Friday, 2010-11-26

TheDeadCPU<stinebd> TheDeadCPU: this is for you:
TheDeadCPUAnd also, what happened to GlemSom you say? stinebd00:14
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xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, Marcus!06:54
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ftvm_DIAM100hello all13:38
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ftvm_DIAM100hello all16:04
Sad0felixhi mate16:10
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jas_can someone help me please driver trouble with htc tilt 2 and pdanet16:19
arrrghhhwhat are you trying to use pdanet for?16:19
jas_tethering cause every time i need internet i have to resetr  into windows16:20
arrrghhhusb tethering isn't supported yet AFAIK16:20
jas_running xdandroid16:20
arrrghhhyes, usb tethering isn't supported16:20
arrrghhhyou can use wifi tethering16:21
jas_well could be the reason lol thank you16:21
JesusFreak316arrrghhh, does android-wifi-tether from google code work?16:22
jas_will it ever be16:22
arrrghhhjas_, probably16:22
arrrghhhit might even be possible with some fancy adb tricks16:22
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, dunno.16:22
arrrghhhi think there was a system image change to support native wifi tethering16:23
arrrghhhbut there's also that xdandroid wifi tethering app16:23
jas_my problem says driver failed16:23
arrrghhhnot sure why it's not included...16:23
JesusFreak316I'm trying android-wired-tether atm.16:23
JesusFreak316But you said usb tether doesn't work atm?16:23
arrrghhhi didn't think so16:23
JesusFreak316We'll see.16:24
arrrghhhyou're also using a different device.16:24
jas_i thought it worked on an earlier xdandroid build16:24
arrrghhhevidently wep works on raph16:24
JesusFreak316Why wouldn't it?16:24
arrrghhhlol nothing else usb has ever worked until they got adb working in october16:24
JesusFreak316They only got adb working in october?16:25
JesusFreak316I thought I've been using it for a while.16:25
arrrghhhyou could do that silly enable activesync before booting trick16:25
JesusFreak316I didn't do that. :P16:25
arrrghhhwe are again talking about different devices.  i'm not sure if it applied to all devices or just rhod...16:26
arrrghhhlike i said about the wep thing16:26
JesusFreak316Yeah, that's what I was thinking.16:26
arrrghhhi guess that is more important than i thought16:26
JesusFreak316Unable to start tethering, please try again. :P16:30
JesusFreak316dnsmasq: failed to bind DHCP server socket: Address already in use16:35
arrrghhhi haven't tried with pdanet16:36
arrrghhhseems like a crappy way to do it tho16:36
JesusFreak316pdanet doesn't work with linux. :(16:37
arrrghhhiptables ho?16:37
emweshould i mention that i just got a message from jbruneaux that he managed to get a camera pic from his diamond? ;)16:37
arrrghhhthat's going to get copypasta'd everywheres.16:37
emweoh eh.. a preview image16:37
JesusFreak316Picture message or camera?16:37
emwe"a preview image"16:37
arrrghhhwho is this jbruneaux?16:38
emweworking on his cloned linux-msm tree16:38
jas_i downloaded 244 gb on a windows tethered connection will never buy home internet again16:38
emwework visible when you go to the root-page of the project16:38
arrrghhhjas_, lol16:38
jas_in a month16:38
JesusFreak316What's a preview image?16:39
arrrghhhi hope your carrier doesn't catch on16:39
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, i'm assuming when you start the camera you get a preview on the screen before the picture is captured?16:39
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JesusFreak316Oh that. Pretty good progress then.16:39
jas_me too lol16:39
arrrghhhprogress is progress if it's true :D16:40
arrrghhhthat 'hw3d' fix seems bogus.16:40
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emwearrrghhh: that triad8 thingy?16:40
arrrghhhyea, i think that is his nick16:40
emwestrangely either i am fooling myself, or it's a tad bit fluent.16:41
emwein launcher even and scrolling.16:41
emwebut that really may be just fooling myself.16:42
arrrghhhi got exact same scores on neocore... if not worse.16:42
JesusFreak316When's stinebd gonna make a wired tether? :P16:42
emwei reverted anyway ;)16:42
arrrghhhemwe, yea with that said it didn't seem to hurt that's for sure.16:42
JesusFreak316Wired tether just started. O.o16:43
arrrghhhis this on your raph?16:43
JesusFreak316Not showing up in windows though.16:43
jas_where do i get the driver for the usb16:44
JesusFreak316How would you connect to the android usb tether in windows?16:44
JesusFreak316Where would it show up?16:44
arrrghhhwindows should see a new cxn16:45
JesusFreak316It should pop up?16:45
arrrghhhat least that's how it worked from winmo.  a new network connection should become available.16:45
arrrghhhshould get some notificiation i would think.  not like an autoplay one...16:45
JesusFreak316Don't see anything.16:46
arrrghhhdidn't think so16:46
JesusFreak316Now I can't disable the tether.16:47
arrrghhhlook what you have created.16:48
JesusFreak316dev toools/bad behavior/crash the system server time.16:48
JesusFreak316I like that command. :)16:48
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emweso, gnight peeps.16:49
arrrghhhcya emwe16:50
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Sad0felixhi everyone16:54
Sad0felixI tried the allmighty ELG 3d lib too16:54
Sad0felixand got to the same conclusion: it doesn't do really anything better, not for me at least.16:54
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arrrghhhwell y'know what that dude did to find that file right?16:55
Sad0felixI don't think he wrote it on the forum, so no ...16:55
arrrghhhwell based on what i've read from his posts16:56
arrrghhhhe was digging thru neopeek builds, and found one where the file was different...16:56
Sad0felixah, yes16:56
arrrghhhso if anything, that's an older verison of the file lol who knows.16:57
Sad0felixwhat is this neopeek build? I am going to try one on a spare SD I have ... he keeps thanking XDA all the way16:57
arrrghhhi wish he would've worked with us16:57
arrrghhhbut he just split off and did his own thing16:57
Sad0felixI guessed you knew each other, at least before somthing ...16:57
Sad0felixsame old story16:57
Sad0felixas far as I understand, he takes lots from XDA, hands down, then he tweaks things, maybe adds stuff16:58
arrrghhhfor the most part he just ports other builds to full ext2 partitions17:00
Sad0felixwhat's the advantage of part vs file?17:00
arrrghhhi think a few of the builds he puts together himself, i don't know too much about what he does.17:00
arrrghhhpart vs file?17:00
arrrghhhpartition vs ext2 file?17:00
arrrghhhwell his builds do seem a little speedier17:01
arrrghhhi think we do the same thing, just do a mount -o loop on the ext2 system image file17:01
arrrghhhhis is just broken out onto an actual ext2 partition on the card.17:01
Sad0felixin theory should be pretty much the same ... by thumb rule17:02
arrrghhhcan't really apply that to anything computer related17:02
arrrghhhespecially when talking about mobile computing ;)17:02
Sad0felixI mean, bottleneck is SD/phone r/w speed17:02
Sad0felixor, I would expect that to be17:03
arrrghhhyea i don't know if there is a difference17:03
arrrghhhr/w from a looped mount17:03
arrrghhhor from a directly mounted partition...17:03
Sad0felixI wanted to try one because someone shot the BT firework on the forum17:04
Sad0felixI don't even need it and I expect it to be a lot buggy, also reading posts ther17:04
Sad0felixjust to proof my prejudices :P17:05
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Sad0felixuhm ... if sleep mode is not declared at startup, what is default choice?17:26
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slim_hello all, is there a method to bypass screen alignment screen ? , because my touch screen not work17:40
Sad0felixI can send you the ts file17:41
Sad0felixit should bypass it when it finds the file there17:41
slim_thanks Sad0felix17:42
Sad0felixtry adding this to startup.txt first:17:42
Sad0felixI think keyboard should be last in the cmd line17:43
F22slim_: you can go into the terminal emulator and type: touch ts-calibration17:44
F22that will create an empty file for you17:44
F22once that file exists, it won't bother to try and calibrate the screen anymore17:45
Sad0felixis it enough an empty ts-cal file?17:45
Sad0felixhep, can't he create it by hand?17:46
F22well he said he wanted to bypass an empty one is fine for that.17:46
slim_i create it now and will reboot17:46
Sad0felixnoob question, ho do you get into terminal?17:47
slim_yes bypass only until i repair the touch screen17:47
slim_Sad0felix:   i'm using QtADB application17:47
F22in the launcher, click on dev tools17:47
F22then scroll down to the bottom.17:48
Sad0felixAh, sorry, thought puttin msmvkeyb_toggle on in startup :D17:48
F22you should see it.17:48
Sad0felixI understood that he couldn't get to android launcher without ts cal17:49
Sad0felixmy fault :D17:49
arrrghhhSad0felix, that command is deprecated17:58
arrrghhhthe kernel will ignore it :D17:58
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Sad0felixlol ... about the "other" build18:02
Sad0felixyeah, snappy ... but crashes like hell any other thing you do18:02
Sad0felixand he even uses glemsom kernels ...18:03
arrrghhhoh yea18:06
slim_F22:   i created the file and after reboot the file disappear18:06
arrrghhhhe just has forked his own rootfs18:06
arrrghhhand system images18:06
Sad0felixwell, I guess he forked it wrong ... can't wake it up from sleep at all, and after 10 to 20 secs of unresponsiveness it just reboots ...18:07
Sad0felixor, he just doens't test it through ...18:07
F22slim, where did you put the file?18:08
F22my bad, i should have been more clear about where to put it.  it needs to go in /sdcard18:09
slim_on the root18:09
slim_then is my fault, i'm sorry for that18:10
F22touch /sdcard/andboot/ts-calibration18:11
F22assuming andboot is your boot directory18:12
arrrghhhlol yea18:13
arrrghhhmine's really complicated...18:13
arrrghhhbut i know where to put stuff because i'm the one that made it complex :P18:13
F22o.O Dell is giving people $25 to take an HTC Incredible.  Contract required of course. But not a bad deal for 1GHz snapdragon froyo + HTC Sense phone. Too bad it doesn't have the new gpu. i suppose that's why they're giving them away, to make room for the next generation products...18:19
F22six months ago they were the best thing out there and Verizon couldn't keep them in stock.18:21
arrrghhhc'est la vie18:21
arrrghhhnow they're old junk :P18:21
F22i don't think there is any other industry where products become obsolete so fast.18:21
F22maybe graphics cards...18:21
F22but i think even graphics cards hold their value for longer.18:22
arrrghhhthe tp2 looks the part18:22
arrrghhhjust doesn't have the specs to back it up lol18:22
F22yes, tp2 would hang well with the big boys if we could just upgrade the cpu+ram like in a computer.18:23
arrrghhhhaha right18:23
arrrghhhshoehorn a hummingbird in there18:23
arrrghhhF22, i'll give ya $20 to do it :P18:24
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F22i've been debating whether to get my mom a nettop for christmas, or hold off another year until the 10 inch tablets with honeycomb are available and perfected.18:26
arrrghhhtablets seem great for consumption18:27
arrrghhhso long as you're not needing it to type on basically haha18:27
F22my mom has never typed in her life so...i imagine she'll be a two-finger typist.18:28
F22i introduced her to angry birds last night... Mwuhahahahah@18:29
F22She was up all night playing it. :P18:29
F22she caught on faster than i did. :-/18:30
arrrghhhi still have not played that game.18:30
F22i just downloaded it two nights ago.18:30
F22when that post about the old libgles appeared.18:31
F22she drained my battery from what had been a full charge.18:32
F22i had to bring down the charger and plug it in while she continued to play.18:32
arrrghhhdoes that libgles fix work on the angry birds?18:33
arrrghhhdidn't seem to do diddly squat for my neocore scores18:33
F22haven't tried it yet. i had never played any games before on my handset, and i needed to get a feel for the baseline.18:34
arrrghhhi've never used neocore either18:34
arrrghhhthat was fun18:34
F22also downloaded some benchmarks and ran them.18:34
F22yup, neocore was one of them.18:34
F22also grabbed quadrant which gave me some very questionable results.18:34
arrrghhhas i've seen, it seems to be THE video fps benchmark tool.18:34
arrrghhhlol that's what quadrant is good for18:34
arrrghhhquestionable results.18:34
F22my tp2 beat the moto droid in quadrant...18:35
F22that really left me scratching my head.18:35
arrrghhhdoes it make you feel better?18:35
F22got 17.2 in Neocore with a 600 MHz overclock.18:36
F22that's with the normal libgles.18:36
F22501 in quadrant. don't trust that one though.18:36
arrrghhhhighest i got was just shy of 19 in neocore.18:36
F22LinPack gave me 3.953 MFlops.18:37
Sad0felixfor what it's worth, I didn't find any difference, neither in Angry Birds, nor in Quadrant ... still didn't have time to figure out what neocore is18:37
F22BenchmarkPi: 8770 ms.18:37
F22An3DBench on the other hand always crashed on the third test it ran.18:37
arrrghhhneocore just checks fps ability basically.18:37
arrrghhhshould show 3d rendering abililty empirically18:38
F22the An3DBench crashes had me scratching my head. I wish I knew what that 3rd test was.18:39
F22the first two were single texturing and multi texturing...18:39
F22i know angry birds sometimes crashes on me when it runs out of memory.18:40
F22but that seems to be happening less and less on me strangely enough.18:40
F22it was most acute when i first installed it.18:41
F22haven't looked at the logs for An3DBench yet, but the oom errors in the logs for angry birds were interesting.18:42
Sad0felixsorry for talking about something else, just ignore if I am bothering18:43
Sad0felixI think we should take something from this guy here, Neopeek18:43
arrrghhhuhm.. what?18:44
arrrghhhhe benefitted from all of the work on xdandroid18:44
Sad0felixI know18:44
arrrghhhnot much we can take from him, if anything he took from us...18:44
arrrghhhi wish he would work with us18:44
Sad0felixbut maybe is time to take something back18:44
arrrghhhhe was working on a nand flash for his diam18:44
arrrghhhhaven't heard about it in a while18:45
arrrghhhprobably bricked the hell out of it lol18:45
Sad0felixlol, very possibly18:45
Sad0felixafter trimming A LOT out of the startup.txt18:45
Sad0felixit seems as stable as AOSP2.2.118:45
arrrghhhuhm, how did you determine what you should trim?18:46
Sad0felixwhile being LOTS quicker, even with more stuff installed (he uses zeam as launcher18:46
Sad0felixhe didn't have a sleep mode trigger18:46
Sad0felixI added 2 then 118:46
Sad0felixlot better, no more crashes18:46
Sad0felixI put it on a different SD18:47
Sad0felixmaybe I should format the other one and put xdandroid from scratch, because of fragmentation18:47
Sad0felixbut being an SD ...18:47
arrrghhhlinux file systems don't fragment dude.18:47
Sad0felixyep, but system.ext2 is a file on FAT3218:48
Sad0felixand that fragments, my friend18:48
arrrghhheh i guess the data.img changing...18:48
arrrghhhi dunno18:48
arrrghhhmoving stuff18:48
F22mounting via loopback does add some overhead, not sure how much though.18:48
Sad0felixwhat I say is: maybe I have a very harsh situation on the other SD18:48
arrrghhhyea i guess :P18:48
arrrghhhhis builds do seem faster18:49
arrrghhholder as well18:49
Sad0felixso first I wipe that, check back18:49
arrrghhhwhich may explain why they feel faster18:49
arrrghhhplus, no loop mount like F22 was just talkin 'bout.18:49
Sad0felixyep, I would like to understand if just because of ext2 partition18:49
arrrghhhdirectly mounted ext2 partition.18:49
Sad0felixor if he tampered with config18:49
arrrghhhperhaps... but hard to compare apples to apples.18:49
Sad0felixkernel is the same18:50
Sad0felixSD to SD, clean?18:50
arrrghhhhe had to tinker to get it up18:50
arrrghhhto get it to work on an ext2 partition18:50
arrrghhhi would think...18:50
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arrrghhhAFAIK he forked the rootfs and initrd18:50
Sad0felixI am not kidding, it really takes no more than 30 secs to start18:50
Sad0felixrootfs surely, because it's not in fat but in ext218:51
Sad0felixinitrd too, it's not there18:51
Sad0felixwhile he says to download new kernels from glemsom, doesn't say anything about those18:51
arrrghhhhence the reason i said that :D18:53
arrrghhhhe's got a forum too18:53
Sad0felixI know you read :D18:53
arrrghhhtry to absorb all18:54
arrrghhhso i end up knowing nothing :P18:54
Sad0felixif he takes you work, and makes something to make it even better18:54
Sad0felixlol, it doesn't work like that :D18:55
Sad0felixwe should discover why and what18:55
Sad0felixbtw, BT doesn't work ...18:56
Sad0felixnot on my rhod10018:56
stinebd[16:42:14] <JesusFreak316> When's stinebd gonna make a wired tether? :P18:58
stinebdmy thanksgiving was very nice, thanks for asking18:58
JesusFreak316Lol, I was having trouble with android-wired-tether.18:58
JesusFreak316How was yours?18:59
stinebdit was a much needed day off19:00
JesusFreak316But, honestly, would it even be possible? I know we have usb issues.19:01
arrrghhhi didn't realize how much PTO i had left19:01
arrrghhhso i'm getting a bunch of time off this month and even more next month haha19:01
arrrghhhi would think with some iptables redirection trickery and adb you could do it in linux... i have no clue how you'd go about doing it tho.19:02
F22ok, that's weird, during one of my crashes last night, my launger icon for angry birds disappeared. yet, i can still run it from the market app.19:06
arrrghhhoh noes19:06
arrrghhhno angry birdz for you19:06
F22i know, terrible... :P19:06
arrrghhhi bet you can create a shortcut on it too19:07
stinebdJesusFreak316: not impossible, but we'd have to be creative (some dhcp and masquerade trickery with the adb ip address)19:07
F22just weird that the icon disappeared from the launcher after a crash.19:07
stinebd192.168.20.1 i believe is the address on the phone's side of the usb interface with adb active19:07
arrrghhhi've seen it sometimes where certain apps don't show up in the app drawer19:07
arrrghhhusually a reboot fixes it tho...19:07
JesusFreak316Ok, just wondering. THought maybe it might just be something more trivial.19:07
stinebdit's trivial, sure. might even be able to hack it into netd and use the integrated tethering19:08
stinebdbut i haven't looked at that so i don't know for sure. netd is strange with certain things (wifi tethering can't be done via ad-hoc for instance)19:08
F22lol, don't recall if i did a full reboot, or if it was just one of those boot ani restarts.19:08
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F22time to try solution #1...19:09
Sad0felixneocore 17.8, TP2 rhod100 ... it's a good mean value, right?19:09
arrrghhhyea probably19:09
arrrghhhbetween 15-19 seems to be the norm.19:09
F22yep, mine was in the 17's too.19:10
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Sad0felixwith audio or without?19:10
F22with audio19:11
JesusFreak316Yeah, just atm I have an ubuntu running computer with no internet access because it doesn't have wifi so I'd like to use my phone as a wifi usb adapter.19:11
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Sad0felixmine was without ... now 16.2 with.19:12
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, most tether a 3g cxn :P19:12
Sad0felixlol jesus, make some of your wizardries ...19:12
JesusFreak316Yeah, I know...19:13
TheDeadCPUI wan O-Line on freenode19:14
Sad0felix'night guys19:31
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eee_hey guys20:06
eee_I was wondering if any1 has gps working on windows mobile20:07
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