Monday, 2010-09-20

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Black-SkyCan not download apps in the Market?04:37
Black-SkyThe battery consumption is very high with XDANDROID FRX0104:53
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Black-Sky2 hours and the Battery is empty06:57
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Black-Sky How can I restart XDANDROID07:13
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kalemastry to long press power button(red button), then select Power Off07:21
Black-SkyI've tried, but since no power is off07:24
kalemastry again, with my diam100+frx01+latest stuff reboot is ok.07:28
Black-Skydiam100+frx01+latest stuff ??07:28
Black-SkyI have the FRX0107:29
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kalemasare usb tethering and usb storage working?10:18
paalsteekthe usb driver is not really working10:19
paalsteekbut i don't know which parts are actually working10:19
arrrghhhadb works10:20
arrrghhhthat's about it10:20
arrrghhhthey're working on the rest of it...10:20
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hamagcwell good morning guys12:12
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hamagcok so google streetview addon would not install for me. fixed via terminal: su rm /system/app/Street.apk & pm uninstall
hamagcinstalled just fine after that13:22
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mesI built a new system image without google-apps,, but something is missing that is required to connect to a cell network, or even search for one. Any one have an idea what it might be?13:33
mesHtcSettings seems to be needed to have any ability to change anything under the "Call Settings" tab.13:34
mesJust greyed out without it.13:35
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meshow about USB debugging, "adb devices" doesn't list anything, lsusb on the host doesn't show anything either13:50
mesis there some setting on the phone needed to turn it on? apps->development has usb debugging checked13:52
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rrewanyone here has a tp2 that is willing to test a zimage (contains panel power management, init/deinit seq,..)?14:45
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RudiHi! 2 questions for installing xdandroid. First: Must it be a clean SD card, cause there are some wimo6.1 files on it... Second: Where to put the rel_path in wimo6.115:16
arrrghhhrel_path goes in the startup.txt...15:17
arrrghhhdoesn't have to be a clean SD, but sometimes we ask that you format if you're having issues... it's resolved a lot of very strange issues.15:18
RudiThx. a lot @arrrghhh, i will try it... (rel_path=andboot in startup.txt) ... :-)15:19
Rudierror: unknown_keyword 'rel_path'15:20
Rudifrom haret15:20
arrrghhhdid you put it in the cmdline section...?  where are you reading this from?15:20
arrrghhheither you're not reading enough or someone has made an incomplete guide...15:20
arrrghhhyou're not AlekseiES are you?15:22
Rudiafter i startet haret.exe the error appears... "Please note that you will need to add "rel_path=andboot" to your startup" i dont understand Startup"15:22
Rudirespective: "cmdline section"15:23
arrrghhhyou are AlekseiES aren't you...15:23
Rudii am rudi from germany15:23
arrrghhhwell rudi from Germany15:24
arrrghhhi suggest you do some reading from where you downloaded your copy.15:24
arrrghhhtypically the first three posts have a wealth of good information.15:24
arrrghhhi had to do a TON of reading when i first started with Android.15:24
arrrghhhi am still pretty new to it, but all of the reading i've done has helped me troubleshoot a lot of the simple issues.15:25
Rudii downloaded it from here... but cause of my english, i don't know if i can solve this problem...15:26
Rudihere means: xdandroid.com15:26
arrrghhhyou didn't download it from this chat room dude.15:26
arrrghhhso in that thread15:26
arrrghhhwhere you downloaded it from15:26
arrrghhhthere's probably a lot of information in the first 3 posts or so15:26
Rudii tried id step by step15:27
arrrghhhdid you read all that stuff?15:27
arrrghhhit's more than just booting/installing15:27
Rudiits just open right now in a secon tab15:27
arrrghhhthere's usually all sorts of information, like startup.txt options, descriptions of how the buttons work...15:27
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Rudii downloaded it, i configured the startup.txt (choosed the right one from the dir), selected some apps, copied to the htc...15:28
Rudii have the touch pro, with GSM, so i have choosen the startup.txt from dir RAPH15:31
Rudian put it into root15:31
arrrghhhwhich RAPH?15:31
arrrghhhand you should put it at the root if you're not using the rel_path statement...15:32
arrrghhhRAPH100?  110?15:32
arrrghhhi don't know how much the startup.txt varies between those devices...15:32
arrrghhhit may not at all, i'm not sure.15:32
Rudii dont know, there is an raph800 and a raph dir15:32
arrrghhhis there a fuze?15:33
arrrghhhi can't remember... for better or worse the RHOD builds don't have the startup config folder any longer...15:33
arrrghhhyou may have to use that one, but if you're not having trouble booting then no worries.15:33
arrrghhhwhat i would do - backup your SD card.15:33
arrrghhhformat it w/ the HP tool or something like that15:34
arrrghhhput Android at the root of the SD card15:34
arrrghhhthen run it15:34
arrrghhhif it works, then you can get fancy and move it to a folder of your chosing and adjust the rel_path value to reflect the actual directory.15:34
arrrghhhstart small ;)15:34
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Ruditrying... question: did i understood, that if i have the files in andboot dir, andboot ist not automatically root?15:35
arrrghhhhow do i answer that...15:36
arrrghhhobviously, only the ROOT of the card is the ROOT.15:36
arrrghhhthere's NOTHING else that can be the root of the card.15:36
Rudiok. sorry for that question... :-)15:36
arrrghhhit's the rel_path statement that tells Linux where all the stuff is for Android...15:36
arrrghhhwithout it, all of the Android stuff would have to lie at the root of the SD...15:37
arrrghhhstarting to make more sense now...?15:37
arrrghhhi'm not the best teacher, i'll admit.  i usually just tell people to go & read :P15:37
arrrghhhcuz that's how i learned it haha15:37
Rudiso the rel_path must be in the andboot dir, if all the stuff is in andboot dir?15:37
arrrghhhrel_path statment goes in the startup.txt....15:38
arrrghhhthe startup.txt must go wherever you launch haret from15:38
arrrghhhand yes, if you have all of android in the andboot directory, you must have the rel_path statement pointed to that directory...15:38
rrewrel_path tells haret where is the root of the android installation ( where is zimage+modules, rootfs, initrd, system.ext2,... located )15:40
RudiError after starting haret: unknown keyword... It seems, that rel_path is wrong syntax. I know it isnt but it seems like15:40
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* R^7Z bows15:41
arrrghhhRudi, oy... i'm feeling nice (for some reason) can you pastebin your startup.txt?15:41
R^7ZThank you! thank you!15:41
arrrghhhR^7Z, you haven't done anything yet... in fact i'm a little worried about what you're going to do next :P15:41
R^7Z:O moi?15:42
R^7Zand what's this about you being all nice and stuff15:42
arrrghhhi don't know anybody else who goes by R^7Z15:42
arrrghhhi dunno15:42
arrrghhhi guess i haven't had too many issues with stupid questions at work15:42
R^7ZI must have stepped on another interdimentional portal15:42
* R^7Z sigh15:43
R^7Zso yeah, i tried to mess around with the newer build15:43
R^7Zand for some reason i couldn't get it to mess up15:43
Rudii am actually using total_commander... and in the top line it shows me the following path: \Speicherkarte\andboot\15:43
arrrghhhRudi, uhm... that's not what i asked LOL15:44
Rudisorry, one moment...:15:44
R^7ZHe must have missed the part when you asked him to send the startup.txt to pastebin15:44
R^7Zeither that or he not know what you mean15:44
Rudirel_path=andboot set ramsize 0x10000000 set ramaddr 0x10000000 set mtype 1910 set KERNEL zImage.20100207_140206 set initrd initrd.gz set cmdline "lcd.density=210 msmts_calib=0x7a.0x5e.0x35a.0x37f clock-7x00.a11=500 msmvkeyb_toggle=off pmem.extra=1 gsensor_axis=-1,-2,3 board-htcraphael-navi.wake=0 physkeyboard=fuze" boot15:44
R^7Zepic fail!15:45
arrrghhhthat's not what i asked either...15:45
rrewput rel_path=andboot between ""15:45
rrewin set cmdline15:45
arrrghhhLOL that's indeed your problem.15:45
R^7Zhe prolly not kno what pastebin be15:45
arrrghhhi think i mentioned it needs to be in the cmdline section...15:46
* R^7Z is sad15:46
arrrghhhi think there is a language barrier as well.15:46
arrrghhhi don't speak much german... and the little bit that i do would mostly be good for getting in a barfight, and that's about it.15:46
R^7Zimagine that...15:46
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* R^7Z imagines that15:46
R^7Zokay my shush for now15:47
R^7Zmy = me15:47
* R^7Z is now mute15:47
Rudiset cmdline "rel_path=andboot lcd.density=210 msmts_calib=0x7a.0x5e.0x35a.0x37f clock-7x00.a11=500 msmvkeyb_toggle=off pmem.extra=1 gsensor_axis=-1,-2,3 board-htcraphael-navi.wake=0 physkeyboard=fuze"15:47
Rudii got it15:47
Ruditrying haret now15:47
* R^7Z can no longer be quiet15:48
RudiError failed to load file \Speicherkarte\andboot\zImage.20100207_14020615:48
Rudimaybe path is not andboot, but \Speicherkarte\andboot\15:48
arrrghhhRudi, zImage should just be like that - zImage.15:48
arrrghhhI think "Speicherkarte" just means SD Card basically.15:49
arrrghhhso "Speicherkarte" is the root of your SD card.15:49
arrrghhhRudi, rename "zImage.20100207_140206" to "zImage"15:49
R^7Zhello halc15:49
R^7Zwhat can we do for you?15:49
R^7Z@arrrghhh I think that is in the startup.txt file15:50
halcis there polish channel xandroid :D15:50
R^7Zummm... me not know15:50
arrrghhhR^7Z, you could change it there, but it'd be better to rename the file... otherwise you're constantly changing the startup.txt ;)15:50
arrrghhhhalc, i don't think so... XDAndroid has devs from all over the world, but they all collaborate in english from what i've seen :P15:51
* R^7Z wonders if there is a way to tell the program to look for a file called zImage_xxxx15:51
halcehh i have some questions for xandroid.15:51
arrrghhhR^7Z, yes, with the "set KERNEL zImage" line15:52
arrrghhhjust do "set KERNEL zImage.xxxx"15:52
R^7Z@halc ask away15:52
RudizImage is on htc called zImage15:52
* R^7Z has an idea15:52
arrrghhhwe'll do our best to help, although we probably don't speak much polish!15:52
arrrghhhRudi, que?15:52
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arrrghhhlol he probably doesn't know spanish15:52
halcihow install this system for now i  use a rooms wm 6.5 on htc touch pro 1( raphael)15:52
arrrghhhRudi, did you rename that file...?  not on your startup.txt, on the SD card itself.  From total commander or windows explorer.15:53
arrrghhhhalc, is there a question in there?15:53
arrrghhhRudi, que?!?!15:53
R^7Zi think he wants to use the AOSP build instead of the ROM version?15:53
Rudinever renamed it15:53
* R^7Z me thinks15:53
halchow instal this system, i only instal easy a wm 6.5 roms only.15:54
R^7Z@halc do you want to run the AOSP, the one that we are developing or something else?15:54
R^7Zah... you have been flashing ROMs and now want to participate in the build we are developing15:55
R^7ZDifficult to explain this in english for polish to understand15:55
Rudidid i still said: I HATE MY HTC WITH WM6.1... it is soooooo slowly....15:55
Rudii hope it will be better if android is running15:55
halc instalation android is safe for my phone ?15:55
R^7Z@Rudi you really should look at trying out ENRGY ROMS w/ Sense 2.115:56
R^7Z@halc correct15:56
arrrghhhRudi, it'll be good but far from perfect...15:56
halcmy english is abd ehh15:56
R^7Z@Rudi Your phone litterally flies! ;)15:56
arrrghhhR^7Z, promises, promises...15:56
R^7Z@halc not too bad15:56
R^7Z@arrghhh ;)15:57
halcinstalation axandroid  can damged my phone ?15:57
R^7Z@halc no15:57
arrrghhhhalc, that's the best part... it all runs off of the SD card so it doesn't even really touch the phone!15:57
R^7Z@halc microSD maybe if you do the wrong things15:57
Rudistill error: failed to load ...  "zImage.20100207_140206" but the file called only zImage15:59
arrrghhhRudi, is it renamed in your startup?15:59
arrrghhhlol let me look up a little15:59
arrrghhhRudi, your startup.txt is wrong as well :P16:00
Rudii'll do so...16:00
arrrghhhset KERNEL zImage.20100207_1402016:00
arrrghhhchange that to16:00
arrrghhhset KERNEL zImage16:00
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TheDeadCPUxdandroid seen cazh_16:01
xdandroidTheDeadCPU: cazh_ was last seen in #xdandroid 4 weeks, 4 days, 6 hours, 34 minutes, and 39 seconds ago: <cazh_> TheDeadCPU: I'm really easy :P16:01
halcand whether, as I do not like android is it possible to easily back to windows mobile ?16:01
halcsorry gogle translator16:01
arrrghhhhalc, very.  just soft reset16:01
TheDeadCPUxdandroid seen cazh16:01
xdandroidTheDeadCPU: cazh was last seen in #xdandroid 2 weeks, 3 days, 0 hours, 4 minutes, and 47 seconds ago: <CazH> not all that impressive16:01
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Rudii am a "depp" as we say in germany (go, go an google "depp") :-) in startup was the wrong text... now linux is booting...16:01
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, what are you looking ofr him for?16:01
TheDeadCPUI WANT Cazh..16:02
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arrrghhhall i'd get is johnny depp16:02
Rudii can see the penguin16:02
TheDeadCPUHe was supposed to buy my HTC Desire.16:02
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, creepy...  well, at least it's not me.16:02
arrrghhhoh i see.16:02
halcsmall dc16:02
arrrghhhRudi, lol after a lot of googling i found it.16:03
* R^7Z is back16:04
Rudior: ding-a-ling16:04
arrrghhhRudi, and now that your startup.txt is good, you should never need to mess with it again.16:04
arrrghhhi got idiot, fool :P16:05
Rudiok! i swear16:05
arrrghhhno worries16:05
TheDeadCPUAnyone want to buy an HTC Desire mint condition? wit dock.16:05
Rudistill booting16:05
arrrghhhRudi, the first boot can take up to 10 minutes...16:05
Rudiwhere are you from?16:05
R^7Zokay, there we go16:05
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arrrghhhUS of A16:06
R^7Z@thedeadcpu what are you asking?16:06
arrrghhhif someone wants to buy his crappy old phone :P16:06
Rudiso your time is? here it is 10p.m.16:06
TheDeadCPUR^7Z, wat16:07
R^7Zfor the htc desire16:07
Rudiso 8 hours back16:07
TheDeadCPULet me do some currency convertion16:08
arrrghhhRudi, yes, you are living in the future.16:08
R^7Zno need, i'll copy n paste16:08
Rudii have to tell you, that i used/edited the startup.txt from RAPH dir... not the one from FUZE dir...16:08
TheDeadCPUR^7Z, Remember it's EU GSM so no 3g in the US afaik16:09
R^7Zblah... 3g sux my arse16:09
TheDeadCPUWell. Selling to the US is stupid anyways.16:09
R^7Z;) :P16:09
arrrghhhRudi, so long as you edit the one that's where you launch haret from...16:09
R^7Zcoverage is soo splitchy16:09
TheDeadCPUThe USD is so low..16:09
Rudiyes... ! :-)16:09
TheDeadCPUWhat is considered cheap for it in Norway is $500USD16:09
arrrghhhthat's outrageous!16:10
arrrghhhbut, it is norway.16:10
Rudithx a lot for your help and your sympathy16:10
R^7Zlets check listing price for retail16:10
arrrghhheh, i don't provide much sympathy.  but you're welcome for the help :P16:11
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, that is dirt cheap, it's like..16:11
Rudii meant "Verständnis" google translated:16:11
arrrghhh$500 is NOT dirt cheap... maybe for you, rich man...16:11
Rudi   1. understanding    2. comprehension    3. appreciation    4. sympathy    5. insight    6. grasp    7. grip16:11
TheDeadCPUIt is in norway.16:12
R^7Z$600 USD16:12
TheDeadCPUSeriously. The Dollar is so low it's almost fun16:12
Rudidisplay has turned black16:12
arrrghhhyea, it's norway.16:12
arrrghhhyou guys have one of the highest standards of living in the world (oslo does)16:12
TheDeadCPUI know.16:12
arrrghhhwhich = everything being $$$16:12
R^7Zsheeeet! i could get like 2 TP's for that! ;)16:12
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, 1.5 liter bottle of coke is $416:13
arrrghhhremind me to never move to norway.16:13
TheDeadCPUAnd that's cheap as fuck16:13
R^7Zsorry bro, if i had the moolah to spend, trust me, i'd get it...16:13
arrrghhhi may come visit, but it sounds like i'll need 10k saved up.16:13
R^7Z10k for a day? XP16:13
TheDeadCPUAverage norwegian salary for 1 year is like $50'000 after all taxes.16:14
arrrghhhhahaha, i was hoping that would last a week...16:14
Rudiwhispering: still black display16:14
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, after taxes?!?  that's pretty freakin good.16:14
TheDeadCPUI know :p16:14
arrrghhhRudi, hit the power button...?16:14
TheDeadCPUNo wait16:14
TheDeadCPUNot Average.16:14
TheDeadCPULowest we're alowed to make.16:14
R^7Z50 eh? i get that before taxes! gotta luv the govm't16:14
arrrghhhi think the nat'l average here is $30,000 BEFORE taxes.16:14
Rudii am a depp16:15
TheDeadCPUIf you make under that the gov gives you more so you reach 5016:15
arrrghhhi don't make nearly that :(16:15
arrrghhhmaybe i do need to move to norway16:15
Rudistill booting16:15
* R^7Z faints16:15
* R^7Z revives self16:15
TheDeadCPUWell. I'm a student, which get paid $10'000 a year for going to school.16:15
arrrghhhyea, usually you have to pay that and more to go to school.16:15
* R^7Z checks pulse16:16
R^7Z@rudi whats up now?16:16
arrrghhhwhere does your gov't get all its money?16:16
arrrghhhoh right you have a rich population that they tax the crap out of.16:16
Rudistill booting... cursor is blinking16:16
* R^7Z stares @ our govm't16:16
arrrghhhwe need to tax our rich more heavily...16:16
R^7Z;) :P16:16
arrrghhhRudi, what's the last line it stopped on...?16:16
arrrghhhdid you ever see the boot animation?16:16
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, It's this thing calles OIL.16:16
R^7ZI think he may be on the screen before calibration16:17
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arrrghhhi guess i didn't realize you guys had a lot of oil.  i thought the english were trying to steal it all haha16:17
Rudi[              836.105224] r5: 00000000 r4: 0000000016:17
colo-natasI made it!16:17
R^7Z@colo-natas made what?16:17
colo-natasIt. Here.  You know.16:18
colo-natasBeen watching the conversation with Rudi in the logs.16:18
colo-natasFigured it's time to stop lurking and make myself available.16:18
R^7ZI see...16:18
arrrghhhcolo-natas, i'm pretty sure it is your fault that he's not up-and-running by now.16:18
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, We've got $114'800'000'000USD in oil atm.16:19
colo-natasAbsolutely agree16:19
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, you can give me some.16:19
arrrghhhif only texas would share the wealth16:19
* R^7Z faints again16:19
* R^7Z revives self16:19
Rudiwhat does the above mentioned line mean16:19
arrrghhhthey don't even have state taxes16:19
arrrghhhRudi, not sure... anything else around that?16:19
arrrghhhdid you see calibration boxes?16:19
* R^7Z checks pulse16:20
arrrghhhlittle white squares with crosshairs?16:20
colo-natasYou guys having a convo regarding cost of living?16:20
arrrghhhR^7Z, that's enough!16:20
arrrghhhcolo-natas, among other things.16:20
R^7Z@colo-natas "were"16:20
Rudino... now an other line... similar like the above but with number 1102.39382916:20
* TheDeadCPU shoots R^7Z 16:20
arrrghhhRudi, doesn't mean anything to me.16:20
R^7Zsimilar to [              836.105224] r5: 00000000 r4: 0000000016:21
arrrghhhRudi, nothin16:21
arrrghhhkernel jibberish16:21
R^7Zbut with [              1102.393829] r5: 00000000 r4: 0000000016:21
colo-natasWow... He's been stuck there for over 10 mins?16:21
colo-natasHit the reset button, Rudi.  Try again.16:21
arrrghhhRudi, any lines that have english around them?16:22
arrrghhhyea either you missed the calibration or there's something else that's wrong.16:22
R^7ZMight need to flush that mSD card16:22
colo-natasCan't hurt16:22
R^7Zeither that or delete data.img16:22
colo-natasUnless he doesn't back up "other" data first...16:22
Rudiyes: worker_thread+0x0/0x11816:22
* R^7Z is royally confused now16:22
Rudiand: kthread+0x0/0x8016:23
colo-natasHave we established the package he downloaded yet?16:23
arrrghhhRudi, still nothin.  try rebooting.  then delete data.img.  then format SD.  in that order.16:23
arrrghhhcolo-natas, i'm sure it's something from xdandroid...16:23
* R^7Z bullet from thedeadcpu's gun finally hits16:23
Rudido the numbers seems to be a progressing indication?16:24
* R^7Z is afk (break from screen)16:24
arrrghhhrrew, are you still looking for a RHOD tester for your new zImage?16:24
arrrghhhRudi, yes, those are from the kernel16:24
TheDeadCPUR^7Z, BFK? oO16:24
Rudiso its still booting...16:24
arrrghhhRudi, reboot.  if that doesn't fix it, delete data.img.  If that doesn't fix it, format the SD and start with a clean build.16:25
Rudisecond: does it make any sound if it is ready, cause my son (16 month) is sleeping...16:26
Rudi2 questions: can i put the htc in the docking station, so that it can work and i go to bed now?16:26
rrewarrrghhh, yeah i added power management/init/deinit for the panel like we have on topaz (rhod uses topaz panel.c ) so i wanted someone to test it if it works16:26
arrrghhhrrew, i have a RHOD400...16:27
R^7Z@rudi no souonds unless you get a txt or call16:28
R^7Zand as far as the docking station, I have no clue don't know it matters16:28
Rudiok... so: I go to bed now! Many thx to all who helped me so far... especially arrrghhh... Good night!16:29
rrewarrrghhh, if you want i can post or create a thread in rhod android development so i can get more feedback16:29
arrrghhhRudi, i would not leave android booted overnight...16:30
arrrghhhrrew, i'd do the thread in RHOD Android Dev.  Don't get me wrong, I'll still test it for ya... but like you said you'll get more testers that way :D16:30
Rudiok... i turn it off... and try it again like you told me... tomorrow at work... :-)16:30
arrrghhhRudi, yes :D  stick with WinMo if you depend on your phone to wake you up like i do!16:31
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Rudiuups, battery fallen out... :-)16:31
arrrghhhthat's a quick way to get back to winmo...16:31
Rudithx a lot... good night16:31
rrewarrrghhh, i can give you the dl link to test if it even works, wait a sec16:32
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colo-natasI haven't seen many instances, except for very long SDcard fsck operations, where it should take more than 60 seconds to get to the boot animation.  Ruid being up in the thousands = no bueno16:32
colo-nataser, Rudi16:33
colo-natascan't type today16:33
colo-natasA little surprised arrrghhh didn't explode16:33
arrrghhhrrew, oh sure16:33
arrrghhhi frequently burst into flames, but sir i do NOT explode.16:33
colo-natasyes, the language barrier there was intense16:33
arrrghhhheh, i try.16:34
arrrghhhto leap the language barrier, not explode.16:34
colo-natasanyone know if there's been progress on the kernel issue with camera grabbing video ram?16:35
colo-natasI think I might have some free time this weekend to take a look, hopefully.16:36
colo-natasalthough I am terrible with that end of kernel work16:36
arrrghhhguys in #htc-linux would probably know better... i'm terrible with any end of kernel work :P16:37
colo-natasah, that's right.16:37
colo-natasyou guys here are mostly userland, right?16:37
arrrghhhi'm more tech support16:37
arrrghhhbut sure :D16:37
colo-natasok, then to something you might know of...  is the acore crash thing just me? Seems like if I am in an app for a while I get a force close on process.acore16:38
arrrghhhi've seen that happen randomly, but i haven't been able to track it down to anything.16:38
colo-natasI am using a clean FRX01 bundle and have recreated my data.img a couple times now16:38
arrrghhhsometimes just restart of Android fixes it.16:38
arrrghhhi had a flood of those errors, rebooted Android and it's fine.16:39
colo-natasmaybe I'll dig at that...  I have noticed that if it happens more than once, android drops back to the animation and reloads.16:39
arrrghhhi'm not sure... there probably was a regression.  it seems every time they get something working, something else breaks.  c'est la vie i guess...16:39
colo-natasI am also certain I am seeing some kind of winmo bug with the sdcard... sometimes if droid locks up while asleep and refuses to wake, winmo won't see the storage card again until you power off or pull the battery.16:40
colo-natasthought at first it was the card.  replaced it, behavior continued. my phone died while travelling a couple weeks ago and it still happens with my replacement.  so I have eliminated the sdcard, phone, and the wm rom version.  it's either a bug with the hw of raph110 or a bug with how xdandroid interacts with the hardware.16:42
rrewarrrghhh, here you go16:44
rrewtest the lcd power on/off sequence16:44
arrrghhhrrew, testing now16:45
rrewand would be good if you can provide me with the dmesg after you wakeup up the lcd few times ( to see if all components are called and working well )16:45
arrrghhhwas there an issue with the screen not powering off?16:45
rrewarrrghhh, not, you rhod guys didnt have the power management enabled in the kernel16:46
rrewthere was not panel deinitialisation16:46
rrewit was always on16:46
arrrghhhi didn't realize that16:46
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R^7ZI gotta go, peace16:48
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arrrghhhrrew, excuse my ignornace, but does that mean that the LCD screen never really turned off?16:50
rrewarrrghhh, yeah16:50
rrewfrom the code it seems it was never deinitialised16:51
arrrghhhi really don't know jack about what stage the development is at.16:51
arrrghhhinteresting.  will i notice a difference?  i thought the screen turned off properly from my laymen's eyes...16:51
rrewwell, maybe you will have less battery drain16:52
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arrrghhhrrew, ok.  running your kernel w/the newest reference build... seems good to me.16:53
rrewits hard to explain, you didnt have any problem with turning it off/on because it was always on in the background ( i mean initalised )16:53
arrrghhhah, so i wouldn't have noticed a difference16:53
arrrghhhnow for the dmesg output, can i just do that in the terminal and redirect the output to a file on my sd card?16:53
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rrewbtw zImage contains latest commit from the git, so no worry, use it for a little bit, leave it sleeping for ~30min  and power it on, see how it responds16:57
hamagci'm getting acore crashes when i try to run lwp17:00
arrrghhhseems to sleep/wake OK17:02
arrrghhhthe sleep LED isn't workin anymore tho...17:02
arrrghhhi used to get a green LED when it would go into deep sleep.17:02
arrrghhhand it seems to take a second to wake now17:03
rrewhow much did it take to wake before?17:03
arrrghhhit was pretty much instantaneous17:04
rrewyeah that it because it need to init/deinit the lcd17:04
arrrghhhi had a couple of times when the screen was blank, but if i swipe where the unlock is it works...17:04
rrewahhh, i suspected on that17:05
arrrghhhother times it wakes up no prob17:05
rrewwe have the same problem on topaz17:05
arrrghhhi've read that issue before17:05
arrrghhhnever experienced it tho :P17:05
rrewand that is the countereffect for now17:05
arrrghhhit's infrequent tho17:05
arrrghhhso far one in 10 times17:05
arrrghhhmaybe 1 in 5 :P17:06
rrewwe are still investigating this issue17:06
arrrghhhsometimes it may also be my impatience17:06
arrrghhhlet me post a dmesg17:06
rrewanyway seems it is all working, yeah give me the dmesg17:06
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arrrghhhcrap i don't have terminal emulator on this build yet haha17:07
arrrghhh1 sec17:07
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colo-natasanyone know why the "XDAndroid Thread" link points to the old 2.1 thread?17:11
colo-natasor is this the wrong place to ask about that?  :/17:12
rrewcolo-natas, give me the link to that thread?17:12
TheDeadCPUwait.. what link, where?17:12
colo-natasit's the site, the left nav bar has a link called "XDAndroid Thread" and it points to which is now retired17:13
colo-nataspetty issue, I know.17:13
colo-nataswho maintains the site?17:14
TheDeadCPUWell get whoever controls the site to take care of it.17:14
TheDeadCPU*caugh* stinebd *caugh*17:14
TheDeadCPUNo wait17:15
TheDeadCPUIt's babijoee apperantly17:15
colo-nataseven better!17:15
colo-nataslooks like he's offline17:15
colo-natasi suppose, time difference17:15
rrewbabijoee, is controlling the webs+twitter+fb page+youtube xdandroid page17:16
TheDeadCPUI'ma try the Desire HD rom on my Touch Pro 2.17:17
colo-natasxdandroid: later tell babijoee that the link on the left pane of, called "XDAndroid Thread" is stale and points to the old 2.1 thread.17:17
xdandroidcolo-natas: The operation succeeded.17:17
colo-natasTheDeadCPU, I am jealous17:17
TheDeadCPUHow so?17:18
colo-natasI have raph11017:18
TheDeadCPUYou jealous on my Desire and soon to be Desire Z too?17:18
colo-nataswant wvga SO BAD17:18
colo-natasalthough I don't know how much I like the keyboard "17:18
TheDeadCPUIt's just a Touch Pro 2 I've got for a few weeks.17:18
colo-natasslide" feature17:18
TheDeadCPUZ hinge :P17:18
colo-natasyeah, apparently they draw and quarter people for calling it a slider17:19
colo-nataswant to get something like the droid x, but from HTC.17:20
colo-natasbig sexy screen like the HD217:20
TheDeadCPUThe Desire HD then.17:20
colo-natasyeah, isn't that CDMA?17:20
TheDeadCPUThe EVO is the CDMA Desire HD ;)17:20
colo-natasyou have refreshed my memory now17:21
colo-natasindeed, something like that17:21
TheDeadCPUIt's what I do.17:21
colo-natasif only it came with a hardware keyboard17:21
colo-natasi suppose I should get over my hangup, though.  software keyboards are getting better17:22
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVOOr maybe I'll get the HD for that glorious 4.3"17:22
colo-natasi almost jumped on the N1 when it came out but I am a lowly at&t customer17:23
colo-natasaka deathstar17:23
rrewarrrghhh, did you got the dmesg already?17:23
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arrrghhhrrew, sorry been working at work today :P  i got the dmesg, just gotta upload it.17:23
colo-natasworking at work is not allowed17:24
arrrghhhyea, tell my boss that.17:24
colo-natasi'll con call him and my boss and tell them both at the same time17:24
PluralIcefucking internet.17:24
colo-natasare you?17:25
PluralIcedid this get through? Or maybe I'll get the HD for that glorious 4.317:25
colo-natasbut from TheDeadCPU|BRAVO17:25
PluralIceI know.17:25
colo-natasas long as you can keep track of your multiple personalities17:25
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PluralIceI got kicked from freenode again and again..17:25
colo-natasbad deal17:26
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rrewarrrghhh, kk sry :), anyway there will be a new fix also regarding keybd responsivness for rhod that i will include, that could possible fix the wakeup issue17:26
rrewanyway i will not include in the 1st test release17:26
arrrghhhno worries.17:26
arrrghhhi'm your tester for RHOD400...17:27
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arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, don't you start...17:27
TheDeadCPUYou should try the Desire HD rom on your RHOD.17:27
colo-natas^^ DO THIS17:27
arrrghhhsomehow i feel a brick coming...17:28
colo-natasbecause you can, sir17:28
TheDeadCPUIt's like 4 times better benchmark on the HD2 with it then the Desire rom.17:28
rrewi will make a thread tommorow for testing that, anyway sense will not run smoothly on rhod/topaz because we do not yet have hw3d enabled17:28
colo-natasit's a rom, isn't it, instead of an sdcard bootable?17:28
rrewits a rom port17:29
TheDeadCPUcolo-natas, it's a system.ext2 like everything else :p17:29
rrewso it still needs a sd-card to boot from17:29
arrrghhhthere's some nbh work being done by wozzer17:30
arrrghhhbut it still depends on the sd card for files...17:30
rrewyeah, its not full nand17:30
arrrghhhhe's working on full NAND, but he's having issues...17:31
rrewbut anyway he is doing a good job17:31
arrrghhhoh yea17:31
arrrghhhhe's doin a great job17:31
arrrghhhi'm trying to help him where i can.17:31
arrrghhhrrew, - dmesg17:31
rrewand they are trying to switch to .35 kernel for now no success17:31
arrrghhhyea, i hear gingerbread development is going to start soon... crazy!17:31
TheDeadCPUstart soon?17:32
arrrghhhwhat has it already started?17:32
TheDeadCPUI thought google was almost done with gingerbread..17:32
arrrghhhno i mean development of XDAndroid Gingerbread d00d!17:32
TheDeadCPUWell. The source isn't out so.17:32
rrewnah gingerbread should be 2.3?17:32
arrrghhhyea i didn't think the source was out17:33
colo-natasholy crap17:33
rrewand honeycomb should be 3.017:33
arrrghhhhoneycomb is 3.0?17:33
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, nope. 2.317:33
colo-natasit's amzing how fast dev moves17:33
arrrghhhi read some misinformations17:33
TheDeadCPUafaik it's 2.3 for ginger17:33
arrrghhhor i'm recalling it incorrectly.  probably the latter.17:33
rrewthere is a lot of infos about gingerbread being 2.3 and honeycomb being 3.017:34
rrewanyway,we will see17:34
TheDeadCPUOr will we?17:35
TheDeadCPUWhat if i kill google?17:35
arrrghhhno worries, i'm probably just recalling incorrectly.17:35
arrrghhhgood luck killing all of google.17:35
arrrghhhjust killing one of their data centers would be impressive...17:35
colo-natashit the low orbit ion cannons!17:35
arrrghhhgoogle is like the wal-mart.  it will keep moving... unless you smash that glass mirror in the electronics section.17:35
colo-natasnice reference17:36
arrrghhhlol i miss mah south park.17:36
arrrghhhcan't wait till it's back...17:36
TheDeadCPUI'll just go kill some russians so they invade Norway. Then the US would start sending nukes to Russia then Russia will nuke the US and BAM global thermonuclear war.17:36
colo-natasi am so time shifted with my DVR that I have no idea when things are running vs not running anymore17:36
colo-nataswould you like to play a game?17:37
arrrghhheh, we'll just let the ruskies take your country over.  no harm, no foul.17:37
arrrghhhheck, maybe we'll get some free oil out of the deal..17:38
arrrghhhyou KNOW we love our oil.17:38
TheDeadCPUYou KNOW we got more of it17:38
arrrghhhlol i don't know that17:38
arrrghhhwe actually have quite a bit of oil17:38
rrewdamn this is should be an xdandroid support/dev channel xD17:38
colo-natasi feel i am missing some critical hometown info on you guys to make this all relevant17:38
arrrghhhwe just don't want to hack at our environment to get it.17:38
TheDeadCPUWe've got like 3 times more Oil in Norway.. And we're a shit small country.17:38
arrrghhhwell i'm from colorado, and TheDeadCPU is from Norway (obviously)17:39
colo-natasminnesota here17:39
arrrghhhocean oil... yea we all saw how well that went for the gulf of mexico.17:39
TheDeadCPUThat thing can't happen in Norway.17:39
rrewgtg guys, good night and have fun :P17:39
arrrghhhyou guys are just going to turn your fjords into grease slicks.17:39
TheDeadCPUWe've got something called REGULATIONS and LAWS.17:39
colo-natascya rrew17:39
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, no oil in them fjords.17:39
arrrghhhrrew, sorry dude did you get my dmesg?17:40
arrrghhhcool.  let me know how else i can help/test :D17:40
rrewi will study it tommorow, now need some sleep17:40
arrrghhhhave a good one.17:40
TheDeadCPUI should sleep too.17:40
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, it'll flow to the fjords.  oh it'll flow.17:40
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TheDeadCPUIt's 11:40 PM And I got to get up at 05:30 AM17:40
arrrghhhand we've got regulations and laws... the problem is the regulators and lawmakers are in bed with the oil execs... literally.17:41
arrrghhhget some sleep you insominaic!17:41
TheDeadCPUwat, flow into our fjords?17:41
colo-natasi have a baseball game to attend.  it's against my natural order to attend but work is paying.  Twins vs Cleveland17:41
colo-nataslater guys17:41
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TheDeadCPUWe've never had an oilspill from a rig.17:41
TheDeadCPUWe've had 3 oilspills. All from spanish super tankers.17:41
arrrghhhdamn spainiards17:42
arrrghhhor is is spaniards?17:42
arrrghhhso xdandroid huh?17:42
TheDeadCPUOr in Norwegian. Spanska.17:42
TheDeadCPUwhat about xdandroid17:42
TheDeadCPUxdandroid seen babijoee17:42
xdandroidTheDeadCPU: babijoee was last seen in #xdandroid 2 days, 16 hours, 37 minutes, and 38 seconds ago: <babijoee> xdandroid: later tell phh hey how do you disable LED flash after you enable it?17:42
phhxdandroid: chut17:43
phhhum I don't know how this is supposed to be translated17:43
phhshush ?17:43
arrrghhhshutup perhaps?17:43
arrrghhhthat works.17:43
phharrrghhh: or that.17:43
arrrghhhphh, but it's too nice :P17:43
TheDeadCPUYou killed the poor bot?!17:44
phhxdandroid: ?17:45
phhxdandroid: you're dead ?17:45
TheDeadCPUxdandroid you there?17:45
TheDeadCPUxdandroid seen phh17:46
xdandroidTheDeadCPU: phh was last seen in #xdandroid 32 seconds ago: <phh> wout.17:46
TheDeadCPUNo he isn't..17:46
TheDeadCPUI should sleep.17:51
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jjpeaslanyone know why everytime i boot into android why it creates a new file called fsck00** everytime?18:25
jjpeaslthe file is a .rec file?18:25
TheDeadCPUIt's some logging thing or something.18:26
TheDeadCPUYou can just delete them.18:26
TheDeadCPUThough I thought we did something to stop those..18:26
arrrghhhbut it wasn't integrated into any builds to my knowledge18:27
jjpeaslis there a certien program i should use to format my sd card?18:28
arrrghhhjjpeasl, i like the HP Format Tool if I'm in Windows...18:28
TheDeadCPUWhat arrrghhh said.18:28
arrrghhhso you add "rm -f /sdcard/fsck*.rec" at the bottom of your froyo.user.conf file... it goes in the "custom_shells{" section.18:29
arrrghhhthat'll blast out all those pesky .rec files.18:29
arrrghhhnot sure why that hasn't made it into any of the builds yet....18:29
jjpeaslwill give it a try ive been using windows normal formating18:30
arrrghhhjjpeasl, it's been known to cause issues, but i've used it before without a problem... it's just one of those things to rule out any user error, the HP tool is good :P18:30
hamagcarrrghhh: what is everyone complaining about not being able to install?18:31
arrrghhhnot sure18:31
jjpeaslcan i format a card then copy my corrent data and folders and files with no problem or should i start from scratch?18:31
arrrghhhangry birds?18:31
arrrghhhi've seen a bunch lately lol18:32
arrrghhhjjpeasl, probably best to start from scratch if you're having issues.  backup any pictures or personal stuff, but start fresh with Android.18:32
TheDeadCPUAngry Birds is awesome.18:32
arrrghhhit must be, because people are clamoring for it.18:32
jjpeaslany app i should use?18:33
hamagci think it was gtalk, but i can't find it in the market18:33
arrrghhhhamagc, it's not in the market unfortunately...18:33
hamagcthen wtf?18:34
arrrghhhit's part of the google services stuff and it was removed i guess because the devs felt no one used it...?18:34
arrrghhhidk, i used it a lot.18:34
hamagcpeople are complaining that something not from market won't install?18:34
hamagcall the google apps are there from what i understand18:34
arrrghhhgtalk was in previous builds tho18:34
arrrghhhit was removed18:34
arrrghhhgtalk isn't :P18:34
arrrghhhit used to be18:34
hamagcit was removed by google i believe18:34
TheDeadCPUTo get gtalk you need to install 2 apks18:34
hamagcit was removed upstream which means it wasn't by our team18:34
arrrghhhah yea18:35
arrrghhhwhy the hell did google remove it then?18:35
arrrghhhgoogle felt no one was using it18:35
TheDeadCPUBecause: something something something something18:36
hamagclol insert excuse here18:36
arrrghhhsomething something dark side18:37
arrrghhhyes yes i know18:38
jjpeaslanother question i use latitude alot also nav, and ive noticed that for the most part it says my location is in the middle of the gulf of mexico any ideas how to fix that?18:38
arrrghhhit's still annoying18:38
arrrghhhi used it a lot.18:38
arrrghhhrun quickgps before you boot Android at least once a week18:38
arrrghhhyou'll get faster/better locks.18:38
hamagcmuch much faster18:38
arrrghhhbut mine always puts me off the coast of Ghana.18:38
arrrghhhgo figure.18:38
TheDeadCPUIsn't there gTalk in Latitude?18:38
hamagclike a 10sec lock on my device18:38
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, that sounds complicated.18:38
arrrghhhabove my pay grade18:38
arrrghhhBTW our GSM/CDMA discussion is getting heated LOL!!18:39
jjpeaslok, ive noticed that after a min it finds me, just kinda funny where it put me.18:39
arrrghhhoy too much work to do!18:39
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, You MUST agree it's better with having just one type of cellular network then both?18:40
arrrghhhnot enough motivation to do it...18:40
arrrghhhi don't agree with that.18:40
arrrghhhit'd be easier, yes18:40
arrrghhhbetter... i don't think so18:40
arrrghhhthat's like saying we'd all be better off if the only smartphone was the iPhone.18:40
arrrghhhbecause then we'd all have the same apps, same hardware...18:40
jjpeasli phone sucks imo18:40
arrrghhheasier, right?18:41
arrrghhhbut sh!ttier.18:41
arrrghhhless choice = bad news usually.18:41
TheDeadCPULets say you'd have 100% gsm coverage like here..18:41
arrrghhhlol ok18:41
arrrghhhyour hypothetical situation has already negated one of my arguments, go on.18:42
TheDeadCPUWould you rather have 34% gsm coverage and 40% CDMA coverage? so that like 26% of the country has no converage at all, and you'll need to have both a GSM and CDMA device to get coverage for the rest..18:42
TheDeadCPUOr WCDMA but meg.18:43
TheDeadCPUI'd rather have my 100% gsm coverage.18:43
arrrghhhbut that's not how it works...18:45
jjpeaslarrrghhh i cant seem to find the hp format tool found a link to hp usb disk format tool is that it?18:45
arrrghhhit's not like sprint looks at new york and says... no, at&t already has every single cell customer there18:45
arrrghhhjjpeasl, yes18:46
arrrghhhso sprint doesn't put up any towers in new york because at&t already has all the customers because of the iPhone... it just doesn't happen dude.  i thought Norway was a free market economy :P18:46
jjpeaslit installed a program called driverboost that what im looking for?18:47
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, umm.. We've got 2 cellular carriers on Norway. They both got 100% coverage lol18:47
arrrghhhuhm no18:47
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, well then your argument is invalid :P18:47
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, what if both carriers have 100% coverage, one CDMA and one GSM... which one would you pick then?18:48
arrrghhhyou'd probably go with the cheapest carrier that has the phone you want... which is how it works here.18:48
TheDeadCPUWell yes.18:49
TheDeadCPUBut do you have 100% CMDA and GSM coverage?18:49
arrrghhhha, not for either18:49
arrrghhhNO carrier has 100% coverage18:49
arrrghhhGSM, CDMA, doesn't matter.18:49
TheDeadCPUI know, but visualise if everyone did decide to have only GSM, they'd have a LOT more coverage18:50
arrrghhhit's just Verizon typically has some of the best coverage... so that's why most people go with them.18:50
jjpeaslarrrghhh can u send me a link everything i'm finding leads me to somthing other than the hp tool you were talking about18:50
arrrghhhagain, you're forcing companies to use something... sounds very communist to me!18:50
arrrghhhjjpeasl, 1 sec18:50
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, What my opinion is that companies should stop just caring about money and start caring about the customers.18:51
arrrghhh - if you want the original site18:51
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, good luck with that.  so long as they're publically traded, all that matters is the money.18:51
TheDeadCPUIn Norway the cellular companies found out that happy customers = more money.18:51
jjpeaslty arrrghh lol18:52
arrrghhhjjpeasl, np18:52
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, you'd think that's how it would work...18:52
arrrghhhi think our cell companies just got too big.18:52
arrrghhhthey all just worry about the other cell company rather than their customers.18:52
TheDeadCPUBut it works here :p18:53
arrrghhhwell when we kill off 9/10ths of our population maybe then it'll work better here too LOL18:53
hamagcwell goodnight guys18:53
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TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, there is a reason I don't like lots of people.18:54
arrrghhhyea, join the club!18:54
jjpeaslcan i use that with an sd card or does it have to be use arrghh18:55
arrrghhhjjpeasl, don't matter18:55
jjpeaslok ran the program under admin and it opened but isn't showing my sd card18:55
dcordesmake kernel not war18:56
arrrghhhjjpeasl, can you see it in windows explorer as a drive...?18:56
jjpeaslum not sure how to go about that one.18:56
arrrghhhjjpeasl, my computer?18:56
jjpeaslhave to say no on that one18:58
jjpeaslseems to be that nothing can be easy for me lol.18:59
arrrghhhcomputers are hard.19:00
TheDeadCPUcomputers are evil19:01
stinebdmany computers are indeed constructed with solid materials19:01
jjpeaslim seeing that.19:04
jjpeaslwell off to mess with this dual boot,19:04
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arrrghhhi like that randomness stinebd, keep it up :P19:06
stinebdentropy fuels the universe19:07
jjpeaslone quick question what program should i use to add that on the file you said arrghh19:07
TheDeadCPUThere are only 8 consonats and 5 wovels on the Hawaiian language.19:08
arrrghhhjjpeasl, notepad...?19:08
arrrghhhi like notepad++, but that's just cuz i look at endless cisco debugs.19:08
TheDeadCPUI love notepas++19:09
arrrghhhyes, very useful.  the search feature is SO powerful.19:10
TheDeadCPUAnd the filter stuff19:10
arrrghhhone of my associates was trying to find something in some cisco traces using regular notepad...19:10
arrrghhhi was like uh dude there's hundreds of files there you're going to have to go thru each one by one19:10
TheDeadCPUso you can see for example html codes in other colours then CSS19:10
jjpeasldo i need the " " in there to?19:10
arrrghhhjjpeasl, no19:10
jjpeaslthese commands run last custom_shells{ rm -f /sdcard/fsck*.rec }19:13
arrrghhhi have a chmod command in mine19:14
arrrghhhnot sure where it came from... i didn't put it in there.19:14
stinebdi slipped it in there while you weren't looking, hoping to take advantage of you after it kicked in19:15
arrrghhhwell now /etc/dbus.conf has full permissions... so i guess your evil plan is complete?19:15
stinebdhah the dbus thing. that's an old leftover from when people didn't know how to pack squash systems19:16
TheDeadCPUOoo. Full Moon.19:18
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jjpeasldo you guys know what dual boot i need to install have the tilt 2 know its a rhodium19:24
jjpeasland the forums have a list of four to pick from19:24
jjpeasl    * QVGA, boot from Storage Card (e.g. Vogue, Kaiser,..)     * WQVGA, boot from Storage Card     * VGA, boot from Internal Storage (e.g. Diamond)     * VGA, boot from Storage Card (e.g. Raphael)     * WVGA, boot from Storage Card (e.g. Blackstone, Topaz, Xperia,..)19:24
jjpeaslok the one with e.g blackstone then right?19:25
jjpeaslthank you. sorry for my dumb questions.19:26
jjpeasli have to say ive been playing with the xda build and been on the chat a bunch of times and you guys are great man, with out ppl like you i'ld be stuck with shitty ass windows on my phone lol.19:27
jjpeasloh and half way bald lol19:27
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arrrghhhyea, the devs are the real heros.19:29
arrrghhhi just wish i could help with the development.  such a lame programmer am i.19:30
arrrghhher i am?  either way, i suck.19:30
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jjpeaslyou doing more than me, still figureing things out.19:32
jjpeaslat least you can help ppl all i can do is go ahh ahhh ummm well lol19:32
arrrghhhhaha, fair enough.19:32
arrrghhhi was like you not too long ago...19:33
arrrghhhi did a lot of research & reading19:33
arrrghhh& there were some stupid questions... but hey, we all started somewhere19:33
arrrghhhi still have stupid questions, but they're mostly for the devs :P19:33
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOarrrghhh, well.19:36
arrrghhhnot well again!19:36
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYou're good at being a dick against stupid noobs.19:36
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOnot you jjpeasl.19:36
arrrghhhhey i'm good at being a d!ck to everyone thank you.19:36
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOGood point.19:36
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jjpeaslwell thanks Dead.19:37
jjpeasldo any of you guys play online via xbox?19:37
TheDeadCPU|BRAVONah, I cba to pay for xbox live.19:38
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI rather play on my PC and Ps3.19:38
arrrghhhps3 baby19:38
jjpeasllol ps3 was good till i got my xbox back lol.19:38
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI want Black Ops now.19:39
arrrghhheh, too many xbox failures for my taste19:39
arrrghhhsomething like 44% i think?19:39
arrrghhhwhile ps3 was around 13% failure rate?19:39
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWorldwide it was. 48% on the xbox and 6% for the Ps319:39
arrrghhhLOL even worse.19:39
jjpeasllol. i like the features on live better than ps. can chat with friends that are on other games19:39
arrrghhhhrm.  i guess i've never used xbox live.19:40
arrrghhhi don't have friends either, so it works out.19:40
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThough I've had 3 xbox's and none of them have failed.19:40
jjpeasli got the new well old ps slim19:40
jjpeasli have one from launch and its still going.19:40
jjpeasland i leave the sob on all the time hoping it will die so i can get the new xbox slim19:41
jjpeaslthis weekend that just passed was free xbox live because galo reach's launch19:42
arrrghhhgalo haha19:43
jjpeaslim glad now theres a little less kiddies on cod19:43
arrrghhhha, they're all playin halo 3 huh19:44
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOHalo Reach.19:45
jjpeasli had a kid yelling because i was using the aa12 shot gun lol.  yeah now19:45
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOarrrghhh, new Halo ;)19:45
arrrghhhisn't it halo 3?19:45
jjpeasllol nope19:45
arrrghhhhalo 419:46
arrrghhhman i feel old19:46
arrrghhhand behind19:46
jjpeaslold i remember the first halo hell i remember playing duck hunt when that was the latest thing lol19:46
arrrghhhyea, but somehow i missed halo319:47
arrrghhhi used to have a group of friends that is all they played19:47
stinebdduck hunt is the easiest shooter ever19:47
arrrghhhdon't really hang out with them anymore... lol might explain it.19:47
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOstinebd, but the most fun one.19:47
arrrghhhduck hunt is HARD what are you smokin?19:47
stinebdjust hold it up to a white piece of paper in front of a lamp and you win every time19:47
arrrghhhnever thought about that19:47
arrrghhhthat's awesome19:47
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI'm 17 and I know what duck hunt is.19:48
arrrghhhHalo: Reach grossed $200 million on its launch day setting a new record for the franchise.19:48
jjpeasllol i have some time on 17 lol19:48
arrrghhhyea, but duck hunt is older than you.19:48
stinebdthat's only a record because prices keep going up19:48
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI know lol.19:49
stinebdnext generation, a game will be $80 and make $300 million19:49
arrrghhhit's actually a couple of months older than me.19:49
jjpeaslbut i can say i really dont remember those years kinda a fuzzzzz19:49
arrrghhhif you count the japan release date19:49
arrrghhhUS release date i'm older than duck hunt!19:49
stinebdeastmost peninsula is the secret19:50
jjpeaslwell guys i'm off for now. time to shoot some ppl before i hit the sack, thanks once again19:52
arrrghhhlol have fun19:52
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arrrghhhdon't kill them too hard...19:52
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWell. Gnite people. Nice arguing with you arrrghhh as always.19:57
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arrrghhhi'm off as well, peace!19:58
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messtinebd, I built a new system image without google-apps, as you suggested, but something is missing that is required to connect to a cell network, or even search for one. Any idea what it might be?20:21
messtinebd, platform is raph110 - (fuze)20:22
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elizandroxandroid work with htc touch? not touch pro, is only touch20:29
elizandroany online?20:29
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jjpeaslhey stinebd you there?22:55
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