Monday, 2012-01-16

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detuleyo arrrghhh00:08
arrrghhhdetule, !00:11
arrrghhhwhat's up00:11
detuleso er how do i set up mms this up to date ?00:11
arrrghhhyea, should be good for sprint00:13
arrrghhhdid you apply the patch?00:13
arrrghhhi applied and built, seemed to go OK.00:13
detuleyeah it builds as far as building go trying to see if it does something but I am pretty sure i've never set up mms00:16
detuleit works00:19
arrrghhhi can't remember which way requires the fix.  IIRC it's receiving.00:23
detulethat's the only one i tried00:23
arrrghhhapn is required for sending, patch is required for receiving.00:23
arrrghhhagain, IIRC00:24
arrrghhhrpierce99 and hyc definitely became MMS experts there while playing with that stuff00:24
arrrghhhi was mostly lost when they were patching that stuff.00:24
arrrghhhwell assuming i can get this VM to build00:27
arrrghhhi'll release tonight00:27
arrrghhhand if all goes well, this'll be THE release :P00:27
arrrghhhnetloc and GLES are fixed in mah build00:27
detuleha doubt it00:27
detulemms works both ways00:28
arrrghhhseriously man, what else do we need to do before going from testing -> release?00:28
detulei am pretty sure we haven't heard the last of acoustic but what do i know00:29
arrrghhhdude, you've been squashing acoustic bugs like crazy.00:29
detulewe'll see how effective these patches will be, reserving judgement :)00:30
arrrghhhwell i'm hoping to get this out tonight.00:30
arrrghhhit's definitely not hostname.00:31
arrrghhhi guess i'm paranoid, but i want to build this off of my VM :P00:32
detulejonpry, fix the RIL?00:33
jonpryhaven't looked at it00:36
detule3.2 is looking pretty good00:39
detulecertainly auto build worthy00:40
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arrrghhhautobuild worthy00:51
arrrghhhdo i see 3.2 in our future :D00:51
arrrghhhthe early reports say a lot of batt saving.  not sure if that applies to us or not.00:52
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rneeseany good news ? new img to test maybe ?11:01
rneeseI be bored .  need something to do other then just read all the code liek I havebeen11:02
arrrghhhsigh.  you wonder why i put you on /ignore.11:23
arrrghhhwhy don't you build the image yourself?11:24
arrrghhhif you're bored.  that takes up a lot of time :D11:24
arrrghhhand you'll always have the newest code.  and you won't have to gripe about a new image to test.11:24
arrrghhhwin-win, no?11:24
mgross029Make sense to me. :p11:27
rneesewell becuse Iwas not sure all the latest patches had made it into the code11:28
rneeseand because compiling on a 32 bit machine brings the machine to its knees11:28
arrrghhheverything but the patch, which doesn't effect you at all.11:28
arrrghhhsounds like a personal problem.11:28
arrrghhhalso, i compile on a 32-bit server.  goes fine...11:28
mgross029I've compiled on a 32-bit VM on a 32-Bit XP Host and it works fine.11:31
arrrghhhmy 32-bit physical server compiles an image in about an hour i think.  less if it's just a quick patch.11:31
arrrghhhi think i built in about 10 minutes yesterday after applying the patch11:31
mgross029I agree.  The first compile is the longest then after that just the patches and updates run really quick.11:32
arrrghhhhell jonpry built ICS on my crappy 32-bit server in just over an hour IIRC11:32
helicopter8832bit ubuntu built fine11:33
rneeseok I would say then to correct this . its more about kernel issues then I guess the userland. having tested all the diff kernels .27 wich is about the only 1 thatt 97% works correctly.11:37
rneeseI have tested the other kernels11:37
rneesethat are currently avaible11:37
arrrghhhwell yea11:37
arrrghhhi could've told you that...11:37
arrrghhh.27 is the old steady11:37
arrrghhhnote the old.11:37
rneeseeach one has been good for specific things but for the most part the /sdcard disappiers in them11:37
arrrghhhother kernels are trying to get up to speed with .27.  detule jonpry and wistilt2 are doin a good job of squashing the last bugs.11:38
rneeseand fixing other small issue11:38
rneeseyes they are.11:38
rneeseand I reported what I have found11:38
detulei think that failed to open ringtone null is a ril issue11:38
rneesedetule has done a great job also11:39
detuleit's easy when somebody else has done it before you11:39
arrrghhhi certainly wouldn't be building the system image without that fandangled page stinebd wrote.11:40
rneesewhat page is that11:40
rneeseif i might ask11:40
arrrghhhyou've never been to the wiki or what?11:41
helicopter88arrrghhh: calm down11:41
arrrghhhit's kinda on the main page11:41
arrrghhhyou should visit our site sometime11:41
rpierce99rneese: the sd card disappearing is NOT a kernel issue, i'm pretty sure i've said this once or twice already11:42
mgross029Maybe three times :p  I think we've posted the links to the site a few times here too.  :P11:43
arrrghhhit's also in the topic.11:43
rneeseI have read atleast 1/2 the pages on the xdandroid site11:44
rneesebut was not sure if there was a newer page you where referig to11:44
mgross029Well you may want to read 1/2 more just to be safe.11:44
helicopter88rneese: there're 3 pages wich talk about setting up,building and packaging11:44
arrrghhhit guides you thru the process11:45
arrrghhhcouldn't be easier.11:45
rneeseyes I have all 3 of them book marked11:45
helicopter88and,read 'em11:45
arrrghhhthey link to eachother.  good stuff.11:45
rneeseI have built a img before11:45
helicopter88then,what is the problem?11:45
helicopter88just build those images yourself instead of asking each day!11:45
mgross029repo sync and make11:46
rneesearrrghhh teased me when I was done and I had a working img till we found out a few things where missing including the new firmware wich he wrote a install script for11:46
rneesebut I know there where some root img changes going on also11:46
rneeseI have it running now11:46
arrrghhhwell, i've got them all done save the wifi-nvram poop11:46
detuleoh new ring hack11:46
arrrghhhhaven't even started to tackle that11:46
rneesethat and the fact of getting the csv files11:47
rneesewich waas a pain but got them11:48
rneesebtw if you have not pulled them i still have them11:48
rneesein a file11:48
arrrghhhsoooo hard to filter on *.csv.11:48
mgross029The CSV files are posted all over XDA!  WTH11:48
arrrghhhi even provide step-by-step instructions11:48
arrrghhhthat too11:48
arrrghhhi'm thinking i'll kang acl's methods :D11:48
arrrghhhhopefully that works well on NAND.  then it can work its way back to HaRET11:49
arrrghhhhehehe.  NAND is gettin good.11:49
helicopter88acl's method sounds the best one11:49
arrrghhhyup, as usual.11:50
arrrghhhyou've read his post then?11:50
arrrghhhgood chit11:50
arrrghhhdetule, you said MMS worked with that patch??11:51
arrrghhhemwe wasn't thinking it would cleanly apply.  i ghetto-applied it11:51
detulewhat does ghetto apply mean?11:51
detuleit applies cleanly, and mms worked last night in limited testing11:52
helicopter88arrrghhh: manual copy paste?11:52
arrrghhhghetto apply = manually editing11:52
detule"git apply name-of-file" ftw11:52
arrrghhhyou can do that with .diff files?11:53
rpierce99you're not directly applying hyc's patch right?11:53
helicopter88git am sucks11:53
rpierce99someone rewrote it?11:53
detuleyou can do it with diff files11:53
arrrghhhrpierce99, i don't know11:53
detuleyeah emwe put it inside the if bracket11:53
helicopter88I use "patch"11:53
detuleacl's new ring hack looks a lot like ours11:54
detuleglad we weren't too far off base11:54
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detuleyeah at times i use "patch -p1" as seems tolerant than "git apply/am"12:14
hycI usually use patch12:14
hycgit apply always commits, and I seldom trust to commit right away12:15
detulegit apply doesn't commit12:15
hychmm. mebbe I was thinking am12:15
hycre: module extraction, version magic comparison - what exactly was the problem?12:28
hycI think the only issue I saw was if you had version xxyyzz and xxyyzz-dirty12:28
hycbut that could be fixed with a more stringent comparison12:28
arrrghhhhyc, i'm ignorant unfortunately about under the exact circumstances when version magic failed12:46
arrrghhhi thought it was flipping back&forth kernel versions in general12:46
hycnah. aside from "-dirty" to non-dirty, I've never seen anything miss.12:47
arrrghhhhrm.  ok.12:48
hycwould be nice to track who has run into problems12:49
hycand exactly when12:49
arrrghhhyea, good luck with that.12:49
detulei like this guy....Linus what'shisname12:53
arrrghhh...Torvalds? lol12:53
detulefrom the linux mailing list "Stop being a moron."12:53
rpierce99he has a Linus quote in his sig, and just got told by Linus that he is a moron, wonder how that feels12:57
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rneeseok well I got a working system.ext314:54
rneeseis there plans to up to ext314:55
rneeseor will the device not support14:55
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rneesejust getting a feel for the future15:01
rneesebut I compiled a system.ext2 no issues15:02
detulethat's actually pretty good, you're likely running gbx0c before anyone else15:03
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rneeseyeah next is to get a newer kernel15:03
rneese.27 rebuild is what I am waing for15:04
rneesebut I still find a small issue for future work15:04
detulebuilding the kernel is, in my opinion, much easier than building a system image15:04
rneesebluetooth pairing and connect/recoonet issues15:04
rpierce99java sucks15:04
rneeseand then getting the bt headset I have working correctly15:05
rneeseit seems to only pair for phone audio15:05
rneeseits not pairing for media15:05
rneesethe issue with pairing is the fact its not using pairing codes to make a secure pair15:07
detulehow do you know this15:07
rneeseand the other issue is getting it to reconnect if the phone reboots15:07
rneesebecause I have tried 7 diff bt  ear pieces and never has it asked the to put in a pairing code15:07
detuleyet i get it to pair without a pairing code15:08
rneeseyes you get a generic pair up15:08
rneesebut from my understanding you get a more secure pair up when it ask you to put in a pairing code. this might have changed15:09
rneeseand it might auto pair now they may just use the default of 0000 to pair up15:09
rneeseand there for it is not asking for a pairing code15:09
helicopter88_2does repo sync make problem if I changed some makefiles?15:09
detulei don't understand repo sync15:10
detulei just git pull15:10
detulesure seems to take helluva lot less time than repo sync15:11
helicopter88_2wouldn't git pull still make problems for changed files?15:11
detulesure if they are tracked files in your repository that you are pulling15:11
detuleyou can do several things15:11
detule"git stash save 'message'"15:12
helicopter88_2then unstash later?15:12
helicopter88_2sounds right15:12
detuleright or you can commit, create a "working" branch, and then reset the master branch so you can pull15:12
helicopter88_2commit,no i wouldn't,is your gbx15:12
detulenot mine15:13
detulecommit locally15:13
detulein your tree15:13
helicopter88_2your = xdandroid15:13
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detulecommit = "save changes" in a way.....15:13
detuleemwe, is a champion of the different branches idea...i used to favor stash, but have since come around to emwe's way of thinking15:14
helicopter88_2I'm repo syncing,but if it fails i'll try both ways15:15
detulehi emwe15:16
emwedetule: pushing the patch uncompiled/untested. can you re-confirm it's good?15:16
detuleit's good on my 40015:16
detulei can upload a system image if you want to test it on your oeprator15:16
emwei meant the compile :)15:16
emwebah.. ssh key change...15:17
detuleoh yeah it compiles fine :)15:17
emwenarfs. i could kick my butt for breaking my 11.4 install...15:17
detulei had to disentangle gposit from my build last night....taught myself a lesson or two for making changes to untracked files15:18
emwehycs mms parsing patch pushed, detule, arrrghhh.15:20
detulenice...anything else on the to-do list before this can go out?15:22
arrrghhhemwe sweet15:23
arrrghhhdid you figure out how to sign?15:23
emweno real showstoppers left i guess. apart from some TODOs for gps and acoustic.15:24
emwenope, nto able to build, yet.15:25
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arrrghhhi am able to build15:27
arrrghhhi just don't get the signing script15:27
arrrghhhit seems to reference a dead / removed tut15:27
arrrghhhwhich makes me sad.15:27
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emweand how about just using it?15:28
emwe(no offense)15:28
arrrghhhwhat, the script?15:28
arrrghhhi tried15:28
arrrghhhnot grasping how it works/is supposed to work i'm afraid.15:28
helicopter88_2what should this script do?15:29
arrrghhhhelicopter88_2, sign the image15:29
helicopter88_2Aren't those signed the same way as's?15:29
helicopter88_2(exscuse my ignorance)15:30
arrrghhhi actually do not know...15:30
arrrghhhi'm fairly ignorant about the whole signing process.15:30
helicopter88_2I didn't even know that system.ext2 had to be signed15:32
arrrghhhhad is such a strong word15:32
arrrghhhit's by no means requried15:33
arrrghhhi am running it unsigned last night...15:33
emweit resigns the apk with the official xdandroid keys.15:35
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detulerpierce99, i should get some sort of kickback from GetLogs16:00
detuleoh wait...16:00
rpierce99haha, yeah as soon as it makes me some money i'll give you some for "advertising"16:00
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emwebuild fix pushed for those cursed by gcc 4.6.1+16:43
emwearrrghhh: donor rhod100 could be coming beginning of february. he wanted to lend as long as i need. asked him if i can "buy". waiting for answer.16:44
arrrghhhyea, i was under the impression he was going to legitimately donate it.16:45
arrrghhhalways so complicated with these :P16:45
emwenp. i got some donation money left.16:46
arrrghhhheh, ok.16:47
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emwegnight peeps.17:30
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arrrghhhcan't seem to build on this vm... probably java.  bleh.17:35
arrrghhhdamnit damnit damnit17:39
arrrghhhmake: *** [out/host/linux-x86/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libutils_intermediates/RefBase.o] Error 117:39
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arrrghhhd3tul3, yo21:09
d3tul3what's up21:09
arrrghhhfeel like helping my dumbass with build errors?21:09
arrrghhhi can build on my physical server, but i spooled up a VM and can't build on it.21:09
d3tul3did you sync today?21:10
d3tul3you got emwe's commit from this afternoon?21:10
arrrghhhi think it's a java issue.  i've never built on this vm before.21:10
arrrghhhi repo sync'd after he said he pushed, so i assume so...21:10
arrrghhhwhy, does that break something?21:10
d3tul3do a git log in frameworks base21:10
d3tul3see what's your last commit there21:10
d3tul3he fixed something about RefBase21:11
d3tul3this afternoon21:11
arrrghhhi'm repo sync'ing again just for funn21:11
d3tul3let me know if it still doesn't work i got another idea (or rather google has another idea)21:13
d3tul3but i am of the belief that emwe's commit will take care of business21:15
arrrghhhyup, git log shows his commit21:15
arrrghhher, hyc's.21:15
d3tul3need another one21:15
arrrghhhthat's not on the server?21:15
arrrghhhshould i try to build again?21:15
d3tul3go to frameworks/base21:15
d3tul3"git pull gitorious gingerbread"21:16
arrrghhhalready up-to-date21:16
d3tul3this is what you should see
d3tul3that top commit is what you need21:16
arrrghhhi haz it21:17
d3tul3cool try building21:17
arrrghhhso... make clean make?21:17
arrrghhhhrm, seems to be working now21:20
arrrghhhi wonder if i didn't have that commit before.21:20
d3tul3you figured out how to sign the apks?21:20
arrrghhhit seemed to fail in a different place21:21
arrrghhhmake: *** [out/host/linux-x86/obj/EXECUTABLES/obbtool_intermediates/Main.o] Error 121:21
d3tul3your guess is as good as mine google is our best friend21:22
d3tul3apparently you really do need ubuntu 10.421:23
arrrghhhlooks like it :(21:23
d3tul3i hate ubuntu21:24
arrrghhhdamnit, spent all this time with this vm21:24
arrrghhhjust to resync21:24
d3tul3hate is a strong word21:24
arrrghhhi'm beginning to dislike ubuntu as well...21:24
d3tul3let's see
arrrghhhjust such a clusterfuck lately.21:24
arrrghhhi bet it's a dependency.  thanks.21:24
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arrrghhhdamnit.  a bunch of packages say they have no install candidate21:25
arrrghhhthis is what happened last time.  i just removed the packages that didn't install.21:25
d3tul3you likely don't need fpermissive21:25
arrrghhhlib32ncurses5-dev, ia32-libs, lib32readline-gplv2-dev and lib32z1-dev21:26
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d3tul3libncurses5-dev ?21:27
arrrghhhthat's already installed.21:28
arrrghhh"You're probably trying to build on Ubuntu 11.10 or something similar21:29
arrrghhh(i.e. with a recent host gcc), and that's only (somewhat) supported in21:29
arrrghhhthe master branch. Older branches like android-4.0.1_r1 and ics-mr021:29
arrrghhhrequire Ubuntu 10.04, which is currently the most recent LTS. "21:29
arrrghhhsorry, didn't know it would paste like that.21:29
arrrghhhi wonder if i can copy the directory that i repo sync'd21:30
arrrghhhi almost wouldn't mind rebuilding with 10.04 if i didn't have to repo sync again...21:30
arrrghhhlooks like i just have to tweak an mk file21:32
arrrghhha mk file*21:32
d3tul3yeah that was in that tuxtopia link21:33
arrrghhhlooks like there's a few changes to make21:33
d3tul3i would just start with that one makefile21:34
arrrghhhi'm wondering if i should just build on debian.21:34
arrrghhhi guess i'll still get better support on n00buntu since everyone uses it.21:34
d3tul3yeah editing that should get you off the ground with that error above, but you will likely get stuck elsewhere if you are missing dependencies21:35
arrrghhhno wonder this works on my physical server, it's on 10.04.21:35
d3tul3got further?21:42
arrrghhhstill building21:42
arrrghhhso far so good21:43
arrrghhhmy laptop is on fire.  that's a good sign :D21:43
arrrghhhstill building...21:55
d3tul3ubuntu is easy21:58
d3tul3i have to compile every single toolchain that i want to try out in os x21:58
arrrghhhosx... ew.21:58
d3tul3as in have to compile the toolchain21:58
arrrghhhthat's a good sign21:58
arrrghhhInstall system fs image: out/target/product/msm/system.img22:02
arrrghhhso did you want to look at the script?22:02
arrrghhhfor signing?22:02
arrrghhhit references a google page that has been taken down, and i'm not exactly sure what to do with it.22:03
d3tul3er i am probably not going to be much help i know next to nothing about scripts…..if you can motivate jonpry or hyc22:04
arrrghhhi'll probably just bug stine.22:04
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arrrghhhalright.  3.2 on the new image22:23
arrrghhhyou heard me.22:27
arrrghhhor... read.22:27
rneeseok ? sorry22:27
rneesejust came out of a coma22:27
arrrghhhtrying to squash the last few regressions22:28
arrrghhhi still haven't figured out how to sign.  which is going to be a problem.22:28
arrrghhhbootloops ga-lore.22:28
arrrghhhi gotta figure that out before release...22:28
arrrghhhstinebd, you don't even appear away22:28
arrrghhhyou thar?22:28
rneesemind explaining signing them ?22:29
rneeseor is there a page on this subject22:29
arrrghhhkind of an internal thing22:29
arrrghhhafaik it prevents boot loops22:29
arrrghhhor helps prevent22:29
arrrghhhacross images22:29
arrrghhhplus, it signs all the apk's with xdandroid keys22:29
jonpryor thats all it does22:30
arrrghhhthe full extent of what that means, i'm not quite sure :D22:30
arrrghhhjonpry, what does that really mean tho.  what's the effect22:30
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jonprythe system knows the apk is not an imposter22:31
arrrghhhmakes sense22:31
arrrghhhlike ssl handshake22:31
jonpryinstallation of an unsigned apk might fail if a signed one is already installed22:31
rneesegood protection22:32
jonpryis the xdandroid key signed by some authority?22:33
arrrghhhthe holy power and authority invested within stinebd22:33
jonprywhere is this script?22:33
arrrghhhon the build server22:34
arrrghhhsure, 1 sec22:34
arrrghhhwill PM22:34
jonpryin that case a stinebd CA probably gets added to keystore22:35
jonprythis looks ok. what happens when you run it?22:38
arrrghhhi have it at the root of where i make from22:38
arrrghhhis that.. correct?22:38
arrrghhhafter i've built too, right?22:39
jonpryand you put the keys in vendor/xdandroid/security/msm22:39
jonpryi think run the script after make22:42
jonprymay have to run make dist22:42
jonprywhatever that does :p22:42
jonpryso nothing happens?22:44
arrrghhhlemme try again22:45
arrrghhhi just built on a vm22:45
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d3tul3hi jonpry22:55
jonpryhi d3tul322:56
d3tul3WisTilt2 kindly set up the autobuild22:56
jonprycool. any known bugs?22:57
jonpryor best kernel ever?22:58
arrrghhhjonpry, so there's no output after the script runs22:58
arrrghhhis that 'expected'?22:58
jonprydid you run make dist?22:58
jonprysort of22:59
arrrghhho right no i didn't.22:59
arrrghhh1 sec22:59
d3tul3well couple of times when plugged in pressing the power button brings the screen on only to immediately have it power down…but usually another press brings it back on….kind of sporadic22:59
jonprysounds like a wakelock problem22:59
d3tul3like a late power down timer is expiring when it shouldnt22:59
arrrghhhso make dist, then run the script again?22:59
d3tul3perhaps those evdev wake lock timeouts need to be a bit longer23:00
jonpryarrrghhh, i think so23:00
d3tul3give user land a bit more time to catch up23:00
jonprysounds right23:00
jonpryoccured to me that i didn't run logcat -b radio23:02
arrrghhhnetloc works23:02
arrrghhhGLES is present, lol23:02
arrrghhhwhat else23:03
arrrghhhi can't really test MMS anymore hahaha23:03
d3tul3jonpry, log cat -b radio is the juicy stuff23:03
d3tul3arrrghhh, dmesg23:03
arrrghhhoh to see if GLES is working?23:03
arrrghhhi already did that i think.  lemme check dmesg.23:03
d3tul3the properly timestamped dmesg binary is worth its weight in gold23:04
d3tul3which i guess would make it zero23:04
arrrghhhno joke23:04
arrrghhhcrap.  i forget no insta-plug on HaRET23:07
arrrghhhi think i locked it up lol23:07
arrrghhhrebootski tiem23:08
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jonprydur. i seemingly can't kill it anymore23:17
jonpryneed that new image though23:17
d3tul3hz/10 might be too short23:17
arrrghhhmake dist failed.23:18
jonprystrange it worked for me23:18
arrrghhhi think i know why.23:19
arrrghhher maybe not23:19
arrrghhhthought the VM ran out of space.  it did not...23:19
jonprywhats the error?23:19
arrrghhhimma pastebin the last page23:19
arrrghhhcuz it seems like there's more than one error...23:19
arrrghhhe2fsck: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while trying to open /tmp/tmpjaZQcm23:20
arrrghhhCould this be a zero-length partition?23:20
jonpry /tmp is a different filesystem?23:21
jonpryor you don't have perms?23:21
jonprygenext2fs -a -d /tmp/targetfiles-rIp9Uq/system -b 3072 -N 501 -m 0 /tmp/tmpjaZQcm23:23
jonprynumber of inodes too low, increasing to 56923:23
jonprygenext2fs: couldn't allocate a block (no free space)23:23
arrrghhhi have 8.9gb free now23:24
arrrghhhperhaps that gets filled on buildtime?23:24
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jonpry you don't have a tmpfs mounted on /tmp ?23:28
arrrghhher that's /run23:29
arrrghhhmount |grep /tmp returns nada23:29
arrrghhh/tmp should just be part of /23:29
arrrghhhsooooo is 8.9gb not enough to build?23:30
jonpryits already built23:30
arrrghhhlets see if i can expand this image23:30
arrrghhhi know23:30
arrrghhhjust grabbing at straws.23:30
arrrghhhi guess i could try this on the server23:30
arrrghhhsince that "always" works.23:30
jonprychmod 777 /tmp ?23:31
arrrghhhcould be my user23:31
arrrghhhi changed usernames forcibly lol23:31
arrrghhhi'm finding that's not such a great plan.23:31
jonpryafaik this is the only part of android build that touch /tmp23:33
arrrghhhrebuild VM time23:34
arrrghhhi want a 64-bit vm anyways.23:34
d3tul33.2 has some nice suspend stats23:35
arrrghhhgood battery life?23:35
arrrghhhhey, did wifi work on 3.2?23:35
arrrghhhi got an error, didn't debug much.  lol23:35
jonpryis there an unsigned image i could get?23:35
d3tul3i have one but my UL is 10KB/s23:36
arrrghhhjonpry, want me to host one?23:36
jonpryif you don't mind23:36
arrrghhhnot a problem23:37
arrrghhhdude, i gave you shell access to my box, i think hosting an image is no problem :P23:37
jonpryi could potentially wait like everyone else for the signed one23:38
arrrghhhdmesg timestamps are in full effect d3tul323:38
d3tul3i used to have a 'friendly' nhood network23:38
arrrghhhadb pulling from the device now.23:39
arrrghhhstill uploading jonpry ... hold off on the link just yet.23:40
arrrghhhdang, my upload is faster than that...23:41
arrrghhhstarted at 8023:41
arrrghhhnow at 50...23:41
arrrghhhi usually get 200.23:41
arrrghhhnot stellar, but not bad...23:41
jonpry200 is pretty good23:42
arrrghhhi wish i was at work, lol.  we just got a 100mbit comcast connection which we put on a open wireless network.23:42
arrrghhhor y'know, wistilt2's house.23:42
jonprythats on fiber?23:42
d3tul3yeah i am golden on anything that's on my work box23:42
arrrghhhjonpry, this'll be faster from my webserver.23:43
arrrghhh1 sec23:43
arrrghhhthat's live baby23:43
jonpryawesome. thx23:44
rneesearrrghhh is that the new img23:44
rneeseyou just built23:44
arrrghhhrneese, yea still trying to sign tho.23:44
arrrghhhyea, that's about where i cap23:45
arrrghhhi'll even stop dropbox23:45
arrrghhhshould speed up some23:45
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jonpry126mb? gbx0a was like 8523:46
jonprythink so23:46
arrrghhhi didn't .zip it23:46
arrrghhhsorry dude23:46
arrrghhhit's ~65mb zipped23:46
arrrghhh80some with the full bundle23:46
arrrghhhok, dmesg binary is a go in rootfs.23:47
arrrghhhMMS i'm hoping works... d3tul3 tested good, it must be good.  :P23:47
arrrghhhwhat other regressions... already tested netloc23:47
arrrghhhoO that sucks.23:48
d3tul3dont test acoustic23:48
arrrghhhd3tul3, so since .27 doesn't recognize USB plug, no USB tethering :(23:48
d3tul3what's your operator23:49
jonpryslash bang23:49
rneesewell arrrghhh bbiab hope it works out ..23:51
arrrghhhrebuilding my vm, so it might not happen tonight after all.  oh well.23:51
rneeseI mean the signing.23:51
arrrghhhgives me a day to test23:51
arrrghhhi know23:51
rneeseand learing how to23:51
jonpryso i should trash data?23:52
d3tul3probably a good idea23:52
arrrghhhjonpry, going from signed -> unsigned yes23:52
arrrghhhsigned -> signed is usually OK.  AFAIK unsigned -> unsigned works as well lol23:52
arrrghhhthey just don't mix.23:53
arrrghhhwhy can i never update superuser23:54
arrrghhhalways says there's some package error23:54
rneesenot enough lubercation ?23:56
jonprythere are some manifests that don't work with gingerbread23:56
jonpryrequires text in the description field or something23:57
jonpryso this has got fully working audio?23:57
arrrghhhi'm back on .2723:59

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