Tuesday, 2012-02-07

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ryannathanshyc: woah, really!?03:35
ryannathansIt's not april 1...03:35
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arrrghhhpretty shitty merge request11:29
arrrghhhi don't see the point either.  meh.11:29
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hycI didn't bother to read the patch13:25
arrrghhhit's not even a patch13:25
arrrghhhhe just added some junk into the description13:26
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hycthat's all? wth...14:34
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arrrghhhhyc, don't act surprised :P15:14
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stinebdchrome for android!!17:35
stinebdso fast17:35
stinebdbut i demand extensions17:35
arrrghhhcan't believe it took them that long...17:37
stinebdcan't believe it took your mom that long last night17:37
stinebdwhat now smart guy?17:37
rpierce99i was sad when i found out it's only for ICS17:38
stinebdme too17:38
stinebduntil i remembered my transformer prime runs ics17:38
stinebdand i'm not kidding17:39
rpierce99i think it is going to finally convince me to upgrade my touchpad to ICS17:39
stinebdi actually had one of those "fffffffffuOHWAIT" moments17:39
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stinebdrpierce99: how is touchpad's port anyway?17:41
rpierce99CM7 is mostly complete, very few actual features missing, but it has some bugs. I haven't run CM9 yet but as far as I know all it is missing is hardware video decoding17:44
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cheeto12345677hey anyone here19:27
cheeto12345677i got a question on nand19:27
arrrghhhthat's crazy talk19:28
cheeto12345677it is! it frightens me19:28
arrrghhhthen don't use it.19:28
cheeto12345677but curiosity killed the baud19:29
arrrghhhand your phone19:29
cheeto12345677have u buried one yet?19:29
arrrghhhnot personally no19:30
cheeto12345677are u nanding right now19:30
arrrghhhdo you have a question or not, i'm not going to be here much longer.19:30
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cheeto12345677oh i think you already answered it. i just wanted to know what the difference between the frx builds from xd android and tiad were the same.. they seem like the exact same19:32
cheeto12345677thing, and if either is more stable then nand19:32
cheeto12345677basically a status questino.19:32
arrrghhhtiad kangs from XDAndroid.19:34
arrrghhhsoooooooo yea19:34
cheeto12345677you know, im for implenting anything better then what i have. win mo sucks, and so far frx7.1 is nice but crashes from time to time19:34
arrrghhhhis work isn't really work at all.  just shit he steals from us and tries to play off as ours.19:34
arrrghhhplay off as his rather.19:34
cheeto12345677thats what i thought!19:34
arrrghhhit's pretty obvious.19:35
cheeto12345677he just uses the other install method thru recovery19:35
cheeto12345677and partitioning urself. which makes no difference from what ive heard19:35
arrrghhhthat he kanged from neopeek actually.19:35
arrrghhhwho in turn takes our work as well....19:35
cheeto12345677not surprised...19:35
arrrghhhbut neopeek is a little more professional about it.19:36
cheeto12345677ya, being a hack and being a callaborator in the game are different things19:36
cheeto12345677or however its spelt.19:36
arrrghhhyea, i know.19:36
arrrghhhbig difference indeed...19:36
cheeto12345677haha for sure. anyways so would u recommend me take the plunge? given the risks.. i mean come on, everything has a legal warning addendum these days19:37
arrrghhhup to you19:37
arrrghhhit's not exactly easy to install19:37
arrrghhhfastboot is kind of a pain19:37
arrrghhhbut once you get the hang of it, just like anything else.19:37
cheeto12345677ya, thats kinda why i wanted to chat first19:37
cheeto12345677adb isnt my favorite to set up either19:38
arrrghhhit is still in testing for a reason...19:38
arrrghhhwe're not done ironing out bugs19:38
cheeto12345677whatttt about gbx19:38
arrrghhhso things are still subject to change19:38
arrrghhhand do19:38
arrrghhhwhat about it19:38
arrrghhhstill in testing as well, but same install process as FRX07.119:38
arrrghhhso less risk19:38
cheeto12345677true... i tried it but couldnt get it to stay booted, it would open up the launcher and then drop back into the boot animation19:39
cheeto12345677im thinking maybe a format issue? i dunno19:39
arrrghhhnever heard of that19:39
arrrghhhpost in the build thread.19:39
cheeto12345677for sure... i always have the problem that android builds cant automatically set my wifi mac address19:39
cheeto12345677not sure why that happens either/19:40
cheeto12345677but thanks for ur time , i think im sticking to 7.1 atm till i see a stable release19:40
arrrghhhyea, wifi we have a fix for19:40
arrrghhhi just need to get off my duff and test it.19:41
arrrghhhi never had the problem, but i think i can still test the fix.19:41
cheeto12345677i always have to cp the nvram file19:41
arrrghhhwe have a theory on how to fix that.19:41
cheeto12345677and the wifi ace thing19:41
cheeto12345677for wep19:41
arrrghhhwhat's your username on XDA?19:41
arrrghhhew.  don't use WEP.19:42
cheeto12345677i know19:42
cheeto12345677its my roommates... meh19:42
arrrghhhtell him any script kiddie can hack it in less than 2 minutes..19:42
arrrghhhand that's not a joke.19:42
arrrghhhthey make distro's specifically for hacking wifi.  it's REALLY easy.19:42
cheeto12345677my xda is riotonmars19:42
cheeto12345677and firesheep is just sad19:43
arrrghhhi might ping you to test that wifi mac fix since you always have the issue.19:43
cheeto12345677no prob im always on there looking for that new os19:43
arrrghhhnot sure when i'll have it ready19:43
cheeto12345677im so glad theres something besides winmo roms for this beast thanks man19:43
arrrghhhi have some other (albeit easy) changes to make before i tackle the wifi-nvram thingy.19:44
arrrghhhi try to help where i can...19:44
cheeto12345677i dunno what it was, i got one of the tiad builds running, and where as nothing would run the launcher was way snappy19:44
cheeto12345677but absolutely nothing worked19:44
arrrghhhwell he usually swaps the launchers out19:44
arrrghhhyou can do that on our builds too, we just run clean AOSP19:45
arrrghhhZeam seems popular for speed.19:45
arrrghhhi like ADW, pretty powerful, lots of options.19:45
cheeto12345677zeam? definitely looking it up asap19:45
cheeto12345677im running on a rhod50019:45
arrrghhhothers like Go Laucher EX - i found it heavy, but again lots of options.19:45
arrrghhhZeam seemed the lightest i found.19:45
arrrghhhvery snappy19:45
cheeto12345677any thoughts on v6 script19:46
arrrghhhi like it19:46
arrrghhhi even made a thread on it19:46
arrrghhhthen tiad8 picked up on it, and it's all over his site now LOL19:46
arrrghhhfancy that...19:46
cheeto12345677k, i set it up once and noticed it gotta a little buggy, maybe i picked it wrong19:46
arrrghhhi've never had it be 'buggy'19:47
cheeto12345677ill give it another go19:47
cheeto12345677ive read a lot of the speed up tweak threads.. anything else u think makes it shine?19:48
arrrghhhi'd put it in the thread if i find it.19:48
arrrghhhIMHO it's pretty thorough19:48
arrrghhhbut i'm sure it could be better19:48
arrrghhhhence why i called it a 'brainstorming' thread.19:48
arrrghhhany suggestions are welcome, in fact the supercharger script was a suggestion because i was doing it manually at first lo.,.19:48
arrrghhhtime to go home.  cya.19:48
cheeto12345677later man19:49
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arrrghhhquick, someone check my sanity23:07
arrrghhhdirty_modules=`ls $card | /bin/grep -o "dirty"`23:07
arrrghhhhrm, that probably won't work like i want it to anyways.23:08
rpierce99are you trying to find out of the modules on the sd card are dirty or if the current kernel is dirty23:11
arrrghhhjust adding an elif to the module extraction check23:14
arrrghhhseems like i can do this all in the elif..23:15
rpierce99well do you want to force it just in the case where the current kernel is a dirty kernel, or just because someone happens to have some dirty modules on their card23:15
rpierce99i don't think either of those are the situation you are after23:15
arrrghhhwell it should only extract modules for uname -r23:15
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rpierce99isn't it when the PREVIOUS kernel was dirty, and the current kernel is not, that the test fails currently?23:15
arrrghhhcrap, that would probably mean i need to add it to the if state.23:15
arrrghhhcrap.  you might be right...23:16
arrrghhhi don't even know how i would check for that...23:16
arrrghhhi thought it was when you were running the -dirty kernel23:16
rpierce99i'm not sure about that, that's just what my idiot brain remembers23:16
arrrghhhnot flipping back... ugh23:16
rpierce99it could be the other way23:17
rpierce99in which case forcing the extract if uname -r contains dirty would be the way to go i'd think23:17
arrrghhhhyc and alex gave me the impression it was when a user was running a dirty kernel...23:17
arrrghhhthat's what i'm hoping23:17
arrrghhhbecause that sounds a lot easier to detect lol23:17
rpierce99well inject a little logic into this23:17
rpierce99looking at the code in front of you, which way would fail23:17
arrrghhhif [ -e "$card/modules-$(uname -r).tar.gz" ] && ! `strings /lib/modules/mac80211.ko 2>/dev/null | grep -q "vermagic=$(uname -r)"`; then23:18
rpierce99and by fail i mean not extract modules even though it should23:18
arrrghhhthat strings statement is what is failing at times, and i don't understand what it's doing.23:18
arrrghhhother than checking vermagic23:18
arrrghhhsounds magical23:18
rpierce99gotta run, back in 3023:18
rpierce99back, as if anyone actually cares23:51
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