Sunday, 2010-07-18

ReefermattnessQuick question, is kernel/package for HD2 same as main Raph/Rhod package, or do they use a diff branch?00:00
Unholythey are very diferent, raph uses 2.6.27 and hd2 uses 2.6.3200:01
ReefermattnessThank you Unholy, just having a little get together, and I wanted to show a friend on his HD2 Froyo.00:02
* MrObvious is giddy.00:03
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WaranHi I am using HTC Touch 2, which startup.txt file i shoud use?05:08
Waranplease help!05:09
thedicemasterdon't think it's supported.05:11
Waranthere is an error it says terminating haret due to unhandled exception05:12
WaranHTC Touch 2  RAM 256 ROM 512 Qualcomm 7225 Proccesor, this is an latest hardware05:13
thedicemasterqualcomm 7225 is the problem.05:13
Waranwhy 7225 is problem?05:13
thedicemasterall devices supported by xdandroid have 7200A or 7201A05:13
WaranWhat should i do?05:14
Waranto run android05:14
phhport android on it ?05:14
thedicemasterbuy an android phone.05:14
Waranyou are saying its is impossible05:14
Waranany other different ideas05:15
phhoh no it's quite easy, just that everything has to be redone05:15
thedicemasterit's not really impossible, just something you can't do on your own.05:15
Waranwell phh can explain it more05:15
Warancan you explain it more phh05:15
phhWaran: whatr do you want me to explain ?05:16
phhEVERYTHING we did has to be redone05:16
phhsince it's another SoC05:16
WaranYou mean the source code05:16
phhunless you write drivers directly through binary code, yes05:17
thedicemasterSystem-on a-Chip05:17
phhthat one05:17
Waranwill there be any future support for 7225 processor05:17
phhit will depend on the demand05:17
phhcurrently there aren't many phones using this chip05:18
phhand I don't think there will be more later05:18
Waranwhy there wont any more later?05:18
thedicemasternew phones use faster cpu's05:18
phhbecause it's a poor chipset ?05:18
Waranis there anyother mobile os i can run on my phone05:19
thedicemasterdoubt it.05:19
Waranthanks for your support05:20
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MatzeminkHi there.. I've got a question: phh has merged kovsky kernel into xdandroid kernel.. but the release from babijoee (2.2) still doesn't work (with newest zimage and rootfs of course)07:33
phhdefine doesn't work ?07:34
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MatzeminkIt boots android, you can see the topbar of android gui a short time.. then it reboots automatically07:34
MatzeminkThere is also a little headline beneath the topbar called "Android System"07:35
Matzeminkon grey background^^07:36
Matzeminkbeneath that a black screen with nothin on it07:36
MatzeminkAnd with topbar I mean the normal one with signal strength, battery and clock07:37
MatzeminkAlso tried the brand new system.ext2 from stinebd.. but it's the same07:44
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Matzemink.. so do you know what's wrong there?08:13
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Deltatristar500hi all, first time on this site, very nice12:36
Deltatristar500just curious to know if development has started on getting the camera to work on 2.2?  Love how fast  this build is even on my older Sprint HTC Touch Pro12:39
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thedicemasterDeltatristar500: some attempts have been made, but nothing noticable on the user end yet.13:24
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MrVanxSilly question but how long does a make normally take?14:01
CazHthat really depends on what you are building...14:02
CazHif you make a hello world program then only a few seconds....14:02
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phhstinebd: would you mind helping someone to create a vendor tree for acer liquid ?14:20
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phazeiquick question i didn't see in the faq.  once it's installed, does it overwrite WM, or does it always need to be launched from within WM?14:33
CazHxdandroid changes nothing14:33
CazHso always from windows14:33
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* MrVanx apologises, the IRC chat applet didnt let him type any more14:34
phazeioh cool, so i can use both :) thanks14:35
GlemSomJust as a test, I tried to modify /init to mount without flush, and with async (to improve performance, at the cost of loosing data of battery dies...). But, seems my mount-options are completely ignore... Are mounts like /sdcard remounted somewhere else too ?14:44
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phhasync and withouot flush is default setting14:45
GlemSomdoesn't flush set "sync" on ?14:46
phh-osync on sdcard would be totally suicidal in term of performances and would kill sdcard14:46
phhGlemSom: well I'm not sure what you mean with flush14:46
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GlemSomflush is advices NOT to be used on stuff like CF cards and stuff, to prevent too many write/reads..14:47
GlemSom       flush  If set, the filesystem will try to flush to disk more early than14:48
GlemSom              normal.  Not set by default.14:48
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phhasynchronous "sync" option then14:49
phhright, so no flush and async are default settings14:49
GlemSomAnd we currently override the default setting forcing "flush"... Which I would like to turn off, as a test.14:52
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Unholyphh any idea what the end of this dmesg means?, or y it does that, its CM3.2 based on donut i just took the system folder and made it a ext2 img to boot form my raph11014:57
phhUnholy: it means nothing14:57
phhjust that the phone is keeping awake14:58
Unholyhmm but y is it doing that, thats the kernel booting up, it just loops that14:59
phhthe kernel works fine.14:59
Unholythen its the system folder?14:59
phhwhat would you expect else ... ?15:00
phhor perhaps incompatible rootfs15:00
phhit's systemserver that loops15:01
phhask logcat15:01
phhor perhaps incompatible rootfs15:01
phhhum wrong chan for last sentence15:01
Unholyso i should try an older one?15:01
phhyeah no ouch15:01
phh(damn I totally messing two chans at the same time -_-')15:01
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phhgengaro: hello ! :p15:02
Unholybtw logcat dosent pick the wake lock issue15:02
phhUnholy: wake lock issue ?15:02
Unholypick up*15:02
gengaroehi phh nice to see you15:02
Unholyyea the loop im talking about15:02
Unholyrequest_suspend_state: wakeup15:02
phhUnholy: ah you call that an issue ?15:02
Unholyand its wakeup my bad15:02
Unholywell yes? y would it not be XD15:02
phhit just keeps the system awake until it actually boots :p15:03
Unholyit never boots =P15:03
phhthat's what I'm saying.15:03
phhsee logcat.15:03
Unholyok will do15:03
Unholyah log is spuing something worthwile15:05
Unholyffs windows wont let me copy paste the damn cmd window15:07
Unholyhere it is phh, logcat
phhE/dalvikvm( 1235): ERROR: no valid entries found in bootclasspath '/system/frame15:08
phhUnholy: you need to change the bootclasspath in the init.rc15:08
phhUnholy: see the init.rc from the original rom15:08
Unholywere is that? in the root of the system folder?15:08
Unholyah ok15:09
Unholythx a bunch phh, this really helps15:09
Unholycant find bootclasspatch in init15:13
phhUnholy: init.rc15:14
phhI said.15:14
phhand it's BOOTCLASSPATH actually15:14
Unholythere is a int.rc but it s alink file15:15
Unholyim gessing it looks for it in the system img15:16
phhit's in rootfs15:16
phhbut there are many different init.rc in rootfs15:16
Unholyah ok15:16
Unholyi found it15:16
Unholyits init.donut.rc15:16
Unholythats the one im supposed to edit right15:16
Unholyok i found the line, what should i change, or do i need the system folder for reference as to were the bootclasspath should look for?15:18
phhyou need the boot.img as reference15:19
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Unholyphh im getting a error while trying to mount the boot.img15:26
phhUnholy: because it's not mountable ? :p15:26
phhUnholy: google for unpack-bootimg.pl15:26
Unholydo i need perl for the scripts?15:30
Unholyor does that alredy come with ubuntu? phh15:30
phhthat comes with it15:30
Unholywtf script looks for boot.img.gz but i have boot.img15:31
phhlol ?15:31
phhun got **un** pack and not **re** pack ?15:31
Unholyyes unpack15:32
phhhum hum15:32
Unholyim gona try using it in terminal15:33
Unholygot it15:34
Unholyphh: hmm init.rc from bootimg and init.rc from rootfs have the same bootclasspath 0o15:36
phhUnholy: bah.15:36
phhlet me look again at logcat15:36
Unholythere it is phh15:37
phhUnholy: mkdir /cache; mkdir /cache/dalvik-cache ?15:37
Unholyyou want me to make thos folders, inside system?15:40
phhinside rootfs15:44
Unholyhmm ok15:44
bzophh: do you remember cr2 saying that we should disconnect rpc servers on haret boot?15:46
xdandroidNew kernel available (20100718_213746) at
phhbzo: yeah15:47
phhbut i'm not going to play with haret :p15:47
bzodo you know which ones to disconnect?15:47
bzoor is that something that has to be reverse engineered15:48
phhneed to be "read" from the table15:48
bzois there any existing code that is an example of this?15:49
phhbzo: check adsp code15:49
phhit's a commented part15:49
phhto find cid or something like that15:50
bzook thx, seems like something good to look at15:50
bzowho knows what side effects not doing this is causing?15:50
phhno clue15:51
bzodoes this have to been done in haret, or can we do it on kernel startup?15:51
phhbzo: the code I'm talking about is qdsp5/adsp.c around line 96015:51
phhwe can do it on kernel setup15:51
phhin smd_rpcrouter, before the actual init15:51
phhfor example15:51
bzoah, seems better than messing with haret :)15:52
bzoanyways, had no luck with enabling camera on the diam500 so I am going to mess with something else for a while15:53
phhyou mean you couldn't talk to camera ?15:54
phhwhat did you try yet ?15:54
bzonope, vreg didn't help15:54
bzoalso, I can enable vreg, but trying to set level causes dex timeout15:55
phhthe wiki doesn't mention any level15:55
bzoI tried, just enabling first, then tried the levels that you tried that you reverted15:55
phhI tried levels ... ?15:56
phhwait, why did I try vregs again15:57
bzoyeah you did, just blindly poking around? :p15:57
bzoalthough the wiki mentions 1,3,6 and you had 1,3,515:58
phhyou're sure gp1/gp5/gp3 are 1/5/3 ?15:58
phh1=wlan, 3=gp2, 6=gp315:59
bzoI think the wiki documents the actual index instead of the name15:59
phhthat's what I'm saying :p15:59
phhthe code uses the "G1name"15:59
phhso you must read the second table  of MSM_VREG wiki page15:59
Unholyphh: it still same error heres the new logcat,
phhUnholy: chmod 777 on these folders ?16:00
bzophh: ahh, right, I must have realized that after seeing your code, my mistake16:01
Unholyah forgot to do that16:01
phhbzo: I still don't know where my vregs values come from.16:01
phhperhaps some G1 Code16:01
bzoyeah, it seems weird that you were trying to enable 9,6,816:01
bzomaybe I should try on the rhod (though it's probably even harder on there if it is like everything else)16:03
phhbzo: I think rhod would have something more common between us16:03
bzoI haven't even tried booting android in my rhod yet, haha16:04
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Unholyi hate my isp16:25
jocalawho doesn't :)16:26
Unholyphh: what i manualy copy the jar files to the dalvik-chache folder?16:26
Unholywhat if*16:26
phhUnholy: don't know16:26
Unholybah i cant files dont fit, and i dont feel like making rootfs img biger and recopying files16:32
Unholy# create dalvik-cache and double-check the perms16:44
Unholy    mkdir /data/dalvik-cache 0771 system system16:44
Unholy    chown system system /data/dalvik-cache16:44
Unholy    chmod 0771 /data/dalvik-cache16:44
Unholywhat does that do phh?16:45
phhexaclty what I told you to do I guess16:45
Unholywhat if i change the permission numbers if thats what that is, to 77716:46
phhI don't think that's the problem16:47
phhUnholy: download
phhput it in your sdcard16:47
phhthen do /sdcard/strace -fF -p 1 -o /sdcard/str16:48
phhwait for a loop in the logcat16:48
phhthen ctrl-c16:48
phhand push /sdcard/str somewhere16:49
Unholyok i have to do that after the loop right?16:50
phhjust one step of the loop16:50
phhdo it before the loop stops if it ever stops16:50
Unholyit never stops XD16:50
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Unholythis is with abd shell right? /sdcard/strace -fF -p 1 -o /sdcard/str16:54
Unholyok its doing something16:55
Unholylots of process16:55
Unholydo i logcat that?16:55
phhlogcat what ?16:55
Unholywhat the strace si doung16:55
Unholyis doing*16:55
phhit shouldn't print anything in logcat16:56
Unholyok its printing stuff in adb shell16:56
phhyeah don't care16:56
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Unholyi still dont know what strace does XD16:57
phhdon't worry.16:58
phhI just want the /sdcard/str file now16:58
Unholyok so i sohud restart the device now?16:59
stinebdphh: i dont mind helping, but i'm very very busy16:59
stinebd(re liquid device tree)16:59
phhstinebd: right, don't worry then16:59
stinebdi can answer questions17:00
stinebdi had a cool idea at work today17:00
stinebdif we stick with ext2 system images, we can maybe do checkin-integrated OTA updates in the rootfs after reboots17:00
Unholyphh: if i cant restart the device how do i give you the strace file 0o?17:00
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phhadb pull /sdcard/str blabla ?17:01
stinebdphh: how similar to passion is liquid?17:03
phhstinebd: every annoying things are different.17:04
stinebdbt? wifi?17:04
phhit's bcm432517:04
phhbt it's the same17:04
phhbut wifi, they did some weird stuff17:04
phhwell not necessarly weird, just different from passion17:04
phhthe driver is always loaded, but there is a rfkill alike thing to (dis)activate the device17:05
phh(instead of (un)loading as we need the device)17:05
phhand that's a big pain to handle in libhardware_legacy.17:05
phhI tried initing this stuff like passion's driver does, but it doesn't work, god knows why.17:05
stinebdis that the same thing that rhod has?17:07
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Unholyphh: im trying to pushh sdcard/str to my c:/, but it says push not found17:07
stinebdadb pull17:07
Unholywow 8mb file?17:08
phhyeah why not17:09
Unholywant me to upload it, or copy paste the text?17:09
phhyou know many pastebin that accepts 8MB ?17:09
Unholyah dint know it had  file size limit il upload =P17:10
phhanyway your copy/pastes suck17:10
stinebdso blunt17:11
Unholy XD17:11
phhthe 80 width limit is "a bit" old fashioned.17:11
Unholyits uploading phh im gona grab soem popcorn17:12
stinebdmy emails are still 80 columns wide17:12
phhstinebd: right mine too17:12
stinebd**seen babijoee17:13
xdandroidstinebd: babijoee was last seen in #xdandroid 3 days, 0 hours, 25 minutes, and 27 seconds ago: <babijoee> :)17:13
stinebdi take it his new system didn't get apns-conf.xml17:13
phh287   stat64(0xbecc8984, 0xbecc88f8)    = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)17:18
stinebdwow you straced the whole system?17:18
phhstinebd: strace init with childs ? :p17:18
stinebdno wonder it's 8mb17:18
phhtheorically it was just system_server17:18
phhbut if everything restarts everytime .....17:18
phh% grep cache str |wc -l17:19
stinebdwhat is that stat64 doing?17:19
phhstinebd: it's a way to know if a file exists17:19
stinebdwell i mean which file?17:19
phhthat's why I said "mmmmmmeeeeehhhhhhhhh"17:20
Unholywhat now 0o?17:21
phhno clue.17:21
phhI'm pretty sure the fix is easy, but I can't see what the problem is -_-'17:21
stinebdtouch 0xbecc898417:22
phhthere are missing " ".17:22
Unholyneopeeks ports them like its nothing, i wonder wha the fuck does he do17:22
stinebdoh god, is this sense nonsense again?17:23
stinebdare you trying to port a sense rom?17:24
Unholycm 4.217:24
Unholya dusted donut17:24
MrObviousDid sounds get fixed in the new system.ext2?17:24
MrObviousIt seems like they did.17:24
stinebdsounds were broken?17:24
MrObviousOn Diamonds yeah.17:24
phhhow can it be mach specific ?17:25
stinebdthe sd thing?17:25
MrObviousBecause it has an Internal Storage not SD slot.17:25
Unholyi pmed neopeek asking him how he ported 3 donut roms form the vougue, but he hasent replyed yet17:25
MrObviousBecause either my formatting or something fixed it.17:25
stinebdphh: vold was/is getting screwed up by the lack of partition table on diamond internal storage17:25
phhstinebd: ???17:25
phhmy diamond has partition table /o\17:25
stinebdwell it apparently doesn't have a partition table out of the factory17:26
stinebdthey mkfs.vfat /dev/mmcblk0 instead of mmcblk0p117:26
stinebdwhich angers vold17:27
MrObviousSo it got fixed to look at mmcblk0p1?17:28
stinebdwhatever you formatted it with has created a partition table17:28
bzoactually, from the factory some diamonds came with partitions some didn't17:29
bzoI remember this causing issues with some wince software17:29
stinebdat least it's not my fault17:31
MrObviousThat is retarded. :\17:33
MrObviousI don't know why it worked fine on 2.1 and below though.17:33
MrObviousOh well.17:34
MrObviousWhat is battery life on the CDMA side?17:34
MrObviousI mean what is it like?17:34
CazHa lot of usb sticks comes without a partition table too17:35
MrObviousWhat is everyone getting on their CDMA devices?17:38
stinebddo people use cdma?17:38
CazHgsm all the way here baby :P17:39
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MrObviousI do.17:42
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MrObviousWi-Fi isn't working for me. It says it's unable to scan for networks. :(17:44
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MrObviousIt worked on the older build.17:49
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jocalaSprint CDMA here18:02
MrObviousNevermind had 7/7 rootfs.18:02
MrObviousCan you say derr?18:03
MrObviousjocala: How is your battery life?18:05
jocalawith beta2 about 4-5 hours of light use18:06
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jocalathat's no wifi/gps/etc18:07
jocalaquestion about buildspec.mk18:08
jocalaTARGET_PRODUCT := full_msm18:08
jocalaTARGET_BUILD_VARIANT := eng18:08
jocalaTARGET_BUILD_TYPE := release18:08
jocalaUSE_GOOGLE_APPS := true18:08
jocalaWITH_JIT := true18:08
jocalaTARGET_USERIMAGES_USE_EXT2 := true18:08
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jocalaare the options above still valid?18:09
CazHWITH_JIT is set to true nomather what you write in buildspec otherwise it should be fine :)18:10
stinebdUSE_GOOGLE_APPS and WITH_JIT are no longer used18:10
jocalaI'm trying a new download/build18:11
jocalaprev. I only ended up with a 28Mb system.ext218:11
stinebdwe have froyo build documentation now18:12
stinebdstarting at
jocalayes! thanks to whomever updated the wiki!18:12
stinebdyou're welcome18:12
jocalanice job there :)18:13
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jocalacaution: filename not matched:  system/lib/egl/libGLES_qcom.so19:22
jocalacaution: filename not matched:  system/lib/liblvmxipc.so19:22
jocalacaution: filename not matched:  system/lib/liboemcamera.so19:22
jocalacaution: filename not matched:  system/lib/libstagefrighthw.so19:22
jocalaerrors from unzip19:22
Unholywarning's should not matter19:24
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jocalaok, thanks19:29
hamagcHey guys. Battery on cdma? On my raph800 I'm getting 7-8 hours with normal usage (weather, news, twitter every hour, tapatalk often, games, exchange pushed and gmail and yahoo every hour)19:30
hamagcOh ya live wallpaper too19:30
jocalanot here19:30
hamagcThough I noticed that went down on stinebds build and newer rootfs's19:30
jocalaon beta2 (CDMA RAPH800) 4-5 hrs, no wifi,gps, etc19:31
hamagcOn v2. Haven't tried rc1 yet19:31
hamagcWeird. Ya.  I get 7-8 no wifi no gps19:31
hamagcRight now I'm at 4.5 hours so far today19:31
hamagcOh and I goole a lot so a lot of opera19:32
hamagcTomorrow when I get to my office ill run a full test on rc1 and see how it all comes out.19:33
hamagcBut have to run, bbl19:33
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Unholy~seen unholy19:52
Unholyphh: witch donut source did you use to build the last donut package you did? i beliv eit was early 201019:54
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MrObviousDo the battery drivers work better on the RC 1 build?21:22
Unholyprobly not21:27
Unholythere had not been any development on the battery driver21:28
stinebdthat's in the kernel21:29
MrObviousIt was saying 50% so I plugged it in and five minutes later it said charged.21:29
MrObviousWhat do you mean stine?21:29
stinebdandroid doesn't handle any of that21:29
stinebdit's in the kernel21:29
MrObviousOk. So what can I do for it to work better or whatever?21:30
Unholymagic magic21:31
MrObviousMillion dollar question?21:31
stinebdlearn C, reverse engineer the windows driver and do it yourself?21:31
MrObviousIs it pretty accurate off the AC and does it still charge until charged in Android?21:31
MrObviousOr does it only charge like five minutes then stop?21:32
stinebdi have no idea21:32
bzoMrObvious: can you compile a kernel?21:32
MrObviousSo this makes Android pretty much useless for full time usage/21:32
MrObviousbzo: Never tried. I'm no Linux n00b thankfully.21:32
stinebdif it's useless, use the kernel before the commit that broke it for you21:33
bzomuch of the progress on the battery drivers for other devices has been trial and error21:33
MrObviousI don't know if it worked or not before.21:33
stinebdwhich device?21:34
bzoI don't think much time has been spent trying to tweak those values for the rhodium21:34
MrObviousI don't know if it broke in RC1 or not.21:34
MrObviousstinebd: DIAM500.21:34
stinebdnothing broke in rc121:34
stinebdas i said, it's not an android problem21:34
stinebdit's in the kernel21:34
MrObviousYeah. Did they change kernels in RC1?21:34
stinebdthe kernel and android are entirely separate21:34
bzooh, for some reason I thought MrObvious was talking about the rhod21:34
CazHMrObvious: the kernel is a zImage...21:34
bzothe diam500 driver is as good/bad as any other21:34
MrObviousDoes anyone know if it does actually charge right even if it's reporting charged?21:35
MrObviousI was thinking of switching from my BB to my DIAM500 for a while to play with Android if I can work this out.21:36
stinebdlet us know after you're done testing ;)21:36
MrObviousI guess I could check now.21:36
stinebdthis is the commit that affects you:
stinebdand this is the kernel before that commit:
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stinebdi'd have to believe that the device is still charging21:37
stinebdjust by looking at the code21:38
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MrObviousI hope it doesn't overcharge.21:38
stinebdit won't...21:39
bzothe battery ususally takes care of that, it has it's own charge circuitry21:39
MrObviousOh true.21:39
stinebdall that code is cosmetic21:39
bzothe phone just turns the juice on or off21:39
bzothough it can control whether it is fast or slow charging21:39
MrObviousI'll test it. I'll leave it hooked to the puter for an hour or so, go do a cleaning job, and come back and reboot to WM and see if it's fully charged.21:39
CazHMrObvious: even if it overcharges it's not a problem, the battery will get hot before it gets hurt and android shuts down if the battery gets too hot :)21:39
MrObviousIt was about like 80-90% charged where I just rebooted to WM.21:40
MrObviousI'll test it out. :D21:40
stinebddon't keep it in your pocket21:41
stinebdjust in case21:41
stinebdbecause then you'd just look weird with a usb cable coming out of your pocket21:41
MrObviousI'll keep my BB activated for now.21:41
CazHlol stinebd21:41
MrObviousThen I'll check it.21:42
jocalajust booted my first system.ext2. No goog apps appear to be there. No gmail,voice,etc21:45
MrObviouslol fail21:45
MrObviousWell I'll be back in like an hour and check my phone and see if the charge does work even if the drivers are funky.21:46
stinebddid you skip a paragraph?21:46
jocaladon't think i did21:47
jocalaI'll look again21:47
jocala# Configure for an XDAndroid release engineering target.21:47
jocalaTARGET_PRODUCT := full_msm21:47
jocalaTARGET_BUILD_VARIANT := eng21:47
jocalaTARGET_BUILD_TYPE := release21:47
jocalaTARGET_USERIMAGES_USE_EXT2 := true21:47
stinebdit's not a buildspec thing21:47
jocalanope, my zipfiles are in ~/xdandroid and I didn't manually unzip them. The script did it21:49
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CazHdid the script complain about anything?21:51
jocalacaution: filename not matched:  system/lib/egl/libGLES_qcom.so21:54
jocala caution: filename not matched:  system/lib/liblvmxipc.so21:54
jocala caution: filename not matched:  system/lib/liboemcamera.so21:54
jocala caution: filename not matched:  system/lib/libstagefrighthw.so21:54
jocala errors from unzip21:54
jocalathese warnings were the only script complaint21:55
CazHokay I belive they are normal21:55
stinebdthey are normal.21:55
stinebdensure your google apps reside in vendor/xdandroid/msm/proprietary/21:55
stinebdif you've done after already having built a system, you'll need to make installclean and make, again21:56  signed-dream_devphone_userdebug-ota-14721.zip21:56
jocalamu zip files21:56
stinebdwrong gapps package21:56
Unholythats and old gapps21:56
CazHwell that should explain it. I belive you are using a old gapps packages21:56
CazHlol :P21:57
jocalaok, d/l recompile. no big deal :)21:57
CazHtry opening the link stinebd gave you and download the package from the link there :)21:57
jocalathanks, and I'll try again21:57
jocalathe other 2 zips are ok?21:59
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CazHyeah I belive them to be just fine22:05
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOCazH, I don't think I'll be able to live on 1600nok a month for 1 year.22:06
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI'm not able to sell stuff in Bodø.22:06
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOTo dangerous.22:06
CazHI hope you don't smoke :P22:06
TheDeadCPU|BRAVONo smoeks22:06
CazHsmokes will set you back that much :P22:06
jocalarecompiling. Thanks all22:06
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI do smoke occasionally. But not tobacco.22:07
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: hell then the booze you will need when being away from your normal source of alkohol will set you back the 1600nok + more :P22:07
jocalatime for refreshment. c yall l8r :)22:07
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWell, my brother lives in the military there so I can get him to buy me alcohol. It's shit cheap in the Military.22:08
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: Hell I can use 1600nok and more in a day(like today, fucking cops)22:08
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOOne case of beer = 100nok in the Norwegian Military lol22:08
CazHWhy does the military have cheap booze?22:08
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOOne case being 24 bottles.22:09
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOBecause they're fags22:09
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: you do know thats how much a case of beer(30) costs here in denmark?22:09
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYea but that's denmark.22:09
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOOne case of beer here is like 300nok22:09
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CazHAnd I get most of my beer from germany where it's 40dkk for 24 cans :P22:10
CazHDamm you guys are not haveing it easy22:10
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOAlcohol = Expensive22:10
CazHYeah I knew it was expensiv, but, this is like sweden :P22:11
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt's shit cheap in Denmark. That's why all kids in denmark are drunk from the age of 8.22:11
CazHNaah it's cheap in germany22:11
CazHHence we drive to germany22:12
CazHBut if you not old enough to buy beer in denmark you can often find people selling beer they got from germany for 60dkk for a case :P22:12
CazHwhich reminds me that I'm going to germany later this week :P With a trailer :D22:13
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVOMy most visited site in Chrome is apperantly "Site not found" error message.22:18
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MrObviousYup sure enough it works.22:19
MrObviousSo it does charge even if it says 100%.22:19
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MrObviousDoes anyone know how to get the dictionary in the Android stock keyboard?22:33
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NeoMatrixJRMrObvious, u still here?22:50
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NeoMatrixJRFYI, I sent up the patch for the batt code, but it's not my code.  It came from "unknownforce"22:52
NeoMatrixJRsearch his name on for more info on why the batt is working like it does now22:52
MrObviousOkay so is it gonna read the battery better then?22:52
NeoMatrixJRbetter, but not 100% accurate.  my RHOD usually says 12% or so when WM reports <50%.  The code was set up for further work, and because it fixed a temerature sensing issue on RHODs22:53
NeoMatrixJRRHOD/TP2's would auto-shutdown in 2.2 thinking the battery was too hot22:53
NeoMatrixJRthe code also jumps to 100% charge when plugged in to PREVENT overcharging -- according to unknownforce22:54
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MrObviousOh ok.22:58
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOstinebd, Which devices support GPS atm?23:01
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOstinebd, I'm converting some Wiki stuff on the XDA Wiki, and there are some VERY old instructions on building your own Android build. Could I lend some instructions from the XDAndroid Wiki? :p23:26
TheDeadCPU|BRAVONvm, I'll remove it. since it's not really useful in the Raphael only wiki page.23:29
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