Tuesday, 2010-10-26

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lolzaHii hi Hello?01:26
arrrghhhyou seem friendly01:27
arrrghhhin a i've had way too many red bulls kinda way01:27
lolzahow many?01:27
arrrghhhnot sure, you tell me...01:28
lolzahehehe...lol are you any good at helping me with XDAndroid?01:28
arrrghhheh i'm alright01:28
lolzawhen i run HARET i click run scrpt and it cant fin dmy file??01:28
arrrghhhi'm guessing your startup.txt is 0kb01:29
arrrghhhor just isn't there, either way.01:29
lolzanah its there and its 19201:29
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arrrghhhwhat do you mean it can't find your file01:30
lolzaWhen I click run it come sup with error/andboot/startup.txt01:30
lolzathere were 2 files which ine to copy and where to copy too?01:30
arrrghhhis that file in there01:31
arrrghhhi thought you checked it01:31
arrrghhh /andboot/startup.txt01:31
arrrghhhis that where you run haret from?01:31
arrrghhh /andboot?01:31
lolzafrom /andboot yeah01:31
lolzawait no01:31
lolzait is01:32
arrrghhhwell you've buggered something01:32
arrrghhhstart with a clean build01:32
lolzahere read this-1. download the other file on post #4. The "bundle."  2. open up windows explorer, if you're running windows, so you can open up the SD card. Make sure it's formatted in FAT32 (right click on the SD card in explorer and look through the properties, or just click "format."  3.unzip the bundle file, there should be a folder named "andboot" in it.  4. copy everything from "andboot" and copy it to the SD card.  5. Go into01:32
lolzai followed that01:32
lolzaFind your model, "Topaz" and copy the statrup.txt file, not the other one.  7. Go back up to the top of the SD card and paste it there.  8. Disconnect the phone, and go in through file explorer and run the file Harnet.exe on the SD card.  It will take some time, but it should all boot up fine.01:33
lolza ?01:34
lolzawhere do i copy the startup file to, too run it with HaRET?01:35
arrrghhhto /andboot01:36
lolzakk and what is a clean build?01:37
arrrghhheh just starting over01:37
arrrghhhgetting the .rar again01:37
arrrghhhor if you still have it, extract it to the card01:37
lolzai have it dloaded01:37
arrrghhhsometimes people boot & get crazy mixed up things01:37
arrrghhhand it's just easier from a support perspective to just tell them to start over clean basically to rule out build related issues :D01:38
arrrghhheither way i g2g to bed01:39
lolzaok when i run HaRET and run that script am I supposed to name the file STARTUP.txt or will it be already located?01:39
arrrghhhrun what script01:39
arrrghhhit should be startup.txt01:39
arrrghhhcase doesn't matter01:39
lolzamines default01:39
arrrghhhthat's your problem01:39
arrrghhhi asked you if you had a startup.txt01:40
lolzawhat is?01:40
arrrghhhyou're not making any sense01:40
lolzalol another red bull?01:40
arrrghhhi'm going to bed01:40
lolzaplz stay like 1 min01:40
arrrghhhi tried to help dude01:41
lolzayeah but can you explain this default problem?01:41
arrrghhhyou don't have a startup.txt01:41
lolzaYeah its 192 bytes big01:41
arrrghhhthere's something wrong with it then01:42
lolzawat size is it spposed to be?01:42
arrrghhhi assume you're getting a screen01:42
arrrghhhthat has a run button01:42
arrrghhhand says default.txt01:42
lolzayeah it says run script01:42
lolzano it says run01:42
arrrghhhso you don't have a STARTUP.TXT01:42
arrrghhhi said run button01:42
lolzaohkay ill redownload?01:42
arrrghhhyou don't seem to be listening, or reading perhaps.01:42
arrrghhhso i can't help you.  sorry.01:42
lolzaclean build?01:43
lolzaIll try a clean build okk thanx TheDeadCPU guy told me to download it01:43
lolzaanyone else on that can give help?01:45
lolzaset ramsize 0x10000000 set ramaddr 0x10000000 set mtype 2293 set KERNEL zImage set initrd initrd.gz set cmdline "lcd.density=240 msmvkeyb_toggle=off sensor=topaz rel_path=andboot" boot ?01:49
lolzathats included in mine STARTUP.txt01:49
arrrghhhyou're going to get kicked if you keep acting like that.01:50
lolzaoh i thought no one was on01:51
lolzais that right the startup file?01:51
arrrghhhso you say any1 every 10 seconds because you think no one is on?01:51
arrrghhhlooks fine01:51
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arrrghhhjust copy it & rename the copy default.txt01:51
arrrghhhthen hit run01:51
arrrghhhi don't know what you did01:51
lolzaoh so startup rename to default?01:51
arrrghhhcopy it01:51
arrrghhhrename the copy to default.txt01:52
arrrghhhwhen that box pops up, hit run01:52
lolzakk ily ill buy u a redbull01:52
arrrghhhu need to lay off the redbull methinks01:52
lolzalol no i had 'V'01:53
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lolzaI KNOW THE PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!01:54
lolzaI have 2 harets on my phone 1 in my sd and 1 in my memory ooohhhhhh01:54
lolzaand that haret must run off the battery/memory directory but I need it to run off my sd direc...01:55
lolzai get it i am the champion besides all u guys and now i read the installing android and i did it wrong and I need too create a folder called android01:57
arrrghhhyou have to put everything on the SD01:58
lolzastorage card01:58
lolzaand ikll delete and restart again01:58
arrrghhhyou can't put anything in memory01:58
arrrghhhsleep time, you're ridiculous.01:59
lolzaill delete andboot01:59
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lolzai have andboot on two sotrage places on mine cell01:59
lolzaexcuse me02:03
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lolzawhen I finish copying to phone then i copy startup.txt to top of sd then i disconnect and run haret on phone then click run02:04
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lolzawhos on??02:13
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lolzaneed help! plz02:18
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lolzai run harret then codes but then it just wont do anything help!02:29
lolzaPLZ HELP!02:31
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freaky_whose on?02:38
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freaky_Hi The Dead CPU02:43
freaky_Hor are we?02:43
freaky_How are we* I am not very good at english02:43
freaky_I got a 'C'02:43
freaky_ANyway can I ask a question?02:44
freaky_While HaRET is running-after the calibration-it still drops those codes but then (first time user) it takes me too a setup wizzard hmm?02:45
TheDeadCPUWe have removed the setup wizard.02:45
TheDeadCPUYou will just see the homescreen.02:45
freaky_Oh and it does it automatically?02:45
freaky_1 more Q is HaRET after the calibration takes a while is that right?02:46
TheDeadCPUIt takes 5 to 20 minutes.02:46
freaky_Lolza ok thanx ur a genius02:47
freaky_will it automatically go to a new screen or?02:47
TheDeadCPUThere will scoll lots of text, then there will be an animation for a few minutes and you're in Android.02:48
freaky_Thought so, sorry I should've read the install guide02:48
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freaky_hey one question-my phones still in code mode02:58
freaky_its been a while02:58
TheDeadCPUHas it been over 20 minutes?02:58
freaky_possibly or really close to it02:59
TheDeadCPUIs the code scrolling? Or is it standing still?02:59
freaky_scrollign with READ on ept always popping up02:59
freaky_its a first time thing if that helps?03:01
TheDeadCPUYou could try doing this03:01
TheDeadCPUReboot your phone, and delete the file Data.img in that AndBoot folder.03:02
TheDeadCPUThen open HaRET again03:02
freaky_so rerun?03:02
freaky_ill give it 10 mor emins03:02
freaky_do u understand that coding on it?03:02
TheDeadCPUWell, I think I know what it is.03:03
TheDeadCPUI'm not 100% sure :p03:03
freaky_what would that be?03:03
TheDeadCPUWell. I think it's an error with the RootFS03:03
freaky_oh how the hell is there a error in there03:04
freaky_okk im rebooting03:05
freaky_yeah all its say is READ epc then cd27560 blah blah blah03:06
TheDeadCPUYea, I've had that error a few times..03:08
freaky_oh wow so what shoudl I DO?03:08
TheDeadCPUYou could try updating your rootFS03:08
freaky_which woul dbe how?03:09
TheDeadCPUDownload this http://files.xdandroid.com/rootfs/rootfs-latest.zip03:09
freaky_and install it to my sdcard?03:09
TheDeadCPUThen extract the file and rename it to rootfs and overwrite the one on your SD card03:09
freaky_oh so copy pate it over i see hmm and then should I reindtall andboot?03:10
TheDeadCPUJust copy that files and replace the on on your SD card in the Andboot folder.03:11
TheDeadCPUThen run HaRET again03:11
freaky_ok another issue might be no room left?03:11
TheDeadCPUYou don't have enough space on your SD card?!03:12
freaky_not after i ran haret03:12
TheDeadCPUYou need to have minimum 1GB free on your SD card03:12
TheDeadCPUBefore opening HaRET03:13
freaky_i had 91203:13
TheDeadCPUWow, that's weird..03:13
TheDeadCPUAndroid shouldn't take more then 400mb03:13
freaky_what's weird?03:13
freaky_yeah after I install andboot i only had 120 mb left03:14
freaky_oh hell no i only got 214mb's left03:14
freaky_actually i only got 214mb's on my whole sd...epic fail03:15
freaky_so it would've run fine if i had a bigger microsd...whata shame03:17
freaky_thanx man gotta androided phne now03:36
freaky_how many u got done?03:37
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freaky_Have u ever only done 1 phone03:45
TheDeadCPUNo, I've done like 8 phones.03:46
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visofCazH, hello05:22
visofis there anyone using android on htc diamond  here ?05:22
visofhi TheDeadCPU05:22
visofTheDeadCPU, you are only here ?05:23
visof<TheDeadCPU> CazH, how is the Diamond batterylife? , and i left05:23
TheDeadCPUNo, Only person that isn't afraid to talk.05:23
TheDeadCPUAFAIK you can get about 10 hours05:23
visofTheDeadCPU, it's ok05:23
TheDeadCPUWell. I've got to go05:24
visofTheDeadCPU, can you help me in which packages i should install ?05:24
visofTheDeadCPU, ok bye05:24
visofanyone around can help ?05:25
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visofanyone around can help ?06:04
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paalsteekvisof: what do you want to know06:08
visofpaalsteek, i want to use android on htc diamond06:09
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paalsteekyeah. take the files on xdandroid.com06:17
paalsteekshould do the trick06:18
kalemasmy diam runs like 200mhz cpu07:06
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visofpaalsteek then i downloaded that file07:48
visofthen ?07:48
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visofpaalsteek, what should i do after downloading that ?08:03
visofis there anyone can help here ?08:03
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visofplease if there is anyone here run android on htc diamond , please help me08:10
visofi don't know what should i do exactly08:10
visofi downloaded the file http://htcandroid.xland.cz/XDANDROID.2.2.AOSP.3.9.10.RC.2.2.system.7z as paalsteek told08:11
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visofnone around08:15
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kalemasvisof: sorry, you may be tired of installing, but there is detailed installation guide on xdandroid.com you should follow08:54
visofkalemas, where ?08:55
visofkalemas, i downloaded http://htcandroid.xland.cz/XDANDROID.2.2.AOSP.3.9.10.RC.2.2.system.7z that file08:55
visofkalemas, are you running android on htc diamond ?08:56
visofkalemas, and is that guide i need http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=711692 ?08:57
kalemasjust read there "Installation Guide" , try to install by your self and then start asking here.08:57
kalemasmaybe i couldn't look08:57
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visofkalemas, around ?09:29
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visofkalemas, please i have read the guide but i can't understand what should i do with the file i downloaded, it's one file09:47
visofext2 file09:47
visofkalemas, i need haret and startup.txt ?09:48
visofand kernel09:48
visofand a lot of other files09:48
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kalemasmany of them found on the title page, xdandroid.com09:55
kalemasthere are android bundles with all-files-in-one but i haven't link :^(09:58
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arrrghhh_visof, have you read the install guide everyone has tried to get you to read?10:16
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visofarrrghhh .10:16
arrrghhhgood, a very thoughtful response.  i can tell this is going to be fun.10:16
arrrghhhvisof, do you keep changing names?10:17
visofarrrghhh what do you want ?10:17
arrrghhharen't you having issues getting android working on your diam?10:17
visofi have issues, i don't know how can i do that10:18
visofmaybe i'm stupid but i can't10:18
arrrghhhif that's truly the case, just stick to winmo.10:18
visofarrrghhh, android for not stupid people ?10:19
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arrrghhhvisof, no, android is not for stupid people.  that's what winmo's for, your phone came with it.10:19
arrrghhhmuch easier.10:19
visofyou are right10:19
TheDeadCPUMorning arrrghhh10:19
arrrghhhwassup mr emwe & joachim10:20
emwepuh... nothing? ;)10:20
TheDeadCPUEating Taco.10:20
arrrghhhi looooooooooove tacos10:20
arrrghhhin my best grrrr voice haha10:20
visofi don't know what tacos are10:21
arrrghhhvisof, mexican speciality.10:21
visofarrrghhh, are you mexican ?10:21
arrrghhhno, are you racist?10:21
visofi'm terrorist10:22
arrrghhhlol ok.  at least you're an honest bigot.10:22
arrrghhhgreat, even better.  damnit, does no one have ops in here?10:22
visofarrrghhh, i have a question for you10:23
arrrghhhnah, i don't answer those.10:23
visofarrrghhh, what is the best thing the girls like ?10:23
arrrghhhdefinitely not going to answer that.10:24
visofarrrghhh, oh , are you girl ?10:24
arrrghhhif only i could cry !ops like in ubuntu10:24
arrrghhhso you're a racist terrorist sexist?10:24
arrrghhhtriple threat...10:24
visofare you ubuntuist ?10:24
arrrghhhthe trifecta10:24
arrrghhhi help out there10:24
arrrghhhjust like i try to help out here.  but then there's people like you.10:25
visofin ubuntu ?10:25
arrrghhhyea, they show up randomly.10:25
visofi feel ubuntu for not the professional users10:26
arrrghhhdepends on your profession.10:26
visofthat's feeling not a truth10:26
visofarrrghhh, which phone you have ?10:26
arrrghhhthe htc bacon10:26
arrrghhhmmmmm bacon10:26
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU has the HTC Pork Belly10:27
visofarrrghhh, i htc rice10:27
arrrghhhlame.  that thing is ancient.10:27
visofi know , it's very old10:28
visofbut i don't have money10:28
arrrghhhyou're... and odd one, that's for sure.10:28
arrrghhhah well, thought you acutally needed some help at first.10:28
visofi'm one of the ten most poor people in the world10:28
arrrghhhg2g to work.10:28
arrrghhhcya on the flip side.10:28
arrrghhhvisof, good usage of statistics, very accurate.10:28
visofarrrghhh, cya ubuntuist fan10:29
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, wait10:29
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, phh and stinebd has op. Only hidden.10:29
visofwill anyone ban me ?10:29
visofarrrghhh, are you asking about op for that ?10:30
visofor define op ?10:30
TheDeadCPUNo you wont be banned.10:31
visofop = operator channel ?10:31
visofthanks TheDeadCPU10:31
TheDeadCPUChannel operator ;)10:31
visofright, is it ?10:31
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, has put the pc in sleep mode I think.10:31
TheDeadCPUIt is.10:31
visofwhy ?10:32
TheDeadCPUwhy what?10:32
visofi'm charging my diamond every day10:32
visofmaybe twice every day10:32
visofand it got hot when i'm calling a lot10:33
visofis that normal ?10:33
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visofoh god10:33
visofare all htc mobiles behaving like that ?10:33
visofhot after some time of call ?10:33
visofmaybe after 1 hour calling ?10:33
visofalso when i'm using gps10:34
TheDeadCPUNah, only the older ones10:34
TheDeadCPUALL phones get hot if you talk for them over 1 hour10:34
visofnot all10:34
TheDeadCPUWell. Every single phone I've had does10:35
visofi was having nokia 260010:35
visofbut it's for calling only10:35
visofcall or respond10:35
visofno other options10:35
visofi don't think listen to midi files will be enjoyment10:36
visofTheDeadCPU, are you having nexus one ?10:36
TheDeadCPUI've just sold my Desire.10:37
visofyou are rich10:37
visofDesire is very expensive10:37
visoffor me10:37
TheDeadCPUDesire is shit cheap10:37
visofhow much ?10:37
TheDeadCPUAt least in Norway.10:38
TheDeadCPUIt's like $20010:38
TheDeadCPUor, $30010:38
visoffor any network ?10:38
visofor you should hack it ?10:39
visofTheDeadCPU, how much you sold it as used ?10:39
TheDeadCPUI sold it for $20010:41
TheDeadCPUThat is unlocked yes.10:41
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visofi want one for 200$10:41
visof200$ is my monthly salary10:41
visofhtc desire == my work for month10:42
visofTheDeadCPU, is there any good alternative for the same price ?10:42
TheDeadCPUWhat country do you live in?10:43
TheDeadCPUI know a lot of UK and US only phones so..10:43
visofTheDeadCPU, one of the worst countries ever ?10:43
visofi'm Egyptian10:44
TheDeadCPUWell then I don't know.10:44
TheDeadCPUI'd say get a Wildfire. It's good.10:44
visofcan't i buy from there and ship it ?10:44
TheDeadCPUOnly with a contract sorry10:45
visofcan i ask this , what is the best smart mobile for now ?10:46
visofsony ericsson xperia x10 ?10:46
visofiphone 4 ?10:46
TheDeadCPUNO LOL10:46
TheDeadCPUDesire HD or Desire Z10:46
TheDeadCPUOut this week and next week10:46
visofse xperia x10 is great10:47
visofi was having se p990i10:48
visofit was good mobile but it's stolen while i'm in the bus10:48
visofi ask the god to kill the one who stole it from me10:48
visofor kill his wife10:48
visofor kill both10:49
visofit's ok for me10:49
TheDeadCPUThe x10 is one of the worst Android phones out there. Just because of Sony Ericsson.10:49
visofTheDeadCPU, SE is a great company10:49
visofTheDeadCPU, did you try any of SE ?10:50
TheDeadCPUBut they fucked up the software on the x1010:50
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TheDeadCPUI hate Symbian OS10:52
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visofTheDeadCPU, i want you to help me if you have some time and some will to help the other10:56
visofyou have that will ?10:56
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visofNO WILL11:00
visofwhat i need kernel and rootfs and initrd ?11:01
visofand http://xdandroid.com/wiki/Version_FRX0211:01
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en1gmai have cdma TP2 and am getting the CAB - Android v2.2 Froyo: Reference (oct 13th) basically what i want to do is use the phone as a skype over wifi device only but i want the screen to be completely off (as to save batt power) but i want the wifi to stay on so i can recieve skype calls.11:09
en1gmacan anyone provde instructions on how to do this?11:09
visofen1gma, what is your phone ?11:13
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en1gmahtc touch pro 211:14
en1gmaus cellular11:14
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emween1gma: wifi standby policy in wireless settings (don't remember if it is there, but should. don't have android running right now)11:42
en1gmahow do i know if i have a rhoidum 400 or rhodium 50011:43
en1gmai have the uscc htc touch pro 2 that is unlocked....sim cards works now ($19.95)11:43
TheDeadCPUTake out your battery and read the number behind it11:44
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en1gmado i need to disable active sync on win7 to get the popup asking storage or sync when im in android mode on the phone?12:05
en1gmai mean im not getting a popup when i attch the sync cable12:05
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emween1gma: mass storage mode does not work yet.12:24
emween1gma: you can't unmount your sdcard in android when android runs from it. this is likely to happen only when we are running from flashmem/NAND one day in the future.12:25
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phhTheDeadCPU: it's good you know :p12:29
TheDeadCPUAbout op? :p12:30
TheDeadCPUheh. It's not the hardest thing to find out on a freenode channel :p12:33
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TheDeadCPUphh, Who is Battousai btw?12:38
phhhum don't know12:39
TheDeadCPUIt's the nickt this Chan is registered by..12:39
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MegaMatzehey guys13:05
MegaMatzeyesterday i had the problem, that my rhod100 always crashed in android when i opend the keyboard13:06
en1gmai cant seem to get skype to log me in13:06
MegaMatzei upgraded the kernel and the initrd13:06
MegaMatzeand it worked again this morning and afternoon13:06
MegaMatzeafter i had some restarts of android13:06
MegaMatzenow i have the error again that it crashes when i open the keyboard13:07
MegaMatzethis is really sad13:07
MegaMatzewho knows where the problem lies?13:07
en1gmait boots up fine but when i put my user:pass in it kicks me back to ....."Were sorry, but we couldnt sign you in. Please try again later"13:07
en1gmai know my user/pass is correct so its something wrong with skype and the tp2 running android im guessing13:08
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Akswhere is arrrghhh13:55
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leobaillardhi there14:34
leobaillardI've got a problem on my Diamond, I updated my kernel and since I did that, I don't have a menu button anymore14:35
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arrrghhhYes I am at work14:45
arrrghhhAnd stupid new proxies seem to block IRC now...14:45
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arrrghhhLeo - menu is now center button (I believe)14:46
leobaillardarrrghhh: oh ! I see that now, thanks :)14:46
leobaillardarrrghhh: so how do I do the "center click" now ?14:47
arrrghhhClick the screen?14:48
leobaillardwell, yes, but say I want to make a key combination in Better Terminal for example, how do I achieve that ?14:48
arrrghhhEnter key on the kbd?14:48
phh**diam** not raph14:49
arrrghhhoh right14:49
arrrghhhNo kbd14:49
arrrghhhSoft kbd?14:49
phharrrghhh: doesn't work the same way -_-'14:49
arrrghhhSeems you're sol then14:49
arrrghhhKeep your phone back14:49
arrrghhhLame workaround, I know... not sure what else you can do unless you feel like mucking with the rootfs yourself.14:50
leobaillardwell I can do that if you can give me a hint to where is stored the key configuration14:50
arrrghhh.kl file methinks14:51
arrrghhhNever done it tho, I'm happy with the layout.14:51
leobaillardI'm not14:51
arrrghhhThat's nice.14:52
arrrghhhLooks like you'll have to figure out what works best for you14:52
arrrghhhEasiest would be to just keep the phone on an old rootfs14:52
leobaillardand forget all about the things that are bound to come in the future ? That wouldn't be very wise14:53
arrrghhhHey you're the one who is having an issue with the button layout14:54
MegaMatzeyesterday i had the problem, that my rhod100 always crashed in android when i opend the keyboard14:54
leobaillarddon't take it that way, I didn't mean to be rude or anything, sorry :s14:54
MegaMatzei upgraded the kernel and the initrd14:55
MegaMatzeand it worked again this morning and afternoon14:55
MegaMatzeafter i had some restarts of android14:55
MegaMatzenow i have the error again that it crashes when i open the keyboard14:55
arrrghhhLeo it's fine14:55
MegaMatzeanyone knows where the error lies?14:55
arrrghhhI'm just offering solutions, take 'em or leave 'em14:55
MegaMatzei was wondering if those fsck### files are the probleme14:56
arrrghhhMega, not really.  Delete your data.img is probably troubleshooting step #1 (after making sure you're up to date)14:56
MegaMatzesince there are a lot of them on my sd card now14:56
arrrghhhFile system check14:56
arrrghhhYou can delete them14:56
MegaMatzefile system check? how do i do that14:56
arrrghhhI put a command in my froyo.user.conf that deletes them for me14:57
arrrghhhIt's a linux thing.14:57
MegaMatzeand does the data.img do? do i lose my personal things?14:57
arrrghhhYou can move/rename if you wish14:58
arrrghhhYou'd think this project was final14:58
MegaMatzedont think that14:58
arrrghhhEveryone treats it like it should be :P14:58
MegaMatzeits pretty far actually14:59
MegaMatzefor that its only some months old14:59
MegaMatzepretty good work14:59
leobaillardarrrghhh: anyway, thank you for letting me know about the center button :) I'll find a solution for my comfort problem ;)14:59
arrrghhhDon't worry about personal things then, this is just for fun/testing.14:59
MegaMatzebut that lets people like me tend to think that there is something i do wrong14:59
MegaMatzesince it worked perfectly14:59
MegaMatzethis morning14:59
arrrghhhProbably nl14:59
MegaMatzeand then suddenly woooosh14:59
arrrghhhBut maybe14:59
arrrghhhWho knows14:59
MegaMatzeGOD KNOWS15:00
MegaMatzeso when i just delete that data.img15:00
MegaMatzeand thats it15:00
arrrghhhNo, probably not.15:00
MegaMatzeor do i have to delete anything else15:00
MegaMatzewith it15:00
arrrghhhIt's just a troubleshooting step15:00
MegaMatzethen ill try that15:00
MegaMatzethank you15:00
arrrghhhDelete (move, rename) and boot15:01
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arrrghhhSome people's children15:02
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arrrghhhAnyone use andchat?15:10
arrrghhhI think I've asked before, but is there a way to autocomplete nicks w/it?15:11
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Pewpew-Kim_hi there!15:13
Pewpew-Kim_just a quick question.. My dad wonders if he can use Activesync with android..? Not exchange, but activesync for syncronizing his contacts etc from his droid to Outlook and otherwise15:13
arrrghhhGmail sync ftw15:13
arrrghhhWho does he use for email?15:13
Pewpew-Kim_yeah but he uses outlook15:13
Pewpew-Kim_he uses live.no for mail15:14
arrrghhhNo easy way then15:14
arrrghhhExchange server is easy15:14
arrrghhhGmail sync is stupid-easy15:14
Pewpew-Kim_yeah but it's a cost15:14
arrrghhhAnd all other methods are a pita and are not automatic15:14
arrrghhhGmail is free15:14
Pewpew-Kim_I meant exchange..15:15
arrrghhhTheir "exchange" sync is free as well15:15
Pewpew-Kim_yeah il try to make him use gmail sync15:15
arrrghhhI use it on android and gmail.15:15
Pewpew-Kim_rly? with whatever email adress?15:15
arrrghhhEven if it's just for contacts15:15
arrrghhhYou need to use gmail.15:15
Pewpew-Kim_yeah but he tells me that he likes outlook better15:16
arrrghhhOy, did you do any research on this?15:16
arrrghhhYou can use gmail on outlook too.  This is painful.15:16
Pewpew-Kim_yeah I tried to find the term"activesync for android"15:16
arrrghhhThat's it?  No other searches?15:16
Pewpew-Kim_nah I didn't do much researching15:17
Akshey arrrghhh, can you send me the link to latest rootfs for rhod400 ?15:17
arrrghhhThere's tons of posts on this in the forums15:17
arrrghhhQuit being lazy15:17
arrrghhhAks, autobuild...15:17
Pewpew-Kim_yeah I guess.. :) Thanks for the advice15:17
arrrghhhHaha no15:20
Aksthx arrrghhh. One more thing .. have you uploaded your own zImage somewhere whihc you are using as I also have rhod400.15:25
arrrghhhNope, autobuild.15:25
arrrghhhAny testing I do is just that - testing.15:26
AksI have the autobuild one, but map didn't work15:34
Aksnavigation I mean15:34
arrrghhhNeed gps tho15:35
Aksit was working till yeat. I had an old build from Oct 1115:35
Akscleaned it today15:36
arrrghhhNo gps?15:36
Aksthe gps sign comes on at the top15:37
Aksso I am cleaning again15:37
Aksand getting latest of individual files15:38
AksI will be using latest rootfs ext2 from autobuild and camro's zimage15:38
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Akslatest zimage in autobuild has the following comment - touchpro2/tilt2: In audio call/microphone not working. X415:39
Aksmeans in call audio not working?15:40
arrrghhhThat's someone's comment.15:41
Aksmoment of truth ...15:46
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ichhi @ all17:07
ichi ´ve got a problem17:07
ichi´ve a HTC Touch Diamond Smartphone17:07
ichi ´ll install the new releas  how i´ll install it?17:09
ichsome one here????17:10
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xdandroidNew XDAndroid Releases bug 42 filed...17:41
xdandroidBug http://bugs.xdandroid.com/show_bug.cgi?id=42 normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, BLAZN, Haret, no service17:41
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xdandroidstinebd@xdandroid.com changed the Status on bug 42 from NEW to RESOLVED INVALID.17:53
xdandroidBug http://bugs.xdandroid.com/show_bug.cgi?id=42 normal, Normal, ---, developers, RESOLVED INVALID, BLAZN, Haret, no service17:53
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stinebduh oh18:34
stinebdThis Month's Network Transfer Pool 300GB Quota, 298GB Used, 2GB Remaining18:35
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arrrghhhwhat's up cats... what a freakin day.20:21
leobaillardarrrghhh: back from work ?20:32
stinebdmore like back from trolling some poor innocent user20:33
arrrghhhoh come now.20:33
arrrghhhi didn't start that20:33
arrrghhhpoor?  innocent?  really?  :P20:33
stinebdall he wanted was some moo shu!20:33
arrrghhhi just love how people update, and then get all pissed off that they don't know what's in the update.  ummmm read before you update?  crazy concept.20:45
stinebdi heard the latest kernel makes camera work at 7 megapixels20:46
arrrghhhon a 3.2mp camera20:46
arrrghhhwha'd you do, overclock that camera oO20:46
arrrghhhtoo bad camera's don't work like that...20:47
arrrghhhwhy haven't you guys flipped the switch on camera?  c'mon, just turn the thing on!20:47
stinebdi think it's tripping the breaker20:47
arrrghhhtoo much voltage?20:48
stinebd1.21 jiggawatts20:49
arrrghhhthat's way too much dude.  you crazy!?!20:49
arrrghhhturn it down to less than a jiggawatt.  like a petawatt?20:50
stinebdnot as crazy as the libyans20:50
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