Friday, 2010-10-15

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NiluGood Morning.................05:04
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xdandroidNew XDAndroid Releases bug 29 filed...11:00
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, Phone show boot animation and no service11:00 changed the Status on bug 29 from NEW to RESOLVED WONTFIX.11:02
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DIAMX00hi there12:06
DIAMX00Im pretty new to this android stuff...12:06
DIAMX00Basic help greatly appreciated... :)12:07
DIAMX00anobody here?12:07
DIAMX00Question is: how to identify the Touchdiamond (DIAM500/DIAM100)?12:08
DIAMX00Any clues?12:08
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arrrghhhunder the battery12:14
arrrghhhshould say DIAMXXX12:15
arrrghhhGlemSom, what's up dude, did you get the autobuild fixed?12:16
DIAMX00Great hint... Thanx; found it...12:16
GlemSomarrrghhh, Autobuild is broken ? :/12:20
GlemSomIt seems quite up-to-date... ?12:20
arrrghhhi dunno it seems acl broke it and thinks you're going to fix it :P12:20
arrrghhhi guess his usb commits didn't jive with the autobuild.12:20
GlemSomLast commit it 69a2efcfc0f477c07aa8608114a5090af6ac83c2... On both GIT repo and my system...12:21
GlemSomarrrghhh, Well, ACL pushed some USB changes that broke compat-wireless-msm... So either ther GIT kernel tree should be fixed, or the GIT compat-wireless-msm tree...12:22
GlemSomI have how-ever manually put together a packiage WITHOUT compat-wireless-msm (As I also wrote on XDA - and in some comments)... But I'll prefer the problems to be fixed in the official tree - instead of "local hacks" :)12:23
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arrrghhhyea i see that.12:23
arrrghhhi guess acl will have to fix it then :P12:23
mizzlewhat is the best droid build to put on my htc diamond?12:23
arrrghhhmizzle, probably XDAndroid 2.212:23
GlemSomI know he's in contact with phh about this issue... But I think phh is kinda busy atm...12:23
arrrghhhusually newest=best... but not always.12:23
mizzleso 2.2.12:24
mizzlewhere do i ge it from12:24
arrrghhhit just seems there's been so much progress lately.12:24
mizzledo u have a link12:24
arrrghhhmizzle, xda-devs12:24
GlemSomarrrghhh, I have informed ACL about the broken USB changes - so I KNOW is is aware of it... :)12:24
arrrghhhlol ok.12:24
arrrghhhhopefully he fixes it soon12:24
arrrghhhi know there's a lot of stuff that's looming to be committed.12:25
GlemSomWell, for OUR point of view - we can easily live without compat-wireless-msm... We don't use it in android anyway...12:25
GlemSomBut people use our kernels for other stuff too12:25
arrrghhhah yea like rhodbuntu12:25
GlemSomWe use tiwlan...12:25
GlemSomexactly! :)12:25
arrrghhhi see.12:25
arrrghhhso many things to support!12:25
GlemSomThat was why I put together a package without compat-wireless-msm... So we could test it with android... :)12:26
arrrghhhi see.12:26
arrrghhhman, it really does amaze me how much just your autobuild supports.  incredible.12:26
GlemSomI guess I COULD make a branch that does not use compat-wireless-msm.... But, seems kinda stupid to spend time on that, if ACL/phh get the USB things sorted out soon...12:27
Aksany news on battery12:27
arrrghhhAks, what do you mean?12:27
arrrghhhit charges, it discharges... it powers things when you can't be plugged in... :P12:27
GlemSomIf it's not fixed within a week, I might configure a seperate branch - that excluded that... But, we'll see... I guess they both have paying jobs too that they need to take care of... :)12:27
arrrghhhi hear that.12:29
arrrghhhGlemSom, no worries.  keep up the good work :D12:29
Aksyesterday camro was saying the current is low while charging12:29
Aksand it discharged in 12 hrs yesterday12:30
Akswithout using12:30
arrrghhh12hrs is a pretty good runtime12:30
Aksand the usb adb doesn't work on rhod40012:30
Aksbut, I am using v1812:30
Aksnot formt he autobuild12:30
AksI think ... not sure ... but it charged fast and stayed up longed in earlier builds12:31
arrrghhhok i think you're using some confusing terminology.12:31
arrrghhhdo you mean it charged in 12hrs yesterday?12:32
hamagcdanmit, i need a new winmo rom12:32
arrrghhhi think you were complaining about usb charging.12:32
hamagci hate roms12:32
arrrghhhhamagc, energy.  done.12:32
hamagcbut which one?12:32
hamagclol he has like 3012:32
arrrghhhlol the one for your phone?12:32
hamagcya, 30!12:32
arrrghhhbesides themeing12:32
arrrghhhthe only difference is build #12:33
arrrghhhso one uses the newest bleeding edge 6.5.x12:33
hamagcglass dink cht mas this that 2.5 2.1 the other thing jesus12:33
arrrghhhand the other is the 'normal'/stable winmo12:33
arrrghhhso ignore the themes12:33
arrrghhhfocus on which you would prefer12:33
arrrghhhbuild # wise12:33
hamagcdid maxsense become stable yet?12:33
arrrghhhthen pick the theme you like best12:33
arrrghhhi hate maxsense.12:33
mizzlehow do i change the default text thingy12:33
hamagcstill slow huh?12:33
arrrghhhmizzle, uh... wat?12:34
hamagcsimple then12:34
arrrghhhare you talking about when you boot haret it asks for a default.txt file?12:34
mizzlei cant load it it always freezes12:34
arrrghhhsounds like you didn't copy your startup.txt :P12:34
arrrghhhyou must read my son.12:34
arrrghhhlots, LOTS of reading.12:34
mizzleis this ok to use?12:34
arrrghhhfeburary 2009?12:35
arrrghhhthat sounds... ancient.12:35
arrrghhhin terms of this project at least :P12:35
mizzlei cant seem to find the 2.212:35
arrrghhhare you on xda-devs?12:36
mizzleand that will work with the htc diamond touch 112:36
mizzleis there a dl section12:36
arrrghhha download section12:36
arrrghhhfor all of XDA12:36
arrrghhhthat would be EPIC12:36
arrrghhhread this thread -
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arrrghhhwhere it tells you to download, read that link as well when you're done with the first.12:37
mizzledling now then will try12:45
arrrghhhjust be sure to read.12:50
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mizzlehow do i extract this ext2 file?13:37
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DIAMX00OK, xdandroid on DIAM100 works great so far... Thanx... ;) and bye...13:39
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camrohi Glemsom13:40
camrostill here ?13:40
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Skyguy04random question.  I'm on the blazn build with latest 10/10 update via the update utility.  Should i update to the 10/13 ref build, or just wait for the next blazn build?  Or.. will an update be made available via the update utility?13:40
arrrghhhutility doesn't update system image13:41
arrrghhhonly kernel/modules, rootfs & initrd13:41
Skyguy04ah ok, so the 10/13 is a system image update?13:41
Skyguy04if so, i'll just wait for the blazn build.  Thanks a bunch13:41
xdandroidNew XDAndroid Releases bug 30 filed...13:42
xdandroidBug major, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, End Key (short press) doesn't function13:42
arrrghhhi have no clue13:42
arrrghhhthere's updates daily13:42
arrrghhhsometimes more than once a day lol13:42
Skyguy04ah ok. heh heh.  You guys rock.  I love to see a project that's so active13:42
arrrghhhi don't know stinebd i was hoping you could make sense of it since you have the same device :P13:43
arrrghhhhave you tried the newer kernels?  they moved power to the power button.13:43
stinebdwhere do you get newer kernels?13:43
stinebdi still haven't tried wis's kernel yet13:44
arrrghhhhis kernels are the shiznit :P  i can't wait till that stuff gets committed, it's awesome.13:44
Skyguy04i'm just using reef's 9/29 blazn build.  Not too concerned about be cutting edge.  :-)  It works great for me.13:45
arrrghhhthat works.13:45
Skyguy04there was a time when i would test every single release as soon as it was committed.  I'm too old for that now and actually need my phone if my family calls with an emergency. heh heh13:46
arrrghhhlol i can't run Android for that reason :P13:46
arrrghhhi test the crap out of it, but i need my phone to work at the same time so i can't run it for extended periods.13:47
Skyguy04oh man, you guys have it stable enough for me.  I run xdandroid 100% stable13:47
Skyguy04especially now with the batt fixes.  I can leave it in android and charge it13:47
arrrghhhyou always could before, it just wouldn't report that it was charging :P13:47
Skyguy04i thought it would stop charging when it hit 100%13:48
arrrghhhit does13:48
Skyguy04which was immediate13:48
arrrghhhhardware prevents it from over charging13:48
arrrghhhit would say 100%13:48
arrrghhhbut it was still charging.13:48
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Skyguy04oh ok13:48
arrrghhhoy, i'm really turning into a broken record trying to support this project.13:48
Skyguy04lol sorry.  I do try to follow the forums as much as possible13:49
Skyguy04before, if i left it in android and left it charging all night, i'd wake up and it would be dead13:49
Skyguy04now it stays charged13:50
Skyguy04but you're saying that the hardware has always allowed it to charge to 100% and it would protect the battery, regardless of what the OS reported13:50
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arrrghhhi guess i never would leave it overnight lol13:51
arrrghhhi use my phone to wake my ass up, can't afford not having it functional.13:52
Skyguy04I use my wife for that13:52
Skyguy04i'll tell ya one thing though.  xdandroid has extended the life of this phone.  I was really starting to hate it.  Now i think i can wait until verizon goes LTE 4G and HTC comes out with some phones that rival my laptop's hardware13:53
hamagci was using mine for an alarm, then started using winmo again for an alarm13:55
hamagci woke up late this mornign13:55
hamagcso i'm going back to xdadnroid lol13:55
hamagcstupid winmo13:55
Skyguy04xdandroid will wake you up early13:56
Skyguy04that's a "feature" built in13:56
Skyguy04if you let the clock get out of sync enough13:56
stinebdwow waiting for lte13:57
stinebdyour patience is much admirabler than mine13:57
Skyguy04well new every 2 not being up for 7 months is also a factor13:58
stinebdoh, there are ways around that13:58
stinebdsuch as grand theft handset13:59
Skyguy04how about someone grand theft me a droid 2 then13:59
stinebdmoto junk13:59
Skyguy04i like a keyboard.  Swype ain't all that and a bag o chips14:01
stinebdworks for me14:01
Skyguy04it's cool. But not for writing a long email14:01
stinebdworks especially well at that for me14:01
stinebdnot as well for ssh though14:01
stinebdwhich i learned the hard way yesterday14:02
Skyguy04maybe it's just the fact i'm using it in portrait?  Or that my fingers are too fat?14:02
stinebdwell i never use it in landscape14:02
Skyguy04i probably just need to get used to where the letters are w/o looking at them14:03
stinebdi have it set to sacrifice speed for accuracy14:03
stinebdah, yes. you do need to know qwerty14:03
Skyguy04my fingers know qwerty on a regular keyboard.  But i don't.  :-D14:04
stinebdhmm, i wonder what i was doing last week14:05
stinebdmy system.ext2 doesn't boot14:05
Skyguy04lol winmo just locked up on me.  I knew i shouldn't have left it out of xdandroid for too long14:05
stinebdoh yeah, i was trying to wrap system_server in an strace... fail14:06
Skyguy04i don't know what that means, but i hope you learned your lesson14:07
arrrghhhi can't stand swype personally.14:08
Skyguy04sounded dirty14:08
arrrghhhi can't see where my damned finger is.14:08
arrrghhhi've got dainty little hands too!14:08
Aksdoes the browser have pinch n pull ?14:08
arrrghhhbbl guys, lunchtime.14:08
stinebdAks: the hardware doesn't support multitouch14:09
arrrghhhAks, without a capacitve screen it won't do a lot of good...14:09
Skyguy04c'ya arrghh14:09
arrrghhhcya ;)14:09
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stinebdxdandroid: later tell GlemSom [14:10:53] <FreeNodeXDA:#htc-linux:Alex[sp3dev]> arrrghhh: here is my patch for the compat-wireless-msm. if phh or GlemSom come after i leave, tell them
xdandroidstinebd: The operation succeeded.14:11
stinebdis that it?14:12
Aksi have a capacitive screen14:13
stinebdi should've tried to build it, i could've figured that out fairly quickly14:13
Akson tp214:13
stinebdtp2 has a resistive touchscreen with no multitouch14:13
Aksis it ?14:13
Aksi thot it had capacitive14:13
Aksso is there a new build14:14
Skyguy04yup, TP2 showing it's age14:14
stinebdi've found that i quite prefer a resistive screen for its precision. i often miss it on the n114:15
Aksi read online - and it said resistive are better performing14:15
Skyguy04anyone able to get the compass or super compass app to work?14:16
AksI was trying to download compass14:17
Aksbut it fails all the time14:17
Aksthink the app is too large14:17
Aksto download14:17
Skyguy04it downloaded and installed fine for me14:18
Skyguy04are you overclocked to max?14:18
Skyguy04try putting it on medium14:19
Skyguy04max screws up a lot of stuff for me14:19
Skyguy04think medium is 719?14:20
Aksnot sure ... but it has been working fine till now :)14:21
Aksso, as I was asking, is there any new updates on the builds ?14:23
Skyguy0410/13 update to reference14:23
hamagchmm with the kernel posted on glemsom (not the offical kernel but the one he posted a link to) my data seem to not work :(14:24
Skyguy04as arrrgh would say, there is an update or 2 every day.  But you'd have to compile a build yourself from git14:24
Aksand there are builds by multiple people .. are they all in line each other - means are they building and repairing each others build14:25
Aksor are there multiple threads14:25
Aksthats a Oct 13 build on the autobuild site14:26
hamagci see 10/1214:26
AksI am sticking with camaro's build whihc is same as NoeMatrix ... but are others using the same to build upon ?14:27
AksI see 10/13 6 pm build14:27
hamagcon glemsoms site?14:27
AksOct 13, 2010 6:36 PM14:27
hamagchtc-msm-linux @ 20101012_090720 is the top build14:27
hamagcor are you looking at balsats site? or threads on xda?14:28
Akslink please ?14:28
hamagcthese are like the official xda kernels14:28
Aksi m using this one -
Aksdonno whose build is this ?14:29
Aksbut works ok14:29
hamagcoh those are just test kernels14:29
hamagcnot official14:29
hamagcand thats camro's build14:30
hamagcstill on v1814:30
Aksya i kindof like them14:30
hamagcthey work great but break data on cdma tp1's14:32
stinebd5:07 am14:32
stinebdclock is a bit off14:32
hamagcstinebd: which kernel are you on?14:33
hamagcdata working?14:34
stinebdmost likely14:34
stinebdi don't have a sim card in my phone14:34
hamagcno svc. good point14:34
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hamagcarrrghhh: have you seen any reports of data issues with glemsom non-offical posted kernel?14:41
stinebdRFC time14:42
stinebdnavipad remap14:42
stinebdhome = home, back = back, power = power. need a menu key for rhod i guess14:43
stinebdany ideas?14:43
hamagcno hard menu keys you can use?14:44
stinebdi think it only has 4 face keys (and no center button/dpad)14:44
stinebdstart call, win, back and end call14:44
hamagchmm, can you use a long hold or a 2 key press?14:45
hamagcwell what a pita14:46
hamagcwhats menu now?14:46
stinebdi guess we'd have to keep rhod the same14:47
hamagcleave that, make end call home and power power and call call14:47
stinebdend call can't be home, you nuts14:47
hamagcso win=menu, back=back, power = power, call= call, end= home14:48
hamagcwhy not?"14:48
stinebdfirst time someone tries to hang up, they go back to launcher and start cursing at people thinking they hung up on them14:48
hamagcon the tp1 with the end call routed to home, when in call, it hangs up before goign to home14:49
hamagcwouldn't work the same on rhod?14:49
stinebdwe don't have end call mapped to home14:50
stinebdpower is (was) home14:50
stinebdright now nothing is home14:50
hamagcright, we have to use spare parts to set end button to home14:50
hamagcbut it still works as an end button first14:50
hamagcbut i don't have a tp2 to play with so no idea if it works the same14:51
stinebdyeah i don't think we can do that for just rhodium14:51
stinebdwell hmm14:52
stinebdi wonder if there's a way to set that in a frameworks res14:52
stinebdthat would be nice to default to home if possible14:53
stinebddo the research and get back to me hamagc14:53
hamagcmy sources tell me anytihng is possible14:54
hamagcstupid 8ball, that means nothing to me!14:54
hamagcString END_BUTTON_BEHAVIOR What happens when the user presses the end call button if they're not on a call.14:59
hamagcso in theory if they are on a call, it is still end call, if not, then you can set it14:59
hamagcbut there is a downside, we lose our recent apps list. end call and power button both bring up shutdown options15:02
hamagcbut the recent apps list isn't a huge deal anyways15:02
hamagcit's just recent apps, not a task manager15:02
arrrghhhah yes.  rehasing everything with that again lol15:16
arrrghhhstinebd, in winmo end call = home basically... so it makes sense to me.15:16
arrrghhhyou have to hit end call 2+ times for it to be the home key.15:16
arrrghhhfirst end call (if in a call) would end the call.15:16
stinebdlisten here15:16
arrrghhhlearn me good.15:17
stinebdif you're talking about things that make sense... do NOT cite winmo behavior15:17
stinebdif we're gonna go the winmo route, i might as well just put in a random crash timer15:17
stinebdoh wait i did that already15:17
stinebdthere is a setting for it to do exactly that, though15:18
stinebdend call once = home, again at home = sleep15:18
arrrghhhi don't like that :P15:19
stinebdme neither15:19
stinebdwhich is why i shall remove the setting from the code15:19
arrrghhhhow do native android devices do it?15:19
stinebdjust to show google who's boss15:19
arrrghhhis there a hard home button on all android devices?15:19
stinebdandroid devices have enough keys15:19
stinebdthey all have home and back, most (all?) have search and some form of menu key (or trackball press)15:21
stinebdand the recent ones built for froyo and beyond have no start/end call keys15:21
arrrghhhthat sucks.15:25
arrrghhhi kinda miss my mogul15:25
arrrghhhbuttons EVERYWHERE15:25
stinebdcan't set this in an overlay15:27
stinebdi hate android so much15:28
arrrghhhit hates you.15:28
arrrghhhstinebd, i guess live wallpapers doesn't work on your fancy new pre-FRX02 system image?  I didn't think we supported those stupid things.15:37
arrrghhhreading posts on the forums.15:37
arrrghhharguing with ppls online as usual.15:37
arrrghhhgood lord people are stupid.15:42
arrrghhhi'm not even sure why i try.15:42
hamagclp's haven't worked since frx0115:43
hamagcif memory serves correct (which it rarely does)15:44
stinebdlwp's have never "worked"15:44
arrrghhhthis dude claims a couple worked with frx01 system image.15:44
stinebdonly 2D ones could run, anything with renderscript would die15:45
arrrghhhlike the mario one15:45
arrrghhhbut since we don't support it... i don't see what it matters.15:45
stinebdit doesn't15:45
stinebdunsupported stuff is unsupported15:45
hamagcmario worked15:45
arrrghhhthank you :D15:45
hamagcand plasma and zombies and a couple of others but it was limited and unsupported15:45
arrrghhhunsupported doesn't make sense to peoples.15:46
stinebdif they want to sideload lwp packages onto their phones, they can. doesn't mean we have to help them15:46
hamagci still played with them, i didn't notice any real negative effects but we're no where near ready for implemention15:46
hamagcbut with the newer frx's they don't work perioid15:47
hamagci believe it's a permissions issue15:47
stinebdunless someone comes by with an opengles 1.0 renderscript implementation, i will never, ever, EVER, include lwp packages again15:47
hamagcso i don't know how someone stated they had them working15:47
arrrghhhi dunno15:47
camrostinebd: can you implement a little bit more detail in future, if the system is goinf down ? (ex: temp>68° or volume=0) ?15:47
arrrghhhi never messed with 'em15:47
arrrghhheveryone wants sense & angrybirds.  i'd prefer to have stability first :P15:48
hamagcthey are fun for the first like 10 minutes15:48
stinebdcamro: you drive me crazy15:48
hamagcme too, stability and battery. until then, whats the point?15:48
camroit's only an idea ... it's up2to ..15:48
camrofor now i have no idea, why the system is going down - if it is temp or volume ..15:49
camroanyway ... just a note ..15:49
stinebdwhy don't you have your own build environment? :P15:49
camrowhat make me really crazy - is the lock screen ... after x-min it set back automatically to lock with slider ..15:50
camrothis whole battery stuff is a mess15:50
camrotoo much devices ..15:50
hamagci can only imagine lol15:50
camrosoon i'll give up, it's a fight on several frontes15:50
arrrghhheh let's just forget about the raph15:50
hamagcwhats this project at now? 15+ devices?15:50
arrrghhhleave it behind.15:50
hamagclol thanks15:50
arrrghhhdiam too15:51
arrrghhhhahahaha np. :P15:51
hamagcthats ok cause i'm getting something new this month lol15:51
arrrghhhoh yea?15:51
arrrghhhgoin native android?15:51
hamagci am15:51
hamagctime to ditch this winmo crap and get something useful in my pocket15:51
arrrghhhwhat are you going to get?15:51
hamagcprob. hero15:51
arrrghhhi'm sorry.15:51
hamagclol why?15:51
hamagci was thinking about a tp2 but i want a real upgrade :P15:52
arrrghhhi just can't handle the no-kbd thing.15:52
arrrghhhi wouldn't have bought the tp215:52
arrrghhhit's a nice upgrade, don't get me wrong.15:52
arrrghhhbut the internals being the same pains be greatly.15:52
arrrghhhi told a sprint rep that and he called me a liar15:52
arrrghhhsaid the tp2 runs way better than the tp1, couldn't have the same specs...15:52
hamagclol ya reps don't always know anything15:52
arrrghhhthey usually know nothing.15:52
hamagcbut they know how to do nothing pretty well15:53
arrrghhhi started talking about capacitive and resistive screens and his eyes glazed over15:53
arrrghhhi was trying to ask him questions about 'em lol15:53
hamagci like the hero over the moment or anytihng new that just came out. no kb but i think i'll live15:53
hamagcif not i'll sell it and get somethign else15:53
arrrghhhyea i wasn't a fan of the moment15:53
stinebdcamro: i can put a simple logcat in the battery service for emergency shutdowns. is it okay if i just put the reason or do you need fancy temp/charge numbers too?15:53
hamagci liked teh transform but just read a review that it sucked15:53
arrrghhhdidn't see that one.15:53
hamagcsame basic specs as the moment but with a front camera15:54
arrrghhhthe epic seems like it would be the right device for me, but i couldn't get it.15:54
hamagcand i doubt my woman will get me an epic or evo15:54
hamagcso next best is hero lol15:54
arrrghhhlet you?15:54
hamagclet me? get me15:54
stinebd(regarding battery emergency shutdowns... imagine how hard it was to figure out what was causing rhodiums to reboot when they first added that code)15:54
camrostinebd: logcat would be fine ..if temp and/or level can be added - would be best ..15:54
arrrghhhnow i'm really confused.15:54
hamagcmy bday is at the end of the month so i can't get me anything lol15:54
arrrghhhi didn't realize it was a gift :P15:55
camrobut only if it is not too compilcated to hold it sync with the framework ..15:55
camrootherwise - don't do it ..15:55
stinebdcamro: it's a couple of one-liners, it's fine15:55
stinebdand it's not a permanent change like the reboot thing would be15:55
camrook, thanks15:55
stinebdtime to update the gapps package too15:56
camrobecause otherwise i only get the msg: POWER OFF, and noone can tell me why ...15:56
hamagcwoot! 2.5 weeks15:56
hamagcand pot may be legal15:56
stinebdthen you'll be complaining about the cost of a carton of joints15:57
camrobut today i used my phone for business ... 1hr later i saw, android is nut useable for business ...(not on such hardware like htc hd )15:57
camrotoo slow ..15:57
hamagcdamn right i will be!15:57
camroback to wm ..15:57
arrrghhhcost of a carton of joints?15:57
stinebdit's not the hardware's fault really15:57
stinebdit's my shitty porting job15:57
hamagcmarlboro greens15:57
arrrghhhi just love how the medi shops have matched street prices for pot... seems nefarious to say in the least.15:57
camrowell, i needed: navigation, telephon, email + contacts +sms ..15:58
stinebdone day i'll find the trick to make it run fast15:58
hamagclol right. that just to stay competitive while making the most money they can15:58
camroafter pressing a key - had to wait ~20sec before doing the next char15:58
arrrghhhflip the switch stine, c'mon.15:58
hamagci imgine not much will change if it becomes legal, prices will drop and taxes will increase so pricing won't change15:58
camrostinebd: the trick is the hardware ... won't run smooth on java virtual engine15:59
camronever mind's just for fun ..15:59
hamagcoh so we need new hardware?!?16:00
stinebdcamro: ??16:00
camrowell, the hardware what i want is not existing on the market ..16:00
camrostinebd: what ?16:00
stinebdi'm not sure what you mean by that16:00
camrowhat, that the whole system is slow ?16:01
stinebd[15:59:42] <camro> stinebd: the trick is the hardware ... won't run smooth on java virtual engine16:01
camroex: java engine is not the fastest way to run an app16:02
stinebdnot quite java16:02
stinebddalvik is highly optimized16:02
camroanyhow ... i lost my dream today - to switch to android forever .. not with that hardware16:03
camrohmm, dalvik - high optimized ... hmm16:03
camropuh, about that we can discuss :)16:03
stinebdthere's something wrong with our port in particular16:03
stinebdfroyo runs fairly well even on g116:03
camrotranslate it to asm, then take a seat and look through ...16:03
arrrghhhyea i think there's a lot of things wrong with our port :P16:04
camroi made a dump of small funcs ..16:04
arrrghhhi wonder if anyone from google or htc could help with the project even if they wanted to.16:04
arrrghhhi would think google yes, htc no.16:04
camroif wanted ...16:04
arrrghhhi guess it depends on what they choose to work on.16:04
stinebdmsm is supposed to accelerate java16:05
stinebdmaybe there's some secret switch that we need to turn that on16:05
arrrghhhFLIP THE SWITCH!16:05
camrowell, we have a lot to optimize ... memory mapping16:06
stinebdbtw, if you think dalvik is bad go run a big J2ME app heh16:06
camroanyhow .. today, i saw, that google can'T fix a bug on ics (appointments, attendees,invites) - not supported TIL NOW16:07
camrothats are basisc ..16:07
camroshame on them16:07
camrothere are not many alternatives ..16:08
camroanyhow .. maybe i must open the next bottle of wine, to relax myself ..16:08
camrobut today i really blame me with the android ..16:08
camroslow like year 198016:08
camromaybe i'm born 100 year to early ..16:09
camroanyhow, so what was today with glemsom ?16:09
camroarrrghhh: autobuild / usb / removing the patch from acl ?16:10
arrrghhhstill no go16:10
arrrghhheither compat-wireless-msm tree needs a-fixin'16:10
arrrghhhor someone needs to fix acl's patch.16:11
camroi thought, that acl talked with him, that he will take care of the extra modules, which doesn'T work together wirh the usb stuff ?16:11
camroand who is taking care of it ?16:11
arrrghhhyea they've been talking16:11
camroevery one waiting for another guy ?16:11
arrrghhhlol seems to be.16:11
stinebdthere's a patch16:11
arrrghhhstinebd, i think it may not be 'approved' tho...16:12
camropatch for what ?16:12
arrrghhhit seems alex has had that patch for a while.16:12
stinebd[14:10:53] <FreeNodeXDA:#htc-linux:Alex[sp3dev]> arrrghhh: here is my patch for the compat-wireless-msm. if phh or GlemSom come after i leave, tell them
arrrghhhto remove some stuff we don't need anymore.16:12
arrrghhhthat patch.16:12
arrrghhhlol did you read that paste?16:12
arrrghhhpastebin is having troubles.16:12
arrrghhhstinebd, yea from the sound of it alex's patch isn't going to pass the phh-test.16:12
arrrghhhnot sure.16:13
arrrghhhalex didn't seem too confident lol16:13
arrrghhhmade it sound like a messy hack.16:13
stinebdthe entire arch/arm/mach-msm tree is a messy hack16:14
arrrghhhfair enough.16:14
camroso, phh must take a look ont that ?16:14
stinebdnot sure why a compat wrapper for 2.6.28 is causing problems on a 2.6.27 kernel codebase16:14
camrook, so it looks like, that i will soon work again ..16:15
camrodunno about this module16:15
stinebdhow's that 2.6.35 tree going?16:16
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camro.35 - we will not switch to .35 before next 3-5 month16:19
camromy opin..16:19
camrohmm, well i'm also onhold - til my patch is online ..16:20
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nntba irc chat within a wiki ^^ cute16:21
camrowell, there are a lot of things to fix, first will be the wakeup .. too slow - and not always working ..16:21
arrrghhhsometimes it's instanteous tho16:22
arrrghhhit's very odd16:22
arrrghhhandroid seems finnicky... and winmo is just broken lol.16:22
nntbso i am using XDAndroid on my Touch pro 2 CDMA sprint whatever. and its cool and all16:23
arrrghhhwhere's the but16:23
camroand then also, i have no idea .. but sometimes my device did auto-shutdown (level never times on 0% ..strange ..16:23
nntbi notice i have to enable stuff in win moble to get it to work in android16:23
arrrghhhnntb, like?16:23
hamagcsomethings, yes16:23
nntblike wifi or usb (active sync) stuff like that16:23
arrrghhhusb yes16:23
arrrghhhwifi... no.16:24
hamagcxdandroid is still dependent on winmo16:24
hamagcfor some hardware initalization16:24
nntbrelly ill try booting with wifi off...16:24
arrrghhhread the faq pls.16:24
hamagcwifi doesn't make a different16:24
arrrghhhone of the fifteen of 'em, doesn't matter.16:24
nntboh 3d acceleration just seems to disable the animation on boot16:24
hamagcas long as you are up to date on the build within the last 9 months? wifi works on it's own16:24
nntbdosnt apear to have any preformence boost16:24
arrrghhheh 3d doesn't really.16:25
arrrghhhjust takes some load off of the main proc.16:25
arrrghhhi don't think it's fully optimized yet.  scratch that, i know it's not.16:25
hamagcdef. not16:25
arrrghhhi have it enabled and my boot anim still shows tho...16:25
nntbreally boot animation is black16:25
nntbwhen i enable it16:25
arrrghhhblazn or reference?16:25
arrrghhhi dunno.16:26
arrrghhhworks for me.  are you using that damned update utility to enable it?16:26
arrrghhhi'm just going to blame all problems on that thing :P16:26
nntbi am not to big on blazn becuase i had issues with the app loader pro or whatever its called16:26
nntbit expired or somthing16:26
arrrghhhnntb, yea it does that.16:26
nntband yeah i couldnt do anything.16:26
arrrghhhreload! :D16:26
nntbim sticking to refrence16:27
arrrghhhso wifi should work.16:27
arrrghhhassuming you're updating modules with zimage.16:27
nntbi uninstall the cab16:27
nntbthen install the new cab16:27
arrrghhhso you don't know.16:28
hamagcdamn cabsQ!16:28
nntbits windows mobile. lol16:28
arrrghhhi don't think the cab deletes anything16:28
arrrghhhwhen you remove it.16:28
arrrghhhother than the shortcuts.16:28
nntbit does16:28
arrrghhhnot sure, never used the cab.  lol hamagc knows how i feel about the cab.16:28
arrrghhhnntb, so i deletes ALL the stuff it puts on your SD...?16:28
nntbwhen i did it it seemed to16:28
hamagccabs are crap for this project16:28
hamagcmakes it so everything is a little different and no one really knows if they are up to date or not16:29
hamagcthey just know they are up to date on the latest cab16:29
hamagcwhich was made a month ago16:29
nntbits silly but i have to reinstall garmen xt evory time i boot xdandroid16:29
nntbmakes no since16:29
hamagcand is missing all the 15 updates taht have happened in the past month16:29
camroarrrghhh: whats about some users which are telling, that the HOME KEY / POWER KEY, then can'T work with that version ?16:29
arrrghhhnntb, does that run on your sd card?16:29
camrois there something true ?16:29
nntbbut xd android effects the install somehow on my sd card16:29
hamagccamro: i believe those are the people that haven't moved the end key to home in spare parts16:30
nntbi dont have enough internal space for a gps system XD its a touch pro 216:30
arrrghhhcamro, i don't know.  some RHOD users (so far it only seems to be the rhod100 guys) complain about that.  i don't get it.16:30
arrrghhhhamagc, i've crossed that bridge...16:30
hamagci tried for an easy answer16:30
arrrghhhyea, i don't get it.16:30
arrrghhhhad a raph110 guy tell me the same thing.16:30
nntboh i want to say16:30
nntbthank you evoryone16:30
arrrghhhstine never confirmed nor denied  tho :P16:30
nntbfor supporting the touch pro 216:30
hamagcwell wtf?16:31
nntbits verry much apreacated16:31
arrrghhhnot sure about garmin.  may want to have separate SD's if it's a big deal...16:31
hamagcthank the big guys16:31
nntbthis is my first time here on the irc16:31
hamagcper stinebd: if you want to say thanks, hit that donate button :D16:31
nntbif i see one of them ill repeat my self16:31
nntbid love to but no job16:31
hamagcahh, you must be american lol16:32
hamagcfrom cali?16:32
hamagcoh, close enough16:32
hamagcdamn unemployment rates16:32
camrosince arni is in cali the boss - no money left ... all to austria - LOL16:32
hamagclol ya apparently austria is the place to look for work16:33
hamagclol i can't blame arni though16:33
hamagci think he did a good job16:33
hamagche took on a mess16:33
hamagcand well not much has changed but (minus the economy) nothing has really gotten worse for us16:33
arrrghhhouch hamagc.  that burns.16:34
camroarni is born 20 miles from my home :)16:34
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camrowas ..16:34
Aksexcept taxes16:34
arrrghhhha, he can't be president tho.16:34
Akswhich have increased16:34
arrrghhhi bet that pains him greatly :P16:34
hamagcya, taxes went up16:34
Aksand when i file returns I get IOUs16:34
hamagcbut mexicans can't get a drivers license now16:34
nntbis there a way to foce a connection to wifi? like when i tap it and say connect its says Scanning... Connecting... Disconected over and over16:34
hamagci didn't get an iou lol16:35
hamagcnntb: sounds like a kernel error16:35
Aksoh, I got it in '0816:35
Aksbig LOL16:35
hamagci got like 4k on my return last year16:35
hamagci was smiling16:35
nntbcould it be because i am using some non XDandorid files with my XDandroid?16:35
Aksya, they were giving out IOUs in 07-0816:35
hamagclike what? all there is is kernel, rootfs and system16:36
nntbum one sec16:36
hamagckernel is the only thing that can really be non-xdandroid (test kernels)16:36
hamagcya i remember the iou crap, and they got interest for that16:36
nntbmodules- and a diffrent zimage16:36
hamagcthats a test kernel16:36
nntband psfreedom.ko16:37
hamagcahh psfreedom screws everything up16:37
hamagcdon't quote me on that16:37
nntbyah i guess... but i kind of need it atm16:37
nntbim working on porting XMBC over to the ps3 >.<;; and need to test builds16:37
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hamagcpsfreedom isn't supporeted by the project so it's kinda use at your own risk16:38
nntbthats good16:38
nntbthe less its suported the less likeley sony will sue16:38
hamagci don't think they can now16:38
nntbi say dont ever officaly suport it in xdandroid16:38
stinebdsony can't sue for that16:38
Aksboy, on Ac power the batt is charging really fast16:38
hamagcthey just passed law that stops them from suing16:39
Aksup to 75% in 20 mins ????16:39
hamagcthats why it's on xda, or it would have been taken down within minutes i'm sure16:39
hamagcaks, don't beleive the charging status16:39
helicopter88long live to xda!16:39
Aksok, just keep it on then ?16:39
hamagcya, the battery will charge until it's full, regardless what android says16:39
helicopter88or to be sure is charged,charge on wm16:40
Aksyesterday I was charging with usb and it went up 15% in 4 hrs16:40
nntbdo you think led suport will ever come to android on the touch pro 2?16:40
nntbawsome ^^16:41
hamagcsooner or later16:41
hamagcsooner most likely16:41
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nntblive wallpapers run slow XD16:41
nntbbut its fine16:41
nntbandroid on the rhodium cdma has come a long ways16:42
nntbi remember when it didnt have sound XD16:42
arrrghhhled support is already here...16:42
hamagchas it been commited?16:42
arrrghhhuh... what?16:42
hamagcwistilts work right?16:42
arrrghhhwhat do you mean?16:42
arrrghhhthat's ambi light16:42
arrrghhhand button lights16:43
arrrghhhno flash on rhod.16:43
hamagcwhat other leds do you have?16:43
arrrghhhwhat are you talkin bout16:43
arrrghhhstatus indicators up top16:43
hamagclol led flash, not adobe flash16:43
hamagcoh ok16:43
arrrghhhyea there is no flash on rhod... :(16:43
hamagcoh ya16:43
nntbthe let on the top when its charging or blinking when you have a txt16:43
arrrghhhyea that's already enabled/available.16:43
camrostinebd: you know, that: which key file is the default ?16:44
nntbhumm mine sticks to whatever it was on windows previously16:44
arrrghhhnntb, well it should indicate sleep/wake status.16:44
nntbso if i am charging in windows16:44
nntbit will be red wether screen is on or off pluged into usb or not in android16:44
arrrghhhyou should clear the led status in winmo if possible because it will stick until android tries to take control of it.16:44
stinebdcamro: need more specific question16:45
camrostinebd: and there are the codes for the keys, and that should be possible to remap, correct ?16:45
arrrghhhoh yea.  of course dude.16:45
nntbi can do that by unpluging the usb... but then when i plug in the usb in android the light for charging dosnt illumanate16:45
stinebdcamro: what do you want to remap?16:45
arrrghhhthe lights indicate sleep/wake nntb.  if you want to change them you have to use ledeffects.16:45
camrostinebd: so it should be possible to map a LONG PRESS VOLL KEY, too ?16:46
arrrghhhnot sure if that's fully working for rhod tho, i think someone said it is.16:46
stinebdcamro: no16:46
nntbis ledeffects a 3rd party app?16:46
arrrghhhkinda sorta16:46
arrrghhhi think an xda member wrote it, not sure.16:46
nntbopengl work on xdandroid?16:46
stinebdcamro: unfortunately we have no way to remap long presses, double presses, and the sort. all that is hard-coded.16:46
hamagcor however he spells it16:46
arrrghhhnntb, i think v1 but not 2.16:47
arrrghhhhamagc, don't think so tbh...16:47
arrrghhhi know who you speak of tho.16:47
stinebdledeffects was chamonix16:47
Aksarrrghhh : which build are you running ?16:47
camrostinebd: hard coded ? - that mean it could be handled - but must be in kernel ?16:47
arrrghhhAks, custom.  all over.  why?16:47
stinebdcamro: somewhere in android (frameworks/base)16:47
arrrghhhimpressive.  didn't think he had it in him lol16:48
hamagci think he also made command center16:48
camrook, this will also one of my next things ..16:48
hamagcwhich is what i use to run most of my logs16:48
camroi want to get on long press VOL KEY -> to call a task switcher16:48
camromust be possible somehow ..16:48
stinebdcamro: fair warning, that's probably very non-trivial16:48
camrowhy ?16:48
camrodo you remember on AEbutton ?16:49
stinebdandroid has very specific ideas of how it handles buttons16:49
Aksarrrghhh: I know which ZImage are you using ?16:49
stinebdfor instance, the window manager is involved in end call handling16:49
nntboh why is shareware bundled with xdandroid? does xdandroid make money for doing that on the blazn build16:49
stinebdxdandroid does not distribute the blazn build16:50
arrrghhhyea that's reef's creation.16:50
nntbthe app launcher pro (asks for money to turn into plus or somthing)16:50
arrrghhhthat's a free app.16:50
camrohmm, well if there is a will it must be possible ..16:50
stinebdit's definitely possible16:50
stinebdbut it's probably ugly16:50
camrowell, thanks16:51
nntbwhen you are moving a app and it trys to resize or somthing it mentions thats a pay feature.16:51
camromaybe at first we must try to optimize the system16:51
camrowe need a stable base16:51
Akscamro: is v18 your latest build ?16:51
stinebdsadly there's only one person working on the system images and he usually only gets 1 day a week to do it16:52
stinebdarrrghhh: find someone to take over maintaining userland for me16:53
arrrghhhnntb, it is a pay feature.16:56
arrrghhhstinebd, if i knew i would :D16:57
nntbarrrghhh,  what do you call free software with pay features?16:59
arrrghhhyou have the option of paying for them.17:00
arrrghhhjust don't use blazn if you have a problem with it lol17:00
nntbi dont have a issue17:00
nntbi was just wondering if someone was collecting money becuase its a smart buisness move to include shareware thats all17:00
nntband if they arent they should17:01
arrrghhhno body is trying to make money off of this17:02
hamagci am trying to make money off of it, but i fail missribly17:03
hamagccan't even spell it right17:03
nntbdid you help develop it hamagc17:03
hamagclol no17:03
arrrghhhwe'd be nowhere without hamagc :P17:03
arrrghhhjust like we'd be nowhere without me BWHAHAHAA17:03
nntbare we somewhere?17:04
hamagci disagree, we'd be behind and have alot more whinners17:04
hamagcarrrghhh scares away the people we don't want to deal with lol17:04
nntb... im so confused17:04
arrrghhhnntb, just ignore whatever we say.17:04
nntbso there is another android project?17:04
arrrghhhyou'll be just fine.17:04
hamagche is our xdandroid bouncer bwhahahaha17:04
nntbfor the touch pro 2?17:05
hamagcthere are many android projects17:05
arrrghhhnot that i know of.17:05
Aksremmeber that italian guy yesterday ?17:05
hamagcxdandroid is one of them17:05
arrrghhhfor RHOD specifically tho?17:05
nntbi only know of xdandroid17:05
arrrghhhi mean there's rhodbuntu, but that uses kernels from glensom's autobuild.17:05
nntbor wait and the one thingy on ppcgeeks or whatever17:05
arrrghhhnntb, same thing.17:05
hamagcno, basically just xdandroid for the msm7k devices17:05
arrrghhhyea if someone else was doin their own thing i'd want to talk to them17:05
arrrghhhbe like JOIN US!17:05
nntbandroid is linux right?17:06
nntbcan wine work on android17:06
arrrghhhit's based on linux17:06
hamagcthere are side projeccts that are forked off of this project but in the end it all comes back here17:06
nntbi want to run mspaint17:06
nntbon my android17:06
nntbthe old one17:06
nntbfrom windows 3.1117:06
hamagcmicrosoft on android?17:06
hamagcno no android on microsoft17:06
nntbwine is not a emulator17:07
arrrghhhthere's not an app that is like paint?17:07
arrrghhhi have no clue.17:07
nntbbut it lets you run windows stuff on linux17:07
arrrghhhbut android runs a very stripped linux kernel.17:07
arrrghhhit is still the linux kernel, but just like on a router it's not the full linux kernel.17:07
arrrghhhwhat's that for stine?17:07
stinebdnavipad remap17:08
arrrghhhnntb, people aren't trying to run mspaint on their routers, so you shouldn't on your android phone :P17:09
nntbdo you think this will work
arrrghhhthat's for ubuntu17:09
arrrghhhandroid doesn't use X17:09
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arrrghhhso don't confuse nntb17:09
arrrghhhAndroid uses the linux kernel17:09
arrrghhhbut android is not linux17:09
arrrghhhjust like ubuntu uses the linux kernel, but ubuntu is not linux.17:09
nntbi see so i would need x on my android first17:10
arrrghhhperhaps with rhodbuntu you could do that.17:10
nntbi thought the android os was x17:10
arrrghhhi don't know why you would want to lol17:10
nntbbecause i want to doolde in ms paint17:10
nntbwhile on speeker phone17:10
stinebddon't we all17:10
nntbi know right?17:11
nntbthat and i loved the orignal ms paint17:11
nntbits like nistalgia city17:11
arrrghhhLMAO stine.17:11
arrrghhhfacetiousness is so lost in text.17:11
arrrghhhseriously tho there isn't an android app for doodling?17:12
arrrghhhi almost typed drooling HAHA17:12
nntbbut its not MSPAINT.EXE17:12
nntbactually if i could emulate snes and do mario paint with the touch screen17:12
nntbid be ok with that also17:12
nntbbut i like mspaint a bit more17:13
arrrghhhyou make my brain hurt.17:13
arrrghhhi have actual work to do tho.17:13
nntbsorry >.<;;17:14
arrrghhhlol np17:14
* nntb wonders if vmware is out for android17:14
arrrghhhyour facination with mspaint is disturbing tho :P17:14
arrrghhhoh god17:14
* arrrghhh hides17:14
nntbits better then being all17:15
nntbare there any girls here?17:15
nntbkind of thing17:15
nntbit would be nice if i could put a virtualized small desktop window that had HTC HOME 2 running on it17:16
nntbso i could get the htc clock and waether on my android17:16
hamagcstinebd: no menu button for me17:17
hamagchome brings me home, and end call brings me home17:17
stinebdhamagc: press on dpad17:17
hamagcpower acts as power, back as back17:17
nntbxdandroid is like that Phone is phone windows is menu back is back call end is screen off. power is home menu17:17
hamagcwell to stop redundancy i guess we should just set end call to do nothing?17:18
nntbcall me17:18
stinebdhamagc: noooo17:18
stinebdend call ends call17:18
stinebdwhen in call17:18
hamagcand when not in call?17:18
stinebdnot sure what it does by default, probably sleep17:19
stinebdbut who cares17:19
hamagcit's definable in spare parts17:19
nntbif you hold call end it asks to power down17:19
nntbor ariplain mode17:19
stinebdyes but we can't define a default17:19
stinebdi looked into it17:19
hamagcoh well then17:19
nntbif i hit airplaine mode i wonder if i can throw my phone and it will fly17:19
stinebdgotta keep it mapped to end call though17:19
hamagci like it!17:19
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stinebdthe changes are just for raph users, so i might push them as they are without warning to the peons17:20
stinebdlet them freak out on the forums for a few days17:21
hamagchaah that'll be meanly funny17:21
nntbwhats msm7k17:23
nntboh when android is like 100% awsome can it be flashed to the phone replacing the native os17:23
hamagconce it's 100% yes it can17:24
hamagcthat is the eventual goal17:24
arrrghhhyou make support a breeze stinebd17:24
hamagchopefully by the time it comes to that, we're not like 10 years behind lol17:24
stinebdhamagc: you use physkeyboard=raph?17:25
hamagclet me look17:25
nntboh which device works best for xdandroid? like if i bought a replacment phone17:25
nntbi cant buy native andorid phones becuase... im on sero17:25
hamagcstinebd: yes i do17:25
stinebdhamagc: great, thanks17:26
stinebdguess i should make a forums post17:26
stinebdand twitter17:26
arrrghhhnntb, sero users can get android devices now.17:27
arrrghhhas of 10/1/1017:27
nntbbut i have to pay more17:27
arrrghhhyea it's only $10 i think.17:27
hamagc$10/mo for 3g android, $20/mo for 4g android17:27
nntbi can get a evo on my account17:27
arrrghhhdoes that only apply to 4g?17:27
arrrghhhah $20 for 4g.17:27
arrrghhhyou can17:27
hamagc$10 for sero premium (android) and $10 for 4g17:28
arrrghhhif you want to pony up an extra $20/mo :P17:28
nntbcan i have only 3g with it17:28
arrrghhhget a 3g device.17:28
nntbwhats a good 3g device?17:28
nntbwith a 1gighrz snapdragon17:28
hamagc$40/mo for a regular android device still sounds better than anything att or tmo or verizon offer17:28
hamagcnntb: currently nothing17:28
nntbwait wont a fast proceser eat my batery?17:28
hamagcbest is moment/transform at 800mhz17:28
arrrghhhlike butter17:28
arrrghhhom nom17:29
hamagcoh and intercept17:29
hamagc800mhz too17:29
stinebddo you regularly ingest butter alone?17:29
arrrghhhmy gf likes it tho.17:29
nntbbutter rocks17:29
hamagcbutter her... n/m lol17:29
nntbever pour melted butter on chocolate icecream?17:29
nntbits good17:29
nntbsprinkle suger17:30
nntbyum yum17:30
arrrghhhi think i should back away from this room slowly...17:31
hamagclol it's slowly becoming a porn for the overweight17:31
arrrghhhthat was pretty quick if you ask me :P17:31
hamagclol ya huh17:32
stinebdi wonder if i made it noticeable enough17:38
stinebdbetter add DIAM in there too17:39
arrrghhhi don't think the font is big enough17:42
hamagcfrx02 is official?17:46
hamagcheh i need to get on the forum more often apparently17:46
stinebdSOMEONE decided to spread the word17:46
hamagclol damn babijoee17:46
stinebdand 244GB later i'm nervously watching my bandwidth consumption17:47
hamagcarrrghhh: make sure babijoee adds stinebd's message to the first page17:47
arrrghhh<------------- i'm the d!ck.17:47
hamagci'm telling you, for testing we need to use the group section on the forum.17:47
hamagcwe can post files there that can't be let into the wild until we're ready17:47
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, YOU PENIS!17:48
hamagcwhich means no sudden 244gb of downloading a test system17:48
hamagcXDANDROID.2.2.AOSP.FRX02 NEW17:48
hamagcXDANDROID.2.2.AOSP.FRX02 NEW17:48
hamagcwell is that isn't official...17:48
hamagclol on 10/10/1017:49
hamagcarrrghhh: can we get babijoee to ditch the cabs posted on the thread?17:49
hamagclol the last update to the cab was 9/317:50
stinebdthe cabs are the greatest thing ever17:50
hamagci know! arrrghhh just loves them!17:51
hamagche heart cabs17:51
TheDeadCPUstinebd, so these updated keymap thing for the Raphael.. Are they active in the latest rootfs?17:51
stinebdthe one that i didn't push yet?17:52
hamagccoming soon17:52
stinebdTheDeadCPU: are you excited for it?17:52
xdandroidNew rootfs available (20101015-4bfd68c) at: -- Changes at:
stinebdoh god17:53
stinebdarmageddon17:53 changed the Status on bug 30 from ASSIGNED to RESOLVED FIXED.17:54
xdandroidBug major, Normal, ---, developers, RESOLVED FIXED, End Key (short press) doesn't function17:54
Akswhere's the kernel?17:55
hamagcno kernel17:55
hamagcnew rootfs17:55
TheDeadCPUstinebd, Yes. I'm very excited.17:57
stinebdit is revolutionary17:57
stinebdit will change the way we use our phones17:58
TheDeadCPUYou're not wearing a turtleneck are you?17:58
stinebdAND jeans17:58
TheDeadCPUOH MY GOD17:58
stinebdand i took my contacts out and put on glasses17:59
stinebdand shaved my hairline back17:59
TheDeadCPUoh god17:59
* TheDeadCPU hides17:59
Aksok, link to rotfs file ?17:59
TheDeadCPUwhere do you think it is?17:59
TheDeadCPUThe latest rootfs is always
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Aksoh ok ... so its a std release  :)18:02
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hamagcwe're releasing std's now?!?18:14
stinebdhooray syphilis!18:15
TheDeadCPUSeems like it.18:15
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Reidari downloaded XDAndroid 2.1 with HTC Sense for Blackstone. Then my screens says "HTC" , turns black and wont work18:54
ReidarWhat i do?18:54
stinebdcontact whoever made that rom. it wasn't the xdandroid project. best to post in the rom's thread18:58
ReidarOshi*. it wasnt XDANDORID18:59
ReidarI used XDAndroids 2,1 and 2,2. But i stopped using them because i really missed HTC SENSE :/19:00
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arrrghhhscrew sense.19:33
* arrrghhh slaps some sense into Android19:33
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* Khaytsus slaps some sense out of Android20:12
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stinebdsure enough, they don't like hardware auto brightness21:16
stinebdluckily it looks like we can fake it21:16
arrrghhhdamnit the internet is creepy.21:24
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stinebd    /** values returned by the accelerometer in various locations in the universe.21:33
stinebd     * all values are in SI units (m/s^2) */21:33
stinebd    public static final float GRAVITY_SUN             = 275.0f;21:33
stinebdjust in case you need to go landscape while standing on the sun?21:33
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arrrghhhya never know.21:36
stinebdthat might trip the battery temperature safety21:36
arrrghhhit happened to me last week in fact21:36 changed the Status on bug 8 from NEW to RESOLVED LATER.21:43
xdandroidBug minor, Low, ---, developers, RESOLVED LATER, Gallery3D crashes in landscape mode21:43
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stinebdarrrghhh: any idea if bug 5 is still valid for anybody?21:48
xdandroidBug blocker, Highest, ---, developers, NEW, Microphone not working during incoming call.21:48
arrrghhhgood question...21:49
arrrghhhi'll have to talk to the whiners :P21:49
arrrghhhi guess i'll just update the bug... it should email 'em all21:57 changed the Status on bug 22 from NEW to RESOLVED LATER.22:00
xdandroidBug minor, Low, ---, developers, RESOLVED LATER, Picasaweb sync unavailable (Gallery3D)22:00
arrrghhhbug 822:01
xdandroidBug minor, Low, ---, developers, RESOLVED LATER, Gallery3D crashes in landscape mode22:01
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