Saturday, 2010-10-16

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helicopter88how's the progress on nand? i read on another channel but i didnt understood what they much technical words07:56
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xdandroidNew kernel available (20101016_141925) at
GlemSomffs, that bot is faster to post then me ;/08:28
GlemSomthe changes aren't logged correctly for the compat-wireless-msm... But, it SHOULD be updates now (compiled fine)... Can someone comfirm ?08:29
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gghhave a tilt2 and having issues with present build.  Cab says installation unsuccesseful immediately upon execution.08:53
gghtried the .rar version and it is verry flakey.  Last version I was using worked much better.  I believe it was from august.08:54
gghusing then non -BLAZN versions08:54
gghAnybody out there?08:55
gghOne more try...08:59
gghAnybody listening?09:11
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arrrghhhGlemSom, new kernel is good.  gonna test if usb's workin :D11:46
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helicopter88Hi all12:01
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GlemSomarrrghhh, Good to hear! :)12:15
GlemSomarrrghhh, I had a bug where my system didn't correctly update the extra software to the build (compat-wireless-msm)... It _SHOULD_ be fixed now... :P12:16
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arrrghhhhaha good to hear.12:22
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frefighthello, does anyone have any problems playing tagged mp3 files in xdandroid froyo?15:41
frefightseems like my tagged mp3s stutter, while my untagged ones don't15:42
frefightthis never happened to me on 2.0.115:42
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[acl]stinebd: hey you here ?17:36
meswhat config options are necessary with the lastest USB mods to the kernel?17:36
mesI get "struct msm_hsusb_platform_data' has no member named 'serial_number"17:37
[acl]mes: what kernel ?17:37
meslatest git checkout17:40
mesI'm just doing a make clean and rebuilding, see if it got out of sorts17:40
[acl]you mean linux-msm? the usb gadget patch included all the conf changes on the defconfig17:41
[acl]you probably arent using the defconfig to make. so make sure you do.17:42
mesbut I don't use the defconfig, too much unnecessary stuff17:42
mesdefconfig, meaning htc_msm_android_defconfig?17:42
[acl]ok dont use it but the usb changes are there17:42
[acl]so diff between that and your config17:43
[acl]stinebd: anyways dood.. if u see me.. give me a shout.. im baffled about something only you can prob answer.. or maybe something you already experienced..17:43
[acl]mes: best of luck17:44
mesI did look but obviously not hard enough17:44
mesI'll just look at the checkin17:44
[acl]search for usb_function.. you will see its all disabled17:44
[acl]anyways.. gtg17:45
mesacl, thanks17:45
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TheDeadCPUOh look. CazH is here.18:06
CazHAnd guess what, TheDeadCPU is online as always ;)18:11
TheDeadCPUI've been offline for like 6 hours now!!18:11
TheDeadCPUI've been doin' moms.18:12
CazHYou've been doing what now? :S18:12
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TheDeadCPUMoms. As in Mothers.18:14
TheDeadCPUThat was a joke. I've been doin' mothers daughters.18:15
TheDeadCPUOr actually just one daughter but whatever.18:15
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CazHYou are a pervert, doing moms :P18:15
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TheDeadCPUCazH, Admitt you like doin' MILFs18:32
CazHHaha yeah might be good fun :P18:32
arrrghhhlol isn't that the point?18:32
CazHa milf isnt a milf unless you would like to fuck her?18:33
CazHAnd did the TheDeadCPU find a MHLF18:35
TheDeadCPUOh there are a lot of them.18:36
TheDeadCPUBut I did not bone one today.18:36
CazHThat is a shame18:36
TheDeadCPUNah, I didn't try lol18:42
CazHWhy not?18:42
TheDeadCPUThere was a daughter I had to bone.18:43
CazHDo 'em a the same time? :D Threesome ftw18:43
TheDeadCPUI'd be scared it would end in incest..18:43
TheDeadCPUThat's just scary18:43
CazHNah not when there is no possiblity of inbreading ;)18:45
arrrghhhyou've got that many relatives?  or there's just so few people in the area you live in :P18:45
CazHarrrghhh: he is from northern norway, that would be limited amount of people18:46
TheDeadCPUI ment I'm scared the mom and daughter would get nasty18:47
TheDeadCPUI'd leave then.18:47
arrrghhhhave you seen that new robert rodriguez movie?18:47
arrrghhhomg.  outrageous.18:47
CazHarrrghhh: watch the first 3 mins then i was like fuck this crap :P18:47
TheDeadCPUI've not seen a new movie since.. Inception oO18:48
CazHI'm thinking about putting on Resident Evil afterlife right now18:50
arrrghhhCazH, i thought it was awesome.18:54
arrrghhhi mean it was horrible, but that's robert rodriguez.  i think it's f-ing hilarious hahaha18:54
CazHarrrghhh: maybe I should give it a second chance18:56
arrrghhhdid you see that double feature with tarantino?18:56
arrrghhhthat was insanity.18:57
CazHIs it any good?18:57
arrrghhhi liked it18:57
CazHyeah figured that is was insane considering tarantino :P18:58
arrrghhhit was outrageously over-the-top, but that's how both those directors are18:58
arrrghhhgood stuff :D18:58
arrrghhhdamnit.  i thought i had adb all figured now.19:00
arrrghhhnow it just says "waiting for device" :S19:00
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CazHthat would mean you phones adbd isn't running or connected19:00
arrrghhhthe phone recognizes that usb debugging is enabled19:02
CazHdid you boot the phone with usb connected in active sync mode?19:02
arrrghhhthat something is connected via usb.... not sure what else i need to do, didn't really need to do anything on the phone last time.19:03
CazHWhen you're phone boots the windows part of the phone has to be set to active sync and be plug in to the computer19:04
CazHboots android*19:04
CazHotherwise it will not work19:04
arrrghhhnot no mo :D19:05
arrrghhhnew kernel commit19:05
CazHNice :)19:05
arrrghhhi did flip back to an older test kernel, i need wistilt to do a new git pull.19:06
arrrghhhso it could very well be this kernle.19:06
CazHwell if you are runing a old kernel that would explain it19:06
CazHTheDeadCPU: what is that?19:07
TheDeadCPUA faceroll19:07
CazHright :P19:07
arrrghhhit's odd tho, the usb thing pops up19:08
arrrghhhin android19:08
arrrghhhlike it is being detected.19:08
CazHIt does that19:08
arrrghhhi didn't think it did before :P19:08
arrrghhhbefore usb was working that is.19:08
CazHarrrghhh: I'm pretty sure it did19:09
arrrghhhtime to test :D19:09
arrrghhhnot the kernel.19:20
arrrghhhman... nothing changed other than the upgrade to ubuntu.19:20
CazHYou run windows normally?19:29
CazHI think I can guess you problem :P19:29
arrrghhhubuntu :D19:29
CazHwhen you do adb start-server19:30
CazHwhat user do you run that command as?19:30
arrrghhhmy user19:30
JesusFreak316So, opinion: Who here with a raph likes the new button layout?19:30
arrrghhhshould i run it with sudo?19:30
CazHIt needs to run as root19:30
CazHother wise it can't see the phone ;)19:30
arrrghhhi tried the adb logcat both ways19:30
arrrghhhnot sure if i did the start-server both ways.19:30
arrrghhhhahaha ok lets try again.19:31
CazHjust do one now ;)19:31
CazHDid it owkr? :)19:32
CazHwow that was bad... Work*19:32
arrrghhhfutzin hold pls :D19:33
CazHcome on how long can it take :P19:34
arrrghhhhad to reboot to winmo19:34
arrrghhhchange out the kernel19:34
arrrghhhand now i'm bootin back to android19:34
arrrghhhi'm testing the ambi light stuff.19:34
CazHlight sensor?19:34
JesusFreak316TheDeadCPU: No Norweigian here. English channel. :P19:35
arrrghhhso the backlight adjusts dynamically19:35
TheDeadCPUJesusFreak316, LOL That's not Norwegian.19:35
arrrghhhand now autobl in winmo doesn't matter cuz the sensor is reinited in android.19:35
TheDeadCPUCazH, can confirm that is not Norwegian.19:35
CazHJesusFreak316: yeah, my norwgian sucks big time, but I'm sure thats not norweigan19:36
JesusFreak316It's random letters, of course it it. Only English is a logical language. (Said as a snobby American, oblivious to the rest of the world.)19:36
JesusFreak316But seriously, I know. English is a weird language anyways.19:36
arrrghhhas yes.  sarcasm lost by lack of inflection :P19:36
CazHJesusFreak316: and you guys don't understand why people keep doing sucide bombs againgst you? :P19:37
* arrrghhh is retarded19:37
arrrghhhthanks CazH :p19:37
JesusFreak316Haha. I do admit I am ashamed to be american sometimes.19:37
CazHarrrghhh: you're welcome ;)19:37
CazHHad that problem in the start too ;)19:37
arrrghhhwhy do you think we put canadian flags on our bags when we travel?19:37
arrrghhhhahaha yea19:37
JesusFreak316Anyways, who here likes the new RAPH keyboard layout? As nice as the new layout it, I miss the center select and the end call button feels useless.19:38
arrrghhhhrm it won't sleep with a logcat running huh.  damn.  i was hoping to see what happens when it sleeps :P19:38
arrrghhhraph is getting to be a rare commodity.... not too many ppl have it anymore :P19:39
JesusFreak316I know a few devs still do though.19:40
arrrghhhfortunately ;)19:40
JesusFreak316I do hate the vga screen though. It makes some Android apps odd since it's the only VGA android phone.19:41
CazHOne of my friends has a diamond... My diamond to be exact :P19:41
JesusFreak316You know, I've never seen a diamond in public; only TP.19:41
CazHI know at least 5 people that owned a diamond at one point, but only 1 with a raph19:42
arrrghhhi wonder if it'll ever get up to the level of the vogue.19:42
JesusFreak316What are the main differences now? NAND, Camera, bluetooth, and battery, right?19:43
arrrghhheh there's a lot of little one offs19:44
arrrghhhkbd lights19:44
CazHJesusFreak316: the stuff about the screen not always waking up19:44
arrrghhhyea, SOD19:44
arrrghhhlots of little bugs19:44
JesusFreak316CazH: I guess that's somewhat important. :)19:44
JesusFreak316Those are the major things though.19:44
arrrghhhit's certainly impressive how far it has come.19:45
arrrghhhstupid HD2.19:45
CazHwhy is the hd2 stupid?19:45
JesusFreak316You guys see that Angry Birds is free now? It works on XDANDROID too.19:45
arrrghhhcuz.  it works really well.19:45
JesusFreak316CazH: Because we don't have one. :)19:45
arrrghhhand it's got awesome internals.19:45
arrrghhhstupid rhod should have the same guts as the hd219:46
arrrghhhnot the same guts as the raph19:46
arrrghhhthat's backwards!19:46
CazHJesusFreak316: got a Galaxy S here, hd2 is crap for me :P19:46
CazHthank you :D19:46
JesusFreak316I'm just waiting for perfect n64 emulation; then the phone is powerful enough for me.19:46
arrrghhhi want a high-end HTC device with a kbd damnit.19:47
arrrghhhi don't want the epic19:47
arrrghhhi don't want a droid19:47
CazHarrrghhh: Desire Z19:47
arrrghhhdoesn't do me any good :P19:47
arrrghhh<---------- CDMA19:47
JesusFreak316Shouldn't be too far off. My ideal phone will be WP7 (Jailbroken or whatever it will be called) with that power, hardware keyboard, and android/meego ports.19:48
CazHCDMA sucks big time :P19:48
arrrghhhit's the best service i can get in my area.19:48
arrrghhhvery fast.19:48
CazHJesusFreak316: ... WP7 is a os?19:48
JesusFreak316arrrghhh: Epic 4g?19:48
arrrghhhdon't want it :P19:48
arrrghhhi don't like the kbd.  screen is kinda iffy... i'm still not sold on 'em.19:48
arrrghhhi love my tp2.  but the proc/ram specs are killing it.19:49
CazHarrrghhh: I ran on my laptop tether to my galaxy the other day, got 5 mbit down and 1,25mbit up?19:49
CazHDoes you cdma do that?19:49
JesusFreak316Cazh: It all depends on how well XDA cracks it. I only want it if they can enable customization, legacy apps, etc.19:49
arrrghhh4g oh yea.19:49
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, there is a Verizon version of the Desire Z coming..19:49
arrrghhhit'd blow that away.19:49
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, gotta be sprint.  stupid branded devices.19:49
JesusFreak316Waiting for LTE and tiered data.19:49
TheDeadCPUI know lol19:49
arrrghhhwith LTE hopefully all this shite goes away.19:50
TheDeadCPUI'm going to sleep.19:50
arrrghhhit probably won't, but i can hope.19:50
arrrghhhi don't want tiered data :(19:50
TheDeadCPUGnite people and arrrghhh19:50
arrrghhhcya d00d19:50
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JesusFreak316I know I'm the exception; just 90% of the time I have wifi and can't afford $30 for data. $15 is perfect for me.19:50
arrrghhhno comment :P19:50
arrrghhhyou'd be mad if you knew what i paid lol.19:51
arrrghhher pay.19:51
* JesusFreak316 is a poor college student.19:51
arrrghhhi wouldn't have this phone if i didn't get unltd data for free.19:51
JesusFreak316Dick. :P19:51
arrrghhhi wouldn't have a smartphone if i didn't get unltd data for free19:51
arrrghhhhahahaha yea :D19:51
CazHHmm I have limited data19:52
CazHwell sorta19:52
arrrghhhlike i said, you don't want to know what i pay.  they're going to have to pry this plan from my cold dead hands.19:52
JesusFreak316Not getting a job like that for a while. Probably going for a masters, maybe a doctorate.19:52
arrrghhhin what?19:52
CazHafter 25GB they limit my speed :(19:52
JesusFreak316Electrical Engineering.19:52
JesusFreak316I have no life. lol19:52
arrrghhhone of my co-workers did a bachelors in that.19:52
arrrghhhnot using it whatsoever lol19:52
arrrghhhbut they have the degree :P19:52
CazHJesusFreak316: I have a 4 year education in eletronics :) Condering becoming a engineer too :)19:53
JesusFreak316I'll finally end up taking a C class. Isn't the kernel in C?19:53
CazHJesusFreak316: yes it is :)19:53
arrrghhhsome is assembly19:53
JesusFreak316I might actually be able to contribute finally!!! Too bad I'll probably have a new phone by then, lol.19:54
arrrghhhasm is madness.19:54
arrrghhheh as long as you have the old raph kickin around ;)19:54
CazHarrrghhh: asm is awesome ness :P19:54
JesusFreak316C isn't that great either from what I hear.19:54
arrrghhhit's kinda difficult to wrap your head around.19:54
JesusFreak316Oh, I'll keep it.19:54
arrrghhhc# is easier to learn19:54
CazHI never coded any thing usefull i anything other that asm :P19:54
arrrghhhbut you're more limited by it19:54
arrrghhhi was so lost when it came to asm19:55
arrrghhhpushing memory bits here and there.  madness :P19:55
CazHarrrghhh: it's a good place to start I'm told :)19:55
arrrghhhperhaps i should've started there19:56
arrrghhhi started with object-orientated languages.19:56
arrrghhhperhaps that's why i'm a sh!tty programmer lol19:56
JesusFreak316Isn't java one of those?19:56
arrrghhhjava's good to learn if you want to do android programming.19:57
JesusFreak316I think I heard that in a webcomic. Maybe xkcd, lol.19:57
arrrghhhman.  it's almost getting to the point where i need a native android phone.19:59
arrrghhhi'm becoming reliant on some of the applications lol19:59
arrrghhhgoogle voice mainly19:59
JesusFreak316I could see prefer but need?19:59
JesusFreak316It works for me...20:00
arrrghhhit's confusing for people when i tell them i have this phone number20:00
JesusFreak316At least texting.20:00
arrrghhhand then i call or txt them from a different one.20:00
arrrghhhwell there's no app in winmo for gv.20:00
arrrghhhso i have to use my pc, unless i've txted them before and i have that weird 406 # to reply to.20:00
JesusFreak316I guess you still can't run android 24/720:00
arrrghhhnot really, no.20:00
arrrghhhi still have a lot of call-related issues.  kinda no-go in that case.20:01
arrrghhhi only have one phone - no house phone.  so i kinda need it to be functional as a phone, even tho i rarely use it as one lol20:01
JesusFreak316GAH! Windows update always fails to find drivers for my devices.20:02
arrrghhhi love linux.  i can't use windows anymore.20:04
arrrghhhkinda pisses me off when i go to work hahaha20:04
JesusFreak316I like Linux too but just can't run it full time. I like Steam too much. :)20:04
JesusFreak316Virtualbox will have to do.20:04
arrrghhheh, my ps3 is for games.20:06
arrrghhhmy lappy never was too good @ playin games.  stupid video card overheats methinks.  alienware never cared to fix it.20:07
JesusFreak316Was for Linux too before Sony decided to be a jerk.20:07
JesusFreak316Alienware, Meh.20:07
arrrghhhyea that pissed me off.20:07
arrrghhhyea, this is my first and last alienware laptop.20:07
JesusFreak316I got a cheap, powerful Gateway.20:07
arrrghhhsome things about it i still love20:07
JesusFreak316They're nice, but ugly and expensive imo.20:07
arrrghhhi love the 1920x1200 screen.20:07
arrrghhhoh yea20:07
arrrghhhit was expensive.20:08
JesusFreak316Mine was $1150.20:08
arrrghhhthis laptop is circa 2004...20:08
arrrghhhand it was ~2200 as i recall.20:08
JesusFreak3162008 here.20:08
JesusFreak316Still runs pretty much everything well.20:09
arrrghhhyea this thing's a beast20:09
arrrghhhbut games... not so much.20:09
arrrghhh2008 isn't that old either :P20:10
arrrghhh256mb geforce 6800 go20:10
arrrghhh2gb of ram20:10
arrrghhhthe screen is still ridiculous.  1920x1200 as i said20:10
arrrghhhthe processor is my choke-point... single core 2.0ghz intel.20:10
JesusFreak316CPU? Everything else is still rather decent.20:10
JesusFreak316Ah, not upgradeable or just not worth it?20:11
arrrghhhpentium M or whatever20:11
arrrghhhnot worth it.20:11
arrrghhheven if it was upgradable, without doing a mobo upgrade it's definitely not worth it.20:11
arrrghhhi'm not even sure of the socket type.20:12
arrrghhhi just wish i could rip the screen out and put it in a new laptop lol.  i haven't found many new laptops that i like the screens on.20:12
JesusFreak316Yeah. I have a 2.53 ghz Core 2 Duo P8700 Nvidia GTX 260m, 4gb ram, 500gb HDD, 1440x900 screen, 3 hour battery.20:12
arrrghhhthey'll all glossy & ew.20:12
JesusFreak316I need to get around to upgrading my screen.20:12
arrrghhh1440x900 isn't bad tho.20:13
JesusFreak316Nah, it's definitely liveable.20:13
arrrghhhbetter than those stupid 1376x768 or whatever crap that's so popular now.20:13
JesusFreak316Well, that would suck on 17".20:14
arrrghhhhahaha true.20:14
JesusFreak316I see some for $170 on Ebay. Not bad but not worth it.20:15
CazHit's not a bad resultion for a 13"20:15
JesusFreak316Actually, $130 OBO. That's more tempting.20:15
JesusFreak316Not bad at all; I care more about dpi in general. That's why I love my Fuze's screen.20:16
CazHThis 15" is doing 1680x1050 which is just perfect for me :)20:20
JesusFreak316That's not bad either.20:20
CazHNot at all, and considering I got the laptop for free it was a good purchase20:21
JesusFreak316I guess you got your money's worth.20:21
CazHYeah :)20:21
CazHFaulty battery and a pretty trashed hdd20:21
CazHalso the screen is a bit funky at times20:22
JesusFreak316It was free though. NO COMPLAINING!20:22
CazHNot complaning :)20:22
CazHHave had my desktop booted for a month now :P20:22
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TheDeadCPUYou're not @ work?20:36
arrrghhhsaturday again dude...20:38
TheDeadCPUOh yea.20:38
arrrghhhmy poor gf, is at work tho.20:38
TheDeadCPUThen watch this video:
TheDeadCPULink her that video.20:38
arrrghhhlol ok20:38
arrrghhhnorway isn't the capital of sweden?20:39
TheDeadCPUI know, I was baffeled by that too oO20:39
JesusFreak316Whoa, May 17th is my birthday.20:41
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JesusFreak316The video's pretty awesome though.20:42
arrrghhhthat was awesome.20:42
TheDeadCPUI love the average one night stands in Norway is like 47 in one life.20:44
arrrghhhdamn.  there's a lot of hot norwegian chicks on youtube talking about norway.20:44
TheDeadCPUThere are a lot of hot Norwegian chicks in general.20:44
arrrghhhit's the same chick20:45
arrrghhhi need to smoke some more drugs..20:45
TheDeadCPUShe was fugly oO20:45
arrrghhhi'm insulted vicariously thru her :P20:47
TheDeadCPUwhatnot? o_O20:47
arrrghhheh don't worry about it.  i thought she was at the very least cute.  definitely not fugly.20:48
arrrghhhfugly is reserved for the very ugly.20:49
TheDeadCPUWell yes.20:49
CazHTheDeadCPU: didn't you go to bed once?20:49
TheDeadCPUShe wasn't fugly.20:49
TheDeadCPUBut not cute nor hot.20:49
TheDeadCPUCazH, but then I saw this
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, believe me.. Norwegian girls are hot. If you had lived here you'd have different standards lol20:50
* arrrghhh has relatively low standards compared to my norwegian friend here20:51
CazHTheDeadCPU: omfg thats is so funny :P20:51
CazHand true!20:51
arrrghhhproblem is i doubt the norwegian chicks are like the czech chicks.20:52
CazHarrrghhh: norwegian chicks are easy if you have booze20:52
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, Norwegian chicks a re HOT, easy and tight.20:52
CazHthank you extreme high taxes on booze :D20:52
TheDeadCPUOh and extremly dumb.20:53
arrrghhhi was going to say, i'm like a millionaire in czech republic.  i'm freakin poor beatnik in norway :P20:53
TheDeadCPUThis is an example of Norwegian chicks. Hot and stupid as fuck! (subbed in English)
arrrghhhi'm watching a documentary on stupidity, and i couldn't finish that video.  no joke.20:55
CazHTheDeadCPU: we had that show in denmark too20:56
CazH"The beauty and the geek"20:56
TheDeadCPUI know lol20:56
arrrghhhhahaha yup.  had that here too.20:57
arrrghhhprobably started here.  bleh.20:57
TheDeadCPUBut those girls are just averagely hot LOL20:57
arrrghhhyea they weren't that hot.20:57
arrrghhhtheir intelligence level made them less hot as well :P20:57
CazHarrrghhh: why the hell would you talk to them?20:58
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arrrghhhwho said i was?20:58
CazHYou just fuck them and then get on? :P20:58
TheDeadCPUGagball ftw20:58
arrrghhhshhhhhhh you're ruining this for me baby lol20:58
CazHthen thier level of stupidness doesn't matter20:58
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TheDeadCPUSeen this btw?
TheDeadCPU"They have wood.." "WELL THEY HAVE NOW!"21:02
arrrghhhthat's right.  you don't have bucks, you have wood.21:03
TheDeadCPUWell stripping is an art so is it that weird that we've got wood?21:03
arrrghhheh i guess not.  just odd form of currency that's all :P21:04
CazHFrom earlier videos I learned that they might use rocks :P21:04
TheDeadCPUI love this Chocolate commercial.21:04
TheDeadCPUSee, we are pervs from young age.21:05
arrrghhhyea i've seen that before21:06
TheDeadCPUAlso. You know how Norwegian music is Metal?21:06
arrrghhhfrom the banned commercials from around the world :P21:06
CazHstratos is awesome :D21:06
TheDeadCPUThat was never banned...........21:06
TheDeadCPUAlso this is a bit different kind of music from Norway.21:07
TheDeadCPUAnd yea. That is her real voice.21:07
TheDeadCPUAnd no, it's not censored in Norway lol21:07
arrrghhhi couldn't watch more than 10s of that.21:08
TheDeadCPUTurn of the sound and watch the video.21:08
TheDeadCPUShe's pretty hot.21:09
arrrghhhyea, that would be about the only way.21:09
TheDeadCPUI've talked to her. Her voice is.. Weird oO21:09
arrrghhhshe's alright.  little fake tho.21:09
CazHI would do her in a heart beat, no matter how she sounds!21:09
arrrghhhyea, i wouldn't kick her out of bed that's for sure lol21:09
TheDeadCPUShe's got a song called "silicon valley" It's about her clevage.21:12
arrrghhhi sense a theme21:12
TheDeadCPUThat song there is actually the trailer for a Norwegain Zombie movie LOL21:13
TheDeadCPUThey did it for the lulz21:13
CazHnazi zombies from what i gather21:14
arrrghhhare there any other kind?  :P21:14
arrrghhhnot in my book.21:15
TheDeadCPU28 days later kind.21:15
CazHuncensored here:
CazHnot the best quality but at least it's uncensored21:15
TheDeadCPUI've got the 1080p uncensored one somewhere21:15
arrrghhhdo you catch old dudes jamming out to this crap?21:16
TheDeadCPUThere is a porn with her.21:17
CazHsay what? :D21:17
TheDeadCPUThough it's crappy home made shit21:17
TheDeadCPUIt's fucking black and white.21:17
TheDeadCPUCazH, just search Linni Meister on any torrent site that has porn (that would be any torrent site) and you'll find it21:18
TheDeadCPUIt was filmed on the Scandinavian Big Brother.21:18
TheDeadCPUScreen shot from said film:    SAFE for work actually21:20
CazHThats kinda crappy if is21:21
CazHit's safe for work*21:21
TheDeadCPUThe screenshot is safe for work lol21:21
TheDeadCPUThe video almost is too lol21:21
TheDeadCPUI found the video on a streaming site.21:22
TheDeadCPUI'll pm you CazH21:22
CazHThank you :P21:24
CazHis it shot with night vision or some shit?21:26
arrrghhhin the bedroom.  little stupid spy cameras basically.21:27
TheDeadCPUI can identify what show is on the TV in the background oO21:28
CazHthese people know whre the cams are21:28
TheDeadCPUSHE put the camera there.21:28
CazHbut hell if I cared, if I got on national tv if I got to fuck her :P21:28
TheDeadCPUI would not care LOL21:29
TheDeadCPUBut even her music videos show more vagina then that porn.21:30
CazHHaha yeah21:31
TheDeadCPUBut one this..21:31
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, is 47 one night stands a lot in America?21:32
TheDeadCPUDuring one life time.21:32
CazHNo clue :P21:35
TheDeadCPUThat is apperantly the average in Norway.21:35
CazHIt's a slow month here in denmark :P21:35
TheDeadCPUI thought that was low lol.21:35
TheDeadCPU"Other findings in the condom maker's study: 11 percent of Norwegians have paid for sex, 42 percent have had telephone or Internet sex, 10 percent have faked orgasms and 12 percent have had homosexual sex."21:38
TheDeadCPU"10 percent have faked orgasms" I'm guilty.21:39
CazHhomosexual sex is also girl on girl, remeber that :D21:39
TheDeadCPUI know lol21:39
CazHTheDeadCPU: being to drunk to do the deed :P21:39
CazHGuilty :P21:39
TheDeadCPUThere was this girl that really didn't know how to fuck21:39
TheDeadCPUI faked it LOLOLOLOL21:39
TheDeadCPUFrom what I know there would have been 60% homsexual sex if they asked girls in my town.....21:40
TheDeadCPUEVERYONE here has tried it lol21:40
TheDeadCPUAll females have. Not males.21:40
CazHLove bisexual girl :P21:41
CazHTheDeadCPU: I think we need to move this in to a unlogged channel ? :P21:41
TheDeadCPUOur love for females loving eachother?21:42
TheDeadCPUI don't see why.21:42
CazHNot so much that, but other things relating to that is best left unlogged ;)21:43
TheDeadCPUWell probably.21:43
TheDeadCPUTo the extremly unlogged chan!21:43
TheDeadCPUOh, now I see LOL21:44
TheDeadCPUOh god.21:54
TheDeadCPUThe "a friend with weed is a friend indeed" phrase is becoming popular again.....21:55
arrrghhhas long as it's good weed.22:00
TheDeadCPUOh god no.22:01
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* TheDeadCPU puts on some Gorgoroth.22:17
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TheDeadCPU"There is no Satan. There is no god. Be your own Satan. Be your own God."22:19
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KhaytsusI am god.  You are god.  We are all god.22:30
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