Tuesday, 2010-10-12

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voltgood morning01:38
voltsigh why doesnt it work!01:39
voltweird shit01:39
voltits like stuck in a booting loop01:43
voltman man01:43
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voltanyone here who using gsm htc touch pro?03:27
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voltso I tried everything03:32
voltI am kinda stuck03:32
voltmight be my sd card or so03:32
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voltformat to fat32, lets see if the cam will work03:43
kalemaswhat about you are?03:44
voltgsm htc touch pro (raph I guess)03:45
volti cant get it to work, not sure why03:45
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voltit might my 8gb sd card03:47
voltit always messes up wi"data storage"03:48
voltgonna try the cab version03:51
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voltI/O error04:00
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erickwillhello there06:27
erickwillI have a question regarding to use Xdandroid with a non HTC device..06:28
erickwillis it possible?06:28
erickwillhello there06:29
erickwillI have a question regarding to use Xdandroid with a non HTC device with a Qualcomm processor.. is it possible?06:29
TheDeadCPUJust try it. If it doesn't work it doesn't work.06:30
erickwillThanks for your answer06:31
erickwillI just wondering if is possible to port Android for a WM device..06:32
erickwillhave you any idea about?06:32
TheDeadCPUOfc it is. XDAndroid is for WM devices..06:32
erickwillthanks a lot06:35
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dedo1911there's a way to get the source of xdandroid and compile it under windows 7 ?11:12
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twon_any one know about the updater script syntax in the update.zip?11:48
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AksHi camaro , the latest build works great12:07
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Aksthe battery is going down fast for some reason12:20
Aksand there's that orange light glowing at the top12:20
arrrghhhmeans it's in wake12:24
arrrghhhand it drains quickly when you use it :D12:24
arrrghhhyou'll probably see it go back up when the phone idles.12:24
arrrghhhpeople scrub the sidewalks with hand brushes and buckets... they cut the grass with scissors.  SCISSORS!12:26
TheDeadCPUYou do know how they cut golf courses?12:26
Aksarrrghhh: it goes to green when idle - is it normal behaviour12:26
arrrghhhAks, it's supposed to go green in sleep, amber on wake.12:27
arrrghhhif you're running a test kernel tho, who knows.12:27
Aksits the kernel v1212:27
Aksfrom yesterday's build12:27
arrrghhhthat's a test kernel.12:27
Aksanyways I am logging the btt12:27
arrrghhhif you didn't get it from GIT/autobuild, it's a test kernel.12:28
TheDeadCPUAlso, in the 17 days of drunkness students have in may. If you clean the main street in town you get like a toothbrush to hang on your party uniform12:28
arrrghhhlittle different dude.12:28
arrrghhhindentured servitude... willingly volunteering.  see the difference?12:28
arrrghhhhow can i put this in norwegian.12:28
TheDeadCPUIt's not volunuteering when you're drunk.12:29
arrrghhhi'm sure it would involve some sort of moose.12:29
arrrghhhhey no body said you had to clean the main street.12:29
TheDeadCPUYes they do. Unless you do you wont get a toothbrush on your uniform :(12:29
arrrghhhoh no12:30
arrrghhhthat just sounds awful.12:30
TheDeadCPUI know right.12:30
arrrghhhso why was the power & home button messed with?12:35
arrrghhhi don't have a home button now.12:35
TheDeadCPUYou dont?12:35
arrrghhhboth power & end now do the same things.12:35
TheDeadCPUrootFS rape i think.12:35
arrrghhhone of the latest commits says it moved the power button from home back to power.12:35
arrrghhhbut they didn't move the end key to home.12:36
arrrghhhthat makes sense to me... bha.12:36
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, kernel update actually...12:36
arrrghhhAll phones : Go into Spare Parts and bind your end button to home.12:36
arrrghhhi should read the comments i guess.12:36
arrrghhhi just read the commit hahaha12:37
arrrghhhhrm.  seems acl had some issues with his usb commit.12:38
arrrghhhman, progress seems to be flyin lately.12:38
TheDeadCPUnice isn't it?12:38
arrrghhhi love it12:38
Aksthe USB almost seemed to work for me :D12:39
arrrghhhAks, it only works with adb...12:39
arrrghhhso no usb mass storage yet.  doesn't really work, android has to keep the SD mounted for it to work..12:40
camrohi guys12:41
arrrghhhwhat's up camro12:42
Akswhats latest camro12:42
camrowell, i'm uploading 1 special kernel for arrrghhh :)12:43
arrrghhhjust for me eh :P12:43
camromaybe you can test if you can boot up12:43
camrocan't remember the status from yesterday ..12:43
camrobut testing whole the day, that the device shouldn'T reboot12:44
camrostupid rootfs, there are any check against battery, which shutdown the system ...hmm12:44
Akshey camro, I have the new kernel - works ok12:46
Akstill now12:46
camrowhich device ?12:48
hamagccamro: v12 - no data12:49
camroAks: which device ?12:49
camroah, thanks xandroid for the hint :)12:50
camrodeleting upload ..12:50
camroand compiling again .. add another check to level meter12:51
arrrghhhcamro, that kernel you build with the hard-coded temp booted for me.12:51
arrrghhhbut i couldn't get the cat command to stop12:51
arrrghhhso i guess i need adb to do the tests... which i've just installed.12:51
Aksits a rhod 40012:51
camrothe temp is not hard-coded anymore12:53
camroso, Aks: i will upload the new version, and then maybe you can test it again12:53
arrrghhhwe've both got 400's :D12:54
camrothere is a builtin function, which would corr wrong data ..12:54
camrobut, this is only til i get log data, and then i will find the lago12:54
camrovia battery driver, not so easy tofindout ..12:55
arrrghhhyea i bet12:55
camroso, i sent the NON Public link to you guys...12:56
camroplease report: first if boot is working12:56
camrobest would be if you can:12:56
camro1.) dmesg >> /klog.txt12:57
camro2.) cat /proc/kmsg >> /sdcard/klog.txt12:57
camroups .. the fist one should be:12:57
camro1.) dmesg >> /sdcard/klog.txt12:57
camrothen please send me the logs or paste to pastebin.com12:58
arrrghhh21% downloaded lol12:58
Akslink ?12:58
camrohamagc: well, if your data doesn'T work, maybe this is an issue of the USB gadget driver ?12:58
camroAks: i send you in your PM  ...12:59
arrrghhhhamagc's data never works.12:59
hamagccould be. it seems almost random, some of your kernels are hit and others are miss. i want to say we had data working when dealing with the usb but i forget now lol12:59
arrrghhhit's like an ongoing battle with cancer.  he never really wins it.12:59
Aksdidn't get PM - I am using web to get in chat - http://xdandroid.com/wiki/Chat13:00
camrowell, puh, hopefully acl could fix it, because what i knowis, that he will commit the usb gadget now(or he tried it today, but autobuild have errors)13:00
arrrghhhyea i saw those errors.13:01
camrothen hamagc have stress with future builds ..13:01
arrrghhhhopefully he get's 'em sorted out...13:01
camroarrrghhh: the FRX02 from 10.10 is the same like from 02.10.201013:01
camroso, this is a fake on XDA !13:01
arrrghhhdude stinebd made it13:01
arrrghhhit's not a fake13:01
arrrghhhmy dial pad definitely fits correctly now13:01
hamagcoh yes, dial pad is pretty13:02
camroi made a hex-compare13:02
hamagcand no call ring tones!13:02
arrrghhhand gsm users have definitely reported netloc workng again.13:02
hamagcdamn you cdma!!!13:02
hamagchmm phone froze13:02
hamagcat usb debugging connected13:02
hamagcand restart13:02
camrowith my new kernel ?13:02
hamagci'll log it next time13:02
camrowould be fine, best would be to place it in froyoconf13:03
hamagcya i think i'm going to have to13:04
hamagcstill no adb on this thing13:04
camroarrrghhh: well, maybe there is a 10.10 fix, but definitv the file: system-pre-FRX02-bugs-2-3-4-14.ext2.zip is from 2.10.2010 !!!!!!13:04
camrook, guys ... so come in with the reports ..13:04
arrrghhhas in october 2nd?13:04
arrrghhhthat would be wright.13:04
camrobut, there is a thread, that the fix is from 10.10, and this is bullsh...13:05
arrrghhhthat's when the thread was updated.13:05
arrrghhhdon't get so hung up on the exact dates :P13:05
arrrghhhbabijoee was a little behind, and it was kinda my fault that he jumped the gun on it anyways.13:06
camronot really, because otherwise there would be the link to the file from 2.1013:06
camrobut there is 10.1013:06
arrrghhhstinebd never meant it to be an offical release.13:06
arrrghhhso it's not officially supported.13:06
camroanyhow ...forget it .. it's not important ..13:06
arrrghhhindeed, thank you :P13:06
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hamagchmm. booted this time but no radio13:08
camrowell, forget the radio ... muost important for me are the logs ..13:09
hamagctrying to run them13:09
hamagcthing is suddenly on a 28mhz processor lol13:10
camrothe rhod is not fully inplace ..13:10
camrooh, forgot, your devive is a raph13:10
NeoMatrixJRI'm rhod camro13:11
NeoMatrixJRI need to reboot my phone.  What logging do you need done?  I can't do the full charge/discharge cycle today.13:12
camrobest would be13:12
camrodmesg >> /sdcard/blabla13:13
camroafter that13:13
camrocat /proc/dmesg >> /sdcard/blabla13:13
camrocat /proc/kmsg >> /sdcard/blabla13:13
camrosorry :)13:13
NeoMatrixJRI mean how long, batt/AC/USB/???13:14
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camro3min each13:14
camroor 2min each13:14
NeoMatrixJRdoes it need a specific starting point (fully charged?)13:16
arrrghhhhooray download done.13:18
arrrghhhtesting now camro13:18
camroNeoMatrixJR no13:19
camrobest would be if it is not full13:19
NeoMatrixJRok, well then I may go grab lunch and let it discharge a bit since I had it on USB while [acl]'s was running.13:19
arrrghhhcamro, i can boot :D  time to get you some output...13:21
arrrghhhno adb love it seems.13:23
NeoMatrixJRarrrghhh: have you gotten any usb gadget kernel to work with adb?13:26
arrrghhhi've never used adb..13:26
arrrghhhthis would be attempt numero uno.13:26
NeoMatrixJRI tried one from ACL and it only worked after I uninstalled the windows driver and let it re-install.13:26
arrrghhhit seems to be detected13:26
arrrghhhmaybe i need to do that...13:26
arrrghhhi just installed droid explorer, which supposedly has all i need...13:27
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NeoMatrixJRnew version should install 4 devices. I forget them all but it's basically the abd device, a disk drive, and two "other devices" that you probably won't find drivers for.13:27
NeoMatrixJR(and don't need)13:27
arrrghhhhrm i get 313:28
arrrghhhlemme remove 'em13:28
arrrghhhsee what happens now...13:29
arrrghhheh just tells me it cannot install this hardware.13:29
arrrghhhi'm going to dl the full sdk13:30
arrrghhhgive it a fightin chance.13:30
* GlemSom wonder who ACL is ?13:31
GlemSomSeems last commit broke the usb_unpoison_urb function in compat-wireless-msm13:31
arrrghhhyou've never talked to him?13:31
arrrghhhhe's a dev... been doing a lot of good work for RHOD lately.13:31
hamagchopefully raph800 soon too :)13:31
arrrghhhnah.  we've left that device in the dust13:31
NeoMatrixJRGlemSom #htc-linux: [acl]13:31
GlemSomNeoMatrixJR, thanks13:32
arrrghhhah yea he's actually talkin now :D13:32
Aksarrrghhh: my device booted up ... what next ?13:32
arrrghhhAks, run those commands camro asked for...?  don't you remember the test?13:33
arrrghhh2 mins, usb.  run commands13:33
arrrghhh2 mins, ac.  run commands13:33
arrrghhh2 mins, batt.  run commands13:33
Aksdidn't see :P13:33
hamagci'll run logs in just a minute, lol i swear13:34
arrrghhhha i'm still trying to get adb setup lol13:34
hamagchmm...  2001 Volvo s60 2.4 turbo13:34
arrrghhhnot very cool13:35
arrrghhhbut should be reliable :P13:35
hamagclol thats what i'm thinking13:35
hamagcnice little family car13:35
camroNeoMatrix: which device do you have ?13:35
camroNeoMatrixJR: which device do you have ?13:35
arrrghhhsame as us... RHOD40013:36
NeoMatrixJRwhat arrrghhh said13:36
camroNeoMatrixJR: ok, your device is looking almost fine13:37
arrrghhh:D so many 400's.13:37
arrrghhhwe just need a decent RIL damnit.13:37
NeoMatrixJRwhat's wrong with the RIL?13:37
camroNeoMatrix: which problemsm do you have with that kernel ?13:38
arrrghhhit's very, very incomplete for CDMA13:38
NeoMatrixJRum, it bombs out at the UI.  can't test anything if it won't stay online13:38
Aksarrrghhh : I have a rhod400 but runnig on GSM :)13:38
NeoMatrixJRsent you a logfile link in PM.13:38
NeoMatrixJRdid you get it13:38
camrobombs ?13:38
arrrghhhAks, stupid.13:39
NeoMatrixJRarrrghhh: seems to handle everything I do.... other than dropping data from time to time, but I assume that's cause my office has no signal13:39
NeoMatrixJRcamro: reboots13:39
arrrghhhdropping data, calls causing system instability... there's probably other issues as well like no netloc.13:39
NeoMatrixJRcamro: I don't know what the temperatures are supposed to look like but I'm guessing it's still the temperature reporting issue13:40
arrrghhhNeoMatrixJR, are you running the kernel he just pumped out?  i'm able to boot.13:40
NeoMatrixJRarrrghhh: yeah I have noticed increased instability recently.  Mine's been crashing alot with gps13:40
Aksarrrghhh: ???13:40
NeoMatrixJRarrrghhh running: BLACKSTONE-kernel-modules-2010-10-12-1286902270.zip13:40
arrrghhhwhy are you using a sprint branded phone on a GSM network?13:40
camrotemp is ok13:41
Aksbcoz I can :D13:41
arrrghhhNeoMatrixJR, hrm... same here.  i can boot just fine.  still waiting for adb crap to finish dling.13:41
arrrghhhAks, hence my stupid comment.  no point :P13:41
Aksi can't find the >> key on the keyboard13:41
NeoMatrixJRcrapsteak, it's almost one.  I gotta go to lunch.  I'll try booting it up again while I'm out.13:41
arrrghhhspecial keys13:41
arrrghhhvirtual kbd13:41
Aksin the emulator ?13:41
NeoMatrixJRAks, on Rhod400 I coded > to be Fn+.13:41
arrrghhhi should probably do that... in spare tools i'm guessing?13:42
NeoMatrixJR:) put in a couple of tricks on rhod400 layout13:42
NeoMatrixJR> = Fn+. and | = Fn+y13:42
camrowell, NeoMAtrixJR: it is looking complete normal for me, maybe you can runa lso logcat paralell, maybe the rootfs shutdown your device or USB ..13:42
NeoMatrixJRno, built into the rhod400 keymap13:42
camrobut battery islooking fine13:42
arrrghhhNeoMatrixJR, are you running your own rootfs?13:43
camrowell, @ all: if the kernel is working, then you can try to charge from an almost empty battery:13:43
camro1.) charge ~30-60min via USB13:43
camro2.) charge via AC -> 2hrs13:43
NeoMatrixJRno, I built the Rhod400 keymap that's in use in the general rootfs13:43
Aksstill can't get it on the emulator13:44
NeoMatrixJRcamro: I'll see about that when I get back.  right now if I don't get lunch I'm not going to get lunch.  me hungry13:44
camro3.) then prepare the test run (display on all the time, flightmode, no sync, no data, )13:44
NeoMatrixJRbe back laters guys.13:44
camroi also must go, back in 60min13:44
arrrghhhNeoMatrixJR, damnit what keymap?13:45
camroi set POWER to POWER 8before it was POWER mapped to HOME13:48
camro4.) post the logs13:49
Aksmy keymap doesn't support > or | ... I can post any values you are looking for ?13:52
arrrghhhspecial keys13:55
arrrghhhunder the virtual kbd13:55
GlemSomAbout the autobuild-service: I've manually put together a package that match the last buildid - except the failed compat-wireless-msm modules... It can be downloaded here: http://zimages.googlecode.com/files/htc-msm-linux-20101012_090720-package.tar.bz2   (I've also added a comment about this on the autobuild site)13:59
AksGlemSom: what fixes are in your kernel ?14:12
GlemSomAks, My kernel follows the official GIT repository - all changes can be seen there -> http://gitorious.org/linux-on-qualcomm-s-msm/linux-msm14:13
GlemSomThough, we put additional modules in the package too, which in this build failed due to some USB changes... That's why I manually put together a package that matches the latest commits - though without those failed modules.14:14
GlemSomMy system will by default detect any build errors - and will NOT upload a package if errors are found! (Except when I MANUALLY do it...) ;)14:15
Aksok, so overwrite both zImage and modules ?14:15
GlemSomNo, you don't need to overwrite... Just place them along with your boot folder - and adjust your startup.txt accordingly14:16
GlemSomWell, that's what I recommend anyway... That makes it quite easy to switch between kernels...14:16
Akscan you give your strtup.txt also ?14:18
GlemSomAks, I use the default one for diamind... found in our official package...14:18
GlemSomAnd adjust the zImage accordingly to what-ever kernel I'm testing..14:18
GlemSomAnyway, I gotta go... I have a paying job I need to take care of too... :P14:19
GlemSomc ya14:19
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NeoMatrixJRarrrghhh: the keymap built into the rootfs.  Do I need to pick apart a rootfs and point it out?14:23
NeoMatrixJRI forget where exactly the file is off the top of my head14:24
NeoMatrixJRtook me 3 reboots but I finally got camro's kernel stabilized and booted14:28
NeoMatrixJRnow I gotta let the battery drain some14:29
Aksare you using camro's last kernel update or GlemSom's?14:31
NeoMatrixJRwas going to do some battery testing for him14:33
Aksok, I have that build, but the in-call mic stopped working14:37
Aksincoming -call *14:37
hamagccan't open /proc/dmesg: no such files or directory14:41
hamagcbut third boot seems to have worked, radio and all now. still no data14:44
arrrghhhNeoMatrixJR, i thought you said your changes were in the rootfs... as in i just need to make an adjustment to the physkeyboard option in the starupt?14:46
Aksmy staertupo has tilt2 set as keybd14:48
hamagccamro: kmsg log 1: http://pastebin.com/d26ehnfd14:48
arrrghhhAks, i thought you said you have a rhod400...14:48
NeoMatrixJRyeah, just use the RHOD400 keyboard option.  physkeyboard=rhod40014:49
hamagccamro: kmsg log 2: http://pastebin.com/z9aTwmCj14:49
arrrghhhNeoMatrixJR, oh i wanted those keys you hardcoded tho.  > for fn+. and | for fn+something14:49
NeoMatrixJRarrrghhh: what physkeyboard are you using14:50
NeoMatrixJRthen you should have those14:51
arrrghhhi guess i should try 'em. :P14:51
arrrghhhi'm retarded.14:51
NeoMatrixJRFN+.   =   >14:51
arrrghhhyea, works perfectly.  lol14:52
NeoMatrixJRFN+y = |14:52
NeoMatrixJRgreat for file out command and |grep14:52
arrrghhhi was always using the soft kb14:52
arrrghhhwhen i needed to use those special keys!14:52
NeoMatrixJRthe "full keyboard" app is also great14:53
NeoMatrixJRI use that 'cause I needed Ctrl for Ctrl+c in connectbot14:53
NeoMatrixJRtoo bad I could never code that right in the keymap somehow14:53
arrrghhhi still can't get adb workin14:56
arrrghhhso camro i can't get you any logs.  it sounds like you've already got some good info for the rhod400 tho, yes?14:57
NeoMatrixJRarrrghhh you can use console commands to do the logs14:57
NeoMatrixJRdump them to your sd card14:57
arrrghhhthe cat command would never finish14:57
NeoMatrixJRwhat command were you using?14:58
arrrghhhthat cat /proc/kmsg one14:58
arrrghhh1 sec14:58
Aksarrrghhh: I have a rhod400 but I haven't tinkered with the startup.txt14:59
Aksits orig value is tilt214:59
arrrghhh cat /proc/kmsg >> /sdcard/blabla14:59
arrrghhhAks, well you probably should change that to rhod400 if it is indeed a rhod400.  plus you need to enable the debugging if you're going to test camro's kernels...14:59
NeoMatrixJRAks, yeah, you have to change it yourself.  default was rhod210 (tilt2) then I think they updated it to actually say tilt215:00
arrrghhhthere's some extra stuff he put in that requires an addition to the startup.txt to get the full battery debugging enabled.15:00
AksI added that from camaro's yest15:01
Aksits just that I didnt change the keybd in thr15:02
arrrghhhwell the only problem you'd run into with that is the wrong keyboard layout15:02
arrrghhhso some keys may not work right like /15:02
arrrghhhnot sure how different the layout it, but i'm sure it is different if they have more than one :P15:02
Aksya the / and \ keys are placed in place of : and ;15:03
NeoMatrixJRmostly the / and : and the \ and ; are backwards and some of the bottom row keys are different15:03
Aksand it asks for a trackball15:03
NeoMatrixJRand maybe the pound and euro keys on W and E15:03
Aksyep those too15:05
arrrghhhuse the correct kbd layout :P15:06
Akssure ... will try touchpro215:07
Aksmaybe working now :)15:07
NeoMatrixJRis that an option?15:07
Aksnot sure .. since tilt2 is working mysteriously15:07
arrrghhhwell it'll work15:08
arrrghhhjust be wrong...15:08
arrrghhhyou should be using rhod400 if you have a rhod400...15:08
Aksok will do15:08
NeoMatrixJRhang on...looking up options15:09
NeoMatrixJRfuze, raph, nordic_raph, german_raph, swiss_raph, tilt2, rhod210, rhod100_de, rhod100_fr, rhod100_it, rhod100_uk, rhod100_nordic, rhod400, rhod500, kovsq, kovsa15:11
NeoMatrixJRanything else defaults to an "oldqwerty" keymap15:12
camrosorry, guys, emergency call from my daughter ...(learning english grammar)15:12
Aksthx guys15:13
arrrghhhcamro, learning english grammar is an emergency?15:14
camrofor my daugther it is ...15:14
camrook, so what's the latest status ?15:15
arrrghhhi suck @ adb.  couldn't get it installed, so i don't have any logs for ya.15:15
camroAks: whats about with you ?, how is my kernel working now for you ?15:20
NeoMatrixJRtook me 3 tries but I finally got your kernel to boot and stay online15:22
NeoMatrixJRgoing to run tests here in a minute15:22
Akscamro : kernel working fine15:23
Aksbattery seems better15:23
camrowhich device do you have ?15:23
Aksgot a problem a while back with incoming call mic issue15:23
Aksand call quality is still 50%15:24
Aksthere always seems to be some noise15:25
NeoMatrixJRI'm going to run this camro, will it be good for what you want?  3 min on battery (from when UI loads), 3 on USB, 3 on battery, 3 on AC then back to battery to check call quality (if I can get a signal)15:25
camroyes :)15:25
camrowell, for rhod400, i would need a long time test, too15:26
NeoMatrixJRwell, I'll have something for you in about 15 minutes then15:26
camroAks: don't know if you can do that ..15:26
NeoMatrixJRyeah...can't do that today.  I'll see about running that over night15:26
camrook NeoMatrixJR: you have also rhod400 ?15:26
camrobest would be: if you have an empty battery15:27
camrothe full long test would be:15:27
NeoMatrixJRoh, crap.  do I need to do the whole airplane mode, no sleep, etc on the 3's test?15:27
camro1.) boot15:27
camroafter boot: dmesg >> /sdcard/log_rhod400.txt15:27
NeoMatrixJRgot that command in my froyo conf file15:28
camrothen in console run: cat /proc/kmsg | grep BATT >> /sdcard/log_rhod400.txt15:28
camrothen charge the device ~30min with USB15:28
camrothen fully charged it via AC (~3hrs)15:28
camrothen set device to "SCREEN ALWAYS ON" + FLIGHT MODE + SYNC OFF + NO DATA15:29
camrothen plug out the cable and let device runn out of battery ..15:29
Aksmy startup.txtx cmd line looks like : set cmdline "lcd.density=240 msmts_calib=0x9f.0x39a.0x35c.0x78 msmvkeyb_toggle=off pmem.extra=1 gsensor_axis=2,1,3 force_cdma=0 pm.sleep_mode=2 acpuclock.oc_freq_khz=786432 hw3d.force=1 physkeyboard=rhod400 htc_battery_smem.debug=7"15:30
NeoMatrixJRcamro: what about short test.  do I need to do screen always on/flight mode/etc?15:30
camroit's fine, it could be a problem, if a device is complete undefined, because it is possible to switch off before ...therefore you can add also (only for creating the log -> htc_battery_smem.fake=1)15:31
camroNeoMatrixJR: not needed for the short test15:31
NeoMatrixJRAks: I'm not sure if it matters but I think I saw once that physkeyboard was supposed to be the last option on the line15:32
NeoMatrixJRcamro: ok, thanks15:32
Aksok , I will put that thx NeoMAtrixJR15:32
camrofor understanding on the short test i can adjust the current, temp, and voltage to see, if the calc is almost ok, and that there are no wrong vaues (like temp 80°, etc ..)15:32
camroso, i would need a short test on rhod400 ...15:33
camromaybe i can get someone from you ..15:33
NeoMatrixJRI'm running short test on RHOD400 now15:33
camroso, which device is rebooting with my kernel ?15:34
camroarrrghhh / hamagc ??15:34
NeoMatrixJRit was mine, it stabilized after about 3 reboots15:34
camro?? really ? strange ...15:34
NeoMatrixJRmine seems to do that recently.15:34
NeoMatrixJRmight be crappy quality card I'm using.  not sure15:34
Akscamro: can you giveme link for your build again ..15:35
camrowhats about the POWER key mapping - do you like it ?15:35
NeoMatrixJRalso, you should look into the changes for your kernel to move the power button back to power or something like that? the home button no longer works15:35
camroor should i change it back ?15:35
camrothe home button do work prpper as it is on WM15:36
camrothe POWER buton do POWER ON + POWER oFF + long press menu ..15:36
NeoMatrixJRyes, but now there's no home button15:36
camrothe HOME KEY could be set in "SPARE parts"15:36
NeoMatrixJRcan it be set to end/power?15:37
camrothe home button does nothing for you ?15:37
NeoMatrixJR'cause right now it's still acting as a power key too15:37
camroonly the home button can be adjust in "SPARE PART"15:37
hamagchome button for us is menu (raph)15:37
camrotry to set it ...15:37
arrrghhhcamro, i can boot your kernel just fine.15:38
camroso, only hamagc do have a problem with my kernel ?15:38
hamagcyour changes gives us 2 power buttons (end and power). if we could make the end button act as home button as well as end call that would be awesome15:38
hamagci had a problem the first 2 boots. third boot worked without issue15:38
camrowe must try to make the list on my posting on XDA ready (posting #2)15:38
hamagci got you a log off of that boot15:38
hamagcbut still no data lol15:38
Aks<B> camro: can you send the link to your build again from morning15:39
camrohamagc: i hope, that if acl's commit is working, that then it would also works fro you ...15:39
hamagcthats what i'm hoping too15:39
camroAks: from morning ? why ?15:39
hamagci just sent him the windows dll files for usb, hopefully he can do something useful with those15:40
NeoMatrixJRyes, spare parts can set end key to "home" command and override current sleep setting15:40
AksI may have overwrote it with another build ... just wanna be sure15:40
camrohopefully, i can reach phh still today for the battery commit15:40
camroaks: don't have it15:40
camroi compile per day ~20 kernels ...15:41
NeoMatrixJRyeah, that works, but it won't go home from the apps page15:41
hamagcnot with the end key?15:41
hamagci guess from the apps page we can just hit the home icon no15:41
camro? you can set this in spare parts15:42
hamagcbooting now to take a look15:42
NeoMatrixJRincall mic worked fine.  lots of "noise" on the earpiece though15:42
hamagcbeen in windows the last few days cause the stereo in the new car has bt15:42
camroEnd button behavior ... or ?15:42
hamagcya end button15:42
camroHOME KEY is the "MENU" button15:43
camroEND KEY(red) -> can be set in spare parts15:43
camrois that not good for your device ?15:44
camrowell, if wanted i can set it back as it was before ...15:44
camrothis was only an idea, because it is not possible to switch the screen off during a call, and with this modification i can do it now ..15:44
camroor - what do you think /like ?15:45
hamagchmm now that i have the end button set to home, i think i like it15:45
camrome, too15:46
hamagcit follows how the phone should be (power button sleeps and wakes up) and end takes you to home.15:46
hamagclol it is weird that it doesn't close the apps drawer15:46
camrothe only thing what i'm missing is: i need a "long press key" for a task switcher ..15:46
hamagci'd say leave it. i don't know how many people i have heard that would prefer this setup15:46
camroand haven'T found such kind of app for now ...15:46
camrolike the good old AEbuttons from my freind AE :)15:47
hamagchmm, that would be helpful.15:47
hamagci see both now bring up the shutdown menu15:47
camroif someone knows about such kind of app -let me know ...15:47
hamagctoo bad that top key won't still bring up the task switcher15:48
arrrghhhhamagc, that was NEVER a task switcher...15:48
arrrghhhit was only recently run apps.15:48
hamagcehh close enoug15:48
arrrghhhlol not really.15:48
hamagcbut if thats all that it was, i guess it doesn't do much for us anyways15:48
hamagci thought it was a task switcher lol, always wondered why some apps dissappeared from there when i was sure they didn't close yet15:49
arrrghhhoy ve15:49
Akscamro: I confirmed, its your kernel I am running from morning. not sure if I have your modules - its 877kB15:50
camrowell, if wanted you can download ...15:50
camrothe long press problem was my startup to source code - LOL15:51
camroand then never found time for it *G15:51
camroarrrghhh is normally our wiki, wondering, that he don'T know such kind of app15:52
camrolol, is not the correct answer... we need such kind of app !!!15:57
arrrghhhwait what kind of app?15:59
camroi want to use LONG PRESS on HOME KEY -> should start an task switcher, or also i could live with LONG PRESS VOLUME UP/DOWN, if possible16:01
arrrghhhi'm not sure what did it before...16:02
arrrghhhi'm assuming kernel ?16:02
NeoMatrixJReven if I use spareparts to set end as home a long-press still does power menu instead of task switcher....16:16
hamagcyes thats what we're on now. arrrghhh states that it is not a task switcher, just a recent apps list16:17
NeoMatrixJRlogs coming camro...just a sec16:17
arrrghhhi speak the truth! :D16:17
NeoMatrixJRcamro: +4-batt/3-USB/3-batt/3-AC/rest-batt:  http://pastebin.com/06sCFLEz (expires after 1 day so save it if you want it)16:19
camroNeoMAtrixJR: i saw this16:19
camrowell, i found another small bug in battery stuff (if AC connected, that i will fix, and then i hope that phh cancommit it, after that i will sync my repo, and then it is easier ..16:20
camrothe home key /POER key is done by Alex also, so maybe we don't need my small change16:20
phhcamro: what am I expected to commit ?16:20
TheDeadCPUa beer16:21
camrohossa phh, well i will need ~30min for small changes ...16:21
camromaybe we can then commit16:21
camroi let you know ..16:21
camrophh: the USB gadget is commited, right ?16:22
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phhcamro: I've heard acl broke everything with it yes :p16:22
NeoMatrixJRphh: were you able to fix [acl]'s commit so it doesn't blow up the auto-build?16:22
SmyllHi all16:22
phhNeoMatrixJR: no I haven't got any info about that16:22
camrophh: hmm, well, maybe he is working on it ..16:22
camrophh: oh, it's maybe my mistake, acl ask me, if i can contact you, to see where the problem is ..16:23
TheDeadCPUphh, want to help me explain this noob on the xda channel what GPL is?16:24
arrrghhhxda channel?16:24
SmyllI'm looking for someone who can help me for compiling the kernel of HD2 Leo.. I am a newbye in ARM dev.. I have installed eveything and there is something wrong /msg me plzz.....16:25
phhno thanks16:25
arrrghhhoh #xda?16:25
phhSmyll: #htc-linux-chat :p16:25
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, give him a link to wiki article lol16:25
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, he denies to read..16:25
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, wtf is the channel16:25
arrrghhhwhat's his handle16:26
arrrghhhi'm guessing that xds dude?16:26
arrrghhhthis should be fun.16:27
TheDeadCPUgo ahead while I take a wizz16:28
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casefanSo I was just reading the logs of this chat..      I would very much like the usb thing to be fixed so the new kernel actually works :P But what's even more frustrating is that since 09-10-2010 every kernel fails to boot any blackstone. Any ideas as to why this is the case?16:29
arrrghhhmust be you dude16:29
arrrghhhformat card16:30
arrrghhhfresh build16:30
arrrghhhetc etc16:30
casefanI did that with the first 10-10 kernel (fresh data.img) no succes :(.        More blackstones don't boot, I didn't make all the comments @ the glemsom autobuild site16:30
arrrghhhformat card?16:33
arrrghhhfresh build?16:34
arrrghhhi'm not talking just deleteing the data.img...16:34
casefanI get your point. But there are more blackstones having the same problems, so it can't be me in that way right?16:34
arrrghhheh it's you.16:36
arrrghhhand them.16:36
arrrghhhalllllll at the same time.16:36
casefan:P okay16:36
arrrghhhthere's a dev with a blackstone in there.16:36
casefanI'll first finish my English presentation for tommorow, then find a way to backup my settings, then format my card, and try the whole *$&#*$ again :)16:37
arrrghhhgood luck.16:37
casefanSo whatsup with the latest (not downloadable) kernel, is the link in the comments referring to a build without any wireless functionality?16:37
arrrghhhif you want to test it, there's no modules16:38
arrrghhhthe build failed16:39
casefanThat one doesn't boot (A) haha,     I'll just try this one tonight:   20101011_223921            because I need wireless ofcourse16:39
arrrghhhof course?16:40
arrrghhhi don't ever use wlan :P16:40
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arrrghhhwell then just use the last kernel that has a download link on it.16:40
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casefanBy wireless i thought u guys meant ALL wireless (A) including network coverage etc.. (A)   But I live in a small town without 3g :( So only gprs here..  Therefore wireless would be awesome, but if in that latest kernel the usb stuff works I can just hook my blackstone up to my computer can't I? (or is it debugging only?)16:44
arrrghhhdebugging only16:45
arrrghhhthe sd card is still mounted to run Android d00d...16:45
casefanthat's true ofcourse,    I read somewhere about sharing the card between the debug and mass storage... couldn't this be used to share mass storage and running android?16:46
casefan(Not that much of an understandable sentence, sorry for my English :P)16:46
arrrghhhprobably not.16:47
camroi heard about, that i would get a lot of logs ? waiting waiting .....16:47
casefanI'm sorry camro, but I'm not going to try your v12 (or is it v13), I use an aftermarket battery so it reports wrong anyways.16:48
camroaftermarket battery ? cool, would be great16:49
camrothis i want also to implement :)16:49
camrowell, i can identify this types also16:49
camrocasefan: which device do you have16:49
casefanBlackstone ;)16:49
casefanit's rated 2600mAh16:54
casefancamro: What's the best way for me to help you? Which kernel shoud I use, and what should I run / log and send to you?16:55
SmyllWho have already compiled a linux kernel for Android Froyo for HTC Leo (HD2) ??? I just need a piece of information :( /msg me16:55
hamagcSmyll: this is not the correct room for that discussion. your better off on #htc-linux16:58
camrocasefan: at first it would help, if you can boot the kernel, and show me the dmesg16:59
arrrghhhprobably htc-linux-chat16:59
camroSmyll: for compiling HTC HD2 ... hmm there should be also somewhere a good wiki17:00
camroarrrghhh: do you know the wiki for HTC HD2 builds ?17:00
SmyllHamagc.. It seems to be also a wrong place... :( I read HTC-Linux forum :)17:01
arrrghhhuhm... there probably is one.  i'm just not sure.  mostly leo guys hang out in -chat, they should know.17:01
hamagci figured htc-linux as that is the kernel channel17:02
SmyllOk I will see.. Thanks !17:02
arrrghhhhamagc, yea... phh sent him away :P17:03
hamagclol figures17:03
hamagctry -chat then17:03
Smylloki ;) I see it is difficult to be integrated in the community ;) (don't feel concerned).. You are answering my questions ;)17:04
SmyllThis forum is quite more open than some others ;)17:04
arrrghhhdepends on what kinda mood peoples are in :P17:05
SmyllYeah !17:05
casefancamro: booting v13 now ;) I'll keep you updated17:07
camrohave you set the boot parameter ?17:07
casefanthe debug one?17:07
casefannot yet, figured I first let it boot, then reboot with the  parameter in the startup file17:08
camrowell, then i can't get infos :(17:08
casefanWhy? First I want to check if it boots anyway, then after that I'll put in the debug paramteres, and then get you your info17:10
casefanOr do you need info from ''1st boot''  specificially, because then I'll just downgrade to my previous kernel and try the whole trick again but then using the debug parameters.17:11
casefanOk, it booted.     (In contradiction to any  glemson kernels lately.) (see  :arrrghh, it isn't 'me', because this one does boot..)17:13
camrocasefan_ which device ?17:14
casefanBlackstone on a 2600mAh battery17:14
camroblackstone, perfect ...17:14
casefanI'll now turn of the phone, then put in the debug stuff17:14
casefantne boot again17:14
camrocool, well a 2600 batt - hehe17:14
SmyllSo the # ! Thanks a lot, i hope i will find my answer ;)17:15
SmyllGood night !17:15
Smyllhamagc... Thanks ;) I will go to read all the available forums to find my answer ;)17:16
Smyllsee u17:16
casefanwthell..     It booted fine like I told you, but when it goes to idle (screen turns of)  when I press the power button to wake it up again, the screen turns on for less then a second17:16
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casefanthen goes black17:16
casefanand after a few seconds turns on for like a second, then goes black..         I can repeat this endlessly17:16
casefanGot it (A)     By putting your finger on the backlight-sensor, it stays on.  (I read on the forums that people had succes by putting their phone face-down, so I guessed the sensor did the trick) apperantly it works xD17:17
arrrghhhcasefan, it's still you :P17:17
casefanhaha, nope, it still works now17:17
casefan@ arrrghhh, probably it's still the  -hot battery report- bug causing it to reboot.      Maybe it's a typo somewhere, because I thought it was fixed in all devices..17:19
casefan@ camro,  should I put my blackstones clock back to stock? Because it's oc'ed now..17:20
camronot important17:20
casefanok, nice17:21
casefanhtc_battery_smem.debug=7  is enough? or do I need to add more?17:21
camrowell, for your batt i would add also the fake=117:21
camrohtc_battery_smem.fake=1 .. or wait ..17:22
camroyou can add: htc_battery_smem.vol_min=1517:22
Aksthere is some problem with incoming call mic - not sure as I m in office ... but seems like it goes to speakerphone ... will test more in the evening17:22
casefaninstead of the   fake=?17:23
camrowith my kernel ?17:23
camrono, it should work !17:23
camroit does for me, too17:23
casefanwait,    so  I add 2 things, or 3 things?17:23
camrofake not necc.17:23
camro2 things17:23
camroone was for logging17:23
camrothe other one is for: that device will never report < 15 %17:24
casefanDevice is booting now,  in winmo it shows 60%17:24
camroso, your battery can really run out of battery (because later we need a long time test, sothat i get the whole battery profile, then i can calculate a linear % over the time17:25
camrowinmo is showing bullshit17:25
camrothere are several pictures about the winmo algo, which i tested - winmo is not linear ..17:25
camroit's based on mV - and not on LI-profile17:26
casefanI'll use my backup-phone as alarm clock then tomorrow morning ;P17:27
casefanstill booting... (Takes a crapload of time because of the  stupd sd-card line I had to put in to get rid of the ...waiting for sd card... message. (and timeout errors)17:28
casefanOk camro, it booted, what do I do now? Turn of the phone, boot winmo and get the logfile?  or isn't there a logfile yet17:29
camroyou can connect via adb also17:29
camrobest would be:17:30
camroat first:17:30
camrodo connect via AC (1min)17:30
Akscamro : battery working fine for me ... sorry cannot get you logs though. it's noe at 66% down from 78% after about 4 hrs.17:30
camrothen do the same with USB17:30
camroand then on battery for 1min17:30
camroafter that connect via USB, then connect via adb17:31
casefanbut I didn't get ANY usb activity with glemsom kernels.. so I have not set-up adb yet17:31
camro(console: adb shell17:31
camrothen do: dmesg17:31
arrrghhhcasefan, autobuilds don't have usb patches yet...17:31
casefanI downloaded the sdk btw..      I guess it's not that hard to set this adb up?17:31
camrook, you can do it also in console ..17:31
camroon console do:17:31
casefanwait, I'll first hook it up to AC, then to USB, then let it run on battery..   be back in 3 min's ;)17:31
camrodmesg >> /sdcard/log.txt17:32
camrothen boot to winmo17:32
camroand paste the content of file to pastebin.com17:32
casefando I need to have anything special running during these 3 mins? (like wifi on, or of, or data on/of  background on/of .. )  just asking (A)17:32
casefan@ arrrghhh .. except for the latest with the failing wi-fi right?17:33
casefan@ camro..      is it a problem when the AC part is a bit more then 1min (A)  Kinda forgot about it for 3 minutes because I'm doing my homework as well atm.. (A)xD17:36
casefanprobably not right? :P17:36
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arrrghhhdo what?17:36
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casefanYou said autobuilds didn't have usb patches yet,    but the one in the comments on glemson-site does have usb patches right?17:37
camrocasefan: no, don'T worry about ..17:40
camrothis is only to get an overview about your battery ..17:40
camrothe real LONGTIME test must be done later ..17:40
hamagcok i have to run guys17:41
camroglemson-site ... don'T know what he had ..17:41
camrooki, hamagc: we will have fun next days :) (usb is on the way ...)17:42
camrohamagc: cu17:42
hamagci know, i'm excited :D17:42
hamagcsee ya guys17:42
arrrghhhcasefan, just ignore usb ATM17:42
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casefanok ;) bye!17:43
casefanI'm in terminal emulator atm,     I put in this right? :     dmesg >> /sdcard/log.txt17:44
casefanit reports this:        cannot create /: is a directory17:45
casefanoh wait..    should be     dmesg >> /sdcard/log.txt               right?17:46
casefanIs it good?   Because i'm in NL over here, almost midnight now, and need to get up at 07:00 or something (A) haha.. I'll be back tomorrow.. Will help out as much as possible ;)17:52
camrothanks casefan17:54
casefanI also put in in a post on the Blackstone thread..      Bye!17:58
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casefanoh and when I take a peek at the log, it seems as the point where I connect the charger is @ 385.something right?18:03
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arrrghhhstinebd, you there...?22:42
arrrghhhwell just wanted to comment on the new ext2 image... i'm seeing weird glitches when there's animation - but not all the time.  seems to be exacerbated by landscape mode.  perhaps i'm just crazy and that's always been there... i'll go back to the old one to see ;)22:44
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arrrghhhstinebd, thus far nothing on the old system image.  seems to be some glitch with hdpi... it looks purrrrdy tho :D23:37
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