Saturday, 2012-02-11

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insink71allo all04:18
insink71damn... don't have any of your devices :/04:20
insink71do have 2 htc wildfire s's with msm7x2704:21
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spike_anyone available??06:18
spike_i want to know if something could be done to increase market apps compatibility  with ported phones...06:20
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d3tul3hey Mokkun09:01
d3tul3want to give this a go?09:02
Mokkunsure, what should I do09:02
d3tul3how good are you with adb ?09:02
MokkunI can pull, push and install stuff09:02
Mokkundmesg and logcat some09:02
d3tul3bind mounting in conf?09:03
Mokkuneh, never done that... could give it a go09:03
d3tul3first thing is first shut down the phone pull the battery and leave it like that for five mins09:03
d3tul3(try to wipe whatever residual data is in the gps engine, so that we don't get any false positives)09:04
d3tul3alright, pm-ing you the lib09:05
d3tul3so when you boot back up in a few minutes09:06
d3tul3pull up an adb console09:06
d3tul3remount /system as rw09:06
d3tul3cp /system/lib/hw/ /system/lib/hw/
d3tul3then push the new lib onto /system/lib/hw/gps.xdandroid.so09:07
Mokkuncp? is that a adb command?09:07
Mokkunoh you mean copy and rename it09:07
d3tul3we just want to have the stock lib around in case this new one is busted09:08
d3tul3now, i've also made some changes to framework, which I have no easy way of providing to for now we'll just have to go with this09:08
d3tul3which kernel are you using?09:09
Mokkunok, and then I should boot up gps and check the assisted box in the settings09:09
Mokkun5 minutes are up09:09
d3tul3i don't remember an assisted box in settings09:09
d3tul3boot up go to settings and only check gps, UNCHECK the other box that says location provided by network09:10
Mokkunoh ok09:10
d3tul3alright .27 i guess will have to do09:10
Mokkunthat's what I meant09:10
d3tul3then you have to reboot09:11
Mokkunshould I boot from wm to android in flight mode?09:11
d3tul3as it currently pulls xtra data on boot09:11
d3tul3doesn't matter09:11
d3tul3when you finally reboot after copying the lib09:12
d3tul3if you can09:12
d3tul3best way to test is by going outside09:12
d3tul3sometimes gps indoors is spotty09:13
d3tul3oh yeah, and you must have data connection for this to work09:13
d3tul3ideally we want a gps lock in under 30 sec09:14
d3tul3i'll also take <1m09:14
Mokkunhow accurate should the lock be?09:14
d3tul3within 100m09:15
Mokkundata connection as in 3g?09:15
Mokkunmy room is near the balcony, so if I don't get a decent signal here, I'll try it on the balcony, and if that is still effy, I'll go outside.09:16
d3tul3balcony should be fine09:16
Mokkunit's -8 celcius here XD09:16
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Mokkunphew finally got it to push09:32
Mokkunlet's see what was next09:32
d3tul3if it's bad news i don't want to hear it09:34
Mokkunso no news is bad news09:34
d3tul3:) when it boots up let it settle for a minute09:34
Mokkunalways do that09:34
d3tul3as it downloads the packet right around the time when the home screen comes up09:35
Mokkunso input pin, and then let it settle so it can get the packet09:35
d3tul3i have no idea what pin is09:35
Mokkunthe pincode/passcode to unlock simcard usage09:36
Mokkunprolly a gsm thing09:36
Mokkunbooted up09:37
Mokkunletting it settle09:37
d3tul3remember, balcony :)09:38
Mokkunnext to it practically09:38
Mokkunomg, maps isn't pre-installed in gb0x09:38
d3tul3ugh hold on09:39
Mokkundownloading it now09:39
d3tul3look for Gps Status in the market09:40
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Mokkunsomething seems off09:50
Mokkunit won't get a lock, sowwy09:51
d3tul3blinking in taskbar?09:51
d3tul3get logcat09:51
d3tul3and also md5 the lib on your phone09:52
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Mokkunhow to md5?10:01
d3tul3in an adb shell10:01
d3tul3btw how's the weather over there right now?10:02
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Mokkun18ab72ef1c9015a1ccc62da219aaf3d5  /system/lib/hw/gps.xdandroid.so10:14
Mokkunstill cold as hell10:14
Mokkunclear blue skies10:16
d3tul3that log doesn't have the boot-up sequence10:19
d3tul3if it's not too hard if you could reboot10:19
d3tul3get a log10:19
d3tul3i just did the same sequence as you (battery off for > 5 mins) and got a lock in less than 10 secs10:21
Mokkunsure on it10:22
Mokkundoes the md5 match up?10:23
arrrghhhMokkun, md5 the one on your pC10:25
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arrrghhhif you're on windoze there's a winmd5sum gui tool that's pretty slick10:27
arrrghhhjust drag files/folders onto it and it'll md5 whatever you throw onto it.10:27
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arrrghhhwb d3tul3 how goes it sir10:28
d3tul3not bad...10:29
d3tul3trying to get a verification that xtra works....not sure how to clear the data from the gps engine to ensure a cold start10:30
arrrghhhyea i see that10:30
arrrghhhi would think your theory on pulling batt for 5 min would work10:30
arrrghhhbut i don't know how 'persistent' that chip is10:30
arrrghhhi know it bleeds over from WinMo10:30
d3tul3Mokkun, our md5's match up10:30
arrrghhhwhat frameworks changes did you have to make?10:31
arrrghhhperhaps missing those is critical?  dunno10:31
d3tul3it's in the mailing list10:31
arrrghhhcool, thanks10:31
arrrghhhyea, i don't get the insta-email on that...10:31
arrrghhhi don't know if it's a daily or weekly summary, but i seem to get summary mails from that10:31
d3tul3though if i read it correctly that patch mostly has to do with ini/de-init not necessarily xtra10:31
arrrghhhinit of the gps radio?10:32
d3tul3i wrote an app to inject xtra data manually10:32
d3tul3then realized tytung's already written one....a better10:32
arrrghhhoh well10:32
arrrghhhugh.  i can't believe i have to go back to work today :(10:33
arrrghhh7-day weeks sucks.10:33
d3tul3that's too bad10:33
Mokkunrebooted, still not getting a fix10:34
arrrghhhyea.  all this after hours and weekend work is beginning to take a toll10:34
arrrghhhMokkun, do you see anything in the logs?10:34
arrrghhhor should i say, please post your logs :P10:34
Mokkunpm'd it to detule10:34
Mokkuncause getlog is disfunctioning again for me10:35
arrrghhhblame rpierce9910:35
Mokkunso had to pull everything from adb10:35
rpierce99that's what i do10:35
Mokkunand no idea if my privies are getting cnesored10:35
arrrghhhMokkun, by default they don't10:35
d3tul302-11 17:25:45.530 D/gps_rpc ( 1297): pdsm_xtra_set_data() is called: clnt_stat=010:35
d3tul302-11 17:25:45.530 D/gps_rpc ( 1297): pdsm_xtra_set_data(0, 1f40, 0, 0x40861e00, 400, 94, 100, 1)=110:35
d3tul302-11 17:25:45.530 D/gps_msm7k( 1297): gps_xtra_inject_xtra_data: inject part = 95/100, len = 40010:35
d3tul302-11 17:25:45.530 D/gps_rpc ( 1297): xdr_xtra_data_args() is called: 0x40861f90, 400, 95, 10010:35
d3tul302-11 17:25:45.530 D/gps_rpc ( 1297): pdsm_xtra_set_data() is called: clnt_stat=010:35
d3tul302-11 17:25:45.530 D/gps_rpc ( 1297): pdsm_xtra_set_data(0, 1f40, 0, 0x40861f90, 400, 95, 100, 1)=110:35
d3tul302-11 17:25:45.530 D/gps_msm7k( 1297): gps_xtra_inject_xtra_data: inject part = 96/100, len = 40010:35
arrrghhhand i probably won't be able to make heads or tails of the logs anyways, so it's fine that you pm'd 'em to d3tul310:35
d3tul302-11 17:25:45.530 D/gps_rpc ( 1297): xdr_xtra_data_args() is called: 0x40862120, 400, 96, 10010:35
arrrghhhholy paste10:35
d3tul3the data injection works10:35
arrrghhhwell that's good10:36
Mokkunso it's user end?10:36
rpierce99i'll build another version with replaceAll back in there, but it will break the +1 phone numbers again10:36
Mokkunthe not getting fix10:36
d3tul3well download gps status from the market10:36
Mokkunmine is +3110:36
arrrghhhrpierce99, that's annoying.10:36
Mokkunso wh cares10:36
MokkunI did10:36
Mokkunnot getting a fix with that as well10:36
arrrghhhis there something you have to enable in that app to get it to download the XTRA data?10:37
* arrrghhh can't remember10:37
Mokkunmenu button > tools > manage a-gps state10:38
arrrghhhwell, i guess i should get going.  imma take my lappy and RHOD to work, so perhaps i can play with this stuff today d3tul310:38
arrrghhhMokkun, perhaps?  is there a way to make sure it's enabled?10:38
d3tul3cool arrrghhh you need data for this10:38
arrrghhhd3tul3, i'm a masochist and i left my RHOD active.10:38
arrrghhhi have 2 lines with Sprint now, lol.10:38
d3tul3hm your log looks slightly different10:39
d3tul3there's a xtra instruction that the leo folks use10:39
d3tul3that would hard reset my cdma rhodium10:39
imtuxy\help set10:45
d3tul3this last log you sent me, there is not a single instance where gps stayed ON for longer than 30 secs10:48
Mokkunset my screen timeout to 30 minutes now10:52
Mokkungetting gps status to run that time10:52
Mokkunto see if it locks at all10:53
Mokkunalso, made a .bat file to get logs10:53
Mokkunand it works amazingly well10:53
Mokkunanyone wanna have it?10:53
Mokkunthough, doesn't clear your imei XD10:55
Mokkunso you still need to do that by hand10:55
d3tul3back in 1510:56
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rpierce99Mokkun: give me 20 minutes or so and i'll have a new version of getlogs that will hopefully work10:59
rpierce99the code is written but my android sdk and plugins were out of date and wouldn't build11:00
Mokkunmmhm, seems that when getlogs did work, it didn't obscure my imei11:00
rpierce99that's possible, i only have certain api calls, i block one that android calls device id11:01
rpierce99but that could be MEID, ESN, IMEI11:01
rpierce99you can always block it with a manually entered filter11:03
rpierce99 << let me know if it works11:07
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d3tul3Mokkun, no lock?11:25
Mokkungetting the logs atm11:25
Mokkunmaybe I broke something while pushing the new file11:25
d3tul3doubt it11:25
d3tul3the md5 looks the same11:25
d3tul3unless you went on a rampage when you remount-ed system as rw11:25
d3tul3you in windows or linux?11:26
d3tul3i have another lib, but this has a high likelihood of reseting while in bootani11:27
d3tul3just wondering if you can mount system.ext2 on your pc to change back to a more sane lib if that's the case11:27
rpierce99if it does it at bootani you could hypothetically "adb wait-for-device; abd shell mount -o remount,rw /system; adb push ...11:28
MokkunI remounted the system to rw from script manager11:29
Mokkunthen had to delete the original file11:30
Mokkunotherwise it would let me move it from my sd card to the /system/lib/hw/ directory11:30
Mokkunand adb push wasn't letting me into the /system/lib/hw/ directory11:30
d3tul3rpierce99, that'll work11:30
Mokkunwindows 711:31
Mokkunadbing from cmd11:31
rpierce99adb wait-for-device; abd shell mount -o remount,rw /system; adb shell rm /system/lib/hw/; adb push /system/lib/hw/11:31
Mokkunhmmm. question: does the file get saved on my data.img?11:34
rpierce99no, system.ext211:34
MokkunI'll redo this then11:34
d3tul3let me get you this new lib11:37
d3tul3just remove those trailing underscores11:38
d3tul3if you could get GetLogs to work that would be ideal11:39
MokkunI'm running getlogs from a .bat file now11:39
Mokkunwell the same functionality11:39
rpierce99if it doesn't pastebin it, it's not the same :)11:40
Mokkunrpierce99, funny thing is, my .bat file works without the "/n" addition11:40
MokkunI make adb put it into a file, and then upload it to mediafire11:41
rpierce99the \n is the newline character you insert into the stream/bat file by hitting return at the end of the line11:41
rpierce99in code i have to send that character to the console manually11:41
rpierce99or is there a /n switch on one of the commands11:41
d3tul3pastebin is clutch11:42
rpierce99yeah other than echos the commands are: uname -a, getprop, logcat -v time -d, logcat -v time -b radio -d, dmesg, and ps11:43
d3tul3in summary....tytung's additions are two instructions xtra_set_data and xtra_inject_time11:43
rpierce99the \n just executes the command instead of the console sitting there waiting for more input11:43
d3tul3looks like xtra_set_data works fine, and it alone is sufficient on my rhod40011:43
d3tul3inject_time resets my phone, but perhaps it's needed on gsm11:44
d3tul3(doubt it)11:44
d3tul3if it's not that, then it has to be the frameworks patch, but again, i don't see what's in there that could be affecting this11:44
d3tul3Mokkun, need a log while booting in, as in adb in while bootani is going on, and logcat the output to a file, need to see the gps_init sequence11:50
Mokkunreplaced system.ext2 and made it build a clean data.img11:50
Mokkunoh you mean after I push the new file11:52
Mokkunin the spirit of full disclosure, I've been using kexec as a reboot method, since reboot itself is buggy, iirc, right?12:03
d3tul3kexec is fine12:03
Mokkunk, rebooting12:04
Mokkunhow long into the bootani should I make a logcat?12:06
d3tul3with the new lib?12:06
d3tul3as soon as you can adb12:07
d3tul3you should be able to adb right around the time the boot animation pulls up12:07
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Mokkunwow, got a reboot12:07
Mokkunto wm12:07
d3tul3cool need to switch to the other lib12:08
Mokkunthough, the reboot came after I entered my pincode12:09
Mokkunso after bootani finished12:09
Mokkunshall I try the previous lib again?12:14
d3tul3yeah this one with inject_time won't work for us12:17
d3tul3alright well, i guess we can wait for arrrghhh to give it a go, that way we can bisect whether it's cdma vs gsm or the frameworks patch12:18 bootani is stuck now. new  system.ext2 and no data.img12:36
d3tul3booting takes a loooong time with a new data.img12:37
Mokkunno, it just froze completely for like 10 minutes12:39
d3tul3magic red button12:39
Mokkunwhat button?12:40
Mokkunoh xd12:42
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Mokkund3tul3, would changing my kernel from .27 to higher maybe help?14:30
d3tul3unlikely, but you should not be on .27 anyways :)14:31
d3tul3but yeah i am on 3.2 so it doesn't hurt trying to eliminate that variable14:31
Mokkuntwas arrrghhh's idea14:31
Mokkun3.0 gave me random reboots14:31
d3tul3random reboots without logs dont get fixed14:31
MokkunI tried getting logs, but failed miserably then14:32
Mokkuncouldn't reproduce the reboot14:32
Mokkunand haven't had them on .2714:32
d3tul3can't reproduce the reboot sounds good to me14:33
d3tul3by the way, i use 3.2 daily, and in about a month of usage i have yet to have a reboot to winmo.14:34
d3tul3but yeah try 3.214:35
Mokkunwell, it rebooted on 3.0 when I pulled the keyboard on while on the train14:38
Mokkunafter that, it kept randomly rebooting14:38
Mokkunthen switched to .27, no problems there14:38
Mokkunprolly was a fluke14:39
Mokkunnope, no lock even after 3 minutes14:51
d3tul3that's too long alright if you got time, go into winmo, run quickgps boot into android and see what happens14:53
MokkunI tried seeing if I could get a lock using wireless networks, no lock with those either14:54
d3tul3oh really14:54
d3tul3you don't get the wide blue circle non-gps lock14:55
Mokkunnothing at all14:55
d3tul3ok hold on14:56
Mokkunno lock, no zoom with aprox area14:56
d3tul3that should at least fix network location14:57
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Mokkunhmm... I think I should make a .bat to mount /system as rw and back to ro15:07
Mokkunwould save me a lot of trouble15:07
Mokkunwith network it gets me a lock now15:12
Mokkunbooting back into windows15:13
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Mokkuneven the bleedthrough from wm doesn't get a lock15:27
Mokkunmy device is awful...15:28
d3tul3ok so what happened booted in winmo15:28
d3tul3ran quickgps?15:28
d3tul3boot back to android? no lock?15:28
Mokkunno lock15:30
d3tul3i guess a couple more things to try, get a lock with the old lib (after having ran gquickgps but you already did that)15:30
d3tul3and if that fails, try to get a lock in winmo15:31
Mokkungetting logs for this run15:31
Mokkunold lib + quickgps is another fail, logs for this run coming15:45
d3tul3in all these logs i see gps_start followed by a gps_stop some 20-30 secs later15:47
rpierce99maybe missing a chmod on the lib?15:49
Mokkunyea, I try maps first, which kills gps it seems after 30 seconds15:50
Mokkunafter that, I run gps status, but that doesn't end15:51
Mokkunand it doesn't lock either15:51
d3tul3if you can't get a lock with the old lib after running quickgps in winmo it could a million other things wrong15:51
Mokkunhave to confess that I can only remember one version of froyo giving me locks with gps15:52
Mokkunother than that, I never had any locks at all15:52
Mokkununless running with network enabled15:52
d3tul3with the old libs i used to get pretty quick gps locks after getting a lokc in winmo15:53
d3tul3last thing boot to winmo and try getting a lock there15:54
Mokkungot lock in winmo, booting now15:54
Mokkunwith old lib15:54
MokkunI don't have any hope for it though15:54
Mokkuncould it be a rhod100 vs rhodxxx difference15:54
d3tul3the old lib is useless for logging purposes since it doesn't have _any_ logging enabled15:54
Mokkundumb little me15:55
d3tul3but it's ok we should see if you can get any lock on it15:55
d3tul3as a baseline15:55
Mokkunno lock with google maps, running gps status now15:58
Mokkunkinda doubtful it will ever find a lock15:59
d3tul3alright let's try to get you the framework patch16:01
d3tul3this might be somewhat sketch16:01
Mokkunno lock after 2-3 minutes16:01
Mokkunhave you checked to see if there's a difference between your rhod400 dll files and mine?16:02 goes in /system/lib16:07
Mokkunis there a certain order?16:08
Mokkunlike gps lib first or this one first?16:08
d3tul3to answer your earlier question the dll you sent me looks similar enough to the one pulled from my phone, at least as far as the rpc I am using is concerned16:13
d3tul3i think though i've been wasting your time -> if you can't get a gps lock _at_all_ in android, there might be some other issues at play here....16:15
Mokkungot the files, rebooting now16:18
Mokkunit's not a waste of time, at least we know there's something else wrong with it16:18
Mokkunomg omg omg omg16:23
Mokkungot a damn lock in under a minute16:23
Mokkunnice work detule16:23
Mokkunerror at 25 meters at best16:24
Mokkun6km at worst16:24
d3tul3wait which you have in there?16:24
d3tul3ok now turn it off for 10 mins16:24
d3tul3with battery out16:25
d3tul3let's test the cold lock16:25
Mokkunbattery is out16:26
Mokkun10 minutes and counting  XD16:26
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Mokkunok, putting battery back in16:39
Mokkunafter 90seconds no lock16:47
Mokkunat 2 minute mark, manually tried to fetch teh agps dataa16:48
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Mokkunno lock with the cold lock method16:55
d3tul3well at least we've learnt one thing - pulling the battery does seem to erase ephemeris data17:00
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Mokkuntrue enough17:03
Mokkuntrying to get a lock now after rebooting to winmo and quickgpsing17:04
Mokkun2 minutes in, no lock whatsoever17:04
Mokkunguessing next step is to get a lock in winmo and see if it wasn't just a fluke17:05
Mokkunbtw, noticed that if I leave gps on when shutting down, the phone freezes17:09
d3tul3looking at some docs, it looks like there is a different gpsONE engine for cdma vs gsm devices17:17
d3tul3though leo is a gsm device and xtra seems to be working fine over there17:18
Mokkunwell, even with lock in winmo, I can't reproduce it17:19
Mokkuneven got a reboot to winmo17:19
d3tul3alright well thanks for giving this a thorough test...i think next is to get someone with a cdma rhod up and going just to make sure it really is working there17:20
Mokkunwant the logs of frameworklib+gpslib and cold lock/quickgps17:21
Mokkungetting the last_kmsg for teh winmo lock one as well17:22
d3tul3of manually injecting xtra.bin with Agps Injector:
Mokkunno lock with the leo apk17:37
Mokkunkinda sad that I only had 1 lock, which I can't reproduce anymore17:39
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