Friday, 2010-11-12

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ChilionAny expectation when the  next release will come?06:23
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ftvmhello ...06:58
ftvmhello, Is there a linux developer??06:59
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F22connection problems?09:34
F22i guess that's a yes. :P09:35
arrrghhhmy laptop at home.09:35
arrrghhhis dumb09:35
F22it's running windows?09:35
arrrghhhit runs both09:36
arrrghhhin linux it doesn't sleep so well for some reason.09:36
F22ah, dual boot09:36
arrrghhhi have it set to sleep when the lid is closed.  works every time in win7.  fails 2/5 times in ubuntu.09:36
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arrrghhhahhhh.  gf shut it down :D09:36
arrrghhhi usually just close the lid and forget about it.09:37
F22girlfriends are bad for sleep... ;)09:37
arrrghhhbut i have to watch it when i'm in ubuntu :P  i was a little late this morning.09:37
arrrghhhyes indeed haha.09:37
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arrrghhhwhat's funny is the laptop has issues booting in win7, and sleeping with linux.09:45
F22your laptop clearly has a preference...09:47
F22i don't blame it either. :P09:47
arrrghhhlol so do i09:48
arrrghhhunfortunately for work i must use win7.09:48
arrrghhhwell win-something at least.09:48
F22well win7 is better than Vista at least.09:50
arrrghhhi skipped vista entirely, what a waste.09:50
arrrghhhso did you make any progress with mr. ungrateful?09:50
F22Win7 has its good points, and if i sad here for a few hours i could probably think of a few. :P09:50
F22eee_'s wifi problem?09:51
F22he seemed rather grateful afterward.09:51
arrrghhhlol that's good09:52
arrrghhhdidja fix it?09:52
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F22the wifi-nvram.txt i gave him fixed it.09:52
arrrghhhthat's awesome!  still doesn't answer why init didn't create a valid one lol09:52
F22i put up a post about it in the thread on xda.09:53
arrrghhhthat's cool.09:53
arrrghhhat least the poor 210 users that don't have data cxns can have some wifi love.09:53
F22pitflyer still has the problem, i asked him to post his init and to tell us a bit about his install.09:53
arrrghhheven after putting the wifi-nvram file in manually?  hm09:54
F22no..haven't given pitflyer a wifi-nvram of his own.09:54
F22i'm holding off on that.09:54
F22i'm not interested in giving everyone their own nvram unless there is no other choice.09:55
F22first i want to see his init.09:55
arrrghhhi forget you have to create them for the rubes.09:55
F22yup, need to add in their mac addresses.09:56
F22probably a bad init floating around...09:56
F22if so, grabbing a new rootfs and then blowing away your old wifi-nvram is probably the easiest solution.09:57
F22er, grabbing a new rootfs and blowing away your old data.img is the easiest.09:57
arrrghhhwe've tried that tho dude09:58
arrrghhhwe've tried completely clean builds with these guys.09:58
arrrghhhunless they're just lying to me :P09:58
F22hmm...what rootfs are they using on their clean builds?09:58
F22that bad init (if that's what it is) must be attached to something they're downloading.09:59
arrrghhhi swear i've had them blow out rootfs, modules&zimage and replace all with the newest before booting.10:00
arrrghhhbut who knows if they did it all correctly.10:00
arrrghhhthey may have not deleted or renamed the rootfs and were running on an old one...10:00
F22yup, some users get confused, then fib rather then admit they have no clue.10:01
arrrghhhi'm in IT, i know the drill.10:02
F22there were 3 wifi-related lines in eee_'s init that were in a different order than they were in mine.10:02
arrrghhhwhy do you think i'm such an asshole lol.  i test people to see if they know what they're talking about.10:02
F22if pitflyer's init has the same issue, then i'll give him my init to swap with his.10:03
F22then have him blow away wifi-nvram and see if that works.10:04
ftvmhello all ...10:04
arrrghhhi wonder who can help with this10:04
arrrghhhstinebd, haven't seen you chime in at all with the wifi fun :P10:05
ftvmIs there a linux developer??10:05
ftvmplease ...10:05
arrrghhhoy ve10:05
arrrghhhwhat do you need now...10:05
F22i believe his problem is diamond sound...10:06
F22neither is an area i know much about.10:06
ftvmi found the problem for the sound stutter ...10:06
F22you found it?10:06
arrrghhhyou found the problem eh?10:06
ftvmyou have reason ...  setting battery is cause of problem10:07
arrrghhhdo you mean the dmesg spam is the reason...?10:07
ftvmi have kill process 28 and  sound no stutering  no10:07
arrrghhhwhat processes...?10:08
ftvmlook please10:08
F2228 is just a process id, what was the name of the process?10:08
arrrghhhoh i thought he said he killed 28 processes lmao.10:08
ftvmkill -9 2810:08
arrrghhhah yes10:08
arrrghhhthat's the PID10:08
arrrghhhwhat process is that?10:08
ftvmthis abort  this problem10:09
arrrghhhi hope you didn't just randomly killed it10:09
ftvmW/BatteryStatsImpl( 1255): Couldn't get kernel wake lock stats10:09
ftvmE/Tethering( 1255): attempting to remove unknown iface (usb0), ignoring10:09
ftvmwhat ???10:09
F22you killed 28, not 1255.10:09
arrrghhhthat's for usb tethering.10:09
F22what made you decide to kill 28?10:10
arrrghhhit said it ignored it too lol10:10
ftvm28 is battery ... process10:10
arrrghhhi must boot android too see wth he's talking about.10:10
ftvmbut ...  the power consommation was change10:10
arrrghhhlol i bet it did10:11
ftvmi add line command in the section appropriate10:11
ftvmkill -9 28   lol10:11
ftvmsound work fine ...   grrrrrrrrrrrrr  lol10:11
arrrghhhsound isn't that important, is it?10:11
F22camro's battery code has a reputation for being ugly....i wouldn't be surprised if there were some "side-effects"...10:11
arrrghhhhe would code furiously tho lol10:12
arrrghhhpoor guy mucked with his battery too much tho...10:12
F22fried his own phone... :(10:13
ftvmbut it'll be better to arrange the Kernet accordingly!10:13
arrrghhhKernet the Frog here...10:13
ftvmkernel  lol10:16
arrrghhhsorry couldn't help it, that was the first thing i thought of when i read that lol10:17
arrrghhhso ftvm did you just kill a process you found that had the word battery in it basically?10:20
ftvmif process 28 is execute ...  this sound is poor ..10:21
ftvmi know, is stupid !!! :(10:21
F22did you look at your process in adb? or in the terminal emulator?10:22
arrrghhhoh i see the process10:22
arrrghhhweird lookin process.  not that i know what a normal one should look like, but that looks weird lol10:23
ftvmwith adb shell10:23
ftvmbut I'm scared for battery consumption, I did not test!10:25
arrrghhhwell it's not like android is being used full-time...10:26
ftvmah ok10:27
F22hmm...all the processes listed in that format are lower numbers, stuff that gets started right after boot.10:27
F22aside from itself10:28
ftvmtest with  last kernel 11/11 and las rootfs etc ...10:29
F22does this issue only effect the diamond?10:30
arrrghhhseems to F22 .10:31
ftvmi' don't know ...10:31
arrrghhhi don't know why tho, cuz all our phones have the same crappy processor.10:31
F22pity there aren't many active diamond developers left.10:31
arrrghhheh that device was always a POS :P10:32
arrrghhhwho wants a touchpro without a keyboard?  lol10:32
ftvmit can not depend firmware too?10:32
arrrghhhfirmware of what?10:33
arrrghhhyou're radio!?!10:33
arrrghhhor do you mean your WinMo ROM...?10:33
arrrghhhsorry your :P10:33
arrrghhhyou are radio haha10:33
ftvmyes  rom  winmo ...10:34
ftvmi'don't  know ...10:34
arrrghhhyes, you don't ;)10:34
arrrghhhbut neither do we..  the battery code definitely seems suspect.10:35
arrrghhhfixing it is a whole 'nother beast.10:35
arrrghhhweird that no other DIAM users seem to have the issue tho10:35
arrrghhhat least hamagc didn't.10:35
F22he has a DIAM?10:35
arrrghhhyea, he's got a plethora of old crappy phones.10:35
arrrghhhand now he's got a newer crappy phone :P10:36
F22his moment...10:37
arrrghhhwhich he says xdandroid runs better on his old 528mhz phones than his new OEM 800mhz phone.10:40
arrrghhhi guess sammy oc'd the crap out of that proc to get it at 800 mhz tho lol10:40
F22same gen cpu as the old phones. 2.2 was a significant speed increase for those phones that got it. So the inability to run 2.2 probably countered the extra clock cycles.10:42
F22we're better off putting 2.2 on our overclocked older cpu's. :D10:43
F22they're not really that much older, at least the designs aren't.10:43
F22someone should give camro a phone so he can continue to troubleshoot his battery code. :P10:45
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arrrghhhyea i've said that before.10:48
arrrghhhi'm hoping we can get him a donor.10:48
ftvmso now what ???  lol10:49
arrrghhhftvm: learn c?10:49
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F22ftvm: which kernel did you say was the last good one?10:53
arrrghhh10.5 right?10:53
arrrghhhit was right before the first huge battery commit10:53
ftvm10.5   the first ...10:53
ftvmnot second10:53
ftvmtwo kernel ... the 10/510:54
ftvmthe 10/05  00h5810:54
F22only see one kernel commit for 10/5, ACL's commit of Camro & VirusCrazy's battery code.10:55
F22two commits for 10/4.10:55
F22ah, i see glemsom released 2 on the 5th.11:00
F22none on the 4th11:00
F22the autobuild must have been down11:01
ftvmall kernel tested before ...    working with sound11:03
F22so why doesn't hamagic also have the issue? what could explain that?11:03
ftvmall ... to 09/17 ...11:04
ftvmhmmmmmmm ... hamagc work with diam 50011:05
ftvmbut, difference is juste  cdma phone ... lol11:05
F22which is the cdma? his? the 500?11:06
arrrghhhi believe the only diff is the radio.11:06
arrrghhhi don't think it was crippled like the raph500 vs all other raph's.11:06
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XirXesif the diam 500 is the verizon branded one its the one that got ram nerfed11:13
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arrrghhhXirXes: i thought that was just the raph...?11:13
XirXesi just checked pdadb and the 500 actually has more ram thatn the others11:15
XirXesits the sprint one with 288 mb ram11:15
arrrghhhwell that kinda changes things.11:16
arrrghhhdamnit.  phh do you still have a DIAM?  I can't remember what you have anymore.11:16
XirXesplus it has an msm 7501a.11:17
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XirXesall the rest of the diam have 192 mb ram11:18
arrrghhhdifferent proc too?11:19
XirXesits cause its cdma. the rhod 500 has a msm760011:19
arrrghhhbut the raph500 was crippled in the RAM area11:20
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arrrghhhwhile the raph800 got plenty.11:20
XirXesthey put it down at 192. im assuming to not make it better than the diamond11:21
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arrrghhhah well there may be something to ftvm's issues, but who knows.11:21
arrrghhhJesusFreak316: wtf man.11:21
XirXesi think its funny that sprint went the other direction with that call and increased the diamonds ram.11:23
arrrghhhsprint seems to have pretty strict testing tho.11:23
XirXesand all that time t-mobile was rocking the wing11:24
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ftvma flash the rom might be useful for mine11:25
XirXesbut it likely wouldnt be wise11:25
XirXesplus xdandroid isnt at that stage yet11:25
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arrrghhhputtin the cart before the horse eh ftvm ?11:40
arrrghhhandroid isn't so ready for full-time usage on our phones.11:41
arrrghhhi mean your sound isn't even stable lol i wouldn't want to flash that.11:41
ftvmok yes11:42
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ftvmno arrrghhh, i speak of ecorom ...or rom light ...11:50
ftvmgood idea or no ???11:56
arrrghhhi don't know11:57
XirXeswhats the terminal command for making it drescribe a file12:13
XirXesi dont remember what it was but when used it would list things about the file12:15
arrrghhhls -l?12:15
arrrghhhls is like dir12:15
arrrghhhand you can pass many other switches to it12:15
arrrghhhls -lah for example.12:15
arrrghhhlist things about it... that would be my best guess.12:15
arrrghhhcat would list what's inside the file ;)12:15
XirXesalright ty12:16
arrrghhhis that what you wanted...?12:16
XirXesno... ah well. im just experimenting with a desire z rom and I wanted to find out what file system system.img was using out of the desire z's eu ruu12:19
arrrghhhno clue12:19
arrrghhhwe build in ext2.12:19
XirXesim hoping its not in broken old squashfs my debian virtual machine blows12:20
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XirXessweet. htc does aswell12:23
xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, Christian Blackburn, who says: Please try and get the camera working on my HTC Fuze.12:23
arrrghhhwe'll get right on that Mr. Blackburn.12:24
XirXesthis system.img is 558 mb omg12:25
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XirXesim just gunna try deodexing it and wedging it into an xdandroid system.img12:28
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arrrghhhhave fun12:36
XirXeseven if it doesnt work. (which is likely) ill still be learning how to do things ill like to do when I get an android phone12:38
XirXesoh no I have to use windows for deodexing12:42
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cyphericehi all12:50
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Aksanyone looking forward to nexus S12:53
Akssamsung have not yet confirmed it ... but htere is news abt it12:56
arrrghhhdon't care about sammy.12:57
XirXesit doesnt look bad. but i would much rather get the g212:57
Aksg2 is only avlabl on tM12:58
Aksfor $30 extra each mo12:58
Aksfor data12:58
XirXesthe nexus s is rumered to have aws 3g12:58
XirXesas in t-mobile12:58
XirXesand i already pay that on my tp212:59
Akswell .. at least they are coming out with a $10 data plan13:00
XirXesyeah. ive never gotten close to 5 gigs13:00
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cyphericehey, should i overclock or not my blackstone with the latest xdandroid version?13:01
arrrghhhyour call13:01
arrrghhhtry both, see which you prefer.13:01
cyphericejust changing this line in the startup.txt right? acpuclock.oc_freq_khz=71000013:02
cyphericethere it's overclocked to 710mhz... right?13:02
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XirXesnot exactly. 1 mhz = 1024 khz13:03
XirXesbut yeah, thats the line for oc13:03
arrrghhhand i think the increments have to be pretty rigid13:03
cyphericeso what's the standard value? 52800013:03
arrrghhhlike 19.2mhz increments?13:03
arrrghhhcypherice: standard is nothing.13:03
arrrghhhno setting in the startup is 'standard'13:03
arrrghhhbut our clock speed is 528mhz yes.13:04
XirXes540672 is the default clock13:04
arrrghhhlol there you go13:05
arrrghhh716800 is 700mhz13:05
arrrghhh786432 is the highest reported "stable" value on the RHOD.  768mhz basically.13:05
cyphericenice, now i got the default value13:05
arrrghhh700 seems good to me.13:05
cyphericebut i have blackstone13:05
arrrghhhcypherice: it's in the faq13:06
arrrghhhit's the same proc, is it not?13:06
arrrghhhwe don't all have the exact same device as you...13:06
cyphericeyeah, i know13:06
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Tandyman100Did you guys listen to the PPCGP?13:11
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XirXeshm. the desire z has the same wifi chipset as the tp213:22
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XirXesif only there was an spl mode for being a card reader. I would never need winmo again13:34
F22cool, shame we didn't have the source code for that a few months earlier then. :P13:35
XirXesim gunna try and boot with what is essentially a desire z system.img with the stuff unique to xdandroid droped in.13:37
F22btw, on a linux/unix system, the file command will you what kind of file something is. file * would give you info on all the files in the directory. Problem is it doesn't seem to be rpesent in android.13:38
F22will you=will tell you13:38
XirXesI thought there was something like that13:38
XirXesthis system.img is 558 mb13:40
XirXesdo you think I'll need to inflate the data.img to make this work?13:41
arrrghhhshouldn't matter... lol keyword being shouldn't.13:42
XirXesi didnt think so13:42
Unholyxirxes make shure you change the bootclasspath, to even have a chance of that working13:44
XirXeshow would I do that?13:44
* XirXes googles13:45
Unholymount the rootfs.img look for the froyo init.rc13:45
Unholyand change it13:45
Unholyyou also need the desire z bootclass path13:45
xdandroidNew XDAndroid Releases bug 56 filed...13:56
xdandroidBug minor, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, Operator H3G not shown in available network nor in the clock window13:56
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CypherIcehow do i install the 2.2.1 FRX02? when i unzip it to the andboot directory it onlys extracts one file...14:05
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CypherIcedo i install the Froyo 2.2 CAB and then unzip the FRX02 system file to the andboot directory?14:09
* JesusFreak316 put his HD2 up 'til Christmas. :(14:10
XirXesWhy jesus?!14:10
JesusFreak316I'm no good at deception. :)14:11
F22Cypherice: FRX02 is just the latest system.ext2, not the complete package.14:11
JesusFreak316Plus I wouldn't be able to let anyone see me use it for a month and a half. Yeah right.14:11
XirXesyeah... i wouldnt be able to either14:12
CypherIceF22 so i install the froyo first and then replace the system.ext2 file?14:12
JesusFreak316F22, what he said is still valid though...14:12
XirXesCypherIce, yes14:12
JesusFreak316Cypherice: Yes,14:12
JesusFreak316Double ninja'd. :(14:12
XirXesand dont use the startup util. ever.14:13
JesusFreak316Oh look my startup.txt is 0 bytes, AGAIN!14:13
F22there do seem to be a lot of complaints about the startup util of late.14:13
CypherIce<XirXes> and dont use the startup util. ever. <---- me?14:14
XirXesits not actually its fault. well kinda. startup.txt doesnt get wiped till fdsk finds it during boot14:14
XirXesCypherIce, yes14:14
XirXesthe tool has problems14:15
CypherIcei use directly the haret.exe, right?14:15
JesusFreak316Or gen-y dual boot is pretty convenient.14:15
F22you've looked at it more closely XirX? why is it getting wiped when fdisk finds it?14:15
JesusFreak316Does that detect andboot builds without registry editing though?14:16
XirXesi dont know. I just saw it in the dmesg after using the util14:16
XirXesi just quit using the tool as opposed to investigating14:16
XirXesno. you have to reg edit14:17
JesusFreak316Well, then that's no option I guess. :)14:17
F22i've never used the startup utility at all. when i first tried out android it didn't exist, and now that i'm back, blazn is way out of date so i didn't bother with it. besides, i prefer to build my own stuff. :D14:17
ftvmses you later ... soon14:18
XirXesi modified the gen y cab to install with that reg edit so I could use it in xdauc14:18
arrrghhhquit using the tool was my solution too14:19
JesusFreak316So, what were you trying to tell me earlier arrrghhh? It was annoying how much I was disconnecting?14:20
F22the startup util thread should probably be stickied.14:20
JesusFreak316Flaky school Wifi is flaky.14:20
F22startup should also probably be taken out of the general xdandroid thread too.14:20
arrrghhhyea dude.  the room was full of jesusfreaks.14:20
arrrghhhand they weren't saying anything.14:20
JesusFreak316Multiples of me?14:21
F22yep, it was downright freaky! :P14:21
arrrghhhno you just kept disconnecting and reconnecting :P14:21
JesusFreak316Oh, boo.14:21
arrrghhhF22: reef'll never do it lol it's his baby.  just like the cab installer.14:21
F22blazn is his neglected baby and the startup util i thought was sov's baby.14:22
arrrghhhyea it is sov's baby14:22
arrrghhhbut reef packages & distributes it for him basically.14:22
arrrghhhlol blazn is neglected.14:22
arrrghhhi keep missing him online, i'm trying to pickup where he left off on blazn.14:22
XirXesreef said yesterday in here hes gunna update blazin soon14:23
JesusFreak316An arrrghhh build? Scary.14:23
arrrghhhdid he?  nice.14:23
arrrghhhyea i'm not going to take blazn away from sir reef14:23
arrrghhhi just wanted to give him a hand packaging it14:23
arrrghhhso when aosp updates we can update blazn too D:14:23
arrrghhher :D14:24
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XirXesstinebd, thats what you chose to make your return with huh?14:29
stinebdi haven't returned14:29
arrrghhhomg stine, i'm sooooooo excited...14:30
F22stinebd: i'd like to send you a small patch for xdandroid-eclair's froyo branch at some point. do i send to as per the instructions on the web site? or is there a better method?14:35
CypherIcecreating the andboot folder is optional when i have the froyo 2.2 installed to the root of the sd card, right? i may just replace the system.ext2 in the root directory?14:37
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hamagcso you got metro working?14:39
Djcloudworks good14:39
Djcloudbut now im having problems with the xdandroid14:39
hamagcyou should post the instructions for others that want to get it to work14:39
Djcloudit keeps shutting off my phone service14:40
hamagcmaybe arrrghhh can put it on a wiki ;)14:40
Djcloudi could if you want14:40
hamagckeeps shutting off phone svc?14:40
hamagclike the radio keeps crashing?14:40
Djcloudlike it goes directly to airplane mode14:40
arrrghhhforce cdma14:40
JesusFreak316Cypherice: Yes, andboot just keeps it organized.14:40
Djcloudhow do i do that arrrgh14:40
hamagcdo you have force_cdma=1 in your startup.txt?14:40
Djcloudlet me check14:41
arrrghhhyou freakin READ14:41
Djcloudits there14:41
arrrghhhis it there more than once?14:41
arrrghhhor in some other incarnation?14:41
Djcloudofc i read, i see what ur saying haha14:41
Djcloudi see it twice14:42
Djcloudset cmdline "lcd.density=240 msmts_calib=0x9f.0x39a.0x35c.0x78 msmvkeyb_toggle=off pmem.extra=1 gsensor_axis=2,1,3 force_cdma=1 physkeyboard=rhod400"14:42
arrrghhhyou see it twice?14:42
arrrghhhi see it once.14:42
Djcloudit says all that14:42
arrrghhhdo you have a SIM?14:42
Djcloudthen on another line it says14:43
Djcloudyes i do14:43
stinebdF22: via email is fine14:43
arrrghhhwhy would you have that14:43
arrrghhhcan't use the sim.14:43
hamagc2 cmdlines?14:43
arrrghhhhamagc: he probably just put it in himself.14:43
arrrghhhoutside of the cmdline.14:43
arrrghhhi've seen that soooo many times.14:43
Djcloudthis phone has a sim in it, a sprint sim, but on metropcs14:43
arrrghhhsprint doesn't use SIMs.14:43
Djcloudshould i take it off?14:43
arrrghhhunless for roaming etc14:43
hamagcsprint has no sims14:43
Djcloudthen it must be a blank sim card14:43
arrrghhhCDMA don't use SIM14:43
arrrghhhpull the card14:43
hamagcyour have tp2. they are world phones so they can accept a sim but sprint nor metro uses sims14:44
arrrghhhespecially if you're not using it.14:44
Djcloudok pull it?14:44
hamagcpull it14:44
arrrghhhlol no don't pull it.14:44
Djcloudshould i delete the double force_cdma=114:44
arrrghhhdelete the second one14:44
arrrghhhleave the one in the quotes.14:44
arrrghhhyou really need to learn how to use that search button.14:44
Djcloudi have14:44
F22stinebd: sounds good, thanks.14:45
arrrghhhok learn how to use that read button?14:45
Djcloudi have internet working on my phone dont i?14:45
arrrghhhi don't know.14:45
Djcloudi do14:45
arrrghhhwould you like a cookie?14:45
Djclouddepends, flavor?14:45
arrrghhhoh the cat ate it.14:45
stinebdF22: if you prefer, you can open a bug and attach it there14:45
hamagca good write up in getting data to work on metropcs would be good.14:46
stinebdpretty much accomplishes the same task14:46
arrrghhhso the 5 people that use metro will be covered lol14:46
hamagctheres 5 now?14:46
F22stinebd: it's not really a bug. it's an expansion of the symbol palette.14:46
hamagcoh including Djcloud14:46
stinebdF22: enhancements are bugs too :P14:46
Djcloudwell, i could use it to hussle in my area14:46
Djcloudcharge 20 bucks to people haha14:46
F22lol, ok14:46
Djcloudu guys free14:46
arrrghhhfuck you.14:47
hamagci don't think he liked that one lol14:47
Djcloudarrrghhh, special price, 5014:47
arrrghhhi hate you.14:47
arrrghhhno you look14:47
arrrghhhdon't you DARE charge people for information when you get it for free.14:47
Djcloudi pulled card, getting message, there is no sim card on your device, your device will now switch to force cdma mode14:48
arrrghhhespecially when developers are working hard to get everything functional, when tools like you profit from it personally.14:48
arrrghhhi don't even know if we should help you anymore.14:48
arrrghhhi'm nobody's bro14:48
Djcloudwas a joke14:48
hamagcya that pisses me off. i see people selling xdandroid setups on ebay and craigslist14:48
arrrghhhDjcloud: no body is laughin.14:48
hamagcthey have nothing to do with the development but they sell it. we develop it for free and they profit. wtf?14:49
arrrghhhhamagc: +1.  dude got banned the other day because he was so proud of it.14:49
Djcloudu guys can relax, it was a joke, even if u lol'ed in rl or not, i did and thats what matters lol14:49
arrrghhhyea.  pretty messed up, but morals in this world don't go very far.14:49
arrrghhhwow... so the world rotates around Djcloud.14:49
arrrghhhno wonder he can't search.  far too important for that.14:49
Djcloudill make a walk through tonight14:50
Djcloudand post it14:50
Djcloudim suprised how fast the net is on it14:51
F22stinebd: while working on overhauling the rhod's various keymaps, i took a look at the G1's keymap and discovered the symbol palette and mapped it to my SYM key.  Those keymaps will go in rootfs of course, but I figured I'd expand the palette to have all of the missing keys as well while i was at it.  I can add it to the raph too while i'm at it.14:51
arrrghhhyou da man14:52
Djcloudwould it be better to install the haret to the phone or sd card?14:52
CypherIcesd card14:52
* JesusFreak316 facepalms14:52
arrrghhhhas to go on SD14:52
JesusFreak316Sd card14:52
hamagcwell if you intall it to the phone you have to move over all the files with it14:52
hamagcif you autorun it you can't get back in winmo14:53
Djcloudi was just wondering if it would run faster on the phone, and using the sd card as phone memory14:53
CypherIceinstalling froyo 2.2 cab :D14:53
JesusFreak316Would it even work off of winmo?14:53
arrrghhhDjcloud: you're a funny guy.14:53
arrrghhhJesusFreak316: couldn't mount it.  unless it's a DIAM.14:53
Djcloudthanks arrrghhh14:53
arrrghhhin which case 'internal storage' is just an SD card soldered to the board.14:53
JesusFreak316Why would it work for DIAM?14:53
JesusFreak316It's still just a permanent sd.14:54
arrrghhhJesusFreak316: technical details.14:54
arrrghhhsorry, i didn't mean the DIAM was exempt :P14:54
Djcloudso is froyos the best rom right now?14:54
CypherIceis not a rom14:54
Djcloudor platform14:54
Djcloudi mean14:54
arrrghhhi really wish i could slap people with just an ip address.14:55
JesusFreak316It's not a rom persay but it's close enough.14:55
arrrghhhtcp SLAP14:55
arrrghhhblazn is my fave.14:55
arrrghhhbut it's a little outdated ATM14:55
Djcloudwell sorry if i dont know all the technical words for things, i only been doing this for like 24 hrs lol14:55
JesusFreak316I really want to try blazn, but it's so OLD.14:55
arrrghhhDjcloud: which is why you need to SEARCH and READ14:55
Djcloudblazn looks good14:55
arrrghhhbefore asking a question that's been asked 10,000x before.14:56
Djcloudand i have been bro14:56
arrrghhhit really shows too...14:56
Djcloudand  im tired of finding useless forums with useless answer of like pleas ehelp i followed ur guide and nothing works blah blah. when come to find out people just didnt follow walkthroughs14:57
arrrghhhreminds me of someone...14:57
arrrghhhoh crap, you're right there.14:57
JesusFreak316You're such a dick arrrghhh.14:57
Djcloudnow whos trolling?14:57
arrrghhhlmao i know.14:57
arrrghhhno trolling.14:57
arrrghhhjust bein honest.14:57
Djcloudu must play wow14:57
arrrghhhnever... not much of an RPG guy myself.14:58
JesusFreak316wow, lollerskates.14:58
Djcloudthanks ham, and arrrgh airplane mode off and services workin on droid14:58
arrrghhhwhich all of our helpful information is in the FAQ14:59
Djcloudi read the faq14:59
arrrghhhwell the SIM card and force cdma stuff is in there.14:59
hamagcso it's working now?14:59
Djclouddidnt say nothing about having force_cdma=1 twice14:59
Djcloudyes ham14:59
hamagci believe you owe someone a writeup14:59
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, HELLO14:59
Djcloudi will have it completed tonight for u ham14:59
arrrghhhwe can't assume everyone has it in there 2x.  the SIM card was the fix, not the double force cdma.14:59
arrrghhhit's just pointless to have in there.15:00
arrrghhhwhat's up TheDeadCPU15:00
CypherIceinstalled froyo 2.2, FRX02, 20101111_213418 kernel... almost booting it for the first time lolol15:00
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, ah nothing, correcting Pocketnow articles.15:01
arrrghhhsounds like fun.15:01
TheDeadCPUyou? arrrghhh15:01
hamagcDjcloud: once you have it, you should make a thread on xda (or use an exisiting one if there is one) and post it there for everyone. thats usually the first place people look15:01
arrrghhhi'm at work... not sure what i should be working on ATM.15:01
Djcloudok ham15:01
hamagclunch time!!15:01
arrrghhhtrying to pull some interface status report that's taking hours for some reason.  probably need to pack-up the rest of my crap too.15:02
hamagcso arrrghhh flashed a custom rom on the moment15:02
hamagcall this for apps2sd15:02
hamagcwhat a pita!15:02
Djcloudandroid isnt letting me call or use my internet15:02
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arrrghhhDjcloud: doesn't work yet.15:03
Djcloudso you have to use like wifi? and winmo for ur text and calls?15:03
arrrghhhyea, you didn't get the memo?15:04
hamagceverything should work on that side of things. this means your not quite setup yet15:04
Djcloudso i did something wrong?15:04
hamagcwell when you have it all setup, data and calls should work15:05
hamagcvia metro15:05
arrrghhhyou're no fun hamagc15:05
Djcloudwell everything works on the winmo side15:05
arrrghhhWinMo works eh?15:05
arrrghhhthat's interesting... pretty sure the phone was designed to run that OS.15:05
Djcloudwasnt talking about the os15:05
Djcloudwas talking about the celluar services15:06
arrrghhhwell you're talking about things within the os15:06
arrrghhhwhich are provided thru a layer of software.15:06
hamagcyou guys almost confuse me sometimes lol15:06
* arrrghhh stabs Djcloud in the eye15:06
Djcloudhey arrrghhh is ur glass half full or half empty?15:06
hamagceverything works on winmo as it should15:06
arrrghhhit's full.15:06
arrrghhhall the time.15:06
hamagcwinmo is a set os thats native15:06
hamagcandroid is a port15:06
hamagcwhich means if it doesn't work, someone has to find out how to make it work15:07
arrrghhhoh hammy.15:07
hamagcregarding metro, thats where you come in Djcloud. none of the devs have metro so they can't figure it out15:07
hamagcso your pretty much on your own for this15:07
hamagcwe can help you as far as we can but beyond that, your all alone15:07
Djcloudfor getting the services to work on the android side with metro?15:07
arrrghhhwell if you did some leg work on your own, you'd get more help.15:08
Djcloudlol u remind me of my son haha15:08
arrrghhhi may be a dick, but i'm an extra-special dick to those who don't want to help themselves.15:08
hamagcthe forums are really going to have all the info on getting metro setup. if it's not there, then odds are no one has figured it out15:08
Unholywhen you say metro, do you mean the winp7 ui?15:08
arrrghhhyou procreated!?  oh shit.15:08
hamagcUnholy: no - metropcs - mvno carrier15:08
arrrghhhsome crappy cricket-like carrier15:09
Unholyah ok15:09
hamagcya, they are a low brand carrier running off of everyone else. the last year or 2 they blew up locally out here15:09
Djcloudmy crappy carrier has 4g atleast15:09
hamagclike 15 stores all of a sudden15:09
hamagcDjcloud: not everywhere, only where sprint has 4g15:09
hamagcthey run on the sprint network15:09
hamagcok i need to eat15:10
hamagci'll be back15:10
Djcloudactually ham, they have 4g right now here in detroit, but sprint wont have it out here till late december15:10
hamagccan't have one without the other. metro does'nt have their own towers15:10
Djcloudmaybe sprint just waiting to release it then15:10
hamagccould be15:11
F22MetroPCS leases space from Sprint.15:11
hamagcbe back15:11
F22They have their own equipment apparently15:11
arrrghhhyea they do have their own crap for LTE15:11
arrrghhhcuz their 4g stuff is LTE evidently.15:11
Djcloudlike there 4g phone is the samsung craft15:11
F22so they colocate with Sprint, yup.15:12
arrrghhhthey used to be 100% sprint tho.15:12
arrrghhhseems they've only recently rolled their own network with LTE.15:12
F22nice of sprint to rent them the space.15:12
Djcloudprolly cause they are making decent money15:12
arrrghhhlol anybody who'll pay15:13
F22lol, yup.15:13
Djcloudwell paying 50 a month for unlimted everything is definitely cheaper then 80-100 that some carriers offer15:14
arrrghhhlet's not talk about plans.15:14
Djcloudso who wouldnt change that need to save a buck15:14
arrrghhhcuz i don't want to pipe all my network traffic thru a proxy?15:14
F22i think metro is like #5 or #6 in the US size-wise.  Not one of the big 4, but at the top of the pile of the rest.15:14
arrrghhh#5 according to wiki.  7.6 million subscribers.15:15
Djcloudwell they are good in my book, as long as i get the services i ask for15:15
F22i can't imagine going back to a world without google and wiki... :P15:15
arrrghhhamazing tools.15:16
Djcloudright f2215:16
Djcloudalright i gotta log but ill be on later15:16
Djcloudlater arrrghhh15:17
arrrghhhwe'll miss your insightful questions.15:17
Djcloudit warms my heart to see the love pour from your heart!15:17
Djcloudlater guys15:17
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arrrghhhi can't believe that guy procreated.  we're all screwed, harvey danger was right - only stupid people are breeding.15:18
F22BTW, T-mobile's new commercials advertising their shrunken version of the Desire HD  have gotten rather feisty of late. (Pity they didn't keep it the way it was.) I'm kind of used to Verizon abusing AT&T, but now T-Mo is getting into it too... :P15:20
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TheDeadCPUMy weakness is shiny things.15:21
arrrghhhall norwegians have this problem.15:22
arrrghhhomg i have too much pizza.  how is this possible.15:24
F22no such thing15:24
F22it's impossible to have too much pizza15:24
arrrghhhthe company ordered like 11 large pizzas15:24
arrrghhhand there's still like 4 left lol15:24
arrrghhhlike totally.15:24
F22email me one! :P15:25
arrrghhhcrap, i think our document scanner is now jammed with cheese.15:25
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, and you wanted me to order you pizza the other day15:29
arrrghhhyes.  i was poor & dying.15:29
F22he can take them home now and live off them for the next few days... ;)15:30
arrrghhhyea i'm still poor.  just not dying.15:30
F22i can just see him sneaking 4 pizza's home.15:30
arrrghhhF22: is that you over in accounting?15:33
arrrghhhi would lmao if i ran into someone on IRC that worked at the same company i do.15:34
F22*waggles his eyebrows*15:36
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arrrghhhno nom nom at work.15:38
hamagcdamn my nom nom wasn't really all that good15:41
hamagcwas much better as a meal rather than leftovers15:41
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arrrghhhlol the music was good.15:58
TheDeadCPUdid you get to see it? I though you were at work16:00
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arrrghhhi am.16:18
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CypherIcemy fresh installed xdandroid with all the latest updates is allways going to "sleep" mode16:23
arrrghhhit does that after a period of inactivity16:24
arrrghhhit's real short if you are on the unlock screen too.16:24
CypherIcei think so...16:25
CypherIcevery short indeed16:25
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arrrghhhwell if you're using the phone it shouldn't go to sleep lol16:25
CypherIcebut it's really nice and quite fast16:26
CypherIcecan i use my gmail account as a google account?16:31
arrrghhhuhm... yes.16:33
arrrghhhgmail accounts are google accounts.16:34
CypherIcelol dummest question ever lol16:35
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CypherIcehow do u close aplication? i just click the blackstone button "back"16:36
JesusFreak316It's not like winmo; you don't need to close apps.16:37
JesusFreak316However, if one glitches and you need to kill it download a task manager. I personally like itching thumg.16:38
CypherIcewhere can i find those cool apps for the xdandroid?16:39
JesusFreak316Should always be your first place.16:39
arrrghhhyea we mostly have full market access.16:39
JesusFreak316Or do you mean discovering cool apps? I found out about itching thumb on xda.16:40
JesusFreak316You ever try out itching thumb arrrghhh?16:40
CypherIceto go there i need to have internet access... is the active sync working to use my PC internet?16:40
arrrghhhnever tried it.16:40
arrrghhhnever heard of it either :P16:40
arrrghhhyou've talked about it before.16:41
arrrghhhCypherIce: do what?16:41
arrrghhhwifi or 3g16:41
arrrghhhcell radio data16:41
JesusFreak316Haven't tried it but this sounds useful.
JesusFreak316Never heard of it but I've talked about it before?16:41
arrrghhhother than you.16:41
arrrghhhi don't know if you count tho :P16:42
JesusFreak316Ah, it was on the xda newsfeed a while back. I love it, especially on the hd2.16:42
XirXesif you don't want to install a task manager when something needs to be killed you can just go into settings/applications and kill it there16:42
arrrghhhi don't really need a task manager in android16:42
arrrghhhhaven't needed one at least.16:42
JesusFreak316Yeah, but itching thumb is an awesome task switcher too.16:43
arrrghhhapps that misbehave seem to get that force close button anyways :P16:43
* JesusFreak316 hugs itching thumb.16:43
arrrghhhlol seriously16:43
arrrghhhyou really do love it eh16:43
arrrghhhi guess i should give it a shot.16:43
arrrghhhi just use that recent apps list to switch tasks.16:43
arrrghhhor just go click the app lol.16:43
arrrghhheverything is so much easier in android, i'm used to jumping thru hoops for winmo.16:44
CypherIcearrrghhh in WinMo i just insert my usb cable in the blackstone and connect with activesync, and i use the internet in the pda from the laptop16:44
arrrghhhCypherIce: stick to winmo if you need that functionality.16:45
arrrghhhremember, this is just for fun/testing.  it's NOT meant to replace winmo.,16:45
JesusFreak316Like I linked earlier, google "use laptop as wifi router"16:45
CypherIceJesusFreak316 and i can get in the PDA internet with the wi-fi functionality?16:46
JesusFreak316You should be able to.16:46
CypherIcearrrghhh i just need it to go to the market place lol16:46
CypherIce3g = no money in the operator card16:46
CypherIcewifi = not available at the moment LoLoL16:46
arrrghhhdeal with it?16:47
arrrghhhjeez man.16:47
arrrghhhJesusFreak316: i'm assuming that just sets up an ad-hoc network?16:48
JesusFreak316Sure. Like I said, never tried it.16:49
JesusFreak316Just googled it.16:49
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arrrghhhthat's just ICS.  LOL16:50
JesusFreak316Guess so. Is that a problem/16:51
CypherIcei'm delighted with this... :D:D16:51
arrrghhhjust funny.16:53
arrrghhhHILARIOUS in fact.16:53
hamagclol droid explorer finally made it on the news page of xda16:54
JesusFreak316I saw that.16:54
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CypherIceturning laptop into a wifi spot easy as hell lolol16:58
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arrrghhhpackin up guys17:33
arrrghhhcya later17:33
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xdandroidNew XDAndroid Releases bug 57 filed...17:54
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, wifi tethering does not work17:54
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hamagcwifi tethering doesn't work?!?17:59
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cyphericecan't turn wifi on... is always showing "error"18:15
JesusFreak316:/ Some people have been reporting that bug lately.18:16
JesusFreak316I got it once.18:16
cyphericefinally i got the connectify running and transforming my normal laptop into a wifi hotspot and i have that bug now lolol18:16
JesusFreak316Just try restarting Android.18:17
cyphericenow it worked but it can find any network and it shuts down18:19
JesusFreak316Can you connect in Winmo? Sorry to make you restart again?18:19
cyphericei'm restarting android, let's see now18:19
cyphericegoing to try it now in winmo18:20
cyphericei don't have any dualboot app, i just use haret18:20
JesusFreak316Everything's at the root of your sd right?18:21
JesusFreak316Try GenY dualboot then.18:22
cyphericein WinMo it's working the Connectify (windows 7 application to use laptop as a HotSpot)18:23
cyphericei'm getting the wifi signal and connected to internet18:24
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JesusFreak316Ok, then try android again.18:25
cyphericeok.. just one thing... i install that Geny in the Winmo right?18:26
JesusFreak316Yes.18:27 is for winmo .apk is for android.18:27
cyphericenice, i will install that now18:29
cyphericebut i thought the PDA needed to boot first the WINMO so that all the hardware works fine and just then launch android18:30
JesusFreak316It does.18:30
JesusFreak316It starts the app early in the winmo boot process and asks you which one. If you choose winmo it continues booting but if you choose android it starts haret right there.18:30
cyphericehmm nice18:31
cyphericeblackstone is WVGA? lolol i'm getting stupid every hour18:33
JesusFreak316Yeah. VGA is 640x480 WVGA is 800x48018:34
cyphericeand WQVGA is what?18:34
XirXes400x240 i believe18:36
JesusFreak316Sounds right. Should be 1/4 of WVGA18:37
cyphericewell lets try that geny dualboot18:38
cyphericehmm its working... not that bad :)18:40
JesusFreak316What's working? Wifi or dualboot? Hopefully both. :)18:40
cyphericedualboot lol it's still booting android18:40
cyphericei didn't needed to change anything in the registry...18:41
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cyphericeyeahhhh wifi working :D18:42
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cyphericeJesusFreak316 thks a lot :D18:43
cyphericelet's try that market...18:43
JesusFreak316Yeah, you only have to edit the registry if your android files are in a folder on your sdcard.18:43
cyphericecan't connect a google account... but the wifi is connected...18:48
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xdandroidstinebd changed the Status on bug 57 from NEW to RESOLVED LATER.18:51
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, RESOLVED LATER, wifi tethering does not work18:51
cyphericedisconnected the wifi, then try to connect... "error" again LoLoL18:52
JesusFreak316I've heard that is when it happens. Don't disconnect. ;)18:53
cyphericedon't know how i got it working in the first time LoL18:53
arrrghhhmy face freakin hurts18:54
cyphericeis there another way to go to the market besides using the android OS?18:54
arrrghhhthere's some website i think18:55
arrrghhhthat's helpful.18:55
JesusFreak316You still need wifi to get it on the device though.18:55
arrrghhhyou can use adb to install apks  :P18:55
arrrghhhor copy the apk to your sd18:55
JesusFreak316apks aren't all that easy to find for many apps.18:56
JesusFreak316This site seems to have made it easier though.18:56
arrrghhhi thought there was some website18:56
JesusFreak316I see a lot of apks there.18:56
stinebdthose sites are why we now need antivirus apps for our phones :P18:57
arrrghhhi really thought there was a specific android market site.18:57
cyphericethe oficial android market website does not let u download lol18:57
JesusFreak316True. No different thatn Winmo really though; Android is vastly more mainstream though.18:58
arrrghhhi always just access the market on the phone18:58
arrrghhhseemed the easiest to me :P18:58
cyphericeand it is easy...18:58
JesusFreak316You can't download from there cypherice, and they don't have anywhere near all the apps.18:58
cyphericejust need to power up the wifi lol18:58
cypherice"obtaining ip address from Connectify" ... and then it says "error"18:59
JesusFreak316stinebd: Do you know anything about the wifi errors? I saw them in the main thread a while back before that troll took over.18:59
stinebdi haven't been on the forums in ages19:00
stinebdhaven't been in here either19:00
stinebdso no.19:00
arrrghhhcypherice, are you using wep?19:00
cyphericewep? whats that?19:00
arrrghhhdon't work.19:00
JesusFreak316Wait, the wifi starts but just won't connect or won't start at all?19:00
arrrghhhWEP is NOT compatible.19:01
arrrghhhevidently only on the RHOD.19:01
arrrghhhi heard it works on the raph.  which seems weird to me.19:01
JesusFreak316Works for me on my Fuze.19:01
arrrghhhwep sucks.19:01
JesusFreak316So yeah RAPH works.19:01
arrrghhhmay as well just run open.19:01
cyphericeJesusFreak316 wont start at all19:01
JesusFreak316Doesn't RHOD have a different wifi chip or just bluetooth.19:01
arrrghhhany yokel that can inject packets can crack it19:01
arrrghhhso NO BODY should use wep.19:02
arrrghhhit's not secure.19:02
JesusFreak316But you said it says obtaining ip address from connectify.19:02
stinebdi don't think cletus will step away from his shotgun long enough to haxx your wifi19:02
cyphericeyes, and then it says "error" so for me that doesn´t work at all lol19:02
JesusFreak316arrrghhh: True, but it still keeps out 90% of wifi leechers who are too lazy to crack wep.19:02
JesusFreak316Actually cypherice, that means wifi is initializing but just not connecting. Sometimes you turn on wifi then it immediately turns off again.19:03
JesusFreak316In your case, change WEP to WPA as it is more secure and should connect.19:03
arrrghhhthey need to disable wep19:04
JesusFreak316Does Connectify have a WPA or WPA2 option?19:04
arrrghhhthere's no point in using it, every device nowadays supports wpa/wpa219:04
cyphericeconnectify doesn't let me create a hotspot without password19:04
JesusFreak316I personally use wep because my ds doesn't support anything else.19:04
arrrghhhwtf the ds doesn't?19:04
arrrghhhthat sucks.19:04
arrrghhhuse mac filtering then lol19:04
JesusFreak316Then again, I never go online on it anymore.19:04
arrrghhhi actually run an open network19:05
arrrghhhbut it's an isoloated vlan19:05
arrrghhhcan't hit anything on my lan19:05
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JesusFreak316I've been cosidering that but I live in a pretty secluded section of my neighborhood and have never had any issues.19:05
cyphericeconnectify mode: access point WPA2-PSK19:05
stinebdthese pretzels are making me thirsty19:06
JesusFreak316Did you see that episode last night too?19:06
arrrghhhwords of wisdom from stinebd19:06
cyphericescanning for networks... unable to scan for networks19:06
JesusFreak316It's from Seinfeld.19:06
stinebdi don't watch seinfeld19:06
stinebdplus it's been canceled for like 20 years19:07
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stinebdso wait19:07
JesusFreak316Reruns of that are better than 99% of shows today.19:07
stinebdi can't even eat pretzels without infringing on a copyright anymore?19:07
JesusFreak316Nah, Jerry Seinfeld's not apple.19:07
JesusFreak316Yay for no context.19:08
stinebdguess i'll have to switch to potato chips19:08
cyphericei'm tired of using this webirc... whats the server to connect here with mIRC?19:08
stinebdare you on ?19:09
stinebdthen why can't you read what it says above the applet?19:09
cyphericedidn't saw that19:09
stinebdspeaking of wiki19:10
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stinebdarrrghhh: what happened to those changes i demanded from you?19:10
stinebdand don't forget the new covers for the tps reports19:10
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arrrghhhi haven't looked at it.19:14
arrrghhhtryin to pull some logs to get this awesome cdma radio working even more awesome.19:14
CypherIcehmm i've restarted the device and entered into android with the geny dualboot, and the wifi is ON and connected19:14
stinebdforget it, cdma is a lost cause19:16
arrrghhhdamn you!19:17
CypherIce"can't establish a reliable data connection to the server" <-- when i try to log in to the google services19:17
arrrghhhi'm too cheap man!19:17
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CypherIceit seems that the wifi connections is always crashing... it's on, then off, then on, then off... always like this19:20
F22btw Stinebd, there's spam on the Getting the Source page. :P19:20
F22or is it arrrghhh's job to remove it? :P19:20
F22lol, i assume stinebd was/is testing something.19:21
arrrghhhi thought all edits had to be approved19:21
stinebdyeah that edit was me19:21
F22vandalizing his own page...the stuff some people do for attention...sheesh... :P19:21
stinebdwell someone has to do it19:22
stinebdnobody else stepped up to the plate19:22
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arrrghhhthat's my cue!19:22
CypherIceomfg, getting bored of this wifi lol i want apppssss19:26
CypherIcei'm connected with wifi, but can do anything on the internet...19:27
CypherIcenot even google page19:27
CypherIce"can't do anything"19:27
arrrghhhcan you use the wifi on other machines?19:30
CypherIcehaven't tested yet, but in the WinMO i used the wifi perfectly19:30
JesusFreak316Do you not have normal wifi anywhere?19:31
CypherIcenear home not really, just in pubs or in the city (yeah, i live in a island in the middle of the atlantic... LoL)19:32
arrrghhhhow are you connected now then?19:38
CypherIceusing my laptop (and it's adsl connection) as a wifi hotspot19:38
arrrghhhso you have an adsl modem19:39
arrrghhhbut no router.19:39
arrrghhhlame.  spend $30 :P19:40
CypherIcelol i'm used to it already19:40
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CypherIceusb connections to do some data transfer is working?19:41
JesusFreak316You sure there's no way to change your encryption in your wifi router app to wpa?19:44
CypherIceit's already in wpa mode19:45
JesusFreak316Oh, does it still not work?19:45
CypherIcei'm connected to the hotspot19:46
CypherIcebut can't add a google account or go to google webpage19:46
arrrghhhyou have to use adb to do any sort of data transfers... the OS is on the SD card remember.19:46
JesusFreak316Oh yeah19:47
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JesusFreak316arrrghhh, why is that relevant, he's trying to connect to the internet not transfer files.19:48
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arrrghhhJesusFreak316, <CypherIce> usb connections to do some data transfer is working? <----- that's why19:49
CypherIcei want to transfer a apk file of a clock that i found in xda developers19:49
JesusFreak316try droid explorer19:49
arrrghhhi'm not that much of an ass, c'mon.19:49
CypherIcei'm connected to the wifi hotspot but cant get real internet access...19:49
arrrghhhyea droid explorer is awesome on windows19:49
arrrghhhbut you haven't verified if it's working have you?19:50
JesusFreak316Droid explorer is a Desktop windows app.19:50
arrrghhhCypherIce, try the wifi mess you're doing in winmo.  does it work?19:50
CypherIceyes it works fine19:50
JesusFreak316You tried sites?19:50
arrrghhhi was goin to say, connected, got you online the whole schebang?19:50
CypherIcethe whole thing19:52
JesusFreak316I'm trying out connectify right now.19:52
arrrghhhdid you update the build at all?19:52
JesusFreak316So far I can't get it to connect to the hotspot.19:52
arrrghhhnever heard of connectify19:52
JesusFreak316It's the wifi sharing app he's using.19:53
arrrghhhoh cuz you're too cheap to get a real router :P19:53
arrrghhhyea i don't know how well those things work19:53
arrrghhhcuz they're all ad-hoc networks...19:53
CypherIcearrrghhh update the build of what? i've installed all the lastest updates for the xdandroid19:53
arrrghhhnever tried an ad-hoc network in android.19:53
JesusFreak316Including zImage and rootfs?19:53
arrrghhhCypherIce, yes a build of XDAndroid.  if you don't update the modules correctly, wifi won't work.19:54
CypherIceupdated all according to the tutorial19:54
CypherIcejust replaced the files19:54
CypherIcewith the correct name19:54
JesusFreak316Did you delete the old modules file?19:54
JesusFreak316It doesn't overwrite that as they all have different names.19:54
CypherIcei think there wasn't any there19:55
JesusFreak316But you DO have a module file currently, right?19:55
CypherIcewhen i unziped the latest kernel it has 2 files (the zimage and the modules file)... i replaced the zimage and the module file was new to there19:56
JesusFreak316Ok, so you only have 1 modules file in the root of your sd, correct?19:57
JesusFreak316Hmm, that's how it should be.19:57
arrrghhhdid you check?19:58
CypherIcehmm i'm downloading the droid explorer to find out 100%19:58
arrrghhhtranslation: he didn't check19:58
CypherIcei checked but now i'm confused19:59
F22Xirxes, are you around?20:02
CypherIcearrrghhh abd = Android Debug Bridge20:07
CypherIcethat's too complicated lol20:07
arrrghhhdroid explorer is easy if you use windows20:07
JesusFreak316It is rather complicated, especially if you have no linux terminal experience.20:07
arrrghhhwhich i'm assuming you do20:07
JesusFreak316Droid Explorer gives adb a pretty gui.20:07
arrrghhhthe drivers thing is a pita in windows tho20:08
arrrghhhmuch easier in linux.20:08
arrrghhhalthough my drivers haven't disappeared since, so maybe i did something to screw it up lol20:08
CypherIcearrrghhh no linux experience at all lolol20:08
arrrghhhsometimes i wonder if the devs should've released this hahaha20:09
arrrghhhbut then i'd never be able to use it either, so go figure.20:09
CypherIcei have a icon that i don't know in the left top corner20:11
JesusFreak316I've had NO adb issues in Windows.20:11
CypherIcedroid explorer not working... omfg20:12
JesusFreak316Actually, scratch that. Since I reinstalled Windows I have, probably just forgot to reinstall them.20:12
JesusFreak316What's the error?20:12
CypherIceunable to locate android SDK tools....20:12
CypherIceDroidExplorer. -- using this version20:12
arrrghhhdid you install the sdk?20:13
arrrghhhi don't remember if droid explorer does that for you or not.20:13
arrrghhhi thought it did tho.20:13
arrrghhhcould be wrong.20:13
JesusFreak316I think Droid explorer does it for you.20:13
JesusFreak316It does.20:13
JesusFreak316Which version you running?20:14
CypherIcehmm i'm going to try to install it again20:14
CypherIceusing windows 7 starter20:14
JesusFreak316Oh yeah, 0 devices found.20:14
JesusFreak316Is there a driver to install arrrghhh or should Windows do it?20:15
JesusFreak316Can't remember.20:15
arrrghhhneed the driver.20:15
arrrghhhstarter, man you are cheap!  :P20:15
CypherIce <-- there are all these droid explorer releases, which one?20:16
CypherIcearrrghhh i own a toshiba netbook20:16
CypherIceit's the basic OS for this type of machine20:16
arrrghhhCypherIce, droidexplorer doesn't include the driver.20:16
arrrghhhmaybe in your part of the country.20:16
arrrghhhthat's not even available in the US.20:16
CypherIceazores islands... lol20:16
JesusFreak316Ew, Starter edition.20:16
JesusFreak316Pfft, that's not a real place; I've never heard of it. :P20:17
CypherIcegoogle it20:17
CypherIceazores islands20:17
CypherIcei live in the biggest one20:17
JesusFreak316Nah, how about we check if you have x86 or x64 windows instead. Do you know?20:17
CypherIce32 bits20:18
arrrghhhmy money's on x8620:18
arrrghhhi don't think starter is 64-bit :P20:18
CypherIcenop, its 3220:18
JesusFreak316Thought so. You did download the x86 version right?20:18
JesusFreak316x86 is 32 bit x64 is 64 bit.20:18
CypherIceyes, x8620:19
JesusFreak316standalone or setup?20:19
JesusFreak316Where are the drivers again arrrghhh?20:19
CypherIcei'm going to reinstall it20:19
arrrghhhnate just posted 'em somewheres lol20:21
CypherIcedo i uncheck the box - use an existing Android SDK Install - when installing the droid?20:22
JesusFreak316Do NOT use an existing android SDK install.20:22
JesusFreak316YAY, adb works again.20:22
arrrghhhCypherIce, you need an existing sdk install.  do you have one?20:23
JesusFreak316I just uninstalled the driver then let windows update work its magic again.20:23
CypherIcelet me try that nate thing20:24
JesusFreak316arrrghhh: You do know you say android-specific in the link, right? You meant linux-specific I asssume?20:25
arrrghhhno did you read the link?20:25
JesusFreak316CypherIce, drivers aren't your issue.20:25
JesusFreak316Yes, what else would you be using adb for than android?20:26
arrrghhhuhm we're using android, but it's not full android.  bum.20:26
arrrghhhit's good, but not perfect.  c'mon now.20:27
JesusFreak316I guess, but adb for our devices is pretty much exactly the same, I guess minux booting into recovery.20:27
arrrghhhi found that in the g1 forum, i wanted to make sure that disclaimer was in there.20:27
CypherIceJesusFreak316 now i passed that issue of the unable to locate android SDK tools....20:28
JesusFreak316CypherIce, in your Droid Explorer folder in program files you should have a folder called SDK, do you?20:28
JesusFreak316Now what?20:28
CypherIcei'm on the 0 devices found issue20:28
JesusFreak316Ah, now you need drivers.20:29
CypherIcei guess so lool20:29
CypherIcefirst time it was bad installation20:29
arrrghhhnate post20:29
CypherIceyup, following the instructions20:29
JesusFreak316Start orb-devices and printers-right click xda-properties-hardware tab-properties-driver tab-uninstall20:30
JesusFreak316If the manual install doesn't work.20:30
JesusFreak316Do what I posted then unplug usb then plug it back it.20:31
JesusFreak316That's what I did at least.20:31
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remoguys, the new xdandroid release is in ext2 file20:32
remohow do i open it in linux or windows?20:32
remothis is the release20:33
arrrghhhit's the update20:33
arrrghhhreplace your old system.ext2 file20:33
arrrghhhwell extract the zip file20:33
arrrghhhyou'll get an ext2 file.  overwrite your old one with this one.20:34
remoi don't have an old android installed20:34
arrrghhhwell then20:34
arrrghhhdownload a build20:34
remofrom where?20:34
arrrghhhyou can't download an update for something you don't have P:20:34
arrrghhhhow did you get here?20:34 :D20:34
TheDeadCPUgnite ppl20:35
arrrghhhso no forum?20:35
arrrghhhg'nite TheDeadCPU20:35
arrrghhhwhat device?20:35
remoHTC Fuze20:35
arrrghhhread the first three posts20:36
arrrghhhheck #4 is pretty good too.20:36
remobrb then :)20:36
F22g'nite fuze20:39
F22er TheDeadCPU20:39
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CypherIcei'm getting a .NET Framework error when initializing droid20:44
CypherIce0 devices found again20:44
JesusFreak316Whaich version of the .net framework do you have?20:45
JesusFreak316I had that error for a while.20:45 4 works fine for me.20:46
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CypherIcethe latest i guess20:47
arrrghhhare you using the startup app?20:48
CypherIcein the left top corner of the pda i have a icon next to the usb connection20:48
CypherIceit's the android dummie20:48
arrrghhhyou installed the cab didn't you.20:48
CypherIcethe geny dual boot? yes20:48
arrrghhhthis isn't a gen.y support room lol20:49
arrrghhhthe XDAndroid cab.20:49
arrrghhhreef's cab i should say.20:49
JesusFreak316Why does the cab matter?20:49
arrrghhhcuz it uses the startup utility by default20:49
CypherIceyes the cab20:49
arrrghhhand haret doesn't require any dot net nonesense.20:50
CypherIceand used the default startup (without the overclock)20:50
JesusFreak316We're talking about windows 7 .net for droid explorer, silly.20:50
arrrghhhthat's why JesusFreak316.  because he has no clue how it works.20:50
arrrghhhdroid explorer requires that?20:50
JesusFreak316You never had that error with it?20:50
arrrghhhoh right i just use adb.20:50
arrrghhhi don't use droid explorer lol20:50
CypherIceadb is very complicated20:51
JesusFreak316It's not THAT bad.20:51
arrrghhhi needed shell access for logs20:51
CypherIcei've already took a look at it20:51
arrrghhhseems like a lot of things are complicated for you CypherIce20:51
JesusFreak316:) dick.20:51
CypherIcenop, they are just not working lolol20:51
CypherIcei've installed the usb driver correctly20:52
JesusFreak316Did you get to the screen where it says 0 devices found with the picture of a Hero?20:53
JesusFreak316Oh, then .net really isn't an issue. I never got to that screen when I had .net issues.20:53
JesusFreak316Did you check the "I don't see my device!" link?20:54
CypherIceit went to a youtube clip20:54
CypherIcealready checked that20:54
JesusFreak316So you do have  adb debug on.20:55
CypherIceit's exactly the same20:55
arrrghhhi'm gonna go with driver jim20:55
arrrghhhdriver for 20020:55
JesusFreak316Try what I said earlier.20:55
JesusFreak316Start orb-devices and printers-right click xda-properties-hardware tab-properties-driver tab-uninstall20:55
arrrghhhstart orb lol20:56
arrrghhhi actually had to think about that at first, is that bad?20:56
JesusFreak316That's what it's called actually, haha.20:56
CypherIceok, let me try tha20:56
arrrghhhnever heard it called that.20:56
JesusFreak316I think.20:56
arrrghhhi still call it the start menu, damnit.20:56
CypherIceme neither lol20:56
arrrghhhit's still a menu!20:56
arrrghhhJesusFreak316 i just an elitest.20:57
arrrghhhnot i lol20:57
JesusFreak316But you don't click on the menu, you click on the orb to bring up the menu.20:57
JesusFreak316So yeah, I'm a nitpicky elitist.20:57
CypherIce<JesusFreak316> Do what I posted then unplug usb then plug it back it. just done it....20:59
JesusFreak316Is it searching for drivers?21:00
CypherIcedon't know which drivers is going to pick21:00
JesusFreak316Just hope it picks the right ones. :) It said HTC dream for me.21:01
CypherIcehtc dream? LoL21:01
CypherIceit just said the same thing to me21:01
CypherIcei've done refresh on the droid21:01
CypherIcenow it show a lots of 0000021:01
JesusFreak316HTC Dream is another name for the G1.21:01
JesusFreak316That's a good thing.21:01
JesusFreak316That's its adb number for some reason.21:02
CypherIcedone :) connected21:02
JesusFreak316I win arrrghhh, my tip worked.21:02
CypherIcea lot of folders omg21:02
JesusFreak316^Spitting tongue at you not a silly smile.21:03
JesusFreak316There's a sdcard folder. :)21:03
JesusFreak316Stick to there for now.21:03
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JesusFreak316I made him leave. :(21:03
CypherIcei didn't left21:04
JesusFreak316I was spitting my tongue out at arrrghhh. :)21:04
CypherIcehmm where can i put the apz files inside the sdcard folder? can i create a folder for that purpose?21:04
CypherIceWAITTT i have 2 modules tar.gz21:05
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* JesusFreak316 facepalms21:05
JesusFreak316He had 2 modules files.21:05
CypherIcemodules- AND modules-
CypherIcei haven't noticed that before21:05
JesusFreak316Well, don't delete it now.21:07
arrrghhhlots of facepalms today.21:07
JesusFreak316Go into Winmo first.21:07
JesusFreak316Just delete both and extract the zImage-modules file again.21:07
CypherIcehmm okay...21:08
CypherIcemaybe that's why wifi isn't working...21:08
arrrghhhdefinitely a factor.21:08
arrrghhhuser-error is always a factor.21:08
CypherIcearrrghhh i'm just new to this...21:08
CypherIce<CypherIce> hmm where can i put the apz files inside the sdcard folder? can i create a folder for that purpose? <--- i have the xdandroid on the root directory21:09
arrrghhhthat's not really a good excuse...21:09
arrrghhhthere's a ton of things to read21:09
arrrghhhand 99% of your questions are answered in an faq.21:09
arrrghhhthe adb information isn't that well documented, but other than that... all your issues are well-documented.21:10
JesusFreak316apk files can go anywhere. You can install the apk through droid explorer.21:10
arrrghhhthey'll get installed automatically that way21:10
CypherIcehmm okay21:12
CypherIcefirst going to re-arrange those modules... lol21:12
arrrghhhyea... i was going to ask about that.21:13
arrrghhhthey're not flowers.21:13
JesusFreak316Delete both then reextract them.21:13
CypherIcedelete and create again the zimage thing21:13
CypherIcea question that i think that isn't in any faq lolol21:13
arrrghhhdelete all zimage/modules from the card.21:13
JesusFreak316No need to do anything with zImage.21:13
arrrghhhit is21:13
arrrghhhrename it to zimage...21:14
CypherIcewhere are the sms recorded in the android?21:14
arrrghhhbasically take all the #'s and special characters off of it.21:14
arrrghhhin messaging?21:14
arrrghhhwhaddya mean recorded?21:14
CypherIceyup. in messaging21:14
arrrghhhi think that's the biggest problem with most noobies.  they don't know how to search.21:14
CypherIcerecorded = saved21:14
arrrghhhin messaging app21:15
JesusFreak316Not that simple. You'd need an app to back them up.21:15
arrrghhhlol yea sorry.21:15
arrrghhhi didn't realize you wanted a backup of your texts.21:15
arrrghhhi just uh... text message people and then they text me back.21:15
arrrghhhand then i delete it when the convo is done.21:16
JesusFreak316Paranoid much?21:16
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CypherIcei need all my sms saved21:16
CypherIcethere're very hot sms in there21:16
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, eh not paranoid.  just OCD.21:17
JesusFreak316Afraid of too many texts slowing you down?21:17
arrrghhhi've never understood why anyone would want ALL texts saved.21:17
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, no i just don't like clutter :P21:17
CypherIcei have more than 3000 sms saved in winmo21:18
JesusFreak316My phone just autodeletes.21:18
arrrghhhdo you reference them daily?21:18
CypherIceand that it's just the receveid ones21:18
arrrghhhif there's a phone number in there, i save it to my contact list LOL21:18
JesusFreak316So he can look at his "hot sms"21:18
arrrghhhoh right.21:18
CypherIcethats right21:18
CypherIceto remember the old good days too21:18
arrrghhhhe sends himself texts to make himself feel better lol21:18
arrrghhhsexting himself.21:18
arrrghhhthat's a new kind of masturbation!21:19
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arrrghhhman i know how to clear out a room, that's for sure.21:22
CypherIceor maybe thats just what u think21:22
CypherIcebooting xdandroid with only one module21:31
CypherIcewifi working nice21:34
CypherIcelets see if i cant connect to the market21:34
arrrghhhyou mean can, c'mon think positive!21:34
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arrrghhhcoming from me, that's rich lol21:34
CypherIcenot thinking positive worked21:35
CypherIcestill same thing21:35
arrrghhhcan't even browse to .. ?21:35
remojust installed android and just finished the screen calibration, its now showing a screensaver type thing, which says xdandroid21:35
JesusFreak316You deleted both files and reextracted?21:35
arrrghhhremo, yes it's booting21:35
remoso, i just wait?21:35
arrrghhhremo, how long has it been?  first boot can take up to 10 minutes.21:35
CypherIceremo yes21:35
remoits only been around 3 mins now21:36
arrrghhhkeep waitin ;)21:36
CypherIceJesusFreak316 deleted both modules and putted the latest module file into the root directory21:36
remo:) thanks guys21:36
JesusFreak316Ok, that's what you're supposed to doe CypherIce21:36
arrrghhhis everything in the root or is it in andboot?21:36
arrrghhhi thought the cab installs to andboot21:36
JesusFreak316remo, what does the text say atm?21:36
JesusFreak316arrrghhh root21:36
remoi just installed the cab21:36
CypherIceeverything in root21:37
CypherIcecab installs in root21:37
remoalso, i think i messed up one of the points on the screen calibration screen21:37
CypherIcei'm seeing wifi always disconecting and connecting :S21:37
remoi think i tapped somewhere else for one of them :(21:38
remois that bad?21:38
JesusFreak316CypherIce, does it say getting ip address over and over again?21:38
arrrghhhremo, could be21:39
arrrghhhif it is a problem, delete the ts-calibration file and try again.21:40
remowhere is that file located?21:40
JesusFreak316Mine does the same thing with connectify...21:40
JesusFreak316You might want to try a different wifi sharing app.21:40
CypherIceso the problem is from the wifi hotspot created with connectigy21:40
CypherIcehmm don't think theres another one to windows 721:40
arrrghhhremo, whereever you run haret.exe from21:40
arrrghhhroot of SD card it sounds like.21:41
JesusFreak316You could manually do it.21:41
arrrghhhCypherIce, it may not work in ad-hoc mode... as i've said before.21:41
arrrghhhandroid isn't nearly complete on our phones.21:41
remolet me see how everything goes :)21:41
JesusFreak316arrrghhh does have a point.21:41
arrrghhhi've never tried to connect to an ad-hoc network in android.21:42
arrrghhhi'm always around some real wifi :P21:42
CypherIcetomorrow i will try in the pub21:42
JesusFreak316Me too.21:42
CypherIcethis is a real wifi too :p21:42
CypherIcemaybe not as real as your, but real enough lol21:43
arrrghhhad-hoc isn't the same.21:43
arrrghhhif it was real enough it'd work wouldn't it mate ;)21:44
CypherIceyup, you've got a point there lol21:45
remoarrrghh its been about 12 mins now :(21:45
CypherIceJesusFreak316 that link u showed there about the ICS has one problem.. i don't have a hub21:46
arrrghhhremo, raph or rhod21:46
JesusFreak316Same thing for wireless.21:46
JesusFreak316Let me try it.21:46
remomine is a fuze21:46
arrrghhhjust reboot then21:46
arrrghhhhit the soft reset button at the bottom21:47
arrrghhhand try again21:47
remowould something happen to my windows mobile?21:47
arrrghhhthis is all at your own risk tho21:47
remoi know :)21:48
arrrghhhwell if something happens, just hold JesusFreak316 responsible.21:48
JesusFreak316Especially for windows 7 starter.21:48
remojesus will always be there for me, right :D21:48
arrrghhhoh boy21:49
JesusFreak316Haha, what a witty pun; never heard that before.21:49
remoshould i just uninstall android and start all over again?21:49
arrrghhhno no21:49
arrrghhhdo what i said21:49
JesusFreak316Try this CypherIce21:50
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CypherIcelet me see21:51
remothe bugs are flying and writing again :)21:51
arrrghhhwhat's up XirXes21:51
XirXesnothing at alli21:51
JesusFreak316Actually I don't think that helps with Wifi actuallly. :(21:52
JesusFreak316Just buy a router, 'k?21:52
remoi have it up and running21:53
arrrghhharen't you glad you listened to me :P21:53
arrrghhhXirXes, you're got a 210 right?21:53
remoyes. thanks so much arrrghhh21:53
arrrghhhbah that does me no good.  get a 100, F22's my go-to 210 guy :P21:53
arrrghhhremo, no worries.21:53
CypherIceJesusFreak316 no problem... i will try in a "real" wifi hotspot21:54
arrrghhhnone of this face crap CypherIce :P21:54
F22XirXes, are you having issues with incoming calls too?21:55
XirXesno. tho I've only had 3 in android since I got my sim back21:55
XirXesbut they all worked fine21:55
CypherIcearrrghhh tomorrow i'm going to arrive with the good news that i've sucessfully connected to market :D21:56
F22every call i put into my phone today went straight to the answering machine, not a single one rang.21:56
arrrghhhlol i hope so CypherIce21:56
arrrghhhF22, that's weird.  even after reboots?21:56
F22i haven't really tested it i have no idea if it's something new.21:56
remoarrrghhh, yeah, i messed up the screen calibration. its not responding to where i am touching21:56
F22yup, even after reboots.21:56
arrrghhhi'm on the bastard child cdma and my incoming calls work :P21:56
remohow should i do that now? just delete that ts-config file and restart android?21:56
F22outgoing is fine.21:56
arrrghhhremo, delete ts-calibration file21:56
CypherIceremo yes21:56
arrrghhhin winmo, reboot.  it'll take you thru the calibration process on the next boot of android.21:57
F22it's almost like my phone is set to ignore all incoming calls.21:57
remohow do i get out of android now?21:57
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arrrghhhsame way you did in that bootloop lol21:57
F22i wonder if there is a setting for that somewhere in android. i took a quick look earlier but may have missed it.21:57
arrrghhhhit the soft reset pin21:57
remooh :D21:58
arrrghhhF22, not to my knowledge, but like i you say i've never looked for it hahaha.  not really a desirable setting "ignore incoming calls"21:58
arrrghhhthat's what "silent" is for :P21:58
F22yup, i'm not on silent however. but i do have another bit of weirdness that may or may not be connected...21:58
F22my power menu only has power off. doesn't have mute or the other thing...21:59
arrrghhhairplane mode?22:00
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F22when i long press power, nope.22:00
CypherIceomfg i just found out that xdandroid as the portuguese language...22:00
CypherIcebeautiful :D22:00
arrrghhhweird.  F22 what about end?22:00
arrrghhhend key long press that is22:01
F22same deal22:01
arrrghhhnewest reference?22:01
F22call stopped working as call too, but the soft button for call still works.22:01
F22i still have all my old kernels, rootfs's and system.ext's, so i can figure it out. it's just going to be a pain...22:03
remoscreen is good now :)22:03
remothanks again22:03
arrrghhhF22, try the data.img first.22:04
F22that's actually a very good idea.22:04
arrrghhhthat little bugger seems to fawk up in the oddest ways.22:04
* arrrghhh usually has those.22:04
F22i've had quite a bit of weirdness with recreated data images.22:04
F22especially this one.22:04
F22for example, i lost several of my widgets in this one, including google search and news/weather.22:05
F22so the data image may well be the problem.22:05
arrrghhhyea, get rid of that data.img.22:05
arrrghhhit smells from here haha.22:07
arrrghhhhopefully after all this hardware nonsense is settled that'll get more attention.22:08
F22btw, is there a way to get titanium to do a full restore all in one shot? or do you have restore everything individually?22:08
arrrghhhgotta pay to play22:09
arrrghhhI was just talking about that in #htc-linux lol22:09
F22i'm tempted to just copy over all the .apk files by hand.22:09
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F22one cp command will copy them all over in one shot.22:09
F22that doesn't mean it will necessary work. :P22:09
arrrghhhcp & pray22:10
F22but at some point i may get annoyed enough at the time it takes to do them all one by one and take the time to figure it out.22:10
F22for moment i have bigger fish to fry, like making my phone work as a phone... :P22:10
arrrghhhyea i got some good logs from that reboot22:11
F22linux doesn't keep a registry thank god.22:11
arrrghhhgoing to file a bug when i feel like it lol22:11
arrrghhhi try to explain that to people in the know about windows and they don't get it most of the time.  unless they remember ini's lmao22:12
F22no registry makes transferring programs so much easier...22:12
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CypherIcethis droid is so slow initializing22:16
arrrghhhwell it at least makes it feasible.22:17
arrrghhhCypherIce, get your money back.22:17
CypherIcemoney? it was free lol22:17
arrrghhhthat's the joke...22:17
F22i still remember the stupid issue with windows 98 where the registry memorized the drive letter of your cd-rom, and refused to reinstall software if you moved the drive to a different letter because the new letter wasn't the original drive used to install the software. bleh. there was a lot of stupid crap like that in the windows registry. it's gotten better, but it's still a pain to deal with at times, particularly when you have to clean up22:17
CypherIcecoming from u i've learned that everything is possible22:18
arrrghhhwell cleanup is almost impossible because of its gigantic size.22:18
F22linux is so much more modular...22:20
arrrghhhwhy do you think my router and file server are running it right now :P22:21
arrrghhhoh yea and mah phone.22:21
arrrghhhand toaster.22:21
remoi can't even find my wifi in the available networks list, why is that?22:21
remoi can see my neighbor's on here22:21
arrrghhhthat's for cell radio22:21
F22heheheh...linux/unix server farms often run multiple duties, it's pretty rare for a windows server to do more than one thing.22:22
arrrghhhit's not hidden?  i have no clue why it would show your neighbor's.22:22
CypherIcenow droid can't find SDCARD LOLOL omfg :D22:22
arrrghhhseriously.  we had a dhcp server setup that was win2k3.  all that bloat for dhcp.22:22
remolet me just check again if its not hidden22:22
arrrghhhCypherIce, it's mounted...22:22
arrrghhhyou won't be able to 'cept thru adb22:23
CypherIceit's tru droid explorer22:23
arrrghhhlooks like you gotta learn how to troubleshoot boy22:23
CypherIceguess so22:25
arrrghhhc'mon man you live on an islandd22:26
arrrghhhyou should know about self-sufficiency lol22:26
arrrghhhso what did you try22:26
CypherIcean island with shopping centers and mcdonalds :D22:27
arrrghhhdoesn't sound like an island i'd want to visit.22:27
CypherIcethat last one is from my island...22:30
CypherIcesee u back in 5min because lauching droid explorer freezes my netbook lolol22:30
CypherIcehmm sdcard now appears but empty22:31
arrrghhhthat's good right22:35
CypherIceshould be appearing all the xdandroid stuff?22:36
arrrghhhsounds good to me.22:37
arrrghhhyou mean you see nothing?22:37
arrrghhh /sdcard is empty?22:38
arrrghhhls it22:42
arrrghhhin terminal emulator22:42
arrrghhhunder dev tools22:42
arrrghhhD/OtaStartupReceiver( 2448): Not a CDMA phone, no need to process OTA <------------ but my phone is a cdma phone!  i'm guessing this process doesn't matter.22:42
CypherIceso no solution yet lol22:44
CypherIceusb debugging connected and usb connected22:45
arrrghhhI/DEBUG   ( 1886): debuggerd committing suicide to free the zombie!22:45
arrrghhhlmao that's the error i think22:46
arrrghhhdid you try what i asked you to try?!?22:46
remothanks again guys. eveything's working now. bye22:46
CypherIceterminal emulator, wright something22:47
arrrghhhCypherIce, no sorry.22:47
arrrghhhCypherIce, ok get to terminal emulator22:47
CypherIcei'm there22:48
arrrghhhls /sdcard22:48
arrrghhhthat's L and S /sdcard22:48
CypherIcelol i know... nothing happens22:49
arrrghhhstinebd, you around?  got a juicy logcat for you.22:49
CypherIcels /sdcard and then "enter" nothing22:49
arrrghhhdunno how you can be in android without the sd mounted22:49
CypherIcemaybe a reboot will do the work22:49
arrrghhhwhat does it matter tho?22:50
arrrghhhwhat are you trying to do?22:50
stinebdarrrghhh: paste and link me, i'll get to it eventuall22:50
stinebdand empty /sdcard sounds like that diamond internal storage missing partition table thing22:50
arrrghhhok.  there's a fun fault22:50
arrrghhhit's a rhod tho22:50
arrrghhhw/a sd card22:51
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CypherIceits a blackstone22:51
arrrghhhI/DEBUG   ( 1886): signal 7 (SIGBUS), fault addr 00000000 <------- that looks like fun stinebd22:51
arrrghhhoh sorry.  blackstone.  either way, it's an sd card :P22:51
stinebdyeah we've seen those before22:51
CypherIcearrrghhh im trying to install a apk tru the droid explorer22:51
arrrghhhstinebd, basically hitting the volume repeatedly caused it haha.22:51
stinebduh huh22:52
stinebdnothing new then22:52
arrrghhhi was hoping you hadn't seen a log of it.22:52
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arrrghhhi got a logcat from when the phone rebooted22:52
arrrghhhjust to the boot anim22:52
arrrghhhcall kept going for a little while22:53
stinebdtrace of the sigbus isn't useful anyway22:53
arrrghhhit was entertaining22:53
arrrghhhwell i got a logcat22:53
stinebdseems like the frame pointer gets knocked out by jit or something22:53
arrrghhhand logcat -b radio from the incident.22:53
stinebdi repro'd with jit turned off and got a real backtrace but haven't really pursued it22:53
arrrghhhfair enough22:54
stinebdbtw turning jit off is as simple as a setprop22:54
arrrghhhso you have to disable jit to get a good picture of what's going on?22:54
stinebdin certain cases, it seems so22:55
stinebdprobably in cases where the crash is in jni22:55
stinebdas i've noticed it happen with the volume thing (where android eventually calls a c++ library function to change volume) and also with gallery3d in rotating (where it calls the opengl provider library)22:56
stinebdif you want to turn off jit and do it and send me the log, that might be helpful22:58
arrrghhhk what's the setprop to disable jit?22:58
stinebdsetprop false22:59
stinebdand reboot22:59
arrrghhhOo i thought i did the setprop when android was running.  do i put that in the startup then?22:59
stinebdyou do the setprop while it's running22:59
stinebdthen reboot.22:59
arrrghhhah i see.  never rebooting from adb, cool.23:00
stinebdi'm mostly inactive till wednesday (on a stretch of about 2 weeks without time off at work) so there's no rush on this23:00
arrrghhhno worries23:01
arrrghhhdidn't expect you to fix it tomorrow.23:01
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arrrghhhjust trying to track down at least the cause of some of these weird issues if i can :D23:01
arrrghhhi was going to submit a bug, but i figured i should mention it to you before embarrassing myself.23:01
pitflyerHi there! I hear you guys gave elvin a fix for RHOD210 wifi issue?23:01
arrrghhhuhm... yes.23:02
arrrghhhbut it's quite silly.23:02
stinebdwe really need to look into (and mostly confirm) the issues with keyguard as well23:02
arrrghhhF22 just built him a wifi-nvram.txt file23:02
pitflyerI'm ok with silly if it works.. OK. F22 around now?23:02
pitflyerI posted my init file as he requested23:02
arrrghhhwell just take his wifi-nvram.txt and put your mac in.  i think it's all you really need.23:02
F22i'm in the middle of something right now, will you be around for awhile pitflyer?23:02
pitflyerSure, I can check in again later. Thanks23:03
F22check back in about 20 minutes from now if you can.23:03
pitflyerThat works. Be back around 11:30pm ET. Thanks!23:03
F22sounds good23:03
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stinebdoh arrrghhh, if that setprop doesn't disable jit, try this one: setprop dalvik.vm.execution-mode int:fast23:06
stinebdand re-enable with setprop dalvik.vm.execution-mode int:jit23:07
arrrghhhoh does that pass a value to the system so it'll always be off?23:07
arrrghhhhow can i even tell if it's on or off?23:07
stinebdif it's on, it periodically spews a stats message (arena pages)23:08
arrrghhhdefinitely getting better at reading/understanding dmesg, because i've seen those before.23:11
stinebdthat's not dmesg :P23:11
arrrghhhlogcat is still new, but a lot of it is familiar in one way or another.23:11
arrrghhhgood ole java errors.23:11
arrrghhhoh yea i know haha23:11
CypherIcewell see u all tomorrow [[]] thks for all the help :)23:12
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arrrghhhoy.  i hate cmd.23:13
arrrghhhcan you reboot from adb?23:13
arrrghhhall my familiar linux commands are non-starters.23:14
stinebdecho 1 >/something/something/vregs/msma23:14
stinebdinstant reboot :P23:15
stinebdmight wanna sync first23:15
arrrghhhoh that'll soft reset23:15
arrrghhhi was hoping for android only.  meh23:15
stinebdkillall zygote23:15
stinebdsometimes it doesn't recover well from that though23:16
stinebdalthough that's mostly if the environment changed23:16
arrrghhhrebooting for sure23:17
arrrghhhspeaker is making wacky noises now lmao23:17
arrrghhhat least the wackiness isn't loud.23:17
arrrghhhso far no more jit messages...23:19
arrrghhhso stinebd will this jit-disable trick persist until i either a) delete my data.img, or b) re-enable it manually?23:24
arrrghhhexcellent.  thank you sir.23:25
stinebdi shall dream of uninformative xdandroid crash logs23:27
arrrghhhno, they will be informative!!23:28
arrrghhhor let's hope so.23:28
stinebdi suffer from night terrors23:28
F22g'nite stinebd23:30
F22pleasant dreams :D23:30
F22of gingerbread... ;)23:30
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pitflyerHi F22, any time for a wifi-nvram.txt I can try?23:39
F22i'd rather try to solve the actual problem first.23:40
pitflyerSure, I'm happy to do both... If there is a wifi-nvram.txt I can manually place int o verify it works, then I can start from scratch if you'd like (redownload, reupdate, etc)23:41
F22give me a few min to look at your init. didn't get the chance to look at it yet.23:41
pitflyerok thanks23:41
F22if the same 3 lines are in a different order that may well be our problem.23:41
pitflyerI will be stepping away from my computer for a few minutes, but if you have a file you want me to try or specific steps just post them here and I will report back.23:44
F22damn, you have the same exact init he does.23:47
F22which is 3 lines different from mine. same 3 lines.23:47
F22all 3 lines relate to wifi.23:47
arrrghhhis there some build floating around that's plaguing only 210s ?23:48
F22ok, i'm going to upload a copy of mine and give you the link pitflyer, then i'll give you some instructions.23:49
pitflyerI started with the reference build from this site on Sun23:49
pitflyerAnd then updated zimage and rootfs on Tue/Wed.. nothing else23:49
pitflyerby 'this site' i mean the
arrrghhhthat's very odd.23:49
pitflyerandroidport, even23:49
arrrghhhnot this site, but that's ok.23:49
arrrghhhi assumed xdandroid.com23:49
pitflyeryeah, thats why I wanted to larify23:49
F22that might be the issue.23:49
pitflyerI'm in the little chat window on that site23:50
arrrghhhwhich you can download updates from, but i don't think builds are posted there.23:50
pitflyerFrom the thread in the forum I used this link:23:50
F22someone here might have done some "adjusting" to get wifi to work on our handsets.23:50
pitflyeri'l follow your instructions f22, and I can try from too23:50
F22> [ -f /etc/wifi/wlan.ko ] && rm /etc/wifi/wlan.ko23:51
F22> cp -R /etc/wifi/* /data/modules/23:51
F22> depmod23:51
F22< cp -R /etc/wifi/* /data/modules/23:51
F22< depmod23:51
arrrghhhno no it's fine23:51
F22< [ -f /etc/wifi/wlan.ko ] && rm /etc/wifi/wlan.ko23:51
arrrghhhcccccombo breaker?23:51
pitflyerare these lines in my init to change?23:51
F22i'll just give you a new one to download.23:51
pitflyerbut if I'm reading that correctly, is that diff between your init and mine? Which one has the 'rm' statement in it, yours or mine?23:53
F22you wouldn't by any chance happen to have adb would you pitflyer?23:55
pitflyernope, never did get around to installing it since you gave me the work around to cp the file to \sdcard23:55
pitflyerso copy that new init to sdcard, boot into androind, copy over the 'real' init in the root file system and reboot?23:57
arrrghhhyes.  and with adb it'd be 1 step lol23:57
pitflyerOK. No biggie23:58
pitflyerwill report back23:58
F22the real init is actually in the rootfs.img23:59
F22so you'll need to do it from within android's terminal emulator.23:59
F22dropping it into andboot or the root of your sdcard isn't enough.23:59
pitflyerYep, Dev Tools->Term Emulator, cp /sdcard/init.txt /init23:59
F22yup, you've got it.23:59

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