Saturday, 2011-02-12

arrrghhhhave a good one00:02
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Sweety10i tried to open the XDAndroid2.2Froyo.012211.rar file and it says the wait operation has timed out. What does that mean???00:07
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manekinekoyou were trying to open the rar on your computer?00:11
arrrghhhdo you have 7zip installed?00:11
arrrghhhor winrar00:11
manekinekoarrrghhh, have you ever tried FroyoX?00:11
manekinekoI just booted it up for the first time with the intent of looking at why its GPS doesn't mess up sleep00:12
manekinekobut I don't seem to have any sleep leds at all00:12
manekinekooh wait, that's odd. it just turned on00:12
manekinekoSweety10, have you tried opening it again?00:13
arrrghhhmanekineko, those are in the kernel.00:13
arrrghhhopen it with winrar then Sweety1000:13
manekinekoyeah, I guess I just hit the weird bug where sometimes the leds don't turn on00:14
arrrghhhprobably that awesome huawei rom you're running.00:14
manekinekothey mysteriously activated while I was typing to you, after being booted a good 10 minutes with no leds00:14
Sweety10i did and it justs blinks off00:14
arrrghhhwhat is "it"00:16
Sweety10the winrar page00:18
manekinekoit's a nice looking background and BLAZN theme he's got going here00:19
manekinekounfortunately, however, after going to all this trouble of installing FroyoX00:19
manekinekoit seems to have the same GPS sleep bug00:19
arrrghhhSweety10, download 7zip00:20
manekinekoit's pretty clear the GPS bug is fully present in this, maybe I need to try an older version of FroyoX00:21
manekinekoI turn off GPS, sleeps fine00:21
manekinekowake the phone, still on the Settings page for GPS, and check the box and turn it off00:21
manekinekono sleep00:21
manekinekowake it again, turn off GPS, sleeps fine00:21
manekinekorepeated like 5x00:21
Sweety10i downloaded 7zip is the android file supposed to look like a white sheet of paper with a folded top corner00:25
manekinekodid you install 7zip?00:26
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manekinekoopen up 7zip, and manually navigate to where you downloaded XDAndroid00:27
manekinekoand open it up there00:27
Sweety10no the install page pops up and then goes away00:27
manekinekoinstall page? what install page?00:29
arrrghhhright click on the file you downloaded00:29
arrrghhhyou should see a new context menu00:30
manekinekowho distributes these builds anyway? why are we using rar like some sort of pirates00:31
manekinekoinstead of zip like normal people or 7z like geeks00:31
arrrghhhreef is kinda ridiculous00:33
arrrghhhi guess i could just start my own thread.00:33
arrrghhhmight as well, then i can have some control over the first post.00:33
manekinekoyeah you definitely should00:33
manekinekoI think the main reason people use FroyoX is because the official build threads are in such bad shape00:34
manekinekolinks to outdated cabs and builds00:34
manekinekowhereas FroyoX, you just open it up, one zip file and you are ready to go00:34
Sweety10is there another way to get through this process i cant install 7zip00:37
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manekinekowait I thought you said you already installed 7zip00:38
Sweety10i thought i did it was only saved to the computer00:39
manekinekoif when you're trying to install 7zip, you can't even see the install window and it goes away on its own, you should first try to restart your computer00:39
manekinekoif that does not fix the problem, your computer is probably fairly messed up00:39
manekinekolikely by malware00:39
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arrrghhhmanekineko, get that froyox out of here.00:43
arrrghhhopen it up one zip and you're ready to go...00:43
arrrghhhi gave reef a zip of frx0400:43
arrrghhhall ready to go00:43
manekinekohow'd we end up with an rar then?00:43
arrrghhhdrop on your sd and done00:43
manekinekohe likes rar better than zip?00:43
arrrghhhhe also insists on the cab00:44
arrrghhhi've told him it's bused00:44
arrrghhhand he still won't remove it.00:44
manekinekowould he be horribly offended if you started a new thread? seems ok since he's not really interested in any of this anymore00:44
arrrghhhi asked him if it was cool00:45
arrrghhhand he seemed kinda offended...00:45
arrrghhhi dunno00:45
arrrghhhi guess i just should do it.00:45
manekinekoyeah, the thread is so out of date at this point00:46
arrrghhhso is his website00:46
manekinekohalf the questions are about the cab and BLAZN00:46
manekinekoheh from his website: Audio only works in calls00:46
manekinekoman it's been a while00:46
manekinekolooking at it all from the perspective of a new user, FRX04 is pretty overwhelming because of all this00:48
manekinekoso many choices, and only one of them is right, and users hate choices00:48
hychmmm. tempting to try the new gingerbread image, but the list of known issues is putting me off. GPS would probably make the difference for me00:48
manekinekohyc you!!!00:49
manekinekodownloaded and installed FroyoX00:49
manekinekoGPS sleep bug is distinctly in there00:49
manekinekowhat version of FroyoX were you on that didn't have it?00:50
hycHmmm. it definitely was not, in the 01/2300:50
manekinekothe one I use was RED00:50
manekinekohmm ok00:50
hycI haven't updated since then, switched to FRX0400:50
manekinekoI'm now booting in 1/1200:50
manekinekoI guess I'll check that00:50
manekinekobefore moving to 1/2300:50
hycI have the last 3 from 1/23 and older on my SD card still00:51
hycI guess I could boot it up again00:51
manekinekohow did you test it?00:52
hycI just started maps, then exited maps00:52
hycthen hit the sleep/power button00:52
manekinekohmmm yeah, similar to what I did that didn't work in RED00:52
manekinekoI then cycled back in forth on the GPS setting screen00:52
manekinekobetween satellites on and off00:52
manekinekoand it would sleep with off00:52
manekinekobut no sleep wtih on00:53
manekinekotried it like 5x00:53
hycok, lemme go grab my phone and reboot to confirm. I was pretty sure, I did this a few times there too.00:53
manekinekoin a way this might be ideal actually00:54
manekinekoif it worked well in 1/2300:54
manekinekobut is broken in RED00:54
manekinekothat should be an easier diff than against FRX0400:54
hycgen-y needs a andboot selector00:55
manekinekoheh I think we're probably a fairly small demographic that has multiple installs on our SD cards00:55
hyccorrection, 0128 is the last one I have. booting that now.00:57
manekinekohow's it working for you? still haven't had a chance to test mine, it rebooted randomly while I was setting up APNs01:00
hychmm. right now I'm only getting orange.01:01
hycok, that was because it was plugged into my USB01:02
hycnow it's sleeping01:02
manekinekowith GPS?01:03
hycnow I've toggled GPS on with the power widget01:03
hycand now it's green again01:03
manekinekoso sleeping01:03
manekineko01/28 FroyoX system.ext201:03
manekinekoany idea where the rest of your components came from?01:03
hychmm. I think this one has an F22 rootfs. or your rootfs.01:04
hycyeah, it has the ctrl-key anyway01:04
hycand it looks like I have a test kernel from 01/3001:05
manekinekook cool, I'll download it and check it out01:06
hycyeah, wistilt2's 01/30 test kernel01:07
hycbut like I said, I don't think the kernel made any difference01:07
arrrghhhthat crap is old :P01:07
hychmmm. now I've started maps and exited it, it won't sleep.01:09
manekinekoI'm booted on the 1/12 FroyoX right now, and I can't get those damn LEDs to turn on again01:09
manekinekoI'm trying complaining about it in IRC, since that's what fixed it last time01:09
manekinekono dice01:09
manekinekoyeah, I think this bug doesn't get triggered until the first time an app actually uses the GPS01:10
hycI have an idea now tho, lemme see01:10
hycnope. I tried killing the maps networklocationservice01:11
hycno difference01:11
manekinekohmm so probably still same bug01:12
manekinekooh well, maybe it's all moot01:12
manekinekonow that gingerbread is out!01:12
hycthat's a bit strange to me, because on frx04, just toggling GPS on prevents sleep, even without running maps01:12
manekinekohmm odd do you have any different apps or widgets installed? something might be grabbing location data as soon as its available01:13
hycI guess that's possible, but at this point I have all startup apps disabled01:13
manekinekoI thought that the bug didn't come out until an app uses the GPS but I never bothered to check before actually01:13
hycexcept for droidwall01:14
hycyeah, with gingerbread now it does seem a bit moot01:17
hycand once again, isn't the GPS seensor part of the MSM chipset itself?01:17
hycshouldn't the driver be the same across all of these phones?01:18
manekinekoyeah, I guess it's less clear now if it's userland or a driver issue01:18
manekinekoso maybe not moot01:19
hycok, booting frx04 again01:24
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hychmm, hung during kernel boot01:26
hycthat's never happened before...01:26
manekinekoright up front when booting?01:26
manekinekolike half the screen filled with text?01:27
hycbarely got halfway down the screen, yeah01:27
manekinekoyeah, I get those from time to time, and I posted about it PPG before and other people mentioned it too01:27
hychit reset and tried again, now it's ok01:27
manekinekoyeah, just happens from time to time01:28
hycok, booted frx04, toggled gps on, it went to sleep01:34
hycso it must not happen till an app has used it01:34
manekinekooh well, back to waiting for actual devs who code to fix it hehe01:35
hyccollecting a logcat now01:36
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hycnow I see a lot of "gps thread received 0 events" messages01:39
hycI think it's the same problem as the "attempting to remove unknown iface (usb0), ignoring" messages01:39
hyconce an event is triggered, you usually need to clear it in the hardware after you've serviced it.01:39
hycI believe the current code is not clearing it, so once any event triggers, it keeps triggering.01:40
hycdepending on whose responsibility that is, it could be kernel driver or libsensor01:41
manekinekothat is interesting01:44
manekinekowell I suppose we'll have a pretty good chance of seeing if it's kernel if this bug is in Gingerbread01:44
manekinekosince I understand they're basically rewriting libsensor01:44
hycthey're using the smae kernels still aren't they?01:44
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zoosterhi there02:07
zoosterhow y'all doin02:08
zoosteranyone here alive? :)02:09
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adolfitoholas.alguien habla cristiano?03:12
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imranhello all03:16
imranhas any one tried the new gingerbuild?03:16
imranand does it take care of the wifi issue for non-Rohd devices03:16
AndroUser2dl'in via skyfire right now...03:17
imranhello andro03:17
AndroUser2well couldn't tell u that anyhow03:17
imranyur device?03:17
imranmine is topaz03:17
adolfitomine is diam100. gingerbread not display correctly calibration squares03:18
AndroUser2yea just use a ts-calibration file from a main packet build03:19
adolfitoyea. im using it03:19
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zoosterguys, anyone has problem with new haret used with new test kernel for camera?03:20
zoostermy topaz reboots...03:21
imranworked fine for me03:22
adolfitodiam10: gingerbread wifi works ok03:22
adolfitoim downloading angrybirds, ;-)03:23
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imranhello glemsom03:27
adolfitohi glemson03:27
imranthanks for bringing the new kernel build service online03:28
GlemSomHi :)03:28
GlemSomimran, You're welcome :)03:28
GlemSomThough, I'll need to put in some other fans in it soon... It's WAAAY to noisy now!   (I just have the server in my home-office)...03:29
imrannew kernel has being released?03:29
imranuse speedfan control03:29
imranif u have the new AMD phenom2 then u could use the cool and quiet :)03:30
imrantill u have a chiller installed :) on yur proccc03:30
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GlemSomimran, It does adjust the fan speed... But when the server is busy compiling - the CPU temp raises - and so does the fans... thereby it get's quite noisy..03:34
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imranu could use a noise dampners03:42
imrani think u need to stick them on the inside of the panels and they absord the excess noise03:42
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imranare u aware of the wifi issue inflicting us?03:49
imranbooting into vogue xandriod build04:02
imranthe new gingerbuild didnot boot in successfullyy04:10
imrando i need to get the new rootfs file to get the job done04:11
imranplease advise?04:13
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imranis it something wrong with IRC or this channel that most are dormant>?04:18
imranlooks like the new rootfs did the job04:22
imranboot animation in proggressss04:23
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imranfone it seems has gone dead or deep sleep and wont wake up04:25
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imranchecking out the new built04:58
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imrantrying to download the app from market05:07
imranapp took time but it has finally installed yaaaa05:09
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imranpackage managers make a mental note, please include a simple file manager that enables us to install app in case we cannot get online for some reason oke.05:10
imranokie me going out will see how it performs in the field05:12
imranfield test in progress adios amigos05:12
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Christiaan91hello is there anyone?08:43
Christiaan91found a bug in gingerbread08:43
Christiaan91i can't receive any calls after in went to sleep08:45
Christiaan91rebooted 3 times, every time the same problem08:45
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R^7Z@rpierce99 heres whats displaying when I type that command for wpa_supplicant.conf while I'm connected to a wifi spot10:45
rpierce99all ears, errrrr, eyes10:46
R^7Ztheres a brea between that and my wifi connection name10:47
R^7Zheres the rest10:47
R^7Zthats it10:48
rpierce99awesome, that's what we needed, thanks10:48
R^7Zoh one typo10:48
rpierce99its ok10:48
R^7Zthe open parenthisis10:48
rpierce99unless you typod a whole line missing :)10:49
R^7Zglad I could help10:49
R^7Zno just the =(10:49
R^7Zshould be ={10:49
rpierce99we were looking for auth_alg, but it only appears in wep connections10:49
R^7Zbraket instead10:49
R^7Zdo I need to try to setup wep and do the same?10:49
R^7Zshould take but a minute or two10:50
rpierce99nope, we know what that does because it's posted all over the forums10:50
R^7Zah... np10:50
rpierce99have you tried out the GB preview?10:51
R^7Zneopeeks alpha2 yes but not ours...10:51
rpierce99gotcha, never tried the neopeek one10:51
R^7Zthat's how iknew that other guy we were attempting to help was using the neopeek version10:51
R^7Zbut if the neopeek version gives any hint to what GB is like... i figure its gunna be even better once they release it for mass consumption!10:53
rpierce99well the xdandroid GB fixed my wifi. I've already tried replacing system.ext2 with the stock frox04 one and it didn't help, so I'm going to try rolling back to frx03 and see if wifi comes back10:53
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R^7ZI'll be around here but on another tab (using the chat widget from the site) if you or anyone else require my services...10:55
fhello all10:56
fwhts yur role in the xdandriod project @ R^7Z10:58
R^7ZI don't have one... Just here to help out trouble users and if the devs require something that anyone else is not able to produce10:59
R^7Zvery general support10:59
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R^7Zand some moral support11:00
fhave u tried the new gingerbread testing build11:00
R^7Zneopeek yes, not ours though11:01
R^7ZI don't have that access level privilidge... ;)11:01
R^7Znvm... found it11:03
fits neat but as said many things are still broken11:04
R^7ZDownloading then restarting Android... and hopefully I'll get a first glimpses kind of deal11:04
R^7Zyeah, I just woke up not a few minutes ago...11:04
fstinebd is here, may be he can shed few thoughts on it11:05
fits neat, love the neat touches they have given11:05
fbut still cant play full screen hq videos11:05
R^7Zwe're supposed to be able to do that???11:05
fwhen i tried to make a call , the call would get disconnected11:06
flike fx04 i still cannot the videos i have recorded from my topaz camera11:06
R^7Ztopaz is the diam2 right?11:06
R^7Zor just diam11:06
R^7Zor two different devices?11:07
R^7Zsorry, im a fuze user11:07
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fyes diam211:07
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fbut we are all riding in the same boat11:07
R^7Zhi mike who changed your nick name to guest11:08
Guest45236i think the server did11:08
Guest45236doesnt matter im still mike11:08
R^7Zwhat can we assist you with today?11:08
R^7Z6 minutes till my first glimpse of GB!11:09
R^7Zwell first XDAndroid glimpse11:09
Guest45236i was searching for the latest bug fixes on the new kernels11:09
R^7Zyou mean on HERE:
Guest45236i just updated my Zimage en rootfs to 20110210 but i want to know whats fixed11:10
Guest45236thanks mate11:10
R^7Zwell you need change log11:11
R^7Zto find that out, I think11:11
fits easy11:11
Guest45236yeah i was searching for chage log11:11
fgo here and click on the name11:11
R^7Zf  beat me to it11:12
R^7Zless than 2 minutes11:12
fshow commit log11:12
fclick on it11:12
Guest45236i already did thank you that was what i searches11:12
Guest45236but too bad i was hoping that they fixed bleutooth for me11:13
Guest45236or camera11:13
Guest45236just a little patient i know there working on it11:13
R^7Zcamera is still in testing...11:13
R^7Zbt... meh...11:13
Guest45236i have a touch pro 211:14
Guest45236an was really desperate about windows mobile11:14
R^7Zyay! download finished!11:14
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R^7Zhere I goes... testing GB minus data.img deletion ad using all the latest/up-to-date and available rootfs and kernel package11:21
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R^7Zsee you guys on the otherside of GB!11:21
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R^7Zme hopes11:22
mightyand did it work your download?11:23
R^7Zwe're at the android animation boot screen11:24
R^7Zthose suckers are flying!11:24
R^7Zit's like they are hopped up on something...11:24
mightyon what are you installing android?11:25
R^7Zprobably the special GB mix???11:25
mightywhats that another version of android?11:25
R^7Zstine published a test release of GB...11:26
R^7ZOr if you check the logs at all, you can find the link to the updated system.ext2 file .Zip11:27
R^7Zuhoh... guess I needed to track how long this has been running on boot screen... :p11:27
rpierce99first boot took a few minutes for me11:27
rpierce99not sure if it was because it was first boot or because it didn't have a conf file to use11:28
rpierce99i forgot to rename froyo.user.conf11:28
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R^7ZThe only I changed with mysetup is the system.ext2, litterally11:28
R^7Znothing else was touched11:29
mightyim finally glad that android is now stable for me i'm not testing any new thing now11:29
R^7Zjust deleted the current system.ext2 and extracted the new one to the root11:29
R^7Zawe... c'om on man...11:29
R^7Zwheres your sense of adventure?11:29
rpierce99R^7Z: pretty much same for me except i made a copy of everything so I didn't blow up my nicely working FRX0411:29
mightyi had to install it 6 or 7 times to make it stable11:29
R^7Zmeh... i already had a copy, didn't need to redo it...11:30
rpierce99well i set it up so they're both on the card simultaneously, sort of tri-booting now11:30
R^7ZI make it a point to make a copy prior to trying out newer releases11:30
mightyeverytime the core proces stopped11:31
R^7Znah... seems to muck up a lot of things for me11:31
R^7Zsame here mighty11:31
mightyand it was very laggy11:31
R^7Zi usually had to start from scratch11:31
R^7Zyup same here too11:31
rpierce99mighty: that sounds a lot like the system_server bug which was fixed in the latest ROOTFS commits11:32
mightybut now i have it stable for a week or 211:32
R^7Zwe're talking about prior to finding a good data.img11:32
R^7Zidk what the situation was but i noticed a difference between FRX03 and FRX04 for me11:32
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R^7Zand definitly a difference between FRX04 to GB test11:33
mightyYes me to after i installed FRX04 everything went fine for me11:33
R^7Zjust need to figure out how to get the stupid thing to recognize my stylus....11:33
mightybut i was wondering can i wipe windows of my phine11:34
mightyi want to get rid of windows mobile11:34
rpierce99mighty: NAND flashing is coming, not ready for mass consumption11:34
rpierce99if you can understand anything that is said in this thread:  (I certainly cant)11:35
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R^7Zblah... autobl still doesn't work! lol11:37
R^7Zglad i'm still using my work around for that11:37
mightyive read it but its a little to complicated for me11:37
rpierce99me too11:37
R^7Zanyone notice the battery seems to be reporting a little better?11:38
mightyi think i will try to install dual boot geny11:38
R^7Zlike I'll reboot back to winmo and it'll read a little lower?11:38
rpierce99that app needs a better UI, editing the registry is lame11:38
rpierce99mighty: if you haven't done it before I'd check out
R^7Zyeah mighty, it's best to use that for our builds11:38
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mightyok thanks11:39
mightybecause gen y is also to complicated for me tryied it over and over11:39
mightyediting the register failed again and agian11:39
R^7Zreally, is THIS: the "official" site for this project???11:39
rpierce99the only complicated part is you have to edit the registry if you are using an andboot folder11:40
rpierce99R^7Z: no11:40
rpierce99well, kinda11:40
R^7Zk, they needs to get their facts straight then... :P lol11:40
mightythats also the part that failed for me editing the register11:40
rpierce99all of them are a bit outdated11:40
rpierce99things are moving so fast now11:41
R^7Zmeh... so fast a snail can beat you to the finish line... j/k11:41
mightyand sometimes my device automaticly reboots11:42
R^7Zoy... really? never had that problem11:42
mightybut thats not a big thing11:42
mightyits about 1 time a 2 days11:42
R^7Zyeah... if mine did that... I'd go at it with a hex screw driver and then flash it a couple of times11:43
R^7Zmaybe task29 it11:43
rpierce99my WinMo has been freaking out on me lately, an app keeps launching saying it's registering me for hands free, it finishes, reboots my phone, and repeats all over again. I have to cancel it on every boot11:43
R^7Zthen flash it again... :D11:43
R^7Zwow... you guys are having some very weird issues...11:43
rpierce99I blame sprint for mine11:44
R^7Zheres my recomendation... task29 it, then flash an NRG ROM to it... :D :P11:44
rpierce99company phone, I won't be touching NAND11:44
mightyi blame htc for using windows on some phones11:44
R^7ZI did a stupid thing a few days ago (par for the course for me)...11:45
R^7ZI enabled the PIN lock and couldn't get back into my phone11:45
R^7Zso I had to hardreset and start over again11:45
R^7ZI blame bill gates for that...11:46
rpierce99well FRX03 didn't fix my wifi11:46
R^7Zwell pooh on it11:46
mightyis it also treu that htc has stopped with windows mobile11:46
R^7Zwho knows?11:46
R^7Zthey seem to still be allowing at&t to sell their crappy winphone7's...11:47
R^7ZI keep biding my time wondering when hTc will get their act together and come back to reality...11:48
mightyexacly windows is so 199511:48
R^7Zwasn't the nexus an hTc phone?11:48
rpierce99the original was11:48
rpierce99new ones a sammy11:49
R^7Za samsuck, yeah...11:49
R^7Zi like their TVs but phones... sheesh11:49
R^7ZI say stick to the TVs... ;)11:49
R^7ZI wonder will hTc begin making flap-jacks???11:50
R^7Zsorry, i know...11:50
R^7ZI'll go stand in my corner11:50
mightyi saw a beautiful kyocera phone with 2 touch screens en android 2.2 froyo11:50
mightythat would be my next one11:51
R^7Zkyocera still makes phones???11:51
R^7Zthe last one I owned was pretty decent (pre-touch screen days)11:51
R^7ZI liked the fact that it felt like a brick but it seemed a tad bulky11:52
R^7Zmeh... the only really good phone I've owned was a RAZR911:52
R^7Zyea, moto... I know...11:52
R^7Zwas it RAZR or RIZR??? meh...11:52
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mightyi dunno11:53
R^7Zyay yusuke has entered the room!11:53
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mightyhere it is
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R^7Zinteresting, it looks like a dsi11:55
mightyyeah it is11:55
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mightyi never see something like that i think its very interesting11:55
R^7Zas in nintendo dsi?11:55
rpierce99i would be worried that android wouldn't handle the 2nd screen very well11:56
rpierce99could be clunky11:56
R^7Zperhaps but i guess if nintendo could do it, why not? ;) :p11:56
mightyi think kyocera and google worked it out11:57
R^7ZI'm waiting on the Xoom11:57
R^7ZI'm thinking that will be my next device11:58
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mightywell the kyocera echo is only in amerika now11:59
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R^7Zsay it right... it's 'Merikuh11:59
mightythey think it will cost between the 150 a 200 Euro in holland11:59
R^7ZWhat kind of processor?12:00
mightythe xoom i that a tablet pc12:01
R^7Za tad less than the echo12:02
mightythe echo has 2 battery''s12:02
R^7Zbut I like more real-estate12:02
R^7Z2 bat?12:02
R^7Zwell that wold "help" (me thinks)12:02
mightyit runs on 1 GHz Snapdragon processor, 512mb RAM12:03
R^7ZoOo... I wonder is it snappy?12:03
mightywell i have to eat thanks for the interesting conversations12:04
mightyi was looking were i could share my android experience12:04
mightyand i think i found it here12:05
R^7Zbon apetit12:05
mightythnks see you next time12:05
mightythansk mate12:05
R^7Zyup yup12:05
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R^7Zholy crap this thing is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssst!12:09
R^7Z"I wanna go fast!"12:10
R^7ZI wonder, can it dial out... hmmm12:10
R^7Zoy! i'm connected to vm!12:11
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arrrghhhlol stinebd12:44
arrrghhhis there a reason you posted your new ginger goodness in viruscrazy's cam testing thread?   lolz12:45
arrrghhhi think I am going to create separate threads for gb.  i'm tired of this mess that reefer is still trying to continue on...12:46
rpierce99make sure it has a "cool" name and you type in all caps, so people think you're cool. GINGERBREAD ZXI GUYS ITS SUPER FAST12:48
arrrghhhi'm not going to rebrand any of stinebd's work.12:48
arrrghhhi'm also not going to include any testing mess in the build.12:48
arrrghhhi will direct people how to change the kernels, etc12:49
arrrghhhas i've always felt we need to keep up a better faq/how-to12:49
arrrghhhthis way i can :D12:49
rpierce99agreed, i tried helping a noob yesterday, took 20 minutes to get to the point of "how do i 'extract a rar'"12:50
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arrrghhhyea i saw12:50
arrrghhhi tried to help too remember12:50
arrrghhhsweety4 or whatever the fawk12:50
rpierce99no this was before that12:50
rpierce99i didn't try to help with sweety12:51
arrrghhhi'll definitely make it a zip.12:51
rpierce99i had already given up before that12:51
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arrrghhhand i should probably upload it to stinebd's mirror.  lest he kills me.12:51
rpierce99did you have problems with data in GB?12:51
rpierce99gb fixed my wifi but broke my data12:53
rpierce99i just cant win12:53
arrrghhhi read those posts12:53
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arrrghhhi have bugs to squash too on the tracker12:53
arrrghhhi'm only one man :P12:53
R^7Zom'on arrrghhh! pull it together man!12:54
R^7Zpep talk fail... >_>12:55
R^7Zmy "c" got obliterated12:56
R^7Zlong story...12:56
F22new thread sounds good arrrghhh12:57
arrrghhhF22, yea12:57
arrrghhhputting together this madness.12:57
R^7Zugh! theres already one asking about a new thread!!!!!12:57
arrrghhhi want it to be complete12:57
arrrghhhnew startup.txt's12:57
arrrghhhwhole schebang12:57
F22btw arrrghhh, are you running my root?12:58
arrrghhhdo you mind if i link to your rootfs?12:58
arrrghhhi won't include it in the bundle12:58
arrrghhhi'll just mention it in my post.12:58
F22if you hit the sym key, how many chars do you get?12:58
F22that's fine12:59
F2212 or 18?12:59
arrrghhh1 sed12:59
arrrghhhnot sure how long a sed is12:59
rpierce99I get a 4x312:59
arrrghhh4x3 +112:59
rpierce99the 1 is close12:59
F22damn it12:59
arrrghhhit depends on the app tho right12:59
arrrghhhthis was in the google search bar doo-hickey13:00
F22which versions of system are you guys running?13:00
arrrghhhzomg monkey bread13:01
arrrghhhright now frx0413:01
F22so it somehow my patch which just missed FRX03 didn't make it into FRX04 either. :(13:01
F22i haven't made the jump to fr04 yet, i always roll my own, but haven't gotten to it yet. i just assumed it was in there.13:03
arrrghhhyou bum13:04
F22what's a little odd is that sjabbie88 remembers a larger symbol palette. but unless there was a FRX03.5....i have no idea where he could have gotten it.13:04
R^7Z :p13:05
F22hmm, actually he could have gotten it if someone built their own.13:05
F22my patch was submitted and approved R^7Z13:05
F22it was actually in the source tree13:06
R^7Zhome tree?13:06
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R^7Zruh roh raggy...13:07
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R^7Z@surge99, whats all this about a new thread...13:08
arrrghhhi had quite a bit of that post done.13:08
arrrghhhi wonder if i go back to windows if it's still there...13:08
R^7Zcan't you let them do they work for once? ;) I'm j/p13:08
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surge919hows asking for a new thread bothering anyone.. before you know it, that thread would turn into support for GB.. which is worse?13:10
R^7Zby the way, I used whatever was working for FRX04 and just replaced the system.ext2 file13:10
R^7Zits kool man... i'm j/p13:10
R^7Zi was actually thinking the same but just never posted because i know how these guys work... :D13:11
surge919that's cool.. its just that with the client on the boards lately you can't be too sure who is being offended and cross posting to different thread is a major PITA for the thread followers13:12
R^7ZI actually considered posting about it in the FRX04 thread a couple of times then I was like... nahhh...13:12
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surge919^^^  climate.. not clients13:13
R^7Zwhats this about global warming?! :p ;)13:13
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R^7Zhi yusuke!13:16
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R^7Zwb gpferror13:16
R^7Zor not?13:17
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* R^7Z shoots @TheDeadCPU13:28
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R^7ZI killed him!13:29
R^7Zhe was changing...13:29
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R^7ZI'm out...13:46
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arrrghhhstinebd, you there13:54
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MassStashdo i need to change anything in my user.conf for gingerbread?14:01
MassStashlike i can just copy a froyo one pretty much right?14:02
TheDeadCPUIn theory you should be able to14:02
TheDeadCPUJust try and if it doesn't work get the gingerbread one?14:02
MassStashwell i was lookin for that n didnt find anywhere quick so i popped in here14:03
TheDeadCPUWell there is only one way to find out and that is to tes14:07
MassStashoh yea14:08
MassStashargh: yea, neh>?14:09
arrrghhhjust do it14:09
arrrghhhthat's what i'm doing14:09
arrrghhhi made a build14:09
arrrghhhbut f-ing can't calib with 1253.14:09
MassStashjust checkin14:09
MassStashyou need a new one?14:09
arrrghhhno i have one14:10
arrrghhhbut i'd like ppl to be able to calib14:10
arrrghhhi guess i'll just post it and put that caveat in there14:10
MassStashwellll cc_disksize is 25 for eclair and 100 for froyo, i why i asked bout gingerbread.user.conf14:10
arrrghhhkeep it at 100 for now14:10
arrrghhhi need stinebd to confirm anything14:11
arrrghhhcuz... i'm not positive14:11
arrrghhhi did just boot with my froyo.user.conf14:11
arrrghhhlast time**14:11
arrrghhhwhen i was testing his gb fun14:11
MassStashgot cha14:11
arrrghhhoh he said no media folder i think14:22
arrrghhhgood thing i haven't posted this yet lol14:23
arrrghhhdata cxn works14:24
arrrghhhout of the box14:24
MassStashlmiller, you try not oc'in on the nand right?14:26
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MassStashgingerbread looks so nice....14:39
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arrrghhhit's so f-ing fast too14:46
arrrghhhgapps left out voice search14:46
TheDeadCPUAre we using Gingerbread gapps?14:47
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MassStashno accelerometer aka stuck in landscape is fun14:50
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hycjust got an SoD14:55
MassStashf*in market is blaaaaaaazin14:57
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, yea14:57
arrrghhhfull on aosp14:58
MassStashlike instant on small stuff, not usual for me at least14:58
arrrghhhit's reallyholyfast14:58
arrrghhhi guess i should put that all over my post14:58
TheDeadCPUMarket takes ages to load, but once it's loaded it FAST14:58
MassStashlmfao like holy shit mang14:58
MassStashsuper dig the txt cursor placer thing15:02
MassStashevo fast?15:03
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arrrghhhbut it's fast15:04
arrrghhhand it's posted :D15:04
NautisGbread mm mm good15:04
NautisHahahah just saw the neopeek question15:04
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arrrghhhkinda pisses me off15:04
MassStashooo man can't wait for a nand gingabrb15:05
arrrghhhbut whatever15:05
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Nautiserm why ro.opengles.version=65537? I thought 1.0 was 65536 in build.prop15:06
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Nautisneocore benches fast.. no textures seem to speed things up :D15:08
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arrrghhhlack of textures is an issue lol15:14
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averruncateIs anyone famiiar with darktremor a2sd?15:19
MassStashGB has nice sleep time too, and doesnt go in and out like froyo prolly because it has no gapps, or FB at least for sure15:21
MassStashssoooollliiiddd green15:21
NautisThought I read somewhere about a fix for the small keybd.. lemme see if I can find it.15:23
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arrrghhhMassStash, yea with all the stuff missing lo;l15:25
arrrghhhno sensors15:25
arrrghhhno gps15:25
arrrghhhhw3d just seems... bungled.15:25
arrrghhhugh.  well, now lots of threads to manage heh15:25
arrrghhhi wonder if i should do the same for FRX0415:26
hycNautis: 65537 = EGL 1.115:29
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MassStashwerd to same for FRX0415:43
arrrghhhi guess it wouldn't be that hard.15:43
MassStashhelp cut back on Q's i would think15:43
arrrghhhi went thru all the freakin startup's15:43
arrrghhhi almost want to because of that, it was a bitch lol15:43
arrrghhhthey were soooo outdated.  at least the ones i had were.15:43
arrrghhhi'm hoping i got 'em all too.15:44
arrrghhhso many phones we support...15:44
MassStashyea pretty crazy sweet15:44
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arrrghhhdata doesn't work now15:46
arrrghhhrpierce99, damn you15:46
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arrrghhhcamro, yo15:58
arrrghhhdid you ever get a new phone mna?15:58
camrohehe - well only sgs15:58
arrrghhhnot you too!15:59
camrowell, i got it from customer - for support16:00
camroand i wanted the desire z - but it was not deliverable16:00
camroso, i got this for free .. what should i do :)16:00
camrobut the display is great16:00
camronever seen such qualitiy on pda16:01
camroarrrghhh - and you ? which device ?16:02
arrrghhhstill RDHO40016:03
arrrghhhfree phones are hard to refuse :P16:03
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rpierce99arrrghhh: it's not my fault i swear!16:36
arrrghhhit is16:36
arrrghhhIT IS16:36
arrrghhhi had to stop running gb.  SoD :(16:36
rpierce99oh noez16:36
rpierce99i might be getting my old Fuze back so I can test with 2 devices, no cell/data on the fuze though16:38
rpierce99guy i gave it to bought an iPhone16:38
arrrghhhit's gsm right16:40
arrrghhhsim cards then16:40
arrrghhhswap 'em16:40
arrrghhhcell/data blam16:40
arrrghhhif you need it :P16:40
rpierce99swap it with my sprint 400?16:40
arrrghhhoh wtf16:40
arrrghhhi thought you had a rhod30016:40
arrrghhhand were on at&t16:41
arrrghhhmy disease has spread16:51
arrrghhhor rather my disease can start spreading.16:51
arrrghhhstinebd, i'm sure you'd rather host these than dropbox...16:52
arrrghhhi tried using my key auth, and it didn't work.16:52
arrrghhh(to that is)16:52
rpierce99they fixed the glitch16:53
stinebdarrrghhh: what17:07
stinebdyeah hosting what17:07
arrrghhhof my poop17:07
stinebdno time for backlog, i've got like 2 minutes here17:08
arrrghhhi tried to get into that the site.17:08
arrrghhhso i could upload it.17:08
arrrghhhno go17:08
stinebdsftp xdandroidmirror@files.xdandroid.com17:08
stinebdstuff goes in ~/mirror and then you wait for several weeks until i mirror it by hand17:09
arrrghhhi don't think my key is workin tho..17:10
stinebdwell the problem is your end then17:10
stinebdit's in authorized_keys17:10
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arrrghhhi got it working, but only on my work pc.17:16
arrrghhhi wish i knew how f-in private key auth worked a little better.17:16
arrrghhhcan i take the key off of the work pc and put it on my home one...?17:16
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rpierce99arrrghhh: why does your froyo.user.conf echo 2 to /sys/devices/platform/msm_hsusb/usb_function_switch?17:27
arrrghhhlol i saw that too17:28
arrrghhhi'm not sure...17:28
arrrghhhi just left it tho17:28
arrrghhhdoes it cause an issue?17:28
rpierce99no idea17:28
rpierce99just know it wasn't in mine17:28
arrrghhhyea might be some old holdover17:29
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rpierce99bipolar much17:40
arrrghhhkept failing.17:40
arrrghhhfinally got in on my home PC17:40
arrrghhhnow to figure out how to actually upload from within putty... poop.17:41
arrrghhhi have an ider17:41
rpierce99wouldn't that be psftp17:41
arrrghhhnah i'll just use wget17:41
arrrghhhand put the crap on my webserver.17:41
rpierce99he said to sftp17:41
arrrghhhproblem solved17:41
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rpierce99so why all the fussing with the key17:42
arrrghhhcuz there's no password auth enabled on the box17:42
arrrghhhso you have to use a key17:42
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arrrghhhand i'm dumb and was at work when stine told me about it17:42
arrrghhhso i set it up on my work laptop heh17:42
rpierce99right, but you just said you're not going to send it to the box, forget it, i don't care this much :)17:42
arrrghhhstinebd doesn't want the files on crappy mirrors17:43
arrrghhhand i don't want my dropbox acct getting locked17:43
arrrghhhmove crap here17:45
arrrghhhthen move crap there17:46
arrrghhhoops left out the media folder on the froyo build17:46
arrrghhhgood thing i'm changing that link soon...17:46
arrrghhhit's on his server17:58
arrrghhhbut i can't find the link on the 'net now.  maybe that's what he wsa talking about with moving it...17:58
rpierce99yeah it sounded like you dump it in sort of an incoming folder and he has to move it to an actual hosted location17:59
hycyeah psftp on the cmd line17:59
arrrghhhstfu hyc :P17:59
hycoops, was scrolled back, old response :P17:59
arrrghhhhere i am thinkin i'm hot shit uploading straight to files.xdandroid.com18:00
hycso why is partitioning the SD card not recommended?18:01
arrrghhhcuz you put android on the wrong partition18:01
hycit's the standard operating procedure on G1...18:01
arrrghhhto partition the SD?18:01
arrrghhhwhy would you partition the SD on a G118:01
hycah well, using custom ROMs does require that you're not a clumsy idiot.18:01
arrrghhhand you must assume that eveyone is a clumsy idiot.18:02
arrrghhhhence -----> not recommended :D18:02
hycyes, on the G1 since the internal memory is so small, the first thing anyone does is create an ext2 partition18:02
arrrghhhthat blows18:02
hycand then bindmount so that apps goes there18:02
arrrghhhpeople that have issues with SD's must blow up G1 forums.18:02
arrrghhhcuz damn.  a lot of people having problems seem to be having them with badly behaving SDs18:03
hycinterestingly enough, I've rarely ever seen anyone have issues with SD cards there18:03
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hycprobably because the main OS still runs on internal, but not sure why exactly.18:03
arrrghhhyea i guess so18:03
arrrghhhjust the app is run from SD?18:03
hycthere are more extreme scripts to that also move cache and dalvik-cache. I think these noticeably slow down performance.18:04
hycbut if /data is full you have little choice18:04
hycmy current froyo only moves apps, it's running pretty well.18:05
MassStashandroirc on froyo works really very well18:05
arrrghhhi like AndChat MassStash18:07
hychmm. none of the messaging clients worked well for me back when they first came out. If you're driving around, they don't deal well with IP address changing.18:07
hycI still just use connectbot and ssh to my server running finch in a screen session18:07
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arrrghhhhrm i wonder if stinebd moved my froyo bundle18:13
hyclooks like I got another SoD18:14
arrrghhhas it's no longer in ~/mirror/, and I can download it now18:14
hycthis time while plugged into a charger18:14
arrrghhhhyc, i think those are when they happen most frequently18:14
hycyou still collecting dmesg for these?18:14
arrrghhheh i guess18:14
arrrghhhare you on gb?18:15
arrrghhhwith the newest testing kernel?18:15
hycok, will post to test thread. no, frx0418:15
hycbut latest kernel18:15
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hycSoD this morning was after being unplugged overnight, battery was low18:15
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hyctwo in the same day, after several days with none. suspicious, seems this kernel is a step backwards from 01/3018:16
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arrrghhhrhod100 guys haven't really reported battery life increases either...18:18
arrrghhhstupid auo panel18:18
hycyeah, who knew that panels weren't all just identical18:18
arrrghhhthere's a ton of crap that's different between rhod's18:18
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arrrghhhthanks stinebd, links all updated :D18:24
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arrrghhhhyc, interesting18:43
arrrghhhdid you notice the end of your logs?18:43
arrrghhhthey both have that bogus phone call thingy18:43
arrrghhhwistilt2 put a trap in there.  he was seeing phone calls ending without a call going essentially.18:44
hycso this tripped a known issue18:45
hycand then his trap kills the system? :P18:45
arrrghhhyou usually see those on boot too for whatever reason18:45
hycyes, there's one near the top of the later log18:45
arrrghhhso it obviously doesn't kill the system :P18:46
arrrghhhi think the battery code needs a rewrite18:46
arrrghhhwistilt2 and jonpry were hashing that out.18:46
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hycand not to sound like a broken record, but I would think this sort of stuff can be pulled from the G1 kernel18:47
hyce.g., they've already had to rewrite their sensor stuff to work with GB18:47
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hycthey've got a 2.6.37 ported already, been running 2.6.35 for months18:48
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hycI guess I should pull down both trees, do a top-down diff from vanilla on each, and see what device-specific fixes have gone in18:49
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arrrghhhhyc, i dunno how much is different on G1?19:02
arrrghhhthey use BCM, etc?19:02
hyceh, they use TI wlan19:03
arrrghhhmight help raph19:03
hycbut it always works ;)19:03
arrrghhhwhat always works19:03
hycthe Ti wlan driver19:04
arrrghhhlol so does the bcm one19:04
arrrghhhwhen you set it up correctly19:04
hycyeah, just seems that people have problems with Ti on rhod19:04
arrrghhhrhod doesn't use ti...19:04
hycno? oh, right. raph.19:04
arrrghhhbasically everything else we support19:05
arrrghhhuses TI19:05
arrrghhhwhich also doesn't work :P19:05
hycheh. thus my comment. can look to see if they're using the same driver version as G119:05
hycI think it would be useful to pay a visit here
hycand here
arrrghhhI lol at every single "dswaggz" post.19:07
arrrghhhthat guy... i sometimes can't believe that he's serious.  but he is.  dead serious.19:08
hycwho's that?19:08
arrrghhhsomeone with an iq that equals their shoe size19:08
arrrghhhhere's his latest:19:09
arrrghhh"@tiad8 are u gonna tweak gb and do anything 4 nand o an do u kno how close u are19:09
arrrghhhhere's a golden one19:09
arrrghhh"Devz how soon plzzzz tell us how soon"19:09
hyccool, this guy is tracking kernel 2.6.38 already
arrrghhhthey are way ahead of the game.19:11
arrrghhhwe're on 27 still lol19:11
hycwhich is why I keep asking if the MSM guys ever talk to the G1 guys19:11
hycI think you'd get more done faster19:11
arrrghhhi dunno19:11
arrrghhhto either19:11
hychmmm. it's not all roses there either. after they got a battery drain bug19:14
hycyou have to reboot after unplugging from charger to avoid the bug19:14
arrrghhhoh well.  time to put the PC down.  new builds seem to be doing guten.19:16
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Beshohi guys, what's currently the best distro for Rhod21020:09
arrrghhhgb is fun20:09
arrrghhhgbx0a heh20:10
Beshono luck on bluetooth yet?20:12
arrrghhhviruscrazy said he fixed it, but nothing fruitful as of yet.20:13
Beshothanks, but is the 3d acceleration a problem ?20:14
arrrghhhin gb it might be20:14
arrrghhhi got some messed up crazy score in neocore20:14
arrrghhhand the graphics were... mostly missing.20:14
TheDeadCPUGSM = Gay Shoe Marriage20:15
arrrghhhBesho, 3d s/b fine in FRX0420:15
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, can i just bug mods to get my threads stickied just because they're so awesome?20:16
TheDeadCPUYou can bug me about it20:16
arrrghhhyou can sticky threads on xda?20:16
arrrghhhi thought you had to be mod over that section20:16
arrrghhhor are you senior mod now OoO20:16
TheDeadCPUI'm global mod now lol20:16
arrrghhhf yea20:16
Besholol , :D, thnx alot, but can I install froyo x as being the full ROM, (main operating system) ?20:17
arrrghhhyou should sticky all my [BUILD] threads20:17
TheDeadCPUBut I'll only sticky it if it's worth stickying.20:17
arrrghhhBesho, we don't support froyoX20:17
arrrghhhthe dev kinda stole that build from neopeek20:17
arrrghhhso... i don't support it.20:17
Beshoyou recommended20:17
arrrghhhwhat did i recommend?20:18
Beshoyou said frx0420:18
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, lol do you want links20:18
arrrghhhBesho, yes, FRX04.20:18
arrrghhhnot 'froyo x'20:18
arrrghhhor 'FROYOX'20:18
arrrghhhor 'froyoX'20:18
Beshoahhhhhhh, sorry for being noob, it's different from froyox right?20:18
arrrghhhor any variation of that abomination.20:19
Beshosorry dude20:19
arrrghhhthat's the stolen huawei rom20:19
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, links pl0x20:19
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, fine20:19
arrrghhhthen there's basically identical threads in the RHOD section lol20:20
arrrghhhand when i say basically i mean exactly.20:20
TheDeadCPUThose ar all the same links o_O20:20
TheDeadCPUStill, stuck those in the rhod section20:21
arrrghhhlets us20:21
arrrghhhtry that again.20:21
arrrghhhaw dude20:21
arrrghhhi can tailor them more to raph if you wish20:21
arrrghhhit'll just take some time to get ts-calibs etc for them.20:21
TheDeadCPUJust keep em RHOD20:21
TheDeadCPUMy RAPH is dead anyways lol20:21
arrrghhhi still get RAPH guys that bug me.20:22
BeshoFRX04 looks promising, thnx dude, so can I make it the default ROM?, mean it'd be much faster20:22
arrrghhhjust leave the raph threads i guess.20:22
arrrghhhBesho, can't flash yet20:22
arrrghhhwe're close20:22
arrrghhhbut not ready for public consumption.20:22
arrrghhhBesho, you must run it from the SD.  there's an app called gen.y that helps... gives you a screen on boot to choose android or winmo.20:23
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, mods are gonna be mad because I stuck those threads lol20:23
arrrghhhheh i don't want to get you in trouble bro.20:24
arrrghhhwhat do i need to do to get them stickied?20:24
arrrghhhdo they just need 10,000 posts forst?20:24
TheDeadCPUUnstuck the froyo one btw20:24
TheDeadCPUThey need to be usable lol20:24
arrrghhhunstick both of 'em.20:24
arrrghhhi don't care.20:24
TheDeadCPUNah, the gingerbread is stickable20:24
TheDeadCPUThey need to provide something that shouldn't be buried under other threads20:25
TheDeadCPULike, a rollup thread, or a Radio thread or stock ROM thread or such20:25
TheDeadCPUOr for noobs, the cab install one20:25
BeshoOh, I know that gen.y and using it, but hope you can flash it soon, thnx a lot , you've made my day20:25
arrrghhhBesho, np20:26
arrrghhhflash soon20:26
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, cab is broken.20:26
arrrghhhhence the reason i made a new frx04 thread20:26
TheDeadCPUmeh, sleep now anyways20:26
arrrghhhunstick them if you're going to get in trouble20:26
arrrghhhseriously, i don't mind.  don't want you getting in trouble.20:26
TheDeadCPUI don't get into trouble20:26
TheDeadCPUI'm Norwegian20:26
arrrghhhyes you do20:26
arrrghhhyou're norwegian20:26
arrrghhhand a stupid kid20:27
arrrghhhg'nite bro, thanks.20:27
TheDeadCPUNah, I wouldn't have let it be stuck if it would get me into trouble lol20:27
arrrghhhcool dude20:27
arrrghhhthanks again, have a good one.20:27
TheDeadCPUI'm considering waking up the bitch sleeping on the side of me20:28
TheDeadCPU(bitch being my best friends sister)20:28
arrrghhhunsticky reef's thread20:28
arrrghhhsticky mine20:28
arrrghhhproblem solved20:28
TheDeadCPUDude, I've been at a party at my best friend because he just turned 1920:28
TheDeadCPUAnd whenever I sleep over here I sleep with his sister lol20:29
TheDeadCPUHer bed is better then a crappy guest bed.20:29
arrrghhhlike... fondle his sister?20:29
TheDeadCPUnah, just sleep together and occasionally do it20:30
arrrghhhyou manwhore20:30
arrrghhhi'm going to the neighbors20:30
arrrghhhhave a good night bro ;)20:30
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henglimi wanna try Gingerbread for my topaz?22:16
henglimwhere could I get the link?22:17
henglimanyone has tried in topaz yet?22:23
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