Friday, 2012-01-13

jonpryneed a gposit release. who needs 3d apps00:04
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rneeseok I  got a bt headset thats a real headset but when it attaches to the phone it says connected phone audio11:02
rneesewhy is it not fully connecting for al audio11:02
rneeseor is there a way to set it correctly11:02
rneesethe headset is for streaming audio11:03
rneeselike slacker and pandora11:03
rneeseI just got it this am11:04
arrrghhhmost headsets are for phone audio.11:34
arrrghhhit's usually those stereo a2dp ones that are for streaming11:35
rneesethats the ones I got11:37
arrrghhhthat's nice11:37
arrrghhhyou got what you paid for?11:37
rneesethey where given to me as a late xmas present11:38
rneeseso what should I look for in a headset then11:39
rneeseto get one for streaming audio11:39
arrrghhhi'm not the person to ask11:39
arrrghhhi don't use BT11:39
arrrghhhwired always sounded better to me11:39
rneeseI just talked to him he did not know to check for a2dp11:54
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rneeseok well . jst means I have to find a new headset12:08
arrrghhhthere might be a way to get it to work, i just wouldn't even know where to start.12:08
arrrghhhi would imagine the BT settings in the OS or the app.  gotta be somewhat self-sufficient dude.12:09
rneeseI have neen trying all morning. and found no answer till you mentioned a2dp12:09
rneeseand I am reading on it more12:10
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rneesewho is a bt specialest13:30
rneeseI ned a understanding of the .csv files and the bt settings in them13:31
arrrghhhfor what13:34
arrrghhhno devs really use BT13:34
arrrghhhdetule even went out of his way to buy a headset just to test13:35
arrrghhhas did ACL.13:35
rneeseok . well I am reading and trying to figure out if I can get the usdio working  on them but thus far the csv list a bunch of headsets in them13:36
rneeseand I am not finding anything about the files onthe web13:37
jonprypretty sure a2dp will only route media audio13:43
phhrouting voice works on btips-based rom13:49
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emwerneese: try to pair your headset with your pc/laptop and route music to it. i just did with mine. so make sure the headset is capable of being streamed to.14:56
arrrghhhthat would require said pc/laptop to be BT capable :P14:56
arrrghhhemwe, how goes it ?14:56
* emwe is just playing And One - Uns geht's gut14:57
emwenice coincidence14:57
arrrghhhgood stuff14:57
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emwedoing fine. just a bit more rl kicking in lately.14:58
arrrghhhno joke.  i've been working crazy overtime.14:58
arrrghhhnow if only i was paid for overtime...14:58
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emwei am just not doing any overtime.14:59
arrrghhhbaby's not here yet... feb right?14:59
emwenobody taps on your shoulder and applauses you for doing so with a paycheck in the other hand.14:59
emwemid march.15:00
arrrghhhah, nice15:00
arrrghhhso you still have some time to prepare... and still enjoy life :P15:00
emweyeah, all kinds of baby stuff arrived this week15:00
arrrghhhfun fun15:00
emwebottles and microwave sterilisator stuff15:00
emwebabyphone, carry thingy for the car15:00
emwebuild up the dressing table(?) on sunday.15:01
arrrghhhchanging table?15:02
arrrghhho wait... no meeting.15:02
arrrghhhi thought i had a meeting @ 1.15:02
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emweso, verified. my bt headset is connected to phone *and* audio service of the mobile, but still routing to speaker.15:04
emweso, yeah a bug still. but who has two-earpiece bt headsets...15:04
arrrghhhsome do15:05
emweback to other stuff. feel free to nag later on rneese  :)15:05
arrrghhhstereo headsets15:05
emweare we good with detules acoustic fixes?15:07
arrrghhhseems to be15:07
arrrghhhi need to do another release15:08
arrrghhhsome things i need to tie up15:08
arrrghhhstine wants me to build it tho...  i haven't really done much since then :P15:09
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emweyou got all synced? i pushed detules libacoustic fix yesterday.15:17
arrrghhhhaven't done jack with trying to build myself.15:18
arrrghhhi can build, just never signed15:18
arrrghhhstine said there's a script to run on the server.15:18
emwethen i missed the location.15:18
emwelet me look again...15:18
emwewhen you build, make sure to -g on order to pull in latest gapps15:19
emwesomehow all got missed in GBX0B as i grasped?15:19
arrrghhhgapps is in GBX0B...15:20
emweyes, but weren't these the old ones?15:20
arrrghhhNetworkLocation.apk is not for some odd reason15:20
emwenetloc not working and so on?15:20
arrrghhhnetloc is the only problem with gapps that i'm aware of.15:20
emwegapps where current? from 2011-08-28 something?15:20
emwehm, ok.15:20
arrrghhhthe other issues are not related to gapps...15:20
arrrghhhGLES blob is not present15:20
arrrghhhthe eri.xml hack isn't in15:20
emweshould be all fixed then :)15:21
arrrghhhand rpierce99 had a good idea about why mms is failing - that fix probably isn't in.15:21
arrrghhhsimple things15:21
arrrghhhand uhhhh i should probably hack more init poop for wifi-nvram.15:21
arrrghhhso we can just forget about that once and for all.15:21
emwesure rpierce99 will come up with a link to a froyo commit fixing mms?15:22
emwei never do send mms...15:22
arrrghhhi think the problem is receiving, not sending.15:22
arrrghhhand AFAIK it's Sprint only.  other carriers, no problems.15:22
emweah sprint again... now don't ask me how much commits in what locations where required.15:23
arrrghhhi'm not15:23
arrrghhhyou brought yourself into this :P15:23
* emwe hides15:24
emwestinebd: can't spot the keys+script. where did you hide them? the -mirror doesn't let me in, either.15:25
rneeseit is ... it works fine paired to the lapto15:25
rneesesorry was away15:25
arrrghhhemwe, i can send 'em if you want15:25
arrrghhhthey're in the STRICTLY-PRIVATE folder.15:26
arrrghhhperhaps i'll give it a go tonight mahself.15:26
arrrghhhi've just been lazy :P15:26
rneeseI have a bcm bt usb dongle15:26
rneeseand the headset works fine with the laptop15:26
emwerneese: it's an audio routing issue then.15:26
rneesei plays audio and everything15:26
emwebug on our side.15:27
rneeseeven works with skype and  sip softphone15:27
emwearrrghhh: and i am too blind to spot this folder...15:27
rneeseemwe when I pair the headset ... what should it say as it only says paired phone audio15:41
rneesejust wondering15:41
emwerneese: long-press the headset entry in the list and show options15:43
emwewill show it attached to phone and audio system.15:43
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rneese1 min15:45
emwebut as i said, likely a routing bug on our side.15:46
emweunless you don't look in the code, and go experimenting with it, you can't do much about it.15:46
rneesethe bluetooth page locked up when I clicked on the headset15:47
detuleemwe, what do you think about the other acoustic patches that I sent you15:47
emweoh other? damnit.15:47
emweoh fawk.15:48
emwei didn't scroll down enough after revisting the mails15:48
emwei intended to read them again, though.15:48
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emwedetule: wow, the SND_DEVICE_SPEAKER_MIC is a nice catch.15:53
detulei can't believe we didn't see that one before15:53
emwere your mail with the speaker being disabled after 2 seconds is strange though15:54
emwethere might be device changes between the first and second call to ... ah, it is.15:55
emweand this is the bug i think15:55
emwewhich i tried to track down - rather disable the double setup15:56
detulewait we discussing still bullet point no. 2?15:56
emweyes, no215:56
emwe01-10 17:35:25.041 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1283): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table 256 015:56
emwe01-10 17:35:25.061 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1283): msm72xx_set_acoustic_table 13 515:56
emwe20ms in between15:57
emwethe first call is in doAcousticVolumeChange15:57
emwethe other... don't recall.. but this is one "device setup" call from userland.15:57
emweso something changes in between or some state get's setup where it likely shouldn't yet.15:57
emweand the first call is "just for" adjusting the device15:58
detuleemwe, 256 and 13 should be the same device15:59
emwedetule: but somehow the speaker state resets in between, no?15:59
emweand i still am of the opinion this double setup is a) useless and b) likely harmful when state changes happen16:00
detulethe speaker resets in between because the SND_DEVICE_SPEAKER_MIC  is missed in libhtcacoustic.c16:00
emweah ok. nevertheless, my points are valid. don't discuss.16:00
emwesorry. might be chasing crap here. sure though it's bad these double calls.16:00
emwerpierce99: i hate you for that :P16:01
rpierce99why? :P16:01
emwehope it applies cleanly16:01
rpierce99yeah right16:01
detulei agree about the double calls, there's plenty of calls that i don't understand a) where they are coming from b) what they are doing16:02
emwei started adding all sorts of debugging to track down stuff, but i left this state some while ago16:03
emwealso i dropped the double calls. but this might provoke errors, or not. haven#t figured yet. the first call is for "give me the device method so i know which method to use for the volume update" ... i dropped it and was still good by testing a bit.16:04
emwebut who knows what crap comes up in real life situations.16:05
detuleand then there is the get_current_calls business16:05
emwesorry for not replying the other day. what was your proposal? iirc you said something like that's trivial to fix or something :)16:06
detuleand by get_current_calls i mean get_current_stream16:06
emwei was RILish :)16:06
detuleno sorry i have no trivial fix for your RIL :)16:06
emwei am sure you'll fix all, as you do with all stuff16:07
emweare you on permanent holidays or how can you shove up so much time?16:07
detulenot permanent….for another week or so16:07
* emwe cries16:11
arrrghhhpermanent holiday?16:11
arrrghhhi think that's called "retirement".16:11
detuleit's called european vacation time16:11
arrrghhhno joke.16:11
emweweren't you in the us?16:12
detulei am, i was making a bad joke16:12
arrrghhhemwe, we're just jealous.16:14
emwedetule: stuff's out. thanks!16:23
detuleno thank you, sorry to pile stuff in your email16:23
detulethat last one the get_current_stream hack should be kept in mind as a possible offender whenever the next acoustic bug crops up16:25
arrrghhhemwe, so git up to date?16:25
emwebut not the mms commit from froyo16:25
arrrghhhall the acoustic stuffs tho?16:27
emwearrrghhh: yes16:35
arrrghhhassuming i can figure out the signing mumbo jumbo16:35
arrrghhhand the netloc/gles poop16:35
arrrghhhi'll give it a shot tonight.16:35
arrrghhhprobably be sans the MMS fix tho.16:35
arrrghhhunless i can figure out how to apply that.  not holding my breath.16:35
emwemd5sum the GLES blob when you are done :)16:36
emwecode differs. you'd have to merge.16:36
emwethere was an gingerbread "lazy fix" which allows vendors to set a config.xml property16:37
arrrghhhi like lazy16:37
emweyes, but this is only for sprint. we are world.16:37
emweeven more world then the real world...16:37
emweas we got a shitload of devices and variants...16:37
arrrghhhso, XDAndroid is RHOD400 only from now on.16:39
emwedetule: you think we need another .27-acoustic kernel with the sanity check?17:06
detulethat's the business17:07
emwethought libacoustic patches would hinder that?17:07
detuleno the libacoustic "Unknown path" is re: audio table not device routing….this call would still be broken
emwehm, can't build ...17:11
emweMakefile issue like we had with make 3.8217:11
emwein compcache and tiwlan ...17:12
detuleoh the kernel17:12
emwegoing to full clean17:14
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rpierce99emwe that reminds me, hyc said they had fixed it for GB but they did it dumb17:21
rpierce99they made it a compile time change17:21
detule50K pledges for xda, what that should take them less than an hour? how many hits an/hr does that site get17:21
emwerpierce99: yes, compile time switch. but will this still work on non-sprint networks?17:23
rpierce99i haven't looked at the code to see what it changes17:24
jonpryThis seems a lot like 50k people writing a senator about how they smoke pot17:25
rpierce99you don't have to want to pirate content to be against sopa/pipa17:26
rpierce99emwe: do you know what the specific switch that flips is?17:26
rpierce99or where in the code the change is applied?17:26
detulei don't see an else statment to that if they've put in GB17:26
detulei might be wrong but i think the relevant code is here and below
emwerpierce99: it skips the content-disposition parsing.17:28
emweso i dunno if skipping it entirely will have mms parsing still work on non-sprint carriers.17:29
rpierce99right, exactly the same thing hycs code does, but hycs detects if it's sprint dynamically instead of at compile time17:29
arrrghhhah, i remember that discussion.17:29
rpierce99couldn't we replace the logic that defines contentDisposition with hycs logic?17:30
arrrghhhjonpry, the implications of SOPA/PIPA are pretty far-reaching...17:30
emwerpierce99: yes, that'd be the goal i think.17:31
emwerpierce99: it loks pretty identical.17:31
detulewhat's that xml value currently, i assume true? just put hyc's code inside those if brackets17:31
jonprywell i just don't think petitions do anything17:32
arrrghhhlol ok.17:32
rpierce99hm, i assume it's set for non-sprint, default AOSP17:32
rpierce99so true17:32
rpierce99to be fair no one who has complained about MMS has provided a log that I have seen17:33
rpierce99so we may not even be crashing in pduParser17:33
arrrghhhi haven't looked into it myself.  i so rarely use MMS.17:33
detulehey jonpry17:34
jonpryhi detule17:34
rpierce99but honestly i don't think content-disposition does anything important, because mms worked fine for me with the skip enabled17:34
rneeseemwe seemes its a issue in gb I just paired the headset with another android phoneand it only worked for phonecalls17:34
detulemade a clutch contribution to 3.2 ;) i am getting pretty good at tracking down missing headers in 3.217:34
rpierce99oh i see what it does17:35
arrrghhhrneese, that sounds like a feature17:35
rpierce99it pulls the attachment file name17:35
jonprydetule, get modules to build?17:35
rpierce99 /* get filename parameter and skip other parameters */17:35
detulewwell whatever modules are in that defconfig that's up there17:36
jonprycool. so we can have autobuild i guess17:36
rpierce99so as long as we don't care about GSM users seeing attachment filenames we can disable it in the config17:36
detulewell, need to fix the defconfig some more, it won't build with the one in there….video_dev or something17:37
emwerpierce99: i just pulled in the code leaving the config option enabled.17:38
jonpryyeah i had to remove that too17:38
jonpryis video_dev required? it will build if hack one of the mach-msm includes17:39
detulewe're not including it in 2.117:39
arrrghhhi say we go back to 2.1.17:40
arrrghhh2.6 is just too modern.17:40
arrrghhhi'm out, peace out!17:40
emwearrrghhh: updated .27-acoustic is on .releng17:41
emwehmpfs! make: *** Keine Regel vorhanden, um das Target »Please-install-JDK-6.0,«,17:42
emweseems aosp doesn't like openjdk17:43
detulejonpry nobody cares about 3d18:02
detulegbx0b shipped out without gles nobody even noticed18:02
emweso one of you guys spotted?18:04
emwecrappola here. java version/variant crap18:04
emwecan't even test the mms fix compile.18:05
detuleoh i guess someone eventually noticed…but i bet it was because they were trying to run neocore18:05
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emweok, only sun jdk 1.6.0 did it.18:15
emweno 1.7.0 no 1.5.018:15
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emwedetule: got build issues here for the xdandroid tree.18:46
emwei'll send you the simple patch in case you get bored and wan't to compile.18:46
emwelikely gcc 4.6 playing tricks on me.18:47
emwegnight. have fun peeps.18:47
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arrrghhhg'nite emwe18:50
emwearrrghhh: so unless detule pushes out a patch and stinebd commits, mms won't make it in18:51
emwedon't wann push a uncompiled code change.18:51
arrrghhhi see18:51
arrrghhhthanks emwe18:51
emwebuild trouble here with this 12.1 opensuse18:51
emwegetting late. need to get up early.18:51
emwehave fun.18:52
arrrghhhg'nite mate18:52
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jonprydetule, did you try running 3.2? i have all that ril trouble20:16
jonprynot sure if its just my phone or what20:16
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detulejonpry, about to give it a go20:57
detulehave you tried something less experimental on your phone20:57
detuleworks fine here, didn't crap out on an incoming phone call21:32
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jonprydetule, what about after sleep?22:27
jonpryi tried .27 it was almost worse22:27
detulethe screen is really slow to come up22:29
detulebut that's because the cpufreq is all messed up with whatever governors are in that config22:29
detulei am about to push a new config22:29
detulebut yeah, it wakes fine to receive a call, and registers a missed call fine22:30
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