Sunday, 2010-12-05

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xdandroidNew XDAndroid Releases bug 70 filed...08:01
xdandroidBug major, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, FRX03: Disk errors during booting after shutdown caused by empty battery08:01
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xdandroidNew XDAndroid Releases bug 71 filed...09:15
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, Wifi error09:15
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CharlieTPhey droids13:10
CharlieTPguess not13:11
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MyWayHello, Is there anyone here that can bring me happiness? I need help with somes Issues on my Htc Touch pro 2 Rhod500, *I've already read the FAQ'S and look over xdaForum*14:16
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arrrghhhwhat's your question14:33
arrrghhhi can't guarantee happiness, sorry.14:33
MyWay1- Can I do something about the reset's, It's too dificult, Sometimes I'm changing some options like wirelless conetions or even calling, and the system goes down14:37
arrrghhhit happens14:38
arrrghhhmake sure you're completely up to date14:38
arrrghhhbut resets happen.14:38
MyWayI'm update last ( zimage, rootfs, initrd)14:40
MyWayThe older version was more solid14:40
arrrghhhsystem image?14:40
arrrghhhso use it.14:40
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MyWayI can't  it says that I have to update android....14:41
JesusFreak316arrrghhh: I was talking to fanjita about this; I guided him to getting everything up to date but he was still getting frequent crashes to Winmo.14:42
JesusFreak316It was odd though, he has the Sprint TP2 just like you.14:43
MyWayI was triying every cmdline combination14:43
MyWaywell it happens14:43
MyWayBut I have another question14:43
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JesusFreak316It was odd though, he has the Sprint TP2 just like you.14:44
JesusFreak316arrrghhh: I was talking to fanjita about this; I guided him to getting everything up to date but he was still getting frequent crashes to Winmo.14:44
JesusFreak316It was odd though, he has the Sprint TP2 just like you.14:44
JesusFreak316Wait, now there's two of him...14:44
MyWayI have rhod500 but I'm not from Us14:45
arrrghhh_sorry my laptop is rude14:45
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MyWayActually I want to use Evdo Rev-A ... but It seems a far dream14:45
JesusFreak316Much better.14:45
arrrghhhhey i didn't have to ghost him, how nice.14:45
arrrghhhMyWay, evdo is dead.14:46
arrrghhhthat's not where any provider is going.14:46
JesusFreak316Do you get many crashes with it on your TP2, arrrghhh?14:46
MyWayI would like to set it up even from a script14:46
arrrghhhvz is going with lte, sprint is going to wimax for data.14:46
arrrghhhmany crashes with what?14:47
MyWayBut Android is able to manage14:47
JesusFreak316What else?14:47
MyWayEvdo RevA14:47
MyWayAndroid is able to manage Evdo Rev-A connections?14:47
JesusFreak316I was trying to help this guy, fanjita, get it working but it crashed a LOT even with newest everything.14:47
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, you were doing it wrong.14:48
JesusFreak316Or he was. :P14:48
arrrghhhprobably more likely14:48
JesusFreak316But it's relatively stable for you, right?14:48
arrrghhhi mean it crashes, that happens.14:48
arrrghhhi don't use it full time14:48
arrrghhhwhat does that tell you...14:48
JesusFreak316I told him to, but I don't think he ever formatted.14:48
JesusFreak316His was crashing every 5 minutes or so.14:49
MyWayI really hate WinMo I'm tired of soft reset it like 10 times a day14:49
arrrghhhcertain apps will make it crash like crazy14:49
arrrghhhso maybe he was downloading something st00pid14:49
JesusFreak316He was just connecting to wifi, lol.14:49
arrrghhhwifi is broken methinks14:49
arrrghhhbeen seeing a lot of peoples whining about it since frx01.14:49
arrrghhhit works, but then breaks if you try to disable/re-enable too quickly.14:49
MyWayThe older version wasn't  that inestable14:50
JesusFreak316Yeah, but it would kick him into Winmo not break.14:50
arrrghhhsame diff14:50
arrrghhhMyWay, then use that...14:50
arrrghhhi don't know what you want me to tell you dude.14:50
arrrghhhonce we disabled JIT, so many issues disappeared14:50
arrrghhhi have no clue what's up with wifi tho.14:50
arrrghhhno body has really stepped up to troubleshoot14:50
MyWayI cant .......14:51
JesusFreak316Is it all device or just RHOD?14:51
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, seems to be all of 'em14:51
arrrghhhthat are on xdandroid.14:51
arrrghhhhd2's are doin their own thing.14:51
MyWayIt's android.... It goes down after it ask for a update14:51
JesusFreak316Once classes are over, Thursday, I'll see what I can do.14:51
MyWayI cant avoid that update14:51
JesusFreak316If I can find my phone. :P14:51
arrrghhhMyWay, wtf are you talking about the update app?14:52
arrrghhhwhere you click a button and it updates?14:52
* JesusFreak316 wants his HD2.14:52
MyWayI doesnt even set up the desk enviroment14:52
arrrghhhi don't think i can help you dude.  you're not making any sense, or bothering to answer my questions.14:52
MyWayIt ask the update at the android start14:53
xdandroidarrrghhh marked bug 71 as a duplicate of bug 69.14:54
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, RESOLVED DUPLICATE, Wifi error14:54
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, wifi error: unable to scan14:54
arrrghhhMyWay, if you're using the startup utility, we don't support that14:54
arrrghhhor encourage its use.14:54
JesusFreak316Define android start.14:55
MyWayIt's no the startup update14:55
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arrrghhhsome people's children.14:58
JesusFreak316He's probably just foreign.15:00
arrrghhhi know he is15:00
arrrghhhfrom Venezula15:00
JesusFreak316I was tipped off when he said "Can someone bring me happiness?" :P15:01
arrrghhhVenezuela sorry15:01
arrrghhhlol yea15:01
arrrghhhthat was a big clue :P15:01
arrrghhhthat's awesome.15:03
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arrrghhhhow.... damn.16:17
arrrghhhi was going to tell that man howdy.16:17
JesusFreak316So, who here can ban dhean_diana before some noob downloads the link and spams us more?16:22
arrrghhhnot i16:22
arrrghhhdude came and left real quick16:22
arrrghhhnot sure what good banning will do....16:22
JesusFreak316Grr, I was hoping you could 'cause you're the only person who posts regularly. :P16:22
arrrghhhmight be a good idea to have netripper clean that link from the logs.16:22
JesusFreak316Can you not ip ban?16:23
arrrghhhi don't have any privileges.16:23
arrrghhhi think ninex gave me rights to mute people in -chat lol16:23
JesusFreak316I mean for whoever does, stinbd etc.16:23
JesusFreak316Is that what voicing is?16:23
arrrghhhwell i don't think i ever figured out who has rights in htc-linux16:23
arrrghhhyea, it depends on how the room is configured.16:24
arrrghhhsome rooms everyone is muted unless they have voice, +v16:24
JesusFreak316I would think dcordes does, since he seems to be the head poncho of htc-linux.16:24
arrrghhhask him, i'm not sure.16:24
JesusFreak316He intimidates me. :P16:24
arrrghhhdamnit, i'm supposed to intimidate people.16:25
JesusFreak316I'll do it htough.16:25
JesusFreak316Meh, typo.16:25
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JesusFreak316I did it.16:27
arrrghhhi see that16:27
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F22evening arrrghhh21:16
arrrghhhhow are you sir F2221:16
F22not bad, playing with streaming pandora through the headset.21:17
stinebdarrrghhh: you get a chance to test my gingerbread build yet?21:17
JesusFreak316Sometime I'm going to quote you out of context on the forums, stinebd, and create chaos.21:22
F22ok, so snd.force_headset on rhodium works only if in a call with headset engaged during haret turnover.  on my handset there doesn't appear to be any difference between a setting of 1 and 2.21:54
F22according to the kernel code 1 is autodetect, 2 is always on. heh.21:55
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mark_is there a way to remap the buttons in 2.2.1 with the htc fuze? i want them to be the same layout as the windows mobile button map21:56
arrrghhhhack up the rootfs21:57
arrrghhhbut that's not a very good option, as you'll have to do it every time the rootfs gets updated.21:57
arrrghhhalthough i thought we updated the keymap to be more like winmo21:58
mark_there's no settings option to do it? i don't want to mess up my fuze and i'm too poor to buy a new one21:58
arrrghhhand a bunch of people complained21:58
mark_i'd really like the lock button to both lock and unlock the screen and for the home button to take me home21:59
F22i believe on the fuze the buttons are all in the navi_pad key layout.  so it's actually a bit easier than the rhod. you just need to modify that one file, then edit the  init script to use it.22:00
mark_can i just edit that on my computer with notepad? is that file on the micro sd card itself?22:01
F22they're in the rootfs22:01
mark_and that's on the micro sd card, not the device itself, correct?22:02
mark_alright. thanks for the help f22 and arrghhh. i really appreciate it22:03
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stinebdwell he'll either give up or be back for more help22:04
F22those were my thoughts too... ;)22:05
arrrghhhah well22:05
arrrghhheveryone has their own idea of how things should be laid out...22:05
stinebdand one of them is right22:05
stinebd(the guy with commit access)22:06
arrrghhhthat bastard is ALWAYS right.22:07
F22i wish the rhod buttons were all in the "navi_pad" file, instead they're split because some of them are microp. that means if we want to make alternate button layouts we need to make 9 or more copies of every version. feh.22:07
arrrghhhdo eeeeeet22:07
stinebdkeyboard is microp, face keys are gpio22:07
stinebd(as far as i could tell)22:07
F22raph, yes.22:08
F22rhod is split.22:08
stinebdno, rhod22:08
stinebdraph has its own driver for the face keys22:08
stinebdbecause of that ridiculous touchpad22:08
F22end, power and volume are gpio22:08
F22menu, back and call are microp.22:08
stinebdgood ol' htc22:08
arrrghhhlikes to keep things simple22:09
arrrghhhconsistent across revisions too...22:09
stinebdthe layout file stupidity is our own fault22:09
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stinebdgotta fix that crap22:10
F22how is it our fault?22:10
arrrghhhit's YOUR fault F22.22:10
stinebdbecause we implemented it and it's crappy?22:10
stinebdhtc didn't do it22:10
F22we have two layouts for each handset, one navi_pad which is gpio, and microp, which is of course microp.22:11
stinebdthey're totally disorganized, most of them have redundant entries, source is missing with a few, and there's a crapton of language kcm's all strewn about the same directory22:12
stinebddon't argue that it's not horrible...22:12
stinebdalso i'm pretty sure one of them causes eye cancer22:13
F22lol, ahh...yes...i found a decompiler. i've made sources for all the ones we don't have sources. and i've condensed all the rhod navi_pad's down to one, well two, the second is for making the end button home.22:13
F22at least one of the raph navi_pad's is also redundant and can be eliminated.22:14
stinebdwell decompiling isn't hard (kcm basically just builds it into a quickly mmapable format), but we've lost the comments that were in the originals anyway, and those comments help a lot22:14
F22i'm not too worried about the rhods's. I've been going through them all and added comments back in, although things have bogged down with some of the foreign language models...i've enlisted help from native speakers regarding the sensible key mappings.22:17
F22nearly done with that.22:17
stinebdbe careful with the natives22:17
stinebdthey'll have you add some character that means anus, while chuckling at you behind your back22:17
F22where i've been unsure, i've asked for pics of the keyboard.. ;)22:19
F22although htc has drawings of them in the appropriate manuals.22:19
F22i'm not making key maps/layouts for keyboards that we don't currently have in the repo. just fixing up what we already have.22:21
F22if someone really wants a russian key map/layout set, they can make their own. :P22:22
F22now i'm pontificating over syntax for command line key layout changes. i've been using b4=HOME in my test rootfs's, but that might not be the best syntax to use if a kernel option gets added to make the power button behave as home and we also want to use that option to make the end button power.22:25
F22oh, and yes, there were a lot of extra keys in the maps that didn't exist on the handsets. i've removed them. there was even a comment about some non-existant keys being required to make the soft phone dialer work. i removed them and my software dialer still works fine. :P22:31
F22i've done the fuze too, but have only begun to look at the other raph models.22:36
arrrghhhgotta fix 'em all?22:38
F22i may just commit the rhod's first as a group, maybe along with the fuze, so they don't get held up while i look at the raph, and maybe the kovsky.22:39
F22i think i'll announce a new test rootfs on xda in the next day or two once i finalize the italian and french keymaps.22:42
F22then wait for feedback, and if everything is good, commit.22:43
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F22arrrghhh, i looked into the possibility of making a kernel option to move home to the power button. i have it working, but when power is subsequently assigned to the end button in the rootfs, it isn't as reliable. It works, but there are times when a press doesn't register the first time you press it.  Methinks the power button gets its own event and special treatment in the kernel for good reason.23:03
arrrghhhperhaps so.23:04

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