Wednesday, 2012-01-11

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rneeseso it looks like you all cleared the audio issue from yesterday ?10:41
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rneeseso whats the news today13:27
detulemgross029, you have those fancy ext-usb plugs?14:12
mgross029detule: I have the original which came with my TP2 wall charger, but that is about it.14:14
detuleno i mean those usb headsets (i think that's what i mean)14:15
rpierce99ext-usb is mini-usb -> stereo headset + mini-usb (power)14:16
rpierce99there may be a mini-usb headset too14:16
mgross029Oh.  Sorry no I don't14:16
* rpierce99 wonders if the mms.apk patch ever made it into the GB build14:17
detulei gues i should educated myself about the different types of headset support that i just kanged14:18
rneeseI have the usb headset for the tp214:18
detuleyou have that bad boy working on .27?14:18
detuleyou have 3.5 mm working on .27?14:19
rneeseI have not tested the adapter add on for 3.5 mm14:19
rneese1 min14:19
detuleoh wait14:19
detuleyou have gsm rhod14:19
rneesebut it has a extra unit that goes usb to 3.514:20
detulei am not sure what the kernel dynamics of that would be probably still goes through h2w14:20
rneeseok the usb to 3.5 converter works14:21
rpierce99usb -> 3.5 worked for a while before the physical 3.5 jack was enabled14:21
detulealright want to test a 3.1 kernel that *in*theory* should have suppport for both14:22
rneesewell in the .35 .39 3.0 3.1 the usb headset does not work14:22
rneeseI tested all14:22
rneesejust to test14:22
rneesethe headset emblem does not even show up14:23
rneeseif there is a new 3.1 I should test let me know14:24
rneesepoint me to then new 3.1 that should work14:27
rpierce99i'm guessing the sign was the code he pulled was from one of the kernels you said doesn't work...14:28
detulenot sure why usb wouldn't work in .3514:28
detulelooks like emwe has it enabled14:28
rneeseI just booted the .35 and plugged the headset in and the headset embelem does not show up and no audio14:29
detuleyou operate fast14:29
rneeselet me get the usb cable and get a log14:29
detuleno need for logs14:29
rneeseI have 4 cf now14:30
rneeseI mean14:30
rneeseso all I have to do is power down and power backup with the new sd14:30
detulethe taskbar notification might not show on any kernel on gbx0b14:30
rneeseand I have downloaded all the latest kernels14:30
rneeseit shows up in the .2714:31
detuleok try this,
rneeseok 1 min14:31
rneeseloading the sd now14:32
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rneeseok boothing14:41
rneeseIstrted a fresh img on this one its taking a bit long to boot14:46
rneeseok it booted14:50
rneeseI plugeed the headsetin and the headset symple shows up14:50
rneeseok wifi shows as active but its not displaying  networks14:52
rneeseI am I am trying to use wifi to get pandora to test14:52
detuleaudio routes correctly through the usb headset?14:52
detuleplay a ringtone14:52
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rneeseit locked up14:53
emweh2w headset and 3.5mm works fine in .35 and gbx0b14:53
emwerhod400 here at least.14:53
rneeseit just rebooted14:53
detulehey emwe got everything sorted?14:53
detulerneese, first boot on a new data.img could be weird, try again if you have the time14:54
rneeseI am its rebooting14:54
detulereboot to winmo? or flying androids?14:55
rneeseit booted android14:55
emwedetule: a bit. still gnome shell is a pita :)14:55
emwedetule: we got reports of first call working and afterwards no calls come through to userland?14:56
detuleyeah it took me a while to get used to it in f1614:56
emwedetule: still looking for an alt-tab which only shows current workspace apps, not over all workspaces.14:56
rneeseok headset plugged in but its playing the ringtone throu the  speaker14:56
detuleall sorts of of them first call working and then no audio at all14:56
emwei could see the ril here telling about CRINGs but no reaction in userland itself.14:57
emweregarding acoustic, is all solved with your patches?14:58
detulehm, there's this business with those CRINGS, userland doesn't react to them if the state is not set properly14:58
rneesedetule no got  it plays the ringtone throu the back speaker and not the headset14:58
emwedetule: that's what i got somehow. yeah. what state are we talking about which is wrong?14:59
detulerneese, notification still showing in taskbar?14:59
emwe01-11 19:59:53.620 D/RILJ    ( 1480): [UNSL]< UNSOL_CALL_RING [C@4067375014:59
emwe01-11 19:59:53.620 D/PHONE   ( 1480): Event EVENT_CALL_RING Received state=IDLE14:59
emwe^^ detule14:59
detuleyeah it doesn't react to cring in IDLE14:59
rneesethe headset pops up in tthe taskbar14:59
detuleit changes the state when it gets UNSOL_CALL_STATE_CHANGED15:00
detuleor something like that i can't remember15:00
emweok. good to know then.15:00
detulerneese, ok use getlogs to collect logs and we're done15:00
emwethe other one is:15:00
emwe01-11 19:59:50.627 D/RILJ    ( 1480): [UNSL]< UNSOL_CALL_RING [C@4060ef3015:00
emwe01-11 19:59:50.627 D/PHONE   ( 1480): Event EVENT_CALL_RING Received state=IDLE15:00
emwe01-11 19:59:51.528 D/RILJ    ( 1480): NOTE: mReqWaiting is NOT 0 but115:00
emweat TIMEOUT, reset! There still msg waitng for response15:00
emwe01-11 19:59:51.528 D/RILJ    ( 1480): WAKE_LOCK_TIMEOUT  mRequestList=4815:00
rneeseit also locked up when I played a 2nd ringtone and rebooted15:01
detulethat mini ril patch that I gave you was to address that but perhaps i broke something i don/t know15:01
detulerneese, reboot to flying androids again?15:02
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rneeseyes I have the gen.y boot loader15:02
rneeseit always boots android15:03
emwedetule: taht mini patch which only sets resentCallState=1 if the message containts +CRING?15:03
rneesedo you want just the boot log our for me to play a ring tone15:04
rneesefor the log15:04
rneesethere you go15:06
detuleemwe, yeah that patch...iirc resentCallState=1 means don't call RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_CALL_STATE_CHANGE .... though i would think if you were to revert that patch it would call call_state_changed even LESS frequently, i just made sure it does get called15:07
detulegetlogs, getlogs, getlogs15:08
detuleemwe, can you send me the full radio log15:08
rneesepulling the getlog off the sd now15:13
rneesethere is the getlog15:16
rneeseits there now15:17
rneeseI forgot to enter the security key15:18
rneeseanything else15:20
rneeseyou have both the catlog and the getlog15:21
rneesedetule did you get all you need ?15:29
detuleyeah thanks15:29
rneeselet me know when you want to to test again15:38
detulei find it strange that it routs correctly on .27 at all15:43
detuleif you could pull a getlogs log from the same exact thing on .27 that would be helpful15:43
rneese1 min15:46
rneesefood in hand15:46
rneeseI use the headset all the time to stream pandora15:47
detuledont stream pandora15:51
detulestream the ringtone as you did in 3.115:52
rneeseI just played a ring tone on .27 and it played throu the headset15:52
rneeseI did15:52
rneesethere you go15:53
rneeseyou find what you need15:57
detuleemwe, well there should be an easy fix16:02
rneeseok back in a bit16:06
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rneesedetule did you get all the info needed16:22
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emwedetule: thx for your mail. yes, there seems to be something mentioned by rilj that there's stuff pending.16:38
detulethis is the first instance16:39
detulewhere it started getting backed up16:39
detule01-11 12:09:59.694 D/RILJ    ( 1480): [1809]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS error: GENERIC_FAILURE16:39
detuleyou can look in that function getcurrentcalls it returns generic_failure in two spots16:39
detuleone of them should have LOGI output i guess16:39
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rneesedetule you find anything ?19:44
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rneesewell my phone hard reset today21:46
rneeseand now I cant get gen.y working21:47
rneeseI am getting win32 execption21:47
rneeseits a gen.y issue21:48
as_dfrneese: your usb is plugged in21:55
as_dfand therefore your sdcard is unmounted from the phone21:55
as_df(that was my issue yesterday)21:55
rneeseno I have no usb plugged in21:55
rneesebut the phone did a hard reset and then wipped and reset the windows side21:56
as_df:/ does starting haret by hand work?21:56
rneeseand I lost the gen.y bootloader21:56
rneesebut the geny is not21:56
rneeseI cant get the gen.y to work now21:59
rneeseO well21:59
rneesecrud now I have to find the fix for this22:04
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arrrghhhyou guys read FAQ's really well.22:14
arrrghhhas_df, what do you mean starting haret by hand?22:14
as_dfarrrghhh: actually just launching haret.exe22:15
arrrghhhfor why22:17
arrrghhhit works22:17
rneesearrrghhh what happen is my phone did a complete hard reset today. and the windows side wiped and reset itself to factry22:17
arrrghhhtis for debugging22:17
rneeseI lost the gen.y booloader22:17
rneesewell I just reinstalled the gen.y bootloader and I get a win32 error when it tries to boot android22:18
rneesebut ti all was woorking before the hard reset22:18
rneeseand I am looking for the fix for it22:18
rpierce99arrrghhh: let them be, as_df was trying to help rneese with his issue22:19
rneesearrrghhh there was a fix fort the herte issue y told me once awhile back22:19
rneeseadding a line to the startup file22:20
arrrghhhoh, i only see as_df sorry22:22
rneesehe has me on /ignore I think22:23
rneeseand I even dotated for all the hard work22:23
rneeseo well22:23
rneeseI am willing to put in the time to test and get ignored its ok22:24
rneeselife happens22:24
d3tul3rneese, you still have that kernel around from earlier today?22:25
d3tul3apparently settings->sound may not be the best way to test headsets22:25
rneeseyes I have it22:29
rneeselet me load up a chip22:29
d3tul3hold on let me send ou another one22:29
d3tul3you have any mp3s to play through the music app?22:29
rneeseno not currently22:30
rneeseI stream22:30
d3tul3it might be a problem if you can't get wifi to work22:31
rneeseyeah it seems wifi and bt dont work in that kernel22:32
rneesewifi might be a driver issue22:32
rneesesend me the new kernel when ready22:33
d3tul3i am debating22:33
d3tul3it would be pointless if you don't have media to play on it22:33
d3tul3and i don't feel like debugging wifi right now22:33
rneeseI am  digging up a mp3 hold on22:34
rneeseI min my roomate is grabbling me a few off his system22:35
d3tul3'ts ok perhaps i can talk rpierce99 into giving it a whirl22:36
rpierce99i did find my dongle!22:37
rneesethen back to my issue at hand22:37
rneesefixing the herte and gen.y issue22:37
d3tul3rneese, gen.y is cool but it's not a must have….for a few months now i've been without, just too lazy to install it22:41
rpierce99i only had it installed for about a week, it's 2 clicks to launch haret and i don't reboot much22:42
rpierce99yes i can play audio out the usb dongle from the builtin music app22:44
rpierce99and it does not play out of the speaker when its plugged in22:45
d3tul3rpierce99, you the man22:45
rneeseok well I am booting a new img now22:45
d3tul3or rather acl is the man22:45
rpierce99and i unplugged the usb jack and it came out the speaker22:46
rpierce99shall i test 3.5mm?22:46
d3tul3my usb headset btw doesn't work22:46
d3tul3sure that i could test and it worked over here22:46
rpierce99yes, and that is for some reason louder22:46
rpierce99unplugging 3.5mm paused playback automatically22:48
rpierce99thats cool22:48
rpierce99and it does switch from speaker to headset on the fly22:49
rneeseyeah that is nice thats what it does on the .2722:49
d3tul3cool i guess it's ready to go out22:49
rneeselet me also test on a frsk load22:50
rneeseits almost done booting22:50
rpierce99i don't have any of the new audio libs or hacks installed22:50
rpierce99just the bundled build22:50
rneesefirst time boot is like forever22:50
d3tul3hm i always wondered if that for_broken_rhods lib would break headset22:52
rneeseok it works22:53
rneeseits playing throu the headset22:53
rneeseand unplugged the headset and its playing throu the speaker22:53
rneeseplugged the head set back in and it went back to headset22:54
rneesenow we need to figure out wifi and bluetooth22:55
rneesebut I can start here22:55
rpierce99wifi works fine22:56
rneesebut fixing the audio in 3.1 is a great start thanks d3tul322:56
d3tul3i didn't fix anything i just copy pasted a few lines22:56
rneesenot with the new 3.1 kernel22:56
rneeseit causes the android to lock up22:57
rpierce99rneese: what do you think i'm running22:57
rpierce99i'm telling you that it works22:57
rneeseok well I just did a fresh setup on a new sd22:57
rneeseand went to settings and turned on wifi22:57
rneeseand the android stopped responding and rebooted22:57
rpierce99and I turned on wifi and connected to my local network22:58
rneeseand you started with a fresh build on a fresh sd card ?22:59
rneesethis is a start from fresh test I am doing23:00
d3tul3rneese, you have an adb shell up23:00
rpierce99right, and there are known issues with wifi on "fresh tests" that are not sd card related23:00
rpierce99or kernel23:00
rneese1 min I will23:00
rneeseit came up and rebooted again23:04
d3tul3leave wifi off23:04
rneesebooting now23:04
d3tul3just bring up an dab shell23:04
d3tul3and type in "cat /data/wifi-nvram.txt" and paste bin the output23:05
rneeseno such file23:07
rneeseor directory23:08
rpierce99you're root right?23:08
rpierce99you have stuff in /data?23:08
rneeseall dir's23:08
rneeseno files23:08
d3tul3someone else had that what the hell23:09
d3tul3how can you not have anything in /data23:09
rpierce99he has stuff in data23:09
rpierce99someone who doesn't have stuff in /data isn't root23:09
d3tul3all dirs? no files what's that about?23:09
rpierce99other than wifi-nvram.txt what files are supposed to be in there? i'm not sure23:10
rneesels /data gives me dir of apr app app-private23:10
d3tul3never mind i have other junk in there that i've accumulated23:10
rpierce99eri.xml for cdma23:11
d3tul3anyway this nvram thing is annoying23:11
rpierce99the alternate build.prop23:11
d3tul3isn't it the same file for everyone? bar the mac address at the end?23:11
rpierce99arrrghhh: fix init23:11
d3tul3can't we pass the mac address in the command string23:11
d3tul3i mean make everyone figure it out in winmo23:11
d3tul3pass it in the command string23:11
rpierce99that's really not necessary23:11
d3tul3that populate nvram23:11
rpierce99we just need to fall back to a pseudorandom but valid mac address if it can't be found in nand23:12
d3tul3you're right, that's a better idea23:12
rpierce99and it's really just a matter of copying a file from the rootfs, seding it with a couple of random ints, and calling it a day23:13
rpierce99i just suck at shell scripting23:13
d3tul3it would probably take stine a few minutes23:14
rpierce99right but he won't do it, he'll delegate to arrrghhh, thus, arrrghhh: fix it23:15
rpierce99he already has uncommitted init fixes anyways23:16
arrrghhhso yea23:18
arrrghhhcan't be found, use a random one23:18
arrrghhhif the file exists, don't touch it.23:19
rpierce99leave the existing block alone, if at the end of the existing block, wifi-nvram.txt STILL doesn't exist, copy one from rootfs that has a couple markers in it for doing a sed over23:19
arrrghhhthat sounds fancy.23:21
arrrghhhi dunno, i'll try to break moar things.23:22
arrrghhhhopefully my other poop work23:22
rpierce99seems it does23:22
arrrghhhhaven't had any serious complaints23:23
arrrghhhno one has really said it takes that much longer really either.23:23
arrrghhhperhaps we're all just used to how slow everything is.23:23
rpierce99yeah we all just avoid rebooting like the plague anyways23:24
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arrrghhhsounds like me @ work23:24
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rneesesorry  modem went offline23:27
rpierce99i'm going to duck out, probably for the night, you guys have fun23:27
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rneeseok well at this point we know audio works with 3.1 nice23:31
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