Thursday, 2010-07-01

stinebdarguments to dhcpcd00:00
hamagcnp banijoee whenever your ready00:00
stinebdmost importantly, it includes the interface on the command line00:00
babijoeehmm i guess you'll need to pass em to me :p00:00
stinebdi'm not interested in what it does with my init.froyo.rc00:00
stinebdi'm interested in what it does with a normal one00:00
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babijoeewhere is dhcpcd located?00:03
stinebdjust run start dhcpcd00:04
stinebdit should output nothing and return to the shell00:04
babijoeeoutput nothing00:04
babijoeenot connecting00:04
babijoeehamagc: i'll just get you to test the other features :p00:07
hamagcSend me a list of what you want tested with it and I will give you details00:08
babijoeestinebd: anything else ?00:16
thedicemaster... how do you close the internet browser in froyo?00:16
babijoeeyou dont need to00:17
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babijoeejust press power button to get to home00:17
thedicemasteri don't want it in my list of running applications when i'm not using it.00:18
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Unholyffs have to redonwload the hole repo sync of froyo form the beggining00:18
Unholyi hate my isp00:19
babijoeeUnholy: how come?00:21
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Unholymy net connection farted00:22
Unholyand the repo sync failed00:22
Unholymaybe it resumes00:24
babijoeeUnholy: it does00:25
Unholyya noticed that now00:26
Unholyfuken great00:26
Unholyhappy camper00:26
babijoeeUnholy: makes these mistakes now so you dont make em in the future when you really dont want it to00:26
Unholyya i will XD00:26
Unholyso if compile froyo now jit will be working right?00:27
babijoeehamagc: 15 minutes00:27
babijoeeUnholy: yep00:27
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babijoeemake sure you specify that in the buildspec.mk00:27
babijoeehamagc: 15 minutes00:27
Unholyye i always have it on00:27
babijoeehamagc: sorry00:29
babijoee8 minutes00:29
Unholywtf ? build/core/ *** No matches for product "xdandroid_msm_us".  Stop.00:29
babijoeeUnholy: you are making the froyo in a new dir right?00:29
Unholywhat do you mean?00:30
babijoeei think you wouldnt create the repo init -u git:// -b froyo in the same dir as eclair00:30
babijoeei'm not sure00:31
babijoeebut i think you wouldn't00:31
Unholyum yes i did00:31
Unholydint know it matter00:31
babijoeei think it does00:31
babijoeebut ask stinebd to be safe :p00:31
Unholystinebd you here?00:31
babijoeehes fixing wifi00:31
Unholyket see if i can build eclair00:32
babijoeeso i guess you'll have to wait00:32
babijoeeUnholy: i think you might have ruin both source00:32
Unholyfuck man im not goin to redownload 2gb with my fuckt up connection00:33
Unholygod damn00:33
Unholyi cant build eclair ether00:33
babijoeei feel your pain00:33
babijoeei had to dl source twice :p00:34
babijoeehamagc: whats your device again :p00:34
babijoeei can remember these things00:34
hamagcRaph800 lol00:35
babijoeeUnholy: hope stinebd has some magic command00:35
Unholyfuck man this sucks00:35
Unholyit dosent say it matters in wiki dang00:36
babijoeeUnholy: lets hope i'm wrong00:36
babijoeebesides now you can build froyo :p00:36
Unholyi cant build anything00:36
Unholygives me an error00:37
babijoeehave you finish dl froyo source?00:37
Unholyima do repo sync again with froyo inited00:38
babijoeenew dir :p00:42
Unholyi dont tihnk il redonwload this again man00:42
Unholyfuken typos00:43
babijoeeyeah just wait on stinebd i guess00:43
Unholyim gona have to if not00:43
Unholywell i fuken guess il redownload =/00:43
Unholyil leave pc on during the night00:44
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stinebdcant believe i had to fork this crap01:06
stinebdstupid ****ing google01:06
stinebdone day i'll find myself in the unfortunate position of having to look for work and getting an interview at google, and i'll just start cussing out the poor HR guy that does the interview01:07
stinebdbabijoee: get ready for another long recompile01:09
babijoeeoh goodie01:09
stinebdi had to change libnetutils (it wasn't even TRYING to start dhcpcd, they had it completely wrong) and that involves forking system/core01:10
stinebdi think they merged something from master that they shouldn't have01:11
babijoeeany need to make installclean or unzip-files?01:11
stinebdbut it's a system/core change so it's going to recompile everything anyway01:11
stinebdwell maybe not for you... i'm not quite sure01:12
babijoeedoesn't hurt to do it i guess01:12
babijoeestinebd: no needed changes to rootfs?01:12
stinebdmy working directory had to be reset to merge the changes in01:12
stinebdbabijoee: yes01:12
stinebdi'll push after i've tested it01:12
stinebdi had to add a dhcpcd frontend script to rootfs :/01:13
babijoeei'll test it then get hamagc also01:13
stinebdto do what libnetutils was supposed to be doing01:13
babijoeehopefully that wasn't too hard :p01:13
stinebdthis is going to take a while so you might not want to stay up01:13
babijoeestinebd: its 3:14pm01:14
stinebdgo to sleep01:14
babijoeei already did01:14
babijoeei woke up at 801:14
babijoeecompiling now01:14
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Unholyim compiling too muahah01:15
Unholyyo stinebd01:18
Unholyhow much time does it take you to compile?01:18
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stinebd45 minutes or so?01:21
Unholyi see01:22
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hamagcBabijoee: no sd card01:32
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hamagcBabijoee: no sd no flash01:40
babijoeeno sd?01:42
babijoeestinebd: finished01:42
babijoeeno sd?01:43
babijoeethats weird01:43
babijoeeit should be working01:44
hamagcNot mounted01:44
babijoeehamagc: fresh install?01:46
hamagcOnly thing in andboot is whaat you sent me new data.img and all01:47
hamagcDid not update anything. Want me to?01:47
babijoeetheres no update01:47
babijoeeso when you open OIfilemanager01:47
babijoeetheres nothing?01:47
hamagcOi shows everything. No gallery or music01:48
babijoeeokay. can you see notifications and ringtone sounds01:49
hamagcNeither, only option is silent01:50
babijoeegoto development and run media scanner01:51
babijoeestinebd: problem?01:53
babijoeehamagc: can you try running it in root of sd instead of andboot?01:53
hamagcYa. Scanner running still01:54
babijoeeokay after that01:54
babijoeetry running from root of sd k :p01:54
stinebdmy own stupidity is the problem01:54
hamagcSent action media mounted trigger on media scanner01:56
hamagcK trying root. Be back in a bit01:57
babijoeestinebd: what did you do?01:58
stinebdtypoed the dhcp script01:59
stinebdnow it works01:59
stinebdwifi is good01:59
babijoeedo i need to recompile?01:59
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stinebddid you recompile the latest change with the system/core fork?01:59
stinebdthen no02:00
babijoeeokay cool02:00
stinebdbut you need the new rootfs that will be coming out shortly02:00
Unholygah im still compiling02:01
babijoeetry xterm next time and it see how it compares02:03
babijoeestinebd: you're using quad-core right?02:03
Unholythis shouldetn be talking so long02:03
babijoeehrmm and it takes you 45 minutes to compile02:04
Unholyi built eclair in like 30 minutes02:04
Unholylast time02:04
babijoeeit only takes me 20-25 using xterm02:04
thedicemasterlauncher pro as default again? :(02:09
babijoeethedicemaster: yes02:13
babijoeeit has more functionality02:14
babijoeegives you 2 more docks02:14
babijoeeand is more responsive imo02:14
babijoeei guess i can also upload a clean stinebd build :p02:14
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Unholyi canceld the compile this is insane02:17
Unholyima try xterm02:17
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babijoeegl Unholy02:21
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Unholysomething is wrong here02:21
Unholyeclair built so much faster02:22
hamagcbabijoee: still negative02:22
Unholyis this normal? im getting lots of target_thumb c++02:23
hamagcneocore had me between 15 and 1802:23
babijoeestinebd: you genius :)02:24
babijoeewifi works02:24
stinebdi warned you02:24
babijoeehamagc: try new data.img02:24
babijoeethis isn't looking good02:25
babijoeetime to prepare package02:25
hamagcnew data.img, only thing that stayed was tsconfig02:25
babijoeehamagc: i'm stumped02:25
babijoeeanyways i'll give you a new pack to try02:26
Unholystinebd could a fuckt up source, make android build slower?02:26
stinebdUnholy: you need to be patient. there's 2GB of sources there, it generates upwards of 7GB of object files. it takes me over 45 minutes for a build on a quad core machine02:27
Unholyi know but i compiled eclair yesterday02:27
Unholyit only took me 26 minutes02:27
stinebdthen you had most of it compiled already02:28
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stinebdthe only way you're getting an entire build in 26 minutes is if you manage to steal a couple hundred blue genes and build a cluster02:30
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stinebdCeasarRAPH100 donated02:41
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babijoeehow many donations so far?02:44
stinebd3, balance is $47.xx02:45
hamagcwoohoo, when it hits 100,000 we're good lol02:46
stinebdtomorrow i'll have to work on paypal notifications so i can put donors in the wiki and stuff02:47
babijoeeanyways i'm heading out to gym02:49
babijoeebbl in 202:49
babijoeehamagc: hopefully sdcard fixes itself on a reboot02:50
hamagclol let me reboot02:50
hamagcstill not there. ran media scanner, started, finished in about 1 second and still sd card unmounted or unpresent02:57
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hamagcalso data not coming back. apn is there and activated but no data. 3 minutes since boot and 3g was working prior to reboot.03:01
hamagcok guys i'm going to bed. babijoee if you send me anything new i'll test out in the morning.03:01
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babijoeestinebd: wifi connects but data isn't going through it seems03:13
babijoeeoh wait03:13
babijoeeits just slow..03:15
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stinebdbut we'll need a new donate url03:27
Unholyomg im finished building03:27
stinebdi wonder if my server has enough juice to generate images we could use on the forums for recent donations03:28
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stinebdanyway it's really bed time03:29
ReefermattnessHi guys  :)03:29
stinebdi'm gonna get like 2 hours of sleep03:29
stinebddon't worry, i'm used to it03:30
Unholyi do that while in uni03:30
Unholyget like 3 hours of sleep03:30
Unholygn ppls03:40
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fireball`good morning :)03:43
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Reefermattnessbabijoee still around?04:18
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babijoeeReefermattness: i'm here05:12
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babijoeestinebd: you around?05:35
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babijoeephh you around?05:58
babijoeewhats the cmd to put in startup to fix the request_suspend_state: wakeup xxxxxxx05:58
babijoeei remember you posting a solution but i can't find it05:59
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Midget010Hi everyone, I'm having a problem with my Nandroid Backup and was wondering if anyone here could help.08:04
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florian_died somebody try how long the battery of touch diamond works with xdandroid?08:26
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flocould somebody tell me if the recommended build is the pure open source android?09:53
floor is it "delivered" with proprietary google apps?09:53
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThis project is as close to stock as possible.09:53
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWell, there are some google apps there..09:54
flook, i just asked because of the law situation09:54
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floyes, i thought google forbid to distribute theire apps09:55
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOLol, Google apps are open source ;)09:55
flobut i'm not how important that is sure...09:55
floso i will give it at try when i am at home09:56
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CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: Gapps are not opensource :P10:07
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOSome of them?10:07
CazHsome might be, but the ones we use are not10:08
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI know some of them are.10:08
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOOh, but well, I don't think Google will sue us for using them.10:08
CazHNo they just send cease and desist letters ;)10:09
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWhy would they?10:09
CazHdon't know but that what they are doing :)10:10
CazHAndroid open source project.... Right why are some of your apps closed source and very forbidden to copy ? :P10:11
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThere is like, Maps, Goggles, Gmail,10:11
CazHthis is why we have gapps out side our source tree so that the devs it's to blame for hosting the gapps :P10:11
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOOh well, no harm done.10:12
CazHyeah :)10:12
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOFirst HTC now Google.10:12
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOEveryone wants to be Apple : D10:12
CazHyeah it's like they don't really get the whole opensource thinggy :P10:12
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: you know how I whined about my usb beeing fucked last night?10:52
CazHTo day there is no problems :P10:53
CazHit's so messed up :P10:53
thedicemasterare there any apps you usually run, but don't have running today?10:53
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt's funneh.10:53
thedicemasteri noticed some apps give some unexplainable interference to a USB connection.10:54
CazHthedicemaster: it's in winmo that usb was broken and reboot a ton of times and I have a fresh stock rom in winmo :P10:54
thedicemasteri was talking about wm too.10:54
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CazHbut any ways, no apps installed :P10:54
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWM = Fucktard.10:54
thedicemasteri know androkkid is one of those apps, really annoying.10:54
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: so true ;)10:55
thedicemasterif i don't close it, my USB connection drops after a few seconds of being used.10:55
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI'd rather have iOS then WinMo..10:55
CazHthedicemaster: my linux computer couldn't see it at all. unless I keept unplugging and replugging a ton of times :S10:56
thedicemasteri just want a proper android phone. i hope for a milestone2'10:56
thedicemasteri had it regardless of OS too, and in some cases would also not show up at all.10:57
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOthedicemaster, I'd say get the HTC Vision.10:57
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOFroYo, Sense, 1.2Ghz Dual Core, HW KEYBOARD, AMOLED.10:58
thedicemasterdon't want sense.10:58
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThen you remove Sense.10:58
thedicemasteri want vanilla interface, with perhaps a home replacement of my choosing.10:58
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOOr wait like 1-2 weeks and get a Stock rom.10:58
thedicemasteri really like the droid2 design(which will probably be released here as milestone2)11:00
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI love HTC Sense.11:00
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOVanilla is so..11:01
thedicemasterlarge flat phone with thin edges, and a decently big screen.11:01
thedicemasteroh, and qwerty.11:01
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOMaybe the Nexus Two?11:02
thedicemastermy next phone has to have qwerty.11:02
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThe Nexus Two will have one.11:02
thedicemasterthat's 1 thing i learned from my diamond.11:02
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI think the Nexus Two will be the HTC Vision just without Sense.11:02
[[cg]alloc]init]amen to qwerty11:02
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOEven though It's said to be a Motorola.11:03
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThe Desire works without qwerty. But I can't imagine a Resistive screen without a Keyboard.11:03
thedicemasteri actually got a mini BT keyboard for my diamond, unfortunately the rom i have right now has broken BT keyboard pairing.11:03
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThey should put one of those Lazer keyboards in a phone.11:04
thedicemasterthose things you can project onto your desk?11:04
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThey work quite well.11:05
thedicemasteronly usefull for office situations, or when your phone is practically a tablet. physical qwerty actually works for playing a GB(A) game in the bus or train.11:06
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYea, but it would be really cool. Like, show off.11:06
thedicemasterdinner time, gtg.11:08
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hamagcgood morning guys11:56
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CazHmorgning hamagc :)12:04
hamagcmorning Cazh! how are we doing today?12:06
CazHmuch better, seeing as my usb is behaving now :P12:06
hamagclol i see that. stupid winmo12:07
CazHwell bbl, dinner time :)12:08
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOTrying this JuicePlotter to check battery.12:13
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOFor the fun of it.12:13
hamagci was just looking at a juice defender. looks interesting.12:17
hamagcbabijoee: for when you come on, something that might be useful to users:
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOHe won't see that.12:18
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYou'll have to wait until he logs on.12:18
hamagcehh sometimes he checks the logs.12:19
hamagci seem to be having an issue with logs lately. they are like hit or miss on if they work right for me12:19
hamagchalf the time i have to download the log and use notepad to view. annoying12:20
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hamagcwhat are we using to benchmark? linpack?12:27
hamagchmm weird. so i can't find it in market. downloaded the apk online and it force closes. hmm...12:28
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt's in Market for me.12:29
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOLinpack For Android12:29
hamagcon xdandroid or on your desire?12:30
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hamagchmm. let me change my startup or something, maybe it a resolution thing12:31
hamagci was pretty sure i had it previously.12:31
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI have it with 210 dpi12:31
CazHit should be in market :)12:31
CazHyeah 210 dpi here :)12:31
hamagcya on the new build i tried tofind lastnight and couldn't.12:32
hamagcmaybe i'm sert at 24012:32
paalsteekjust found it here12:32
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOMaybe I'll go play some Cod.12:32
hamagclol i was playing lastnight12:33
hamagcehh i love it on the 36012:33
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt's boring on both my 360 and Ps3..12:33
paalsteeklucky guys. wish I had the time too12:33
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWay to easy on Console.12:33
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOHaving summer vacation is awesome12:34
hamagcpsh i get to play once a week if i am lucky.12:34
paalsteekVacation = exams here12:34
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOLol I'm finisihed with all my exams.12:34
hamagcweird so the default startup is at 210. replaced with my old startup lets see if it shows now.12:35
hamagci miss exams :(12:35
CazHOne of my friends missed his exams :P12:36
hamagcwtf? still no linpack. people are reporting sdcard working but i have none12:38
hamagcgallery still shows sdcard not present or unmounted12:38
paalsteekhamagc: do you have a console?12:38
paalsteekto run mount and see the mount points of the sdcard12:40
hamagclol mount /dev/mk1 /mnt/sdcard?12:42
hamagci can access card in oi and root explorer12:42
CazHis you card mounted at /mnt/sdcard?12:42
CazHthen where?12:43
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hamagci think12:43
CazHthat is the sd card, now there should be something on the same line12:43
hamagcsays: /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 on /sdcard type vfat12:44
CazH/dev/blockmmcblk0p1 is you sd card, /sdcard is where it is mounted :)12:45
CazHvfat is the filesystem :)12:45
hamagcso it's mounted, why am i still getting errors that it's not mounted?12:45
hamagcis it a problem with the gallery?12:45
CazHit's mounted12:46
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CazHbut android might be looking for it some where else12:46
CazHtry typing this: "echo $EXTERNAL_STORAGE"12:46
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CazHwhat does that return?12:46
hamagcjsut drops a line and leaves me with12:47
CazHtry write su12:47
CazHand then the other thing again :)12:48
hamagcwrite not found lol12:48
CazHno just "su"12:48
CazHnot write :)12:48
hamagclol :p12:49
hamagcsame thing, drops a line and leaves me with #12:49
Unholycazh whats the latest gapps for compiling?12:49
CazHUnholy: we don't compile gapps, with just copy them ind, but we are using FRF8312:50
CazHhamagc: try this: "export EXTERNAL_STORAGE /sdcard"12:50
CazHand see if gallery works now?12:51
hamagcexport: /sdcard: bad variable name12:51
Unholyye i know12:51
Unholyi jus tneed the latest version number12:51
Unholyas the one i have dosent work12:51
Unholywere did you get it?12:51
CazHwhat doesn't work12:51
CazHjust a sec12:52
paalsteekhamagc: would have to be 'export EXTERNAL_STORAGE=/sdcard'12:52
CazHoh right, typo12:52
CazHmy bad :)12:52
|Jeroen|how long does the 2.2 beta boot animation normaly take at first run ?12:52
paalsteekI would also be interested in the uncommented lines of 'cat /etc/vold.conf'12:53
hamagcstill nada. this time the command didn't give me any errors just dropped to the next line but gallery still states no sd12:53
paalsteek|Jeroen|: for me about 10 times12:53
CazH|Jeroen|: maybe a couple of mins max12:53
hamagcya 10-12 times i'd say12:53
|Jeroen|ah took a lot longer here12:54
CazHhamagc: then I have no clue :)12:54
|Jeroen|i reseted it and it went better12:54
|Jeroen|seems somthing is wrong here then on fist run12:54
CazH|Jeroen|: try updating you rootfs? :)12:54
hamagcya 10-12 times i'd say12:54
|Jeroen|did it change already ?12:54
paalsteekhamagc: do 'cat /etc/vold.conf' and tell me the lines not starting with #12:54
CazHwell, its update quite often :)12:54
|Jeroen|i have the one from the beta build12:54
stinebdvold uses vold.fstab now12:55
CazHI'm not sure which rootfs babijoee packed in that one12:55
paalsteekstinebd: right I meant vold.fstab12:55
CazHI know for a fact that the newest is good :)12:55
|Jeroen|ok il take the newest then12:55
hamagcso /etc/vold.fstab? or .conf?12:55
hamagc.conf gives me media type mmc12:55
hamagcmount point /sdcard12:56
hamagcums_path /devices/platform/usb_mass_storage/lun012:56
paalsteekhamagc: vold.fstab would be the interesting one12:57
hamagctop says emu_media_path /devices/platform/goldfish_mmc.0/mmc_host/mmc012:57
hamagck let me try fstab12:57
hamagcdev_mount: sdcard /sdcard auto /devices/platform/msm_sdcc.2/mmc_host/mmc112:58
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paalsteeklooks right for me12:59
hamagcok let me update rootfs with today and smoke. see if it does anything different12:59
thedicemaster... nice. my diamond scores better than a motorola droid in quadrant.13:11
hamagclol so does my tp. but still no sdcard!13:12
thedicemasteri do have sdcard, but my wifi shuts down before it finds a network.13:13
Unholysdcard and wifi work fine here13:14
hamagcok then it must be device13:14
hamagci can't think of anything other than device13:14
hamagcstupid cdma13:14
thedicemasterdevice, perhaps also presence of data files.13:14
|Jeroen|it is allowed to just delete the boot animation? , i notice it takes 52% of system memory13:14
thedicemastercould very well be that wifi problems for me are caused by the presence of an older data.img.13:15
|Jeroen|it probably slows down the boot quite a lot13:15
|Jeroen|ah lol you kan kill it with adb13:15
hamagccard is clean except new build. new data.img and tsconfig13:15
|Jeroen|mhz system is booted and animation was just looping for no aparent reason13:16
hamagcts-configuration: touch screen config13:18
thedicemasterah, anyone know what symbol marks text as comment in startup.txt/default.txt?13:20
hamagc# isn't it?13:22
|Jeroen|damm it deleted the boot animation and there seems to be a backup, the old animation is comming up now13:25
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|Jeroen|lol killing it seems to speed up things13:27
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XXtaZyHello room?  Anyone in here to answer a quick question for a noob13:39
hamagcok cdma in general has broken sd. don't know about diamond users yet but raph800 and raph500 are reporting no sdcard.13:39
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOXXtaZy, Shoot.13:40
XXtaZyI have a htc tp (one) and trying to use the start up files in the RAPH800 folder.. One are those the correct files? Two at one point it seems to just hand (like for over an hour it sat)13:41
XXtaZyThanks for the response btw.13:41
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOOk, pop out your battery, there it should tell you your raph version13:42
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOlike under the battry13:42
hamagcwho is your carrier?13:42
XXtaZyYes.. raph80013:42
XXtaZySprint.. (cmda)13:43
hamagcsprint is raph800, verizon is raph500, att is raph10013:43
hamagcok your on raph800. which version are you using? 2.1 or 2.2?13:43
XXtaZyOk.. So I was on the right track.13:43
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOLol I have had 8 blue screens in a row now.13:44
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOSomething fishy is going on.13:44
hamagclol bsod?13:45
TheDeadCPU|BRAVONever had it on this pc before.13:45
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOLOL 9 times now13:45
hamagcoh on your pc? what error is it giving you?13:45
XXtaZyI didn't want to brick my phone, but wanting to play some and learn.. So thanks for the help..  Going back to the documentation to make sure I'm not missing something.13:45
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOSome drivers.13:45
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOhamagc, It's some experimental thing I'm doing with some gaming things.13:46
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYay for startup rapair.13:46
hamagcXxtazy: you can't brick your phone with android at this point since it all runs off the sdcard. nice :) double check the docs and what you have and make sure everytihng is up to date. there haven't been any real reports of botoloop on 2.2 so i'm assuming your using 2.113:46
hamagcok, as long as you know what your doing lol. i have to fix a few computers tonight.13:47
hamagci need an investor so i can start my business.13:47
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOLol, I'm just having some fun.13:47
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI'd invest if you were in Norway.13:47
XXtaZyWould it make a diff if I'm using a mightyROM vs the stock ROM?13:48
hamagclol norway is a bit far for a repair store.13:48
TheDeadCPU|BRAVONo it shouldn't.13:48
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOhamagc, where you at? lol13:48
XXtaZy(don't know how to whisper) lol13:48
hamagcxxtazy: no rom makes no difference as wonmo is killed when you launch haret.exe13:48
hamagci'm out here in california13:48
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOHmm.. Might be a bit far away.13:49
hamagclol only like a 16 hour flight.13:49
hamagcwoohoo! gl13:49
XXtaZyAnd as far  as knowing what I'm doing.. I don't.. haha.  Grew up in old school IT times where you didn't know what you were doing.. You just did it.. Looked like it'd be fun to do and lear something new.. So I'm just doing it.. haha13:49
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWell then you can just forget my millions of dollars.13:49
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOOr, I don't have them in dollars but in NOK.13:50
hamagclol isn't that worth more these days?13:51
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt is indeed.13:51
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThe NOK is way to much worth.13:51
|Jeroen|yeah we now have exchange calendars super13:51
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYay for startup repair : D13:52
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: last time i check NOK is less the DKK :D13:53
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOCazH, It's worth less per krone put it's stronger :p13:53
CazHyeah you got olie :P13:54
CazHmore then we do :P13:54
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOJust a tiny bit more lol.13:54
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWell, brb, XDAndroid video maeking.13:54
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: well at least we have more olie then we need :D13:54
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOLol We do too CazH a lot more then we need.13:55
CazHyeah you guys have way more than you need13:55
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI think it was estimated @ 700'000'000'000 Nok in just oil.13:55
hamagcpsh we have so much oil, we're just letting it spew into the gulf lol13:56
hamagctoo soon?13:56
CazHhamagc: naaah it's all good :D13:56
hamagcok i ran media scanner and picked up all kinds of music now.13:59
hamagclooks like it picked up most if not all my music on my sdcard14:00
hamagcstill no gallery :(14:01
CazHhamagc: what build are you using?14:02
hamagcbut gallery now says loading...14:02
hamagc7/1 2.214:02
hamagci have some 100+ pictures on here so hopefully thats why it is lagging on loading gallery now lol14:02
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CazHhamagc: if I find a build in min personal collection which works for me would you try it?14:04
hamagcya definitally14:04
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CazHokay then give me a couple of minuts14:04
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x1usserI have a questions14:06
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hamagcok gallery starts up and says no sdcard mounted, but if i give it a sec, it says loading.14:07
x1I saw 21.6 new version14:07
x1is it possible on sony ericssonX114:08
thedicemastermy guess, it didn't see the SDcard so it decided to notify you. then it saw a load of images in a folder called sdcard, and thought "hm, let's just load those instead"14:08
hamagclol pita14:09
x1i am not good at english14:09
x1plz easy explain14:09
hamagcit looks like android has been ported to the xa14:10
hamagcheh gallery says there are no items in your collection14:10
x1you said it will possible on x1 right??14:11
TheDeadCPU|BRAVODid the whole vid. Then remember i forgot SIM card and to delete TS-calibration14:11
hamagclol don't forget those or everyone will be lost when it comes time to set ts-config14:12
hamagcx1: look here for all the info your looking for:
x1thank you14:12
hamagcx1: np14:13
hamagcok mp3's play.14:14
CazHhamagc: think i found a image for you, got sd card, mp3 and gallery working, maybe even wifi14:15
CazHbut I broke market :P14:15
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hamagclol fix one brake another. looks like i got something going. found my music and played mp3s but still no pics in gallary. i'm going to shuffle around my sdcard a bit and see if it makes a difference.14:17
hamagci almost wonder if i'm having issues because my pics are burried.14:17
CazHhamagc: pm ;)14:17
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOHmm.. I'ma flash a Normal ROM so noobs don't go all wtf14:17
|Jeroen|mhz some aps don't seem to detect the sdcard14:18
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVOomg -.-14:25
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOPocketnow put up a video of Android on HD2..14:25
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOAnd they chose a Sense build.14:25
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOSeriously, the Sense builds are 5 times slower then Vanilla. Stupid..14:25
x1i saw 21.6 version have been remved task killer14:26
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVOx1, yes. It's removed and moved over to AndroiApps.14:27
x1did you set up 21.6 version14:27
florian_is htc sense included in the package?14:28
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt won't be in XDAndroid.14:28
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt's way to slow to be usable.14:28
x1doyou know 'xdauc'app14:29
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI do.14:29
x1i recent changed rom14:29
x1it installed my rom14:30
florian_ok, i read it in ct (a computer magazine) that it would be included, but i think this article is not up to date, cause it says that android runs under wimo14:30
florian_also they wrote that camera and so on would not be working14:30
x1idon`t know how to use it14:30
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOflorian_, there is a version with HTC Sense.14:30
florian_i would like version without it, should be faster :)14:30
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOx1, check the XDA_UC thread on XDA then..14:30
hamagcok so i moved the pics folder from my dcim folder to root of card. ran media scanner and now it's loading again. lets see if it finds anything now.14:30
x1i am not good at english14:31
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWhat's your language then?14:31
florian_so i will get the standard build (without sense)14:31
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYou might find someone that can explin stuff in your native language14:31
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOflorian_, XDAndroid is without Sense.14:32
florian_wonderful :D14:32
florian_x1, do you speak German?14:32
florian_than i could translate for you...14:32
hamagcgrrr there are no items in your collection14:33
florian_ok, than i wont be able to help14:33
x1i have been never14:33
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOx1, what language do you speak?14:33
x1korea ..14:34
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOGo to this thread
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOAnd ask if someone can help you in Korean14:34
hamagcor use a translator like google that will translate it into korean for you.14:35
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWell, brb, making this stupid video again14:35
florian_one last quest question: is xdandroid running in windows or is it rebooting the device an than running as a standalone? Information in ct is not quite precious here...14:35
x1in korea now is 3.35 am14:36
hamagcflorian: when haret.exe launches it kills winmo in the memory and loads linux. windows is out of the picture then.14:36
x1what is your device ???14:38
florian_ok, thats better for perfomance... is the actual build supporting gps, wlan and camera, or should i get an older one?14:38
hamagccurrently none of the builds support camera. all builds support gps as of lately and 2.1 has working wifi. still working on it on 2.214:39
florian_so release of 21.6 should be the best for me?14:40
florian_sorry, i meant 10.06.201014:40
x1oh i have some errors14:41
hamagccurrently yes. however the 1.7.2010 runs better imo14:41
x1display is reverse14:41
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NeoMatrixJRok, after days of fighting a bad cable connection (still bad modem it seems) I'm back.  Loaded newest beta pack to my RHOD400 and still getting boot loop.14:53
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hamagcon 2.2?14:56
CazHNeoMatrixJR: which rootfs?14:56
NeoMatrixJR7/1 (this morning)14:58
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CazHNeoMatrixJR: you downloaded the rootfs you self?14:59
NeoMatrixJRCazH: they packed a "beta" this morning with that rootfs.  I'm just running the pack.14:59
NeoMatrixJRpack + my startup.txt15:00
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NeoMatrixJRlocked up after allocating DMA buffer. does that sometimes instead of loop... trying again15:03
CazHstinebd: you there?15:05
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOHmm.. Making a Call froze my screen.15:08
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThen just slid out keyboard and it was ok.15:08
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: thats kinda of a bad thing :P15:08
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVOGotta reinstall that stupid camera program -.-15:15
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: come over to linux, it's way better :D15:15
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI do use Linux.15:15
NeoMatrixJRCazH: yeah...that's why I can't rebuild my vmware server on Ubuntu 10.04 after the upgrade.....15:15
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOBut this camera NEEDS a program that is Windows only.15:15
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt doesn't need it.15:16
|Jeroen|how does one start an android app from console or adb shell ?15:16
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt's just 186.7 times easier.15:16
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XXtaZyHow long in the initial install should this take on a sprint htc tp?15:19
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOaround 5-7 minutes.15:20
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|Jeroen|the bootanimation seems to takes more then 50% of the memory15:22
|Jeroen|i would opt to remove it15:22
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XXtaZyWell I've been looking at the 'boot' screen (with all the syntext on it) for about 20 mins now.15:25
CazH|Jeroen|: I'm building my own images so I have way more images to test :P15:25
|Jeroen|i just tweak existing iamges atm, remove a lot of apk's15:26
|Jeroen|dou you by any chance know how to checkout and build the kernel ?, want to have a go at compiling my own15:26
NeoMatrixJRyay...and now I have never ending boot logo.... AND I HAVEN'T CHANGED A $%^& THING!15:27
|Jeroen|mount the .ext and remove the bootanimation zip, that brings backt to old one and is a lot faster15:27
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NeoMatrixJR:'( no 2.2 for me15:34
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOxdandroid has joined? o_O15:35
NeoMatrixJRprobably the logbot15:35
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: xdandroid is stinebd's bot15:36
TheDeadCPU|BRAVODoes what?15:37
CazHI'm pretty sure it's doing the logs and not much else15:37
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CazHwell, stinebd did kick at one point to prove his is all powerfull in here but besides that :P15:38
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hamagcok guys be back in a bit16:04
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hamagcwow busy in here!!17:39
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt is indeed!17:40
XXtaZyEvery is trying to hide.. there's a noob in the room buggin everyone for answers... (me) . haha.17:41
hamagcall this chatter in here must mean everyone is busy coding :)17:41
TheDeadCPU|BRAVODamn. He found out.17:41
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI'm not coding..17:42
XXtaZyDon't worry.. I won't tell the noob you're hiding though.17:42
CazHhamagc: I've been busy compiling a new image :D Which works :D17:42
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI'm editing that video.17:42
hamagcso apparently diam500 has sd working17:42
hamagcso it looks like it's just cdma tp thats screwy. wtf?17:42
hamagci tell ya, if i wasn't paying $30 a month for service i would so switch carriers lol17:43
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWell that's because it's CMDA.17:43
hamagcdiam500 is cdma too :(17:43
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYea, still sucks.17:43
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI'm anti CDMA : D17:43
hamagclol you don't have cdma up there do you?17:43
XXtaZyand that would be what I have. Why didn't anyone tell me it sucked in advance... Oh.. there was a memo.. I guess I didn't get it.17:43
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVOAnd we get whatever phone we want.17:43
TheDeadCPU|BRAVONo stupid carriers that choose what phone i can have.17:44
CazHhamagc: diam100 also has sd card working :P17:44
hamagcisn't that one gsm?17:44
CazHhamagc: yes17:44
hamagclol but gsm is too expensive for me. if i could afford gsm i could afford a native android17:45
hamagcwhen tmo comes out with a $30 plan i'm all over it though lol17:45
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI paid $250 for my Desire.17:46
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOGSM, 1 year contract.17:46
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWith the plan I've had for like 3 years.17:47
CazHI paid 0$ for both my diamonds, 0 year contract :P17:47
CazHbeat that ;)17:47
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI got my Raph free.17:47
hamagclol i paid $100 for my tp, no contract17:47
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWithouth contract.17:48
hamagcbut i think i have you all beat on plans :)17:48
CazH2 diam > 1 raph17:48
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI have 2 raph : D17:48
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOBoth free ^17:48
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOhamagc no you don't17:48
hamagci paid $100 for my diamond to :(17:48
CazHhamagc: doubt you can beat my plan ;)17:48
hamagcno? only one i know with a better plan than me is my womans. she only o=pays $2017:49
hamagc$30 for 500 minutes unlimited everything else?17:49
CazH10$ a month here :) :P17:49
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOFree Data, Free SMS, Free MMS and 3000minutes of call per month for $4717:49
hamagcshe pays $20 for 3000 minutes, unlimited everything else17:49
hamagcdamn cazh17:49
CazHhamagc: only got 1gb data :P17:49
hamagcare you on an employee plan? or do i need to move to norway? lol17:50
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CazHI mainly used my phone for mail anyways :S17:50
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOMove to Norway lol17:50
CazHhate talking to people so I never call :P17:50
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOEmployee plans are like free.17:50
CazHI used to have employee plan17:51
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYour buisness pays like $200 a month for 10 phones with free everything.17:51
CazHbut then denmark change laws so I had to pay 25$ a month in tax for my phone :S17:51
CazHbut before that it was all free :D17:51
NeoMatrixJRhamagc: 30=500/everything... Sprint SERO? FTW!17:52
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWe only pay TV tax.17:52
CazHIf you have any of these things and are allow to have it outside you place of work, you have to pay taxes, even if company polices says you can't use it for private stuff :S17:52
hamagccazh we have unliited data but there is a 5gb softcap17:52
hamagclol neomatrixjr knows whats going on17:53
CazHhave a data card which can't do anything but text and data, but there is a 25gb softcap on that :P17:53
hamagclol who even uses that much data?17:53
CazHhamagc: don't know, but when you got a 6mbit line you can use that much :D17:54
CazHAnd yes I reach 6mbit on that card :D17:54
NeoMatrixJR%$*&^#^!!! I know Froyo works on TP2.  Others on forum have posted!!!! Why not 4 me?!?! :'(17:54
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOBecause you use to much "!17:55
CazHNeoMatrixJR: what happens?17:55
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NeoMatrixJRstill boot looping18:06
NeoMatrixJRlogcats and dmesg just make it look like as soon as the system comes up it starts going back down.18:07
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bhewhen I got the boot loop the last time I saw an error passing, something like 'no permission on /etc/dbus.conf' adb shell and chmod 777 /etc/dbus.conf and the problem was fixed18:16
bhealthoug i didn't got bot loop problems with any recent rootfs18:16
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bheI see this is already done with the custom commands in eclair.user.conf now :18:25
bhe# custom shell commands, these commands run last18:25
bhechmod 777 /etc/dbus.conf18:25
bhe#echo "Hello!!!" # example18:25
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NeoMatrixJRgot a lot of unknown or not granting permission18:34
NeoMatrixJRcrap. g2g. laters... thanks for the reccomendation bhe18:36
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hamagccazh: how goes the compiling?18:58
CazHhamagc: just great, got a working image on my phone.. well almost, seems that I some how broke mp3 support :S18:58
CazHBut now i have working wifi sd card and remove a bunch of stuff from the build babijoee releases and added some of my own(danish software keyboard and such)18:59
CazHatm I'm benchmarking my computer to see what options make android compile fastest for later compiles :P19:00
Unholyxterm is fastes im my opinion19:00
Unholythats how babijoe does it19:00
CazHUnholy: atm i'm testing which tread count is fastest19:01
Unholyyou can only do number of course +119:01
CazHI'm on a singel core machine and 3 works just fine19:02
CazHin fact my test shows i gives me almost the same speed as with 2 treads19:02
Unholyhmm il give 5 a test run then19:02
CazHunless you have 4 cores you are not going to gain anything :)19:04
Unholythen how does 3 do anything for you19:12
Unholyyou only have 1 core19:12
CazH3 works, but no performance gain over 219:13
Unholyi see19:14
hamagcok guys i'm heading home19:47
hamagcbut i'll be in and out if anyone needs me for anything.19:48
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CazHstinebd: are you there?20:00
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVOFuck yo couch stinebd.20:05
CazHerh TheDeadCPU|BRAVO wtf? :S20:06
CazHstinebd: you know that update you made to make mp3 work, well, i think it broke mp3 for me :S20:07
stinebdwell, as long as it works for everyone else20:07
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOCazH, see it worked.20:07
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: yeah was my first thought :P And then wtf :D20:08
Unholydid repo get updated?20:08
CazHUnholy: last night20:08
Unholyah k then no new changes20:08
CazHor last day depending on where in the world you are20:08
stinebdi'm doing infrastructure today, no system work20:08
stinebdworking on a donation page20:09
CazHstinebd: I'm just happing you are working :D but wouldn't mind a hint on what might have happend since my builds no longer can play mp3 :S20:09
stinebdmake installclean and make20:09
stinebdif you haven't already20:09
Unholyi can play them, but they sometimes skip20:10
Unholybut hey i dont use android to hear music20:10
CazHstinebd: been there done that20:11
stinebdthen logcat20:11
stinebdi'm no magician20:11
CazHstinebd: i beg to differ, it seems like you are most of the time :P20:11
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CazHcut just before pressing play20:14
stinebdmd5sum out/target/product/msm/system/lib/libstagefrighthw.so20:14
stinebdbecause that looks exactly like the segfault we were getting with passion libstagefrighthw20:15
CazHeca954ae24b17655d4f6989b67922372  out/target/product/msm/system/lib/libstagefrighthw.so20:15
stinebdthere's your problem20:16
CazHgreat, now the big question, how do I fix it? :D20:16
CazHjust remove that file and let make put a new one in?20:16
stinebdcd device/xdandroid/msm/ ; ./unzip-files.sh20:17
stinebdthen make installclean ; make20:17
CazHthank you, now I just need 24 mins to go by :(20:24
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CazHstinebd: heard there a new froyo build for the nexus one? FRF91 :)20:46
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stinebdi'm still on eclair20:46
CazHstinebd: any reason why you still on eclair? :)20:49
stinebdnot rooted20:49
stinebdtoo lazy to update manually20:49
CazHLet me see if I got this right. Insted of updating you main device to froyo you spend all you free time developing froyo for a older, less capable device?20:53
CazHstinebd: what is the paypal balance by now?21:22
CazHif you don't mind me asking :)21:22
stinebdit was 70 last i checked21:51
CazHokay not bad for 24 hours :)21:52
CazHstinebd: when we build we build some stuff in the sdk folder, is there any reason for this?21:55
stinebdCazH: build time dependencies21:56
CazHokay so removing them would be bad, I get it :P21:56
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stinebdpaypal is gonna be pissed at me23:57
stinebdall these $.01 donations and refunds23:57
stinebdtesting stuff23:58
stinebd**config channel plugins.donations.announce true23:58
stinebdmight as well do another one to show it off23:59
CazHuhh :D23:59
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: why the hell are you still up?23:59

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