22:21
hycso are you running the right kernel now?  ;)22:22
manekinekohaha ya22:22
manekinekochange from the kernel style is that sliding open the keyboardd no longer turns on lights22:22
manekinekohmm or does it22:22
hycit does22:22
manekinekohmm oddly inconsistent, had a few times where it definitely did not22:23
hycbut I seem to have messed up the inital state of the keyboard switch. first open usually does nothing.22:23
manekinekoahh that must be it22:23
manekinekosince I can't seem to trigger that again22:23
manekinekoand the screen started rotated but wouldn't rotate back22:24
manekinekoit must have thought keyboard was open22:24
hycyeah, exactly22:24
manekinekoreally slick effect with the fade22:24
hycyeah, seet huh. such a trivial change, but cool...22:24
manekinekodamn still rebooting on kexec22:26
hycoh? back to bootloader?22:26
manekinekoyeah all the way back to WinMo22:26
hycI had a bit of trouble getting the just right.22:26
hycmaybe it didn't find your kernel22:27
hyclook at /system/xbin/kexec.sh22:27
manekinekowill that grep find rel_path if it isn't the first thing?22:29
hycit should, yes22:29
hycone thing you can do to test is comment out the kexec -e at the end22:30
hycand thenrun it manually sh -xv to see what it got22:30
hycany luck?22:35
manekinekohmm it's a real pain using this messed up ADB display I have on Windows22:37
manekinekoI'll reboot into Linux later and take a look at this22:37
serren_hyc, does update-20110523-0528.tar.gz fix the Settings  bug? If so, is that a public file?22:40
hycyes it does22:41
hycand it's as public as anything else on irc...22:41
hycI've already replaced the Settings apks in the main system-xx image22:41
manekinekodid we have some sort of recovery mechanism where you just put the update somewhere and it updates?22:49
manekinekoI seem to remember hearing about that before22:49
hycused to22:49
manekinekobut I don't see anything on the XDAndroid page22:49
hycstinebd ripped it out a while ago22:49
manekinekoah that's a shame, it could actually serve a purpose now22:50
manekinekoclockworkmod could actually serve a purpose now as well22:50
hycheh, yeah, if it weren't so braindead22:50
hycand I agree with stinebd's reasons. installing new kernels or small patches would probably still be OK using a recovery system22:51
hycbut installing the entire system would suck22:51
hycit's just too large a file, and all the I/O would be to the SDcard22:51
hycand like most things, SDcards are only fast when they're doing sequential I/O...22:52
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hycit would be nice tho to consolidate and get SDcard and NAND builds closer in behavior22:53
manekinekoyeah, I think ACL was alluding to that on PPG22:54
manekinekoit'll be nice to see 3.5mm jack for all the CDMA rhod users22:54
hyche got that working huh22:54
hycalso in .35 kernel only right?22:54
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manekinekois NAND on .35 kernel?22:55
manekinekoI didn't think it was22:55
hycoh geeze, I tried to play music from my phone into my car using the USB dongle today. got total lag afterward, definitely something chewing up the CPU on disconnect22:55
hycpretty sure it is. definitely not .2722:55
manekinekopretty sure that bug wasn't always there, with the USB dongle22:56
manekinekowell that's nice, good to see more development happening on modern kernels22:56
hycI don't think I really used the dongle for audio much before, don't remember22:56
manekinekoI helped ACL test it when he first got it working, did a bunch of tests like unplugging it and observing that it automatically paused music and stuff like that22:57
manekinekonever noticed any slowdown on disconnect22:57
hychm, I also have a bluetooth to FM transmitter in the car, could just play the audio that way22:57
hycmy USB port has totally worn out, if you even look at it funny it will disconnect22:58
manekinekoheh no Bluetooth directly in your car radio?22:58
hycnah, it's too old22:58
hycand I no longer remember how to remove the dashboard to replace it :P22:58
hycI installed that thing back in 199822:59
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nautis_same issue as mane on kexec (rhod300)23:00
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hycnautis_: same answer.23:02
hycnautis_: looks like the kexec -l worked just fine23:03
hycuncommeht the kexec -e again23:03
hycthen try "start kexec"23:04
nautis_same.. reboots23:07
hycwhen it comes up again. grab the SYStEM_LAST_KMSG@xxx from /data/system/dropbox23:08
hycupload it somewhere or email it to me23:08
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nautis_hyc I messaged you the link for the kmsg23:22
nautis_looks like a permission issue (not sure if thats something I fubar'd or what)23:23
rpierce99if it's permissions in the /data partition, run fix_permissions, if it's permissions in system you messed something up23:24
hycbah. looks like I mssed this one up, was 644 in my image file23:26
rpierce99oh this is kexec related, ignore me23:26
nautis_always the simple things :D23:27
nautis_kb_bl fade is sexy23:27
manekinekoyep, chmod'd kexec and it is restarting properly now23:30
hycok, fixed it in the update.tar too23:33
manekinekothere's no reason kexec can't be used for system and rootfs updates as well right?23:33
manekinekohmm how odd, my phone is on and the led is green23:34
hycyeah, something about the SCBS patch changed that23:34
manekinekobut now it's go away after a power cycle23:34
hycdunno why...23:35
rpierce99oh are the sleep/wake leds different, i was trying to figure out all day why my phone isn't sleeping23:35
hycanyway, for system or rootfs updates I can usually update in-place without any kind of reboot23:37
hycgo to adb, "stop zygote" - all of Android GUI goes away23:38
hycreplace anything you want on /system23:38
hyc"start zygote" - Android userland comes back.23:38
hycI guess if you're patching init.rc or you need a restart, kexec would be fine for that23:39
hycreally ought to be fixed to behave like regular Unix init, kill -HUP to make it reread the init.rc23:39
hycok, my kernel repo is up on gitorious now.

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