Wednesday, 2010-10-13

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bentleyjust installed android 2.204:20
bentleyon my touch diamond04:20
bentleyand the internal storage disappeared... any suggestions?04:20
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Hojouhey guys - can you help me out on a question - i know this has been asked before, but now i read different responses to the same question "does camera work" - it doesn't seem to work for diam mda, but has there been progress on the kernel or something - are we closer now?05:45
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camrostinebd: do you know, where the function is set for "LONG PRESS HOME KEY" on rootfs ?07:35
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arrrghhhbug 410:13
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, stinebd, RESOLVED FIXED, Buttons cut off in the open call menu.10:13
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, Isn't it like.. 5AM or something for you?10:23
TheDeadCPUOh lol10:23
TheDeadCPUIt's -2 celsius and raining outisde. It's awesome. The rain freezes as soon as it hits the ground.10:23
arrrghhhit's wet here, but not quite freezing.10:24
TheDeadCPUI love undercooled rain10:24
arrrghhhi love warm rain, never felt that before i went to florida or the east coast.10:24
arrrghhhi'm used to rain being cold.  warm rain feels odd, but awesome.10:24
TheDeadCPUAh. Warm rain is cool.10:25
TheDeadCPUWe actually get that here.10:25
arrrghhhi can't wait until it snows :D10:25
TheDeadCPUSnow is awesome.10:25
arrrghhhmy gf is not so excited tho.10:27
TheDeadCPUBuy her a snowmobile.10:27
TheDeadCPUI don't know if you have enough snow though.10:28
arrrghhhprobably not.10:35
TheDeadCPUWe get about 3 meters of snow so.10:35
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Akshiya all15:02
Akshows it hanging15:02
camroaks: what is hanging ?15:24
Akseveryone in here15:25
camroAks / hamagc / arrrghhh: new version is online15:25
Aksany new kernel updates ?15:25
camrotried to fix some new devices .. will go to bed15:25
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camrowell, the v1615:25
hamagcyou goto bed?15:26
Aksalrighty then15:26
Akslets get to it15:26
hamagcwill test, thanks camro15:26
camrook, but autobuild is buggy, so it makes no sense to commit the latest battery stuff15:26
camrothe huge usb patch seems to be not fully clean15:27
AksI am trying that usb patch since morning15:27
Akscannot conenct from rhod40015:27
camrothe usb patch ?15:27
camroah, ok not from autbuild - source build from Alex or acl15:28
camrowell, i play now with the key mapping, to get the VOLUME UP as search key ..15:28
Akson conencting to usb, i lose data connection15:28
camrobecause if VOL DOWN brings the volume screen, then i can use my finger for VOL UP, too15:29
camrowell, usb if it is online, then we can make some changes/fixes15:30
Aksalso, if someone can get me a startup.txt -- I am still using from autobuild15:39
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Akswelcome arrrghhh16:23
Akswhats your location ?16:23
Aksno east or west coast16:23
arrrghhhneither coast :P16:24
Aksnice :P16:24
Aksdid you test camro's new build v 16 ?16:24
Aksand i can't my virtual keybd16:24
arrrghhhi don't ever use that...16:25
arrrghhhif i can help it16:25
Akshow do you type all in the emulator ?16:25
Aksall characteres16:26
hamagcupdate terminal emulator, newer version has software kb with all characters.16:26
arrrghhhAks, if you have a rhod the keymapping neo puts in gets all the special crap i need16:27
arrrghhh> and |16:27
arrrghhhis all i really use for special characters in android.16:27
AksNeo's keymap is in rootfs?16:28
AksI don't have that16:28
arrrghhhyou don't have a rootfs?  lol16:28
Aksnot his16:28
arrrghhhit's in the main rootfs16:28
arrrghhhyou don't need his16:28
AksI have from autobuild16:28
arrrghhhi just said that16:28
Aksmuch back16:28
arrrghhhhis keymap is in the autobuild.16:29
Aks9/28 one?16:29
arrrghhhany of 'em16:29
arrrghhhthere hasn't been a new rootfs in forever.16:29
arrrghhhsept 1716:33
arrrghhhis/was latest rootfs...16:34
Akssomehow i m still not getting the keybd16:38
arrrghhhin connectbot?16:42
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arrrghhhdunno, works for me.17:02
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stinebdxdandroid: later tell camro key layouts are in rootfs /init.etc/keymaps (see the *.kl files) but android does not allow you to redefine long press actions in configuration files17:22
xdandroidstinebd: The operation succeeded.17:22
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Aksarrrghhh: did you find any difficulty installing apps from the appstore?17:31
arrrghhhin respect to...?17:31
arrrghhhstinebd, did you see my comments on the new system image?17:32
AksI tried to install pandora radio .. it said downloading but then it died in 4-5 secs without any notification17:32
arrrghhhsound doesn't work too well, so i don't mess with pandora yet.17:32
arrrghhhdo any other apps have issues installing?17:33
stinebdarrrghhh: yes17:33
stinebdi'm on sudden overtime this week so don't expect me to do anything anyway17:33
arrrghhhi wasn't expecting much.17:34
arrrghhhjust wanted you to be aware :D17:34
arrrghhhOT is awesome.  i can't get OT... i just work for free if they want me to work OT... :'(17:34
arrrghhhi miss OT...17:35
Aksin this economy ... you can't extect OT :P17:35
stinebdi don't know if i'll actually get paid for the ot or not17:35
Akslucky, we have a java prg job17:35
arrrghhhyea we used to be able to pull OT downstairs in the call center.  no more.17:36
arrrghhhand now that i'm salary, i get the same paycheck if i work 10 hrs a week or 80 hrs a week.17:37
arrrghhhnot my choice.17:37
arrrghhhi tried to fight it... they didn't give me a lot of options.17:37
Aksone way to overcome is what I had used before - put in extra hours in timesheets - take comp-offs and get vacations paid out at the end of year17:38
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arrrghhhi just do my best to not work over 40hrs.17:43
arrrghhhand if i do, i make 'em comp me hours the following week ;)17:43
CazHarrrghhh: at my old job I used to pull 12 hours OT every week, incresed my pay by 33% :D17:44
CazHOT is awesome17:45
TheDeadSLEEPCazH, gnite :D17:45
CazHNight TheDeadSLEEP :P17:45
arrrghhhyea i used to love OT17:45
arrrghhhi used to get at least 10hrs a week.  freakin sweet.17:45
arrrghhh10hrs of OT that is :P17:45
Aksgood old days :P17:46
arrrghhhhaha wasn't that long ago... bah.17:46
CazHI worked night and pull OT at night in the weekends, hence the good pay :D But I'm kinda glad I got another job, working 48 hours a week would have killed me in the long run :(17:46
CazHMy old job was 1½ month ago :)17:47
CazHTheDeadSLEEP: what are you doing?17:47
TheDeadSLEEPCazH, supposed to sleep.17:47
arrrghhhlol i was going to say i think he's sleeping.17:47
CazHnah he never sleeps :P17:48
TheDeadSLEEPIt's fun how people on the internets say I never sleep, and IRL people say I always do..17:48
arrrghhhso... who knows you better in that regard?17:49
CazHThats because when you are online AFK people think you sleep ;)17:49
TheDeadSLEEParrrghhh, well. I go to school. Online then. Then I sleep for like 12 hours a day.17:49
TheDeadSLEEPAnd online the rest of the day. Which is like 4 hours after school17:50
arrrghhhyou are always online.17:50
TheDeadSLEEPLately I've been online a lot.17:50
TheDeadSLEEPLike, this summer I slept 16 hours per day lol17:50
CazHback when I was unemployed like 4 months ago, I sleep the stranges hours, no matter what TheDeadSLEEP was always online when I got up :P17:51
TheDeadSLEEPThat was summer lol17:51
CazH7 in the morning, he is there, 3 in the afternoon, still there :P17:51
TheDeadSLEEPI slept 16 hours. Then was awake for like 26 hours.17:51
TheDeadSLEEP36 hours*17:52
arrrghhhthat doesn't sound healthy17:52
arrrghhhsounds like the schedule of a meth addict.17:52
CazHfunny I did the same think when I was unemployed :P17:52
TheDeadSLEEPI'm unemployed during the summer lol17:53
CazHTheDeadSLEEP: you are a school kid :P17:53
TheDeadSLEEPI work too.17:54
CazH"sometimes" thats not work, thats just getting money to get by :P17:55
CazHPeople have rent and stuff to pay, and need real jobs ;)17:55
TheDeadSLEEPDude, I live by myself so I know lol17:56
CazHOh right you move because of school right?17:57
CazHBut still you get money, not for work just for being in school. Thats cheating :P17:58
arrrghhhhe seems to get money just for being alive.17:59
TheDeadSLEEPThat's Norway for you.17:59
CazHTheDeadSLEEP: same deal here in denmark :D18:00
TheDeadSLEEPIt's nice18:00
arrrghhhwe're broke18:00
arrrghhhand too many people suckling off of the gov't nipple.18:00
arrrghhhi'm sure if our population was 800,000 :P lol18:01
Akswe pay almost 50% in taxes to govt.18:01
CazHarrrghhh: denmark has a bad budget for 201118:01
arrrghhhwe don't pay that much anymore18:01
TheDeadSLEEPOoooo. Cyanogenmod now has HTC Fastboot.18:01
arrrghhhbut back in the 50's the top bracket was 92%18:01
CazHmajor overspendnings18:01
Aks30-33% in taxes on salary and rest as sales/entertainnemnt tax18:02
Akswhenever you buy stuff or go to a movie even18:02
arrrghhhyea, i think i'm around 30% income tax.18:02
TheDeadSLEEPNorway has to much cash.18:02
arrrghhhoh yea.  i don't think our sales tax is as high as yours tho.18:02
TheDeadSLEEPWe've got 30% income tax.18:02
arrrghhhTheDeadSLEEP, seriously.  gimmie some.18:02
Aksya here it sux18:02
arrrghhhi hope they move our top teir for taxes up.18:03
Aksppl don't consider sales n other taxes as "taxes" :D18:03
arrrghhhi think our highest bracket is like 34% or something.  stupid.18:03
Aksthey are thinking for 250k +18:03
TheDeadSLEEParrrghhh, you really want some of our $514'368'013'167,82 USD?18:03
Aksbut better will be for 500k +18:03
arrrghhhTheDeadSLEEP, yea... you can even knock off some 0's and i'll be happy.18:03
Aksand leave other slabs untouched18:03
Aksbut states are killing us18:04
arrrghhhah well18:04
arrrghhhtime to get home18:04
arrrghhhand drink18:04
arrrghhhcya guys in a few.18:04
CazHNorway has oil, it's that simple18:04
TheDeadSLEEPCazH, :D18:04
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CazHand the govement overcharges for boozes and smokes18:04
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CazHbig time!18:04
TheDeadSLEEPI wonder what we'll do when it's gone..18:04
CazHTheDeadSLEEP: you sell space deep in your mountains for nuklear waste ;)18:05
TheDeadSLEEPWe sell boats too.18:06
TheDeadSLEEPAnd deny people to use Snow Mobiles.18:06
CazHYeah I should go to bed too18:06
CazHlater people :)18:07
Aksthis is hte one for keybd => physkeyboard=rhod400 ?18:12
AksThe new build is failing -18:19
Aksfails 3 times n then comes up18:21
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