Sunday, 2010-09-19

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ReefermattnessHey guys00:46
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MikeDoes anybody know if this work on the Whitestone?01:34
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Guest53544Does anybody know if this work on the Whitestone?01:34
Guest53544fuck yall01:47
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leobaillardhello there ! I'm using the last packaged version of xdandroid on my Diamond but, by default, I have a chinese IME. How can I make the french one the default ? I didn't find where to change it.09:44
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xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, Mike, who says: Thanks, nearly there after FRX01, encourage you to press on and get stereo BT smooth ;-).14:05
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migoqui parle francais15:41
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migoj'ai un airis avec windows mobile 515:44
migoje veut mettre xdandroid commennt faire15:44
RB01oh, sorry I don't speak French.15:45
migoi ave an airis with windows mobile 515:45
migoand i want install xdandroid15:45
RB01I see15:45
migohow install?15:46
RB01do you mean Eris?15:48
migono airis15:49
migopocket pc15:49
RB01Sorry, I'm not much help =/15:50
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arrrghhh_i'm still here huh17:11
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arrrghhhthere we go17:12
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arrrghhhso i think all the reports of mic not working on incoming calls is bogus.  just thought i'd let everyone know.17:12
arrrghhhcrap i bet i left xchat running on my work pc...17:12
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pleasereseyhi there17:42
pleasereseygoing for my first build of xdaandroid17:42
pleasereseyi have some questions about buildspec.mk17:42
pleasereseyif somebody can spend some time to help me :)17:43
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DiaMonkWhere can I find the latest version for HTC Touch Diamond?17:47
arrrghhhDiaMonk, i don't know if the diamond section of XDA has updated builds... but as I recall the TP builds work just fine on the diamond so long as you use the correct startup.txt...17:48
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, wow, long time since I've seen you in here.17:48
arrrghhhlol everyone keeps telling me that :P17:49
TheDeadCPUCome to think of it. I don't think I've seen you in here before.17:49
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arrrghhhyea, i don't spend much time on irc17:49
arrrghhhgf isn't a fan of me sitting in front of my computer after a full day of doing so at work...17:49
TheDeadCPUHit the bitch.17:49
DiaMonkWhere can I find the latest builds TP?17:49
arrrghhhi do!17:52
arrrghhhon a fairly regular basis.17:52
arrrghhhDiaMonk, in the XDA subsection for the TP Android Development...?17:53
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, not in a sexual way.17:53
TheDeadCPULike in a shut the fuck up and listen to me way.17:53
arrrghhhyea, she still likes it.  don't ask.17:53
DiaMonkDo you know the link ?17:53
arrrghhhDiaMonk, you really want me to hand-feed you a link...17:54
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, control your newb hatin gene now.17:54
arrrghhhlol that's never under control.17:54
arrrghhhi'm assuming he knows XDA if he's on here...17:54
TheDeadCPUDiaMonk, you could use our project website.17:55
arrrghhhis the section for TP Android Development.17:55
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arrrghhhgasp, that site's not up to date Mr CPU.17:56
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, O'rly?17:56
arrrghhhwell there was a new build released17:56
arrrghhh9.17 i want to say17:56
arrrghhhi've seen 9.16 in a few places as well.17:56
TheDeadCPUAh. Well I'm glad I always have this link ready:
DiaMonk[prj][XDANDROID][2.2][AOSP][17.09.10]FRX01 Final Build :) ?17:57
stinebdwe don't use dates anymore17:57
arrrghhhDiaMonk, yes.  that's the new build, please read the first three posts if you're new :D17:57
DiaMonkOk thx17:57
arrrghhhstinebd, probably a good idea.  people will still attach dates to the builds tho, inevitably.17:58
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arrrghhhah well gotta mow.  bbl.18:11
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DiaMonkFRX01 Is really great18:13
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androidgirlis anyone around that can help me figure out what file I need to replace to revert to an older build that has Google Talk in it?18:16
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DiaMonkHow can I change the language at FRX01  ?18:17
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androidgirlDiaMonk: Can't you just change your language settings18:18
androidgirlunder Settings?18:19
androidgirlyay problem solved? haha18:19
androidgirlI don't suppose you can help me with my problem?18:19
androidgirlI'm trying to find out what file i need to replace18:20
androidgirlin andboot18:20
androidgirlto get an older version that has Google Talk in it still18:20
TheDeadCPUandroidgirl, it's in the system.ext218:20
DiaMonkBut the software is slow18:20
TheDeadCPUBut you could find the Google Voice apk file and put it in AndroidApps and it will install18:21
androidgirlGoogle Voice apk installed Google Talk?18:21
androidgirlI tried some of the Talk apks on XDA but none of them would install18:21
TheDeadCPUTalk isn't there anymore?18:21
TheDeadCPUI thought you said Google Voice sorry :p18:21
androidgirlyeah, it's not in FRX0118:21
androidgirlit still receives notifications18:22
androidgirlbut there's no way to open it up or type anything18:22
TheDeadCPUQuestion. You really a girl?18:23
androidgirlhaha ya why?18:23
TheDeadCPUIt's just a bit unusual ;)18:23
androidgirlI'm kinda a geek ^_^18:24
TheDeadCPUWell that's just awesome.18:24
androidgirlso any ideas on how I can get Talk back in?18:24
TheDeadCPUI'm working on it ;)18:24
TheDeadCPUI'm gonna just upload this small .rar file with the 2 apks and you'll just put them in your AndroidApps folder and reboot ;)18:25
TheDeadCPUShould in theory work.18:25
androidgirlcool, I didn't know you could install apps like that18:26
TheDeadCPUhehe :p18:26
TheDeadCPULol, the verifying of the file on the server is taking longer time then uploading it did.18:28
TheDeadCPUis your nick androidgirl on XDA?18:29
androidgirlnah, I don't really post18:29
TheDeadCPUhehe :p18:29
TheDeadCPUIf you need anything just pm me on XDA, or join in here ;)18:29
TheDeadCPUThat's the files you need btw ;)18:30
androidgirlawesome!! thanks18:30
androidgirllemme just go try it out18:30
TheDeadCPUDo that.18:30
TheDeadCPUI'll be on a few minutes more, it's actually 0:30AM here lol18:30
androidgirloh wow don't let me keep you up!18:31
TheDeadCPUYou're not ;)18:31
TheDeadCPUOk maybe a bit but it's mostly my insomnia.18:31
androidgirlwell that's not so bad for insomnia, only midnight =)18:32
TheDeadCPUI know :p18:32
TheDeadCPUBut I didn't sleep last night soo :p18:32
androidgirlhaha in that case, midnight is pretty bad18:33
androidgirlworks like a charm =)18:37
androidgirlthanks a lot for your help!18:37
androidgirlany idea why they took it out of the latest build?18:37
androidgirllol guess you've gone to bed! good!18:39
androidgirlreally thanks for your help!18:39
TheDeadCPUI'm not sleeping.18:41
TheDeadCPUI was getting food :p18:41
TheDeadCPUAnd no, I've got no Idea, I'll ask them.18:41
TheDeadCPUstinebd, wai no gtalk?18:41
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arrrghhh_awayi was going to say, i think they pulled all apps from the FRX01 build.  i don't see why she couldn't install it manually or from the market tho...18:55
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt's not available in all markets afaik.18:56
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVOCan't see it here.18:56
arrrghhhi guess because it's always part of OEM androids...18:57
arrrghhhhuh.  i do wonder why they removed it then.  i guess they were basically cleansing the system of all apps.19:02
stinebdTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: gtalk was removed from the gapps package upstream19:02
stinebdi'm somewhat surprised at the comments about it. i wasn't aware anybody actually uses gtalk19:03
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOA lot of people do :p19:03
phh"a lot" being ? :p19:04
stinebdvocal minority, most likely19:04
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOLike 25% of my friends.19:04
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOAnd no, I don't only have 4 friends.19:04
phhI'd vote fake.19:04
stinebdyour friends are likely jabber robots19:04
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOOr it can just be diffrence between countries.19:05
phhstinebd: nice one19:05
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI don't use gTalk so having jabber bots is well..19:05
TheDeadCPU|BRAVONor using any Jabber chat at all.19:05
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dcordesHi. Is anybody interested in admin rights in order to update news section with important xdandroid anouncements ?19:31
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI'd like to nominate arrrghhh for that.19:33
arrrghhhonly if I can nominate TheDeadCPu.19:34
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOBut arrrghhh has time for that stuff.19:34
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWhile he hates on the newbs.19:34
arrrghhhfor the record, i have no problem with n00bs.  i'm still a newbie with Android, i just search before i post ;)19:35
arrrghhhdcordes, i wouldn't mind, but would it be up to me to determine what to announce...?  i hope not, because i always am the last to know about new developments haha19:37
dcordesarrrghhh: It would be nice to have somebody do it who has the full dev insight19:38
arrrghhhdcordes, not me ;)19:38
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThat'd be: phh, stinebd or babijoee19:38
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R^7ZHello pplz19:55
dcordesR^7Z: hi20:23
dcordesAnybody has a TOPAZ ?20:23
R^7ZNo topaz for me, I have a Fuze20:26
arrrghhhRHOD400 here.20:27
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aFRIGGINbeechanyone know of any fix for the battery meter yet21:03
arrrghhhthere's been some experimentation by viruscrazy21:03
arrrghhhbut the battery meter isn't implemented properly21:03
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arrrghhhi've heard good things in the viruscrazy's thread21:04
aFRIGGINbeechhmm well it seems to be fairly accurate, until it reaches the halfway mark, then it just drops down to nothing and you get the annoying messages to charge the phone, is there a way to at least disable notifications about the batter21:04
arrrghhhbut his code hasn't been pushed upstream yet.21:04
arrrghhhoh yea21:04
arrrghhhyou can disable that...21:04
aFRIGGINbeechhow so21:05
arrrghhhit's probably in the first few posts of one of the threads where you got it21:05
aFRIGGINbeechhm ok ill go look around, thanks.21:05
arrrghhhin the startup.txt21:05
aFRIGGINbeechawesome thanks21:05
arrrghhhin case you haven't seen that thread21:05
arrrghhhit probably has one of the best first 3 posts21:06
aFRIGGINbeechok cool appreciate it21:06
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R^7Zand one of the worst last few post for today! :p21:07
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R^7Z< --- laughs at self21:10
arrrghhhR^7Z, i think i just read said post... horrible :P21:10
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arrrghhhReefermattness, you there?21:24
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arrrghhhisn't there a trick to have the xdandroid user tell people stuff21:31
R^7Zxdandroid: later tell arrrghhh how to tell ppl stuff21:32
xdandroidR^7Z: The operation succeeded.21:32
arrrghhhso when does it tell me21:33
R^7Zheck if i kno21:33
arrrghhhright now21:33
arrrghhhit just PM'd me21:33
arrrghhhhell i could just PM him.  i guess tha'd be pretty useful if they're not online...21:33
arrrghhhassuming you spell their username correctly haha21:34
R^7Zjust type "xdandroid: later tell <user name> <enter message>"21:34
stinebdoh wow, pocketnow is in my area21:35
R^7Zwoo! :P21:35
arrrghhhR^7Z, thx, i got it :D21:35
stinebdi should go work for them so i can steal review models of various devices to develop android for them21:36
* R^7Z gets an idea21:36
* R^7Z says doh21:36
stinebdwinpho7 definitely wants an affair with android21:37
R^7Zperhaps but what good will come of it? ;) :P21:37
* R^7Z thinks winmo7 is gay21:37
arrrghhheh we'll see how it pans out.  looks like they're aiming squarely at iPhone and not Android.  much easier target, one device/os lol.21:38
stinebdwell they definitely want the same walled garden21:39
* R^7Z hopes it doesn't get too dicey21:39
arrrghhhindeed.  and c'mon they're launching without cut&paste... seriously?21:41
arrrghhhit's like they're trying to bury the iPhone when the iPhone launched...21:41
R^7Zdid we ever figure out whether there was an issue with zimage & modules? something about incoming mic not working...21:42
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arrrghhhi've seen a TON of posts on that stuff.  one dude 'fixed' it by formatting his SD so i'm thinking it's people who are reusing data.img files...21:42
arrrghhhnot sure tho.  i wasn't able to reproduce it whatsoever, and the guy who formatted his card and 'fixed' it has the same hardware as i do...21:43
R^7Zah, okay21:44
arrrghhhyou have a RAPH don't you?21:44
arrrghhhhave you been able to reproduce the issue?21:44
R^7Znope just was curious21:44
arrrghhhyea i did a buncha testing with it21:44
R^7Znope to reproducing the issue21:44
arrrghhhspeakerphone issue still persists unless you do the call to vm in winmo first21:45
arrrghhhi'm not sure if that's how it is for the RAPH.21:45
arrrghhhoh, so what device do you have then...?21:45
R^7ZI usually do a test call first with spk on21:45
R^7Zyes, to raph21:45
arrrghhhoh ok21:45
arrrghhhtoying with my emotions here21:45
R^7Znot intentionally21:46
arrrghhhhaha np21:46
arrrghhhbah i should go finish my yardwork... bbl.21:47
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R^7ZI'm out all23:44
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