Friday, 2010-10-29

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arrrghhhstinebd, wladston's keymap i think makes a lot of freakin sense on the rhod.  either that or i'm just tired.  HOME=END, END CALL=POWER, SEARCH=MUTE.  search will have to be changed later, obviously :P01:14
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arrrghhhah well.  i'll test it out in the morning, see how it goes.01:25
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wladstonnite for you guys ...02:25
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Pewpew-Kimanyone know where I can get the Google Talk app?02:45
Pewpew-Kimit's not in the Market02:45
xdandroidNew kernel available (20101029_084132) at
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xdandroidNew XDAndroid Source Tree bug 44 filed...04:28
xdandroidBug major, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, Failure to boot04:28
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Skyfoxat the boot it always stops with an message "allocated dma buffer at..." and then nothing more happens06:32
Skyfoxcan anyone helps me, plz06:32
Skyfoxwith usb connected it sometimes boots06:33
Skyfoxi have an htc topaz06:33
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arrrghhhmr freak11:57
arrrghhhwhat phone do you have?11:57
JesusFreak316Me? Fuze.11:59
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arrrghhhah well.12:03
hamagcgood morning guys12:03
arrrghhhhammy's here tho.  hamagc did you ever turn anything up from your logs?12:03
arrrghhhin respect to broken data.12:03
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hamagcfor what? haven't read logs yet12:04
arrrghhhok let me take a step back, :P12:04
arrrghhhso data cxn is borked after 10/11 on raph80012:04
arrrghhhand i think 500 too12:04
JesusFreak316arrrghhh: Why? CDMA issues. Again. :)12:04
arrrghhhseems that giant usb commit borked something for you guys12:04
arrrghhhdid you ever find anything in logcat, dmesg, what-have-you?12:05
hamagcya let em find the error again12:05
arrrghhhyou're one of the few that comes in here with an 800 to troubleshoot, on the forums all i can do is tell people we're trying to look at it.12:05
arrrghhhbut without an 800 myself, can't really do much.12:05
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hamagcE/pppd ( 1795): Failed to open /dev/smd1: m12:07
hamagcthats what i get12:07
hamagcthat is the data breaking i believe12:07
hamagcsmd1 is our modem12:08
arrrghhhyea i think i remember you posting that error.12:08
hamagcand i have search and searched and can find little to nothing on why12:08
arrrghhhphh: we may need some of your magic.12:08
arrrghhhi think acl broke it with the usb commit, but it's just odd that it _only_ broke the 800&500.12:09
phhhamagc: you enabled diag ?12:09
phhusb diag12:09
hamagcno, should i?12:09
hamagccrap, brb12:10
phharrrghhh: it only broke cdma ? :p12:10
arrrghhhphh: what's worse is it only seems to be RAPH CDMA devices...12:11
arrrghhhmy rhod400 on sprint is just fine :P12:11
arrrghhhhaven't heard from any DIAM cdma guys.  i don't think there's any of those phones left haha12:11
phhiirc it's normal12:11
arrrghhhregressions?  oh heck yea.  lol.12:12
phhthe part that rhod works :p12:12
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arrrghhhah.  yea, despite the phones having nearly identical internals, they seem to act very differently.  stupid htc.12:16
hamagcstupid htc...12:20
arrrghhhhamagc: did you see the led light tests i was doin with wistilt?12:20
arrrghhhevidently those are all mapped to different bitmasks between the rhod400&300.12:20
hamagclol thats retarded12:20
arrrghhhit's like HTC knew this would happen, and wanted to make it really difficult for devs to reverse engineer...12:21
hamagcso different carriers with the same phones have all different bitmasks, thats awesome lol12:21
arrrghhhi don't see any other reason, because surely it just makes their docs and devs confused as well.12:21
Aksthey wud hv a hard time keeping up with all the diff builds :P12:21
arrrghhhi guess they have a team on each device?  i don't know, it really doesn't make sense to me.12:21
hamagcprob. each device has a little bit different technology for the carriers so each device prob. has it's own dev team to work on them12:22
arrrghhhi know sprint & vzw always puts devices thru the ringer12:22
arrrghhhwhich is why sprint used to be so far behind.  not sure what changed, but in just the last year they've gotten a lot of new devices.12:23
hamagcok so if i disable and renable data logcat shows  E/pppd ( 1795): Failed to open /dev/smd1: m12:24
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arrrghhhwell that's your problem right there.12:25
arrrghhh:P  i wonder why it can't open it...12:25
arrrghhhnot sure if it'll help, but have you compared logcat with the 10.11 kernel?12:26
arrrghhhto get a baseline...12:26
phhhamagc: /dev/smd1 doesn't exist I guess ?12:26
hamagclets take a look12:26
arrrghhhshouldn't that get created on boot phh ?12:26
phharrrghhh: depends.12:27
* arrrghhh needs to learn more about embedded linux.12:27
hamagcis that supposed to be root? i have no /dev/smd112:27
hamagco jave /dev/snd12:27
phhsnd ?? lolwat ?12:27
hamagci have*12:27
hamagcya /dev/snd12:27
phhah yeah we enabled alsa12:28
phhhamagc: other /dev/smdX ?12:28
arrrghhhlol probably for ubuntu eh.12:28
hamagcno /dev/smd*12:29
phhhamagc: you're sure you're on your phone ? :p12:29
hamagci have /sys/dev but no /sys/dev/smd*12:29
hamagclol positive, i'm looking via root explorer on the phone itself12:29
JesusFreak316*As Adam from Mythbusters* Well there's your problem. :P12:29
phhhamagc: who said /sys/dev/smd ?12:29
phhI said /dev/smd12:29
hamagci know, just browsing around12:29
arrrghhhdon't touch that!12:30
arrrghhhany device should be listed in /dev/12:30
phhit will explode !12:30
arrrghhhanything interesting in dmesg?12:30
hamagci have /dev/ adsp. block, cpuctl, graphics, input, log, oncrpc, pts, snd, and socket12:30
arrrghhhperhaps it's not even detecting the modem on boot12:30
phhhamagc: I'm not talking about folders12:32
phhbut files12:32
phharrrghhh: you can't boot without modem -_-'12:32
arrrghhhphh: so if it doesn't detect a modem the boot process is halted...?12:32
phharrrghhh: mostly12:33
hamagc[1;35m/dev/smd0[0m   [1;35m/dev/smd1[0m   [1;35m/dev/smd27[0m  [1;35m/dev12:33
phhthat's better12:33
phhso you've got smd112:33
hamagclast one is /dev/smd712:34
phhhamagc: if you do cat /dev/smd112:34
phhwhat happens ?12:34
phhno such device ?12:34
hamagcno such device12:34
phhhum I can't push anything12:35
arrrghhhdamnit i hate adb in windows...12:37
hamagclol why?12:37
arrrghhhit seems to break routinely12:37
arrrghhhand i have to keep fiddling with the drivers12:38
arrrghhhonce i got it setup on my linux box, it's always worked.12:39
hamagci think i've only had to reload drivers once on my xp laptop12:39
arrrghhhwindows... keeps popping up these new hardware prompts, and it seems like i keep having to start over with it...12:39
JesusFreak316it's always worked for both for me. Windows and virtualbox Ubuntu.12:39
arrrghhhkeeps telling me no devices.12:41
arrrghhhand i have the stupid 3 devices in device manager again...12:41
arrrghhhmaybe i have to do it for each build?  i test a lot of stuff :P12:41
hamagcthat could be12:41
arrrghhhcrap, it's not accepting the drivers.12:41
phhhamagc: I sent the fix to acl12:42
phhhe should push it tonight12:42
hamagcawesome, thanks phh! i'll test tonight once it gets commited12:42
arrrghhhphh: you found the issue?12:42
hamagcsomeone for got a line didn't they? lol12:42
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phharrrghhh: it's a known issue12:43
phharrrghhh: it's a known issue that usb diag enabled kills cdma data.12:43
arrrghhhoh... i see.12:44
arrrghhhsilly acl.12:44
arrrghhhso i'm guessing those were disabled for RHOD CDMA devices but not RAPH eh?12:44
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emwestinebd: if i update the gapps again, build a new image, will that screw my "old" data.img again?13:48
stinebdemwe: no but dont bother. gapps hasn't changed at all13:52
stinebdthe only difference is they removed a file that shouldn't have been in the 20101020.1 package13:52
emwei see13:52
stinebd(which we didn't install to system anyway)13:52
emwestinebd: btw, did you ever stumble upon <bool name="config_sf_slowBlur">true</bool>?13:53
emwefeels snappier when the "useless" blur is not performed.13:53
emwee.g. on shutdown dialog13:53
stinebdit's in our tree already13:54
stinebdi stole it from cm dream-sapphire a while back13:55
arrrghhhstinebd: probably the last thing you want to think about, but what do you think about what i said last night in relation to the button mapping?13:55
stinebdit should be there13:56
stinebdarrrghhh: don't care13:56
stinebdi'll take patches but i refuse to maintain it13:56
stinebdany bugs are yours then :P13:56
arrrghhhi dunno at first i thought yea, we should try to match winmo.13:56
stinebdor if you know git i can add you to the repo access list13:56
arrrghhhbut that doesn't make sense, we're running android....13:56
arrrghhhi know a little... not sure if you want to give me that much powa... :P13:57
stinebdmy main concern with the changes was to match what the button labels say13:57
stinebdthat's not possible on rhod though13:57
arrrghhhand that brazillian guy i was talking to i thought had a good idea for the keymap.13:57
stinebdbut it works real nice on raph13:57
stinebdyou elitists with your wvga screen, who's great now?!13:58
arrrghhhi know13:58
arrrghhhseems the newer the phone, the less buttons...13:58
stinebdemwe: hmm maybe it got lost in the froyo merge13:59
stinebdi swear to god i put that in there13:59
emwestinebd: one sec. i swear something is broken here again in respect to repo sync14:00
emwethis slowly drives me nuts.14:00
emwejust realized i have been on no branch again14:00
emweand my froyo branch is outdated and git diff m/froyo showed diff...14:00
emwedevice/xdandroid/: leaving froyo; does not track upstream14:01
arrrghhhstinebd: i know there's no way to make everyone happy.  but the more i think about it, we should be trying to match native android devices, not whatever the buttons say.  sure it'd be great to match up the buttons but that's just not feasible.14:01
stinebdwell whatever14:01
stinebdjust drop some patches in my inbox14:02
stinebdgit formatted14:02
stinebdand don't touch the raph keylayouts, those are my baby14:02
stinebdno matter how much people cry about dpad-center14:02
arrrghhhi feel like i should confer with the users.  then i remember what a bad idea that is.14:02
Aksno incoming calls at all14:03
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emwestinebd: just to be sure, i should be on "froyo" branch everywhere where it is present, right?14:05
stinebdemwe: with repo you should be on no branch (disconnected head) unless you're doing active development14:10
arrrghhhAks: no need.14:10
stinebdemwe: it's weird i know, but you get used to it14:10
stinebdor you have a nervous breakdown14:10
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emwestinebd: hm. i just did a git pull gitorious froyo in device/xdandroid and it pulled a lot of stuff14:11
emweei that drives me nuts, really14:11
emweso repo sync resets everything to "detached" as it should be yes?14:11
emweand whenever i modify something it skips that part of the tree, yes?14:12
stinebdit will pull in the local clone (in .repo) and try to sync with the working copy, then complain to you14:13
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stinebdor if you've already committed your changes it'll probably discard them14:13
emwei think i don't wan't to understand that.14:13
stinebddiscard them in the process of moving back to the detached head14:14
stinebdthey'd still be there in your branch14:14
emweif i started a branch that is, right?14:14
stinebdheh, yeah14:14
emweif not, screwed?14:14
stinebdthey do it like this for gerrit14:15
stinebdthe code review pulls in a lot of code from decentralized sources so to keep a stable internal build tree they have to use this messy system14:16
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arrrghhhXirXes: so to me, the only button changes that make sense are END CALL = HOME and POWER = END CALL/POWER14:16
emwestinebd: thx. i am sure i will get back to you about that stuff once in a while again and again.14:17
arrrghhhi think win key = menu makes sense to me... although the start call key is pretty useless other than answering call.s14:17
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XirXeswell on most of the xdandroid supported phones the win key is actually a home key14:17
XirXesthats why i ask14:18
stinebdhow many of our devices have a win key?14:18
arrrghhhyou're talking RHOD specifically14:18
arrrghhhstinebd: i thought all rhods did, but evidently the 210 doesn't.14:18
arrrghhhi think all but the 210 have a winkey.14:18
stinebdthat's what i thought, the one obscure euro rhod14:18
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XirXesthats what i mean. the rhod is special14:18
arrrghhhthat brazillian said his endkey has a home icon on it lol.14:19
XirXesthe rest have a home key14:19
XirXesthe unlocked have a home icon next to the end key14:19
stinebdwtf does win do on those rhods anyway?14:19
XirXesopens start14:19
stinebdstart menu?14:19
stinebd<3 windows14:19
stinebdin case that big button on the corner of the screen isn't accessible enough i guess14:20
XirXesim using on my phone call=menu home/win=home back=back end=search14:20
stinebdfor general use i think end would be better as end14:21
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stinebdyou never know how many people use it to hang up until you take it away from them and get bombarded with hate mail14:21
XirXesi havent used my phone as a phone since september and i dont remember if android has on screen call functions14:22
arrrghhhstinebd: yea i know what you mean... damnit.14:22
arrrghhhXirXes: it doesn't really.14:22
stinebdyou have to enter the menu to hang up14:22
arrrghhhyou have to hit menu to get any options, it's just a blank screen.14:22
XirXeseven on phones without those keys like the nexus?14:22
arrrghhhthere's no good option... perhaps we need 2 rootfs' lol14:22
stinebdon the nexus it uses the touch-friendly interface (it's a config option at build time)14:23
stinebdi believe we can't do that because it doesn't fit correctly on vga14:23
stinebdi might look at it though14:23
arrrghhhoh so the dial screen looks different for n1?14:23
XirXesthat could deff be a good solution14:23
arrrghhhor in-call screen rather.14:23
stinebdwe've already forked that repository so it's no big deal to modify the touch interface if needed14:23
arrrghhhyea maybe we should just hold off on keymap changes.14:24
arrrghhhholy crap14:24
stinebdthat one14:24
arrrghhhah, that would be cool.14:24
XirXesagreed just trying to plant the idea14:24
stinebdnote, it doesn't come with the picture of the douche by default14:25
arrrghhhbut yea, i think keymap changes should wait.  we may get to use the zoombar for several buttons, and search i think would make the most sense there.14:25
stinebdwell we *did* fork the repository. anything is possible14:25
XirXesi would rather use the zoom bar for zooming. plus only the topaz and rhod have those14:26
arrrghhhyea it would only apply to those devices.14:26
XirXesill just keep modifying rootfs when i get it14:26
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arrrghhhbut it sounds like we may be able to break the zoombar into several button 'zones'.14:26
stinebdwell the idea with the zoom bar was to have the +/- zones be buttons and the stuff in between be a zoom area14:26
arrrghhhyea.  what mr. stine said ;)14:27
stinebdmost likely there's no way to have it act like it does on winmo anyway14:27
XirXesthat sounds pretty good actually14:27
stinebdbasically what you've got with the zoom bar is a little strip of touch screen that doesn't display anything and can be used like nexus one's keys14:28
XirXesi figured that. i would really only care about it in the browser. i keep trying to use it and end up scrolling14:28
XirXesits pretty narrow tho...14:28
stinebduse your stylus then :P14:29
XirXesi keep thinking my phone has a message lol14:30
stinebdemwe: config_sf_slowBlur=true14:38
stinebdjust for you14:38
stinebdsync up and enjoy the meat14:38
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stinebdone little config change and the whole damn packages tree has to be rebuilt?14:45
wladstonhey dudes14:48
wladstonstinebd: I got some questions for you from yesterday, as always, feel free to ignore them :)14:48
wladstonstinebd: why did you made your own repo manifest ?14:48
stinebdbecause i had to14:50
wladstonstinebd: why didn't you just checkout a normal android repo, and then branch it ?14:52
stinebdi did14:52
stinebda "normal android repo" is a collection of lots of smaller individual git repositories14:52
stinebdcloned and managed by repo14:52
wladstonyeah, I figured that out14:52
wladstonbut when I checkout xdandroid, the repo manifest is on xdandroid14:53
stinebdwe need to tell repo which of the repositories should be our version14:53
stinebdany change to any repository will require the project to have its own manifest14:53
wladstonhummm ... right14:53
wladstongot it14:53
* wladston syncs with the korg android repo, tries to learn how to make on it15:05
stinebdemwe: it does seem particularly snappier in the shutdown dialog15:35
stinebdi might push the OTA support into rootfs today15:37
stinebdand then for FRX03 we can distribute an instead of system.ext215:37
stinebdwell we can do both but most people will get the zip15:37
arrrghhhthat'll be awesometastic.15:40
CazHfreaking awesome :D15:43
wladstonfreaking awesome [2]15:45
wladstonI need a note taking app and a list app ... recomendations ?15:49
arrrghhhfor shopping lists OI makes a good app15:50
arrrghhhnote taking... any notepad-like app does the job for me.15:50
arrrghhhhaven't tried too many tho.15:50
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wladstonI need one I can operate with the stylus15:53
wladstonalso would be nice to have a wake-up-on-stylus removal on our build!15:53
wladstonstinebd: what do you think ?15:53
xdandroidNew rootfs available (20101029-2f5744a) at: -- Changes at:
stinebdwladston: patches welcome15:55
wladstonstinebd: great :) I'm on my way on learning how to make patches15:55
hamagcwoot! ota!16:10
hamagcare kernel updates possible ota?16:10
stinebdwell not yet16:13
stinebdportions of my hand make a cameo in that shot16:14
wladstonnice :)16:15
arrrghhhha, i was wondering if you were going to respond to that bug stine lol16:24
stinebdi wonder if there's a max comment length setting16:25
stinebdcan't trust users at all16:25
arrrghhhseriously.  i got that email in my phone, scrolling thru it like FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU16:25
arrrghhhwas that bug 42?16:26
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, REOPENED, BLAZN, Haret, no service16:26
stinebdthat dmesg is useless anyway16:29
arrrghhhyea, looks like it was after the restart...16:30
arrrghhhwe'd probably need someone who knows adb to just have a logcat running when the restart happens.16:30
stinebd1128.727844 is when it happened16:30
stinebdbut the dmesg just shows some binder ipc errors and zombie deaths which are to be expected16:31
stinebdand then at 1131 zygote restarts everything16:31
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stinebdreally we don't even need someone with adb16:34
stinebdsendlog would do the trick for this assuming they could get to it soon enough after android is restored16:34
* arrrghhh has no clue what he's looking for, and that just proved it :P16:40
arrrghhhi've had this happen a few times to me on my rhod40016:41
arrrghhhbut nothing repeatable...16:41
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hamagcok guys i'm off. see you all monday16:50
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wladstonI'm experimenting with a notes application, and it really doesn't work correctly17:18
wladstonI wonder if it's the display driver or it's the app17:19
wladstonmaybe I should calibrate the screen17:19
emwere. somehow my box just died...17:20
wladstonno windows boot ?17:20
emwedied as in was in standby in opensuse. and for whatever reason was not wakeable..17:20
emwestandby doesn't work anyway in combination with advanced mini dock anyway.17:21
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wladstonarrrghhh: did you try the rootfs  ?17:29
arrrghhhnever got an email form ya..17:46
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mokmok_what do I do with this .EXT file?17:46
arrrghhhmokmok_: it's an update17:46
mokmok_err, ext3217:46
arrrghhhyou replace your previous system.ext2 file with the new one.17:46
mokmok_hmm, ok17:46
mokmok_I'm looking at:
mokmok_and it gives me links to the update17:47
mokmok_which one should I be getting?17:47
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mokmok_i'm trying to put the on fresh, haven't done this before17:48
mokmok_damn, I'm making a lot of typos17:48
mokmok_I'm trying to load android on my fuze for the first time17:49
arrrghhhso don't download the update17:49
wladstonarrrghhh:  ?17:49
arrrghhhyou need to get a bundle17:49
arrrghhh1 sec17:49
arrrghhhwladston: never got an email from ya.,17:49
wladstonarrrghhh: pm me with your email again17:49
arrrghhhmokmok_: so first i want you to read thru this thread.  don't have to read every post, just read the first three posts.  lots of good info.17:50
arrrghhhwhen you're ready, make sure to download the bundle and not any updates... can't update something you don't have yet :P17:51
mokmok_ ?17:52
arrrghhhmokmok_: that's old... did you read the thread?17:52
mokmok_I'm not going to criticize the layout, 'cos it's all free, but I'm confused at the layout17:53
arrrghhhoh wait17:53
arrrghhhlooking at that date it is old17:53
arrrghhhbut i guess babijoee hasn't put up a new bundle in a while...17:53
mokmok_yeah, post is from june17:53
arrrghhheh your phone is ancient :P17:53
mokmok_you're telling me17:53
mokmok_gotta buy a new one every year to keep up :p17:53
mokmok_it was nice when it came out!17:54
arrrghhhoh i know it was17:56
arrrghhhi used to have one.17:56
arrrghhhhad one for 2 years...17:56
mokmok_can I download that bundle, then just swap out the system.ext2 file?17:57
arrrghhhyes indeed17:57
arrrghhhthat's how you update17:57
mokmok_ahh, well that's not too painful17:57
arrrghhhjust replace the old files with new ones.17:57
mokmok_I only got 1 file in my system.ext2 download17:58
arrrghhhnope, it's pretty easy.  hopefully stine'll have a slick new over-the-air update soon.17:58
arrrghhhjust system.ext217:58
mokmok_maybe then I can sell this dinosaur and buy something that will be obsolete again in a year :p17:58
arrrghhhwelcome to the world of tech.17:59
arrrghhhmy alienware laptop from 2004 can barely browse the damned web now.17:59
mokmok_I got lucky, my work let me pick out my laptop17:59
arrrghhhwell, this is my personal lappy.17:59
arrrghhhi have a pretty nice work laptop.17:59
mokmok_latitude e6410 with 4gb ddr3 and a 2.7 i518:00
arrrghhhhaven't had the extra cash or desire to upgrade my personal lappy.18:00
arrrghhhnot bad for an i5.18:00
arrrghhhi have no clue what they spent on mine lol18:00
arrrghhhah well, this is OT.18:00
arrrghhhand i'm done with work, cya guys on the flip side.18:00
mokmok_that's where the good deals are18:00
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mokmok_thanks for the tips18:00
Aksi just received a call loud n clear n got it to go on speaker also !!!18:16
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wladstonI'm having no service issues ... sometimes it goes out of service and will stay a LONG time out.  Booting to windows restores the signal. Ideas ?18:20
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Akswladston : its normal18:32
AksI also hv to do it18:32
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arrrghhhAks, speakerphone has worked for a while, but the mic on the speakerphone doens't work.18:34
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samihrcsomebody here ?19:53
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, is lying19:53
arrrghhhok first off, the enter key is not puncuation.19:53
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh and I are bots.19:53
samihrci have android 2.2 on htc pro touch 219:53
arrrghhhso quit using the enter key as puncation.19:53
samihrcwork good19:53
samihrci need19:53
arrrghhhdamnit dude.19:54
samihrcsync to mi pc19:54
samihrcto get19:54
samihrcunderstand ?19:54
TheDeadCPUlol arrrghhh19:54
arrrghhhi don't know spanish.19:54
arrrghhh'latino' as you put it.19:54
samihrci can sync my tp2 to pc to get internet, can help me ?19:54
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, yea he's spanish.19:54
arrrghhhor mexican.19:54
arrrghhheither way19:54
arrrghhhthey speak portugese19:55
arrrghhhdidn't we go over this?19:55
samihrclooking me19:55
samihrc1 sec19:55
arrrghhhsamihrc, QUIT USING ENTER19:55
arrrghhhone line19:55
samihrcsrry man19:55
TheDeadCPUWhois said nothing..19:55
arrrghhhsamihrc, do you have a gmail account?19:55
arrrghhhthat's the best/easiest way to sync contacts.19:55
samihrcok, i have this problem, i have android 2.2 haret in htc touch pro 2 but i can sync to my pc to get internet19:55
samihrccan respawn me the solution please?19:55
arrrghhhoh wait.19:56
arrrghhhyou can't get online?19:56
TheDeadCPUno you can't19:56
samihrccant ?19:56
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, he can't reverse USB tether19:56
arrrghhhwhat do you mean by "sync my pc to get internet?19:56
arrrghhhi think he either means normal usb tether... or...?19:56
samihrci can connect to usb port to pc, with android19:57
samihrcand can see the sd19:57
arrrghhhsamihrc, debugging only.19:57
samihrcmemory sd19:57
arrrghhhsamihrc, not yet.19:57
samihrcfor incovenients19:57
arrrghhheh, just quit using the enter key like it's puncuation.19:57
TheDeadCPUsamihrc, you can't view SD Card in Andorid.19:58
samihrci see in 100x forums and no can resolve my problem19:58
arrrghhhsamihrc, android needs the sd card mounted because it's running the OS off of the sd...19:58
samihrcthe android 2.2 project no have syncronizer to pc ?19:58
TheDeadCPUIt's impossible.19:58
samihrcis correct ?19:58
arrrghhhsamihrc, not in the way you want it.19:58
samihrcthe android 2.2 project no have syncronizer to pc ?19:58
samihrci can get the internet from my pc, and enter in market store of android to download aplications19:59
samihrcno have some solution for that ?19:59
samihrci want get the internet from my pc to my phon with haret to download aplications from market google19:59
arrrghhhwhy not just use the market app on the phone to download?19:59
samihrcno have solution for thtat ?20:00
arrrghhhwhy not just use the market app on the phone to download?20:00
TheDeadCPUIt's not possible.20:00
samihrcthe only way to get market in the haret is date connecion network o wi-fi (NO PC), is that correct ¿?20:01
arrrghhhoh i see what you want.  you're crazy, no body wants to do that lol.20:02
arrrghhhwifi or 3g buddy.20:02
samihrconly connect wireles?20:03
arrrghhhwhy would you want to connect thru your pc?  that's a pain.20:03
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, a lot of people seem to want to..20:03
arrrghhhno wifi...?20:04
TheDeadCPUAlso, if you don't have Wifi and can't afford Data..20:04
arrrghhhi understand can't afford data...20:04
samihrconly the connection to internet in haret is for wireless connect ?20:04
arrrghhhbut no wifi... c'mon.20:04
arrrghhhsamihrc, wifi or 3g - cellular.20:04
samihrcno usb ?20:04
samihrcsorry for questions but i dont understand much english20:04
arrrghhhwe already explained that i thought.20:05
arrrghhhyou're just throwing our answers into a translator huh...20:05
samihrcmnnn ok20:05
arrrghhhi don't know any spanish, otherwise i'd try to speak it.20:05
TheDeadCPUI know lots. But I deny to speak it.20:06
arrrghhhi know enough to get me in a fight.20:06
arrrghhhbut not back out of it...20:06
samihrcthe only way to connect to internet from phone is wireless?, there is no way to synchronize my computer and internet grab it with the phone in android?20:06
arrrghhhsamihrc, for the last time, no.20:07
arrrghhhwifi or cell plan20:07
samihrcother las questions20:07
arrrghhhuh oh, plural.20:07
samihrcesto en la actualidad, podra ser solucionado, habra sincronizacion con la pc de repente ?20:07
samihrcafff sorry20:08
samihrcthis today, may be solved, there will be synchronization with the PC at once?20:08
arrrghhhsamihrc, i doubt it.20:08
TheDeadCPUNo. Usted no puede utilizar Internet en su PC en el teléfono. Usted debe conectar el teléfono a través de WiFi o EDGE o 3G.20:08
arrrghhhthat's what i'm talkin bout mr nord man.20:08
TheDeadCPUThat shut him up.20:10
samihrcthanks all and sorry for incoveniences my dude is resolved20:10
arrrghhhmy dude is resolved too.20:11
samihrcwhat dude ?20:11
samihrchave you ?20:11
arrrghhhlol sorry.20:11
* arrrghhh is a dick.20:11
samihrc<arrrghhh> my dude is resolved too.20:12
samihrcwhy ?20:12
samihrchave dudes ?20:12
arrrghhhhrm... not sure you know what dude means.20:12
arrrghhhdude = amigo20:13
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arrrghhhMe gusta comer carne de cerdo frita.20:16
TheDeadCPUtacos! burritos burritos!20:16
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samihrcin south park, erick cartman with you hand20:20
samihrcsay jeniffer lopez, "me gusta comer tacos, burritos"20:20
samihrcno see southpark ¿?20:20
arrrghhhyou've never seen south park?20:20
arrrghhheric cartman?20:20
arrrghhh'screw you guys i'm goin home"?  nothin?20:21
arrrghhhdang dude.  you're behind.20:21
arrrghhhyou've got like 14 seasons to catch up on :P20:21
arrrghhhthose guys are from my state.  actually met @ the university i went to :P20:21
* TheDeadCPU looks at his 12 South Park Season Boxes.20:21
arrrghhhwth is wrong with you LOL20:21
TheDeadCPUI've got season 1-12 on DVD yay20:22
arrrghhhi've got every episode :P20:24
TheDeadCPUI've got all of them on my External drive :p20:24
arrrghhhdid you see the newest?20:25
arrrghhhwith the coon20:25
TheDeadCPUI've yet to see season 14 and up20:25
TheDeadCPUI want to save them til i need em20:25
arrrghhh2nd half of s14 just started back up.20:25
samihrcblobjow my balls20:25
arrrghhhlol wat indeed.20:26
samihrceirc karttman : "melb gibson says the judes are serpents and going to the hell"20:26
TheDeadCPUstinebd, you know any spanish?20:26
stinebdTheDeadCPU: ¿donde esta la biblioteca?20:27
TheDeadCPUI know spanish. But deny to speak it.20:28
TheDeadCPUAlso. Gnite guys.20:28
stinebdwo ist die toilette?20:28
arrrghhhsuge på denne Trebeck...20:29
TheDeadCPUWhy would I suck on a wooden bench?20:30
stinebdthe penis mightier for 500?20:30
arrrghhhwooden bench?20:30
TheDeadCPU<arrrghhh> suge på denne Trebeck...20:30
arrrghhhis that what Trebeck translates to in Norwegian?20:30
arrrghhhI was talking about Alex Trebeck.  stine got it :P20:31
TheDeadCPUnope. But it's the closest thing20:31
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arrrghhhthat is pretty close.20:31
stinebdwatch for splinters20:31
TheDeadCPUWell gnite guys20:31
arrrghhhhave a good un20:31
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Fusion1anyone awake ?20:48
arrrghhh7pm here20:48
arrrghhhso yes.20:48
Fusion1hehe ok20:48
arrrghhhwhat's up?20:49
Fusion1first days on xdandroid. absolutely love it20:49
Fusion1i always, since my first htc, hated winmo20:49
Fusion1god bless xdandroid.20:49
arrrghhhlol yes.20:49
Fusion1just having.. a few issues.20:49
Fusion1i use a TP220:49
Fusion1how can i find out the model i have ?20:49
Fusion1rhod400, 500..20:50
arrrghhhunder the battery20:50
arrrghhhi can answer it if you're in the us20:50
arrrghhhwhat carrier?20:50
Fusion1canada, telus20:50
arrrghhhah crap.20:50
arrrghhhdunno then, under the battery.  it'll be a 400 or 500.20:50
Fusion1i think it's a 50020:50
Fusion1u ever got any kind of usb sync to work ?20:51
Fusion1i tried many, many things20:51
arrrghhhto sync what?20:51
Fusion1none of them worked20:51
Fusion1outlook mainly20:51
arrrghhhusb debugging works.20:51
arrrghhhoh no, that doesn't work.20:51
arrrghhhwho do you use for email?20:51
Fusion1gmail, locally here i got exchange. so gmail works20:51
Fusion1but i'd like to be at least able to sync by usb to my local outlook20:51
arrrghhhexchange works too20:51
Fusion1but otherwise i'll open up exchange ports for owa to work20:52
arrrghhhjust select 'corporate' in accounts & sync instead of 'google'20:52
arrrghhh(when you add the acct)20:52
Fusion1yeah i'll do that, i saw the option20:52
Fusion1im wondering, is 3.0 around the corner ?20:52
arrrghhhnever used it tho.20:52
arrrghhh2.3 will probably come first20:52
Fusion1u have a tp2 as well ?20:53
arrrghhh3.0... lots of speculation as to when.20:53
Fusion1is your battery hot ?20:53
arrrghhhi've heard before the end of the year, some say q1-2 201120:53
arrrghhheh not so much any more20:53
Fusion1i had it really hot first day or 2 but i used hw3d in the startup utility20:53
arrrghhhare you using wifi or gps?  things like that'll heat it up.20:53
Fusion1and it seems better ? maybe its just me20:53
arrrghhhyea it used to be really freakin hot20:53
Fusion1well i don't. is the gps automagially initialised on bootup ?20:54
arrrghhhwith the newest battery fixes, it seems to have gotten better.20:54
arrrghhhi believe it's enabled by default, yes.20:54
Fusion1oh, so the startup utility.. that one fixes some battery stuff right ? or just the meter20:54
arrrghhhsettings -> location&security20:54
Fusion1didnt seem clear to me20:54
Fusion1yeah but if you dont open up any gps enabled app, gps chip should be working, i tought20:54
arrrghhhok wait let's break this down.20:54
Fusion1i ask many things at the same time20:55
arrrghhhthe startup utility doesn't fix anything, it just creates startup.txt files based on user input20:55
arrrghhhand it has an update button20:55
Fusion1but i wonder why i was getting a so hot battery20:55
Fusion1and not anymore20:55
arrrghhhthat pulls the newest rootfs, zimage/modules & initrd20:55
Fusion1ah !20:55
Fusion1i used this update20:55
Fusion1and after that it was much better20:55
Fusion1yeah, that's when i noticed it20:55
arrrghhhfor better or for worse the app makes things easy.20:56
Fusion1so it doesnt just update the startup utility itself20:56
Fusion1it also updates parts of the xdandroid kernel or system also20:56
Fusion1makes sense now20:56
arrrghhhdoesn't update the startup utility at all :P20:56
Fusion1hard to understand everything from reading forums, it seems20:56
arrrghhhsov was talking about adding that functionality.20:56
Fusion1lots of info, but never that easy to catch everything quickly20:57
arrrghhhdid you see the thread on xda that's specifically for the app?20:57
arrrghhhthere's a lot of stuff to read.20:57
stinebdarrrghhh: you got some room on your sd card to back up your system.ext2?20:57
arrrghhhgotta do a lot of reading my friend.20:57
arrrghhhstinebd, oh yea.20:57
stinebdi can let you play with the updater20:57
Fusion1didnt see the thread no20:58
arrrghhhFusion1, 1 sec20:58
arrrghhhalso, reef's faq is quite good20:59
arrrghhhgeared towards the RHOD20:59
Fusion1there's some specific threads on cdma20:59
Fusion1but the main thread20:59
arrrghhhnot really20:59
Fusion1also talks about gsm and cdma20:59
arrrghhhgsm and cdma are "equally" supported.20:59
Fusion1i wondered if needed to pay more attention to the cdma threads20:59
stinebdkeep a backup of your system.ext2 because subsequent updates will only work with the original frx0220:59
arrrghhhstinebd, k21:00
stinebdthat goes to /sdcard/andboot/update.zip21:00
arrrghhhis it hardcoded to go there?21:00
stinebdjust like the real bootloaders21:00
Fusion1im wondering if bluetooth is a wip21:00
arrrghhhi have my android installations 2 folders deep.21:00
stinebdbluetooth is a dont work yet21:00
Fusion1or if it just wont be supported at all21:00
arrrghhhFusion1, as is everything else.21:00
stinebdwe'll get it going eventually21:01
arrrghhhi'm sure it'll get fixed21:01
stinebdbut it's low priority21:01
arrrghhhbut yea, when is the question.  there's much bigger fish to fry.21:01
stinebdsee bug 121:01
xdandroidBug enhancement, Normal, ---, stinebd, NEW, Bluetooth not working correctly21:01
Fusion1im wondering.. there's many ways (i understand you said it doesnt work right now) to sync the android phones to a pc21:02
Fusion1there's the htc sync apps21:02
stinebdnot sure those work with aosp21:02
Fusion12.x, 3.x, then there's android-sync (alpha).. then, there's those ADB drives21:02
arrrghhhyea, adb works.21:02
arrrghhh(that's what i meant when i said usb debugging works)21:02
Fusion1kinda confused on all of this, what's for what and if i could use anything of all these21:02
arrrghhhnone will sync21:03
Fusion1but usb debugging works to.. access the sd as mass storage ? or something else21:03
arrrghhhno mass storage21:03
arrrghhhyou connect to the phone and you can run commands on it21:03
arrrghhhare you familiar with linux?21:03
Fusion1ah. not really, im just a windows sysadmin21:03
arrrghhhi'm sorry.21:03
Fusion1i do run linux on my wdtv's :|21:03
arrrghhhever ssh'd to them?21:04
Fusion1didnt use ssh21:04
arrrghhhsame difference21:04
arrrghhhjust not secure :P21:04
Fusion1but yeah21:04
Fusion1i use it everyday for testing stuff on these little boxes21:04
Fusion1love em21:04
arrrghhhtelnet everything goes over the wire in plain text21:04
arrrghhhbut yea, adb is like that.21:04
Fusion1yes i know that21:04
Fusion1but you gotta know how usb works i guess21:05
Fusion1over my head21:05
arrrghhheh not really21:05
arrrghhhmore helps to know how linux works to use adb21:05
Fusion1i'd find my way i guess21:05
arrrghhhembedded linux especially.21:05
Fusion1rootfs/romfs/cramfs or so ?21:05
arrrghhhbut yea adb isn't too useful for much other than debugging.  you can push & install apk's...21:05
arrrghhhfer whut?21:06
Fusion1im kinda confused on the embedded linux flavors21:06
arrrghhhstinebd, so i'm guessing i should just move my install to /andboot?21:06
arrrghhhwell this is android my friend.21:06
Fusion1i was messing with sat receivers for years21:06
Fusion1android is a google modified linux, embedded linux ?21:06
arrrghhhjust helps to know embedded linux to wrap your head around the code.21:07
arrrghhhwell google bought android.21:07
arrrghhhbut yea21:07
Fusion1ah !21:07
Fusion1didnt know they were bought, never read about this part of the wild it world21:07
arrrghhhthey bought 'em and ran with it21:07
arrrghhhjust like grand central / google voice :D21:07
Fusion1google voice was a voip company before ?21:07
arrrghhhgotta love google.  not that different from m$ in the business world.21:08
arrrghhhkinda sorta21:08
Fusion1ive read a bit about their service21:08
arrrghhhnot really a voip company per se21:08
Fusion1but not much21:08
arrrghhhjust a way to aggragate phones21:08
arrrghhh'one number'21:08
Fusion1i use a sip provider for voip, using sip phones21:08
arrrghhhyea, this isn't sip :P21:08
arrrghhhor voip to your house21:08
Fusion1used lnp to port local numbers to voip, but hell still having issues getting QoS to properly work... anyway, another long story21:09
Fusion1dd-wrt's QoS is cheezy21:09
arrrghhhso you have a work, home & cell phone.  you get a 4th number and give that to everyone.  they call this 4th number and it ran ring one or all of your other 3 phones.21:09
arrrghhhdepending on the time of day, etc21:09
arrrghhhyea, i finally figured out dd-wrt's qos i think.21:09
Fusion1i can do this with also21:09
arrrghhhit was choking at first.21:09
arrrghhhdoin all sorts of weird stuff.21:10
arrrghhhyou can ssh/telnet to the router & see how it's marking packets21:10
Fusion1u use l7 ?21:10
arrrghhhbah i need to grab my usb cable so i can try stine's new magic21:10
Fusion1or mac.. or anything else21:10
arrrghhhnever heard of 1721:11
arrrghhhor is that l721:11
Fusion1well there's many ways to to the qos, it can use mac addresses, or protocol, or ip's to mark what to put in priority21:11
arrrghhhoh oh how do i do qos21:11
arrrghhhi do protocol21:11
arrrghhhand subnets21:11
arrrghhhprotocol didn't seem to be enough21:11
Fusion1well protocol based is l7 on linux, i think21:11
arrrghhhso i also prioritized subnets21:12
Fusion1is hardware 3d really supported on the tp2 so far on android?21:13
arrrghhhit "works"21:13
Fusion1but its not 'optimized' ?21:13
arrrghhhif your next question involves angry bird21:13
arrrghhhi'm going to stab you21:13
Fusion1you know, i wrote on msn 'android rocks' or something21:13
Fusion1first thing, someone pops and says 'try angry bird'21:14
Fusion1so yes, it involves angry bird. ive never seen/played that thing.21:14
arrrghhhi can't speak to whether or not it's optimized, it seems like it could be better.  not sure if hw3d is to blame, framebuffer, or just our crappy old hardware.21:14
arrrghhhso our devices don't support opengls2.021:14
arrrghhhwhich angry birds requires21:14
Fusion1hardware limitation?21:14
arrrghhhso you can play it, but it won't be a very pleasurable experience21:15
Fusion1damn, the tp2, is not that old21:15
Fusion1i cant understand21:15
arrrghhhthe hardware is.21:15
Fusion1that thing was like 650$ 1 year ago21:15
arrrghhhdid you not check it out before you bought it?  lol21:15
Fusion1i looked a bit21:15
arrrghhhit's got the EXACT same processor & RAM specs as the phone it replaced.21:15
Fusion1but there's not enough threads and infos21:15
arrrghhhwhich was already old.21:15
Fusion1its so easy to not be confused21:15
arrrghhhoh i'm just talkin hardware specs21:15
Fusion1yeah but still21:16
arrrghhhtp2 is old.21:16
Fusion1so i hope i can keep it for 1 year21:16
arrrghhhhtc pulled an nVidia there.21:16
Fusion1and have a nice android experience on it21:16
Fusion1i have 2 years left on contract.21:16
Fusion1yeah, ouch.21:16
arrrghhhyea, i never signed a contract... but that's another story.21:16
Fusion1but phones are expensive21:16
Fusion1u pay either way21:17
stinebdarrrghhh: ohh, re the /sdcard/andboot thing21:17
stinebdit'll work in /sdcard too21:17
Fusion1each way ? well, my english sucks21:17
arrrghhhstinebd, ya?21:17
stinebdit should21:17
stinebduntested though21:17
stinebdso feedback me21:17
Fusion1sorry about my bad english.21:17
arrrghhhFusion1, i have a friend that works for sprint.  your english is fine.21:17
arrrghhhbetter than most in here, mine included :P21:17
Fusion1its cheezy sometimes. i tell ya21:17
Fusion1CDC ACM Data ?21:18
Fusion1what is that.21:18
arrrghhhi bet you plugged it in21:18
arrrghhhto a windows machine.21:18
Fusion1CDC Abstract Control Model21:18
arrrghhhshame on you.21:18
Fusion1My HTC21:18
arrrghhhthree devices show up21:18
arrrghhhsome some other two21:18
arrrghhhyou have to install the drivers...21:18
Fusion1adb ?21:19
Fusion1or some other stuff21:19
Fusion1is there any kind of wired thethering possible ?21:19
Fusion1using a 3rd party app ?21:19
arrrghhhwifi tethering...21:19
arrrghhhwell stinebd enabled the built-in one21:19
Fusion1i used wmwifirouter21:19
Fusion1on winmo21:19
stinebddoes it work?21:19
arrrghhhbut there's a couple of wifi tethering apps in android that work well too.21:19
Fusion1but i HATE WINMO21:19
Fusion1stinebd, yes it did.21:20
arrrghhhstinebd, lol never tested it tbh.  i just used the xda tether app you posted.21:20
Fusion1on wifi, and wired21:20
Fusion1bought the app21:20
arrrghhhwmwifirouter is a paid app?21:20
Fusion1it is21:20
Fusion1a free version floated around21:20
Fusion1but it was for a limited time; for supporters21:20
Fusion1htc did a free wifi tethering app also21:21
Fusion1later on21:21
Fusion1but all that doesnt make the tp2 run smooth on winmo. its so laggy, its not even funny.. with what i had on it21:22
Fusion1is having a lot of bells and whistles on the winmo on the device itself interfere in any way with xda ?21:22
arrrghhhFusion1, nope, haret kicks winmo out of memory.21:23
Fusion1i see some roms that are said to be stripped of many things, to flash on the device and to optimize the xda..21:23
arrrghhhnot an emulator, not a vm.21:23
Fusion1yeah, that's what i understood21:23
arrrghhhso it boots to xda faster.21:23
Fusion1wondered why they claimed that21:23
arrrghhhlike from a cold start21:24
Fusion1i didnt manage to get this autoboot app to work21:24
Fusion1says xda missing21:24
arrrghhhit takes a while to load sense etc21:24
arrrghhhand then launch xdandroid21:24
arrrghhhcan't support that, never used it and not affiliated with us :P21:24
Fusion1didnt mess much with it tho, i can admit21:24
arrrghhhyea, read the thread for it.21:24
arrrghhhthe directions are pretty simple, but if you screw 'em up it won't work ;)21:25
stinebdlol affiliated21:25
Fusion1would it be a good idea to check to flash xda to nand ?21:25
stinebdthey didn't pay for the naming rights!!121:25
Fusion1ive seen there's a thread about it21:25
Fusion1i couldnt care less about getting rid of winmo completly21:25
arrrghhhso then ignore it21:25
arrrghhhjust like the whole prj, it's for testing.21:25
Fusion1yeah but having it boot faster directly to nand21:25
arrrghhhwell yea no mo winmo21:26
arrrghhhbut it's not at the same level as haret... they're a little behind.  not far tho, acl has made good progress21:26
Fusion1so i'll stick with leaving winmo, maybe i'll reflash the telus stock rom21:26
Fusion1which will probably be faster than the ding dong rom  i have right now21:26
arrrghhhdong rom?21:27
arrrghhhdon't want to know.21:27
arrrghhhenergy rom is all i need/use :P21:27
Fusion1well its called.. energy rom21:27
Fusion1it's that i have also21:27
Fusion1it's ok.. but having the phone lagging as hell isnt fun hehe21:27
arrrghhhdoesn't lag too bad for me.21:28
arrrghhhwinmo sucks all around.21:28
Fusion1just the unlocking of the phone21:28
Fusion1cause exchange setted up some policies on it21:28
Fusion1its slow. anyway21:28
arrrghhhstupid microsoft.  they're turning into apple, assuming they know what's best for the end-user.21:29
Fusion1they dont ?21:29
arrrghhh45 minutes... wtf are you doing phone.  or computer.21:29
arrrghhhFusion1, no, they don't :P21:29
Fusion1they do up to some point21:29
Fusion1some of their stuff is dummy proof21:30
arrrghhhnothing is dummy proof.21:30
Fusion1cant tell the same of some of the pc world stuff21:30
Fusion1not dumdumdummy21:30
Fusion1but dummy, as in, end user21:30
arrrghhhit's idiot resistant.21:30
Fusion1its like watches21:30
arrrghhhbut all software aims to that end21:30
Fusion1there's water PROOF, and RESISTAND21:30
Fusion1it always look a bit less punchy when u write something and have to correct afterwards. you lose21:31
Fusion1my gf's getting angry, i'll go take care of her21:31
Fusion1thanks for the help21:31
stinebdwhat is that, some kind of shining reference?21:31
stinebd"take care of" her?21:32
Fusion1hell, i said my english was bad21:32
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Fusion1but hey, shining.. thanks for the idea21:32
Fusion1later, xdaddicts21:33
arrrghhhhaha cya21:33
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arrrghhhdamn canucks.21:35
stinebdnot a fan of vancouver hockey?21:35
arrrghhheh, just felt like sayin that.21:35
arrrghhhalrighty, hopefully this works meow21:45
arrrghhhok how do i kick off an update?21:48
stinebdput it in the same directory as your startup.txt, named update.zip21:49
stinebdand boot21:49
stinebdif it doesn't work, i did something wrong21:50
* arrrghhh did something wrong21:50
arrrghhhalright 2nd time is the charm...21:53
arrrghhhhrm still no update.21:55
arrrghhhi just need frx02 system image right?21:56
arrrghhhor is there something else i need.21:56
stinebdis it not even trying?21:56
arrrghhhit just booted in as normal, didn't see anything different.21:56
stinebdand you have the new rootfs?21:56
arrrghhhyou just pumped a new one out huh...21:57
stinebdthe one from earlier today21:57
arrrghhhi thought i grabbed it, 1 sec.21:57
arrrghhhah, i don't think i put that new rootfs in the ref build.21:57
stinebdthe logic looks okay21:58
stinebdeven for /sdcard systems21:58
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arrrghhhi think it's user error.21:58
arrrghhhgoin for magic #321:58
arrrghhhwe have update captain!22:01
stinebdit's ungodly terse22:01
stinebddoes reboot work on rhod?22:02
arrrghhhah so it does the update then soft resets?22:02
arrrghhhyea, full reboot22:02
stinebdi had to patch my kernel for that part22:02
stinebdno reboot on raph in our kernels yet22:02
wladstonstinebd: how did you find the instructions to make a build from the android repo ? I'm looking at the info at, but it's incomplete22:03
arrrghhhso you couldn't just restart android?22:03
stinebdthe updater does that on its own22:03
arrrghhhwell, i mean instead of doing a full reboot, just reboot within linux?22:03
stinebdwhich is fine because i have it send an intent to let rootfs know that the update went through and it can delete the package22:03
arrrghhhalright lets see how this boot works.22:04
stinebdi don't think it would be easy to do that22:04
arrrghhhalrighty then no worries.22:04
stinebdbecause if you look at the rootfs init code in the commit, what happens is we copy an init.rc for recovery specifically, then start init.android22:05
wladstonstinebd: did you use  choosecombo ?22:05
stinebdthere's really no way to stop the, swap the configs, then start it up again22:05
stinebdsince zygote will just keep running the init process over and over again if you kill it22:05
stinebdwladston: no choosecombo. buildspec.mk22:06
wladstonstinebd: looks really outdated22:07
wladstonstinebd: I've been reading that one too :)22:07
stinebddon't complain to me about it, i don't write it22:07
arrrghhhso stinebd i'm guessing there's nothing actually in the update?22:08
stinebdarrrghhh: the only change is to disable blur in certain cases22:08
stinebd(see the shutdown dialog)22:08
arrrghhhbg still fades.  what do you mean by 'blur'?22:08
stinebdyou can't read stuff behind it22:08
stinebdfading to grey != blur22:09
arrrghhhohhhh ok.22:09
arrrghhhi guess i never really noticed that it blurred before...22:09
arrrghhhdamnit need to download frx02 again haha22:09
wladstonstinebd: sure, I was just gossiping about it22:09
stinebdshutdown dialog is noticeably smoother without the blur22:09
arrrghhhoh wait i think i copied the whole build...22:09
stinebdyou can keep it like that for now22:10
arrrghhhstinebd, i'll have to compare.22:10
stinebdtrust me, it's noticeable22:10
arrrghhhi want to see if it works in different directories.22:10
arrrghhhtrust NO ONE :P22:10
stinebdif what works?22:10
arrrghhhthe update?22:10
stinebdwell i know for sure it works in /sdcard/andboot22:10
arrrghhhdidn't you want feedbacks?22:10
stinebd(or whatever rel_path is)22:10
arrrghhhyes that's what i just tested.22:10
stinebdsure test it in /sdcard then22:11
stinebdwhich i thought you were doing just now :P22:11
arrrghhhno i just booted android again after the update to see if it took effect :P22:11
stinebdi can almost guarantee it'll work in /sdcard too22:12
arrrghhhi'm gonna test in my funky setup.22:12
arrrghhhworks in mah funky setup!22:18
arrrghhhin /sdcard/Androids/TP2Ref22:18
arrrghhhdeletes the too, just like ya said.22:18
arrrghhhawesome work mang.22:19
arrrghhh164kb downloads should be a lot easier on your b/w compared to 120mb downloads...22:19
stinebdin reality it's roughly 25MB compared to 60MB22:19
stinebdthe 50MB barrier is what i'm most concerned about22:19
arrrghhhoh does the tool download int he background...?22:20
stinebdwhat tool?22:20
arrrghhhi thought the update was all in that .zip.22:20
stinebdit is22:20
stinebdbut real updates will be larger22:20
stinebdie FRX02->FRX0322:20
arrrghhhoh oh of course.22:21
stinebdi'll be interested to see how it can handle hotfixes like what we're testing now22:21
stinebdin theory it would detect the single updated file and skip the patch, then go on with the rest of them22:21
stinebdwhich would be really really nice22:21
stinebdthen people can update from FRX02->FRX03 with or without that hotfix already applied22:21
stinebdthat will be tested next time i have to change something22:22
arrrghhhcan't say i'm blown away by frx0222:23
arrrghhhbetter have something good up your sleeves for frx03 :P22:23
stinebdauto brightness?22:23
arrrghhhalright, that was pretty slick.22:24
stinebdi changed other stuff too i think22:25
stinebdoh yeah22:25
stinebdarmv6j optimizations, hdpi, gapps fixes22:25
arrrghhhwhat optimizations...?22:25
stinebda bunch of optimized translations for armv6j instructions that our devices don't support22:26
stinebdlets stuff run a tiny fraction faster22:26
arrrghhhevery bit counts :P22:26
stinebdnot noticeable at all of course22:27
stinebdxdandroid: seen camro22:27
xdandroidstinebd: camro was last seen in #xdandroid 1 day, 9 hours, 45 minutes, and 19 seconds ago: <camro> (my phone is killed by too much testings..)22:27
arrrghhhoh dude i'm posting all about it22:27
arrrghhhBIG update!  HUGE performance gains thanks to stinebd!!!22:27
arrrghhhdid he wozzer his phone?22:27
arrrghhhi saw him post that, never asked him what it meant...22:28
stinebdoh yeah and the in call menu was fixed22:28
stinebdthat took hours of development22:28
stinebdto multiply one number by 1.522:28
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arrrghhh_that was sudden22:30
arrrghhh_damnit still here too22:30
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arrrghhhwhat i was saying was it looks good, hdpi + dialer.22:31
arrrghhhnice work :P22:31
arrrghhhfunny it was broken for so long haha22:31
arrrghhhwhy would you ever make this22:40
arrrghhhyour avatar?22:40
arrrghhhit's like taken in a bathroom in the mexico city airport.22:41
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stinebdjust got hammered from a copyright crawler22:53
stinebdpulled 9GB in a flash22:53
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stinebdterrible people22:54
stinebdi should bill them for the overage they caused :/22:56
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arrrghhhstinebd, that blows...22:57
stinebdmaybe i should write up a C&D and send it to their provider in a cruel fit of irony22:58
stinebdunauthorized use of systems22:58
arrrghhhyea that's ridiculous.22:58
arrrghhhhow much was the overage?22:58
arrrghhhman you probably can't wait for the month to end lol22:59
arrrghhhwell i meant in monies22:59
arrrghhhthat's actually not bad...22:59
stinebdof course i would charge them interest22:59
stinebdof approximately 2000% daily22:59
arrrghhhconsidering how cell companies rape.22:59
arrrghhhthat's not usury...22:59
arrrghhhthey caused you loss of income right?23:00
stinebdi don't make any income from this23:00
arrrghhhthey don't have to know that.23:00
arrrghhhyou lost 2 million in revenue from those 9gb.23:00
stinebdthey deprived an unregistered nonprofit organization of funding23:01
stinebdnobody messes with freebies and gets away with it23:01
arrrghhhso did it hit the site & download everything in the archive basically?23:01
stinebdwell it hit at least files.xdandroid.com23:02
stinebdwhich is the only site big enough for me to notice it was hit23:02
stinebdthe things you learn when you finally get to run infrastructure that someone uses...23:02
arrrghhhOo they just go & dl everything on the hyperbrags...23:02
stinebdand then check it for RI/MPAA violations23:02
arrrghhhyea, workin for a bank is nutso.23:02
arrrghhhgotta think about so much security crap23:03
arrrghhhi'm actually required by federal law to take 7 consecutive days a year off from work.23:03
stinebdi was involved in a startup that was going to transfer healthcare information real time for local hospitals and other providers23:03
stinebdnow THAT was taxing23:03
stinebdthank god it never got off the ground23:03
arrrghhhyea people's money23:03
arrrghhhand people's personal information23:04
stinebdhipaa makes you weep at night23:04
arrrghhhdon't mess with it lol23:04
arrrghhhoh man we get audited so much23:04
arrrghhhwe have internal audits, and 3rd party audits and federal/state required audits.23:04
arrrghhhthe first two are "voluntary" lol23:05
stinebdoh btw i forgot to mention that you can run the same update on an already updated system (the updater will basically NOOP it and just verify the current system) and it'll go much faster23:07
stinebdgood for testing23:07
arrrghhhdoes that mean you want me to test it?  :P23:08
stinebdin case you want to see it do stuff again23:08
stinebdi like to watch it just because it's cool23:08
stinebd(sadly not kidding)23:08
arrrghhhi was going to say you're just doing it over and over huh23:08
stinebdanyway time for schlafen machen23:09
wladstonstinebd: where did you put the for xandroid ?23:09
arrrghhhg'nite mr stine23:09
stinebdwladston: aosp root. no more questions, good night23:09
wladstonsave for later23:10
arrrghhhwrite 'em down23:10
wladstonI actually have a file with those kinds of notse23:10
wladstonarrrghhh: I'm starting to understand a bit more about how android is built23:12
arrrghhhwell that's good.23:12
wladstonit's definitively not like any other thing that i've seen so far.23:13
arrrghhhit's... unique.23:13
arrrghhhthat's for sure.23:13
wladstonarrrghhh: do you know if the devs use the simulator ?23:14
arrrghhhyou mean emulator?23:15
arrrghhhpart of android sdk?23:15
wladstonarrrghhh: android ships with a simulator23:16
arrrghhhthat's more for application devs23:16
wladstonyou can compile directly for it23:16
arrrghhhwladston, emulator23:16
wladstonarrrghhh: the flag is called  TARGET_SIMULATOR23:16
arrrghhhlike for building apps for the market?23:16
arrrghhhoh maybe i'm thinking of something different.23:16
wladstonlike building to run the machine on some kind of local hardware simulator23:16
arrrghhhok, i'm not sure what you're talking about :P23:16
arrrghhhthat sounds an awful lot like the emulator.23:17
arrrghhh1 sec23:17
wladstonneither do I, just wanted to know if you have any info on it :)23:17
wladstonso, we don't need that I suppose23:18
arrrghhhnot so much23:18
arrrghhhare we talking about the same thing?23:20
wladstonI think so23:23
wladstonI don't know if they have two simulators/emulators23:23
wladstonprobably now23:23
wladstonarrrghhh: now I have to build the kernel23:31
wladstonarrrghhh: could you point me to anyone that could maybe give a little info ?23:31
arrrghhhi can in a few23:32
arrrghhhfood time now tho23:32
arrrghhhgooooogle is your friend23:32
arrrghhhxdandroid kernel compiling23:33
wladstonping me when you are back please ;)23:35
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