Sunday, 2012-01-29

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arrrghhhstinebd, ?02:42
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ryannathans"Place the recovery.img in your Fastboot folder"  What fastboot folder?02:51
arrrghhhi dunno02:51
arrrghhhare you testing that ICS thing?02:51
ryannathansomgb nand02:52
arrrghhhfastboot folder = adb folder02:52
arrrghhhshould have a fastboot binary in your adb folder02:52
* ryannathans checks droidexplorer02:53
ryannathansit's in there02:53
ryannathanso crap02:58
ryannathansflash_read_image: failed (2048 errors)02:58
arrrghhhwhat did you do02:58
ryannathansfollowing it exactly02:58
arrrghhhwhat step are you on02:59
arrrghhhwhat did you do to get that result02:59
ryannathans"Fastboot flash recovery recovery.img"  then reboot02:59
arrrghhhwhere is recovery.img02:59
ray|sleepthen your nand chip is dying, good job02:59
ryannathanssame folder as flashboot02:59
arrrghhhhave you tried CWM recovery?03:00
arrrghhhi prefer it03:00
arrrghhhover AOSP03:00
ray|sleepoh wait, flash_read_image? dafuq03:00
arrrghhhdownload is quite a bit older03:00
arrrghhhryannathans, go to the downloads page03:00
* ray|sleep goes back to sleep since he clearly has no clue wtf is going on here03:00
arrrghhhdon't worry, just herp derp03:00
ryannathansi'll try 1 more time03:01
arrrghhhtry with CWM03:01
ryannathansfastboot erase system and i errored03:05
ryannathanscannot erase @ 1623 (bad block?)03:05
arrrghhhwhat are you doing erase system for03:05
arrrghhhbad blocks are "normal"03:05
ryannathansi don't know, i'm following the wifi03:05
arrrghhhi have 2 on 2 different RHOD's03:05
arrrghhhfollowing the wifi huh03:05
arrrghhhnot necessary03:05
arrrghhhi've never had to do that03:05
arrrghhhfastboot flash recovery cwm_recovery.img please03:05
arrrghhhthen instead of fastboot reboot03:06
arrrghhhfastboot boot cwm_recovery.img03:06
ryannathansflash_read_image: failed (0 errors)03:06
ryannathansphone vibrated and went off03:06
arrrghhhafter the boot command?03:07
arrrghhhnever had that happen03:07
arrrghhhperhaps NAND isn't for you03:07
ryannathansi can't turn my phone on03:07
ryannathansI/o button is not working03:07
arrrghhhpull batt03:07
arrrghhhtry again03:07
ryannathanstried that03:07
ryannathansi'll leave it out for a minute03:08
ryannathansdo i need an sd card in there for fastboot03:08
arrrghhhi don't think so03:08
arrrghhhalthough there might still be issues with SIMs03:08
arrrghhhtry doing it w/o the SIM03:09
ryannathanssome crazy stuff happens on boot03:09
ryannathans flash_read_image: success03:09
arrrghhhthat's descriptive03:09
ryannathansthen flash_read_image: failed (0 errors)03:09
ryannathansthen booting <some long massive string>03:10
ryannathansand phone dies03:10
arrrghhhdouble vibe03:10
arrrghhhor single03:10
ryannathansbooting something @ ramdisk <numbers>03:10
ryannathansthen something about linux03:10
ryannathanstrying again03:10
arrrghhhdouble or single vibe?03:10
ryannathansi don't know03:11
ryannathansi'll do it aghain03:11
arrrghhhwhat else03:11
ryannathansi'll get a camera and photo the screen03:11
arrrghhhwhat does it say FIRST thing03:11
arrrghhhthe first blue screen03:11
arrrghhhat the very top03:11
arrrghhhshould say which RHOD you have03:11
arrrghhhi wonder if variant detection isn't working for your wacky rhod11003:11
arrrghhhyou're still the only one to ever have one that i've heard of.03:11
ryannathansRhodium (1) found03:15
ryannathansRhodium (1) GSM found03:15
arrrghhhunless there's something else significantly different03:15
arrrghhhbetween 100 and 11003:15
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ryannathansdouble vide03:17
arrrghhhwell i'd say that's a good sign03:17
arrrghhhso you get a double vibe03:17
arrrghhhblank screen03:18
arrrghhhthen a single vibe, and the HTC logo?03:18
ryannathansdoubele vibe then fof03:18
ryannathansi got video03:18
ryannathanscompressing and uploading03:20
ryannathansvideo encoder is being a tard03:31
ryannathansi'll just upload it...03:35
ryannathansfuck, megaupload, uploading is dead, multiupload is dead03:36
ryannathansuppit ftw03:37
ryannathans20 minutes03:38
arrrghhhi usually use dropbox for little stuff03:38
arrrghhhdepending on what it is03:38
arrrghhhfor wide distribution never a good idea.03:38
ryannathanshow do you allow other people to download a file from your dropbox03:39
arrrghhhput it in the 'public' folder03:39
ryannathans92 kb/s03:39
arrrghhhthen right click on the file and copy the public link...03:39
arrrghhhgood lord everything is faster w/o ads.03:41
arrrghhhi get ads in free apps, but man they shove ads everywhere in this stupid platform.  way worse than Android.03:42
arrrghhhoh well i'm off to bed03:47
arrrghhhgood luck03:47
ryannathans9 minutes to go03:48
ryannathanswell, that's it03:59
ryannathansshows that it's a rhod110 and shows fastboot booting, shows it dying and crashing in a big hole04:00
ryannathansbtw, don't try to wget that. it won't work04:00
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ryannathanshelicopter88: still got the rhod?08:21
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helicopter88ryannathans: I've never owned a rhod08:27
ryannathanswhat did you have?08:30
ryannathansto run xdandroid08:30
helicopter88I had a diamond,now i have an x108:31
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helicopter88ryannathans: why does it matter?08:37
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ryannathansare you are detule able to help with this?
ryannathanslast post08:47
detulei know nothing about nand08:48
helicopter88detule,about audio stuttering,one user through pm told me that audio doesn't skip anymore and plays better(why?),one on the forum posted dmesg and nothing has changed08:49
helicopter88wich one should i believe?08:49
detule:) no idea, ask the one who pm-ed you to provide dmesg to see if you get any "skipping" output08:51
helicopter88sent,let's see what does the user say08:53
helicopter88does the busybox in the rootfs include export?08:54
helicopter88I need to export some variables from a script to be used in other scripts08:58
detuleyes it does08:58
helicopter88and,if i put #!/bin/sh at the beginning of all the scripts,i'm going to have the variables or i'm going to lose 'em?09:00
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helicopter88i figured it10:30
detulehere's a question for you  on gbx0b can you get native wifi tethering working10:30
helicopter88for me?10:31
detuleor anyone using gbx w .2710:31
helicopter88I don't have data plan,i've never used tethering10:31
detulecan you jus try enablng it10:31
helicopter88gimme time to set up it and i'll try10:31
helicopter88detule,wifi tethering,right?10:53
helicopter88says "Error10:56
helicopter88I'm getting "WifiService( 1315): Failed to load Wi-Fi driver." but wlan.ko is there and I'm pretty sure that there's the firmware11:02
rneesedetule ?11:05
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rneese_mine comes up but wen connecting the laptop to the droid it fails11:10
helicopter88logcat maybe?11:10
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rneese_1 min11:11
rneese_have to find my usb cable11:11
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rneese__it teathers after almost a min but says no internet connection11:27
rneese__yet I have 3g cative on the phone11:27
detuleit would be helpful if you could also provide dmesg output11:28
detulegetlogs is best11:28
rneese__I would if it would stop crashing11:28
rneese__I left it in tether mode for 3 min and the phone rebooted11:29
rneese__going for dmesg next11:31
rneese__ok looks to be a wpa2 issue11:39
rneese__the tether log is from logcat11:42
rneese__and I will post dmesg in a min11:42
rneese__but here is what I found11:42
rneese__if I put tether in open mode it tethers fine and I get internet.11:42
rneese__but if in wpa2 mode it tethers but says no internet.11:43
rneese__so this looks to be a wpa2 issue ?11:43
rneese__there is the dmsg11:46
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rneese__here is a 2nd tether logcat11:48
rneese__thats with it in open mode11:48
rneese__if you have teamviewr  I can let you have access to the devise via the droid exployer11:50
rneese__if neese11:50
rneese__detule do those help11:55
detulethey do thanks11:58
rneese__glad to help I am still learning all I can12:00
rneese__I have read aout 40% of the code thus far12:00
rneese__someof it makes sense some leaves me scratching my head12:01
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scottreacan anyone tell me how I would go about building my own xda NAND build, I have been able to build for haret with no issues16:15
helicopter88run "make otapackage" then change the format/mount lines in updater-script16:20
helicopter88May not boot16:20
scottreawill that command produce the zip file for recovery?16:24
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ryannathansis anyone able to help with this very strange problem? my post on the latest page of omg nand thread22:56
ryannathanstherrres a video that shows better then i could explain22:57
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