Friday, 2010-07-09

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Iosif[Blac]morning guys01:50
Iosif[Blac]i have a small problem01:51
Iosif[Blac]on my device (Blackstone) in wm the in call sound is very low (also in music player) so I have to tweak the sound settings using HDTweak,01:52
Iosif[Blac]same problem in Android01:52
Iosif[Blac]is there any app that can help do that ?01:52
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sellarsGot everything to run on my HTC Touch Diamond. Thanks for a great project. One thing: how do I shut down Android and "reboot" into WinMo?02:32
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Unholyrestart device02:33
Unholyi dont think there is code in the dimon to shutdown or restart android02:33
sellarshow? Power button launches task manaer or shows me the spaces02:33
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Unholydont you have a reset button?02:34
sellarsyeah.. ok... that'll have to do :) Thx02:34
paalsteeksellars: press the end call button a little longer02:34
paalsteekand then choose shutdown02:35
sellarsthats it. thanks02:35
paalsteekthis will reboot the device02:35
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Iosif[Blac]guys do you know any app that can increase the sond volume ?02:39
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Iosif[Blac]At all downloads from market it says download unsuccessful03:01
Unholycreat a downloads folder in root of sdcard03:03
Unholythat should fix it03:03
Unholyor doownload03:03
Unholyone of the 203:03
Unholycant remeber03:03
Unholytry both XD03:04
NevroIosif[Blac]: Can't you turn the volume up or down with the normal keys on your phone?03:04
Iosif[Blac]I can03:07
Iosif[Blac]on my device (Blackstone) in wm the in call sound is very low (also in music player) so I have to tweak the sound settings using HDTweak03:07
Iosif[Blac]same problem in Android03:07
Iosif[Blac]is there any app that can help do that in Android ?03:07
NevroI have no idea, sorry03:07
Iosif[Blac]any idea about market problem though ?03:08
Nevrono, market works fine for me. Didn't need to make any folders or anything. Have you tried making the folked Unholy told you to?03:08
UnholyIosif[Blac]: i told you creat a donwload or donwloads folder in the root of your sdcard03:08
Unholythat should fix your market problems03:09
Iosif[Blac]didn't saw that03:09
Iosif[Blac]thanks a lot03:09
Unholyits onw of the 2, i cant remeber witch one03:10
Unholyjust create both03:10
Iosif[Blac]I thought at the same thing03:10
Iosif[Blac]then I delete the empty one03:10
Nevrodoes it exist an ugly fix for the contants not showing up in contacts bug?03:11
Iosif[Blac]don't know---->android noob here03:12
UnholyNevro: not that im aware off03:12
Nevrook, just have to live with it then. But if I need to call someone, is there somewhere I can actually find my contacts? I'm really bad at remembering phone numbers03:13
Unholydunno man try market03:14
Unholysearch for an app03:14
Nevrook, kind of funny to need an app to see contacs though:P03:14
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NevroI can find a phonebook app when going to, but the same won't show up in my marketplace app :(03:23
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Iosif[Blac]Unable to start wi fi03:39
Iosif[Blac]wtf ?03:39
Nevroyour phone is weird :P But seriously, have not had problems with the same things as you, so don't know how to fix it03:42
CazHNevro: Have you tried to reboot too se if that helps you contacts problem?03:42
NevroCazH: several times03:43
Nevrobut every time I boot into android again, I get the same problem03:43
NevroIs there a way to let the clock be the same in both android and WM? Everytime I boot into one of them after been in the other, I have to change the time:P03:44
Nevroyeah, I know03:44
CazHHmm maybe you can find a way to sync you winmo contacts with you gmail while you in winmo. Because android synces with you gmail ? :)03:44
CazHNevro: set android to UTC :) That should help03:44
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NevroI removed and reinstalled it yesterday because of some problems with startup.txt, but now contacts is fucked:P03:44
NevroCazH: Where do I set it to UTC? In settings -> Data & Time setting I can't find UTC in time zones03:46
CazHHmm... let me check03:46
CazHthis is gonna take a minut. Need to boot android :P03:47
Nevrook, thanks ;)03:47
Nevroguessing I could have googled it though03:47
Nevrojust thought you might know :P03:47
CazHHehe. I just leave android at UTC in the setup wizard(if the setup wizard is included inthe build) and that seems to work for me :P03:48
Nevrohehe, ok :P I'll google how to do it when I already screwd up then:P03:49
CazHIt's not called UTC just GMT +0 :)03:49
Nevrowill that use the WM time? Cause I'm on GMT + 103:50
CazHbut it seems mine is setup to automaticly get network time03:50
CazHNevro: you in gmt +2 right now, summertime you know03:50
Nevrook, so you'r android goes on the net to find the time? With my internet prices I think I just have to manualy fix it every time then :P03:51
CazHTry enableding automatic in the time and date menu maybe setting it to gmt03:51
NevroCazH: true, so confusing changing timezone twice a year03:52
CazHNevro: I'm pretty sure it means the GSM network03:52
CazHNevro: True! :P03:52
Nevroyeah, it's the GSM/WAP trafic that's expensive03:52
Nevronot calls, but wap03:53
CazHHad some nokia before that you could boot and when you entered the pin it took a  couple of settings and then they updated the time them self, and they did not have internet support(16 color screen or something like that)03:53
NevroI know, my old nokia 3330 did that03:53
Nevroloved that phone03:53
NevroWhere do android save it's contacts? Planed on erasing them and import again, but can't find where they are saved03:54
CazHOnly had a 3310 :P But I was the coolest kid when I got that new 3310 :P03:54
CazHNevro: I have no clue, I think it's somewhere in data.img but other than that...03:54
Nevrohmmmm... this is weird, don't show up when writing the name of the contact when writing sms either. Maybe I didn't manage to import them03:55
Nevroit finds the contacts on the sim card though, but cant export them03:55
CazHNevro: import right?03:56
Nevroyeah, typo03:56
Nevroexporting wouldn't help me much:P03:56
Nevrocan't write in a new contact either03:56
Nevrothis is weird03:56
Nevrocan search contacs though, and find them03:58
Nevroso it's the app03:58
CazHhmm strange03:59
Nevroyey, fixed it. It only wanted to show my gmail contacts, and since I have non, that was quite hard :P04:00
Nevrowhy does it show those as standard? werid04:00
CazHBecause google loves makes all things android to Gandroid :P04:01
Nevroyeah, but now I'm happy. Except the time thingy and that my battery is dead according to android :P04:02
Nevroand my back speacker04:02
Nevroyou remember the fix you suggested yesterday?04:02
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CazHTo what?04:03
CazHThe speaker thing?04:03
Nevrothe back speaker04:03
CazHWhat about it? :)04:03
Nevrofixed the back speaker, but just routed all sound to it, so all phone calls were public :P so the only issue seems to be that they can't manage to have two speakers running at once04:04
CazHlol :P04:04
CazHGuess thats why it's debugging only :P04:04
Nevrodon't know if the ringtone and such worked even, just tried calling with it04:05
Nevroyeah, quite so04:05
Nevrobtw, seems to be a waiting day at work today also :(04:07
Nevroglad I'm going out on vacation tomorow04:07
CazHSorry gotta go sign a contract so I get a new job. Later :D04:10
Iosif[Blac]good luck04:10
Nevroand congrats ;)04:10
CazHthank you04:11
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Iosif[Blac]an y news when the new release will be ?05:12
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NevroCazH: done signing contract?08:30
CazHNevro: oh yeah, and then I had a couple of beers with a friend :D08:32
Nevronice, always great so celebrate a new job;)08:33
CazHYeah :D08:33
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CDMAGood morning/afternoon all.08:34
CazHGodday :)08:34
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CDMAI was looking at putting android on my HTC touch pro diamond but it is CDMA, can it still be done?08:35
CDMAhmmm, so i can just DL Version 2010062108:36
CazHWe have a wiki that should answer any basic questions like this :)08:36
CDMAWhere is it?08:37
CazHLook at the topic08:37
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CDMAthanks guys08:45
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NevroDuuuuuuuuuude, I hate waiting for compilation to finish09:28
CazHNevro: then buy a cluster to compile on ;)09:32
NevroIt is a cluster, but runs lots and lots of tests to. And it's at work, so really not much I can do09:32
CazHnevero: su; kill -9 tests09:33
CazHRuns way faster then :D09:33
CazHif you replace tests with the PID of the tests :P09:33
* CazH is licensed to kill -9 :P09:34
Nevrodon't root access to the test machines, and anyway, they run on about 10 different machines, so to tiresome09:34
Nevrodon't have:P09:34
Nevrobut compilation is sone finished, then just have to run tests09:34
Nevrobesides, my co-workers would be quite pissed if I check in code which don't pass the tests:P09:35
NevroSo just waiting for my build to finish, and then it's italia time:D09:35
CazHTests are for pussies, real men test on production computeres :D09:35
NevroReal menn don't test before sending it out to cusomers09:36
Nevroman I'm vild with my typos today09:37
NevroBut not to bad to get payd eating icecream and reading StackOverflow though09:38
CazHLol nice09:38
CazHBut last time I checked stack overflow wasn't a good thing09:38
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CazHNevro: you don't have about 900.000 dkk I could borrow for this:,2-SC-aut.-5d_ID133301947.htm ?09:41
leobaillardI would like to obtain pieces of information about the xdandroid environnement : I compiled PHP for arm and I'm trying to interface it with busybox's httpd via cgi, but whenever I try to launch the php exe, the shell returns "No such fil or directory"09:43
Nevrohehe, nah... A bit expencive for my pocket CazH :P09:44
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Nevroleobaillard: Don't think you have the right php for android. exe is a MS thingy09:44
leobaillardwell, I meant executable ;) not .exe09:45
DrVladsonHi, all!:) Tell please, do you  have a problem with locking\unlocking android on HTC Diamond?09:47
CazHNevro: well yeah don't really have that kind of money :( But thats one sweet ride :D09:49
CazHDrVladson: Describ you problem09:57
DrVladsonAfter locking the screen for a long time does not get it to unlock (i have a very long time to hold the power button)10:02
CazHIt's a know bug that the screen may be slow to show anything when waking up or require serveal pushes of the power button (holding it does nothing)10:05
CazHTouching the screen in the area where the unlock button is may get it to work, if touched after pushing the power button10:05
DrVladsonI'm sorry, I did not know this: (10:05
CazHNo worries :)10:06
CazHYou do know ;)10:06
DrVladsonYes, it's working :) Thanks!10:06
CazHYour welcome :)10:07
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CazHHi babijoee10:43
babijoeehey CazH10:46
babijoeewhats up10:46
CazHnot much :)10:48
CazHGot a job today10:48
CazHSo maybe I can soon buy me some snapdragon power :D10:49
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babijoeecongrats mate10:54
CazHThank you :)10:54
babijoeene device in particular10:54
CazHNexus One isn't avalible here in denmark so I'm think desire :)10:55
CazHBut I'm really not sure yet :)10:55
CazHPlus I have like a ton of bills I need to pay first, been unemployed for over 3 months now :(10:55
NeoMatrixJRcrap.  we're loosing too many devs to "real" android phones....10:56
CazHSo maybe when I get around to it there will be something else10:56
babijoeeCazH: n1 and desire lack proper multitouch10:56
CazHThey do?10:56
babijoeei think you should get evo4g :p10:56
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babijoeeo wait10:56
CazHbabijoee: evo4g is us only10:56
babijoeeyeah just remember10:56
babijoeeGalaxy S looks awesome10:56
NeoMatrixJR'snot funny... I'd go "real" android but I'd loose my Sprint $30/mo SERO plan...10:56
babijoeeor DroidX10:56
TheDeadCPU|BRAVObabijoee, Wait for the HTC Vision.10:57
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOEVO with a HW KB.10:57
babijoeeooo  nice10:57
babijoeehello TheDeadCPU|BRAVO10:57
CazHYeah heard rumors about that10:57
babijoeehows the youtube vid?10:57
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOMy YouTube is fucked.10:57
CazHBut no-one seems to know for sure the specs of if it really has a hw kb?10:57
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI'll try uploading in a few hours.10:57
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOCazH, Yes.10:57
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThe only thing that's known for certain is the HW KB10:58
CazHWell I'd like a little more to go on :P10:58
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: how big is the video?10:58
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: I'm shopping for a new phone(just got a job today :D)10:58
TheDeadCPU|BRAVObabijoee, It's all within the limits.10:59
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI do know YouTube lol10:59
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOBut I was able to upload some other video to one of my accounts this morning, so now it should work10:59
babijoeeCazH: n1 is the last g phone11:00
babijoeeso we get updates fast11:00
babijoeeand first :p11:00
babijoeebut if you love sense11:00
babijoeewait for the new one i guess11:01
CazHbabijoee: Yeah I heard, n1 isn't for sale in denmark11:01
CazHwhich makes it kinda hard to get11:01
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LOLZGUYSIt work with HTC diamond?11:04
babijoeeCazH: ebay it :p11:04
babijoeeLOLZGUYS: YES11:04
LOLZGUYSWith internal storage11:05
CazHbabijoee: ebay sellers are a bunch of cheaters :P11:05
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOCazH, take a trip to germany and buy it over the counter then :D11:06
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babijoeeCazH: got my n1 for $74011:06
babijoeepretty decent11:06
CazHbabijoee: yeah thats not bad11:06
babijoeethough i sometimes regret it11:06
babijoeestupid touchscreen problem11:06
CazHbut I can get the desire for like 600$11:06
TheDeadCPU|BRAVODesire <311:07
babijoeeits very consistent and i have to power off / on to fix it11:07
babijoeeget it then :p11:07
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt's worth it.11:07
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: i'm assuming the desire has that bug too11:07
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOUnless you wait for the Vision11:07
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWhat bug?11:07
babijoeescreen bug11:07
babijoeemultitouch bug11:07
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOOh that one11:08
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThe one that fucks up everything11:08
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI hate that lol11:08
babijoeei wish they only implement it during browser and pictures11:08
babijoeeand use single touch on everything else11:08
babijoeeshould fix the problem11:08
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI hate when I'm in maps and it goes beserk11:08
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CazHSee both the desire and the n1 sucks balls big time :P11:13
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI think it's software.11:13
TheDeadCPU|BRAVONot hw11:13
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: its hw11:15
babijoeewe're using a software hack for multitouch11:15
babijoeecan't fix it11:16
babijoeebut i guess someone could11:16
CazHSee I said it :P11:16
babijoeeits weird that it even happens11:16
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOAnyone know what's wrong? lol11:16
babijoeei think its due the old ts they use11:17
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOStill the best phone I've had.11:17
babijoeeits outdated and buggy11:17
babijoeewe got froyo so early11:17
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI had it the same day only without Sense.11:17
babijoeebut Galaxy S seems so tempting11:17
babijoeehummingbird gpu11:17
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOOnly missing thing is a HW keyboard and better battery.11:17
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYea that GPU is awesome.11:17
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: how longs battery life for you11:17
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWith moderate use.. 2 days.11:18
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: also theres someone working on OC the gpu on n1 which should be transferrable on desire11:18
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babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: thats heaps11:18
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOAlso, Moderat use = about 40 sms per day.11:18
babijoeeMe: calls, sms, internet, twitter, fb, music11:19
babijoeeand it lasts 1.5 days11:19
babijoeei love it11:19
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYea, and twitter and fb11:19
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOAnd wifi on 24/711:19
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOscreen brightness on max too11:19
babijoeei leave BT on but not wifi :p11:20
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOBT takes more power then wifi lol11:20
babijoeei like ppl to connect to me11:20
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babijoeeand send me random pics11:20
babijoeeplus all my friends leave it on11:20
babijoeeso we pretty much send eachother stuff11:21
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI love how my screen only uses 2% of my power on max brightness.11:21
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOfunfact: I get about 4 hours more batterylife if I don't use a taskiller.11:21
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: does desire have a dock?11:22
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVObabijoee, Yes. but only uses the Micro USB.11:22
babijoeewe dont need task-killer11:22
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI figured lol11:22
TheDeadCPU|BRAVODesire doesn't have those 3 metal connectors on the bottom11:23
babijoeeah k11:23
babijoeenor do you have color trackball :p11:23
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI'd actually like having a trackball..11:23
babijoeebut i'm curious to see how well the digital tb works11:23
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOoh lol11:24
babijoeeis it good?11:24
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt works like a touchpad.11:24
babijoeeah k11:24
babijoeeit is pressable?11:24
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYea it is. Though I'd like a trackbal because it's more "there"11:24
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI like knowing what i do lol11:25
babijoeegreen glow = sms , blue = miss call = white for general notification <311:25
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOUmm.. did you just get credits for the HD2 port on the XDA-Portal?11:25
TheDeadCPU|BRAVO"Many of you now know a lot about our XDAndroid team. They are always working hard and their most recent update is for the HD2. The changes made available by XDA member babijoee can now be downloaded, transferred, and ran from your TP. The update brings many fixes, and even moves on to the beta stage of development."11:26
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt's about the TP but bringing in the HD2 could make it confusing.11:26
babijoeewhats this11:26
babijoeesomeone is obviously misinformed11:27
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOAccording to that the XDAndroid team made Android work on HD2 lol11:27
babijoeethey were using our builds to test11:27
babijoeedidnt change anything11:27
babijoeeoh wells11:27
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThey use XDAndroid as base.11:27
babijoeeif i get flamed i'll blame the guy who wrote it11:27
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOyea lol11:28
babijoeelink me please11:28
babijoeeso i can notify the person11:28
CazHHow the fuck uploads a 10 min tutorial and uses the last 4 mins playing tekken 3?11:29
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI would.11:29
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI also watched a 72 hour Spyro The Dragon marathon lol11:30
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: The tut is about a program not tekken 311:30
TheDeadCPU|BRAVObrb, gotta jailbreak my friends iPhone lol11:30
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOTekken 3 = win11:30
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: just throw it in the river11:30
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOHe's like über strong.11:30
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOAnd scary.11:31
CazHAnd your a little pussy :P11:31
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI would be able to beat his ass but if he makes the first punch I'm fucked11:34
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOHe's also not coming for a while apperantly11:34
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOAnd I'm also not a mean person like you. you evil Dane.11:34
CazHIt's a fucking iphone11:34
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt's a good MP3 player.11:35
CazHyeah well, a mp3 player with a AT modem is just stupid11:35
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI have one lying around somewhere11:36
CazHUse it for target praticing with a big ass gun11:36
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI only use axes anyways11:36
CazHYou gotta have a gun to defend you self from mooses and what not right?11:36
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWhy when I have an axe?11:37
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOAnd lol, mooses are scared of humans anyways11:37
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt's the polar bears that are dangerous11:37
CazHYeah but they are still fucking dangerous anyway :P11:37
CazHOh fuck tell me you have polar bears where you live? :D11:38
TheDeadCPU|BRAVONah, I've petted a wild moose lol11:38
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWe do.11:38
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWe keep them in tha garage so we have something to ride to work.11:38
CazHSweet!!! :D11:38
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOjk lol11:38
CazHThat would be awesome11:38
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI know.11:38
CazHI've riden horse and camels, but never a moose11:38
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThough polarbears only live on Greenland, the North Pole and Svalbard.11:39
CazHAnd I was told no when I wanted to ride a zebra :S11:39
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI've ridden a Moose :D11:39
CazHFucking awesome :D11:39
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI have ridden a Zorse.11:39
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOZebra Horses ftw11:39
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI want to tame a Moose and bring it to Denmark when I move there.11:39
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: we have a moose every 5 years or so11:40
CazHbut then we just send them back to sweden for some reason11:40
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI usually see Mosses every day during the winter11:40
CazHFucking awesome, they are like super huge aren't they? :D11:41
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYea, But I'ma have a tame one that I'm going to ride around Copenhagen with.11:41
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThey're like 2 meters tall.11:41
CazH2 meters tall is huge :D11:41
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI've petted a Wild Moose twice lol11:42
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThough I also hunt them..11:42
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOLOL iPad Nano!11:42
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThe screen on the iPad Nano is apperantly 3x3 cm.11:43
paalsteekjust had the weird GSM bug again11:44
paalsteekno call coming in11:44
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paalsteekand when i try to call the connection is not getting established and i can't even hang up11:44
paalsteekpastebin of logcat:
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babijoeepaalsteek: which version?12:07
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babijoeei'll build a quick clean build for people to use for update12:15
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stinebddon't forget to re-unzip-files12:15
stinebdi added something which i cant remember12:15
stinebdoh and i also enabled jit by default12:16
stinebdnetworklocation i added... and forgot to push12:18
stinebdgood thing i looked12:18
CazHawesome, time to sync then :)12:20
stinebdi haven't tested it, so let me know how netloc does12:21
stinebdi don't use a sim card in my phone12:21
CazHNetLoc is for finding you position by the gsm network right?12:21
phhstinebd: s/phone/mid/ :p12:21
stinebdCazH: yes12:21
CazHCompiling fresh image :)12:23
phh(hi btw)12:23
stinebdphh: hi. fix camera and battery life!12:24
CazHHello phh, don't see you much around these days?12:24
phhCazH: yeah busy12:24
phhstinebd: oh yeah, I forgot to push that, wait a second12:24
CazHmake: *** No rule to make target `vendor/xdandroid/msm/proprietary/NetworkLocation.apk', needed by `out/target/product/msm/system/app/NetworkLocation.apk'.  Stop.12:25
phhCazH: hint, *proprietary*12:25
phhmeans you must copy it there12:25
stinebdnope, that's my fault12:25
stinebdwe need a new gapps package too12:25
stinebdto the illegal by proxy filesharing site12:26
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI'm apperantly not allowed to mock one of my now bold friends.12:31
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI told her she has cancer and she flipped out.12:31
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: lol :P12:31
CazHWhy is bold?12:31
TheDeadCPU|BRAVO(Her hair was shaven off by some douches that are now beaten up)12:31
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOStupid teens.12:31
CazHSo you got beaten up you say? :P12:31
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOMy best friend beat up 3 guys lol12:32
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThey were retarded stoners anyways.12:32
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paalsteekbabijoee: 2.212:49
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVOOmg yes! Sense on Froyo!13:06
phhon xdandroid ?13:07
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOLol, on my Desire :p13:08
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOBut yea, should be portable.. though it's a beta leak.13:08
phhok, I need that13:08
phhurl ?13:08
phh(for my liquid though :D)13:08
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThough that radio thing is only for 720p recording on the Desire13:09
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phhoh xda's down13:09
phhhow surprising13:09
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt's not for me..13:09
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOA lot of people say it's down lol13:10
phhah it's back up.13:10
phhI think.13:10
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYea, opendns always thinks XDA is down.13:10
phhI don't use opendns.13:10
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOoh ok13:11
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI use the Google dns lol13:11
phhI use my ISP's dns13:11
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Iosif[Blac]Hello everyone13:12
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOHey Iosif[Blac]13:12
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOLong time no see.13:12
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Iosif[Blac]anyone with a Blackstone around ?13:12
Iosif[Blac]lol TheDeadCPU|BRAVO very long :))13:12
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOphh, did you see that the XDAndroid team got credits for the HD2 port on the XDA-portal? :p13:13
phhTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: uh ? no13:13
TheDeadCPU|BRAVO"Many of you now know a lot about our XDAndroid team. They are always working hard and their most recent update is for the HD2."13:14
phhanyway the definition of "xdandroid team" doesn't seem really obvious :p13:14
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYea lol13:14
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOSo no one here can help Iosif[Blac] with his blac problems?13:14
phhI don't even know what his problem is /o\13:15
Iosif[Blac]TheDeadCPU|BRAVO you think you can explain better then me what I did and the result ?13:15
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOphh, his phone never doesn't get to the bootanim13:15
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYou had a few orange dots also?13:15
Iosif[Blac]left up and right down13:16
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOAbout 1 pixel size? :p13:16
phhhum, no clue.13:16
Iosif[Blac]that's right :))13:16
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIosif[Blac], your phone is weird.13:16
Iosif[Blac]i know that13:17
Iosif[Blac]but i still want to make it work13:17
Iosif[Blac]i can't go to xda yet, strange13:20
CazHstinebd: when I chose my location in maps with gps disabled and netloc enabled I get location unavailible13:20
Iosif[Blac]anyway, back at my problem...13:20
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Iosif[Blac]I will quit13:23
Iosif[Blac]reboot my rooter13:23
Iosif[Blac]and come back :)13:23
Iosif[Blac]see ya all in a bit :)13:24
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hamagcgrr! so 3 times now i have had a bsod and 3 times i have forgotten to run a dmesg to see what happened.13:25
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Iosif[Blac]back online13:27
Iosif[Blac]XDA is available again13:27
thedicemastersounds like it was a DNS problem, not actual downtime.13:28
Iosif[Blac] this version worked okay on my device but i had two problems13:28
thedicemasterhasn't been down for me.13:28
Iosif[Blac]apparently yes13:28
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Iosif[Blac]I couldn't connect to wi-fi hidden network13:29
Iosif[Blac]and when I conneted to a visible wi-fi13:29
Iosif[Blac]i wanted to install 4 apps from the market13:29
Iosif[Blac]2 were ok13:29
Iosif[Blac]at two I received ,,download unsuccessful" message13:29
stinebdCazH: too bad13:30
stinebdcan you spare a logcat for a poor dev?13:30
Iosif[Blac]and now i can not make it to boot following the excellent advices of ThedeadCPU|BRAVO13:31
bheanother froyo sense rom :
bhevideo here :
CazHstinebd: theres not anything in logcat :S13:31
CazHabout this13:31
stinebdanything at all about netloc would help13:31
stinebdincluding whether the package actually installs13:31
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOphh, yea, mod of the other one lol13:33
CazHOkay gonna try a reboot with a fresh data image and save the whole logcat so we can see if it installs :)13:33
Iosif[Blac]should I try this ?
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt is made for the blac..13:36
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWon't hurt lol13:36
Iosif[Blac]on 2.2 I get Error message on starting wi-fi13:36
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYea, I gave up wifi on FroYo.13:37
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVObrb, fewd13:37
hamagcaway/ meeting with client13:48
CazHstinebd: cat logcat.log | grep NetworkLocation13:54
CazHI/PackageManager( 1253): /system/app/NetworkLocation.apk changed; collecting certs13:54
CazHW/ActivityManager( 1253): Unable to start service Intent { }: not found13:54
bheCasH look for the line just after collecting certs13:57
bhemaybe, it is not signed with a valid certifcate and won't install13:57
bhehad problems with that to13:57
phhI thought certs aren't checked when in /system ?13:58
CazHE/PackageManager( 1253): Package has no signatures that match those in shared user android.uid.system; ignoring!13:58
CazHseems they are13:58
bheit seems froyo does13:58
bhethere are a lot of packages in app that are not installing in the aosp 2.2 build becasue of that13:58
Unholystinebd im having problems with the rootfs generator script, it makes the rootfs.img but its empty, and when i mount it and try to copy files to it with root, it says there no free space?13:58
bheexample :13:58
bheI/PackageManager( 1297): /system/app/HtcSettings.apk changed; collecting certs18:0613:58
bhebheE/PackageManager( 1297): Package has no signatures that match those in shared user android.uid.system; ignoring!18:0613:58
bhebheW/PackageManager( 1297): Signature mismatch for shared user : SharedUserSetting{43cc7d08 android.uid.system/1000}13:58
CazHI count 4 with networklocation13:59
CazHvpn, htcsettings and googlebackup13:59
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Tasty_boy_XDAhey guys14:24
babijoeehey Tasty_boy_XDA14:25
hamagchey hey14:25
Tasty_boy_XDA[babijoee]: hey babi14:26
Tasty_boy_XDAhey hamagc14:26
Tasty_boy_XDAnews today?14:26
hamagclooks like they are trying to get network location working.14:27
babijoeehamagc: i'll send you a test build soon14:28
Tasty_boy_XDAi've tried a battery fix14:28
TheDeadCPU|BRAVObabijoee, you should try this Sense FroYo rom!14:28
Tasty_boy_XDAdidnt woked14:28
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt's amazing!14:28
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: linl14:28
Tasty_boy_XDA[TheDeadCPU|BRAVO]: workin in Blackstone?14:28
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI don't know if it's ported to N1 yet though14:28
hamagcbabijoee: lets utilize the beta testing section you made on xda?14:28
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOTasty_boy_XDA, no.. N1 and desire :p14:28
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOHoefully N114:28
TheDeadCPU|BRAVObabijoee, you could always just rip out sense lol14:29
Unholyhey babijoee14:29
hamagcwow 33 people in here today. this room is growing lol14:29
Tasty_boy_XDAi've seen it too14:30
Tasty_boy_XDAthat's nice14:30
Tasty_boy_XDAmy Desire comes next month14:30
TheDeadCPU|BRAVODesire = The best phone I've ever had.14:30
Tasty_boy_XDAeverybody says that14:31
Tasty_boy_XDAi wanna try it too14:31
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOOnly needs HW keyboard and better battery lol14:31
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThough everything needs better battery.14:31
babijoeehey unholy14:31
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: only paul has a sense rom14:31
babijoeeand seems like hes not updating it :'(14:32
Tasty_boy_XDAseen a 1400mah battery14:32
Tasty_boy_XDAin it14:32
TheDeadCPU|BRAVObabijoee, I'll see if i can get him to update FroYo to some Sense14:32
Tasty_boy_XDAit's the better battery i've seen14:32
Unholybabijoee you ever used the generate rootfs script? for rootfs images?14:32
hamagclol why sense? i think android looks pretty as is.14:33
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOhamagc, Sense is awesome.14:33
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI actually only use the Twitter app which is awesome, but I just can't go away from Sense lol14:33
hamagcdon't get me wrong, i love sense in winmo, mostly because i hate titanium, but android is just so pretty as it sits.14:33
hamagcand everything that is in sense can be added via widgets no?14:34
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWhat do you mean?14:34
hamagcclocks and weather. i haven't gotten to play too much with androids sense. guess i should lol14:35
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOthe Sense FroYo browser works better then the FroYo browser..14:36
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWeird, thought they were the same.14:36
hamagci'm stuck on opera.14:36
babijoeehamagc: htc sense is heaps better now14:36
babijoeeplus it has great social network integration14:36
hamagchmm, time for some research.14:37
babijoeeUnholy: no i havent14:37
babijoeeUnholy: what problems are you having?14:38
Unholygives  lots of directory erros14:38
Unholyi have set up so it makes the rootfs,img with my local source14:39
Unholycaouse the script originaly pulls the git to a tempp folder and builds the rootfs.img14:39
Unholybabijoee: heres the rror
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Iosif[Blac]lol guys14:57
Iosif[Blac]I tried the sense version of android from xda and it doesn't accept the pin code14:58
Iosif[Blac]it asks for the puk14:58
Iosif[Blac]if I input the pin asks the puk and reverse14:58
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babijoeeUnholy: comp froze15:09
babijoeelooking at it now15:09
babijoeeobvious question is are you root?15:10
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Iosif[Blac]fuck me, I think i am the guy with the biggest badlock possible15:12
Unholywhile runnig that script no15:13
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babijoeerun the script as root15:15
Unholy1 sec i dont that have error anymore15:15
UnholyInitialized empty Git repository in /home/unholy/.tmp/eclair-rootfs/.git/15:15
Unholyfind: `./.git': No such file or directory15:15
Unholythats the errro i get now15:15
stinebdwhat in god's name are you doing15:16
Unholytrying to build the rootfs?15:16
Unholyfrom my local git15:16
stinebdwhat's the full path to your local copy of eclair-rootfs?15:17
Unholythis /home/unholy/rootfs/eclair-rootfs15:17
stinebdset REPO to that then15:17
Unholyi did15:17
stinebdno .git, nothing else, just that15:17
Unholyalredy done15:18
stinebdis /home/unholy/rootfs/eclair-rootfs actually a git directory?\15:18
stinebderr, actually a git repository15:19
stinebdgo there and run git status15:19
Unholyi cloned the rootfs git15:19
Unholyto that directory15:19
Unholythats the output stinebd15:20
stinebdi gathered15:21
Unholywoot fixed wifi on donut15:23
stinebdok, keeping in mind that "find: `./.git': No such file or directory" is not an error, do you get any real errors?15:23
Unholyother than that no15:24
CazHstinebd: did you get the message about missing certs?15:24
stinebdso what's the problem?15:24
stinebdCazH: yes15:24
CazHGood :)15:24
babijoeeCazH: where?15:24
CazHThe message was in here :)15:24
Unholywell i want to use the script to build the rootfs.img, and not have to mount it and modify it15:24
Unholyand btw wifi is working15:25
Unholythe scaning loop is fixed15:25
stinebdif you commit the changes to your local repo, it will build those changes into rootfs.img15:25
stinebdthis is where you have to learn how to use git15:26
Unholyi see15:26
stinebdit won't pick up those changes if they aren't committed15:26
Unholyok but the script dosent work for ether way15:26
stinebddefine doesn't work15:27
Unholyit does if i change it to the git online15:27
stinebdgod you drive me crazy15:27
Unholyhow come =X15:27
stinebdas you have it right now, does it actually spit out a populated rootfs?15:28
Unholynop just creates a empty rootfs15:28
stinebdwell something is horribly wrong for you then15:30
Unholyhmm, can you push the fix? =D15:31
stinebdthere is no fix15:31
stinebdbecause you're what's breaking it15:31
Unholybreaking what?15:31
stinebdmy fix would be, [ -d /home/unholy ] && dd if=/dev/urandom of=rootfs.img bs=1M count=1515:32
CazHNice stinebd :P15:32
phhstinebd: won't ever boot, needs random instead of urandom to be able to perhaps boot once.15:32
Unholyno i mean the change i did in init.donut.rc15:32
stinebdmy poor entropy15:32
phhstinebd: yeah.15:33
phhyou'll need a damn good generator15:33
Unholythere was a typo here, -Dtiwlan0 -itiwlan0  -c/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf15:33
Unholywas making wifi loop scaning and crash15:33
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVObabijoee, guess what Paul is releasing soon!15:36
stinebdsometimes i need to shut down the irc client just to get some actual work done15:36
Iosif[Blac]a froyo ?15:36
Iosif[Blac]maybe it will work at me too :(((((15:36
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIosif[Blac], This is native Android phones. Sowwy.15:37
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Iosif[Blac]come on man, don't be cruel, i had a hope15:37
Unholymy isp sucks15:37
Iosif[Blac]now is gone, dead :)15:37
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThe N1 and Desire is getting 2.2 Sense ROMs from Paul right noe :D15:37
Tasty_boy_XDAyou re exactly like me15:37
Unholydid you guys get to read what i typed befor ei dc?15:37
hamagc<Unholy> was making wifi loop scaning and crash15:38
hamagclast msg from you15:38
Unholyah k15:38
Unholybleh wifi is connect but i have no internet15:41
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: froyo desire :p15:43
TheDeadCPU|BRAVODing ding ding!15:43
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYou win!15:43
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt's out for the Desire now :p15:44
babijoeestinebd: are you getting any random hangs?15:44
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babijoeescreen is frozen but capacitive lights work and buttons dont do anything15:45
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babijoeeCazH: you around?15:45
CazHbabijoee: yeah15:45
babijoeeyeah just read15:45
CazHHmm I get random anything but never seem to get the same error twice15:46
Unholybabijoee, any idea y i dont ahve internet connection even do wifi si connected, im in donut16:03
babijoeedoes browser work?16:11
babijoeeadb logcat16:11
babijoeesee if packets are coming through16:12
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Unholylet me see if adb works16:25
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Unholyhow do i see if packets are working?16:44
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Unholyi got donut conected to wifi16:44
Unholybut i ahve no internet16:44
bheUnholy does it have an ip afres ? adb shell, then ifconfig16:48
Unholyok il try that, let me do something first16:48
bheyou should be able to ping your routers ip to16:49
Unholybhe: now what17:01
Unholyi did adb shell then ifconfig17:01
bhedo you see wlan adapter ?17:02
Unholyi see tiwlan017:02
bhedoes it has an ip adres ?17:03
bhecan you ping you routers adres ?17:03
bheor googles dns servers : or
Unholygod damn adb, god damn windows17:04
Unholyadb stoped working17:05
Unholyits ok now17:05
bheok then, I'm gone laptop batt empty ...17:05
Unholyyes i can ping my router17:05
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Unholyhow do i make the ping stop17:06
bhectrl -c17:06
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jocalabuild/core/ *** _nic.PRODUCTS.[[device/htc/passion/]]: "device/common/gps/" does not exist.17:24
jocalaany help with above error?17:25
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CazHjocala: which branch did you check out?17:34
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jocalathe HEAD branch17:40
jocalathat's all bramches, yes17:40
CazHthe master?17:40
jocalarepo init -u git://
CazHthats the master branch, which is very broken and will not work17:41
CazHyou need to do repo init -u git:// -b froyo17:41
CazHor exchange froyo for eclair if you want eclair17:42
jocalaah. to get froyo -b froyo?17:42
CazHyes and you welcome :)17:42
jocalaoff to d/l another hour or so <g>17:42
Unholycazh: whats the command to wipe previus compiled files for the kernel git17:43
CazHdon't know anything about the kernel17:43
CazHif you asked this question before search the logs17:43
Unholyhmm not that i recall17:44
jocalahow long does a build take, given a modern machine?17:48
CazHjocala: define a modern machine? How many cores?17:48
jocalasay 417:48
CazHone of the devs has a nice 4 core machine which can compile in about 45 minuts from scracth17:49
CazHmy singel core can do it in 2,5 hours17:49
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Unholyi got amd dual core at 3ghz first time it takes me like 1h17:49
jocalaexcellent. The wiki says "weeks" :)17:49
Unholyafter that probly 15-20 minutes17:50
CazHjocala: the devs humor, and when nobody can complain that it's taking longere then "promised" on the wiki17:50
CazHyeah clean builds after the first is about 25 minuts on my singel core so pretty fast on a 4 core :)17:51
CazHbut if you are adding stuff you don't need a clean build, and then my can do it in less then 5 mins17:51
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVOCazH, Hmm..19:09
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: ?19:09
CazHHello :)19:09
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOFroYo with HTC Sense = WIN.19:09
CazHyeah yeah fuck you :P19:10
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOAren't you getting one? :o19:10
CazHwhich? a new phone? yeah, just need to start working so they start paying me :P19:10
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOAlso, I'm a redneck wuss in your mind?19:11
CazHI've been looking at the Samsung Galaxy S19:11
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVOO'rly? Isn't that like way more expensive then the Desire?19:12
CazHYeah your a redneck wuss :P But the desire is SWEET19:12
CazHWell it's about 1000dkk more, but then you get 16gb internal flash19:12
CazH+ you can still put a sd card in it19:12
TheDeadCPU|BRAVORedneck wuss nerd phone addict.19:13
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYea lol :p19:13
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CazHbut the starting price of the galaxy s is pretty much the same as the desire when it launched here19:13
CazHand it's gonna be at least a month before I can buy it19:14
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOOh, not to bad then.19:14
CazHAnd I need a new computer badly (well just a motherboard but you know when you upgrading)19:14
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYea lol :p19:14
CazHMy sata controller seems to create errors on all my disks for some fucked up reason19:15
CazHso right now I'm running of a 10 year old 160gb pata drive which I can't belive still works19:15
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI spent 16'000 nok on a gaming rig in January lol19:15
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOAnd now it's outdated -.-19:16
CazHHaha yeah that shit happens :P19:16
CazHHow much moonshine do you sell?19:16
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVOEnough lol..19:16
CazH8k cam, 16k gaming rig, desire and who knows what else you have :P19:17
CazHGotta be making decent money off that shit :P19:17
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOMight also be my awesome work..19:17
CazHYou work?19:17
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVOBuying a new Processor and new gfx card after the summer though19:17
CazHDidn't know redneck phone loving geek wussies could that?19:18
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI get 1400nok for 8 hours of work lol19:18
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOHehe lo.19:18
CazHnot bad19:18
TheDeadCPU|BRAVONot at all.19:18
CazHI make 200dkk an hour :P19:18
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI make as much as an average adult in Norway.19:18
CazHnot bad19:19
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI only make 175nok..19:19
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThough @ 17 that's awesome.19:19
CazHyeah very much so19:19
CazHwhat do you do?19:19
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOSetting up printers and stuff19:20
TheDeadCPU|BRAVO@ my dad's company.19:20
CazHlol, way too easy money :P19:20
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOSo epic.19:20
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThough I do some janitor work too19:20
TheDeadCPU|BRAVO(except washing and stuff)19:20
CazHsweeping floors?19:21
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOMore like changin lightbulbs19:21
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOstuff like that19:21
CazHchanging lightbulbs at 175 an hour :P19:21
CazHYour dad are being screwed :P19:22
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYea, I love that my dad owns such a place.19:22
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYea.. He makes like 2million nok a year so I don't think he cares.19:22
CazHThen screw your dad :P19:22
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOHe's a dick otherwise.19:23
TheDeadCPU|BRAVONever gives me anything.19:23
CazHexcept major money for a easy job19:23
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYea, but I get that from the company :D19:23
CazHI'm gonna kill my flash memory in my diamond with creating new data.img all the time :P19:26
jocalabuild/core/ *** No matches for product "xdandroid_msm_us".19:27
CazHI'm try to optimze my builds to the extreme(aka. the point of no use) :P19:27
Unholyim going to kill my kernel git directory for compiling what i dont whant19:27
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWith an axe Unholy?19:28
jocalathis error ocurred after a fresh d/l of froyo branch19:28
Unholymore like a fireball19:28
Unholythere always better19:28
CazHUnholy: my builds still compile a lib for opengl es 2, but we only have opengl es 1.1 hw19:28
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOAxes or Ion Cannons.19:28
CazHjocala: copy the last 10 lines or so and post them at for use will you :)19:28
UnholyCazh:thats nto normal XD19:28
CazHUnholy: yeah well, if I don't compile it, it whines badly about missing it :S19:29
jocalaonly the one line CazH. Post to pastebin?19:29
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWhy do I have this sudden urge to sleep?19:29
Unholythe problem i have is i set hw3d to donut, but the kernel gets built for eclair -_-19:29
Unholyno matter hwo many time i change it in the kernel menuconf19:29
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CazHjocala: it's most likely not you problem but I just remeber that the links for the gapps is not the one for froyo19:32
CazHthis one is the one you should use
Unholyis there a command to clean kernel? you know form previous compiles19:33
Unholyim pretty shure thats what fucking me up19:33
CazHUnholy: make clean maybe?19:33
Unholyim so tempted to just delete the hole tree19:33
Unholyand redownload19:33
CazHjocala: also the wiki tells you to go to vender/xdandroid/msm/ and run, for froyo you need to go to device/xdandroid/msm/ and run unzip-files.sh19:34
CazHand if you want 3d to work you need this file too:
CazHwhich also goes in the root of you build tree before running the script :)19:35
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jocalayep, did the unzip. will do again with new file19:35
Unholymake clean worked CazH thx19:37
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: I've stripped a few things out of my benchmarking build, like what would you need market for anyway? :P19:39
CazHUnholy: yw19:39
UnholyCazH: lol19:39
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOGetting the benchmark app?19:40
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOjk lol19:40
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: nope that is build in to the build :P19:40
Unholyi forgot to add -j4 to kernel build command \o/19:40
CazHErr well, there where supossed to be 3 of them, but some how only one of them installed :S19:40
Unholythis will take a god damn while =D19:41
TheDeadCPU|BRAVO1/3 of americans want weed legalized.19:41
CazHso only a third of american programs can install or what are you getting at? :P19:41
jocalaThis error when unzipping:
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYes CazH.19:42
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CazHjocala: I get them 219:43
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jocalaoutput from make:
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Unholy4th time that i build the damn kernel19:47
Unholybetter work now19:47
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jocalaI installed everything to ~/xandroid. That's also where the zips went19:48
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOSo I can't make a cancer joke?19:48
CazHjocala: I'm not really sure what is going on here, it's a bit over my head you'll need stinebd for this :)19:49
jocalaOK, thanks for the zip files!19:50
CazHjocala: yw19:50
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: you don't have the .apk for neocore do you?19:51
TheDeadCPU|BRAVONope, but I can get you it lol19:51
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CazHThat would be nice :D19:52
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: seems quassel doesn't support dcc :(19:54
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI'll link a download then.19:54
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVOAlso get xFire19:54
Unholyffs it dosent work19:54
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOCazH, pm<319:55
Unholyi need phh19:55
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOCan I make a cancer joke now?19:55
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: <3 YES :D19:55
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWhat did the deaf, dumb and blind kid get for Christmas.....?19:56
CazHAnd I have family who died from cancer so it's my chocie :P19:56
CazHLOL :P thats just cruel :P19:56
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThat's why I'm allowed to make Cancer jokes.19:56
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI know, that's the funny part.19:56
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVOBob Marley time!19:57
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CazHArgh Neocore still doesn't work :S19:58
TheDeadCPU|BRAVONo one cares, go for Linpack.19:58
CazHAlready got linpack :P19:58
CazHBut I wan't MORE!19:58
CazHhmm with this build i'm running 19mhz slowere then my older tests(typo in my startup) and I get lower scores in anything I run :(19:59
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CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: thats is so sweet20:04
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI need it.20:05
CazHI like quadrant :D20:05
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI like anything special.20:05
CazHQuadrant is a benchmark tool, it gave me a better score then my old build :P20:06
Unholygod damn vm frezze ffs20:08
CazHFuck this I'm going to bed :P20:10
CazHNeed to be up in 7 hours any way20:10
CazHnight ppl20:10
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI'ma watch all the Pirates of the carbbiaen films.20:10
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOlol english fail.20:11
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOAlso gnite20:11
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jocalaIs stinebd active here?21:40
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOHe should be.21:41
stinebdthat guy never shows up21:41
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOOr not.21:41
jocalaCazH referred me to uou earlier stinebg, here's a pastebin:
stinebdconfig is different for froyo21:43
stinebdTARGET_PRODUCT should now be set to full_msm21:43
stinebdupstream aosp had a ton of build system changes which we conformed to as well21:44
jocalaso TARGET_PRODUCT := full_msm ?21:45
stinebdalso, since i just changed the gapps package today, please verify that ~/xdandroid/vendor/xdandroid/msm/proprietary/NetworkLocation.apk exists21:45
stinebdjocala: right21:45
stinebdif you don't have the NetworkLocation.apk, you'll want to get the new gapps package at
jocalait's there21:47
jocalamake is running now!21:48
jocalathanks :)21:48
stinebdok, see you in five months when it's done!21:48
jocalalol, more like a year for my debian box :)21:48
stinebdok i'm gonna pop off for the weekend. if anybody has any questions, i reside on your linux system as /dev/null21:49
jocalathx for the help21:55
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