Sunday, 2010-11-14

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F22stinebd: the 11/8 rootfs commit may be causing wifi problems for rhodium users. specifically i'm seeing bad wifi-nvram.txt files out there, and both users with the problem whose init scripts i've looked at just happen to have the 11/8 version.   I gave them both functional wifi-nvram.txt scripts and that cleared up their issues.  I've since had 3 additional confirmations that a new wifi-nvram cleared up wifi problems.  The init script is res06:56
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ftvmhello all08:34
ftvmthe news for fixed  battery code ??? for me ?08:36
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arrrghhhF22, u around?12:57
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ftvmhello all13:18
Tandyman100Hey JesusFreak316, you haven't beed around in a while it seems13:23
arrrghhhhis hd2 is getting all his attention now.13:23
Tandyman100He has an HD2?!?!?!?13:23
Tandyman100I jelly13:24
arrrghhhja he's got a bunch of smartphones now.13:24
arrrghhhbut his actual phone is an old dumbphone.13:24
arrrghhhmakes me LOL13:24
arrrghhhalthough it sounds like he may actually activate the hd2 eventually...13:25
F22I'm here arrrghhh, but not for long.13:25
arrrghhhno worries, just seeing you got a dmesg for wistilt13:25
F22yup :)13:25
arrrghhhi'll try to get all three logs up today.13:25
arrrghhhnot sure if the radio has anything to do with it13:25
arrrghhhbut stine said to get a good logcat of this problem jit has to be disabled.13:26
Tandyman100I wish I could afford an HD2, but an unlocked one costs more than a quad-core desktop.13:26
arrrghhhi guess jit obstrufcates the error13:26
arrrghhhor however you spell it13:26
F22i have a pandora crash dmesg for wistilt2 too13:26
arrrghhhhe paid $150 Tandyman10013:26
F22verys imilar13:26
F22i was playing with volume when it crashed13:26
Tandyman100arrrghhh, how did he pull THAT?!?13:26
arrrghhhi wasn't getting a dmesg log13:26
arrrghhhi'll do that now with the rest of 'em :D13:27
arrrghhhTandyman100, CL?13:27
Tandyman100lucky. nothing good ever on our local CL13:27
Tandyman100Oh, well.13:27
F22first time i tried to get a dmesg my phone didn't cooperate. it booted into the animation, but then freaked after coming back up and booted into win mo before i could grab the dmesg.13:28
arrrghhhi'm just going to run 'em.13:28
arrrghhhthe make the call and hopefully the crash.13:28
Tandyman100Oh, wait.
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Tandyman100I have never been more in want of a hundered bucks13:28
arrrghhhit's pretty consistent if i abuse the volume.13:28
arrrghhhyou live in kansas?  i'm sorry :P13:28
arrrghhhF22, doesn't look like WisTilt put out a new kernel... did he?13:34
F22define new kernel13:34
arrrghhh the last one i pulled haha13:34
arrrghhhi read the logs, i didn't see him mention one.13:34
arrrghhhlooks like the last one i pulled was around 23:50 on the 12th13:35
F22there's a newer one from last night, but it didn't fix anything.13:36
F22he's still looking for the variable that the volume meter is using.13:36
F22he's hoping to put out a fix that forced that variable to match the one the kernel is setting.13:37
arrrghhhso userland and kernel-land match lol13:38
ftvmhello ... all13:38
F22well they do now, sort of, but not until the first press, and only if you aren't increasing above 5 or decreasing below 0, and it's backwards. Kernel is forced to that other variable as soon as you hit one of the other volume buttons.13:39
arrrghhhit's just that first time13:39
arrrghhhwhere up can be down and down can be up depending on where it's at.13:39
ftvmfor my problem of sound stutter, i make test ... with flash firmware of diamond ...13:39
ftvmresult same ...13:39
arrrghhhlike radio firmware?13:39
arrrghhhthat wouldn't have anything to do with it.13:39
F22well it looks like my guest has cancelled. cool. :P13:42
F22have you seen my posts to xda arrrghhh?13:42
arrrghhhnot today13:42
F22it means i don't have to leave my computer to go entertain. :P13:42
ftvmwhat's news for a update of battery code ???13:43
arrrghhh"i can't take it anymore, i'm gonna have to go back to WM"13:44
arrrghhhi hate people.13:44
arrrghhhftvm, it's been patched potentially, but it's not commited yet13:44
ftvmok no problem ...  is good !!!13:44
arrrghhhperhaps i can let you test it...13:45
arrrghhhwifi won't work th13:45
ftvmi flash my firmare with  other firm13:45
arrrghhhit'd be _just_ for testing.13:45
arrrghhhradio firmware has nothing to do with this.13:45
arrrghhhyou flash whatever radio seems to work best.13:46
ftvmsame result ... then ... i back old firmware13:46
F22lol, i ignored the going back to WM post. some people just don't get that experimental software is just that, experimental, you're going to have to suffer a bit unless you're willing to roll up your sleeves and fix things yourself, and even then you'll likely suffer a little, just in a different way. :P13:46
ftvmsame  firmware wm ????13:46
arrrghhhare you talking about your WinMo ROM?13:46
arrrghhhor radio firmware.13:47
arrrghhhi'm betting ROM.13:47
ftvmyes arrghhh13:47
ftvmi talk of  winMo  ROM13:47
arrrghhhmakes no difference to android.13:47
arrrghhhjust one may get you into android faster lol13:47
arrrghhhenergy makes a lite rom that tries to boot android basically asap13:47
ftvmok ok ... i understand ...13:47
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ftvmarrrghhh> my setting actually remove ... all battery control13:55
arrrghhhnot surprised.13:55
ftvmnot change for power conso but   out of control !!!13:55
ftvmyes ... it's disturbing to not having as landmarks13:58
ftvmnot indicator battery   lol13:58
F22arrrghhh, hmmm...just noticed something about karan1203's startup now that you've chimed in too.13:59
arrrghhhhe had several deprecated commands in there.13:59
F22he had: 7x00.a11=50013:59
arrrghhhyes indeed.14:00
F22you've taken it out in yours.14:00
arrrghhhthat's really deprecated.14:00
F22but that's not the option.14:00
F22the actual option is:14:00
arrrghhhdid you see how he was saying "i'm not a noob" and "developers know there's an issue"14:00
F22lol, yup14:01
F22msmts_calib is also optional now btw, you left that one in. funny thing is that i didn't realize that the clock line was optional too. :P14:02
F22is there a master list of current options aside from reefer's out of date one?14:04
arrrghhhi didn't realize that was deprecated14:04
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arrrghhhi guess that's provided my ts-calibration now?14:05
arrrghhhthat's really deprecated lol14:05
arrrghhhwhat's up Joachim14:05
ftvmi tested on my diam,  a little acpuclock.oc_freq_khz=65000014:06
ftvmthis working fine ...14:06
ftvmi tested with a cpu benchmark ...14:06
arrrghhhi have my set to like 714 something14:07
arrrghhheh not much dude.  slept in for once.14:07
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F22arrrghhh, not sure why it got deprecated, i caught wistilt2 discussing the fact that it was no longer needed with stinebd or bzo a month ago or so in htc-linux.14:08
arrrghhhi caught you!14:10
arrrghhhyea i was reading the logs of what you guys did last night haha14:10
F22that was a good session. :D14:11
F22we identified what was going on with the volume meter and the snd setting.14:11
* arrrghhh was not allowed near his laptop last night14:12
F22i was wondering what happened to you...14:12
TheDeadCPUHe had 2 hot females in his home.14:12
arrrghhhgf had some female friends over14:12
F22i guess your girlfriend took control for the night...14:12
arrrghhhshe puts her foot down sometimes.  says i spend too much time on the 'puter.14:12
arrrghhhmakes me play video games14:13
F22* imagines arrrghhh handcuffed to his bed, his laptop sitting just out of reach while several lovelies set about distracting him...14:13
arrrghhhto do that you do /me fyi ;)14:14
F22lol, thanks14:14
arrrghhhnp :D14:14
F22it's been too long since the last time i was active on irc.14:14
F22i've forgotten all the commands. :P14:14
F22and i was too lazy to look that one up just now. :P14:15
arrrghhhyea dude it's been years for me too14:15
arrrghhhlike probably... 10-12 years?  since i was on all the time...14:16
F22bleh, my guest came for lunch anyway...duty calls...14:16
arrrghhhcya in a few :P14:16
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fattiedoes anyone get stuck when loading haret?14:38
fattiemaybe you can help me my phone since yesterday has been stuck during the load and  the last line says init: to open persistent property directory /data/property errno: 214:40
fattieit was working fine before yesterday havent changed any files that i know of14:42
krzeeany mac users here have a favorite way of syncing to their apple?  from my google im looking at salling media sync14:43
KhaytsusWhy not use the cloud?14:49
arrrghhhgmail ftw14:49
arrrghhhgsync or whateveer14:50
TheDeadCPUGmail push<314:50
Khaytsuserm, yeah, google calendar/mail/contacts.14:50
KhaytsusSync directly with PCs is sooo 200014:50
krzeeahh, ya im not putting all my stuff on google's servers =/14:50
arrrghhhthen don't use android14:51
arrrghhhAT ALL14:51
arrrghhhor winmo14:51
* Khaytsus gets out the aluminum foil14:51
arrrghhhor a mac14:51
arrrghhhor wait14:51
arrrghhhdon't use the internet.14:51
arrrghhhthey'll get you thru those copper lines14:51
arrrghhhYOU MUST CUT THEM14:51
krzeeive been around long enough to know i can use the computer/phone without giving every contact i have to google14:51
krzeebut thx14:51
KhaytsusBecause google gives a damn about your contacts14:51
TheDeadCPUYea, one questions. Why the fuck not?14:52
Tandyman100I use google's exchange server to sync INSTANTLY my contacts and calendar between three laptops, a desktop, and four phones14:52
KhaytsusIf Eric starts calling my mom at 3am, then we'll revisit this discussion.14:52
krzeei guess i have been involved in a lot more stuff i shouldnt than you guys14:52
arrrghhh'eric schimidt here.  you're a WHORE'14:53
arrrghhhkrzee, fitting name.14:53
TheDeadCPUYea, if you're a criminal or have sensetive data then k14:53
TheDeadCPUEven though Google is coming with some super secure thing now14:53
KhaytsusYeah, need to get out the burner phones for that shit, j014:53
TheDeadCPUOh, that was a secret from google to me14:53
KhaytsusTheDeadCPU: Kind of like porn mode in Chrome, there's a Dealer mode for sync?14:54
arrrghhhlol you mean that gov't contract that went to microsoft?14:54
TheDeadCPUNope, they're making this new authentication thing14:54
TheDeadCPUI've tried it, it's super secure14:54
TheDeadCPUYou need an Android phone for it though14:55
arrrghhhI'd be more worried about Steve Jobs than Google krzee14:55
krzeei dont store any of my info on their servers either14:55
arrrghhhyou have a mac.14:56
Khaytsusgoogle is in ur phone stealing ur bitz14:56
TheDeadCPUAnd 9/11 was an inside job?14:56
TheDeadCPUIf you have a mac they have ALL your info14:56
TheDeadCPUAnd I mean ALL14:56
krzeearrrghhh, and?  i paid cash to a friend who works on corporate campus14:56
KhaytsusTheDeadCPU: Remember.  The WT7 wasn't hit by a plane.14:56
arrrghhhlmao it's still a mac.14:56
arrrghhhi don't care how you procured it14:57
TheDeadCPUSeriously, I called tech support, they could see what I did on my screen.14:57
krzeeif i dont type in my info, how do you propose they have it...?14:57
TheDeadCPUThey know your location too14:57
arrrghhhyou're trying to sync your phone to it??14:57
arrrghhhso because you don't physically type it, you think your data is secure.14:57
TheDeadCPUAnd since you BOUGHT a mac they got all your data14:58
TheDeadCPUSeeing as you can't buy a mac (unless second hand) without them knowing who you are14:58
krzeeTheDeadCPU, how so14:58
TheDeadCPUDid you pay cash?14:59
krzeeTheDeadCPU, [15:56]  <krzee> arrrghhh, and?  i paid cash to a friend who works on corporate campus14:59
arrrghhhdid you not see him say that?14:59
TheDeadCPUThen you're fine, but they still know where you are lol14:59
TheDeadCPUAnd can see everything you so on your screen :P14:59
TheDeadCPUdo on*14:59
krzeeanyways, sorry for taking you guys so far off topic, ill continue with what i find on google14:59
TheDeadCPUkrzee, no harm, we're off topic quite often15:00
arrrghhhyea we do try to help when needed.15:00
arrrghhhand we all sync with google.15:00
arrrghhhbecause it's easy, and i guess i don't care if they have my contact list.15:00
arrrghhhnot like they have my ssn15:00
krzeenothin wrong with that =]15:00
TheDeadCPUWell, I even give people my real name15:01
TheDeadCPUI even have my real name on irc, if you whoid15:01
krzeeheh salling media sync is out of the question anyways... seems they require mounting the USB which looks like it can only be done when you dont need the OS on the sd card15:03
krzeelooks like ill be buying mark/space missing sync, i used to use it for my win-mo htc wizard, and maybe thats the price i have to pay to not use google15:06
arrrghhhdude how many people use gmail15:07
arrrghhhdo you really think your data is going to stick out from everyone else's?15:07
krzeenope, but i did read the license message you checked where it says they can and will database everything you give them15:08
krzeewhich i chose to not agree to15:08
krzeei respect that you dont care, but i choose to not opt-in15:08
arrrghhhwell yea15:09
arrrghhhi do care, but my contact list is the least of my worries.  do you not have an email account?15:09
arrrghhhthey could get way worse stuff about me personally from my email than from my freakin contact list.15:10
arrrghhhmeh i'm not here to argue.15:10
krzeei have an email server if that counts15:10
krzeebut i dont use it for anything very personal15:10
krzeei agree, no reason to argue15:10
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KralnHi guys. Grabbed the latest release, it appears to only have the filesystem, and not haret or anything else -- am I doing it wrong?15:13
krzeeKraln, is it possible you grabbed android instead of xdandroid?15:14 <- latest release15:14
Kralninside, system.ext215:14
Kralnas per
KhaytsusThat's the latest system, yes15:16
KhaytsusYou need dow download the latest project release first I suppose.15:16
krzeeahh looks like that guide takes you through manual steps in which you need to seperately grab haret15:16
KralnFor this guide it is assumed that the XDAndroid base files within the andboot directory. Please note that you will need to add "rel_path=andboot" to your startup.txt (not including the quotes).15:17
KhaytsusYeah, doesn't really seem that clearly written15:17
Kralnis there a more-well written one?15:17
KhaytsusI installed mine using the XDA Developer thread info15:20
KhaytsusBeen a while though15:20
KhaytsusWhat I installed was a zip or rar that had everything in it in one place, then you could update pieces from there.15:21
krzeeas did i (needed monodie, didnt have much choice)15:21
Kralndo you remember what the file was called?15:21
KhaytsusI was trailing Android to see if I liked it enough to buy a new phone :)15:21
KhaytsusSec if you still need it, I'm doing something atm15:22
Khaytsus[MJG]Rhod.2.1Sense.042810.rar was one I have here from long ago :)15:22
Kralnhtc touch pro 2 cdma?15:23
KhaytsusHas andboot/apps misc stuff, haret, initrd.gz, system.sqsh, rootfs.img, zImage, build.prop, startup.txt etc15:23
KhaytsusTouch Pro 2 GSM was what I had15:23
KhaytsusHAVE actually, I have yet to sell it :(15:27
KhaytsusI should have sold it in a month or so..  been sitting on my desk for like 515:27
KhaytsusI was going to put it on ebay and just never got around to it15:27
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Kralnah there we go15:48
Kraln2.2 on my tp2 ;)15:48
Tandyman100What you got, a 1GB SD card?15:59
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Kralnit's 8gb now16:07
Kralnand everything works16:07
Kraln3g, calling, awesome16:07
Kralnaww, no camera16:08
Tandyman100pretty much, yeah16:15
Tandyman100Kralin: 512MB and out of space?16:15
Tandyman100Delete your pr0n, dude ;P16:15
Kralnwell, I'm developing an app that uses the camera.16:27
arrrghhhputtin the cart before the horse eh16:30
stinebd[06:56:34] <F22> stinebd: the 11/8 rootfs commit may be causing wifi problems for rhodium users. specifically i'm seeing bad wifi-nvram.txt files out there, and both users with the problem whose init scripts i've looked at just happen to have the 11/8 version.   I gave them both functional wifi-nvram.txt scripts and that cleared up their issues.  I've since had 3 additional confirmations that a new wifi-nvram cleared up wifi problems.  The16:47
stinebd init script is res16:47
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F22 hmmm?16:48
stinebda) mind finishing that? b) it doesn't do anything with wifi-nvram.txt16:48
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F22the init script creates wifi-nvram.txt with a dd.16:49
Kralnmy screen went black16:49
Kralnand won't come back16:49
arrrghhhsleep OF DEATH16:50
stinebdyeah, the 20101108 rootfs changes didn't touch the nvram stuff16:50
arrrghhhsometimes it just doesn't like to wake.16:50
Kralnsleep of death?16:50
stinebdit actually was minor changes in a conditional above that16:50
Kralnany way to poke it into submission?16:50
arrrghhhF22, yea i don't think that the newest rootfs caused this issue.16:50
ftvmlol  sleep of death !!!16:50
arrrghhhwhatever issue was caused is old.16:50
F22not directly no. but the changes in init relate to wifi. i haven't traced it fully through. so the connection is simply circumstantial at this point.16:52
stinebdthe connection is non-existent16:53
stinebdthe changes don't relate to wifi in particular, just kernel modules16:53
Kralnwho do I have to give $150 for my camera to work =p16:53
arrrghhhi do wonder why some phones have bad inits tho.16:53
F22lol, that they do. but well....i'm not going to argue with you at this point. you sound certain.16:54
stinebdKraln: htc, to buy a new phone16:54
Kralnlol :-D16:54
arrrghhhKraln, money is not the issue.16:54
arrrghhhyou can and should donate16:54
arrrghhhbut that's no guarantee that the camera will work tomorrow.16:54
KralnI'd guess that camera is a weird hardware thing, like the broadcom chipset16:54
arrrghhhit is certainly a piece of hardware.16:55
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Kralnis it still reasonable to buy a nexus one or are there better phones?16:57
arrrghhhi'd get g2 if i was to get a phone right now.16:57
arrrghhhbut i'm not.16:57
stinebdand if it weren't on effing tmobile16:58
Kralnmy problem is I have the slickest sprint account imaginable16:58
arrrghhhare the frequencies different for at&t?  what am i saying, of course they are.16:58
stinebd3g freqs are different16:59
arrrghhhKraln, let's not get into that.16:59
ftvmbefore camera, i think important, resolve all other problems   lol16:59
stinebdyou can get a g2 and use it on att. but you get dialup data speeds16:59
arrrghhhtalking about what deals we have isn't a good idea.16:59
arrrghhhstinebd, nice.16:59
arrrghhhdo eeeeet16:59
Kralnwell, I don't want to get into it either, but I'd rather not leave sprint.16:59
arrrghhhftvm, glad you're prioritizing things for us...16:59
arrrghhhso get an epic16:59
arrrghhhor an evo16:59
ftvmyes yes ... of course !17:00
Kralnam considering the 4g galaxy s phone17:00
TheDeadCPUEpic 4G17:00
arrrghhhthat's about it for sprint.17:01
F22stinebd, the only diff between the init they had and mine are those 3 lines you moved around.  so if those lines aren't responsible, then i'm at a loss to explain the problem beyond flaky hardware, or possibly its something that isn't deterministic.17:01
Kralnhmm no location on rhodium either17:02
arrrghhhgps works17:02
arrrghhhbut that's it17:02
arrrghhhno cell-tower love for cdma.17:02
Kralnoh? navigation was crashing17:02
arrrghhhnavi works for me17:03
arrrghhhbut it does crash17:03
arrrghhhnot all the time lol17:03
ftvmnavi work for me also ... perfect !17:03
ftvmexcept if bad overclock !!! ... and corrupt ... data.img for example ...17:04
ftvmresult .. navi can crashing !!!17:04
Kralnno overclock17:04
arrrghhhoc does fun things17:04
KralnI know better than to fuck with tiny mobile arm chips17:05
ftvmmy oc is 660000 khz, i monitor !   lol17:05
ftvmoc may corrupt many file on the SD card, not only  data.img !17:07
ftvmi work with backup of my sd card ...   lol17:09
Kraln2.2 is almost usable :)17:09
Kralncoming from 1.1, it is a big improvement17:10
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Kralnheh, gps is returning 0,017:23
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ftvmgps is work for me on diam 10017:25
Kralngps_thread received 0 events17:37
Kralnyeah, it's not getting anything17:37
arrrghhhKraln, use quickgps in winmo17:39
arrrghhhor gps status in android17:39
arrrghhhit'll get a faster lock.17:39
arrrghhhplus, don't try to get a lock in your basement17:39
ftvmgps status is very good !!!!  yes17:40
Tandyman100why no lock in the basement?17:42
Tandyman100keeps the girls from escaping17:43
Kralnarrrghhh: I'm on the 11th floor of a high rise17:43
Kraln11-14 17:44:38.280: DEBUG/gps_msm7k(1278): gps thread received 1 events17:45
Kralnooh! an event!17:45
Kraln11-14 17:46:43.200: ERROR/PowerManagerService(1278): getAutoBrightnessValue : 11-14 17:46:43.200: ERROR/PowerManagerService(1278): java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException17:47
KralnSIGSEV in mediaserver17:49
Kralnworth reporting these anywhere?17:51
arrrghhhKraln, probably not the best place to get a gps lock.17:59
arrrghhhon the roof of said high rise, another story.17:59
Kralnman fsck takes forever18:12
Kralnit rebooted and came up without any network; airplane mode only?18:20
arrrghhhcrashes happen.18:20
KralnI rebooted it18:20
Kralnbut why did it come back up without any network?18:20
arrrghhhdoesn't like you18:21
Kralnfair enough, I don't like me18:24
arrrghhhforce cdma should be the only setting that would muck with the radio.18:25
arrrghhhoh and i know if the phone is a 'world' phone and you're using it on cdma you can't have a sim in the thing.18:26
Kralnoh? worked the first three times I booted18:32
Kralnyeah, left the sim in18:32
Kralncame up cdma data just fine18:32
arrrghhhand you're on cdma?18:33
arrrghhhwtf do you need the sim for18:33
arrrghhhi hear it's inconsistent.18:33
Kralnroaming :)18:33
arrrghhhi don't have a sim, so i can't really test it.18:33
arrrghhhmeh i don't feel like paying for another provider just to roam lol18:33
arrrghhhwell you get the choice18:33
arrrghhhcdma or gsm18:33
arrrghhhin android18:33
arrrghhhnot both18:33
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KralnI'll pull the SIM and try again, how about that? :)18:35
Kralnoh god18:37
Kralnwindows mobile had put the phone into gsm mode18:37
Kraln/that's/ why18:37
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Kralnack, it's fscking18:39
arrrghhhdoes every time18:44
JesusFreak316Tandyman, I'm still here.18:53
JesusFreak316At least 'til Christmas. :P18:53
TheDeadCPUWhat about Christmas?18:59
* TheDeadCPU loves Christmas19:00
TheDeadCPUGnite ppl!19:01
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coolbtkHello all. I have been using xdandroid on my HTC Fuze for about a month now. I just tried to update my zImage and rootfs.img with the latest releases from the home page by following the directions here:
coolbtkI'm having a problem booting now, and deleting data.img doesn't help19:07
coolbtkit's saying "mount: mounting /dev/block/loop2 on /rfs failed: Invalid argument"19:07
arrrghhhdid you rename the files?19:07
coolbtkthen dropping me to a prompt19:07
coolbtkyes, I renamed the files19:07
arrrghhhand deleted the old ones?19:08
arrrghhhalthough an old modules file shouldn't stop you from booting.19:08
stinebddid you unzip the rootfs?19:08
coolbtkHey, arrrghhh! you helped me get this set up in the first place. Thanks again.19:08
arrrghhhah crap, don't blame me :P19:08
coolbtkyes, deleted the old modules tar.gz19:08
arrrghhhyea it should be rootfs.img... yes?19:08
coolbtkrootfs.img, zImage, and modules-
coolbtkare the two files changed, and one added, respectively19:09
coolbtkif i deleted data.img, it still creates the problem19:10
stinebdexactly how big is the new rootfs.img19:10
coolbtkif i put the old zImage, rootfs.img, and modules back, I get a different error, and when I restore from my backup, it boots beautifully again19:10
arrrghhhyou're doing something wrong then.19:11
coolbtkrootfs.img is 15728640 bytes19:11
arrrghhhunless there's a horrible new bug preventing you from booting lol19:11
coolbtkoh wait, that's my backed up rootfs.img19:12
coolbtklet me check the new one19:12
coolbtkhuh... 0 bytes19:16
coolbtkthat might be part of the problem... lol19:16
arrrghhhlol that might be a problem.19:16
coolbtkthe weird thing is, i extracted it twice...19:17
coolbtkand i jsut extracted it again, exactly the same way19:17
coolbtkand now it appears to be booting19:17
coolbtkoh, and arrrghhh, i definitely wasn't blaming you. I was saying you helped me to get this working in the first place, not that you had anything to do with the current problem19:18
arrrghhhi was jk19:18
arrrghhhno sweat ;)19:18
coolbtkI'm so happy to not be running WinMo anymore. lol19:18
arrrghhhyea i can't exactly run android full-time19:18
arrrghhhbut it is nice19:18
coolbtkSince what I use this thing for isn't even possible with WinMo, as far as I know19:18
arrrghhhdo i want to know?19:19
coolbtkI'm always in Airplane Mode, turn WiFi on, use Google Voice, GV Callback, and SipDroid with for 100% free wifi phone service.19:19
arrrghhhi should try that for my daytime minutes.19:20
coolbtkI couldn't find a sip client for WinMo to save my life19:20
arrrghhhprobably not19:20
coolbtkthere are rumors there's one hiding in there somewhere, but I couldn't find it19:20
coolbtkthe only thing that i boot WM for now is camera19:21
coolbtkwell, and haret. lol19:22
coolbtkDo you happen to know if there's some way to get Flash Player installed on a Fuze running froyo?19:24
coolbtkIt's not showing up in the market, I assume because Adobe releases different versions for different devices...19:24
stinebdflash is not and will likely never be supported on xdandroid19:25
coolbtkthat's what I figured, but I didn't know if it had somehow been made to work19:26
coolbtkIs that due to differences in the coding of xdandroid, hardware changes, or just because adobe doesn't target it?19:27
stinebdthe hardware is incapable19:28
Kralnthe newer phones have hardware accelerated flash stuff19:28
coolbtkah. alright. thanks.19:29
coolbtkIs there a list somewhere of things people can do to help the xdandroid project?19:33
coolbtkthings that are needed, etc?19:33
stinebd1. fix camera, 2. ???, 3. PROFIT!19:35
coolbtkunfortunately I wouldn't know where to start working on the camera problem. not much of a low level coder.19:37
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coolbtkcan't really help much with the profit either. I've got two kids and a crappy job.19:37
coolbtkany need for testers or anything slightly less technical than reverse engineering/porting code?19:39
stinebdyou can stick around on here to see the top sekrit non public testing releases we do occasionally19:40
coolbtkcool. that happens in this IRC channel?19:41
F22sshhhh....don't tell anyone. ;)19:42
coolbtkI don't know that I know anyone with a compatible device who is open minded enough to care.19:42
coolbtkI know way too many Apple and Microsoft fanboys.19:43
stinebdF22 isn't joking19:43
stinebdlast time someone told someone, it resulted in 290GB of transfer in a few days and an overage on my server19:44
stinebdone of the proudest moments of my life19:44
coolbtkI can imagine. Was probably pretty painful as well though.19:45
stinebdnah my provider didn't bill me for it19:45
stinebdcool guys19:46
coolbtkah. well that's good.19:46
coolbtkI've never actually released anything I've written to the public. Most of my code wasn't mine anymore after I wrote it. What was mine after I wrote wasn't really worth releasing.19:47
coolbtkor never got finished enough to release19:48
F22wait until gingerbread... ;)19:50
stinebdscrew that19:51
stinebdi've stolen an internal testing version of honeycomb19:51
ftvmstinebd> hello19:54
ftvmis rootfs it able to fix the problem of sound stuttering?19:54
ftvmonly zImage also ?19:55
stinebdkernel or system image19:55
ftvmok, yes19:55
stinebddon't know which is the problem19:56
ftvmthis seems to cause the battery process19:57
ftvmi kill process battery (28) and the problem has disappear ...19:58
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ftvmstinebd>  for the problem of awake ou black screen of the DEATH ?   it's rootfs ???20:08
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F22stinebd: i'd like to add a new option in startup txt that will cause init to use navi_pad.kl files where the end key is home and long pressing it is recent apps instead of  power/end.  Do you have any objections to my sending you a patch that does that?21:13
F22we can keep the default behavior the same so only people who select that option will see it.21:14
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XirXesF22, will that change work on the touch pro 2? I know some of the front panel keys are handled in the micro p driver21:20
F22works on mine. :D21:20
XirXesok cool21:21
XirXesi had issues moving around some of the front panel keys without changing them in the microp.kl but the end key wasn't one of them.21:21
XirXeswell then I think thats a great idea then21:22
F22nate's little fork requires more extensive surgery then mine.21:22
XirXeswhats his?21:23
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r^7zDual core???
r^7zWhy can't they skip all of that and go straight to quad core??? :P21:23
F22that's Nate's thread.21:23
XirXesr^7z, rumors and speculation21:24
F22he and i agree that there shouldn't be two power/end buttons, but we differ on which to make home.21:24
F22he wants to go back to the old way and make the power button home again.21:24
XirXesno way. im with you21:24
r^7znah... we should make the center key home21:24
r^7zand show all them *itches a whole different light21:25
XirXesif stines zoombar idea ever goes anywhere that would be an option21:26
F22 <-- that's my thread on the subject in xda.21:26
r^7zblah... they'll still complain even after it's all said and done21:27
XirXesbut something should deff be done about it. I think that the zoombar is just decreasing touchscreen accuracy how its set now21:27
r^7zwah! mine donwah! i want mine to teleport!21:27
F22don't give them ideas r^7z... :P21:28
r^7zstupid enter key has to be right behind my pinky!!!21:28
r^7zor under even21:28
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r^7zquick drive-by21:29
r^7zdoes anyone know how to port a theme from one build to another? i think it was mentioned earlier but i've since, forgotten when it was mentioned... imagine that!21:30
XirXeswell your poll is hopefully fortelling21:30
XirXesright now your winning21:30
r^7zthere should be one for other :D21:31
XirXesI LOVE THE OTHER KEY! way better than the any key21:31
r^7zit's catchy... XD21:32
F22i should probably post a rootfs that people can use as a proof of concept.21:32
r^7z(random user) which key do i hit if i panic?21:32
F22i can throw in a working symbol key into the deal. :P21:32
r^7z(support) that would be the OTHER key!21:32
XirXesI still wont use it that way. ever since my home key became my home key Im not going back21:33
XirXesplus its sweet having a search key21:33
F22i have envelope mapped as search.21:33
r^7zwell idk about search key vs long hold to bring up voice search21:33
XirXesif I long press the search key i get voice search21:33
r^7zi kind of like that idea more better21:34
F22of the 4 primary keys i probably use search the least. i mainly use the search widget on my primary screen.21:34
r^7zbut i'm just me, a peon in whole mix of things...21:34
F22if i'm in my keyboard i just press envelope.21:34
F22but i understand your reasoning.21:35
F22the 4th button is search in standard android.21:35
r^7zwhat about the 8th? ;) :P21:35
XirXesI just dont use call keys21:35
r^7zyou mean you don't use yourphone as a phone?!?!21:36
* r^7z shocked21:36
XirXesi do21:36
XirXesi just dont do it often21:36
XirXesand theres on screen functions for all that21:36
F22the other possibility is to use end call as call, and move home to the first button, which is standard for android.21:37
XirXestho hitting menu to get end call is wierd21:37
XirXesbut I cant get stine to tell me how to build with the in call touch ui21:37
F22that would be another interesting arguent, call button vs. search button21:37
r^7zOR we could use power key as power (tap once), end (tap twice), recent apps (tap and hold) ?21:38
XirXesrequires to much work21:38
r^7zbut what i wanna argue?21:38
* r^7z sighs21:38
r^7zi guess so... T_T21:38
F22only sucky thing is the 210 has the home pic on button 2.21:39
r^7zwhat is home for most?21:39
F22all the rest have the windows pic on button 2.21:39
r^7zwhat button*21:39
F22the rest don't have a home pic on any of the buttons.21:39
r^7zhmmm... not even my Fuze?21:40
XirXesI would really like to have the in call touch ui. and if i could use it I could edit it to fit on the vga screens aswell21:40
F22although they may it on a key.21:40
F22i'm speaking of rhod's.21:40
XirXesi just need to be able to test...21:40
r^7zkind of like co0kie's softkeys?21:40
r^7zthe bottom row21:41
XirXessome have a home pic next to the end key21:41
F22gah, i'm typo'ing tonight.21:41
XirXesyeah let me see if i can find one for you21:42
r^7zit's a sunday nite... brain knows Monday is commin... :P21:42
r^7zaiet... off to la-la land for me!21:44
XirXesnever mind. i must have seen it on some random eu one21:44
coolbtk_since you're all talking about keymapping... is there a guide/info anywhere on remapping?21:44
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XirXesbut if you really want to its all in the rootfs21:45
coolbtk_can that be edited live on the device?21:46
XirXesthe rootfs is a ext2 file.21:46
XirXesit would take a reboot to test deffinitly21:47
XirXesif you foobared it all it would take to fix is replacing your rootfs21:48
coolbtk_what is it that determines which one is loaded? I noticed there's a whole bunch in there...21:48
F22google has an online document that goes over keycode maps and key layouts.21:48
coolbtk_ah. ok.21:48
coolbtk_I feel like the current mapping on my device is a bit redundant21:49
coolbtk_and there are keys i'd like to have for ConnectBot that don't exist currently21:50
coolbtk_and ther's two buttons on my keyboard that don't do anything as well.21:50
coolbtk_*there are two21:51
XirXesits too bad we cant make ctrl work21:51
TandymanHi JesusFreak31621:51
F22making control work would take extensive effort.21:51
F22there is no keycode for it to start.21:51
F22so we'd have to define one.21:51
F22and then work our way up from there into the java framework.21:52
XirXesis there any way to run android in usb host mode?21:52
XirXeson any device?21:52
XirXesnot restrained to our broken ass devices21:52
coolbtk_CTRL in ConnectBot, you mean?21:52
XirXesno. ctrl period21:52
XirXesthe rhod 210 has that key21:53
F22yup, it has the key because win mo defines it.21:53
XirXesin winmo it works like it does on the pc21:53
XirXesits acutally really awesome and its probably one of the bigger things i miss when in android21:54
F22me too21:54
F22never thought i'd see a unix/linux without a control key...21:54
XirXesctrl + arrow keys to jump words, copy and past21:54
F22damn you google... :P21:54
XirXesctrl + a deffinitly21:55
F22doesn't the better terminal emulator use DPAD_CENTER as control?21:55
XirXesi dont know. but thats probably constrained to that environment21:55
XirXesand we dont have that key either lol21:56
F22no doubt21:56
F22ah...but DPAD_CENTER is defined...21:56
F22it's easy to map to your control key.21:56
XirXesoh im sure21:56
F22i need to download better terminal and see how it works with control as dpad_center.  haven't tried it yet.21:57
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XirXesiv gotta go. ttyl21:57
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F22later. take care.21:58
coolbtkF22, in ConnectBot, the scrollwheel click is CTRL. I don't think that maps to anything in xdandroid though.22:00
F22if it mapped to anything, i'd think it would be dpad center. think about it...22:01
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F22dpad is used as a mouse basically22:02
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coolbtkhmm... the latest rootfs and/or zimage are not being very good to me...22:04
coolbtkI've had several random reboots since I upgraded them earlier. I've only ever had a handful of random reboots before.22:05
TandymanThat's no good :P22:06
coolbtkanyway, F22, ConnectBot is really good if you've not used it. The CTRL key is supposed to be scrollwheel click, but if you tap the screen, it pops up a few soft keys, one of which is CTRL22:06
coolbtkthat was one of the things i was going to try to remap. I figure having a scrollwheel click is probably a good key to have anyway22:07
F22amusingly enough, tapping the screen is currently defined as dpad center.22:08
F22within xdandroid that is, not sure how it is in native android.22:09
coolbtkhuh... interesting...22:09
F22secure shell client, interesting...22:10
coolbtkyeah. It also will connect to local.22:11
coolbtkI sue it to SSH into my desktop mostly, but occasionally for poking around the local22:11
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coolbtkI assume I want to edit the .kl file and it compiles to the .bin during boot?22:23
F22.kl is used as is.22:29
F22it's the .kcm that gets compiled to .kcm.bin22:29
coolbtkoh. ok. And I'm a bit confused as to which .kl files are the correct ones to edit...22:29
F22whichever ones correspond to your handset22:30
coolbtkmy startup.txt says physkeyboard=fuze22:30
F22ok, then yours are the fuze ones.22:30
coolbtkright. i figure that fuze_microp-keypad.kl is the keyboard22:30
F22if you want to see their exact names you can open up the init file and take a look at what it's assigning based on that command line parameter.22:31
coolbtkis fuze_raph_navi_pad.kl the correct file for the capacative buttons?22:31
coolbtkor, nav buttons, i mean...22:31
F22look up google's online android keymap document. it will explain.22:32
coolbtkah. alright. thanks22:32
arrrghhhalrighty got some logs finally from the crash.  just gotta prune 'em.22:35
arrrghhhoh and F22 to make it even more complicated, some rhods have a home symbol on the end key.  certain rhod100's.22:37
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JesusFreak316Let's try this one more time, maybe we'll both be here. :P Hey Tandyman.22:43
* Tandyman tips hat22:43
TandymanHow do22:43
*** Tandyman is now known as Tandyman10022:43
* Tandyman100 taps JesusFreak316 on the shoulder22:46
Tandyman100Why are we doing this?22:47
* JesusFreak316 is not happy though because he had to come home from a bonfire to do school.22:47
JesusFreak316I didn't mean to do it twice.22:47
Tandyman100Same. Except home from yout group22:47
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JesusFreak316I didn't mean to do it twice.22:48
JesusFreak316Ok, enough OT.22:48
Tandyman100So what's up?22:48
JesusFreak316As far as my phone goes, not much, missing my HD2 and counting the days 'til Christmas.22:48
Tandyman100I can't believe you got rid of an HD2 :(22:49
Tandyman100I would kill for an HD2 right now22:49
JesusFreak316Nah, I still have it but put it away 'til Christmas.22:49
arrrghhhstinebd, signal 7 (SIGBUS), fault addr 00000000 - does this mean JIT is still enabled?22:49
JesusFreak316Is JIT enabled a bad thing?22:50
arrrghhhevidently for tracing his error it is.22:56
arrrghhhstine made it sound like it obstrufcates the error.22:56
JesusFreak316Ooh, good word.22:56
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