Thursday, 2011-05-26

manekinekoyeah I keep around both a FRX and a GB, I thought the contrast was pretty stark on coming back to FRX00:00
manekinekothough after partitioning like I mentioned on XDA, my speed appears to have improved00:00
arrrghhhyea i read that00:00
ryannathansi might have to try that00:00
arrrghhhi don't see why tho00:00
manekinekoplus USB mass storage is nice00:00
arrrghhhi didn't experience a speed boost on CWM00:01
arrrghhheh, i never use that00:01
arrrghhhonly thing it would be nice for is updating :P00:01
ryannathanshow did you get mass storage to run?00:01
manekinekoit's good for testing mp3 playback as well00:01
arrrghhhryannathans, partitions00:01
ryannathansi see00:01
arrrghhhdedicated data partition00:01
arrrghhh+ some fixes from none other than hyc00:01
arrrghhhAFAIK those aren't committed yet heh00:02
ryannathansdo native android deviced so such a media scan?00:02
arrrghhhit's part of Android00:03
ryannathansmy spelling is great today00:03
arrrghhhso yes.00:03
manekinekoarrrghhh, didn't want to mention the startup.txt cmd for nopartitions in your post on xda?00:05
ryannathansfrom a fail00:07
manekinekothat failed? where's the fail in that?00:08
manekinekomine look much nastier on fail00:08
manekinekogenerate a debug dump and eveything00:08
ryannathanshow does one do such a thing00:08
ryannathansdump app state?00:09
manekinekoit just does it on its own on crash00:10
manekinekobut I don't see any crash in yours00:10
manekinekogimme a sec, I'll show you my logcat00:10
ryannathansit doesn't crash?00:10
manekinekonot visibly, but the audio is crashing in the background and restarting00:11
ryannathansmine goes about 1-5 seconds into a song and it looks like it skips to end of song but start time becomes --:--00:11
ryannathansthen plays the next one after a few seconds00:11
manekinekohere's mine00:12
ryannathanseverything dies on yours00:12
manekinekodid you overwrite files at all in your testing mp3s process?00:13
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manekinekohmm ok, because it seems that copying over a file might be causing to media scanner to skip that file, causing the failure/working status from before to linger00:14
manekinekonot 100% sure about that though, still testing00:14
ryannathansthat would make sense, but i have never done that00:14
ryannathansmaybe there are 2 separate crashes here00:15
manekinekoyeah I definitely have a set of mp3s here that have id3v1/v2.3 with album art that are playing fine00:18
ryannathansnow testing id3v1/v2.3 and id3v1/v2.4 some with and some without lyrics00:19
manekinekoif lyrics are an issue, they're only an issue in combination with other stuff00:19
manekinekomy failing original file has no lyrics00:19
ryannathanswtf, i can now get into my phone with ANY pattern00:20
manekinekothat's an odd bug00:21
ryannathansGOT IT00:22
ryannathansID3v2.3 (ID3v1 ID3v2.3) Always crashes on a manual play00:22
manekinekoisn't that the setup I had that was playing fine?00:23
ryannathansID3v2.3 (ID3v1 Lyrics3v2 ID3v2.3) works00:23
ryannathansID3v2.4 (ID3v1 ID3v2.4) works00:23
manekinekothis is really mysterious, might be some random element at play00:23
ryannathansID3v2.3 (ID3v1 ID3v2.3)  will ONLY crash on a manual play00:23
ryannathansnot if it is next in the playlist00:23
ryannathanscan you confirm?00:24
ryannathanssrtictly ID3v2.3 (ID3v1 ID3v2.3)  with no other extensions00:25
manekinekodoes mp3tag show extension status?00:25
ryannathansin brackets after the tag00:25
ryannathansbecause ID3v2.3 (ID3v1 Lyrics3v2 ID3v2.3) works and thats just with one added extansion00:26
manekinekoso can I next into the bad guy song? or do I need to let the previous play to completion?00:28
ryannathans ID3v2.3 (ID3v1 ID3v2.3) always crashes 100% of the time on 22 out of 22 of the tracks i have that are that format00:29
ryannathansNo, you must manually play it by selecting it from the list00:29
ryannathansfor some reason it works if you hit next00:29
manekinekoin order to make it work though you said?00:29
manekinekooh so you can hit next00:29
manekinekonope, nexting into my bad guy song kills it00:29
ryannathansbut are all the bad guys  ID3v2.3 (ID3v1 ID3v2.3) exactly?00:30
manekinekoI can confirm that it's ID3v2.3 (ID3v1 ID3v2.3) as displayed in newly upgraded Mp3tag 2.4800:30
ryannathansTemp Fix: convert all tags out of that format or add lyrics extension (without adding lyrics)00:31
ryannathansPerm Fix: Work out the problem in code.00:31
manekinekoodd that you can next into the song and it works00:31
manekinekobut I can't00:31
manekinekoalso my working songs are also that same format00:32
manekinekothis could be something really random at play00:32
manekinekolike the hashing function doesn't like certain tags00:32
ryannathanslook for unusual metadata on the working song compared to bad guys of same tag format00:33
manekinekoall of my songs in question have pretty unusual metadata00:33
manekinekoalbum art, foreign characters00:33
ryannathansanything different between working00:34
ryannathansand the baddie of same format00:34
ryannathans(same tag)00:34
ryannathansit is definately ID3v2.3 (ID3v1 ID3v2.3) on manual play from list00:35
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ryannathansThink it is media player or scanner?00:39
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manekinekofrom my log it seems like the media scanner is dying00:41
manekinekoand that's an integral part of audio apparently00:41
manekinekowhich seems like a really odd design choice00:41
ryannathansif it were up to me i would rewrite the entire media scanner and make the bloody thing logical00:42
manekinekolol I don't think this project is planning on deviating significantly from the stock Android approach except in the case of blatant bugs00:42
manekinekoit's not even clear if hyc's mediascanner improvements will make it in, and those are just making Android match the published Android spec, while speeding up our IO-bound devices00:43
manekinekooddly now I am seeing your next in thing00:43
manekinekoif I next in it's no longer crashing00:43
manekinekothis was distinctly not working before00:43
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ryannathansso solution is basically to strip/convert all ID3v2.3 (ID3v1 ID3v2.3) Tags before putting em on the device, i will see later today if this is present in native devices00:45
manekinekoI am seeing crashes now on all sorts of files, I'm no longer even sure this has anything to do with id300:45
manekinekothis bug is most certainly not in native devices00:45
manekinekoit wasn't even in XDAndroid until recently00:45
ryannathansid3v2.4 works fine for me00:45
ryannathansI have always noticed this bug,since when i first tested music00:46
ryannathansbut never looked in to it00:46
ryannathansi just hit one manually and nexted through and it all worked00:46
manekinekowith direct play, I'm even managing to induce glitching on a file where I just copied my good id3 tag using the Tag Copy function into my bad guy file00:46
ryannathansCopy ID3v2.4 tags into a bad file, test that00:47
manekinekoI've got a file with only 2.4 tags that's glitching right now (not copied in though)00:48
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ryannathansmaybe this isn't tag related00:49
manekinekoyeah I'm starting to wonder00:49
ryannathansgoing to strip tags and see if bad files still dont work00:51
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manekinekoyeah I'm getting the bug on no tag mp3s now00:58
ryannathansdid you overwrite?00:58
manekinekonope I've got them nicely organized with titles that describe what I changed00:59
ryannathansmaybe android just hates us00:59
ryannathanshave you got a set up GB?00:59
manekinekoyeah I could boot to that and confirm01:01
ryannathanstest that01:01
manekinekounfortunately I don't have a setup vanilla FRX01:01
ryannathansnor do i01:01
ryannathansi have GIT01:01
manekinekoit's a shame arrrghhh isn't here anymore, he has a setup for everything haha01:01
ryannathansyah, haha01:02
ryannathansfixed my lockscreen anyways01:04
ryannathansremoving tags fixed all issues for me -.-01:05
manekinekoreally? I got problems even with the no tag one01:05
ryannathansthe song length is displayed now (manual list)01:06
ryannathanswell it all works01:06
ryannathansall my abd files01:06
ryannathansnow work just by removing tags01:06
ryannathansnot one crash/bug/glitch01:06
manekinekothis is ultra random01:06
ryannathansdelete all music01:07
ryannathansadd music with no tags01:07
ryannathansmake sure media scanner is scanning the filed every boot01:08
manekinekoI'm still booting GB01:09
ryannathansshall i make a forum writeup now01:09
manekinekoyeah go ahead01:10
manekinekodo you want to post my pastebin or should I do a separate one?01:10
ryannathansmake a new one, idk if it will help01:11
ryannathansinclude all dumps/logs/etc01:11
ryannathanshighlight bash syntax01:11
manekinekohmm highlighting bash syntax didn't seem to do much01:13
manekinekoperfect playback on GB01:17
manekinekodamn it's so slow when it's syncing, the card IO is really kiilling us I think01:18
manekinekohyc, out of curiosity when your G1 syncs or downloads from the market, does it take forever like on XDAndroid?01:21
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ryannathansstarting that forum writeup01:23
ryannathansjust made some toothpaste01:23
manekinekomade toothpaste?01:23
ryannathansYah :D  -  if you really knew how bad sodium fluoride was you would be doing the same01:24
ryannathansand they put the bloody stuff in our drinking water01:24
ryannathansfluoride causes many things from cancer to calcification of the pineal gland01:25
ryannathanslook it up some time :P01:25
manekinekoI seem to recall my dentist once telling me that fluoride is the only thing in tooth paste that really does anything, everything else is really just for looks and smell01:25
manekinekohe said if I wanted to brushing with just water is pretty much the same01:26
ryannathansfluoride has no proved heath benefits01:26
ryannathansbut many proven 'bad things01:26
ryannathanscheck this:
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manekinekoheh anything written? I hate videos01:28
ryannathansyes, one minute01:28
manekinekowatch in 5 minutes what could be read in 30 seconds01:28
manekinekohmmm well what do you know, glitching in GB as well01:29
ryannathansback to our audio issue :P01:29
manekinekowait a sec01:30
manekinekoI think I might be using the updated audio on GB too01:30
ryannathansmy toothpaste is made from bi carb soda (abraisive and whitener, some anti bacterial properties), salt (preserve, abrasive, anti bacterial), pepermint oil (flavour), water01:31
ryannathansdentist says i have nothing wrong with my teeth, never had a filling, been using this toothpaste for years01:31
ryannathanshalf done this forum writeup01:31
manekinekoso do you only drink bottled waters?01:32
ryannathansI use a reverse-osmosis filter, costs 350$ and bout 80$ per year to maintain, it filters out everything including fluoride01:33
ryannathansno other filter can remove fluoride01:33
manekinekoyeah, my GB test was pointless, I do have the new audio libs on that as well01:37
ryannathansgot those logs?01:40
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manekinekoI didn't run any logs on GB01:46
ryannathansgrab em from froyo then01:46
manekinekoI have my full logs from the first time still01:47
manekinekobut I don't generally post full logs because logcat can contain personal info01:47
manekinekoI think the pastebin contains a full cycle of the problem though01:47
ryannathanswe will use that then01:47
ryannathanspick what you want to submit01:47
manekinekoI think the first pastebin was pretty good01:48
ryannathansCan I use your first pastebin?01:52
ryannathansgoogle's pretty good, it has both your pastebins on its index already01:54
manekinekowow that is impressive01:59
ryannathansthread's up02:02
ryannathansGlad that's over.02:08
manekinekowow this is a very nicely formatted thread02:10
ryannathansI tend to do that :P02:11
manekinekowait did we test on any devices without the new audio libs?02:11
ryannathansI did02:12
manekinekohmm still present? that's weird02:12
ryannathansyour issue?02:13
ryannathansmaybe related to your media scanner?02:13
manekinekono, I'm just saying it's weird that it's still present without the new audio libs02:14
manekinekoI really expected those to be at fault02:14
ryannathansThis is brilliant, my 300$ headset didn't go to waste02:16
manekinekoI didn't know there were highend bluetooth headsets02:16
manekineko300 bucks, dang02:16
ryannathansI know right :P02:16
ryannathansbrilliant headset at the time, still great. Shame it's made by nokia, it's like the only good thing they have made xD02:19
ryannathansI had a htc hermes before, it was a bit slow for 320 mp3's or lossless02:20
ryannathansTP2 on android, works great now :D02:20
manekinekowow I didn't know there were bluetooth cans02:21
ryannathansawesome bass on those02:22
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ryannathansI have been missing out on my starcraft II today fixing this bug :P ima head of for a while and beat some koreans02:26
ryannathanscatcha later02:26
manekinekohaha beating some koreans, yeah right....02:27
ryannathansoh btw, my computer headset is true 5.1. :P I would love to have a usb port on my phone02:28
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ryannathanswish people would search, or atleast read the stickies fbefore posting07:09
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ryannathansanyone active with a partitioned build?09:15
ryannathansneed some help setting it up, doesn't want to boot09:23
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ryannathansrpierce99, just who i was looking for!09:33
ryannathansare you running a partitioned build?09:34
ryannathansI have all the partitions, what do i do next?09:35
rpierce99dd your system image and data file to the proper partitions, unless you want to start ove09:35
ryannathansI want to start over, any preparations needed?09:36
rpierce99fill the system partition09:36
ryannathansthat it?09:37
rpierce99pretty much, the init scripts are coded to use partitions if they exist, otherwise fall back to img files, so you shouldn't have to DO anything09:37
ryannathanssweet, thanks09:37
ryannathansthought it was going to copy over system by itself :P09:38
rpierce99you're not running a rootfs partition right09:38
ryannathans3 ext2's and a fat3209:38
ryannathansshall i throw rootfs into a partition too?09:38
rpierce99right but did you make a small throwaway one or a full size one at slot 209:39
ryannathans16gb sd, 15gb fat32, 300mb ext2, 300mb ext2, 100mb ext209:40
ryannathansall primary09:40
ryannathansall i ahve done09:40
rpierce99so your 2nd partition is big enough to hold rootfs, if you want to edit the init scripts you could have rootfs on a partition09:41
ryannathansI am in favour of that idea09:41
rpierce99i chose to leave it as a file though, so i didn't have to mess with the scripts09:41
ryannathansmeh, i have messed with it enough09:41
ryannathansno more could hurt :P09:41
rpierce99you basically have to change to location of rootfs from a file to the dev/mmc*/blk* address of the partition09:42
rpierce99i never did it so i can't really help there09:42
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ryannathansshouldnt be too hard09:42
hycpretty sure it's just a startup.txt parameter09:44
hycand initrd takes care of the rest09:44
ryannathans0.o smexy, even easier09:44
rpierce99yeah that sounds more likely, init is on rootfs isn't it09:44
ryannathansany idea what the parameter is?09:44
ryannathansyeah it is09:44
hycread initrd09:45
ryannathansall of it, again? sigh. okay.09:45
* ryannathans starts reading09:45
ryannathansoh initrd, not init. /facepalm09:47
ryannathanscan't find or i am looking at the wrong file09:55
hycadd root_partition=<foo> to the cmdline09:56
hycdunno how you can possibly be looking at the wrong file09:58
hycinitrd only has a couple files09:58
ryannathanswhere's it stored?09:58
hycwhat do you mean?09:58
ryannathansinitrd.gz yeah?09:59
ryannathansturns out im on windows and opened init with notepad++ and was just binary09:59
ryannathansturns out it was just the tar09:59
ryannathansbut windows has no idea due to no tar extension :P10:00
ryannathansthanks again10:00
hycit's not a tar file10:00
hycit's cpio10:00
hycbut you could also just read the source from the git repo for initramfs10:01
ryannathansinside the inidrd.gz there is a loopback fs then?10:01
ryannathansalso I can't get ../android/provider/cts/  |    6 ++++++ to compile on system10:02
ryannathansit just won't add it to the file system10:03
hycpretty sure that's just a test program, it doesn't belong on the filesystem10:03
ryannathansand that would explain why.10:03
hycwhy do you keep trying to force things to happen that aren't supposed to happen...10:03
ryannathanswas wondering why it wasn't saying filesystem was modified :P10:04
hycyou should only ever worry if you actually see error messages10:06
hycif no error messages, then everything is fine10:06
ryannathanshave you experienced that issue we got 'fixed' today?10:07
ryannathansregarding media player10:07
hycbut I don't have any music on my SDcard at the moment10:08
hycand none of my audio files have ID3 tags anyway10:08
ryannathanshmm okay, I was wondering if you knew where the problem with media scanner was10:08
ryannathansthanks anyway10:08
hycfrom your stack trace the crash was actually in libstagefright10:08
hycbut you ought to already know that10:09
hycsince it's plainly printed in the stack trace...10:09
ryannathansI was thinking media scanner was causing that10:09
hycthe scanner only runs at boot time or when you remount the SDcard10:10
ryannathansis there a database it writes info to?10:10
hycprobably several10:10
hycit also generates thumbnails for pictures and videos10:10
ryannathansnoticed that, .thumbnails10:11
ryannathansbrb, rebooting into linux10:14
ryannathansvm doesn't like using usb devices10:14
ryannathanswow rootfs is only 11mb10:44
ryannathansoh wait, thought it was system10:45
ryannathanshopefully this boots...10:53
ryannathanshyc: how do I know what my partitions are being mounted as?10:59
rpierce99what error did you get when booting11:00
ryannathanskernel panic11:01
ryannathansreboots too fast11:01
ryannathanssee if i can dmesg this11:01
ryannathansi think i got the startup cmd wrong11:01
ryannathansroot_partition= idk what to put next11:02
rpierce99full path to your rootfs partition (2) on your sd11:03
rpierce99 /dev/mmcsomethingorother/blksomethingorother11:04
ryannathanshow do I work that one out11:04
rpierce99if it were me i'd load android normally (no_partitions) and look11:04
helicopter88shouldn't be /dev/mmc0p2?11:05
rpierce99or search the logs of this room for the people that have already done it11:05
rpierce99i know someone posted their path in here11:05
rpierce99yeah that's probably right helicopter8811:06
ryannathansI tried that and it didn't work11:07
ryannathansI tried that first11:07
rpierce99and you dded rootfs.img to that block?11:07
ryannathansto the second partition, yes11:08
rpierce99try it without doing rootfs, just to make sure that's your problem11:08
ryannathansset cmdline "lcd.density=240 root_partition=/dev/mmc0p2 msmvkeyb_toggle=off gsensor_axis=2,1,3 pm.sleep_mode=1 rel_path=FRX06 physkeyboard=rhod110 acpuclock.oc_freq_khz=710000 gpiokeyopts=b4HOME"11:10
helicopter88mmcblk0p2 maybe?11:11
ryannathanssweet mother of.....11:12
ryannathansso much spam on screen and it wont end11:12
ryannathanslooked like a whole bunch of file system errors being fixed11:13
ryannathansall i saw in a line was FIX?? YES11:13
ryannathansthis is without partitions11:13
ryannathansi let it sis and it boots. :O11:13
rpierce99yeah it looks like /dev/mmcblk0p2 is correct11:14
ryannathansi will confirm then boot from it11:14
helicopter88please keep in mind that i'm guessing11:15
ryannathanswell ya guess was in /dev11:16
ryannathanstime to try :D11:16
ryannathansI will append this to my guide if i get it working11:16
rpierce99i'm not, i searched xdandroids logs11:16
helicopter88so,i was right :D11:17
rpierce99the 2nd time :)11:17
helicopter88<rpierce99> yeah that's probably right helicopter88,so you were trusting me too11:17
ryannathansARGGHH RAGE11:17
rpierce99did you try without root_partition to make sure rootfs is your issue?11:18
helicopter88ryannathans,try without the /dev/11:18
helicopter88in neo's .tar.gz files was without it11:18
rpierce99from the logs.... .e.g. I was putting root_partition=mmcblk0p2  instead of root_partition=/dev/block/mmcblk0p211:19
rpierce993rd times the charm11:19
ryannathansSo they say11:19
rpierce99keep in mind this is from the guy who totally killed his phone :P11:20
helicopter88rpierce99: you killed your phone?11:20
rpierce99no, toadlife11:20
rpierce99he's the one that posted that nugget11:20
ryannathansFUUU STILL NOT WORKING11:20
helicopter88i've destroyed my phone too11:20
ryannathans*pulls out a hacksaw and goes at his phone*11:21
ryannathanslol how?11:21
helicopter88but i wasn't testing android,i was testing effect of gravity force when the phone fly away from my pocket11:21
ryannathansI dropped my phone off the roof when doing some cabling, IT BOUNCES! no damage apart from a scratch11:22
ryannathanswhat now?11:22
helicopter88this should be the right one11:22
helicopter88so if it doesn't work,it's not rootfs fault11:22
rpierce99seriously? did you miss that whole convo11:22
ryannathans... my startup.txt didn't save xD11:23
rpierce99 /facepalm11:23
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ryannathansshit is going down11:24
* helicopter88 stabs ryannathans11:24
ryannathansright here11:24
ryannathansbooting :D11:24
ryannathansI do wonder how much better this will be than loopbacks11:25
ryannathanswhat partition is my data stored on?11:25
ryannathanssystem im guessing?11:25
rpierce99uh /data11:26
helicopter88unless you messed too much with rootfs :)11:26
ryannathansi merged a bunch of stuff11:26
ryannathansI will need to get my ril and stuff to work onw11:26
ryannathansthen it's good :D11:26
helicopter88you have your ril?11:27
ryannathanshyc's ril11:27
ryannathansstops freezing on bot11:27
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rpierce99why didn't you just put hycs /system on then11:28
ryannathanswhen i get basics to work i will experiment11:28
helicopter88imho,your init is wrong11:29
ryannathanswhat you mean11:29
helicopter88i mean that if it freezes before boot anim,there's something bad in init11:30
ryannathansnaa, after boot it freezes because of a issue i need hyc's ril to fix11:30
helicopter88you should try first with xdandroid autobuild things11:31
helicopter88then with all those more advanced things11:31
ryannathansshould all be good now11:36
ryannathansboot this and if it works i can go to bed :P11:36
ryannathanswhat's the equivilent of a new data.img? deleting everything on system partiion?11:42
helicopter88no,on data partition if you have one11:42
rpierce99wouldn't you think that the system partition would contain, um, the system?11:42
helicopter88and things in cache11:42
rpierce99the xdandroid partition scheme doesn't have a cache partition11:43
rpierce99just wipe p4, the /data partition11:43
helicopter88then don't format cache partition11:43
rpierce99sorry p311:43
helicopter88so in xda partitions layout it's11:43
helicopter88fat 32,nothing,system,data?11:44
rpierce99fat32,rootfs,data,system if you go all the way i believe11:44
helicopter88i heard somewhere that p2 doesn't work well11:44
rpierce99i have fat32, nothing, data, system11:44
helicopter88that's why it's filled with nothing11:44
rpierce99hm, there shouldn't be any difference between a partition and a loop-mounted file, if anything the partition should be better11:45
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helicopter88i just haven't understood why p2 = nothing11:46
hycit's not nothing. it's rootfs11:46
rpierce99i do it because i don't care enough to bother doing the dd and editing startup.txt11:46
helicopter88" <rpierce99> i have fat32, nothing, data, system" so it's rootfs if you want11:47
rpierce99yeah, they are all optional, technically11:47
rpierce99i just choose not to bother with rootfs, personally11:47
helicopter88i know this,but why in "official" layout it's nothing11:48
rpierce99where is the official layout?11:48
helicopter88in rootfs?11:48
hycin the XDA official layout, ony loop mounts are supported.11:48
helicopter88but in xda rootfs there's partition check and if i remember right p2 isn't used11:48
hycbecause p2 has already been checked by initrd11:49
hycrootfs /init is only the 2nd stage of the boot, you're forgetting the initrd11:49
rpierce99rootfs has to be mounted by initrd11:49
helicopter88and init uses p2 for what?11:49
rpierce99you can't read init until you've mounted rootfs11:49
helicopter88i meant initrd,sorry11:50
rpierce99initrd says basically "read startup.txt for root_partition, if it is set, mount that as /, otherwise look for rootfs.img in the rel_path"11:51
helicopter88i may be a linux newb,but i more or less know what does initrd,but what has p2 to do with checking if there's or there isn't rootfs?11:52
rpierce99you can only have 4 primary partitions, the sdcard fat32 is the first because WinMo uses it to launch HaReT, next thing that is done is the rootfs (partition or file) is mounted to /, that's why it is 2, second in order, then /data and /system are mounted by the rootfs init scripts11:54
helicopter88but then,sorry for being annoying,why cwm is working on 3 partitions fine?11:55
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ryannathansthanks for the help guys11:57
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ryannathanshelicopter88: either rootfs is coming from loopback file or there is no cache11:59
rpierce99cwm doesn't use the xdandroid partition scheme, their initrd and init scripts could do anything they want12:00
ryannathansim off, night.12:00
rpierce99technically you could put the entire android filesystem into one partition, it would just be harder to wipe and restore one at a time12:00
ryannathans^^ that :P12:00
hycyour question is backwards12:01
hycif there is a root partition, it must be p212:01
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helicopter88the weird things is that there's fat 32/rootfs.img/system/data/cache12:20
manekinekohmm? we don't have a cache partition after data12:30
manekinekocan't create more than 4 primary partitions12:31
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hyccache partition is a waste of space12:59
hyccache is used very rarely12:59
hycbetter to leave it on /data for our builds12:59
hycor alternatively, drop the dedicated root partition, that's what cwm has to do13:00
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rpierce99root+system seem intertwined fairly often as is, not much of a loss13:02
hycit probably complicates the makefiles a bit to get it right tho13:02
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hycsince the default android makefiles will put the init binary in /init13:03
hycand we rename that to and put a shell script in /init13:03
manekinekoI don't think cache is a good idea for ours devices13:03
manekinekoseeing as we seem to be IO bound already13:03
hycit's not that kind of a cache13:04
manekinekowhat is it caching?13:04
hycOTA updates13:04
manekinekooh really? but it manages fine without them?13:04
manekinekoevery native devicec has this?13:04
hycyes every native device has a cache partition13:04
hycit's irrelevant to XDAndroid because we have no OTA updates, ever13:05
manekinekowhat's the point of caching OTA updates in the first place?13:05
hyccache is not the right name for this partition13:05
hycit's just a scratch workspace13:05
hycwhere files get extracted as they're verified, just before installing.13:05
manekinekobut it's only used by OTA updates?13:06
hyclike I said, waste of space13:06
manekinekodoes this setup make sense to you for native devices?13:06
hycOn the G1 most people repartition their NAND and shrink /cache13:07
hycit's just not useful13:07
hycparticularly on 3rd party builds that will never ever see an OTA update in their lifetime13:07
manekinekohmm guess I'm just not seeing why they needed a partition for this13:08
hycI don't really see it myself13:09
hycsee here
hycthey shrank the cache partition to as small as possible, 2MB13:09
rpierce99seems like a great use of a /cache folder, partition, not so much13:09
manekinekobefore talking to you, I always assumed that with all their brilliant employees, Android must be really well written13:10
manekinekonow my perception is somewhat....changed13:10
hychate to break it to you...13:10
hyca lot of the Android code was clearly written by people who didn't know Unix or Linux13:11
hycbecause there are easy ways to do things in Linux, and they invented some hard way instead...13:11
hycpossibly they intended the Android userland to be portable across different OSs13:12
manekinekoyeah they really seemed to have tried their darndest to distance themselves from the Linux base for some reason13:12
rpierce99there is a company that claims to have created a native android runtime in windows13:12
hychmmm. I guess that's possible13:13
rpierce99apparently it works because they've gotten a crapton of funding13:13
hycI'm sure it cannot work *well*.13:13
hycI've done a lot of porting of native code between Linux and Windows.13:13
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hycahhhhh. kexec working, I no longer need to see Winmo at all when loading a new kernel or system13:30
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rpierce99very nice13:30
hycalso digging my new soft-fade keyboard backlight...13:31
manekinekosounds hot, what'd you settle on for when to use various brightnesses on the keyboard?13:34
hycoh, right now it's still max brightness, 25513:35
hycI need to write a driver for the light sensor13:35
hycdon't have time to do it right now13:35
hycbut it fades in very slowly, and fades out slowly too. slick.13:36
manekinekoso the front buttons ended up being binary right?13:36
hycWisTilt2 says there's a way to vary them too, but it was too coplicated to figure out, or something like that13:37
hycheck, it took a day just to figure out the keyboard lights, and that was with the benefit of his notes. (which were actually wrong anyway)13:37
hycwould have been faster if I had compiled the keyboard driver as a module13:38
hycthen I could just unload and reload it to test a new spin13:38
hycinstead of having to reboot every time13:38
hycoh well. hindsight...13:38
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rpierce99never used MMS in my life, I help hyc fix MMS on sprint, receive several MMSes just fine, roll back to previous version, and NOW my wife wants to send me a picture of something she wants to buy, ugh15:24
emweanyone in the know about keymaps?15:29
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hycwhy'd you roll back?16:14
rpierce99i rolled too far forward with audio and such, and rather than trying to fix it i just started fresh from your system again16:17
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manekinekoemwe, what are you trying to do with keymaps?16:46
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emwemanekineko: whondering why fn has no effect16:46
emwedoes it have on .27?16:46
emweused like regular i assume?16:46
hycall the MMS stuff is in my latest upload...16:46
arrrghhhemwe, lol FN works.16:47
emwewell yeah. assumed so. :P16:48
arrrghhhyou're using the right physical keyboard...?16:48
emweyeah, but kernel code is a tad bit different16:48
arrrghhhbut you need to be on the right keymap16:49
arrrghhhcuz each phone has a different layout16:49
arrrghhhand ofc the dang rhod100 folk have like 15 layouts just for that one device.16:49
emwebut i just spotted a code change. just testing16:51
arrrghhhman i haven't seen F22 in forever.16:51
arrrghhhhe has an old WisTilt2 kernel in my post16:51
arrrghhhgod knows why someone would go to the 7th post in a thread and download that instead of the first post...16:51
arrrghhhhyc, i <3 your response tho.16:52
arrrghhh'use your brain'16:52
rpierce99hyc: your latest upload also includes the audio libs that i was getting away from16:52
arrrghhhfor the record, that guy is a dolt.  he filled one of my build threads with like 5 pages of drivel just trying to get the build running.16:52
hycrpierce99: ah, ok16:52
hycarrrghhh: yeah, i remeber that16:53
arrrghhhfuckin steelers fans16:53
arrrghhho, was that my outside voice?16:53
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hycyou must have an IQ above room temperature to ride this ride...16:53
arrrghhhi don't even care about sports, just seems steelers fans are the most annoying.16:53
arrrghhhi told some kid in high school his IQ must equal his shoe size.16:54
arrrghhhhis response?  "i've got pretty big feet"16:54
hycpretty good comeback16:54
rpierce99i agree arrrghhh, I've been a Seahawks fan my whole life and ever since 2005 I've had a hatred for the steelers and everything associated with them, including their fans16:54
arrrghhhrpierce99, like i said i don't really care about sports... but there's a few die-hard steelers fans here @ work, and they are just freakin annoying when they talk about their team!16:55
arrrghhhthey're more vocal than the bronco's fans, and i'm in denver.  wtf.16:55
rpierce99there's a guy in my neighborhood that drives around in a black and yellow jeep with steelers logos plastered all over it16:56
arrrghhhugh.  i have a feeling i'm asking for pain with this vodafone guy16:57
arrrghhhi probably should've left it at stick to winmo and just pissed him off and called it a day lol16:57
rpierce99the softer side of arrrghhh16:58
arrrghhhwhat was i thinking!?!?16:58
hyclol, that was pretty surprising17:00
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arrrghhhi think i might have to stop visiting the forums.18:22
arrrghhhi'm not a very smart guy, but i think the relative stupidity is making me even more stupid.18:23
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arrrghhhryannathans, lmao wtf is a '5.1 Headset for Professional Gamers'19:53
arrrghhhi doubt most gamers are 'Professional Gamers' bwhahahaha19:54
arrrghhhplus, 5.1 in a headset?  how can that be better than an actual separated set of 5.1 channels...19:54
arrrghhhgod those look sooooo cool too lolol19:54
arrrghhhholy poop.  ryannathans, you're the reason no body wants to support partition builds.19:58
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arrrghhhoh well, enough log reading.  time to go home.20:07
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Nautisargh seems like he must have a stressful job :)20:39
manekinekoanyone here know what the kernel size limit is for haret?20:45
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Nautismanekineko I know the camera kernel before maxed it and required "set INITRD_OFFSET 0x608000"21:22
manekinekofor some reason compiling the kernel on my machine is causing non-boots again, and I'm not sure what has changed exactly21:22
manekinekowondering if the existing kernels might be on the thin line of maxing out the size21:23
manekinekosince for some reason my compiled kernels are slightly larger21:23
Nautisusing codesourcery?21:26
manekinekoweird thing is I was originally having this problem with the Google prebuilt tools21:26
manekinekowhere it'd compile fine but not boot to black screen at all21:26
manekinekoand then I fixed it by switching to code sorcery21:26
manekinekoand now it's not working for me with code sorcery either21:26
manekinekoI'm doing a make clean now and rebuilding to see if that fixes it21:27
manekinekookay this is unpleasant, the git reset, make clean and rebuild still doesn't work21:29
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arrrghhhhyc, you thar?21:40
arrrghhhi'm just curious how native devices deal with rogue apps that kill sleep21:52
arrrghhhi'm thinking once the GPS sleep issues are resolved, that is the last 'blocker' on sleep, other than random rogue apps.21:53
arrrghhhsomeone correct me if i'm wrong...21:53
arrrghhhbut it would be nice to start using the LED for notifications, assuming the GPS/sleep bug is resolved.21:53
Nautisled for notifications? blasphemy21:55
arrrghhhNautis, so why does my job seem stressful?  cuz i'm constantly blowing stuff up?  lol21:57
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stinebdi don't like america22:43
stinebdwanna go back to japan22:43
stinebdeverybody is so angry here22:44
arrrghhhyou're back already eh?22:44
NeoMatrixJRMoshi Moshi stinebd.  How was your trip.22:44
stinebdit was good until it ended22:45
stinebdgoing into narita it took about 15 minutes to clear customs (most of that was walking)22:45
NeoMatrixJRI'm jealous.  I've always wanted to go.  Sounds like akihabara was fun!22:45
stinebdcoming back into newark it took me 4 hours to go through passport control, then another hour for baggage claim22:45
arrrghhhnewark blows.22:46
stinebdand CBP staff are very very unfriendly22:46
NeoMatrixJRI'd be broke just getting to Japan...if I went to akihabara I'd probably too broke to ever leave (oh, wait...that's the plot for the Neotokyo webcomic)22:46
stinebdhonestly if i was a foreigner going through that, i'd wonder wtf i'm doing here22:46
stinebdakiba was effing amazing22:46
stinebdwe only did like 5 shops and got incredible loot22:47
stinebdlots of maid girls too22:47
stinebdone of whom i accidentally took a picture of22:47
NeoMatrixJRaww...dude...u gotta post that!22:48
stinebdi posted it on facebook but shopped her face out22:48
NeoMatrixJRr u not supposed to take pix?22:48
stinebdit's a huge no-no to photo them22:48
NeoMatrixJRhuh...good 2 know if I ever go22:48
stinebdnobody said anything to me about it but the maid cafes have staff out on the streets occasionally telling people22:48
stinebdthose girls deserve their privacy really, it doesn't look great if people know they're maids22:49
stinebdunlike the soapland women, they still have some dignity left i guess22:49
stinebdalso i experienced platform pushers in shinjuku on our last day of the trip22:50
arrrghhhwow.  i felt like reading a wiki article on that area, and stumbled onto some crazy massacre there from 200822:50
arrrghhhsome dude with a 2-ton truck and a freakin dagger.22:50
stinebdyeah that was sick22:51
arrrghhhmadness.  for no reason.22:51
stinebdif that were shibuya it would've been 10 times worse22:51
stinebdshibuya is another fun place to go and just watch the crowds22:52
stinebdthe intersection outside the station is crazy22:52
arrrghhhyea i bet22:52
stinebdi forgot to get pics of some things that i'll have to get next time22:53
stinebdthere were some vending machines (porn, hamburgers, beer, etc), sidewalks lined with thousands of parked bicycles, and some other interesting stuff22:54
arrrghhhnice.  glad you had a good time.22:54
arrrghhhi'll save up for a decade, maybe have enough to go on a real vaca :P22:54
stinebdthey have travel packages for 4 nights with lodging for about $800 through june22:54
stinebdif you call jtb you can set it up, and then get ghibli museum tickets22:55
arrrghhhwhat does that include?  pretty cheap.22:55
stinebdincludes just flight and hotel for one person22:55
arrrghhhstill, that's actually quite good.22:55
stinebdso for a couple it would be 1600 total22:55
arrrghhhi figured flight alone would've been over $150022:55
stinebdyeah that's a really good price22:55
arrrghhhi guess plane flights are getting so cheap.22:56
stinebdflight alone for me was about 850 each22:56
stinebdthey're desperate for tourism22:56
arrrghhhi bet...22:56
stinebdi saw few other gaijin over there22:56
stinebdand just for the record, their tap water is good. tastes like bottled water and i didn't notice any radioactive aftertaste or glow22:57
arrrghhhno extra limbs?22:57
stinebdand they do something amazing to the milk i bought which makes it taste incredible22:57
stinebdit's called meiji oishii milk22:58
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stinebdif i could read the carton maybe i'd know what it is22:58
stinebdprobably orphan blood or something22:58
arrrghhhmmmmm orphan blood22:59
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stinebdi will be going back at some point22:59
stinebdmaybe for good :P23:00
NeoMatrixJRdang...must fine stinebd on facebook and see picture23:00
NeoMatrixJRJapan cool23:00
stinebdi only friend real friends, sorry23:00
NeoMatrixJR:'( nobody likes me23:00
stinebdi have like 15 friends on facebook23:01
NeoMatrixJRI know how that is I'm the same way on FB23:01
stinebdmost of whom are family23:01
stinebdi can put the maid picture up somewhere if you want23:01
NeoMatrixJRjust drop it on a twitter pic service?23:02
NeoMatrixJRor u not want it out in the world23:02
stinebdi'm gonna plop it on my server23:02
arrrghhhtwitter pic service wtf?23:02
NeoMatrixJRok, twitter doesn't have a pic service, just meant one of the ones many people use23:03
NeoMatrixJRholy crap! Tokyo 4 nights + air for $780!23:04
NeoMatrixJRwow. crap...the wife's passport expired! :(23:04
stinebduse a one-day turnaround service23:05
NeoMatrixJRand u have to book by 5/3123:05
stinebdthey're only like 25023:05
NeoMatrixJRwith any luck they'll run another special23:05
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stinebdthe maid standing at the tree in center23:07
stinebdi was actually trying to get a picture of the shop signs but i screwed that up too23:07
NeoMatrixJRcool beans23:07
stinebdkinda hard to take pictures at these places23:07
stinebdwithout getting in everyone's way23:08
stinebdthere was at least one of those girls on almost every block23:11
stinebdso it was hard to find places i could take a picture of23:11
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NeoMatrixJRhmmm... Mineapolis Passport agency issues passports on site?.... might be able to pull that off if we really wanted to....23:12
NeoMatrixJRseriously...any risk of radiation exposure right now?23:12
stinebdnot in tokyo23:12
stinebddepends on your departing airport, if they're using the backscatter machines23:13
stinebdalso if you like bananas, those give off natural ionizing radiation23:13
NeoMatrixJRso, other question I've always had... what is there to eat in Japan?  I'm not a big sushi fan....23:14
stinebddo what i did (my sister, with whom i went, doesn't eat anything fish either) -- seiyu supermarkets have prepared meals for between 200 and 400 yen23:15
arrrghhhyou've obviously never eaten at a real japanese restaurant... they don't just eat sushi dude.23:15
stinebddo that for dinner, cereal or something for breakfast, and whatever/mcdonalds for lunch if needed23:15
stinebdif your lodging has a microwave, those prepared meals are perfect23:15
NeoMatrixJRyeah, I figured I'd eat a lot of McD's. and I'd do something easy like that for breakfast.23:15
stinebdarrrghhh: mcdonalds in japan are very nice. food is about the same but service and cleanliness is several notches above ours23:15
arrrghhhthat doesn't surprise me.23:16
arrrghhhi'm sure the menu is different too23:16
stinebdactually food might  be a bit better23:16
stinebdsince it's usually not sitting around like in ours23:16
NeoMatrixJRand yeah arrrghhh, I know it's not *just* sushi... but I wasn't sure if that was the main staple actually IN the country23:16
stinebddo you know japanese?23:16
NeoMatrixJRno...don't know any japanese... wondered if that would be a problem too.23:17
stinebda little bit, like any other country23:17
ryannathanswhats up with su giving me permissing denied?23:17
arrrghhhyea.  usually the wealthier the country the more english they know lol23:17
stinebdjapan is pretty wealthy23:17
arrrghhhi found germany and austria, most people know english.  czech republic?  i was pointing at a lot of things.23:18
stinebdthey may know english but they won't attempt to speak it23:18
arrrghhhbut i learned how to say beer and water in like 7 different languages.23:18
stinebdi had one japanese person walk up to me and speak english23:18
stinebdall week23:18
arrrghhheven if you asked for help?23:18
stinebdi didn't really ask for help at all23:19
arrrghhhi don't know why you'd expect random people to walk up to you and speak english lol23:19
stinebdjapan in particular is a very introverted society23:19
stinebdif you ask someone for help, who isn't particularly good with english, they will probably just point to where you need to go for english help23:20
stinebdlike if you have trouble at a subway station, they'll point you to the ticket office23:20
arrrghhhthat works.23:20
stinebdi picked up a whole lot of japanese there, kinda like when i went to germany23:22
stinebdexcept i picked up german at germany23:22
arrrghhhwould be odd to pickup japanese in germany.23:22
stinebdanyway, learn the greetings, arigatou gouzaimasu (thank you very much), and sumimasen (please forgive my newbity) and you're generally safe23:23
arrrghhhyea, being cordial will get you anywhere in a foreign country23:24
stinebdmost signage around tokyo is in kanji and romaji so that won't be a big problem23:24
arrrghhhand showing that you're at least trying to speak the language.23:24
stinebdknowing how to count would probably help too23:24
stinebdi had to buy something by number in tokyo tower and japanese was the only way to go23:25
stinebdso you either do that or hold your fingers up like a fool23:25
stinebdi am SO glad to have my phone back23:28
NeoMatrixJRdude...stinebd, what phone do u have? rhod, raph, ?23:29
stinebdmy phone phone is a nexus one23:29
NeoMatrixJRah... doesn't it make it hard to test this stuff then?23:30
arrrghhhhe's got a raph and a rhod23:30
arrrghhha few rhod's23:30
stinebdlol a few... only 223:30
arrrghhhbut he uses the n1 as his phone23:30
arrrghhhmore than my one phone23:30
NeoMatrixJRand u couldn't use one of those in japan?23:30
arrrghhhwhich i test on and use as a daily driver :P23:30
stinebdi needed google maps in japan23:31
stinebdand the winmo version is... insufficient23:32
stinebdso i stole my mom's atrix23:32
stinebdoh yeah, and i also needed internet calling23:33
stinebdwhich worked amazingly well23:33
hycgingerbread native? or sipdroid?23:34
stinebdwinmo doesn't do it23:34
stinebdat least not the rig i needed23:34
hycI've been using sipdroid for a couple years, it's good stuff23:34
stinebdi had to use fring because moto has busted audio drivers for the atrix, which fring has a workaround for23:34
arrrghhhi guess i should checkout sipdroid.23:35
stinebdgingerbread native is the best solution but i had to smashify my phone so i ruined that plan23:35
stinebdsipdroid does work very well with good audio drivers23:35
arrrghhhi haven't tried gb native either, does it even work on our build?23:35
arrrghhhi'm gonna smash your new n1, maybe then you'll give gb some more love :P23:36
stinebdthat's not exactly the reason i've been slacking off23:37
arrrghhhso hyc - did you see my question on sleep & native devices?23:37
stinebdwith the trip out of the way maybe i'll get back to work23:37
arrrghhhyea i know i'm just givin you crap.23:37
hyceh? oh. there's no particular solution23:37
arrrghhhi'm sure running up to the trip you were slammed dude, :P23:37
arrrghhhhyc, so rogue apps kill sleep on native devices, you don't really notice?  just gotta be vigilant?23:37
stinebdthe trip had me wigging out23:37
stinebdand then work was worse, i had a lot of crap going on there too23:37
stinebdonce i got to tokyo, i was really glad to not have to worry about work at all23:38
arrrghhhi bet23:38
arrrghhhthen you had to leave, and were probably saddened :P23:38
NeoMatrixJRSorry u miss Japan but it's good to have you back stinebd.  arrrghhh here's been telling everyone to wait for frx07 and the natives are getting restless.  Me, it's time for sleep.  Later!23:39
hycarrrghhh: yep. that's why I usually check battery history in spare parts23:39
arrrghhhi've been telling the rubes to wait, yes.23:39
arrrghhhi point people in the direction of the testing stuff, and say fuck off if you don't get it :P23:40
stinebdwell i'm back to work saturday so frx07 will still have to wait23:40
arrrghhhi've been slammed at work too - haven't really tested any of the merge requests.23:40
arrrghhhat least not on my own tree23:40
arrrghhhfrx07 might as well wait until the bt/audio routing stuff gets solidified.23:41
stinebdyeah i've been reading a lot of the complaints about audio23:42
stinebdis that all devices?23:43
arrrghhhit will be...23:43
arrrghhhit seems jb only released the RHOD stuff...23:43
hycJB didn't release anything23:43
arrrghhhor you only released the RHOD stuff from JB?23:43
arrrghhhyea, true.23:43
hycand the kernel patches are not RHOD-specific23:43
hycthe only reason I said that I was posting for RHOD only is because that's all I know about23:44
hycand the kernels I build are missing the TI wifi module23:44
arrrghhhthe userland stuff?  is that device-agnostic as well?23:44
hycbut JB says his stuff works on all devices23:44
arrrghhhah.  i thought you meant he was going to fix his trees so it will23:45
hyche's cleaned up his code again, but it was all devices before23:46
arrrghhhi misinterpreted your post.  wouldn't be the first time, probably won't be the last :P23:47

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