Monday, 2011-01-17

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Turlis there any htc device with AMSS 3200 ?00:05
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xdandroidNew XDAndroid Releases bug 82 filed...07:49
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, turn off data connection cause phone reboot07:49
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stinebd_hey all, sorry about that downtime. Looks like the server hit swap thrashing. I'll have to check it out after work.13:32
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arrrr^7zeeeI'm surprised arrrghhhh hasn't exploded yet! :P22:49
arrrghhhif you're trying to antagonize me, at least get the number of h's right.22:49
arrrr^7zeeewoops... i was just noting that22:50
arrrr^7zeeescreen name fail!22:50
arrrr^7zeeedude, you're a beast!22:50
arrrr^7zeeeanswering all those posts!22:50
arrrghhhi try to help if i think i can22:51
arrrr^7zeeeyeah, you must have been bored out of your mind today...22:51
arrrghhhnot really22:51
arrrghhhhad DR testing at 5am22:52
arrrghhhfinished up around 1...22:52
arrrghhhthen tried to fix mah sink for an hour.  played some video games.  just watchin SNL and helpin out noobs right now... :P22:52
arrrr^7zeeei hear ya... seems like there was a server crash or something according to stinebd22:53
arrrghhhdo whut?22:53
arrrr^7zeeei was reading the logs earlier22:53
arrrghhhi guess i haven't read the logs22:53
arrrr^7zeeeyeah, i usually check those out since i usually don't have much time22:54
arrrghhhi see it now lol22:54
arrrghhhnot much happens in here (usually)22:54
arrrr^7zeeei see that but the bugs get reported here22:54
arrrr^7zeeeseems glemsom has his site back up and running, anyone notice the weirdness earlier week before last (I think)22:56
arrrr^7zeeeI don't think hs has it set back up, or does he?22:56
arrrghhhlast kernel is still 12/0422:58
arrrr^7zeeei saw that too so is his site going to update once he has it set back up or just take the next commit?22:58
arrrghhhno clue23:00
arrrghhhso what's with the name23:00
arrrghhhencroaching on my ground here23:00
arrrr^7zeeenah... just trying soemthing new out23:00
* arrrr^7zeee R^7Z23:00
arrrr^7zeeei kno rite?23:01
arrrghhhi should've guesed23:01
arrrr^7zeeesall gud23:01
*** arrrr^7zeee is now known as R^7Z23:02
arrrghhhman the raph sections are dead.23:02
arrrghhhalways surprises me when there's a post there lol23:02
R^7Zyeah... pretty much dead any how23:02
arrrghhhrhod section is still surprisingly active, but i guess sprint does still sell it for $200 on a 2yr contract23:02
R^7Zi still like mine tho23:02
R^7Zci considered a tp2 or hd2 OR even go full with a desire23:03
arrrghhhoh yea. my gf was giving me grief to just go buy an android phone... but there isn't one i can find that'll replace this one for me :P23:03
R^7Zbut then i got all nostalgic and was like, i gotta have a full kbd23:03
arrrghhhi keep thinking i'm going to pull a JesusFreak and buy an HD2 just to use it off-network.23:03
R^7Zyeah... i dunno...23:04
arrrghhhit's tempting.23:04
R^7Zmine works for the most part23:04
arrrghhhnot stable enough for me to use full time.23:04
R^7Zand it seems like i find other reasons why i should stick with what i have for now and do the "wait and see" since winpho7 is out and android is just getting started (supposedly)23:05
R^7Zhonestly, it's about as stable as it's ever been23:05
arrrghhhdefinitely not a fan of winpho723:05
R^7Zyeah, i'd only get it just for an "upgrade"... i'd firth find out if it supported android and then consider the price23:06
R^7Zfirth* stupid "s" ran away from me23:06
R^7Zokay the stupid "s" is afraid of the word first apparently23:06
R^7Zis it the hd2 or the tp2 that is working on winphon7?23:07
arrrghhhtp2 is basically a tp123:07
R^7Zthats craziness!23:07
arrrghhhsame ram, rom, proc...23:08
arrrghhhminus flash23:08
arrrghhhstupid htc23:08
R^7Zi hear that... and also that the diamond is similar just has the internal flash23:08
R^7Zdamn tiwaneese! :p23:08
arrrghhh4gb sd soldered to the board lol23:08
R^7Zor whatever hTc was founded from...23:09
arrrghhhi think it is23:09
R^7Zso yeah, i've been pricing the tp2 and the hd223:09
arrrghhhi got the tp2 for free23:09
arrrghhhinsurance replacement, tp1 kbd failed23:10
R^7Zyeah... i don't have ins.23:10
arrrghhhactually the tp1 was a free upgrade too.23:10
arrrghhhi haven't paid for a phone since my mogul lol23:10
arrrghhhinsurance is worth it IMHO ;)23:10
R^7Zkinda makes me a tad jealous but oh well23:10
arrrghhhit's not cheap23:10
arrrghhhbut if i lose my phone or better yet if something fails on it23:11
arrrghhhi'm covered.23:11
R^7Zyeah, i bought it out right...23:11
R^7Zpretty much23:11
R^7Zand it didn't help that it was 2008 (I think)23:11
arrrghhhmy plan's pretty cheap23:11
arrrghhhso justifying TEP was easy for me.23:11
R^7Zhmmm, TEP?23:11
arrrghhhtotal equipment protection23:12
arrrghhhsprint jargon23:12
R^7Zi considered verizon (only because of location and market share)23:12
R^7Zbut then i decided i wanted a "touch screen"23:12
R^7Zso i was with at&t at the time and i was actually looking into the bb (whatever was going at the time)23:13
R^7Zsomehow the sales rep talked me into the tp23:13
R^7Zi figured at least 500 would be my selling point for a "new" phone23:14
arrrghhhyou bought it off-contract?23:14
R^7Zso the sales rep talked me into a tp for 40023:14
R^7Zwell see23:14
R^7Zi still think i got shafted23:14
R^7Zbut like at the time, i guess tp was more?23:15
R^7Zso it was a "discounted" price???23:15
arrrghhhdirectly from a provider, off contract yea23:15
arrrghhhon-contract probably not.23:15
R^7Zhmmm... problem is23:15
R^7Zi have at-least a few more months left on contract23:15
R^7Zso i'm like...23:16
R^7Zyeah i got shafted23:16
arrrghhhyou signed a 2-yr?23:16
XirXesi bought my tp2 for 350 on a 2 year23:16
R^7Zbut whatever... i'm thinking either stick with tp or go with verizon because of the location (probably better service)23:16
R^7Zi figured23:16
arrrghhhhrm... maybe 2-years ago that wasn't so bad.23:17
R^7Z3 years, 200823:17
arrrghhhi'm still amazed sprint sells the tp2 on a 2yr for $19923:17
R^7Zhince why im sticking to my tp for now23:17
R^7Znot very effective with sales rep selling me a device23:18
R^7Znew device is like crack to me... HA!23:18
arrrghhhyea, tempting but i won't pull the trigger23:18
XirXesif someone could get android on a 7 pro i would buy it without hesitation23:18
R^7Zsometimes i feel like im a recovering crack addict with the new devices23:18
R^7Zits probably just a matter of time...23:19
arrrghhhXirXes, yea it'll probably be trivial.  but the lack of buttons... hrm.23:19
arrrghhhi guess they'll make it work.  'they' always do :P23:20
XirXesi know what you mean. i love buttons23:20
XirXestouch buttons are weak23:20
R^7Zespecially the kbd! :D23:20
arrrghhhi love my tp223:20
XirXesme too23:20
arrrghhhthe tilt screen is sick too23:20
R^7Zla la la la23:20
arrrghhhi thought it was cheesy at first.  i <3 it now23:20
R^7Zla la la la la23:20
R^7Zso yeah... i'm thinkin hd2 :P23:21
arrrghhhno cdma23:21
arrrghhhso i'd just get it to use as an ipod touch basically.23:21
arrrghhhwith sipdroid and gv, i guess i could use it as a phone with wifi lmao23:22
arrrghhhtether it to my tp223:22
XirXesthat can run your choice of 4 os'23:22
arrrghhhbahahahaha carry the tp2 just for the service.  oh man.23:22
R^7Ztalk about portable mifi23:22
XirXesheaviest mifi evar23:23
arrrghhhbiggest screen on a mifi ever/23:23
R^7Zi knew i could get some perspective...23:23
R^7Zbut sheesh!23:23
R^7Zanyone played around with one of those ipad or similar devices?23:24
arrrghhhgalaxy tab, yes23:24
XirXesi have a hard time seeing the point in tablets23:24
arrrghhhi guess i've played with an ipad, wasn't for very long.23:24
arrrghhhyea i don't think i'd buy one.23:25
arrrghhhthey are great for consumption tho - if you read magazines or books23:25
R^7Zprobably the next gen in computing, very limited computing mind you23:25
R^7Zi kind of like the idea of a larger touch screen23:25
XirXesi think of them as a toy. good for playing with but you still need a desktop to get anything serious done23:25
arrrghhhha, yea basically23:26
R^7Zso i take it none of you played around with chromium?23:26
R^7Zor whatever its called23:26
R^7Zi kind of like the idea... but only for very general computing23:26
R^7Zya kno?23:27
XirXesi do want that tho23:27
XirXesi would have if i hadnt killed my old netbook. chromium that is23:27
R^7Zyou kno, the first swivel screen i saw i almost drooled on?23:27
R^7Zi almost got one but it wasn't exactly touch screen and it was when touch screen was first introduced23:28
XirXesi like it cause its a good slate comprimise23:28
R^7Zor something like that23:28
R^7Znot bad...23:30
R^7Zi also like the fact that it has builtin bt23:31
R^7Zis 2gb the max for most netbook or just that model?23:31
R^7Zjust kind of seems very limited/ing23:31
XirXesi dont think ive seen any go past that23:31
R^7Zprobably best to keep the os to like ubuntu, or even chromium?23:32
R^7Zi wouldn't even consider win723:32
XirXeslooking at there site  the t1125 wins the versatilty game23:32
XirXesi use win7 full time23:32
R^7Zon a netbook though?23:33
XirXesran just fine on my last one23:33
XirXesi had it set up with a dual boot23:33
R^7Zsame but i don't use a netbook and i am using an external for ubuntu at the moment23:33
XirXesthe linux side was a bit more responsive but not by much23:34
R^7Zyeah, i tried to do a full install on an older laptop and it ended up being a sluggish hdd that was the culprit23:34
XirXeswith older pcs the problem i usually run into putting win7 on them is graphics23:35
XirXesold cards just cant do it23:35
XirXesand win7 looks terrible without areo23:36
XirXesstill runs fine for the most part23:36
R^7Zi wouldn't consider on anything older than 2/3 years... or even something that can run a highend gfx processor23:37
XirXesreading stines blog im exicted to play with a gingerbread test build23:37
R^7Zhave you tried the neopeek alpha build yet?23:37
R^7Zits pretty f'ing awesome!23:38
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XirXesim too lazy to partition my sd. but is down so i guess i could do that to kill time23:38
R^7Zjust a few hints23:39
XirXesthat game is awesome23:39
R^7Zset a fat32 and ext2 and set them both to primary23:39
R^7Zyou'll need to let it install first23:40
R^7Zit seems like more work but i have yet to figure out which is "faster"23:40
R^7Zposted a very short tut somewhere...23:41
XirXesstill just use a normal kernel right? i dont want to go back to not having keyboard bl23:43
R^7Zworks for me = fuze user23:44
R^7Zkeep in mind, when i say install23:44
R^7Zi mean you'll need to pull out the startup under the nstall folder(I think is the name)23:44
R^7Zand then run the install program under that folder23:45
R^7Znpkinstall <folder name23:45
XirXescool ty23:46
R^7Zprobably better if we had gone into chat but w/e23:47
R^7Zstine is probably sleeping... im guessing23:47
XirXesyou never know with stine23:47
R^7Zonly a few minutes worth of neopeek convo23:48
R^7Zcant hurt...23:48
XirXesyou never know with stine. maybe it can23:48
R^7Zprobably will hear about it tomorrow... glad i will only be checking the logs... :D :P23:49
XirXesfound an alpha 223:49
R^7Zhow does one chat? lemme look up the command23:50
R^7Zobvious... /chat username23:51
R^7Zo...k... that didnt work or did it?23:51

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