Wednesday, 2010-06-30

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Unholyyo babijoe00:23
babijoeeyo Unholy00:24
babijoeewhy do i always miss stinebd00:24
babijoeedid you get any info for kernel00:24
Unholyyo how do i add costum apps00:24
Unholybefore building my android img?00:24
babijoeecompiling or building?00:24
Unholyi want to see if i can build eclair with sense ui00:24
babijoeeyou'll have to include it in some file00:25
babijoeewhich i dont know00:25
babijoeei usually add files after00:25
Unholyi added the frame works,libs,and apps to gapps-passion-EPE54B-signed.zip00:25
Unholythen ran the unzip command00:25
Unholythey got added to my source folder just fine00:26
Unholybut they dont get compiled00:26
Unholythe apps go in to a propietary folder00:26
babijoeeunzip-files just unzip the needed files00:26
Unholyi did00:26
babijoeeyou'll have to find the make file that adds your files00:26
Unholybut they dont get included00:27
babijoeethats what i mean00:27
Unholythe system.img came out 96mb00:27
babijoeeyou can put them in there but if you dont include it00:27
babijoeethen it wont include it00:27
babijoee96mb sounds right00:27
Unholymy last one what that big00:27
Unholywithout sense00:27
Unholyso no i dont think sense is there00:27
babijoeei'm about to try JIT now00:28
babijoeeit should be the same if you add it afterward anyway00:28
babijoeeand much faster00:28
Unholyhmm let me try the system img then00:28
Unholyim pretty shure sense did not get included00:29
babijoeethats how big my system.img is00:29
babijoeeso now00:29
babijoeei dont think so00:29
Unholyim gona have to pm the guy that did 2.1 with sense00:29
Unholysee how he did it00:29
Unholyi need stinebd00:30
Unholyhe would probly know00:30
babijoeeUnholy: they are ports from vogue00:31
Unholyi see00:31
Unholyhmm what if i add them manually 0o00:31
babijoeei dont think anyone compiled with sense00:31
Unholyi dont think they will work but its worth a try00:31
Unholyhow do i mount a ext2 in ubuntu?00:32
babijoeeUnholy: its the same if you add them afterwards, but yeah if you want to add them to compile. ask stinebd00:32
babijoeesudo mount -o loop system.ext2 xxxx00:32
babijoeexxxx = folder name00:32
Unholymount point?00:33
Unholyi have to make that dir first right?00:33
babijoeecall it whatever00:33
Unholykk gona mount it now00:33
babijoeeafter you finish adding/removing00:33
babijoeesudo umount xxxx00:33
Unholysays no such file or dir00:34
Unholyand the file is in desktop00:34
Unholyplus terminal is looking there00:34
babijoeehave you created the folder for mounting?00:38
Unholyits in desktop00:38
babijoeeare you in ~00:38
babijoeemake sure you are not in the folder in desktop00:39
babijoeesudo mount -o loop system.ext2 /desktop/folder00:39
Unholyah k00:39
Unholynop still same00:39
babijoeewhat does it say now?00:40
Unholygot it now00:40
Unholyi wasent in desktop00:40
Unholyme dumb00:40
babijoeeokay so you know which files to add for sense?00:41
Unholyim guessing00:41
Unholybtw system img is to small00:41
babijoeeokay i have an idea00:41
babijoeeadd all the htc frameworks and all apps00:41
Unholyok go ahead00:41
babijoeein /apps00:42
babijoeepretty much everything in frameworks and apps that have htc00:42
Unholyi did00:42
Unholyiv got them in my desktop00:42
Unholyi was goin to put echa file in there respective folde00:42
Unholyrinside my system img00:43
Unholybut its to small XD00:43
babijoee4 mflops00:44
Unholydint someone alredy got that without jit?00:44
Unholywitch apks can i delete form the app folder00:46
Unholysee if i can make some room00:46
babijoeeroom for?00:48
Unholythe sense apps/frameworks/libs00:48
babijoeeyou can add as much as you want00:48
babijoeetheres no limit00:48
babijoeeunless your sd doesn't have sufficient space00:49
Unholynot if theres no room in the systme img00:49
Unholysystem img*00:49
babijoeethere is no limit on how big system.img gets00:49
Unholythen y wont it let me copy them over00:49
babijoeeare you root00:49
Unholyi ran comand with sudo00:50
Unholyso yes00:50
Unholysays ther eisisng enof space in destination00:50
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Unholythere issint*00:51
Unholythe mount point folder00:52
Unholyhas a lock on it,but i dont tihnk it matters its not complaning about permissions00:52
Unholyonly for space00:52
Unholybabijoee look at the screen damnit XD00:53
babijoeeit only says no space00:53
babijoeeas you are not root user00:53
babijoeedo you know how to view explorer as root?00:53
Unholywhat if i chown the mount point?00:54
babijoeecould work00:54
babijoeebut still00:54
babijoeei think its easier to be root00:54
Unholyhow do i do it00:54
Unholyi did it once but i forgot00:54
babijoeehold on00:55
babijoeeright click on taskbar and press00:57
babijoeeadd to panel00:57
Unholynow what00:57
babijoeepress custom application launcher00:58
babijoeefor name whatever you want.. just use rootexplorer00:58
babijoeefor command00:59
babijoeegksu nautilus00:59
babijoeethen okay00:59
babijoeenow when you hit this rootexplorer00:59
babijoeeyou will be in root00:59
babijoeebut you have to type your password in00:59
Unholyim in rootexplorer01:01
babijoeenow after you mounted xxx01:01
babijoeeyou can now add/delete files01:01
babijoeesince you created the mount as root user01:01
Unholyi just leave the rootexplorer opend?01:01
Unholyand mount?01:01
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Unholyhow do i run terminal form root explorer?01:04
babijoeerootexplorer is used to add/delete files01:10
Unholyah ok i get it01:10
babijoeeyou mount using sudo mount -o loop system.ext2 xxxx01:10
Unholyil add the files with root explorer01:10
Unholybut mount it with my user01:10
Unholyi see01:10
babijoeemount using terminal as root user01:10
babijoeewhich is simply01:11
Unholyerm still wont work 0-001:12
babijoeewhat it saying?01:12
Unholynot enough space01:12
babijoeeyou in rootexplorer/01:12
babijoeeand copying files to xxx doesn't work?01:13
Unholywhat im doing is from rootexplorer01:13
Unholyi go to my sense files01:13
Unholycopy them01:13
Unholythen try pasting them isnside test01:13
Unholywitch si the mount point01:13
Unholyall form within rootexplorer01:14
Unholysays there 20 free mb01:14
Unholybut i need 112~01:14
babijoeethere shouldn't be a size limit01:15
babijoeebut could be01:15
babijoeehold on01:15
babijoeevery interesting :p01:19
babijoeeit happens to me too01:19
babijoeei believe its set max01:19
babijoeeas i always make mine 150ext201:19
babijoeei think stinebd set it lower01:19
babijoeehold on01:19
Unholycan i rezize it somehow?01:20
babijoeegimme a sec01:20
Unholyah nice ok01:20
babijoeedo you have genext2fs installed?01:21
Unholyprobly not01:22
Unholyi can install it01:22
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babijoeehold on01:23
babijoeeyou need a specific version01:23
Unholyalredy did it01:23
babijoeecould work01:24
babijoeeto be sure01:24
babijoeei'll send you my version01:24
babijoeedl this and use root-explorer and copy it to /root/bin01:26
babijoeefirst mount system01:31
babijoeethen run this01:31
babijoeesudo genext2fs -d ./test -b XXXXXX -a system.ext201:32
babijoeeXXXXXX = filesize01:32
babijoeeso how much you need?01:32
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Unholyil make it 300mb01:32
babijoeethats huge01:32
babijoeebut okay01:32
babijoeenah doesn't matter01:32
babijoeeyou can make it 2gb01:32
babijoeebut 250 sounds good01:33
Unholy2500000 this 250mb?01:33
Unholylol i aded a 001:33
Unholysays invalid option01:35
Unholysudo genext2fs -d ./test -b XXXXXX -a system.ext201:35
Unholythat snot it01:35
babijoeewhat does it say exactly?01:35
Unholy1 sec01:35
Unholygenext2fs: invalid option -- 'a'01:35
Unholygenext2fs: Note: options have changed, see --help or the man page.01:35
babijoeesudo genext2fs -d /test -b XXXXXX -a system.ext201:35
Unholysame error01:37
babijoeei guess you can try updating the genext2fs01:38
Unholyhow do i update it with apt-update?01:40
babijoeesearch for it?01:44
babijoeeand install it?01:44
Unholyi did01:44
Unholyfound same version on source forge01:44
babijoeedoes it work?01:44
Unholyyou shure is has to be mounted 0o01:45
Unholynvm i unmounted ran the command again, and gave same  error01:46
Unholysomething is worng with the -a switch01:46
babijoeehrmmm its not detecting it as an android build01:46
babijoeehrmmm try renaming system.ext2 to system.img01:47
babijoeemount system.img01:47
babijoeethen run the command again01:47
Unholyi ran genext2fs --help01:48
Unholyther eno -a switch01:48
babijoeei'm out of ideas Unholy :(01:51
Unholyi did it lol01:52
Unholy -a switch was the fault01:52
Unholyits nto needed01:52
Unholyomfg typos01:52
babijoeebut will it boot?01:52
babijoeewe shall see01:52
Unholysudo genext2fs -d ./test -b 250000  system.img01:52
Unholythat worked01:52
Unholyya lol01:52
Unholyima copy file now01:52
babijoeesudo genext2fs -d ./test -b 250000  system.ext201:53
babijoeegenext2fs is for ext201:53
babijoeewhat i meant was rename the original system to system.img01:54
babijoeeand mount it01:54
babijoeethen run command01:54
babijoeesudo genext2fs -d ./test -b 250000  system.img01:54
Unholyi did01:54
babijoeeoh ok01:54
Unholynow its empty LOL01:54
Unholysays 0 items but 62 mb free01:56
babijoeei dont know01:56
babijoeesend me the sense files01:56
babijoeei'll try01:56
Unholyim pretty shure the files ar emissing lot fo shit01:57
Unholyi said i just guessed01:57
Unholyghoh 80mbs01:57
Unholyi dought i can upload it my upstream is slow as fuken hell01:58
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babijoeewhere did you dl the htc sense files?01:59
Unholyi dint01:59
Unholyi extracted them form a system img01:59
Unholyi can look for it so you can donwload it02:00
Unholythats y i said i was guessing02:00
Unholyas to witch files were needed02:00
Unholyits in the blackstone forums02:02
Unholyits quite old02:02
Unholybut it had livewallpapers working02:02
Unholyatleast it worked on my raph back then02:02
Unholybut yea it has the sense files inside it02:03
Unholyjus tunquesh it02:03
Unholyjust unsquash*02:03
Unholythats were you can download it02:04
Unholybtw babijoee hows jit working?02:04
babijoeenot noticable in home02:07
babijoeebut in apps02:07
babijoeeit seems they load faster02:07
Unholyi see02:07
babijoeelinpack gives me 4.00+ score02:08
babijoeebefore was 2.0002:08
babijoeeso its a 2x increase i guess02:08
Unholyyea but.. what about this guy?
Unholyhe claims getting 4.3 without jit02:09
Unholyon eclair02:09
Unholyoh wait02:10
Unholythat overcloked02:10
Unholydid you try overcloking it?02:10
Unholyor does that not work with froyo?02:10
babijoeeyeah oc works02:11
babijoeei'm getting 4.4+02:11
babijoeewas max02:11
Unholyah ok02:11
babijoeei could try OC02:11
babijoeebut i dont have time :p02:11
babijoeetrying to fix sdcard issues02:11
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babijoeeand then later if i have time02:11
Unholyima try eclair overcloked02:12
Unholyi got 3.3 at 556 mhz02:12
Unholyima try at 70002:12
babijoeebut if hes not on jit02:13
babijoeethen i'm quite interesting in how he got those scores02:13
babijoeeOC alone shouldn't give 4.0+ score imo02:13
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Unholyi think thats a cyanogen moded rom02:13
Unholyhe ported to the raph02:13
Unholyhe has one right now02:13
Unholysupposedly its fast02:13
Unholyi havent tryd it02:13
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Unholyits  for ext2 parttions02:14
babijoeei see02:14
Unholyi had one but its a pain in the ass02:14
Unholyso i retund to image base02:14
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babijoeehes got JIT enabled02:15
babijoeewe are performing better :p02:15
Unholyi see02:15
babijoeehis JIT is on 3.06 mflops02:15
babijoeeso we win :D02:15
babijoeei'm going to recompile new system for new changes02:16
Unholy4.3 here02:16
Unholyso yea jit makes it faster02:16
babijoeenice :D02:16
babijoeebbl in an hour02:16
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babijoeehey Reefermattness02:57
Reefermattnessheya Joee02:58
Unholywb babijoee02:58
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babijoeethanks Unholy03:00
babijoeeso did you want to still learn Reefermattness ?03:00
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ReefermattnessYes, very much so.   I think not tonight, as I have had a bit to drink.  LOL03:02
Unholy~seen babijoee03:05
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ReefermattnessJust came to see how your progress was going, was happy to read that you got JIT working.  :)03:06
Unholyjit is overated03:06
Unholylol jk03:06
Reefermattnesslol probably.  :)03:08
Reefermattnessdoesnt mean i still dont wanna try it.   ;)03:08
Unholynah im kidding03:08
Unholyit makes a difference03:08
Unholyatleast with what babijoee tested03:08
babijoeeUnholy: JIT on n1 gives it 450% increase :p03:12
babijoeeso it does work03:12
Unholyhey babijoeei know XD03:12
Unholyi was kidding omg03:12
Unholyim gona get flammed now03:12
Unholygn ppls03:19
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paalsteek stinebd: sdcard not working for me with new rootfs and removed goldfish line in vold.fstab04:08
paalsteekdid another change in vold.fstab yesterday. working now04:20
paalsteekgetting 'failed to load wifi-driver' when starting wifi04:24
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babijoeepaalsteek: does media work for you?04:27
babijoeei can't remember testing music04:27
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paalsteekgalerie worked, music seems to search in the right location but as I don't have sound I don't have music on my sdcard04:34
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babijoeeanyone around?09:39
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CazHHi :)11:52
hamagchi :)11:55
CazHHow are things for you hamagc got everything working? :)11:55
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hamagcthings are going good, looks like everything is working but waiting for babijoee to send me a new system to test out. also looks like a few updates came in lastnight.11:56
CazHwell it looks like stinebd had a busy night :) Got lots of stuff working.11:58
CazHI'm trying to compile my own image, but I broke something11:58
hamagclol uh oh11:59
CazHHave succesfull built froyo in the past but must have messed something up :P12:00
hamagcya unholy and babijoee were at it for hours lastnight trying to help unholy get a build compiled. it looked like a mess lol12:01
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CazHhehe, but wasn't unholy trying to build a eclair? :)12:05
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hamagcya actually i think he was. eclair with jit i think.12:05
CazHhamagc: found out why my build didn't work12:15
hamagcwhat happened?12:16
CazHYou have to remeber to call it ext2 not img :P12:16
hamagclol that would help alot!12:17
CazHhehe yeah :P12:17
hamagchow big is it coming out at? 90mb?12:17
CazH95 i think12:17
hamagchmm k lol i think it's funny. 10gb of space and hours to compile a 90mb file.12:18
CazHyeah :P12:18
CazHsdcard working i think :D12:21
stinebdgod damnit google12:21
CazHhi stinebd :)12:22
CazHgot mail so data is still working :)12:22
stinebdphh: libhardware_legacy is going to be broken again12:22
stinebdso now we have no release name and no release number to go by12:23
stinebdphh: actually that's for android-hardware, not libhardware_legacy12:24
stinebdprobably gonna have to do ifneq "$(BUILD_ID)" "DONUT"12:25
CazHstinebd: when compiling the laetest xdandroid tree shouldn't JIT be enabled?12:25
stinebdCazH: no12:25
stinebdbecause of stupid google12:25
stinebdi just committed a new manifest minutes ago to use a forked dalvik that enables jit12:26
CazHGoogle is stupid :P Care to give a hint on what I need to do to enable?12:26
CazHso a repo sync should fix that? :)12:26
stinebdwell the good news is android-hardware will still work in the froyo branch12:27
stinebdbut master is going to be busted12:27
stinebdof course it's busted for us already so that's not a huge concern at the moment12:27
stinebdCazH: yes12:27
CazHthanks :)12:27
CazHstinebd: by the way, good work last night, seems you fixed a lot of stuff :D12:28
stinebdonly sd is fixed12:28
CazHdidn't you get bluetooth working too?12:29
stinebdi can't consider that fixed until it pairs and works with my a2dp headset12:29
CazHwell you got it closere to working? :)12:29
stinebdwifi is going to be interesting to fix12:30
stinebdit's getting key errors in wpa_supplicant12:30
stinebdi should set up an open network and see if it can handle that12:30
CazHstinebd: say if you needs a tester :)12:31
hamagcx2 but i has no wifi at work to conntect to.12:32
CazHI have serveral wifis :)12:32
hamagclol wtf? they are already talking about a release date for 3.0?12:34
CazHhamagc: well they released 2.2 so the need to set a date for the next thing ;)12:34
hamagchehe dual processor phones. never thought i would see the day. so according to specs, 2.2 will be the last one we can run on our devices.12:36
stinebdyou saw the day already12:39
stinebdwe got 2 arms, remember?12:39
CazHout/target/product/msm/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libdvm_intermediates/compiler/Compiler.o:/home/cazh/Projects/Android/XDAndroid/froyo/dalvik/vm/compiler/Compiler.c:505: more undefined references to `gDvmJit' follow12:42
CazHstinebd: getting some errors like that. Any clues?12:42
stinebddo you have WITH_JIT := true?12:42
CazHI think so12:42
stinebdthen no12:43
stinebdi definitely never saw that error12:43
stinebdcaps in directory names, heh12:43
stinebdwhat is this, windows?12:43
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stinebdworks fine for me12:49
CazHstrange :S12:51
stinebdcan you pastebin the build log for me?12:52
CazHwas allready at it :)12:52
stinebdyou might want to try `make clean-libdvm` and then make again12:53
stinebdalso maybe clean-dalvikvm12:55
CazHwill try :)12:55
CazHThanks for helping me out :)12:55
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CazHI think that might have worked :)13:01
hamagcsomeone mention the graphic glitching in landscape?13:10
CazHstinebd: also had a strange error yesterday, all of a sudden I could not get any signal what so ever, and I keept asking for my pin. reboot in to wm, and no signal, but pulling the usb cable out of the phone restore signal in wm but not in android. Ever heard of this before? And I rebooted like 10-15 times.13:14
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stinebdCazH: never heard of it. phh is the ril wizard though13:16
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CazHalso my diamond is getting HOT with usb cable pluged in :S13:25
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hamagchmm so someone on xda is claiming 4.2mflops on neopeeks 2.1 without overclocking.13:38
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CazHhamagc: kinda smells like bullshit to me :)13:43
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt is.13:44
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI had 3.4MFlops on Neopeeks 2.113:44
hamagclol thats what i'm thinking but he swears up and down. i think unholy even tried yesterday and with an overclock he got like 3.6 (556mhz). he said he was going to try 700mhz but never mentioned it after that. 4.2 without overclock seems high.13:44
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI'm happy with 42Mflops on my Desire.13:45
hamagclol i bet13:45
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOFeels good man.13:45
CazHpfh, desire, ugly phone :P13:45
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOLike, it's the best looking HTC Device ever.13:46
hamagclol i think it's pretty cute myself.13:47
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVOAt least better then my Touch Pro. lol13:47
hamagchey hey now.... i love my tp style13:48
CazHI so would love a desire, but money is a issue :)13:48
hamagcme too but my carrier is the issue lol13:48
hamagcxdandroid is my only hope. so here i am.13:49
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWell. After having the Desire I'm baffeld over how laggy XDAndroid actually is :p13:49
hamagclol well after having winmo i am baffeled over how laggy winmo truely is. :P13:50
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThat to.13:51
tbaI had to switch to winmo to use my bluetooth headset in my car yesterday. Nearly threw my phone out the window.13:52
hamagci still can't believe the difference between winmo and xdandroid. but i'm sure with a full ghz processor this would fly too.13:52
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWell, the Hero has the same processor as the TP and that's way faster.13:53
hamagcya but thats also a native android device. we still have alot of bugs to be ironed out.13:55
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWe do indeed.13:56
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOBut it's amazing how far we have come since 1.5 days13:56
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOHoly shit it sucked back then.13:57
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYay for IRC on phone.14:01
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hamagclol i've been loving the andchat at home.14:03
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt's epic.14:07
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOCombined with swype it's über epic.14:08
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOCod time14:08
hamagclol i've been trying to get swype to work with xdandroid. it's stupid. get a headshot for me.14:09
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TheDeadCPUDone, btw, to get swype working you'll need to remove the vga block.14:12
TheDeadCPUSo, some java coding is needed.14:13
hamagchave you edited the apk? care to share?14:13
TheDeadCPUI have not. Not good enough on that java.14:15
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hamagcya me either14:16
[[cg]alloc]init1hey folks. anyone home?14:16
hamagcgood morning14:17
[[cg]alloc]init1Have y'all noticed that the glemsom autobuilder is offline?14:20
CazH"Configured with: debugger profiler hprof jit show_exception=1"14:20
CazHJIT oh yeah :D14:21
hamagcautobuilder isn't offline, don't think, are you using the right link?14:21
hamagcnice CazH :)14:22
[[cg]alloc]init1possibly not. :)
hamagcya he had to move things around, that link is no more :(14:22
hamagc now14:22
[[cg]alloc]init1that's much better! Thanks14:24
[[cg]alloc]init1So what's the protocol for commenting and voting?14:26
[[cg]alloc]init1I have yet to find a build that doesn't drain my Fuze's battery at an alarming rate. I don't want to be un-helpful, tho...14:26
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hamagcya battery issues are know. comment at will but don't delete prior comments. voting is open.14:27
hamagcare you running 2.1 or 2.2?14:27
[[cg]alloc]init1Anyone have any ideas to the culprit? Learning curve and all, I'm suitably motivated to get in there to try and patch it up-- but I don't even have a clue where to start...14:28
[[cg]alloc]init1The eclair release... and the latest packaged release with the efs2 filesystem14:29
hamagcfor the battery? lots of factors. no nand, no proper reporting, deepsleep issues, radio issues (ril).14:30
[[cg]alloc]init1like June 15th or something...14:30
[[cg]alloc]init1when you look at the report of what's using the battery it's 99% system.14:30
hamagcan alpha of froyo was posted a few days ago:
[[cg]alloc]init1maybe I'll start with getting a good read of the voltage on the battery.14:31
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[[cg]alloc]init1that doesn't seem too ambitious. ;)14:31
hamagcwell after the next system update it should be up to par with eclair. amazing considering it's only been out for a few days lol.14:32
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tbaDoes anybody know what version of keyboard the Telus Rhodium is closest to? I've tried 400 and 500 and both are not quite there.15:06
CazH[[cg]alloc]init1: I think battery voltage readings are good, but the battery voltage depends on battery temp and current draw, which seems to give "funny" readings. This is from my experince :)15:08
hamagcya i installed an app for battery, battery power. it's showing 4125mV @ 38*c but repeats wrong site parameters.15:12
hamagcthis is also on the charger15:12
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CazHhamagc: in spare parts there is "Battery information"15:13
[[cg]alloc]init1I know my battery goes down to "15%" about 30 minutes after a fresh charge. It'll stay at 15% for 2 to 2.5 more hours before cuttong off without warning.15:13
CazHyou can get battery voltage and temp there too :)15:14
[[cg]alloc]init1I can't wait for winter. If my hands are cold, just hold the phone.15:14
CazH[[cg]alloc]init1: when you stop charging the battery temp starts falling which reduces battery voltage, and taking out the charger means that you have to draw power from the battery which also loweres battery voltage15:15
hamagcya it shows the same stats. think i'll get rid of the app i downloaded then lol.15:15
CazHhence you see a drop when you pull the charger the battery loses a lot of power :)15:15
hamagcstill not too bad. i'm getting about 5 hours per charge on my batteries.15:16
CazHand my phone just reboot android :S15:27
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hamagcbabijoee: new version of ledeffects out. figured you'd want to update what we have in the system.16:30
babijoeethanks for the update :)16:40
babijoeejust reading logs atm16:40
hamagcand someone in the xda thread swears up and down that he is getting 4.2mflops on neopeek without oc. i think bs but thought that was interesting. everyone else i've spoken with says no way in hell.16:42
CazHhi babijoee16:42
CazHhamagc: my personal best without oc in 2.2 is 3,759 atm16:43
CazHso 4,2 with 2.1 sounds a little iffy at best16:43
CazHGot a 4,627 with a bit of oc :)16:45
CazH4,791 now :P16:45
hamagcwhat mhz?16:45
CazH691 :)16:46
CazHand the cpu is not really stable at that speed16:46
CazHneocore makes it crash :P16:46
CazHoh and I remove a couple of programs16:47
thedicemastermeh, even with the latest froyo i still get a double setup screen.16:49
Scepterrthats cause theres a Provision.apk and SetupWizard.apk in there16:51
Scepterrim assuming an extra QuickSearchBox and LatinIME aswell16:51
Scepterrthe provision,quicksearch and latinime apks need to be removed16:51
Scepterrthey are there for when you dont have gapps16:52
bhewith the neopeek superhero port i got 4,296 mflops, but it was overclocked to 625 mhz16:52
babijoeeeven neopeek has to OC to get 4mflops16:52
CazHLOL got Quadrant to run after I oc'ed, would crash when I'm not ocing :)16:52
babijoeehamagc: that guy is bsing16:53
CazHQuadrant says my diamond is better that a droid and almost as fast as a X10 :D16:53
bhescreenshot but it was overclocked, I don't know anymore how much I got without overclocking :
babijoeethedicemaster: i think i might remove it16:54
babijoeesoo anooying16:54
babijoeeCazH: have you synced and compiled latest version?16:54
CazHso JIT is enabled :)16:54
CazHbabijoee: did you just wake up? :P16:55
CazHand the first thing you do i check #xdandroid :P Nice :D16:56
babijoeei'm having issues16:56
babijoeenow with mp316:56
CazHhow so?16:56
babijoeeit says unsupported format =.16:56
bhebut 3 of 4 mflops when the diamond runs out of ram it gets verry laggy, een with 4mflops it took 4 seconds before the screen got awake wjen someone calls16:56
babijoeecan you try playing a song?16:56
CazHbabijoee: just need to transfer a song :)16:56
babijoeeCazH: its what i do in all my free time16:56
CazHso giv me a minut :)16:57
CazHI try to use all my free time, but I have this girlfriend... She disagrees with that policy :P16:57
babijoeethey hold you back :p16:57
babijoeebut we can't live without em16:57
CazHthey really do, plus I'm a board member in my hackerspace so that takes some time as well :P16:58
babijoeeCazH: plus when i recompile this time it only took like 10-15 minutes16:58
babijoeei'm thinking that it wasn't included16:59
babijoeebut we'll c if you can play songs16:59
babijoeeCazH: btw what linpack score did you get?16:59
CazH[22:37:22] <CazH> Got a 4,627 with a bit of oc :)17:00
CazH[22:37:40] <CazH> 4,791 now :P17:00
hamagcbabijoee: thats what i'm figuring. i can't see any possible way for him to pull that high a number without overclocking. how is the new system looking?17:01
hamagccazh: my g/f is the same way. i hold my phone and she hates it. but she loves it when i can give her something new to play with. go figure.17:01
babijoeehamagc: haven't looked at it since 8 hours ago17:02
hamagci think this weekend i'll throw a vm of linux on my g/fs laptop so i can compile some stuff up too. her mom has taken mine lol.17:02
babijoeei was too sleep deprived so i took slept early :p17:02
CazHhamagc: they are really trouble17:02
thedicemaster1 strange problem i've had for quite a while: market doesn't always do what it says. often when i click install it says it will download the app, but then just kicks me back to the search results without doing anything.17:02
hamagclol eyes start bugging from staring at the screen?17:03
babijoeehamagc: i dont believe for a second17:03
CazHomg my 3g connection is so slow right now :S17:03
hamagci noticed lastnight i would get stuck in 2g for a littlewhile. it would kick me back to 3g after about 4 mins.17:03
babijoeeGPRS is suffering17:04
babijoeeanyways how goes the mp3 hamagc17:04
babijoeei'm reading on the forums that its not liking mp317:04
babijoeebut its weird as i remember playing some songs the other time17:04
hamagcno idea, i still have no sd access.17:05
CazHMy phone just kicked me down to egde if the logo in the top menu is to be trusted17:05
thedicemastersupposedly it's mp3 specific, while ogg vorbis files work fine.17:05
CazHbut it jumps from 3g to egde in winmo as well17:05
CazHbabijoee: I played mp3 with 2.117:05
CazH30% downloaded of the mp3 file :)17:06
hamagccazh: thats what i was referring to. i know that when an mms comes in it will drop to 2g for a second then kick back to 3g (receives the notice of a message but never retrieves it)17:06
hamagcmp3's worked just fine on 2.117:06
CazHhamagc: I like you comment on people not beeing supportive on xda :D17:08
hamagclol they're not. they just bitch and say crap doesn't work. i think we should define alpha somehwere in the thread lol17:10
babijoeerayman18 sounds like a 13 year old pansy17:10
CazHhamagc:  yeah was thinking that17:11
babijoeei mean CazH17:11
babijoeehow goes the mp317:11
babijoeehamagc: i think we need to add some drivers :p17:12
CazH95% :)17:12
hamagcdo we have any to add yet?17:12
babijoeehrmm dunno17:12
* stinebd stabs bluetooth17:13
CazHbabijoee: playing mp317:13
CazHnice one stinebd :P17:13
babijoeesooo weird17:13
babijoeei cant play them XD17:13
babijoeehow long did it take you to compile the new source?17:13
CazHstinebd: is there a reason you have told anybody about the xdandroid paypal thinggy?17:14
hamagclol ya stinebd said he is up to 10kb/s on bluetooth. but he isn't happy cause it still won't pair yet.17:14
stinebdCazH: it's not ready yet17:14
babijoeehello stinebd :D17:14
CazHbabijoee: I had to clean a lot of stuff before I could get it to compile so toke me almost 45min i think17:14
babijoeeclean what?17:14
CazHstinebd: why? it there and it's pretty? :P17:14
CazHbabijoee: libvm and dalvikvm17:15
babijoeeoh btw stinebd: i can see the entire fs when using IOfilemanager17:15
CazHplus the normal installclean17:15
stinebdwell i'd like to make a non-flash version of the widget that i can hook into the wiki gracefully17:15
babijoeei didnt check to see if it had read/write access17:15
stinebdbabijoee: is that a problem?17:16
CazHstinebd: may I post the link to the widget on xda?17:16
babijoeeCazH: that process didnt take long17:16
babijoeestinebd: no just letting you know17:16
CazHbabijoee: the cleaning didn't take long, but all the stuff that had to be recompiled did17:16
babijoeeit did?17:16
babijoeefor me it didnt take long17:16
CazHfor me yes17:16
stinebdbabijoee: i really don't understand the technical implications there. should IOfm not be able to?17:16
babijoeeas i remember no17:17
babijoeebut anyways17:17
stinebdwell our devices are rooted anyway, so there's really not much you can do about it17:17
stinebdi could disable root if you want17:18
babijoeeanyways HD2 now android17:18
stinebdCazH: i'd prefer if you posted a donate button link or something similar17:18
babijoeesomeone used xdandroid to boot with it :)17:18
stinebdwhich version of xdandroid?17:19
hamagcya it has it's bugs but it's up and running :)17:19
babijoeeit runs sooooooooooooo smooth17:19
CazHstinebd: I know jack shit about paypal, some one was just asking for a place to put there money and I know that widget is there.17:20
CazHwhere do i find a donate button? :P17:20
hamagcCazH: do you have the link?17:21
CazHhamagc: yeah17:21
CazHfor the widget thinggy17:21
CazHhamagc: tjek you pm ;)17:21
stinebdthere's a donate link17:24
hamagcoh thats much easier17:25
CazHbabijoee: any chance you would update the main topic for xdandroid 2.2 and 2.1 with that donate link? :)17:26
stinebdand there's a donate button graphic17:26
hamagcwhat email address is it for?17:26
babijoeeyeah nps17:26
babijoeestill reading logs17:26
CazHokay :)17:27
thedicemasterbabijoee: OI only has read access to the system, atleast as long as you use images.17:27
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hamagcsweet, my signature button is updated to the xdandroid paypal.17:29
babijoeestinebd: this paypal is for xdandroid?17:29
stinebdbabijoee: yes17:29
babijoeei c muahahahah17:29
babijoeehrmmm mp3 still doesn't wanna play17:30
babijoeeooo new source17:30
babijoeewill update17:30
thedicemasterphew, looks like a triple-boot is possible.17:31
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hamagcok guys i have to run to the hospital. i'll check the logs from time to time. babijoee: send me an updated system to test out when you can.17:32
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thedicemasterconfirmed, OI file manager can only read from system folders. even when an actual ext2 partition is used for the system files.17:36
thedicemasterwrite attempts result in an error17:36
babijoeestinebd: okay updated 2.1 build for XDANDROID paypal17:40
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babijoeehrmmm i'm getting this17:43
babijoeeerror: dalvik/: xdandroid-eclair/xdandroid-dalvik checkout 29c3246ae1cb1dca1596787304b63ebc3a81ac2417:43
CazHwhen sync'ing?17:45
babijoeeCazH: yeah17:47
babijoeemight have to revert back to old dalvik?17:47
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stinebdrm -rf dalvik and repo sync17:48
CazHstrange didn't get that error when I sync'ed to the latest, and I just did another sync without errors :S17:48
CazHand stinebd to the rescue as always :P17:48
babijoeeFetching projects: 100% (161/161), done.17:48
babijoeeerror: You have local changes to 'vm/'; cannot switch branches.17:48
babijoeeSyncing work tree: 100% (161/161), done.17:48
babijoeeerror: dalvik/: xdandroid-eclair/xdandroid-dalvik checkout 29c3246ae1cb1dca1596787304b63ebc3a81ac2417:48
stinebdyou were playing around in there and there's a merge conflict17:48
babijoeei see17:49
babijoeeXDANDROID paypal seems to be busy :)17:50
stinebdnope, balance is still 017:50
CazH0$ is not busy babijoee :P17:50
babijoeeCazH: its not loading in my browser17:51
CazHlol it is here :P17:53
CazHdoubt we could create a donate ddos attack that would bring down a paypal server :P17:53
babijoeeCazH: we can only dream17:56
babijoeeso now with the latest source do i need to run those jit commands or should it build with jit on now by default ?17:57
bheyour donation is now complete Confirmation number: 93514593WK136824P17:58
stinebdit's not on by default yet. you still need to add WITH_JIT := true to the buildspec.mk17:58
CazHbabijoee: you need the WITH_JIT := true in you buildspec :)17:58
bheyou paypal balance shouldn't been 0 anymore ;-)17:58
stinebdbhe: thanks!17:58
CazHthe widget sucks, it still says 0 :P17:59
stinebdi warned you17:59
CazHI would like to donate as well, but I'm pretty sure the bank closed my credit card :(17:59
CazHstinebd: that you did :)17:59
bhestinebd : no problem, it was a good reason to test my new credit card, my girlfriend was asking to test it before we travel to the states :-)17:59
babijoeeah k18:00
babijoeeits already on :)18:00
babijoeebhe: thanks mate18:00
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOMaybe I'll make a video of 2.218:01
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOCompare it to 2.2 on my Desire just to be a dick.18:01
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: i was about to ask you to do it awhile back18:01
stinebdit will wipe the floor with the pathetic desire18:01
babijoeeCazH: wheres this widget you speak of18:01
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: N1 > desire18:02
CazHbabijoee: pm18:02
bhedesire may be fast, but the diamond still is a nice little phone, wondering why there are no small diamond phone with high res screen18:02
TheDeadCPU|BRAVObabijoee, Desire > N118:02
bheeh I mean small android phones with high res screens18:02
babijoeewidget looks nice18:03
CazHDIAM100 > Desire = N1 :P18:03
TheDeadCPU|BRAVON1 = Desire18:03
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: you wish :p18:03
TheDeadCPU|BRAVObabijoee, you do agree the only diffrence on the Desire and N1 is the buttons and optical trackball? :p18:03
babijoeeyou have extra ram18:03
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI do?18:04
TheDeadCPU|BRAVODoesn't the N1 have 576mb too?18:04
babijoeestinebd: want me to add widget to threads?18:04
stinebdbabijoee: no, it's not ready yet18:04
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWhat widget is this?18:04
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: some paypal widget18:04
babijoeenot ready yet TheDeadCPU|BRAVO. hurray for that :p18:04
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI would donate if I had a online bank/credit card18:05
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOBut no. You have to be 18 for that in Norway -.-18:05
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: you've done enough :) very helpful on forums18:06
babijoeeplus you've put us on youtube18:06
bheIf i'm not wrong the n1 has 2 microphones, one for noise canceling and the desire doens't18:06
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: don't you guys have like visa eletron?18:06
babijoeebhe: lets not tease :p18:07
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOCan't use Visa with it.18:07
babijoeebut yeah i want an EVO18:07
babijoeetoo bad there are people getting bricks18:07
TheDeadCPU|BRAVObabijoee, EVO is CDMA only?18:08
babijoeeit is?18:08
babijoeenvm then18:08
CazHand EVO is a 3g phone called 4g, thats just wrong imo18:08
babijoeeno offence to anyone but CDMA sucks18:08
babijoeeprevents me from getting evo :p18:09
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOCDMA = Crap.18:09
babijoeebrb guys18:09
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* CazH has been a member of the xda forums for 2 years and 3 months and only has 6 posts :P18:12
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVOMy SD card stopped working. lol18:25
CazHwhat happend? :S18:25
TheDeadCPU|BRAVODunno, powerd on my TP and no it's like it isn't there.18:26
TheDeadCPU|BRAVONor did my pc find it with an SD adapter.18:26
CazHwow that sucks :(18:26
CazHtrying cleaning the connectors on the card?18:26
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOTried everything lol18:27
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI'ma try popping it into my Desire18:27
CazHbet you have try connecting manually to the sd card in spi mode :P18:27
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI tried a Micro SD to SD adapter, and Micro SD to USB18:28
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOAnd i tried in OSX, Windows and Linux.18:28
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt works on my Desire18:30
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOMalfunctioned SD card? Put it in a HTC Desire and it works again!18:32
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOLol now it works.18:32
CazH Nice :D18:32
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOBut, making a Video withouth Data connection, and no WiFi either.18:32
CazHwifi works with static ip? :)18:33
TheDeadCPU|BRAVONot for me.18:33
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt disconnects instant.18:33
CazHstrange just tested it a hours ago :S18:33
CazHEven if you set up static ip before connecting?18:33
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOLike, static IP on my router? or?18:34
CazHno on the phone18:34
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOHow? lol18:35
* TheDeadCPU|BRAVO Feels stupid.18:35
stinebdi have issues even with a static ip18:35
CazHin the menu where you pick a wifi, press the menu button and then advanced ;)18:35
stinebdoccasional wpa key errors18:35
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI'll try.18:35
CazHstinebd: okay that sucks, I just tried it out real fast :)18:35
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOCazH, on a TP?18:36
CazHdiamond :)18:36
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOHmm.. Isn't Data working on Diamond?18:36
CazHyeah got data, just wanted to try out wifi :)18:36
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOData no work for me.18:36
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI'll try manual apn.18:37
CazHwith the current apn I list I have to enter apn manually too :)18:37
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOBrb, milk18:37
TheDeadCPU|BRAVO:( :( :( :( :(18:39
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CazHcoca cola is way better anyways ;)18:40
hamagconfirmation number: 4DF52360D83671234.18:40
stinebdhamagc: thanks!18:41
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* TheDeadCPU|BRAVO Forgot to put in his SIM Card.18:42
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVObabijoee, did you get working wifi on your Raph?18:42
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: you really out of luck in the drinks deparment :P18:43
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOCazH, I has water!18:43
CazHhamagc: pepsi isn't worth drinking ;)18:43
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOGood Ice Cold polar water.18:43
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: at least you got awesome water in norway :D18:43
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt's ice cold.18:44
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOAnd straight from a glazier.18:44
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: where are you in norway?18:44
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: nah18:44
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOCazH, Mo I Rana. About 30km south of the Polar Circle.18:45
TheDeadCPU|BRAVObabijoee, and how about data?18:46
CazHholy shit that far north :P18:46
babijoeestinebd: do i need to again or it should be good to go?18:46
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYea, I like it.18:46
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: data works good for me18:46
babijoeestrong and stable now18:46
stinebdbabijoee: you can do it to be safe, but generally there's no need to unless the xdandroid device tree was updated18:46
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOData is now working for me.18:46
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI'll make a Video without Wifi then.18:47
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: you have 2.2 build?18:47
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOOfc babijoee18:47
babijoeeupdated build i meant :p18:47
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThere has been a update? lol18:48
babijoeei'll be packaging a build soon18:48
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI'm to busy with my Desire.18:48
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWell I was going to make the video now, but if there are some new files then send em.18:48
babijoeehold on18:49
babijoeei'll pm you18:49
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: My family has a vaction home in Kragerø i norway if you know where that is :)18:49
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI do indeed.18:49
CazHIt's really nice :D18:49
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt's really far south :D18:51
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIn the part of Norway which is ugly :D18:51
TheDeadCPU|BRAVObabijoee, will you put Launcher Pro in the new build?18:51
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: why is it ugly ? :P18:52
hamagcHave you tried launcher pro yet?18:52
CazHIt's kinda nice it south seeing as I live in denmark :P18:52
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWell. Not ugly. But FAR from how beutiful it's in Norther Norway.18:52
hamagcI tried it when I originally went to 2.2 but it ran like ass on my device.18:53
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOhamagc, not on XDAndroid 2.2, why?18:53
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: most likely18:53
hamagcI was kinda supprised by the awd launcher18:53
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI didn't like awd.18:53
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: its runs smooth on my end18:53
hamagcHmm let me redownload.18:54
babijoeehamagc: i like launcherpro more than ADW18:54
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYea I can't see why it wouldn't work smoothly.18:54
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOOH! I did try it lol -.-18:54
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOStupid memory.18:55
TheDeadCPU|BRAVONope, wifi does not work with Static IP.18:55
hamagcBabijoee: I do too18:55
CazHFuck... I think I may have trashed my usb... =/18:55
babijoeeCazH: -.-"18:55
TheDeadCPU|BRAVObabijoee, lol why is Goggles bundeled?18:55
CazHThis just SUCKS :(18:56
hamagcCazh: no back up?18:56
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOCazH, get a Desire then your USB will work again.18:56
CazHhamagc: it's the usb on the phone18:56
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: i dont know18:57
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: errh I highly doubt it :P18:57
babijoeemaybe stinebd can shed some light on it :p18:57
TheDeadCPU|BRAVObabijoee, Not rly useful without Camera.18:57
CazHARGH... This means I have to change motherboard in my phone18:57
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: functional camera18:57
TheDeadCPU|BRAVObabijoee, lol yea.18:57
babijoeeCazH: :'(18:57
CazHand now it started working :S18:58
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOCazH, try this. 1. Take a battle axe. 2. MURDER THE PHONE. 3. ??? 4. PROFIT.18:58
CazHYeah... But I'm pretty sure it's gonna be broken again as soon as I unplug18:58
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOOh, it works.18:58
stinebdi haven't filtered through the google apps yet18:58
stinebdyou'll notice a lot of double apps installed too18:58
stinebdlike deskclock18:58
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: this is my second diamond, don't really wanna trash it :P18:58
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOCazH, lol.18:59
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThis small screen is a pain.18:59
thedicemasterADW.launcher does get features added frequently. like now gestures, and mapping home(power) button to apps/actions when on the homescreen.18:59
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOHTC Sense ftw<319:00
hamagcHeh launcher pro is running good.maybe i  had oldrr version. Cazh that sucks.19:00
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOPpl, try swiping up on the 2.2 keyboard.19:00
babijoeethanks for the clarification stinebd19:01
TheDeadCPU|BRAVObabijoee, you running 2.2 on your N1?19:01
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: i'm running gingerbread19:01
CazHhamagc: yeah, but at least I got an extra motherboard laying around19:02
TheDeadCPU|BRAVObabijoee, lol.19:02
babijoeeyeah i am19:02
babijoeewaiting on cyanogem 6.019:02
babijoeeusing paul latest atm19:02
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOStock or Sense?19:02
babijoeesense has bt issues19:02
babijoeei need my dock + bt headset19:02
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI can't live without HTC Sense lol19:03
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt makes no sence!19:03
babijoeehe promised like fixes and new builds but guess he has other priorites atm19:03
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: i like it aswell19:03
babijoeei <3 friendstream19:03
babijoeethat was an awesome app19:03
babijoeethe others i can live without though :p19:03
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYea, he's working on the Galaxy :p19:04
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI use Friendstream and Twitter. Nothing else, but that's still what's keeping me to Sense.19:04
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOLauncher Pro = x3 times faster then stock Launcher.19:05
babijoeewell one cool feature that n1 has over desire is trackball colour notification XD19:05
stinebdstill waiting for my ota notification19:05
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: yeah love it on my n119:05
babijoeecan't you do that #*#* code thingy19:05
stinebdi think it checks pretty often on its own19:06
babijoeei c19:06
TheDeadCPU|BRAVObabijoee, we have a LED notification.19:06
babijoeeLED from?19:06
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOOb the Desire.19:06
babijoeewe have that too :p19:06
stinebdi could also update it manually19:06
stinebdbut i'm way too busy and lazy to do that19:06
babijoeestinebd: which build are you on atm19:06
stinebdstock att19:06
babijoeei c19:07
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIs it possible to have G-sensor orientation turned of by default?19:07
stinebdTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: display settings, orientation19:07
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOlike, when you boot from a new Data.img19:07
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI know that.19:07
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOLike, it's annoying on the first setup.19:07
stinebdno way19:08
stinebdunless you keep a local fork of the device tree19:08
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOSo impossible?19:08
stinebdthen you can change the setting somehow19:08
stinebdpractically impossible from a user standpoint, yes19:08
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOSo nothing that you could do in the later builds?19:08
stinebdi would never turn that off by default19:09
babijoeestinebd: should be possible in build.prop?19:09
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWhy not?19:09
babijoeei dont know the command for it though19:09
stinebdbabijoee: probably19:09
stinebdTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: because the vast majority of users want it on19:09
stinebdi would get lynched by a mob if i did that19:09
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: i'm sure you'll manage19:09
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI will indeed.19:10
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babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: i'll try to find an option if you like19:10
TheDeadCPU|BRAVONah, I'll manage lol19:10
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI have my Desire anyways<319:10
babijoeemusic doesn't wanna play19:11
TheDeadCPU|BRAVO: /19:11
stinebdlol i still have to install some ring tones in the system image19:11
stinebdi keep forgetting about that19:11
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOstinebd, is it possible to have Norwegian Locals? I don't care but is it possible? haven't seen it in any FroYo build yet.19:11
CazHstinebd: there are some ringtones in the system image by default :)19:11
babijoeestinebd: plus i include media folder that has n1 ringtones/notification etc19:12
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOHmm.. Voice search doesn't seem to work.19:12
babijoeeCazH: you sure the file you dl and played is mp3 format?19:13
stinebdTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: i think we include all the aosp locales already, so if it's not there now, no19:13
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVOThey be to lazy since the N1 isn't available in Norway for normal people.19:14
CazHbabijoee: pm ;)19:15
babijoeehas anyone tested tethering?19:16
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOTesting Now.19:16
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: remember to connect usb in before running haret19:16
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOMight be fun since I can't get Wifi to work.19:17
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt was.19:17
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOSaid USB Not connected lol19:17
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI'll try a reboot.19:17
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CazHbabijoee: what are you thinking about tethering?19:18
TheDeadCPU|BRAVODoes brightness work for you guys?19:18
CazHI have tested some of it19:18
CazHAnd got nothing to work except that wifi-tether.apk stinebd made for 2.119:18
hamagcBrightness works19:20
TheDeadCPU|BRAVONot for me.19:21
babijoeeturn off auto-brightness in winmo19:21
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt's off.19:21
TheDeadCPU|BRAVORunning that launcher ROM, so might be something with that.19:21
babijoeeshouldn't affect it19:22
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYou can't do settings on it lol19:22
babijoeewait yeah19:22
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOSo yea.19:22
babijoeeits set to auto on19:22
babijoeeso how do you know its off -.-19:22
hamagcAwd or pro. Neither effect my brightness19:22
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI thought it was by default lol19:22
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOhamagc, I'm talking about a WinMo ROM.19:23
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: its on19:23
babijoeetrust me19:23
thedicemasterannoying how auto-brightness needs to be off.19:23
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI like the launcher ROM.19:23
babijoeethedicemaster: well WinMo is annoying19:23
thedicemasterthe rom i'm running has a broken manual-brightness.19:23
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOCause that Dual Boot app isn't working for me.19:24
thedicemasterso i get to choose auto, or full brightness.19:24
thedicemasterand full brightness looks almost as if it's going to burn the screen.19:24
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI love full brightness on my AMOLED screen.19:25
babijoeebah forget about mp3 for now :p19:25
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWonder if it's possible to get a hold of Jonasl.19:26
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CazHbabijoee: wan't a copy of my system.ext2?19:27
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOSe if he can find out how to make HTC_IME work on Vga.19:27
thedicemasterbabijoee i guess the version you run has sdcard fully fixed?19:27
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babijoeethedicemaster: hrmmm i guess19:30
babijoeei'm having issues playing music19:30
babijoeebut it detects the files19:30
babijoeeso it should be okay19:30
babijoeestinebd: can you play mp3s?19:31
thedicemasteri'm testing with the alpha from the xda-devs topic, so i'm still stuck with the SDcard mounted to the wrong dir.19:32
stinebdbabijoee: no. MediaServer is dying19:32
CazHthedicemaster: wan't a updated system.img?19:32
stinebdlooks like a codec problem19:32
CazHstinebd: mp3 works for me? :S19:33
thedicemasteri'll just wait untill the next version gets posted in the topic.19:33
babijoeestinebd: you can't see media :p19:33
CazHokay :)19:33
stinebdbabijoee: what?19:33
babijoeelogcat says Mediaserver is dying?19:34
babijoeeweird as CazH has it playing :p19:34
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CazHI'm pretty sure mp3 has been working since before I started fucking around with my system image :)19:35
babijoeeme too19:37
babijoeereverendkjnr reports that the ringtones and notifications are working though19:37
stinebdogg works19:37
stinebdmp3 and m4a don't19:38
babijoeestinebd: first image i created had working mp3 definantly.. so i guess something broke19:38
CazHhow do you set you ringtone to a mp3?19:40
babijoeeplay a song and menu19:40
babijoeethen use as ringtone19:40
thedicemasterfind it using a file manager or music app, tap+hold, and tap "ringtone"19:40
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CazHthanks :)19:41
tursohay hay guys, is there a way to recalibrate the screen in android somehow?19:41
babijoeedelete calibration file19:41
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babijoeein android you cant19:42
babijoeei think you cant :p19:42
babijoeebut i may be wrong19:42
CazHargh, why don't I have phone connected to my landline :S19:43
stinebdi'll have to try it without the dream omx libs19:44
stinebdwe don't have a dream update with libstagefrighthw (new to froyo) so that might be causing incompatibility in the omx libs19:44
babijoeeah k19:45
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babijoeestinebd: i think we should remove setupwizard.apk19:46
babijoeeor find out whats causing the loop19:47
TheDeadCPU|BRAVObabijoee, Maybe I'll wait on making a new vid. Until Wifi is working and that setup loop is fixed.19:48
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: honestly i dont really wanna figure out whats causing it19:48
babijoeei'd rather remove it19:48
TheDeadCPU|BRAVODo it.19:49
stinebdwould you rather have the setup wizard or a default provision?19:49
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOIt's removed from Pauls FroYo roms.19:49
babijoeestinebd: well why is it asking for default provision?19:49
stinebdbabijoee: because normally aosp has no setup wizard19:50
stinebdyou have the default provision and setup wizard both providing the same service19:50
babijoeestinebd: i c... well too many people complain about it.. help me i'm stuck.. in the infinite loop of setupwizard19:50
stinebdit's not infinite19:50
stinebdit runs twice for me19:50
babijoeeonce is too much :p19:50
stinebdso you want the default provision?19:51
babijoeewell i dont mind actually19:51
stinebdso no google apps :P19:51
babijoeeleave those babies19:51
stinebdthey need a google account19:51
stinebdwhich needs setup wizard :P19:51
babijoeestinebd: nope.. i've removed it19:51
babijoeeand it works all good19:51
stinebdhow can you add a google account without it?19:52
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOUmm, ther's no SetupWizard in FroYo on my Desire.19:52
babijoeeit popsout add account :p nice and quick19:52
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOBut I can still setup Google acount.19:52
babijoeeand loads the screen magically19:52
babijoeeget right into the system19:52
* TheDeadCPU|BRAVO Gets into bed.19:53
babijoeeanyone try neocore?19:53
babijoeehonestly i fell in love with my tpro again19:54
babijoeei might use it as my primary device atm19:54
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWith Android? :o19:54
CazHbabijoee: can't get neocore to install from market :S19:54
babijoeeCazH: me too :'(20:02
babijoee3d works20:02
babijoeedunno why it wont install20:02
CazHyeah 3d works in quadrant20:02
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: yes with XDANDROID :p20:02
CazHDon't have a clue20:02
babijoeebah ohwells20:02
CazHwanna try to install neocore with logcat running20:02
babijoeei'll start making 2.2 thread look pretty and prepare package20:03
CazHbut it seems i have broke market in my latest image :P20:03
babijoeeCazH: :p20:03
babijoeedoesnt work?20:03
TheDeadCPU|BRAVObabijoee, I would use my Touch Pro as main device with XDAndroid if the clock wouldn't be fubar.20:03
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: liar20:03
babijoeeyou cant live without sense :p20:03
mc44TheDeadCPU|BRAVO: ClockSync! ;p20:04
TheDeadCPU|BRAVObabijoee, With a HW keyboard I could!20:04
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOmc44, dun work for me.20:04
babijoeei never ran android for long enough20:04
babijoeehow far back does the clock go20:04
mc44mine loses about 5 minutes an hour ;p20:04
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOabout 10 minutes per 8 hour.20:05
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWhat? That much mc44 ?20:05
babijoeeand i dont get how people can OC so much20:05
babijoeemy device hangs if i ever go over 65000020:05
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI use it at 72800020:05
mc44TheDeadCPU|BRAVO: maybe a little less, clocksync seems to reset it a couple of minutes an hour anyway20:06
babijoeei dont get it20:06
CazHI go to 691000 anything higher then that and it won't boot :S20:06
babijoee691000 and you only get 4+ mflops?20:06
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: 728000 and only 4mflops20:07
babijoeei wonder how much i would get if i could even oc up to there20:07
thedicemasterrunning neocore right now.20:07
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI love having 40+ on my Desire.20:07
thedicemasterhm, 20.3fps20:08
babijoeethedicemaster: hrmmm20:08
babijoeei guess theres a few things broken20:08
babijoeecan't install neocore20:08
thedicemasterthe 30-6 rootfs+28-6 system.ext2 don't have problems with neocore.20:09
CazHbabijoee: get 4,8mflops :)20:09
babijoeeCazH: :) nice20:09
babijoeei'm getting 4.4 on 62500020:10
CazHI get like 3,6 with stock20:10
CazHTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: stop showing off with that crappy phone :p20:10
babijoeehas anyone tested lwp?20:12
CazHbabijoee: lwp?20:12
CazHohh, well not me20:12
babijoeeit a memhogger20:13
babijoeetime to package a build20:13
CazHyeah 12mb if I remeber :)20:13
CazHbabijoee: hint, in vendor/xdandroid/msm/ you can comment out lines to remove gapps etc :)20:14
babijoeethanks for the tip20:14
babijoeefor now i'll leave it as is20:14
babijoeeless messing around in source :p20:15
stinebdi'm testing with modifications to that20:15
CazHwhy not at least remove that amazon mp3 store thinggy? :)20:15
babijoeeyeah that was the most annoying in paul's roms20:15
stinebdas i said, i haven't filtered any of the google apps yet20:15
stinebdactually i did do most of the duplicates already at some point20:15
stinebdwhich i could remember doing that20:16
CazHstinebd: don't bother with that stuff, when I can figure out how to do it, you time is better spent on other things ;)20:16
CazHnow is just need to get usb working in winmo again :'(20:17
babijoeei thought you got it working again CazH20:17
CazHbabijoee: when I get it working it's a one shot deal20:17
CazHbecause if I unplug and replug it doesn't work :S20:18
babijoeestinebd: you know which files associates for media codec playback20:18
babijoeeas CazH has his files working20:18
stinebdi'm guessing the omx libs and libstagefrighthw20:20
stinebdit turns out i pulled a libstagefrighthw from the passion rom by accident20:20
stinebdit probably has some neon crap that breaks for us20:20
babijoeeok kool20:21
babijoeewaiting for you to readd em20:21
CazHweeeeeee got usb connection :D20:21
CazHonly took about 40 unplugs20:21
babijoeeyou pulled a file by accident?20:24
babijoeestinebd: anyways any donations coming in?20:25
stinebdyes and yes20:25
babijoeeso push the file back in? :p20:26
stinebdpulled from the rom20:26
stinebdthe file shouldn't be going into the system image20:26
stinebdbecause it might be using cpu instructions that our phones don't have20:26
stinebdor C symbols etc20:27
babijoeei see20:27
stinebda general fail by me20:27
stinebdthose happen rather often20:27
babijoeedw bout it stinebd :p20:27
stinebdif i worried about it, i wouldn't get any work done ;)20:27
babijoeeright you are sir20:28
stinebdi wish i could figure out what i failed with in wpa_supplicant20:28
babijoeestinebd: i read through it20:29
babijoeephh said we might need to strace and find out whats happening20:29
stinebdi'm sure it's just a config problem20:29
babijoeei see20:30
babijoeeit should still run with the current wpa_supplicant imo20:32
babijoeei think the problem lies else where20:33
stinebdmp3 working :D20:34
stinebdi removed those libs i was talking about20:34
stinebdgonna push it to the device tree now20:34
stinebdwell let me test m4a real quick20:35
stinebdsync and reunzip20:36
babijoeeyay recompiling! as TheDeadCPU|BRAVO would say "hooray for that" :D20:37
babijoeewhat i dont get is how CazH still has it working :p20:38
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOWhy would I say Hooray?20:38
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI say "YAY"20:38
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: i'm quoting your youtube video20:38
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOOh that.20:38
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI'm so awesome.20:39
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOLike my awesome English.20:39
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOI love having a sucky English.20:39
babijoeeme too :p20:39
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOAren't you Australian?20:40
babijoeeyes i am20:40
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYou should have better English then me then.20:40
babijoeehaha i'm jk TheDeadCPU|BRAVO20:40
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: is your desire OC?20:41
babijoeei see20:41
babijoeedont want to?20:41
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOHave no need.20:41
babijoeeah k20:41
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOLawl, Audio Lag on my video.20:42
babijoeewait until XDANDROID catches up20:42
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thedicemasterlol. looks like GBA emulation is better under froyo than under WM on diamond. :)20:44
stinebdthat may kill battery life ;)20:45
thedicemasteranything kills battery life for me.20:46
TheDeadCPU|BRAVObabijoee, IMO by the time XDAndroid has catched up with native Android devices there are no users with  Diamonds and TPs left.20:46
babijoeeTheDeadCPU|BRAVO: we are > magic20:47
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYea but that's a Magic.20:47
babijoeeand native :)20:47
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOEven the G1 is better then the Magic.20:47
babijoeebesides N1 > desire :p20:47
TheDeadCPU|BRAVODesire > N120:47
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOActually. IMO N1 = Desire.20:48
babijoeeanyways brb20:49
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TheDeadCPU|BRAVOYay for AndChat.20:51
thedicemasterwell, another reason to want a milestone2 if it ever comes out.20:52
thedicemasternow that i see how well froyo handles a GBA emulator.20:53
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thedicemasterGBA on froyo runs as well as GB on WM20:53
CazHthedicemaster: is there a gba emu on the market?20:53
thedicemastergameboid for GBA, and gbcoid for GBC20:54
CazHare they free? :)20:54
thedicemasterbut you need a bios file.20:54
thedicemasterfree unless you want adfree or savestates.20:54
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CazHthedicemaster: nice, don't have paid apps here :) So I need everything in market to be free :P20:55
thedicemasteraside from the occasional load/save freezes GBA emulation runs at near full speed on the froyo alpha20:55
CazHBut I need to update my hosts so I don't have to download ads :P20:55
thedicemasterthat is with sound.20:55
CazHNice :D20:56
babijoeestinebd: also else20:56
babijoee                    losetup /dev/block/loop1 $card/system.img20:56
babijoee                    [ $? -eq 0 ] || fail "Failed to find system.img on SD Card"20:56
babijoee                    mount -t cramfs -o ro,noatime,nodiratime /dev/block/loop1 /system20:56
babijoee                    [ $? -eq 0 ] || fail "Failed to mount /system"20:56
babijoee            fi20:56
thedicemasteralthough sounds do give some crackling sounds occasionally.20:56
stinebdwhat about it?20:56
babijoeethat doesn't allow it to detect system.img20:56
CazHthedicemaster: what device do you have? And how do you control20:56
babijoeei know20:56
stinebdsystem.img is expected to be cramfs20:57
TheDeadCPU|BRAVOGnite guys.20:57
CazHnight TheDeadCPU|BRAVO20:58
babijoeegnite TheDeadCPU|BRAVO20:58
thedicemasterdiamond, i use onscreen Dpad and shoulderbuttons, left=start, center button=A, right=B, back=select. but you can configure all buttons how you like it.20:58
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babijoeeoh right20:58
babijoeei was meant to add someones diamond setup20:59
babijoeei'll do that later20:59
thedicemasterthat's with the phone held in landscape position.20:59
stinebdwhat, that guy on the forums that said "i like this setup, add it"?20:59
babijoeeis it practical?21:00
stinebdit won't be when we have 5000 different users telling us that, heh21:00
thedicemasteri think it's fine as it is now.21:00
babijoeestinebd: doesn't hurt21:00
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babijoeeand it'll be for people who want it21:00
stinebdwe only have so much space in rootfs21:00
stinebda better solution would be to allow a directory on sdcard where they can put their layout21:01
hamagcData broke again21:01
stinebdhamagc: logcat -b radio21:01
babijoeestinebd: that could also work21:01
CazHthedicemaster: okay, it's just that the hard buttons on the diamond is kinda crappy :P21:01
babijoeestinebd: for some reason data now is very good for me21:01
stinebdi've not had any problems with data in my testing21:02
babijoeeperhaps wait for new build for testing21:02
stinebdbut i've only tried it once. i don't use a sim card normally21:02
babijoeethen see if it helps hamagc?21:02
thedicemasterCazH: the way i use them you circumvent the troublesome "buttons"(left/right in portrait, or up/down in landscape)21:02
babijoeei'll ready something in an hour21:02
babijoeehold tight21:02
CazHthedicemaster: smart move :D21:02
thedicemasterand A is most used in the games i play, so i use the center button for that.21:03
babijoeeCazH: is the layout good?21:03
CazHbabijoee: what? :S21:03
babijoeenothing :p21:03
babijoeeoh bugger21:04
babijoeei forgot to unzip-files.sh21:04
babijoeethedicemaster: are you the person who created the custom diamond layout?21:11
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babijoeehamagc: might be couple hours :p21:18
babijoeetrying to get mp3,m4a working21:18
babijoeeseems to be changes, have to sync and recompile21:19
hamagcLol np21:19
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CazHwell it's getting late21:39
CazH(its 340 here )21:39
CazHso I'm gonna go to bed see all of you later ;)21:39
babijoeenite CazH21:42
babijoeestinebd: music doesn't work =/21:45
stinebdbabijoee: works fine for me21:45
babijoeestinebd: with the new changes the compiling doesn't really take long at all21:46
babijoeeis that right?21:46
stinebdbabijoee: did you installclean?21:46
stinebdprobably should21:46
stinebdotherwise those files are still in the system image21:46
babijoeeso everytime new changes i should install clean21:47
stinebdnot necessarily21:47
stinebdevery time something should be removed from the system image, you'll want to installclean just to be safe21:48
babijoeeso how do i use it21:48
stinebdmake installclean21:48
babijoeekk thanks21:48
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stinebdyou'll see why you don't want to do it every time, after you do make again21:49
stinebd"doesnt really take long at all" becomes "takes ridiculously long"21:50
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stinebdi stole the tiwlan.ini from the source tree22:02
stinebdmaybe i should put that in rootfs22:02
stinebdmight make it run cooler, looking at the differences22:02
stinebdwifi burns my buttcheeks22:03
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babijoeestinebd: thanks for that22:21
babijoeemusic works22:21
stinebdwifi problem is in libhardware_legacy22:21
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babijoeeah k22:22
stinebdand it does indeed run much cooler with the new tiwlan.ini22:22
babijoeegood to know22:22
Unholyi needz you22:22
babijoeei'm assuming you fixed it22:22
stinebdwifi is not fixed, no22:22
Unholysup babijoee22:23
babijoeehello Unholy22:23
Unholyhey stinebd what would i need to do to compile eclair with sense ui?22:23
stinebdUnholy: you can't22:23
stinebdsense isn't open-source22:23
Unholyok then how to increase the size of my system img22:24
Unholyso i can add them manually22:24
stinebdyou'd have to compile an aosp eclair and replace everything with sense files22:24
stinebdhtc changes so much stuff that it wouldn't resemble aosp anymore22:24
babijoeestinebd: he should be able to add the htc-frameworks and apps22:24
babijoeeah k22:24
stinebdyou can't just add htc frameworks22:24
stinebdbecause they replace android's regular framework22:24
stinebdit's really ugly, but they did a little bit of work with froyo to help alleviate that22:25
Unholyi see22:25
stinebdnow vendors can add entries to the settings menu for instance22:25
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Unholyis there anyother way to make the system img bigger?22:26
stinebdit's an ext2 system22:26
stinebdyou use resize2fs22:26
Unholyye i did use that but it messed up the image22:26
stinebdthen you did it wrong22:26
Unholyits babijoee fault22:27
Unholylol jk22:27
babijoeei'm still noob22:27
Unholywhat command would it then?22:27
Unholyim jk babijoee22:28
Unholyim more noob than you22:28
Unholyit be* ffs i eat parts of my sentenses22:28
Unholyyo stinebd what would i change in, to specify wha ti want to build22:37
Unholyether eclair or fryo?22:37
stinebdyou have to specify the branch when you repo init22:38
stinebdthis is in the docs22:38
Unholystinebd what about if i want to compile the kernel? i alredy synced the msn-linux repo22:42
Unholyi just have no idea how to build it22:42
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Unholywhat if i deletes somesource files by accident how do i get em back?23:02
Unholydoing repo sync?23:02
Unholyok im saved then23:03
Unholydint whant to redownload 2gb23:03
Unholydang this sucks i cant stick in sense ui to my system img23:04
babijoeesense hogs mem23:04
babijoeeits probally best not to have it23:04
Unholybut i though it would have been little faster23:04
babijoeeyeah it would i guess23:04
babijoeehrmm just wait for 2.2 froyo sense23:05
Unholywhos relesing it?23:05
babijoeenot sense though23:05
babijoeeas in wait for a build23:05
Unholyah k23:06
Unholywifi dosent work on froyo yet right23:06
Unholywell the dhcp part23:06
babijoeebut atleast now stinebd knows where the problem23:06
Unholynice il probly switch to froyo when fixes wiifi23:07
Unholyhey babijoee did anyone ever fix the fillrate problem in our phones?23:07
babijoeeimo thats the only thing that needs to be fixed23:07
Unholyi heard part of the slowness what do to the fillrate23:07
Unholyya screen fillrate23:08
babijoeewell i guess no23:08
babijoeeas its still sometimes stutters23:08
babijoeeits better than eclair23:08
Unholythat would probly make hw3d faster23:08
babijoeemost likely23:08
babijoeehw3d on donut was very good23:09
Unholyya thats y i want to compile a kernel23:09
babijoeedonut didn't suffer from the fillrate23:09
Unholyi want to test quake 3 on donut23:09
Unholyyep yep23:09
Unholyphh told me what do change in the kernel so hw3d would work on donut23:10
Unholybut yea i have no idea how to compile the kernel23:10
Unholyi added hw3d drivers to a sense 2.1 image , the one i showed you23:12
Unholybut it still was dead slow23:13
Unholyand sense kept restarting it self23:13
Unholyits no no23:13
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Unholyrepo init -u git:// -b froyo, does this init froyo repo?23:21
Unholythen i do make -j323:26
Unholydosent matter that the build prosess says its building eclair?23:27
Unholyyou know the little ascii window23:27
babijoeesorry Unholy, i can barely stay awake23:28
babijoeei'll be back on in an hour23:28
Unholynp man23:29
babijoeei'm awake now23:42
Unholyim doing  repo sync on the froyo repo23:43
Unholyits not letting em build it23:44
Unholycan fuck up something?23:44
Unholycus i ran it thiking it would clean old compiled files23:44
Unholyand stuff23:44
hamagcHows it looking?23:46
Unholyok wtf i did repo sync with froyo initialized23:51
Unholyim pretty shure its re downloading 2gb?23:51
babijoeehave you dl froyo before?23:52
Unholyi dunno23:52
Unholy1 sec23:52
babijoeehave you repo init -u git:// -b froyo23:52
Unholyonly eclair and master i guess23:53
babijoeehamagc: you around?23:53
babijoeeguess what23:53
hamagcWhats up :)23:53
babijoeeits clobbering.. i mean testing time :)23:53
babijoeegive me 15-30 mins to upload right23:54
hamagcIll be here23:54
babijoeeits not late for you is it?23:54
stinebdwifi getting closer maybe23:55
stinebdtracked it down to libnetutils23:55
babijoeeare you using strace stinebd?23:55
stinebdstrace is of no use23:55
stinebdbecause the dhcp service isn't starting correctly23:55
babijoeeso the changes will be done to system?23:56
babijoeeokay :)23:56
babijoeei'll hold off23:56
stinebdi could actually use a testing favor23:57
stinebdif anybody feels up to it23:57
stinebdand has adb shell access23:57
babijoeestinebd: i can do it23:58
stinebdturn wifi on, set up a known network, try connecting to it and as it starts connecting, go into adb shell and run "start dhcpcd"23:58
babijoeehamagc: sorry mate23:58
babijoeei'll definitely give you an early build to play for abit23:59
stinebdkickstarting dhcpcd like that makes it connect for me23:59
stinebdbut i have a different init.froyo.rc23:59
babijoeewhat changes are there23:59

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