Thursday, 2010-07-29

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purefusionanyone here rocking an HTC EVO?03:20
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JbruneauxHi there. I'm working on the htc smem battery driver and I need some boot dmesg logs to gather informations on battery detections. Also, this log will be usefull for the diamond panel friver (and possibly others devices).03:36
Jbruneauxthe last patch I tried on the diamond panel file seems to broke some diamonds panel wake up, but on my device, it solve the wake up problem. I already found a problem in the init table but I need some more tests from others phones with maybe different panel.03:37
Jbruneauxyou can send me dmesg log to . For diamond users and screen problem, I need a little more than the boot log. You must switch off and on the screen 2 or three times (first time we switch off the screen, the screen power is not really turned off, because panel ID is unknown).03:39
JbruneauxThanks for your help !03:40
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x2how do you set the volume with this new kernel?04:04
x2its so much better now04:12
x2as long as this kernel holds up otherwise04:12
phhwhere X ranges from 0 to 504:15
phhin cmdline04:15
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hojouhey everybody. i know this must be a stupid problem, but it's driving me nuts. I burned an iso with gparted on some linux (downloaded from sourgeforge) because i want to partition my diam10004:26
hojou's internal storage04:26
hojoubut gparted can't see my diam100 - i have it connected with USB and i tried booting up in both windows and running android - in android i get an icon for usb debugging, but gparted still won't see my diam10004:27
hojouso - should i just repartion my hdd as a display of my frustrations or is there anything else i can do, to make it recognize my diamond04:28
MrObviousJbruneaux: I could probably do it for you.04:34
MrObviousWhat keyboard does everyone like?04:38
MrObvioushojou: Mount it in Windows Mobile as a Disk Drive.04:38
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xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, Christoph B.!04:46
JbruneauxMrObvious : Thanks.04:47
MrObviousI don't know how exactly though. lol04:47
MrObviousI gotta get some sleep but if you can walk me through it somehow.04:58
MrObviousJbruneaux: My suggestion would be to make a post in the thread and I'll see it and get back to you.05:00
hojouMrObvious: ahh, then i should be able to just use diskpart instead?05:00
MrObvioushojou: Just don't use Windows to format it and you'll be fine.05:01
hojouMrObvious: only partition, not format - got it, thanks man :)05:01
hojoujust to make sure - i use the device itself to format?05:01
x2cell phone triangulate owns now05:01
x2as soon as i turn wifi on i have a estimated location05:02
x2new kernel seems amazing so far.. sleep works with gps on too05:02
MrObvioushojou: No use Linux.05:03
MrObviousx2: I know. I think once CDMA gets a bit better supported it will be better yet. That and the camera but I'm not in a hurry about that.05:03
hojouMrObvious: but linux can't see my device - but you think it can use i repartion it?05:04
* MrObvious is passing out.05:04
MrObviousIt should when you plug it in and it asks if you want to be in ActiveSync, Disk Drive, or Internet Sharing mode, choose Disk Drive.05:05
hojouit's obvious, you need to go to sleep MrObvious.... night :)05:05
hojouand thanks05:05
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x2i really wish usb transfers worked too05:13
x2to some extent05:13
x2and the camera05:13
x2audio is nice like now :p05:13
x2not this again/05:14
MisterYwhat is the state of usb networking?05:14
x2i called voicemail to check the sound volume05:14
x2hit the volume up button05:14
x2and i lost network 100%05:14
x2its an X now05:14
MisterYBtw, just wanna report - related to my issues with SD card a few days ago05:14
x2usb mass storage doesnt work in android05:14
MisterYeverything is alright with the latest kernel from yesterday.05:15
x2eveything was alright for me05:15
MisterYBut something screwed all my windows apps on flash memory after reset.05:15
x2not sure about what just happened...05:15
MisterYyeah, I couldn't see SD card contents in OI file manager05:15
x2am i not supposed to press the volume buttons in call? lol05:15
MisterYor the music player.05:15
x2ok well, called voicemail again.. sound is much much louder05:19
x2earpiece and speaker05:19
x2much more usable :005:19
MisterYIs there a way to see the current progress in more detail?05:19
x2it better not keep crashing and stuff though :(05:19
MisterYSomething like androidonhtc?05:20
x2not that I know of05:20
x2 has the kernels05:20
x2you can mouse over download to see whats new05:20
MisterYis that the only area where improvements are required for android to work on these devices?05:20
MisterYHardware support in kernel, I mean.05:21
MisterYusb & sound05:21
x2i dont know05:21
MisterYYup, that's the page I got the latest kernel from.05:21
paalsteekKernel, system, rootfs and initramfs are the main parts where development happens05:22
hojousorry for my ignorance, but what else is there paalsteek (new to this)05:22
paalsteekrootfs and initramfs are build automated on
paalsteekhojou: not much (media for example)05:23
MisterYok, sweet, I'll put those links here
MisterYFeels like there is now so many branches of development.05:25
MisterYgotta reboot, cya05:30
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playdophh ping05:59
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playdophh would it help to place a pre-configured ts calibration into the folder for my blackstone?06:07
playdobecause of the stupid on-screen keys06:07
phhif you want to calibrate, remove the msmts_calib in the cmdline06:20
phhboot, it will do the calibration06:20
phhthen do dmesg06:20
phhto read the calibration values06:21
phhand paste them back in cmdline06:21
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NaohiroFukudaI have checked my apns-conf.xml at latest release in my android phone.06:39
NaohiroFukudaThere is no entry about "bmobile" apn.06:40
hojoupop question. why is it not possible to attach a file in gmail from the default browser?06:40
hojouis it a security issue built into android, the browser or gmail or what am i missing?06:41
NaohiroFukudaI attached and send mail for this file.06:42
NaohiroFukudaI know cannot browse this file direct by default browser, so I tried to attach.06:43
NaohiroFukudaFrom OI File manager - etc -apns-conf.xml and long press - Send06:45
hojouNaohiroFukuda: thanks.06:46
hojoui was trying to figure out if the browser can though - not an app like OI File manager... hrm06:46
NaohiroFukudaIs this correct method ?06:46
hojoutrying to figure out if you can make a mobile version of a website that requires you to upload files06:47
NaohiroFukudasorry, I must go away from chat because I am still working hard.06:48
NaohiroFukudain my office06:48
NaohiroFukudaI will back soon.06:48
hojoulater :)06:49
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babijoeeNaohiroFukuda: not really06:50
babijoeein the conf folder06:50
babijoeeyou are able to copy a modified apns-conf.xml06:50
babijoeefrom cmd in the froyo.user.conf06:51
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVOphh, Umm, NRGZ28 says Android is a lot faster if the Kernel is in the phones ROM.. Is there any thruth behind this?07:52
phhnot at all07:53
phhonce loaded, kernel is in RAM anyway07:53
phheither it's in rom or ram07:53
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOkk, it's his argument for putting it in the ROM on his Android HD2 ROM.07:53
phhhe could possibly say it would load faster07:56
phhbut that doesn't even seem true07:56
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYea lol07:57
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: have you made a new vid yet?07:58
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWas going to last night, but it's so freaking hot so I was like in the fridge cooling down yesterday07:59
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI'll see if I can make one today :p07:59
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOAnd YouTube has extended to 15 minutes today! : D07:59
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOSo I can make a video with more then just boot.07:59
* TheDeadCPU|BRAVO Tries to find his TP.08:02
xecuter2bleh, still having random issues08:05
xecuter2im going to do a clean install08:05
babijoeexecuter2: what random issues?08:06
xecuter2what are the latest files to use? beta v2 package + stinebds clean + latest kernel and rootfs?08:06
xecuter2if i make a call, sometimes it will cut out and when i look at the phone, it has no service and shows an X by the bars08:07
xecuter2only way to fix is a reboot08:07
babijoeexecuter2: i'll be uploading new pacakge08:07
babijoeexecuter2: hrmm i dont usually use my tp for  calling08:07
xecuter2i guess ill be waiting for that then08:07
xecuter2me either lol08:07
xecuter2but i kind of need it08:07
xecuter2i tried calling again and it worked fine :/08:08
Jbruneauxseen someone this morning having a similar issue when playing with sound during a call08:08
xecuter2the other issue i had is ram seemed to go bye bye for some reason, leaving me with 30-40mb free instead of 100-120 off a fresh boot08:08
TheDeadCPU|BRAVONew package?08:08
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOLike soon?08:08
TheDeadCPU|BRAVO'Cause I'm downloading now.08:08
xecuter2a few weeks ago, i could keep the same boot up for a day+ and keep clearing processes and end up with 100+ free every time08:09
Jbruneaux"x2" had an issue during call and lost network08:09
xecuter2someone said not to worry about it, but it does make the phone super slow once it wont free up past 30mb..08:09
xecuter2yea lol08:09
xecuter2thats me08:09
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVOxecuter2, you're x2?08:10
Jbruneauxthat what's i was seein...xé...08:10
Jbruneauxx2 for xecuter2/.//08:10
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOyea lol08:10
x2sorry about that haha08:10
Jbruneauxdoes any one know if I can find some dmesg logs somewhere here ? I'm looking for some logs to collect data for battery08:11
x2babijoee, whats this package going to be called?08:12
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOETA on it?08:13
x2i was going to ask that as well, i might go to sleep now lol08:13
x2ill fresh install with it when i wake up in 6-8 hrs ;/08:14
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: 15-20 mins08:14
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWhat changes are there?08:14
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYou should have a dropbox with those files.08:15
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOSo I could steel the systex.ext2 now.08:15
x2is there any harm in using titanium backup for app backup?08:16
TheDeadCPU|BRAVO'Cause I was going to film now lol08:16
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOShouldn't be.08:16
gladiac_cool, new system.ext is being uploaded :)08:18
babijoee5 mins to go08:18
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOok, I'll wait then :p08:18
x2is it going to be a full install kind of pcake, or just the ext2?08:18
babijoeefull install08:19
babijoeei'll upload stinebd and xdandroid ext afterwards08:19
x2is it the same as me grabbing the v2 beta (latest package) and using the latest files and ext2 with that?08:19
babijoeepretty much08:19
babijoeecept the system.ext208:20
x2ok lol08:20
x2i have all that right here on my desktop08:20
babijoeeif you want just wait for me to upload the system.ext208:20
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWhat's new in the system.ext2?08:20
x2so ill grab your ext as soon as its done08:20
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: optimisations, fixes, added some cmds to remove fsck.rec files updated topaz startup08:20
babijoeex2: yep :)08:20
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOkk, I'll just wait lol08:21
gladiac_yeah, good bye fsck-files08:22
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWhat are the fsck.rec files actually? xD08:23
babijoeenothing useful08:23
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: if you want detailed info you'll have to ask stinebd08:23
x264mb? its done, right?08:24
gladiac_little small, hah?08:24
x2Current Downstream: 1200.41 KBytes/s08:24
gladiac_so you are slowing me down :)08:25
x2i hope not :p08:25
TheDeadCPU|BRAVO1.6mb/s : D08:26
x2Current Downstream: 1507.8 KBytes/s08:27
x2ok, installing this meow..08:27
gladiac_500kbps :/08:27
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI'm down to 600kb/s now lol08:27
phhonly 1.5MB/s ?08:27
phhwow that's slow.08:27
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOphh, I live on the polar circle ffs.08:28
phh(or it's on 3G ?)08:28
x215 mbit ish08:28
phhI've 1.90 :D08:28
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOMy eagles aren't theat fast phh.08:28
phhTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: :D08:28
phhTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: just put them 1.5TB hard drives08:28
phhyou'll have even better bandwidth08:28
x2oh damn, its a full package and all08:28
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI want that damn fiber now.08:29
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWe got fiber into our house, but apperantly it's to expensive for my Network provider.08:29
gladiac_:) the file is like 64MB... no need for fiber for that :P08:30
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOlike, to switch over08:30
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI've allready booted my raph with it.08:30
x2copying files in winmo only goes 1.5MB/s as well08:31
x2which is sad lol08:31
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVOSD card readers ftw08:32
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOAlso, was it nordic_raph for the keyboard layout? lol08:32
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI'll just try that lol08:33
x2ill be back later on and ill let you know how its running babijoee08:33
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOSmall screen is small.08:33
x2thanks again for everything! :p08:34
x2lmao, yea08:34
x2all my friends have droids and droidX's08:34
x2and i have to root them and all08:34
x2its like torture going back to my touch pro08:34
x2but for some strange reason.. i enjoy doing all of this08:34
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI'll test the build. Then shower. Then go out and play with the phone in the sunshine. Then back in and film lol08:36
playdogimme some sunshine!08:36
playdowanna bike, but i think its going to rain after work -.-08:37
playdoand forgot my 2gb card with android on it08:37
* playdo bangs his head to the wall08:38
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI think I'ma go out swimming later.08:38
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThe river is 11c : D08:38
babijoeesounds like you have great weather TheDeadCPU|BRAVO08:38
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWe do have. It's 28c outside.08:39
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThough I hate the it lol08:39
playdoswap with me ^^08:39
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThe river I have is connected to one of the worlds biggest Glaziers so It's cold lol08:39
playdome wants better weather08:42
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI want to start using my Touch Pro again.08:44
playdoshould i use my hermes again? xD08:46
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hojouanyone here tried froyo on DIAM100?08:46
sle118I did on DIAM50008:46
sle118If you want to give it a try, it's easy to backup and go back to 2.108:46
hojouhrm well i'm fighting with this problem that some(all?) apps can't find my sd card (which it doesn't really have) and it won't let me pick ringtones08:46
gladiac_hojou: i'm going to in like 10 minutes08:47
sle118you need to repartition08:47
hojouthe internal storage ("sd card") is one healthy partition according to windows 7 - and i can't see it in linux08:47
sle118download GPARTED live CD08:47
hojousle118: i did - it can't see my diamond :(08:47
sle118windows is crap for this08:47
sle118I ran GPARTED live CD08:48
sle118booted the phone in WINDOWS MOBILE08:48
hojousle118: my diamond shows the usb debugging icon but gparted can only find my hdd on the pc08:48
sle118usb debugging?08:48
hojousle118: trust me, i really considered just partitioning my computers hdd, but resisted....08:48
sle118were you using winmobile on the phone?08:49
hojousle118: the diam100 is running 2.2 and there is an icon (android figure) that aparently means "usb debugging" that shows on the top bar08:49
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOMy navpad is going nuts08:49
hojousle118: i tried winmo as well, but that doesn't seem to work in gparted... perhaps because i never got to pick what mode it was in08:49
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI can't use it....08:50
sle118hojou: leave the phone in windows mobile08:50
sle118boot gparted live cd08:50
hojousle118: am i supposed to run my diamond in winmo when repartitioning with gparted?08:50
sle118connect the phone08:50
sle118refresh device list in gparted08:50
hojouahh ok i'll try again - yeah the phone was already connected when i booted it up - stupid me08:50
sle118I had the same problem08:50
sle118I thought the phone had to be connected08:50
hojouso it was probably in auto-activesync mode08:50
sle118the gparted live cd08:50
sle118supports hot connect08:51
hojouok cool sle118 :)08:51
sle118I had the same issue on the DIAM50008:51
sle118This fixed it08:51
hojouanyways - so i boot up gparted and then i do what? remove and recreate the partition and format it with what? fat32?08:51
sle118make sure you are doing it on the right device ;-)08:52
sle118once the partition is created, format it08:52
hojoui hate that word :Pah right - not on the computers hdd :P08:52
hojouit was so temping yesterday night08:52
sle118BRB gotta reboot my virtual pc08:52
hojouok - i gotta reboot mycomputer as well :)08:53
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gladiac_"chmod 777 /etc/dbus.conf" has been removed from froyo.user.conf08:55
gladiac_is it really not needed anymore?08:55
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babijoeegladiac: nope09:11
TheDeadCPUBRAVO29c outside now.09:12
TheDeadCPUBRAVObabijoee, There is no ice on the River... WTF IS THIS?!09:12
TheDeadCPUBRAVOMy polarbear is not amused.09:15
gladiac_hmm, would it speed xdandroid up or save battery if it was installed on nand?09:16
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TheDeadCPUBRAVOgladiac_, Nah. Not much at least.09:24
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hojouwoot! it totally worked repartitioning my diam100 for froyo use :)09:38
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hojouwb sle118 - partitioning worked :)09:42
babijoeehojou: ofcourse :p09:43
sle118it's all written in the forum09:45
sle118someone would say RTFM09:45
sle118hojou:have fun with 2.209:45
sle118bzo:if you read this, I am also interested in testing any progress on camera front. My device is a DIAM50009:46
sle118babijoee:is is possible to deactivate nagging low battery messages?09:47
babijoeelook at the phhusson wiki09:48
sle118I use Battery Left application, which has a more acurate battery drain profile based on usage09:48
babijoeeit should be in there09:48
babijoeesle118: battery calculation isn't very good09:48
sle118I know09:49
sle118there is an app "Battery Left" that does a pretty good job as a Widget09:49
hojousle118: i did read about it, but somehow i missed a few important points (like diam100 should be in winmo and NOT connected prior to booting up gparted)09:50
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Jbruneauxi'm working on the battery driver to improve it as I found some small problems in it.09:52
sle118hojou:not blaming you.  The info is scattered.  In some other posts, it is mentionned that XDAndroid does not support mass storage mode09:52
sle118jbruneaux:good initiative!09:52
Jbruneauxmain problem is that level is only based on voltage09:52
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Jbruneauxfor the discharge, it's quite reliable (not when hard cpu usage), but when chargin, the voltage first reach 4.2v (the battery is charged at 70%)09:53
Jbruneauxand then the battery charging current decrease09:53
Jbruneauxthe current driver does monitor only the voltage09:53
Jbruneauxi've made severals modifications to the driver base don the disassembly of the winmo driver but I need to collect datas from other users09:54
Jbruneauxthat's why i was asking for dmesg logs on the forum and here09:54
sle118the battery left widget seems to perform an average profile over several days of use since each user has different habits09:54
sle118and different apps refreshing on 3G at different intervals09:55
sle118for ther record, there is an entry for the app here09:55
Jbruneauxyes, but it's datas are collected from the battery driver. if the drivers give wrong datas, the app will work with those datas. even if it can correct the voltage profile, it does not know about current09:56
sle118I would help, but I have an 1800mAh battery forced in my DIAM50009:56
Jbruneauxforced ?09:57
sle118it was made for another DIAM (GSM)09:57
sle118so I buffed the corners to fit it in09:57
hojououch sle118  :P09:57
sle118for $16 it's not so bad09:57
sle118I get a full day now09:57
sle118just no cover :o09:58
Jbruneauxok...but winmo diam driver may not recognize it as a 1800mAh (at least, the diam100 driver has only 900mAh and 1.340mAh batteries profiles)09:58
hojouis that the mugin or something btw?09:58
Jbruneauxif diam500 had a 1800mAh as an option, then you might be lucky09:58
sle118so I'll stick to Battery Left, which does a not so bad job09:59
sle118at least on the voltage profile09:59
sle118babijoee:where is phusson's wiki?09:59
Jbruneauxyuou can rely on it when the phone is not charging09:59
babijoeego through my thread10:00
babijoeeits somewhere in the 3-4 post10:00
JbruneauxI'm still working on the driver to find a good way to compute the battery level10:00
Jbruneauxbut... I need to find some dmesg logs !!10:01
sle118jbruneaux:would mine help at all?10:01
sle118would log collector do the trick to get it?/10:01
hojousle118: do you have facebook sync up and working in 2.2?10:01
sle118did not set it up10:02
sle118but I have several logs in my gmail drafts10:02
Jbruneauxi don't know log collector but if it does retrieves the logs, then it's ok...10:02
hojouit worked in 2.1 but it just lags a bit and returns to sync overview page without any pairing info or anything10:02
JbruneauxThose logs should be ok10:02
sle118here is an example10:02
JbruneauxI need a log that is made just after the device has booted up (the datas I need are in the init process)...but it seems that those logs should be ok10:04
hojouhrm i got the latest package of 2.2 from TheDeadCPUBRAVO but x2 talked me into downgrading lots of stuff because it didn't initially work (might have been the partitioning) perhaps i should try the newst build again10:05
sle118what keyword are you looking for?10:05
Jbruneauxhmmm...something like get_battery_id_detection , init_battery_settings10:05
Jbruneauxand for panel work : toshiba_mddi_enable10:06
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sle118I need to recharge the device for now (it won't boot)10:11
sle118but I'll collect the log as soon as boot is completed10:11
sle118and paste a link here10:11
sle118I am on system 20100725 if that makes any difference10:11
Jbruneauxok. Thanks. you might send it to my mail because I will probably not be online tonight (
sle118will do10:13
sle118anyone still here/10:28
sle118I let my battery drain and now I can't turn on my DIAM500 even connected to USB10:29
sle118if this happens to anyone else, here is how to solve it10:29
sle118remove the battery10:29
sle118unplug USB10:30
sle118hit power10:30
sle118hit reset10:30
sle118put your battery back10:30
sle118connect the charger10:30
sle118wait for the battery to recharge a bit (an hour at least)10:31
sle118power up the device10:31
hojousle118: nasty - what build are you running?10:37
sle118this was the same for 2.1 or 2.210:39
sle118the trouble (I think) is that the battery is so low that when heavy processing starts the current drain is higher than what the USB charger can push10:40
sle118(eg charging + powering up the phone)10:40
sle118even winmo fails to start at this point10:41
sle118jbruneaux:I tried to get the logs as soon as boot completed10:49
sle118jbruneaux:that didn't work well10:50
sle118jbruneaux:nothing from the battery10:50
sle118so I an unsure as to how to get the logs now...10:50
Jbruneauxsorry, was working10:57
Jbruneauxfor the log, the battery info should be at the beginning...but maybe your phone does not use smem battery driver10:57
JbruneauxI use dmesg for the logs, maybe the soft your are usign does get them from an other source10:58
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sle118I opened a shell and typed dmesg>msg.txt11:10
sle118it has additional output11:10
sle118I think11:10
sle118will send it11:10
sle118I did this while waiting for a test scenario to reach my debugger...11:10
sle118battery stuff is there11:14
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sle118[    6.707977] init_battery_settings, VREF=1243, 0.5 VREF=617[    6.719329] init_battery_settings, ADC_A=998, ADC_B=9486[    6.726104] get_battery_id_detection, HTC_SMEM_BATTERY_ID = 0[    6.737670] get_battery_id_detection, batt_id_kohm = 0[    6.743560] get_battery_id_detection, vendor = 1, capacity: 1800[    6.755584] HTC Battery Driver initialized11:15
sle118detected the correct capacity11:15
sle118but battery id=0 with the 1800mAh11:15
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Jbruneauxthanks, i will save it and have a look at it11:25
WisTilt2phh you got time to check a few lines of code?11:29
sle118jbruneaux: interesting enough, the stock battery for the DIAM500 was also reported as 1800mAh after I rebooted with it?!?11:30
WisTilt2in board-htcrhodium-audio.c - i2c_read sub...11:31
sle118jbruneaux: here is the link to dmesg with stock battery11:32
WisTilt2looks like tpa2016 not getting initialized.  why is .flags - .buf being set with different values?11:32
Jbruneauxbecause the driver is only coded for 1800 and 1340 batteries capacities and that those values are just printed values...I will also save this one11:33
sle118[    4.348083] init_battery_settings, VREF=1242, 0.5 VREF=615[    4.359222] init_battery_settings, ADC_A=996, ADC_B=12968[    4.365905] get_battery_id_detection, HTC_SMEM_BATTERY_ID = 0[    4.377288] get_battery_id_detection, batt_id_kohm = 0[    4.383148] get_battery_id_detection, vendor = 1, capacity: 1800[    4.394927] HTC Battery Driver initialized11:33
phhWisTilt2: different value than what ?11:33
sle118what are there balues? ADC_A=996, ADC_B=1296811:33
phhWisTilt2: anyway that's the same code used in every I2C driver11:34
Jbruneauxthe batt_id = 0 is quite strange. Those values are for ADC correction but are not used at the moment. In the driver disassembly, they are used only in certain condition11:34
Jbruneauxthat I couldn't trace for the moment11:34
phhWisTilt2: like microp-klt.c11:34
WisTilt2.buf = &addr is throwing a incompatible pointer type error11:34
phhhum yeah should be a char11:35
phhnot just unsigned11:35
phhshouldn't change anything though (and it's not like I actually tested this driver... but yes indeed)11:35
WisTilt2we are getting numerious msm_i2c errors when tpa2016 is being initialized.11:35
WisTilt2tpa's agc, gain, etc., are all throwing data errors.11:36
phh[    1.203735] Error: Driver 'rhodium_audio' is already registered, aborting...11:37
WisTilt2it also looks like tpa_probe isnt completing correctly and _dat.tpa2016 is null on return.11:37
phhthere is some I2C driver naming problem11:39
phhbut still11:39
phhthe speaker code works perfectly for me11:39
phhno i2c error, and speaker actually work11:40
WisTilt2?? you're not getting msm_i2c errors?11:40
phhWisTilt2: perhaps your device doesn't have tpa2016 ?11:41
WisTilt2don't all tilt2's?11:41
phhI'd guess so but if you get errors, they have to come for a reason ...11:41
phh(I just pushed warning fix and the fix of i2c driver names)11:42
WisTilt2we're getting these errors with the unmodified source from the repo.  only thing we have in there are some pr_info lines to check values.11:42
WisTilt2we're getting all 10 attempt errors "i2c_read_block retry blah blah"11:43
phhuh ? you enable/disable rhod's speaker on the fly ?11:44
WisTilt2no in startup for now11:44
phhwell I've never tried this code more than 3 times ...11:44
phhso I won't bet it works at all time11:45
phhbut it never failed for me11:45
phhphh @ phh-desktop ~ % adb wait-for-device shell dmesg |grep i2c11:45
phh[    0.736633] msm_i2c_probe11:45
phh[    0.736816] msm_i2c_probe: clk_ctl 35d, 100000 Hz11:45
phh[    1.904907] i2c /dev entries driver11:45
phh[    2.023681] bma150: Initializing BMA150 over i2c driver at addr: 0x3811:45
phhphh @ phh-desktop ~ %11:46
phhand speaker does indeed work11:46
sle118phh: where is your wiki?  I would like to read about disabling the nagging low battery popup message. the wiki pointed at on xda-developers is down11:47
WisTilt2phh: let me get a dump on my phone and compare.11:50
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xdandroidNew kernel available (20100729_174702) at
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hamagcgood morning guys12:02
WisTilt2phh: you have the version set to 0 in audmgr correct?12:05
WisTilt2hi hamagc12:05
hamagchi wistilt212:06
hamagchow goes it this morning?12:06
WisTilt2so far so good as long as it stays quiet around the office so i can work on this stuff.12:06
hamagclol i hear ya, so i was noticing lastnight that my volume controls are not working as you mentioned on raph80012:07
hamagcbut i see that they are on the raph11012:07
WisTilt2that's with the zimage from yesterday?12:08
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phhWisTilt2: no12:26
phhsle118: dev wiki is htc-linux.org12:26
phhif it appears down to you12:26
phhjust change dns12:26
WisTilt2phh: how are you getting speaker without audmgr svc running?12:28
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phhWisTilt2: calls ?12:29
phhaudmgr is needed only for "software" sound, not for calls12:29
WisTilt2ah ok.  so you're not saying you have speaker with the dsp driving it.12:30
WisTilt2just routing call audio to it12:30
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phhI just mean that the speaker work.12:31
WisTilt2btw, back on the irq issue... have you trapped irq 23 at all?12:31
phhon wince they do trigger (thanks haret)12:31
phhbut nothing at all in linux12:31
phhon a side note, I think 6125 is the only supported adsp rev that uses INT_ADSP_A9_A11 rather than INT_ADSP_A1112:32
phhI'd say that we need to tell the A9 we actually want to get this irq12:33
WisTilt2have you or anyone hooked irq 23 in linux to see if there is any trigger any time at all?12:33
phhof course12:33
phhback to the sidenote.12:34
phhin irq.c12:34
WisTilt2ah, so A9 is sets it up then... what you need is the cmd to make it happen on A9 then?12:34
phhthere is something for ADSP_A9_A1112:35
phhnot ADSP_A1112:35
phhthat would mean they don't work the same way12:37
phhI hadn't checked that before ...12:37
WisTilt2point me to the area you're talking about in irq.c12:38
phhthe msm_irq_to_msm table12:38
WisTilt2we have the data on the processor we can look at.12:38
MrObviousAny idea why the screen keyboard doesn't seem as calibrated as in 2.1? I still haven't got a definitive answer.12:42
sle118anyone willing to help filtering that nagging low battery notification?12:44
sle118I did my homework12:44
sle118did not find anything yet12:44
sle118lots of entries for winmo12:45
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sle118htc_battery_smem.fake=1 ??12:49
sle118what is the conseqence of using that trick?12:50
hamagcTurn off Low Battery Warning cmdline - "htc_battery_smem.fake=1"12:52
hamagcoh, a minute late12:52
sle118what does this exactly do?12:54
sle118eg will this affect a program like ~Battery Left~12:54
sle118which relies on readings from teh battery?12:54
phhsle118: just always say AC is online12:55
sle118I see12:56
sle118I will keep the nagging12:57
sle118so I get a real reading from the widget12:57
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phhWisTilt2: I've found your 'bip' on sound change13:15
phhsound activating13:15
phhor whatever13:15
phhit's just that audpptask is activated, which makes the ADSP configure its analog output13:15
phhwhich make discontinuous voltage on the speaker13:16
phhwell that's just a guess13:16
phhbut I experience it too when I enable speaker13:17
WisTilt2you talking about the tone?13:17
phhand before activating sound, the speaker is noisy, after it it's not13:17
WisTilt2yeah, if you listen real close after it stops you can here faint white noise still so speaker pwr is still on.13:17
WisTilt2prior to that you can hear bus noise13:18
WisTilt2just for a test we just tried changing from irq 23 to 22, which isn't used on this device.  still coming up as 23 even though we set it to 22.13:19
WisTilt2and you dont happen to know why fake irq 5 is disabled do you?  it references i2c so just curious.13:20
WisTilt2phh: check out line 468 in adsp.c btw. function handle_adsp_rtos_mtoa_app looks like mixed declaration? meant to pass that on yesterday.13:25
phhirq is enabled only when needed13:33
phhmixed declaration ?13:33
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WisTilt2irq is still registered regardless.  /proc/interrupts adsp=23 even though we changed it to 22.13:35
phhwhere did you change it ?13:35
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WisTilt2irqs.h commented out A11 which was 22, changed A9_A11 to 2213:36
WisTilt2where they are defined13:36
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phhWisTilt2: it shouldn't even build oO13:36
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WisTilt2it does:)13:37
phhthen it's not the file used13:37
phhI can confirm that commentint out A11 make it not build.13:37
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WisTilt2built fine13:39
phhif we're not using the same kernel, it's not going to work13:40
phharch/arm/mach-msm/qdsp5/adsp.c:836: error: 'INT_ADSP_A11' undeclared (first use in this function)13:40
WisTilt2did you comment out line 45 in irqs.h and got that?13:41
jonpryshouldn't that be A9_11?13:41
phhWisTilt2: yes13:41
phhjonpry: we do runtime choice13:41
phhbased on detected amss version13:41
WisTilt2ok then something isnt right.  if you define A9_A11 to 22 and A_11 to 23 just for kicks, why does the registered irq in /proc still show A9_A11 as 23?13:43
phhWisTilt2: well if we don't even agree on the effect of the commenting out this line13:43
phhit's already problematic13:43
WisTilt2we're both using the kernel off the gitorious repo right?13:44
phhafaik yes13:44
WisTilt2let me re-clone and comment A11 out again...13:44
WisTilt2im really impressed with whatever backbone gitorious uses.  pulling down at over 70mbps. dont see many sites that'll do that.13:47
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phhspeaker on when this thing is using 2G is funny.14:01
phh 22:          0         msm  adsp14:01
phhWisTilt2: works fine here when changing irqs.h14:01
WisTilt2phh: yes, we hadn't actually saved the .h file. we are no longer getting the msm_i2d data errors but havne't changed anything.  msm_i2c_probe: clk_ctl 35d, 100000 Hz and BMA150 initializing now so beats me.14:05
sle118is wpa Wi-Fi supposed to work?14:09
sle118on 2.2?14:09
sle118it does14:10
WisTilt2using wpa2 here and works fine14:10
sle118just tested14:10
sle118the app installer just didn`t like me enabling wifi in the middle of an install14:10
sle118anyone tried PSX4Droid?14:10
sle118PSP Emulator14:11
thedicemasternot in market for me :(14:11
thedicemasterand it won't do PSP14:11
sle118I am trying to install from within appbrain.com14:12
sle118just got an error14:12
sle118the requested item could not be found14:12
sle118this sucks14:13
phhsle118: it's said to need neon instructions14:13
hamagcand opengl2?14:16
sle118so I guess MSM7K does not support that instruction set14:18
WisTilt2phh: what phones use amss versions 5225, 6150 and 6210?14:21
hamagcsle118: no, sucks14:23
phhWisTilt2: we support only 5225 (black/raph/diam gsm), 6150 (raph/diam cdma) and 6125 (topaz/rhodium)14:25
WisTilt2so on the 5225 and 6150 devices sound is working fine right?14:27
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WisTilt2well i dont see how that's possible, assuming they're using this same build.  INT_ADSP_A11 is not setup anywhere in msm_irq_to_smsm, thus there would be irq.14:30
WisTilt2be no irq*14:31
phhthere are different types of irqs :p14:31
phhthere are the ones that can wake up from idle/sleep and the others for example14:32
phhI still don't understand all the subtilities behind that though14:33
phhand I've really no doc about that14:34
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WisTilt2dont get your hopes up but we may have found the problem...going to make a change and see if my "smart employees" know what they're talking about!  They enjoy showing the old man up when they can.14:38
phhoh don't worry, i've got this enjoyment concerning sound many times.14:40
sle118How do one troubleshoot the installation failure of an app?14:40
sle118done that14:41
phhand ?14:41
sle118Package install from content://downloads/download/23 failed: Unknown reason -1814:41
sle118how about this error14:42
sle118 E/Vold    ( 1209): Error creating imagefile (No such file or directory)14:42
sle11807-29 14:35:32.410 E/Vold    ( 1209): Error creating imagefile (No such file or directory)14:43
sle11807-29 14:35:32.410 E/Vold    ( 1209): ASEC image file creation failed (No such file or directory)14:43
sle11807-29 14:35:32.420 E/PackageHelper( 2429): Failed to create secure container smdl2tmp114:43
sle11807-29 14:35:32.420 E/DefContainer( 2429): Failed to create container smdl2tmp114:43
sle11807-29 14:35:32.560 D/MediaScannerService( 1406): IMediaScannerService.scanFile: /sdcard/download/downloadfile-1.apk mimeType: application/
sle11807-29 14:35:32.640 D/dalvikvm( 1233): GC_EXPLICIT freed 11464 objects / 546512 bytes in 220ms14:43
sle11807-29 14:35:32.730 D/vending ( 2328): [7] LocalAssetDatabase.notifyListener(): 5972884208432727470 / INSTALL_FAILED14:43
sle11807-29 14:35:32.790 D/vending ( 2328): [7] VendingNotificationManager.showNotification(): Showing notification: [AssetID=5972884208432727470, NotificationID=-1611541633, Title=Google Sky Map, Message=Installation unsuccessful.]14:43
sle118does this ring any bell?14:44
sle118This is the install of google sky map14:45
phhnot really14:45
sle118I had the same issue from packagehelper for another install14:45
phh well i'd say something's wrong with app2sd14:46
hamagcmay be of interest sle11814:47
phh(google sky fits the "insanely large" profile)14:49
phhWisTilt2: so ?14:54
WisTilt2In the process of compiling...14:54
hamagcphh what are we missing for led on cdma devices?14:58
phhwhich led ?14:58
phhactual infos14:58
phhlike gpio dump14:58
hamagchmm k14:58
hamagcanything i can do to get you the info?14:59
phhgoogle haret documentation15:00
phhand search in the page for gpio stuff15:00
NeoMatrixJRWisTilt2/phh: has the htc_hw.call_vol been linked to the volume buttons? (do the buttons actually work?) and similar q: does the handsfree work via software or by cmd line only?15:01
phhNeoMatrixJR: no15:01
phhcmdline only15:01
NeoMatrixJRand are those changes for rhod?15:02
hamagcneomatrixjr: i have seen reports that raph110 has volume buttons working, i do not on my raph80015:02
phhall boards15:02
hamagcand diam500 does not either15:02
phhhamagc: for incall ?15:02
phhi doubt that15:02
hamagcyes, let me find where it was stated15:02
NeoMatrixJRok, I will have to update my kernel then and try it out.15:02
phhanyway it's time to get my moto back15:03
hamagcunholy said it was working yesterday15:03
NeoMatrixJRoh, also, is there a command  line option for turning on the rhod keyboard backlight or do we not have that one sorted out yet?15:04
hamagcn.m not unholy, mrobvious15:04
MrObvioushamagc: What was working?15:04
MrObviousI'm lost.15:04
hamagcyou in call volume buttons15:04
phhMrObvious: volume buttons for incall sound15:04
hamagcWisTilt2if too loud you can add the startup.txt changes to turn it down but most say this level is nice.19:4815:04
hamagcMrObviousYeah. Or I could just use the volume keys to turn it down. lol19:4815:04
hamagcWisTilt2no, they dont work yet.19:4815:04
hamagcMrObviousThey do for me.19:4815:04
hamagcWisTilt2at least on rhodium19:4915:04
hamagcWisTilt2what phone?19:4915:04
MrObviousOh. Yeah they do. I am trying to find a keyboard that works good.15:04
MrObviousSorry I thought you were talking about that.15:04
WisTilt2phh: ok we now see why the adsp irq isn't triggering.  msm_adsp_probe is never being call, which requests the irq for adsp. we need to trace this but my guess is it's dying in msm_adsp_enable somewhere.15:04
phhI can't see how it could work ..15:04
MrObviousphh: It does here.15:05
hamagclol 0_o15:05
MrObviousI hate trying to type on the onscreen keyboard because it doesn't seem to push the exact keys I want and I've tried and tried to recalibrate my screen.15:06
MrObviousWhat do y'all use?15:06
hamagcweird, i haven't really noticed anything like that. my g/f has a diam500 and likes the kb better than in winmo15:06
MrObviousIt seems inaccurate for me. IDK why.15:06
MrObviousI used to fly on Eclair but Froyo has been bad.15:07
hamagcfat fingers? lol15:07
hamagchmm that could be it15:07
MrObviousI do have them yeah lol.15:07
hamagci haven't put her on froyo yet15:07
hamagci keep wanting to but shes being a pain about it lol15:07
MrObviousI like Froyo because more actually works on it than Eclair.15:07
hamagcshe doesn't want to update everything again. i told it it's easier now but ehh15:07
hamagci'm going to poll gpios and pastebin it, hopefully it will he of use?15:08
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MrObviousFor me?15:08
hamagcfor ph15:08
MrObviousIs there a way to get the Eclair keyboard on Froyo?15:08
hamagcis there a  difference? other than feel?15:08
hamagci think it's the same kb no?15:09
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MrObviousIt types random letters and isn't as responsive.15:09
NeoMatrixJRsystem updates != xdandroid tweet?15:09
MrObviousLike it always wants to do the letter next to the one I am typing.15:09
WisTilt2phh: did you see my last before you got disconnected?15:10
WisTilt2about the irq?15:10
TheDeadCPU|BRAVORendering a XDAndroid vid right now.15:10
phh[21:06:32] <WisTilt2> phh: ok we now see why the adsp irq isn't triggering.  msm_adsp_probe is never being call, which requests the irq for adsp. we need to trace this but my guess is it's dying in msm_adsp_enable somewhere.15:11
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WisTilt2msm_adsp_enable is executing the probe isn't.15:11
phhprobe is called when device rs3000000a:00000000 is declared15:12
WisTilt2not here its not.  we trapped the probe sub and it never get hit.15:13
phhWisTilt2: well the answer is easy15:14
phhif adsp appears in /proc/interrupts15:14
phhthen it has been called15:14
phhand it actually appears.15:14
phhit seems like you really have compilation problems uh15:15
WisTilt2check to see if you actually are getting "request_irq()" executed.  you'll find its never called.15:17
hamagccrap, i can't run haretconsol in windows can i?15:17
MrObvioushamagc: Any ideas?15:17
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MrObviousI'm getting frustrated and I have to keep going to WM just to text. I don't have the luxury of a hardware kb.15:17
hamagcn/m i see it.i'm just blind.15:17
hamagcmrobvious, try another kb like slideit to see if it does anything different15:18
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WisTilt2phh: and adsp_info.xxxx never gets MSM_AD5_BASE15:18
sle118regarding applkication install errors15:19
sle118like Google Sky Map15:19
sle118Looks like they have the same issue on the Hero15:19
sle118kernel related15:19
sle118something about DM_CRYPT15:20
sle118anyone could have a look at this?15:21
sle118or should I log this somethere so it gets forgotten in the abyss ?15:21
sle118seems like a fix was committed15:22
NeoMatrixJRphh: (don't know if you missed this one when u got kicked): oh, also, is there a command  line option for turning on the rhod keyboard backlight or do we not have that one sorted out yet?15:22
phhNeoMatrixJR: not coded yet15:22
phhnot even traced I think15:22
phhsle118: yeah APP2SD.15:23
phhthat shouldn't be the problem15:23
sle118you think that this app is setup not to install outside some specific devices?15:24
phhWisTilt2: [    1.182495] PPPPPPLLLLLOOOOPPPPPPPPPP15:24
phhright after request_irq15:24
phhI seriouly have no clue what the hell are you doing, but you perhaps should get some rest.15:24
NeoMatrixJR?! what the....15:24
WisTilt2phh: lol but did you manually call that or get that when playing a sound?15:25
phhat boot15:25
phhthe probe is called at boot15:25
WisTilt2We are not seeing msm_adsp_probe ever called.  I'm going to get some lunch and come back to this with a fresh mind and go through it without my hotshot programmers for a bit.15:27
phhmsm_adsp_probe is called at boot, like it's expected to ..15:28
MrObvioushamagc: Nothing. Odd. I give up.15:32
hamagchmm have you refreshed everything since going to froyo? data.img, etc...15:32
MrObviousI'm frustrated with it. Back to WM.15:33
hamagchmm if i can think of anything else i will let you know15:34
NeoMatrixJRMrObvious, have you re-calibrated? (still on keyboard issue right?)15:34
MrObviousNeoMatrixJR: Yup. Multiple times.15:34
MrObviousI gotta go. Maybe if anyone has any more ideas lemme know.15:35
thedicemasterMrObvious: wait for the "psychic" can't-typo kb? (forgot the name)15:40
phhnot psychic, just physic ...15:41
phh(ie take the keys that are the nearer)15:41
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOfml, was filming, then the first boot I got bootloop, then second boot I forgot to delte Ts-Calibration then 3 and 4 boot i got Kernel panic.15:45
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI'll film it tomoro instead.15:45
hamagcphh: - haretconsole log while i am switching the flash on and off15:56
hamagcis there anyway to make it write to a log instead of just displaying everything? dos won't let me see it all lol15:56
phhtotal flood and not a single output15:57
hamagclike watch gpios 2 > gpioslog.log?15:57
phhibit useless irqs/gpio ?15:57
hamagcgimmie a few, i have to ignore 162-175 it looks like lol15:59
LeTamahamagc: haret create a log file (well, not always, but sometime it works)15:59
hamagcoh look at that15:59
phh hamagcyeah that's usb15:59
LeTamahamagc: you can also have more lines in your win prompt15:59
hamagci found it15:59
phhLeTama: or use haretconsole15:59
LeTamaphh: oh, yeah, meant haretconsole16:00
NeoMatrixJRphh: where are the htc_hw.snd_vol and .handsfree in /sys?16:00
phhNeoMatrixJR: /sys/module/htc_hw/parameters16:00
phhcould be not working.16:00
NeoMatrixJRphh, oh I was looking in /sys/class/htc_hw16:01
phhna it's the right one16:01
phhNeoMatrixJR: hehe16:01
phhsorry for the faint :p16:01
LeTamaphh, you know if xdandroid froyo branch builds fine ? I have a circular build problem16:01
phhdon't know16:02
phhI care only about kernel :p16:02
LeTamaphh: ok :)16:02
LeTamatss tss, tss, not always, saw your name on few things there ;)16:02
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NeoMatrixJRecho 1 > /sys/module/htc_hw/parameters/handsfree did nothing16:03
phhLeTama: true but shut :p16:04
phhNeoMatrixJR: 1 is the default setting -_-'16:04
hamagc - log, i think it's still all flood16:04
NeoMatrixJR(I assume that's supposed to activate speaker?)16:04
NeoMatrixJRsomething crashed my phone....16:04
phhno it's not.16:05
phhto activate the speaker, you have to do external.rhod_speaker=1 and then select speaker in dialer16:05
NeoMatrixJRso what does activating the handsfree do?16:05
phhdifferent profile16:06
phhyou won't use the same acoustic things for short range and high range16:06
* NeoMatrixJR confused...will wait until feature is all rolled into the GUI for now.16:07
phhor wait for android to fix their stupid bugs.16:07
NeoMatrixJRphh: is that likely to happen on 2.6.27?16:08
phhandroid fix their bugs ?16:08
phherr not really.16:08
NeoMatrixJR(I think that's the kern we're still on)16:08
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hamagcgpios in2: in2-17(241)=116:09
hamagcis that it?16:09
phhyou want some outs16:10
phhnot ins16:10
phhNeoMatrixJR: it just requires a trivial change in libaudio actually16:10
x2so far 2.1 hasnt crashed or anything on me.. yet..16:11
x2overclocked to 70016:11
hamagchmm, looking it over all i see is in's16:12
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hamagcgar i'll have to play more with it later, time to run to an appt16:14
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m_a_r_kre: external.rhod_speaker=1 -- can I set that in a command shell after booting, or does it only work during boot via command line parms?16:21
phhcan be changed on the fly16:21
phhwith more or less success16:21
m_a_r_khow do i change it on the fly? not sure what command(s) to use16:22
phhecho 1 or 0 > /sys/module/external/parameters/rhod_speaker16:22
NeoMatrixJRworked on the fly for me16:23
NeoMatrixJRwill the vol params being worked on clear up the "fuzz" that comes across the speaker when not in use?16:24
* NeoMatrixJR always forgets to set "back" on irc...16:24
m_a_r_kdoes force_headset work yet?16:26
NeoMatrixJRphh: what did you mean here: NeoMatrixJR: it just requires a trivial change in libaudio actually16:37
phhNeoMatrixJR: in current android's when changing volume, there is nothing reported back to kernel16:37
phhwe just need to add an ioctl there to change that16:37
phhm_a_r_k: yes it works16:37
phh=1 doesn't work for all machines though16:37
m_a_r_kphh: does it work on rhodium?16:38
phhonly =2 for rhodium16:38
NeoMatrixJR=2 on rhod does ?16:39
m_a_r_kphh: so force_headset=2 works on rhodium?16:39
NeoMatrixJRsorry does ? = does what?16:39
phhforce headset16:39
phhno autodetection16:40
NeoMatrixJRoh, extUSB headset?16:40
NeoMatrixJRok, what does /sys/module/snd16:42
NeoMatrixJRok, what does /sys/module/snd/parameters/stupid_android do?16:43
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m_a_r_klooks to me like it helps enable in-call external speaker on non-rhodium devices - i could be wrong though16:45
m_a_r_ki tried force_headset=2 on Rhodium, with a USB headset jack plugged in, and I don't get any audio in a call. Hmmm. could be my headset I guess.16:46
phhNeoMatrixJR: hard to explain16:48
phhit's about mute stuff16:49
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phhbasically there is a kernel function that android uses16:53
phhset_device(<id of device>, <output on>, <input on>);16:53
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phh*but* according to android sources, the output refers only to handset ! even if the device is speaker !16:53
phhso stupid_android enables this behaviour16:54
phhdespite it's totally stupid16:54
phhon those worlds, good night.16:54
MrObviousI'm back and still frustrated. lol17:01
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MrVanxanyone know if the dormancy setting in froyo can be changed during runtime (and not that it must be set during build?)17:18
hamagcello fellas17:20
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x2fuckim dumb18:16
x2i was wondering why deep sleep wasnt working18:16
x2turns out i forgot to setup led effects18:16
hamagci saw a report that gps was no longer killing deepsleep, can anyone else confim this?18:43
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hamagci do seem to have that luck. my gps is still killing deepsleep18:59
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hamagcheh, sure enough, as soon as i hit that gps button to turn it off, boom! deepsleep19:17
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hamagclol. people are yelling about memory issues on the vzw touch pro. i don't get it.19:25
hamagcok guys, goodnight...19:33
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jjj95695hey guys is the hardware in the HTC Aria probably the closest to the HTC Pure?20:14
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cardyologyhey guys,  little advice needed20:28
cardyologycurrently trying to upgrade my girlfriends uk tmobile G1. Its currnetly running cyanogen 4.1.x.x, CM 1.4 recovery, HBOOT - 0.95.3000, & radio -
cardyologywaht i need to know, is should my first step be to update the CM1.4 recovery to the Amon_ra image?20:32
cardyologyupdate recovery cm1.4 -> Amon ra 1.7 ---> flash dangerSPL ----- > flashe CM5 or CM620:46
cardyologysound correct?20:46
sle118cardyology:wrong channel20:56
sle118this is dedicated to msm7k (eg HTC Touch Diamond) port20:57
cardyologywhich channel would be best?20:57
sle118it`s olk!20:57
sle118not sure20:57
sle118good luck anyways20:57
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booidoes anybody know how to resign the official FRF91 with test-keys?22:10
booii've got a development build on a phone and i'd like to update to the retail build.22:11
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