Sunday, 2012-01-08

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rneeseso back to my issue with the current gbx0b build11:40
rneeseit works great execpt for the screen blank no aduio11:41
rneeseif the screen blanks while on a call the audio stops11:41
detulei've seen you reporting this issue, but you have never provided any logs11:53
rneeseI will get logs here in a min11:54
detulealso, the way you describe it it's a pretty acute issue, and one that (I feel) would be reported by more than one user11:54
rneesehave to find my usb cable brb12:01
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rneeseok what is zygote12:14
arrrghhhdamnit, is my ignore failing12:15
arrrghhhrneese, it's a core process, i guess12:15
arrrghhhif you killall zygote, it'll restart userland.12:15
rneesesetreuid failed error 3012:16
rneesethats just the boot up log12:19
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rneesewish pastebin was colorcoded12:20
arrrghhhah that's better.12:21
rneesegoing to make a call an get a log of the screen and audio issue12:22
rneeseok it seems to be only on the sip client12:27
rneesenormal dialing no issue12:27
rneesethast a pain12:27
rneeseok I confirmed its a csipsimple issue12:31
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rneesedetule I narrowed it down12:37
arrrghhhdetule, use xchat?12:37
rneeseits only a issue on the sip client12:37
detulearrrghhh, yeah why12:37
rneeseif I dial with the normal dialer no issue12:37
arrrghhhdetule, in the password field for the server login12:37
* raymonddull uses xchat12:37
arrrghhhremove the password from the 'nickserv' field12:37
arrrghhhand put the password in the 'server' field12:37
arrrghhhtrust me ;)12:37
detulegot ig12:38
raymonddullyep thats how I have it set up12:38
* rneese uses pchat and irc built into trillian12:38
arrrghhhdetule, that way you won't connect/disconnect/connect everytime you sign on12:38
raymonddullpchat? why not xchat-WDK?12:38
arrrghhhthat's what i use on windoze12:38
raymonddullsame here12:38
arrrghhhxchatxchat on linux12:38
detulerneese, no idea about sip, don't use it12:39
arrrghhhnot many do12:39
arrrghhhthe phone is bad enough at being a regular phone12:40
arrrghhhi can't imagine how horrible it would be at being a VoIP phone lol12:40
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raymonddullit actually wasnt that bad12:51
raymonddullI used sipdroid on froyo and it worked pretty well12:51
arrrghhhon the tp2?12:51
arrrghhhi tried, couldn't get it going.12:51
raymonddulljust can't have ANYTHING else running in the background because it made it choppy12:51
raymonddull(I'm guessing because the cpu couldn't keep up)12:51
arrrghhhwith wifi being so poor, i didn't think on 3g it would be worth it12:51
arrrghhhso it can't be running Android is what you're telling me :P12:52
raymonddullit can't be running other apps12:52
raymonddulllike andchat made it completely useless for voip12:52
arrrghhhAndroid likes to multitask12:53
arrrghhhwhether you want it to or not12:53
arrrghhhbut that's how linux handles memory in general really12:54
rneese3g works fine on the phone12:54
rneeseI have used it while I spent 2 days in the hospital12:54
raymonddullthe os doing stuff wasn't really an issue, but any time I tried to launch another app and use voip it sounded like someone was just tapping the speaker wires on the contacts instead of it being a solid connection12:54
raymonddullwhich the g1 did too12:55
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detulearrrghhh, where's nvram14:56
arrrghhhdetule, ?14:57
detulei guess i was looking for wifi-nvram.tx14:58
arrrghhh/data i think, 1 sec14:58
detulehow's that populated?14:58
arrrghhhi believe14:59
detulei see this in this guys dmesg _dhdsdio_download_firmware: dongle nvram file download failed14:59
arrrghhhi don't know what that is14:59
arrrghhhdd if=/dev/mtd0ro of=/tmp/tempcal bs=8192 count=1 skip=$SKIP15:01
arrrghhhdd if=/tmp/tempcal of=/data/wifi-nvram.txt bs=1 count=46615:01
arrrghhhso yea, that's created from innit15:02
rpierce99and that being pulled from nand is what makes me think that winmo ROM is the reason some people have issues with wifi-nvram.txt not populating15:02
arrrghhhwe were actually discussing forcing that to be created15:02
arrrghhhto avoid that problem ^^15:02
arrrghhhi guess hd2 folk just use the same one for all lol15:02
arrrghhhwe were at least going to make the last few octets random.15:03
detuleah hand that could explain it15:06
arrrghhhperhaps we should fix this once and for all15:07
arrrghhhinstead of pulling it and trying to do it properly15:07
arrrghhhwe should just fudge it15:07
arrrghhhand have the first few octets static, the last few random.15:07
arrrghhhi'm betting mac filter fewls will bitch15:07
rpierce99meh, it should be generated once and then once the file exists should stay the same15:08
rpierce99and if people have a problem they can keep their wifi-nvram.txt and copy it into /data manually15:09
arrrghhhi didn't say we should get rid of it and generate every boot15:09
arrrghhhbut generate it if it doesn't exist.15:09
rpierce99could even add that to the existing logic15:10
arrrghhhif [ ! -e /data/wifi-nvram.txt ]; then15:10
arrrghhhthat statement would stand15:10
rpierce99pull it if it's there, generate it if it's not15:10
arrrghhhguess i could fix that in mah poop15:10
arrrghhhi should probably think about committing it15:10
arrrghhhi wanted to use the thread to test it15:10
arrrghhhi guess it's working.15:10
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arrrghhhdetule, don't you just love the forums :P15:28
detulethere's some good eggs out there….15:33
detulerpierce99, how's the touchpad15:40
rpierce99tired of GB, but overall it's fine15:41
detuleyou find yourself in GB or WebOs most of the time15:41
rpierce99i don't ever reboot to webos15:42
rpierce99played with it for 20 minutes or so and never went back15:42
rneeseI am surprised your not building and running HC on it15:42
rneesesince HC is ment for tablets15:42
arrrghhha few people said they really like it15:42
rpierce99it is, i've stuck to the tried and true cm7, haven't ventured out into the other builds15:42
arrrghhhbut i'm sure it's limited15:42
rpierce99i love HC on my acer15:42
arrrghhhstupid HC15:43
arrrghhhno ICS love for touchpad yet?15:43
rpierce99the devs have builds that they are keeping to themselves until more stuff is working15:43
arrrghhhi see..15:43
rpierce99the acer a500 ics build is further along, apparently it's pretty usable, but that's the kids tablet, don't want to kill all of their stuff15:45
rneesewell I have started build a x86 ver for my laptop with touchscreen15:45
rneesethats the laptop we are going to build and test on15:47
rneesejust for fun15:50
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rneeseso are we close to doing a GBX0C18:09
rneesewith all the current patches and changes18:09
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arrrghhhdetule, you tease18:55
arrrghhhwhat does that libaudio do?18:55
detuleit's the same problem i've had forever18:56
detulei don't have ringer on incoming phone calls18:56
detuleit's never worked with acoustic18:56
detulei thought my device was an aberration18:56
arrrghhhwhat did you change?18:56
arrrghhhi assume this wacky new libaudio fixes the issue for you?18:57
arrrghhhcuz acl was having problems with that on nand.  seemed to be every cdma device, happened on mine.18:57
arrrghhhi don't think gsm had this problem.  they had mic issues in call, which acl resolved by throwing on the new acoustic lol18:58
detulethat's too bad18:58
detuleyeah this fixes it for me18:58
detuleit's a hack18:58
arrrghhhhrm.  i don't know the flow at all really, what values are those?19:00
arrrghhhmaster_volume kinda makes sense, but i don't get why you're changing them so19:00
arrrghhhthis breaks other devices i guess?19:01
detulenah i*don't*think it will break much19:02
arrrghhhi'm such a noob, i really have no clue what that changes.19:03
detulei can't remember i figured this out back in september…that get_current_stream function returns a flag whether to enable speaker output or not, for some reason it always returns -1 (DEFAULT) on my phone even when there should be legitimate output19:04
detulei just made it always return something non-trivial (can't remember what "1" is equivalent to)19:05
arrrghhhso i have to ask you19:05
arrrghhhhave you ever experienced the all audio death bug?19:05
arrrghhhi haven't been able to trace anything in the logs, it seems i keep missing it...19:05
detuleobtainBuffer cpu pegged blah blah blah19:05
detulewhenever audio poops out completely i see this19:06
detuleW/AudioTrack( 2020): obtainBuffer timed out (is the CPU pegged?) 0x1afa8 user=000020d0, server=00000e1019:06
arrrghhhbuffer gets overrun?19:06
arrrghhhyou have to reboot to get audio back, right?19:07
detuleit seems it happens on .27 at a higher rate than on the other kernels…19:07
detuleyeah reboot, probably killall system_server might work as well19:07
detulei haven't seen it on 3.1 in a whole19:08
arrrghhhtryin to entice me19:08
arrrghhhgsensor work on that?19:08
arrrghhhi thought wis got that on .3919:08
detuleyeah, 3.1 and .39 have a different g-sensor driver19:09
arrrghhhhaven't seen jonpry in a while19:09
arrrghhhyou going to start 3.2 on your own?  :P19:09
detulei did, it doesn't boot…need the man19:09
arrrghhhi'd say email him...19:10
detule'ts ok if he's not around i am sure he's got better things to do19:11
rneesewell I would lie to see 3.0 fixed so usb headphones work19:11
rneeseI have tested 3.0 and everything worked but my headphones/mic19:12
arrrghhhdamn.  it seems like the acoustic stuff is so very close.19:13
arrrghhhi guess we need to get off .27 and maybe the audio death bugs will go away..?19:14
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arrrghhhstinebd, you thar22:52
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