Tuesday, 2010-11-09

Jake|E5400hi arrrghhh00:21
Jake|E5400have you ever used Rhobuntu?00:21
arrrghhhwhat's up00:21
arrrghhhnever have...00:21
Jake|E5400It keeps crashing as soon as it starts to display x windows00:21
Jake|E5400no matter00:21
Jake|E5400tomorrow I'll try to make a review of XDAndroid Froyo and of the MaxSense UI for windows mobile00:22
Jake|E5400well, a combo review/tutorial of XDAndroid. Prolly a two-parter00:22
arrrghhhubuntu on the phone never really appealed to me :P00:22
arrrghhhah well.  sleepy time.  cya later Jake|E540000:24
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xdandroidNew XDAndroid Releases bug 55 filed...02:46
xdandroidBug http://bugs.xdandroid.com/show_bug.cgi?id=55 normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, External speaker doesn't work after taking raph120 from docking station02:46
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ftvmhello all03:00
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suhas_smanyone there ?03:35
suhas_smMy diamond battery drains within fews minutes of booting through haret :'(03:35
suhas_smany suggestions ?03:35
paalsteeksuhas_sm: battery drain is a known issue03:55
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suhas_smhello any one there ?06:38
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NexJediHi, i have question. Which build of XDANDROID have Russian locale?08:05
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arrrghhhTP2Do I need 2.2.1 to do voice actions?  2.2 just seems to constantly search, never does any of my actions....10:33
arrrghhhTP2Bah.  I'll just have to type my txt message.  Lame.  :P10:35
ftvmhello arrrghhhh10:42
ftvmi posted the log for my problem10:42
ftvmlogcat and dmesg10:43
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Bobby_Hello, Can I XDAndorid Without the card format used?11:13
XirXesif I understand you correctly. you do not have to format the sd card11:14
Bobby_In the video I have seen nothing of formatting so my question11:14
Bobby_hmz.. can HTC Touch Diamond whit XDAndroid usen? I only see the folders: DIAMOND100, DIAM500 ?!11:17
XirXesif you have a gsm diamond use the startup out of diam100, cdma diam50011:18
Bobby_i have P3700 ^^11:19
Bobby_Sorry my English is really bad: (11:20
XirXesif you dont have verizon or sprint use 10011:20
XirXesits all good11:20
Bobby_ahh ok :D11:20
Bobby_and now only haret.exe starting ? and now finish ?11:21
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ftvmhello arrrghhh11:52
arrrghhhwhat's up11:52
ftvmi posted my two logs ... for my problem wifi :)11:52
ftvmi searching the problem ... but  .... i not found11:54
arrrghhhmaybe since your french phh will take a look for you :P11:54
ftvmok ok11:55
ftvmI tried to examine the logs but my experience stops here11:56
ftvmi'dont know ... wifi not initialize ...11:57
arrrghhhyea i'm not too sure either...11:57
arrrghhhbut getting the necessary information is very important :D11:57
ftvmi found this ...11:58
ftvmE/WifiService( 1244): Failed to load Wi-Fi driver.11:58
arrrghhhsounds like a problem11:58
ftvmyes yes11:59
hamagcmodules issue?12:00
ftvmyes but ... I understand ... the image 16/09 is working for the wifi12:01
arrrghhhDIAM only it seems sir hamagc12:01
arrrghhhspeaking of which12:01
arrrghhhdon't you still have a DIAM?12:01
hamagci have 1 lol12:02
arrrghhhwell... does wifi work on it with the newest crapola?12:02
hamagclets find out12:02
arrrghhhmr. ftvm says it doesn't work unless he goes allllll the way back to a kernel from 9.16...12:02
hamagcpretty sure wifi was working on my raph recently, let me load up a new system on the diam and see what happens12:03
ftvmok thank you12:05
ftvmthe log is correctly ???   the dmesg is make correctly ??12:05
hamagclol apparently 9/26 was our most popular kernel12:05
hamagcwifi turned on12:09
hamagci don't think i have any networks here though\12:10
hamagcthis is on the newest kernel12:10
ftvmeuhhhhhhhh ....12:10
hamagc11/3 kernel12:10
ftvmhum !12:11
ftvmok ... :)12:12
ftvmi don't understand ... on the my phone ... no wifi !!!12:12
hamagccould be because it's a different model but i don't think so. have you tried a new data.img yet?12:13
arrrghhhwhat DIAM do you have hammy12:13
arrrghhhprobably a CDMA one eh...12:13
arrrghhhi'm almost positive ftvm would have a GSM one.12:14
ftvmyes ... new data.img12:14
arrrghhhshouldn't make a difference on wifi tho...12:14
hamagcya diam50012:14
hamagci wouldn't think so12:14
hamagcnot on wifi, all the same drivers12:14
arrrghhheh stranger things have happened.12:14
hamagclol true. so wifi works on older kernel but not newer? how many kernels have you tried? all of them up to sept kernels?12:15
ftvmi'm trying all kernel from 09/16 to last ...12:16
hamagcand prob. a stupid question but your replacing the modules files each time with the correct one right?12:18
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hamagcarrrghhh: you try out the opera mobile yet on xdandroid?12:18
arrrghhhno, not yet.12:18
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hamagci wonder how much better it is than mini. i can't test anymore :(12:19
ftvmthis kernel was include with release ... 09/1712:19
XirXeswhy not?12:19
ftvmi'm tested all kernel ... to 11/0312:20
hamagcso none of the kernels worked past 9/17?12:21
ftvmyes ... NONE12:21
hamagcthats weird12:22
hamagcand your copying the modules file? the modules file holds the drivers for the wifi12:22
ftvmall kernel ... give ...  error wifi  after le 09/1612:22
hamagcand your not renaming the modules files or anything right?12:22
ftvmyes ... module files ... is in the root of (sdcard)12:23
hamagcthis is what i would do. start over. backup what you have and start on a fresh build, redownload everything, new kernel, rootfs, system. start from scratch with a new kernel and see what it does.12:23
ftvmeuhhh ... internal sdcard12:23
hamagcare you running everything from root?12:23
hamagcor do you use an andboot folder?12:24
ftvmi a andboot folder12:24
ftvmquestion ...  or placed the module file ???12:24
ftvmroot racine or andboot folder ???12:24
hamagcif you use an andboot folder make sure the kernel and modules files are in the andboot folder12:25
ftvmi verify12:26
ftvmok i verify ... all12:27
ftvmthe kernel and the module file are in the root12:28
hamagcand you have an andboot folder?12:29
XirXesall the files need to be in the same folder you run haret from12:29
ftvmharet is in the root directory same12:30
XirXesdoes your startup.txt have a rel_path=  in it?12:30
ftvmno no no ...  rel_path= "andboot"12:31
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hamagcdelete rel_path if you do not use an andboot folder12:32
XirXesso put all the android files in andboot12:32
ftvmin andboot, i have   rootfs, system.ext2, data.img12:32
ftvmin the root racine, i have ... harets, zImage, modulefiles12:33
hamagcthats your problem12:33
hamagcput everything in andboot12:33
ftvmok ok ...12:33
XirXesmove the zimage and modules and haret in there aswell. then delete your data.img and try again12:33
ftvmi suppress andboot ???12:34
XirXeswhat do you mean by suppress?12:34
ftvmmoved all ... to root directory12:35
hamagcwhy? really using the andboot folder makes everything so much easier12:36
ftvmyes ok12:36
XirXesif your gunna have it at root then remove the rel_path="andboot"12:36
ftvmi move file of root directory to andboot ... ???  is betters ???12:37
arrrghhhi think we made some assumptions about ftvm's setup...12:37
arrrghhhi thought we went thru all this yesterday :P  damn language barrier.12:37
ftvmok, i have ... in andboot ...   Harets, rootfs, initrd, modulexxx, zImage, system.ext2 ...   is allright ???12:40
ftvmi test ...12:41
XirXesboot and see if wifi works. do you have the latest modules and kernel in there12:41
arrrghhheverything should be in andboot.12:42
arrrghhhi'm surprised it worked at all.12:42
XirXesor are you using older ones12:42
XirXesi bet it worked because haret was in the same place as the kernel12:42
XirXesbut when the install tried to set up the modules they couldnt be found cause it was looking in andboot12:43
ftvmok ... lol   i'm'missed startup12:43
ftvmoh! it's all your fault ... you would have due to a tag indicating the module file was missing for idiots like me12:46
ftvmlol lol lol :)12:46
ftvmstop installation and message:  "module not found"   lol12:47
ftvmspecially for idiots ...  for me12:47
arrrghhhwell we went over this i swore...12:49
arrrghhhbad troubleshooting on my part.12:49
arrrghhhhell stine even pumped out a new rootfs lol12:49
hamagcso all better?12:55
XirXesim gunna laugh if bug reports start showing up about that rootfs12:55
hamagcwhat does that do?12:57
ftvmok ...12:58
ftvmwifi is working !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!12:58
ftvmcause problem ...  bad situation of module file12:58
ftvmmodule file should not be used for wifi in the kernel 09/16 :(13:01
ftvmclear the bug #5313:03
xdandroidBug http://bugs.xdandroid.com/show_bug.cgi?id=53 normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, Wifi error ... The wifi is not available13:03
ftvmand thanx all !!!13:03
ftvmmore time ... ;)13:08
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arrrghhhshame on me.13:19
arrrghhhand stinebd.13:19
xdandroidarrrghhh changed the Status on bug 53 from NEW to RESOLVED INVALID.13:19
xdandroidBug http://bugs.xdandroid.com/show_bug.cgi?id=53 normal, Normal, ---, developers, RESOLVED INVALID, Wifi error ... The wifi is not available13:19
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arrrghhhfood time.  bbl.14:01
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arrrghhhTP2Is there an app for Android that'll tap into http music streams?  I use WinAmp on my Win machine at work, but having the phone able to tap the stream would be handy as well...14:47
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arrrghhhmpdroid seems to fit the bill.14:58
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arrrghhhanyone alive?16:47
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phhah back working.16:50
arrrghhhwell that's good.16:50
arrrghhhseems your provider is using ipv6 already.16:50
arrrghhhoh we're behind the curve here state-side as usual ;)16:51
XirXesone day. our modems will try to get an ip. AND THERE WONT BE ANY LEFT16:52
arrrghhhXirXes: do you use mpd?16:53
XirXesi dont know what that is16:53
arrrghhhi love it.16:53
XirXeswhat is it16:53
arrrghhhtrying to stream at work was a challenge, but winamp solved it16:53
arrrghhhmusic player demon16:53
arrrghhheither way.16:53
arrrghhhkinda like rtorrent.16:53
XirXesmaybe ill check it out16:54
arrrghhhjust no nonesense music program.  i put local sound out my server using alsa to my amp16:54
arrrghhhand then have an http stream running so i can connect remotely.16:54
arrrghhhthat way i can tap into all my music @ work without much fuss.16:54
arrrghhhbut i'm trying to see if there's a way i can connect to the http stream in android.16:54
arrrghhhthere's an app called mpdroid that works quite well for controlling it, but streaming fails.16:54
arrrghhhi'm wondering if android doesn't support ogg streams... that would be lame.16:55
arrrghhhmpd is great tho.16:56
arrrghhhfits my needs perfectly.  very flexible too.16:56
XirXesid like a way to stream mp3s off of tversity on android16:56
arrrghhhbleh tveristy16:56
arrrghhhtversity rather16:56
XirXesit works awesome on my psp. thats why i keep it around. i don't ever have to use usb to put music on and if im at wifi i can stream all my music from the xmb16:57
arrrghhhps3mediaserver ftw.16:58
arrrghhhnever used a psp tho.16:58
XirXesdoes ps3mediaserver do rss?16:58
arrrghhhfer whut?16:59
XirXesits how i get my whole library streamed to the psp16:59
arrrghhhno clue... as i said never used a psp :P16:59
XirXesit uses the psps rss reader16:59
arrrghhhupnp is how ps3mediaserver works.16:59
XirXesyeah. its pretty backwards16:59
arrrghhhseems odd for sure.17:00
XirXesi dont use tversity for upnp. it kinda sucks at it17:00
XirXesbut http is where it shines17:00
arrrghhhwell then.  ps3mediaserver ftw with upnp :P17:00
arrrghhhi tried tversity for upnp, as that's all i needed at home.17:01
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XirXesthats why i got it at first17:01
XirXesto use with my 360. but then i found the psp stuff17:02
arrrghhhps3mediaserver works with the 360... but only as much as the 360 allows.17:02
arrrghhhlet's just say their implementation of dlna isn't exactly standards-compliant.17:02
XirXesand never try windows media center. after using xbmc it baffles me that ms would put out something so clunky17:03
XirXesand its even worse through an "extender"17:04
arrrghhhi use linux servers...17:05
arrrghhhnever would even consider running a windows server, what a waste of resources.17:05
XirXeslol i ran it off my main pc17:06
XirXesive had a linux server always on in the house since 2002 tho17:06
arrrghhhtook me a while to get the hang of setting up the server, but it's been running good for several years now.17:07
arrrghhhi started messing with hooking my computer up to the tv and trying that method, but by the time the ps3 came around it was clear that would be my media hub.17:07
XirXesits rock solid. my brother runs it tho. he has the stuff on it that matters. but its always been my linux playground17:08
XirXesbut now i run virtual machines17:08
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arrrghhhyea, haven't virtualized much yet.17:09
arrrghhhi want bare-metal stuff to settle down before i do.17:09
arrrghhhthe whole host/guest thing just seems like a waste of resources.17:10
XirXesbut i have so many resources. i never ran a virtual machine before i got this tower for that reason17:10
arrrghhhwell i don't have a core i7 with 16gb of ram :P17:12
XirXesi only have 4gb :(17:12
arrrghhhhow many vms do you run?17:12
XirXesone at a time sadly. but I have a slackware and a ubuntu vm17:14
XirXesplus a fedora one that i was playing with and havent deleted. and a mac os one i cant get to boot17:15
XirXesnot that ive tried that hard. im OH SO MOTIVATED to run mac17:17
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arrrghhhthis is all on virtualbox running slack as the host?17:19
XirXescheck out what my home network looks like. http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/-TYWeA2M6FlKCgJb1BfsZ4-depfGC9iHEBOy7391u7k?feat=directlink17:19
XirXesno windows 7 host17:20
arrrghhhlol wiring management nightmare!17:20
arrrghhhyou should see our data center.  some portions are like amazingly tailored and others... oy ve.17:20
XirXesi do a wide variety of things. windows handles all of them how ive grown to expect it to17:21
arrrghhhi was done with blue screens17:21
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arrrghhhand defragmenting.17:21
arrrghhhi just wanted my server to work, no fuss.17:21
XirXescable management isnt exactly a concern17:21
XirXeswindows 7 does the defraging without user intervention. and since i started using 64 bit not one bsod17:22
XirXesthe server is running slackware. downtime = 017:23
stinebdarrrghhh: what exactly was that person's wifi problem?17:23
arrrghhhhe was french.17:23
arrrghhhoh i mean he wasn't putting the modules in the same folder as everything else17:24
stinebdof course17:24
arrrghhhhe had some of the build in andboot17:24
arrrghhhand some of it at the root of the sd...17:24
arrrghhhkickin myself for not pushing that harder.17:24
stinebdit resulted in a logic fix in rootfs17:26
arrrghhhoh so there was something fixed in the rootfs...?17:29
stinebdnot really fixed per se, but i saw some stuff inside the modules version check that probably belongs outside that conditional, so i moved it17:30
stinebdi had no reports of brokenness so i can't say anything is fixed by it17:30
stinebdtheoretically it should've broken in a very specific case that nobody would encounter outside of testing17:31
arrrghhhhey i have a stupid newbie question.17:31
stinebdhold on, i have the answer here somewhere17:31
stinebdthere you go17:31
arrrghhhwhen i hold down any key in android, it seems to keep pressing the key 1,000x, presumably because it logs every 100ms i hold as a keypress or something.17:31
arrrghhhin winmo, for better or worse it stops as soon as i let go of the key17:32
arrrghhhis this an android thing or something we can fix?17:32
stinebdno idea17:32
arrrghhhyour sacred google can't answer it for me either :P17:32
stinebdanswer me this17:32
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stinebdgive an example of a key which does that17:32
arrrghhhany key17:33
arrrghhharrow key17:33
stinebdeven home?17:33
arrrghhhoh i'm talkin on the kbd17:33
arrrghhhnot sure about the buttons.17:33
stinebdthat's a linux thing17:33
arrrghhhit's gotten me into maddening trouble.17:33
stinebdwell it's a keyboard thing in general17:33
arrrghhhholding the backspace key, and then expecting it to stop when i let up.17:33
stinebdif you hold down a key, it repeats it17:33
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arrrghhhi guess android seems to take it a little too literally for my taste?  not sure.17:34
stinebdah, bad description :P17:34
arrrghhhi just try to be more careful and not hold mah keys down.17:34
stinebdhow long after you let go does it keep repeating?17:34
arrrghhhdepends on how long i hold it for lol17:34
stinebdthis is probably due to the crap performance of our android17:34
arrrghhhlike i said, it seems like every 100ms the key is held is considered a key press.17:35
arrrghhhyea i'm thinking that has a part in it.17:35
arrrghhhso i hold it until i think it's close17:35
arrrghhhand it goes wayyyyy father than i thought it would.17:35
stinebdso until i find the magic ro.makefast build.prop entry, we can't do much about it17:35
stinebdas far as the repeating speed, that's probably in the kernel driver17:36
arrrghhhis there anything we can adjust to at least make it a little more sane for our crappy slow fones?17:36
stinebddon't know17:36
stinebdrhod right?17:37
arrrghhhpretty sure it happened on the raph too, i don't see why it would be device-specific...17:37
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stinebdthey use different drivers for different keys and such17:38
stinebdbut i think the hardware keyboards are handled by the same driver regardless of device17:38
stinebdmicrop-keypad perhaps17:39
stinebdyeah that looks like the one17:40
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XirXeslol i got my simcard back this morning and i apearently didnt miss any texts at all. since Oct 117:41
stinebdi never see hamagc around anymore. starting to miss him.17:42
stinebdour schedules are very conflicting17:42
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arrrghhhhe doesn't seem to say as much or come on as often anymore.17:47
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XirXes*gasp. he's back17:49
arrrghhhbug 4217:52
xdandroidBug http://bugs.xdandroid.com/show_bug.cgi?id=42 normal, Normal, ---, developers, REOPENED, BLAZN, Haret, no service17:52
arrrghhhhrm.  I think bug 41 can be closed.17:54
xdandroidBug http://bugs.xdandroid.com/show_bug.cgi?id=41 blocker, Highest, ---, developers, NEW, No sound on incoming calls17:54
arrrghhhman i hope wistilt is ok.  that dude furiously pumps out code, then i don't see him for a week.17:57
hamagci'm still kicking17:57
XirXesi was just thinking that17:57
XirXeswe're not worried about you17:57
hamagcgotta love it. get a new phone and you just seem to get quieter and quieter lol17:58
arrrghhhyou got a hero right?17:58
hamagcno they got me a moment17:58
arrrghhhwell at least that's kind of an upgrade :P17:59
hamagccan't really complain but there is like no support for it and it has no multitouch17:59
arrrghhhdowngrade in kbd, upgrade in most other things haha17:59
hamagcother than that, nice little device lol17:59
arrrghhhit's a bastard child.17:59
arrrghhh800mhz proc as i recall tho, not bad.17:59
hamagcya but thats maxed out on oc too17:59
arrrghhhi thought it was 800 OEM...17:59
hamagccame from samsung with oc maxed. i think it's really a 526mhz proc that they oc'ed to 800 and sold lol17:59
hamagcit is 800 oem but there is 0 room to go higher18:00
arrrghhhcrazy bastards.18:00
hamagcand it supports multitouch, but samsung decided not to let it have it18:00
arrrghhhthat thing's not stuck on 1.5 is it?18:00
arrrghhhlmao that's awesome.18:00
hamagcand of course the drivers are closed source so blah!18:00
arrrghhhthank you lord sammy.18:01
XirXesdoes it come with the horrible thing known as touchwiz?18:01
hamagclol no they put out a 2.1 rom for it (samsung)18:01
hamagcno touchwiz18:01
hamagci was kinda supprised18:01
arrrghhhwell that's good.18:01
hamagcandroid is pretty vanilla on it18:01
hamagchopefully this year someone will port 2.2 from one of the other devices to it18:01
hamagcthen it'll be ok18:01
hamagcbut i am starting to hear that sprint is doing the same thing for the moment that they did for the tp118:02
hamagctp1 for tp2, moment for transform18:02
XirXeseww 480x32018:03
XirXeson the transform18:04
arrrghhhthey offered me a moment...18:04
arrrghhhi wanted the tp2 still.18:04
hamagci like the moment. i want the transform for the front facing camera18:04
hamagcbut support wise, i still want the hero lol18:05
hamagcthere are just too many devs for hero's and not enough for moments18:05
arrrghhhhero's old news too.18:05
XirXesbut the sprint one is totally hawt tho18:06
arrrghhhmy buddy that works for sprint had the hero.18:06
hamagclol everythying is old news now. next month comes all the new phones in time for xmas18:06
arrrghhhi liked the form factor, just can't handle the lack of a kbd...18:06
arrrghhhhaha yea.18:07
arrrghhhstill waiting for htc to put out the tp2 successor!18:07
hamagclol tp318:07
arrrghhhhoping for android not winpho...18:07
hamagcor tphd18:07
hamagcit'll winpho718:07
arrrghhhdon't say that18:07
hamagchaha i'm sure of it18:07
hamagcthey have their android devices18:07
arrrghhheh with the right internals, getting it to android seems like it'll be trivial.18:07
arrrghhhlook at the hd2 :P18:07
hamagclol ya thats true. despite what it runs oem, it'll end up with android lol18:08
arrrghhhthank you xda-devs.18:08
XirXeswonder how fast the pro 7 will get android18:09
hamagcas fast as they can get haret to work on it lol18:10
arrrghhhstinebd: so there's some people saying wifi works in rhodbuntu but not on android...18:10
arrrghhhlooks like it's just the rhod210, not sure.18:11
arrrghhhthey use different wifi drivers right?18:11
arrrghhhubuntu uses compat-wireless18:11
arrrghhhand we use... well hell obviously not tiwlan, so what does android use?18:11
XirXesim just gunna get a g2. i find im ok with losing a row on the keyboard18:11
arrrghhhyea i can't use it.18:11
arrrghhhis it going to be the g2 officially?18:11
arrrghhhoh wait nvm.18:12
arrrghhhi wonder if google is going to do an n2.18:12
arrrghhhi love the support google gives that device.18:12
XirXesid really want to run the desire z rom on that thing but i might never try it just so i can keep the latest android always18:14
hamagcyou haven't seen the new nexus?18:15
hamagcfrom samsung?18:15
hamagcnot htc this time18:15
XirXesi dont wanna think about that18:15
XirXesmoto id be ok with but i really cant stand how cheep all samsung stuff feels18:15
hamagcfrom the top of google18:15
arrrghhhhamagc: there's a lot of "may" and "could" in that article...18:16
hamagca bit more up to date18:16
arrrghhhSamsung and Google next month could unveil the Nexus Two18:16
hamagcya, they delayed it. read link 218:16
arrrghhhdelayed.  ah.18:17
hamagcwhy are they stuck as 512mb of ram?18:17
hamagcwhere is my gig of ram damnit18:18
hamagci feel like i'm buying a 2.4ghz laptop with 512mb of ram18:18
hamagcdoesn't do me any good18:18
arrrghhhsure it does.18:18
arrrghhh1 app at a time.  NO more.18:18
arrrghhhstill waiting for my quad-core phone.18:19
hamagcnext year is supposed to bring the dualcore18:19
hamagcand 512mb of ram18:19
arrrghhhyea i can wait.  it's frustrating as i'm starting to grow dependent on android... but i can wait.  damnit.18:20
hamagcsmoke break!18:20
stinebd[18:19:35] <hamagc> and 512mb of ram18:20
stinebdthose will be coming with at least 768MB18:20
hamagclol god i hope so18:20
hamagcmaybe run 2 good apps at once then lol18:21
arrrghhhstinebd is building his own phones just in case the OEMs disappoint.18:21
hamagci'm sure i'd be more interested in his than theirs too18:21
XirXeswiring the cpus together by hand18:21
arrrghhhyou won't be able to make calls... but i hear you get a full build enviroment.18:21
arrrghhh"I updated the files using the startup utility too. Still nothing."18:25
arrrghhhi hate that utility...18:25
XirXesif only it actually worked correctly18:27
arrrghhhit does sometimes.18:27
arrrghhhbut users don't know when it does work and when it doesn't...18:27
hamagcand it doesn't give you a log to tell you what it did do18:27
XirXesyeah. it should definitely log18:28
arrrghhhsov seemingly just whipped it up lol.18:29
arrrghhhwhat's the deal with the rhod210?18:34
arrrghhhi've heard some just refuse to work on wifi18:34
arrrghhhbut never had a good explanation as to why...18:34
XirXesits not the same chip as the rest of the xdandroid devices18:35
arrrghhhwtf seriously?18:35
arrrghhhonly certain 210's tho...?18:35
arrrghhhcuz i heard not _all_ 210's fail at wifi... only certain ones.18:35
XirXesno the rhod. sorry i read wrong18:35
arrrghhhwell all rhod's wifi work afaik18:36
arrrghhhcertain 210 users have griped, but i've never really talked with any of the ones that gripe in any extended fashion.18:36
arrrghhhhopefully this guy will come on irc and quit posting the same thing in 15 threads.18:36
XirXesid like to see the dmesg from a fail18:36
arrrghhhjust like that french dude who had the modules all screwed up.18:37
XirXessilly french people. im glad phh is ashamed18:37
* hamagc lols18:40
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stinebdarrrghhh: feeling bored?19:00
arrrghhhfeeling like bashing my head against the wall from this repetitive task...19:00
stinebdi'll be adding an interwiki extension and setting up interwiki links to htc-linux's wiki19:00
stinebdif you want, you can go through our wiki and link devices to their wiki (like in the Supported Devices page)19:01
arrrghhhuh ho19:01
arrrghhhooo can i? :P19:01
stinebdif you want to anyway19:01
arrrghhhi may later tonight.  gotta try to get more of these usernames updated...19:01
stinebdor you can find someone to do it19:01
stinebdor just do nothing19:01
stinebddoesn't matter19:01
arrrghhhoh apathy.19:02
stinebdi made you a wiki admin/editor/reviewer too19:03
stinebdso have fun19:03
arrrghhhi'll play with it when i get home.19:04
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pitflyerHello.. I saw a post about troubleshooting RHOD210 not being able to connect to wifi.. I have the same issue; can I provide logs or anything?19:05
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arrrghhhah you19:06
arrrghhhyes, you can.19:06
eeeeso i'm on19:06
arrrghhhprobably a dmesg would be the #1 one we'd like.19:06
eeeeso wat do u want me to do?19:06
pitflyerOK. How can I get the dmesg off the devie with no network connection? Can I save it to a file and get it when I reboot back into WinMo?19:07
arrrghhhpitflyer: good point... i forgot you have no data.  have you used adb?19:07
arrrghhheeee: what?19:07
hamagccommandcenter, you'll have to google for it, but easily runs dmsg ans logcat and saves to the sdcard19:07
arrrghhheeee: do i know you?19:07
eeeefrom the xda forum19:07
eeeeu told me to come on irc chat19:08
stinebdok it's all set up19:08
arrrghhhi'm confused.19:08
arrrghhhare you having wifi problems with a 210 as well?19:08
pitflyerI've not used adb; is commandcenter an Android package I can install and then save? I'm assuming eeee is the other user19:08
stinebdfor reference, to use an interwiki link to htc-linux, the syntax is [[htc-linux:Article Title]]19:08
pitflyerI just joined because I saw the post .. I am not the OP of that thread19:08
arrrghhhsorry i didn't expect 2 ppl to come in lol19:08
pitflyerhey, more debug for you :)19:08
eeeeso anythin new?19:09
arrrghhhdo either of you use linux?19:09
eeeei do have it on my laptop19:09
arrrghhhgetting dmesg from adb is probably the easiest.19:09
arrrghhhwell whatever works for you.  adb works on windows as well.19:09
eeeebut the battery is dead19:09
pitflyerYes, I run Linux on  a server.. But guess I have not run into adb19:09
eeeek adb then19:09
arrrghhh1 sec lemme find nate's handy post...19:09
pitflyerok I have to step away for a bit but I'll keep this chat open and also follow the steps you share.. thanks19:10
arrrghhhok guys download droid explorer19:11
arrrghhhthen you'll need drivers19:11
arrrghhhwhen you go to plug in your phone, it'll pop up 3 new devices in windows.  point the 'XDA' device to the android_winusb.inf driver file.19:12
arrrghhhyou'll have to do the let me pick, have disk etc method.19:12
arrrghhhlet me know when you're done with that.19:13
eeeemayb pitflyer can help19:14
eeeei am on a public computer19:14
eeeemy laptop battery is dead19:14
eeeei need admin rights19:15
arrrghhhnot going to work then.19:16
arrrghhhyou can still get a dmesg19:17
arrrghhhwhat was that app called hamagc ?  commandcenter?19:17
arrrghhhdo you have a data cxn on your phone?19:17
hamagclet me find a link19:17
arrrghhheeee: you'll need a data cxn.19:17
eeeepitflyer not there???19:18
arrrghhhhe said he steped away...19:18
arrrghhh[17:10] <pitflyer> ok I have to step away for a bit but I'll keep this chat open and also follow the steps you share.. thanks19:18
eeeethought he wud be back19:19
hamagcok no link, i havea copy. let me upload it19:19
arrrghhheeee: do you have a data cxn on the phone?19:19
eeeei'm sorry19:19
arrrghhhhamagc: don't bother.19:19
arrrghhheeee: sorry we won't be able to help you.19:19
arrrghhhhe has no data cxn and is on a public computer.19:20
eeeemayb later than19:20
arrrghhhon your machine :D19:20
eeeeyea for sure19:20
F22that reminds me, i need to get a wifi router...i have a 210, but have never tested it with wifi.19:20
hamagcwell let me upload anyway19:20
eeeehow often are you19:20
arrrghhhlol this lady's login name is DJVu19:20
arrrghhhtoo often.19:20
XirXeslol same19:20
hamagcwe should host that file or something lol19:21
hamagci think chamonix made it but don't quote me19:21
hamagcworks great19:21
eeeeso its no use of me downloading that rite?19:21
arrrghhhyou can't get it to the phone...19:21
arrrghhhdo you have any way of getting the apk to your phone...?19:21
hamagcdamnload to sdcard19:21
eeeei have a usb cable19:21
eeeeif tat helps19:22
arrrghhheeee: only if you can use it on the public pc...19:22
eeeei can19:22
arrrghhhi don't know what the deal is with the computer you're on.19:22
eeeeso you want me to put the file on my sd card19:22
arrrghhhwell then i guess you can certainly try19:22
arrrghhhreboot to winmo19:22
arrrghhhput the apk in androidapps19:22
arrrghhhthen boot the build where you dropped that apk into19:22
arrrghhhfawk getting the log back off of it is going to be fun.  you're going to have to reboot to winmo and do the usb thing again to copy the file off.19:23
arrrghhhlesson learned kids, just pay out the butt for cell data :P19:23
hamagcpay out the butt?19:23
hamagcoh ya, not sprint haha19:23
arrrghhhthat's where money comes out for me.19:23
hamagcman i don't know where his site is anymore19:24
arrrghhhnot sure tho...19:25
arrrghhhnever seen that man's site.19:25
eeeeany specific settings to select before entering android?19:26
hamagci found it once when makkonen suggested it to get logs19:26
arrrghhheeee: nope.  just make sure you're running the newest.19:27
eeeeokay its booting19:27
arrrghhhand finish this stupid list for me.  ugh.19:28
eeeewat do i do once I enter android?19:28
arrrghhhtry to use wifi19:28
arrrghhhthen dump the dmesg in commandcenter19:29
eeeehow do i do tat?19:29
F22stinebd: i read your convo with acl a little awhile ago on htc-linux, i have a rhod and would be willing to work with you on getting the zoombar to work if you're interested. i've spent quite a bit of time looking at the various rhodium keymaps/layouts too.19:29
arrrghhhi think it's pretty self-explanatory once you run commandcenter.19:29
hamagcturn wifi on then open the command center app in your app drawer and chose dmesg19:29
hamagcit'll dump it to the root of your sdcard19:29
arrrghhhhamagc: you're too nice :P19:29
arrrghhhcommandcenter does not need a walkthru methinks ;)19:30
hamagcno not really19:30
stinebdF22: lol, i'm probably the last guy in the world that will ever get zoombar working19:31
eeeetats all you want me to dump?19:31
stinebdnot having the hardware limits me. not having kernel knowledge limits me more.19:32
F22stinebd I guess ACL was just being funny then... :P19:32
hamagceeee dump a logcat too just in case19:32
eeeedump log cat radio 2?19:32
arrrghhhyea, for fun.19:32
arrrghhheeee: make sure you test wifi before doing any of thise!19:32
eeeei did19:32
eeeestill the same19:32
arrrghhhgood :D19:32
arrrghhhthat's fine19:33
arrrghhhwe just want it logged.19:33
stinebdalthough i could look at mahimahi code and see how they do it19:33
arrrghhhif you dump logs without trying, it'd be kinda pointless, y'know?19:33
stinebdtheir buttons should be part of the touchscreen too19:33
eeeeso is tat it?19:33
arrrghhhgo back to winmo and send us those files.19:33
hamagcthats it, now when you can, use pastebin.com and post both logs and paste the link in here19:33
stinebdmahimahi = nexus one19:33
stinebdone of its many code names19:34
stinebdmahimahi being the only name used in the kernel for it19:34
eeeewhere are the logs located?19:35
hamagcroot of sdcard19:36
F22so you're saying the capacitive buttons on the nexus should work similarly?19:37
arrrghhhi did not know that stinebd.  learn something new every day.19:37
eeeehere is one19:37
stinebdi assume they're part of the touchscreen (physically)19:37
pitflyerfyi I am back, scrolling up to get commandcenter and will get the dmesg logs too19:38
hamagcBy Anonymous on the 9th of Nov 2010 06:37:22 PM Download | Raw | Embed | Report19:39
hamagc[    0.000000] Linux version (GlemSom@autobuild-service_20101103_215747) (gcc version 4.3.2 (Sourcery G++ Lite 2008q3-72) ) #121 PREEMPT Wed Nov 3 22:01:47 CET 201019:39
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arrrghhhi don't see anything glaring, but that dmesg is short19:39
arrrghhhwtf hammy19:39
arrrghhhyou crazy19:39
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arrrghhhcrazy bastage19:39
hamagcretarded computer19:39
hamagci selected 2 lines and it decided to copy everything above it too19:39
eeeethis is logcat radio19:39
hamagcany how19:39
hamagc[    0.734649] WARNING: at fs/sysfs/dir.c:463 sysfs_add_one+0x34/0x48()19:40
hamagc[    0.734710] sysfs: duplicate filename 'snd' can not be created??19:40
arrrghhhwhat does that have to do with wifi?19:40
hamagci dunno lol19:40
hamagcbut it's an error19:40
arrrghhhyes, yes it is.19:40
hamagci dunno, i have to run guys19:41
hamagcgood luck!19:41
arrrghhhkk cya19:41
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arrrghhhi don't see anything glaring in the dmesg19:43
eeeewant me to do it again?19:43
arrrghhhi'm not much of an expert on reading logs.19:43
arrrghhhhopefully stinebd or phh have some time to look at it.19:43
arrrghhhonly wlan line i see in the dmesg is bcm_wlan_power_on: power_mode 119:43
arrrghhh# [   27.315368] ipt_MASQUERADE: Unknown symbol nf_nat_setup_info # [   27.334716] ipt_MASQUERADE: Unknown symbol xt_register_target # [   27.354095] ipt_MASQUERADE: Unknown symbol nf_ct_iterate_cleanup # [   27.375457] ipt_MASQUERADE: Unknown symbol xt_unregister_target19:44
arrrghhhthat's those ipt_MASQUERADE errors tho stinebd19:44
eeeemayb i shud wait some more time after i turn wifi on?19:45
stinebdarrrghhh: that doesn't kill wifi, only (maybe) wifi tethering19:45
arrrghhheeee: let the professionals decide ;)19:46
arrrghhhstinebd: i know, just wanted you to see the error.s19:46
eeeeand tat is???19:46
arrrghhheeee: i don't know.19:47
* arrrghhh is not a professional.19:47
arrrghhhwell, i am, but not at this.19:47
pitflyerI clicked update on the XDAAndroidStartup utility which downloads the update, but when it tries to unzip gets 'bad read of entry modules-2.6.27'. Should I just go back to SovStartup that comes with Froyo 2.2 XDAndroid build?19:47
arrrghhhdon't use the startup tool.19:47
arrrghhhwe don't support it.19:47
pitflyerok, so just run haret.exe direct?19:48
arrrghhhand update manually.19:48
arrrghhhlike a real man :P19:48
eeeeso who will look at this??19:48
XirXesits also more manly to to put h in that19:48
pitflyermy haret tries to load default.txt ..i assume i should use startup.txt? That is 0k on my system19:49
XirXesthats why we dont recommend the startup tool. thats what caused that19:49
pitflyerso can i recover or must i start from scratch?19:49
XirXestheres no way to recover that startup.txt. its been nerfed19:50
pitflyerok. I'll start from a fresh copy19:50
arrrghhhpitflyer: hahaha hence why you don't use the startup tool.19:51
arrrghhhit likes to blast out the startup.19:51
eeeei also used the startup utility19:51
eeeedoes it matter?19:51
XirXesnot if your android is still working19:51
eeeeit works19:52
arrrghhhah well.19:52
eeeebut the wifi19:52
arrrghhhi must go home.19:52
eeeeso who are the professional in this?19:52
arrrghhheeee: figure it out, call me in the morning.19:52
arrrghhhi'll bbl guys.19:52
eeeei have no idea where to start?19:53
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XirXesdoes your 210 have colored call keys or white?19:55
eeeeits white19:55
pitflyerSame here, white19:56
eeeea  faint white19:56
pitflyerSo I just reformatted my SD card and just put andboot (no Program Files) on the SD, and then ran haret.exe and it still asks for 'default.txt' .. which there is none19:56
eeeetats the pic19:57
pitflyerthats mine too.19:57
F22stinebd: i see what you mean. never really thought of it as part of the touch screen given the casing design, but it looks like you're right.19:58
XirXesyeah i have the same model. but my wifi works. i dont have any expertise. im just trying to help rule out thingd19:59
eeeeso again the two files20:01
eeeeand logcat20:01
XirXesF22: you can feel the edge of the touch panel end below the zoom bar.20:01
eeeei don't undertand20:02
eeeeso pitflyer do you have any success?20:03
pitflyerI cant even get Android to boot without the Startup Utility, and my startup utility is hosed now20:03
eeeetats another problem20:03
pitflyertrying to do the reference build (my download has no default.txt or startup.txt somehow)20:03
pitflyerexactly heh20:04
eeeexdandroid can u help?20:04
F22Xirxes: Not on mine, it's so flush i don't feel anything.20:05
F22although you may be talking about popping the cover.20:05
F22which i haven't done.20:06
eeeedoes anybody know how to read the logs?20:06
eeeeand figure out wats going wrong?20:06
F22ahhh....the underside...20:06
F22the lcd does go down to just below the zoom bar, i see what you're getting at now.20:07
XirXeswhen your applying pressure and sliding your finger across the screen you can feel where there isnt any give20:07
eeeeso i guess no one is taking a look>20:10
XirXeswhat radio do you have flashed20:11
F22Xirxes: ok20:11
pitflyerFYI, I got the reference rom started w/o startup utility, clicked wifi on, and my phone promptly rebooted20:11
pitflyerI run the default radio which I think is 52 or 5520:12
pitflyerwrong - imean
XirXesill try flashing that and see what happens20:13
pitflyerDoes the radio affect wifi too?20:13
eeeei have
eeeei don't think it should affect wifi20:13
eeeei have tried all possible radios and windows is fine with that20:14
eeeebut android is being an ***20:14
eeeeso who are the experts on this ?20:15
XirXesthe radio basically a linux kernel that runs on a dedicated processor that acts as an interface between the os and the hardware20:16
pitflyerthanks xirxes20:16
pitflyeri got my android rebooting with command center... eeee, maybe put your links onto the thread on xda-developers so others can look at it too.20:16
eeeewhere exactly do i put it?20:17
XirXesand im running if you want to see if that gets you any different results20:17
pitflyerwell, I think you can attach the files to a post, or just post the pastebin links I think20:18
XirXesand so you know. is actually from t-mobile for the 21020:21
pitflyerGood to know.. Is 88 the last one Tmobile released?20:22
XirXesyeah. and its the only radio ive ever gotten 3g in my basement with20:22
XirXesi got worse reception with 9520:23
eeeeso i've posted the files on xda20:25
eeeefor future reference20:25
pitflyerme too @ http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=9121350#post912135020:25
pitflyergues we'll see if someone has any ideas or next steps, eeee... good luck, I think we'll need it20:26
eeeefor sure20:26
eeeei've almost given up20:27
eeeei got this phone in august20:27
XirXesmy wifi is working fine20:27
eeeen have been playing around since then20:27
XirXesnot the radio then20:27
XirXesback to 8820:27
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eeeewell if any1 finds out somethin new20:27
eeeepls post on tat forum20:28
eeeei guess i must say bye20:28
eeeeunless some1 else has expertise on this20:28
eeeei'm guessin not20:28
XirXesnot atm but im in here all the time. ill try and get some attention to this20:29
eeeethanks a lot20:29
pitflyerthanks, I think we're both willing to do more debugging if necessary20:29
eeeefor sure20:29
pitflyerI've only had the phone a week so I'm not quite as disappointed yet20:29
eeeewindows is not bad20:29
pitflyerSee ya around.. thanks20:29
eeeebut when it comes to apps20:29
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eeeeandroid beats it hands down20:29
XirXesisn't the tp2 more expensive than the g2 atm?20:30
eeeeit is20:30
eeeewell xirxes if you find out anythin, pls post on this forum?20:31
XirXesi bought mine when they were still 35020:31
XirXeswill do20:31
eeeei'll try to be on again mayb tom20:31
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ztag100hello... i need help with the wifi on my touchpro2 while in android20:34
XirXeswhat model?20:35
ztag100it is the sprint one20:37
ztag100sorry i am noy quite sure ibelieve the rhod15020:38
XirXeswhats happening?20:38
ztag100well... it sees my network... then i enter the wep key... and it says connecting... then it goes to disconnected20:39
XirXeshmm. do you know how to use adb20:41
XirXesits all good. install this apk. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Z7MA6BCX20:43
ztag100what does it do?20:44
XirXesin that program theres a dmesg button. itl dump your system log to a file on your sd20:44
ztag100i just clicked the install key but it says .exe not .apk20:46
ztag100download not instal20:46
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ztag100nevermind i think i clicked on a advdertisment by accident20:48
ztag100yup i have the correct file now...20:49
ztag100give me a couple of minutes to load it to my sd card20:51
ztag100thanks for your patience20:52
ztag100and by the way my device is a rhod40020:56
ztag100what now?21:00
XirXessorry. was dinner time21:02
ztag100its ok21:03
ztag100what should i do?21:03
XirXesalso i might not have elaborated as much as i needed to earlier. for valuable info to be gained from dmesg you need to attempt to connect to wifi before you run it21:04
XirXesand then pastebin the file and link it here21:05
ztag100how do i pastebin the file?21:06
ztag100sorry but i dont have internet at all on the device21:09
ztag100i dont have an active network connection on it21:09
XirXescopy it off and use a computer to do it21:09
ztag100GOT IT21:10
ztag100 sry didnt mean for that to be in caps21:10
XirXesthats ok. shoutings ok here21:10
ztag100is it ok if i make the post's exposure private?21:13
XirXesi would advise against it.21:13
XirXescause the more people that can look at it the better.21:14
ztag100but how would other people know what to do with it?21:14
XirXeswhen did you last update xdandroid?21:15
XirXesthe other people in here. im not exactly an expert21:15
ztag100just yesterday...21:15
ztag100and thats the link?21:16
ztag100and that question mark was suposed to be a period21:17
ztag100any luck?21:19
XirXesit doesn't look like the wifi reported any errors but im not done reading yet21:21
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XirXeshey arrrghhh we got another rhod with wifi isses. but its not the same problem as the 210.21:28
arrrghhhrhod400 wifi is fine21:28
arrrghhhi read the logs21:28
arrrghhhsoooo what happens when you turn on wifi ztag100 ?21:29
arrrghhhif you're using wep i'm going to slap you with a wet noodle via standard tcp/ip.21:29
* arrrghhh can do that21:29
XirXeslol he is21:29
arrrghhhno wep in xdandroid21:29
arrrghhhbesides, any 12 year old with packet injection knowledge can hack it in less than 2 minutes.21:30
XirXesoh. i didnt know that cause i believe in secure connections21:30
arrrghhhwith really crappy hardware.21:30
arrrghhhwep isn't secure :P21:30
arrrghhhin any sense of the word "security"21:30
arrrghhhyou made him pull a dmesg lol21:30
XirXesnever encountered that issue. well theres your fix ztag10021:30
arrrghhhi'm a problem solver.21:31
* arrrghhh is a dick21:31
arrrghhhztag100 is quiet...21:32
ztag100got caught up reading something21:32
ztag100but on my raph800 that i have running android has wifi21:33
ztag100with wep21:33
XirXesits probably not been implemented in the driver for the rhod21:34
ztag100how can i get wep to work?21:35
arrrghhhi didn't think wep worked for anything.21:35
arrrghhhanything xdandroid.21:35
arrrghhhdon't use wep either way.21:35
arrrghhhdidn't you see my soapbox up there?21:35
ztag100yes " any 12 year old with packet injection knowledge can hack it"21:36
arrrghhhyea.... meaning it's really easy to crack wep.  might as well just run an open network.21:37
arrrghhhi'm still confused how it works on your raph21:37
arrrghhhyou mean on rhodbuntu?21:37
arrrghhhcuz it may21:37
arrrghhhthe wifi drivers they use are different.21:37
ztag100its def xdandroid21:38
arrrghhhwell i no longer have my raph21:40
arrrghhhso i can't prove you right or wrong.21:40
arrrghhheither way.  don't use wep.21:40
arrrghhharen't you glad we brought this huge flaw to your attention?21:41
ztag100yes... since last night i was trying to get it to work21:41
arrrghhhthey need to disable wep on routers.21:41
XirXesplus wpa is nice cause you dont have to remember a hex password21:42
XirXesnot that i dont anyway21:42
XirXes"...meaning they'd be about as comfortable to wear as a motherboard jacket with ISA sleeves."21:43
arrrghhhthat makes me wonder21:43
ztag100yah... i used to have wpa...at my old apartment but when i moved i never changed it...21:43
arrrghhhi don't really want wep to work tho, so i guess i shouldn't pursue it.21:43
arrrghhhyour router didn't move with you?  lol21:43
ztag100wow... i just connected to one of my neighbors who have an open network... so ill just have to use this for now... and it did but verizon gave us a new one because we moved to an area with fios and our older one didnt21:45
ztag100anyway... ill tell my dad that we should change our password to a wpa21:46
arrrghhhoh i have a gigabit N router.21:46
arrrghhhthat definitely goes with me.21:46
ztag100alright well thanks for your help...21:47
ztag100good bye21:47
ztag100got to go...21:47
ztag100dad got home21:47
ztag100gna tell him21:47
XirXesinsult him for using inferior protocals21:48
arrrghhhkids these days.21:48
XirXesnot insulting there fathers. when will they learn21:49
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XirXesahh the g2. she temps me so. they gained full root today and there is already a new kernel out for OCing to 1.7 GHz22:13
arrrghhhi can't give up sprint.22:14
XirXeswell hopefully htc will come out with something that kicks the visions ass next year22:14
arrrghhhthe whole cell phone providers competeing over phone model thing is stupid.22:15
XirXesive always hated it22:15
arrrghhhi was hoping that law or whatever that passed about the iphone4  was going to help it22:15
XirXesi blame qualcomm for americas screwed up carrier incompatibility.22:16
arrrghhhman those 210 guys were so ungrateful...22:22
arrrghhhi guess i shouldn't have used the word professional.22:23
F22i'm hoping gingerbread has wxga support.  wxga on a 4.3" screen with a keyboard is my definition of heaven.22:28
F22if i were to get something today it would probably be the g2 though.22:29
arrrghhhi must wait.22:30
arrrghhhso i cling to my tp2 hopelessly.22:30
F22likewise :P22:30
F22hmm...what's the easiest way to shoehorn an update to framework.jar into the system image?22:33
arrrghhhwell if you have the image souce22:34
arrrghhhwouldn't you just drop the jar in and rebuilt the image?22:35
arrrghhhgod it took forever to download all of it.22:35
arrrghhhi just let it go overnight lol22:35
F22is stinebd's image source available?22:35
arrrghhhoh yea.22:35
arrrghhhi went thru the hoops22:35
F22i know his root is.22:35
arrrghhhtook me  a while22:35
arrrghhha lot of user errors22:35
arrrghhhnot sure what you mean...22:35
arrrghhhthe code he uses to build the system images22:36
arrrghhhthe system.ext2 file...?22:36
F22there is a git for rootfs22:36
F22yes, system.ext222:36
arrrghhhenjoy the madness22:36
F22i already have AOSP22:37
arrrghhhwell when i go thru that process22:37
arrrghhhit spits out a system.img file22:38
arrrghhhwhich if you rename it to system.ext2, voila.22:38
F22ah, yes. this looks exactly like what i'm looking for.22:38
arrrghhhsometimes i know what i'm talking about.  most of the time i misunderstand what people are asking for :P22:39
F22you understood me well enough just now. :D22:39
F22i used to do telephone tech support, hated it...22:41
F22what i could fix in 2 minutes if the machine in front of me often took an hour or more...22:41
arrrghhhyea i used to do that internally for my company22:42
arrrghhhbut we could remote into any machine... good lord did it make everything easier.22:42
arrrghhhman some of the things users tell you...22:43
arrrghhhyo stinebd you there?22:43
arrrghhhi guess i should do a dmesg22:43
arrrghhhand compare...22:43
arrrghhhi don't see any errors here, it looks like their wifi turns on & off real quick.22:44
arrrghhhmmc0: Command timeout - mmc0... is that the wlan card?22:47
F22sd card?22:50
arrrghhhi don't even know why i'm filing a bug for these yokels.23:14
F22i'm no expert on wifi, but i believe mmc stands for multi media card23:14
arrrghhhthey came in here acting like they're paying for support.23:14
arrrghhhi just saw this23:14
arrrghhhMMC: WiFi device enable23:14
arrrghhhbut also this: MMC: SD-Card interface enable23:14
arrrghhhlol so i'm not sure what i'm looking for at this point.23:14
arrrghhhi was going to file a bug with their logs.  seems one was on the kernel from 11.3, and another on 10.11 lol23:15
arrrghhhi guess i should do a dmesg from my wifi to compare.23:15
F22that can be useful, or if there is someone with a working 210 like XirXes, getting one from him if you can might be helpful.23:16
arrrghhhyea perhaps23:17
arrrghhhyou around XirXes ?23:17
arrrghhh mmcblk0 - that's definitely the sd23:20
F22lol, yup23:23
arrrghhhyea i don't know what i'm looking for lol23:24
arrrghhhbah i guess i'll just open the stupid bug.  damn yokels.23:24
F22yeah, don't kill yourself over it. If it works for at least one person then odds are that it's something specific to their setups and not a real bug.23:31
arrrghhhlol he posted more logs on xda.23:37
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F22by "reference build" he means Reefer's?23:41
arrrghhhreefers is blazn23:53
arrrghhhreef calls stine's build reference.23:53
F22reefer has 2 build, blazn and reference from what i recall.23:53
F22is reef's reference build entirely stine's? nothing else?23:53
arrrghhhreference is straight from that building the source link i gave you basically.23:53
arrrghhhreef just packages it23:53
F22ok, i was just wondering if he did any configuration.23:54
arrrghhhjust provides the startup23:54
arrrghhhrar's it up23:54
arrrghhhand makes a stupid cab as well.23:54
F22[  335.707733] dhd_preinit_ioctls: can't get MAC address , error=-110  <--- hmmm...23:55
arrrghhhOoO didn't see that23:55
arrrghhhbut why23:55
arrrghhhin the past didn't you have to specify the mac in the startup or something...?23:55
arrrghhhi don't remember.  bah, i never muck with wifi.23:55
arrrghhhit's just worked for me :P23:55
arrrghhhthat and i use it 0.01% of the time.23:56
F22[  332.904998] DHD: dongle ram size is set to 393216(orig 393216)23:56
F22[  333.502075] dhdsdio_download_nvram: error downloading vars: -123:56
F22[  333.502136] _dhdsdio_download_firmware: dongle nvram file download failed23:56
F22[  335.707672] dhd_bus_rxctl: resumed on timeout23:56
F22[  335.707733] dhd_preinit_ioctls: can't get MAC address , error=-11023:56
F22[  335.707763] dhdsdio_probe: failed23:56

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