Tuesday, 2012-01-03

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mgross029hey d3tul3 Happy New Year!08:06
d3tul3same to you08:08
mgross029How has the bt been working on 3.0?  Good progress?  Haven't had a chance to test since your latest commits08:10
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d3tul3the latest stuff is gsm prox related, bt is same as before08:39
d3tul3i don't know i haven't moved from 3.1 in a long time�.this is why it's good to have more people on the kernels08:39
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emwehey peeps. happy new year.08:47
d3tul3happy new year to you too08:51
mgross029Happy New Year emwe08:53
mgross029d3tul3, Yep I've been on 35 most of the time too.08:53
d3tul3emwe, the acoustic kernel needs something like this http://pastebin.com/qxD8iF9F08:57
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ryannathansanything new to test09:21
rneesenot that I now of09:29
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rneeseI think at this point just wating for the 3.0/3.1 kernels to get bt09:30
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mgross029rneese, 3.0 has bt.09:34
ryannathansdoes gb git compile without errors yet09:35
mgross029Mine has for some time09:36
rneeseok so 3.0  but not 3.1 ok09:36
ryannathansi'm still on .2709:36
ryannathansit works.09:36
mgross029ryannathans, yep and so does .3509:37
rneeseI an just testing to see how far up the kernel chain it can go on gb09:37
mgross029rneese, 3.1 is the highest kernel level we have bt just hasn't been enable there yet.  d3tul3 was looking for some feedback with 3.0 before he added it to 3.1, so if you are willing to test and provide feedback that would be helpful.09:39
ryannathanswhat does .35 have that .27 doesn't09:41
emwed3tul3: ouch. was this patch not part of .27 mainline?09:41
ryannathansand vice versa09:41
rneesewell I will backstep to 3.0 for testing09:41
emweryannathans: less support for everything. :P09:41
emwegb builds since month without issues. likely a build-setup issue or a upper-constraint on the used tools to build the tree.09:41
emweryannathans: camera is missing on .35 and rhod100 prox patches.09:42
ryannathanshas camera gone autobuild?09:42
emwe.27 has it since "ever" imho09:48
ryannathansnever has worked for me09:48
ryannathansonly the camera kernel that's very very recent09:48
d3tul3rhod 100?09:48
ryannathansrhod 11009:48
emwed3tul3: that patch is coming from .27-nand, eh?09:48
rneeseok booting 3.0 now09:49
emweok, need to shove up some time this evening then09:49
ryannathansthis is the only thing that makes my camera work http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=883966&page=11109:49
ryannathansi have a different pannel to rhod10009:49
ryannathansfront cam09:49
ryannathanszoom bar on front09:49
emwezoom bar is present on all devies. just front cam is not on all i think09:50
emwequite a long thread. i assume RHOD100 suffer the same camera problems?09:51
ryannathanspage 111, ver3, that's all that works for me09:51
ryannathansI don't know about the 10009:52
emwewhat's in that attachment? kernel+modules?09:52
emwek. we need to look at these then later. likely arrrghhh is informed :)09:52
d3tul3i think JB put a caution mark on those patches on the ML09:53
d3tul3something about device compatibility�09:53
d3tul3though since some of these new kernels seem to be geared towards rhode, perhaps we can shoehorn that patch in09:54
d3tul3emwe, had to massage the nand prox patch slightly to get it in .39+, in .27 likely acl's original patch will apply cleanly09:55
rneesebooting 3.0 kernel now09:55
ryannathanswhat doesn't work in .39 that works in .2709:55
d3tul3ryannathans, RE:camera http://lists.xdandroid.com/pipermail/xdandroid-dev/2011-September/000418.html09:57
ryannathanshope that makes it in soon09:57
rneeseok 3.0 bt is up09:58
rneesenow pairing09:58
rneeseso far so good09:59
rneesethe headset paired09:59
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rneeseok calls work10:02
rneeseaudio is good10:02
rneeseso far the 3.0 is working10:03
ryannathanswhat's the benefit of a newer kernel?10:04
d3tul3if that guy brinka wasn't such a pain when i tried to help him out in xda, I would touch up his patch and make it conform to JB's requests10:04
rneesebetter performance driver updates10:04
ryannathansooh performance.10:04
ryannathansdo want10:04
ryannathanswhere are you guys getting the 3.0 kernel from10:07
rneesegot to 3.10:09
rneesetalks about auto build10:09
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rneesetemporary 3.010:10
rneesenow to see if it updates firmware correctly10:18
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rneeseok small isue it hangs on a reboot10:24
rneesehmm seems there is a usb driver issue10:27
rneeseok the headset is not working in 3.010:28
rneeseso thats a bug10:28
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rneesealso connecting to the droidexplorer fails10:32
rneesebecause it does nto conect to the usb10:33
rneeseok apps are not launching either10:35
rneeseseems apps have gotten rm seem 3.0 is not reading the sdcrd dir10:38
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rneeseok 3.0 does dot see the sdcard subdir10:45
rneeseand there for any apps moved to it disapier10:45
rneeseok on the 8 gig chip that is10:46
rneeseon the 2 gig chip it works fine hmmm10:46
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rpierce99rneese: the sd card not showing up has nothing to do with the kernel, the format on the card is bad, it's been an issue as long as I've been around, you need to reformat that card with the hp tool, you can copy everything off and back on if you want10:51
rneeseok well I can confirm on 3.0 the usb headset no longer works10:52
rneeseon the 3.0 kernel10:53
rneeseok back to the .27 and all works11:02
rneeseO well11:02
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d3tul3ryannathans, let me know when you are around if you want to test some camera support for rhod10011:21
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rpierce99stinebd: official ICS on 1/12 4 U12:28
stinebdatrix ain't getting it12:28
rpierce99no, Tranny12:28
stinebdthat one doesn't count12:28
stinebdit'll brick before the update succeeds12:28
rpierce99you hate your Tranny already?12:29
stinebdto avoid offending the glbt community, i'm inclined to say no12:29
stinebdall i keep hearing on the transformer circuit is that everybody's is bricked, even if it works12:30
stinebdi must've been really lucky with this thing because i have no dead pixels, bright spots, etc etc, and it hasn't bricked itself on an update yet12:31
stinebdpeople bitch about asus because they don't push updates to fix the wifi that works or the gps that's not broken12:32
stinebdand then they push updates for those things and they bitch more12:32
stinebdmy only bitch points are due to best buy12:34
stinebdalso the docks are too hard to find12:34
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rpierce99they probably figured people were smarter than that, they should know how dumb people really are12:35
stinebdhonestly i'd say screw the whole thing, if i didn't want to use it for work12:35
stinebdosk just can't be used for administration12:36
stinebdand i have no other use for it at this point12:36
stinebdbattery life is amazing even without it12:36
rpierce99at that point isn't it a small laptop though12:36
stinebdpretty much a thin netbook12:36
stinebdwhich i totally dig anyway12:36
stinebdi would've gotten a netbook instead if they weren't still running horrendous atoms12:37
stinebdhalf the price12:37
stinebdunless you go for a fusion netbook or something12:37
stinebdand then it's the same price as the tablet12:38
stinebdbut half the battery life and 2-3 times the heft12:38
stinebdsometimes i wonder if intel killed the netbook market on purpose12:39
rneesetablets are the wave of the future12:41
stinebdthe "google wave" of the future maybe12:41
stinebdthey'll be dead within 3 years12:42
rpierce99replaced with...12:43
rpierce99need to know where to invest here12:44
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emwestinebd: you looked for me?12:47
stinebdyes but i don't remember why12:47
stinebdhappy new year anyway12:48
emwethx, to you too :)12:48
emwethe gles blob missed from the image?12:48
stinebdprobably just to see if you were still coming around12:48
stinebdyeah, it's not a big deal12:48
emwethe updated zip gles package is ok i understand?12:49
rpierce99can one of you guys pull that eri.xml patch to GB if it makes sense12:49
stinebdshould be, but i never downloaded, so that's why it's missing12:49
emweah hehe...12:49
emwerpierce99: what where how why?12:49
rpierce99rpierce99we should also forward-port the eri.xml patch to GB, so we get "xdandroid" instead of TCDMA-64 and hopefully fix the roaming indicator for the dude on ppcg12:50
rpierce99rpierce99assuming it is compatible, this would be the one - http://www.gitorious.org/xdandroid/device_xdandroid/commit/120b55c7ffefd36a1d3a018c2e8e95bfc5c8787712:50
detule^looks strange13:08
detuleperhaps xchat is messing up but it looks like you are highlighting yourself13:09
rpierce99haha i copy/pasted from the log13:09
rpierce99so it has my nick because i'm the one who said it13:10
detuleit's ok to give yourself credit, i understand ;)13:10
detulei need me a rhod100 user13:10
rpierce99can't find em when you need em, can't get them to stop complaining when stuff doesn't work13:11
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rpierce99_damn wireless13:13
emwedetule: i need me a rhod :P13:15
detulei too will settle for a 100 without the user13:16
detuleactually no13:16
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detuleemwe, survive the holidays?13:16
emweyeah, pretty calm, but quite some car rides.13:17
emweit's not that i feel relaxed, rahter exhausted.13:18
emwearrrghhh: detule: update .27-acoustic with hopefully fixed prox for GSM has been pushed to .releng13:18
emwedetule: thx for the ptr to abels patch.13:18
detulewe did some driving too...chicago and back...12 hrs each way13:19
emwewe rather had many short rides. and too much food in between them.13:19
detuleouch was totaling the car on the way back13:19
detulecar is totaled over here, if the insurance deems the damage to be beyond repair13:21
emwei was hoping for that on the hail damage we had on our cars.13:23
emweunfortunately damage way below the restvalue of the car.13:23
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emwedetule: the top messages... https://lkml.org/lkml/last100/ 3.1.7 and 3.0.15 sound interessting for you?14:41
emwerpierce99: stinebd: eri.xml patch pushed to gingerbread branch. next build should do better then for those affected.15:11
emweyour welcome.15:12
emwecoudln't test it of course.15:12
rpierce99it's been running find on froyo for a while, don't think we'll have any issues15:12
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valykcan you help me with something15:19
rpierce99ask your question, if someone can help they will15:20
valyki wanna make the gbx0b build for cwm15:20
valykand i actually need some sort of help15:20
valykon how to..15:21
valykcan i ask for here?15:21
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emweahem... the patch is *now* pushed...16:02
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stinebdemwe: thanks17:05
stinebdemwe: is hail common where you are?17:06
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rneeseany updates ?17:55
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