Thursday, 2011-12-22

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phhjonpry: do you have keyboard working on ics ? it seems like a reccurent issue on several different devices that the 'b' key doesn't work04:46
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phh(if someone else tested ics he can answer too)05:42
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rneese_is anyone working on a .35 kernel fro froyo ?12:40
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helicopter88rneese_: kernel works on all the releases12:41
helicopter88there may be a release that works better with .3512:41
rneese_ok for the rohd21012:42
rneese_the last kernel I tested that wa snon .27 paniced12:42
helicopter88I don't think you're going to have more kp with the newer ones12:50
rneese_then I need to find a new compiled kernel12:51
rneese_right now I have the last from here12:51
rneese_1 min12:51
rneese_htc-msm-linux @ 20111017_08042712:53
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helicopter88meese_,you've said something while i wasn't here?12:56
rneese_I have the latest from the incramental update server12:58
rneese_for the htc12:58
rneese_but I recal its on .2712:59
helicopter88I would ask emwe about the status of .3513:04
emwetry .39 :P13:05
emweyou won't be happy with .3513:05
rneese_ok is there a url for a .3913:05
rneese_for teting13:05
helicopter88I'm happy with .35 because it's the only one other than .27 that works on x113:05
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helicopter88i was answering meese_13:05
helicopter88but,how's .39 better than .35?13:06
helicopter88i thought you were working on .3513:06
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rneese_well if there is a .39 to test point me to it13:07
rneese_I am willing to test13:07
emwehelicopter88: feature wise it's not complete. camera missing.13:08
rneese_so the latest .39 there is no kernel ?13:10
rneese_no camera13:10
rneese_but everythign else is there13:10
rneese_or is it .35 was missing camera ?13:10
emwe.35 misses cam. .39 should be good for RHODs13:12
rneese_ok about to load and test13:15
rneese_ok booting13:20
rneese_why -dirty in the name13:20
rneese_ok so far it has hun at msn_nand:allocated dma buffer at ffdfe000,dma_adr 249ce00013:22
rneese_and its not going any further13:22
rneese_it hung13:23
rneese_its not booting13:23
rneese_is the date on it13:24
helicopter88rneese_: -dirty means that it has changes from the latest commit13:24
rneese_well it fails13:24
helicopter88you should change offset,as far as i know13:25
helicopter88in startup.txt13:26
rneese_change it to what13:26
helicopter88should be 0xA0000013:26
helicopter88(random guess)13:26
rneese_on wich line13:27
rneese_ramaddr ?13:27
rneese_set ramsize 0x10000000 set ramaddr 0x10000000 set mtype 2292 set KERNEL zImage set initrd initrd.gz set cmdline "lcd.density=240 msmvkeyb_toggle=off gsensor_axis=2,1,3 pm.sleep_mode=1 physkeyboard=rhod210" boot13:28
helicopter88set INITRD_OFFSET 0xA00000 anywhere before boot13:29
helicopter88you may even need another haret13:29
emwehere's instructions:
emweharet link and initrd comments13:30
rneese_ok booting13:31
rneese_an error occured on sub__main_bootandroid win32execption13:33
helicopter88you shouldn't have any win32execption in android13:35
rneese_it does13:35
rneese_thast the error it gave13:35
emweon starting haret i assume13:36
emwesupper time.13:36
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helicopter88redownload haret13:37
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helicopter88and try again13:37
rneese_so I can backstep to the .27 I made a backup of all 3 filesrebooting13:39
rneese_its rebooting now13:40
rneese_I repulled the file13:40
rneese_same error13:41
rneese_it seems the gen.y has a issue now13:42
rneese_its running a fsck on the sd13:43
rneese_ok I started it from the file manager and it booted13:43
rneese_so have to figure out the gen.y issue now13:44
rneese_ok but now I lost apps13:46
helicopter88have you used your old system and data.img?13:48
rneese_thats what was on it13:48
rneese_does it wipe it13:48
helicopter88it shouldn't13:50
rneese_well I lost half my apps13:51
rneese_but I can start fresh13:51
rneese_not a issue13:51
rneese_looks like wifi is also not working13:51
rneese_when I enable wifi the .)))) logo is not showing up13:54
rneese_ok I am starting fresh13:55
rneese_I can at this point13:55
rneese_ok the gen.y issue is gone with a fresh reload13:56
rneese_it hung13:57
rneese_on a fresh reload where I swapped the kernel aand modules file13:58
rneese_and I made the start file change13:58
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rneese_I can show you the 3 chanegs on a fresh system14:01
rneese_got it14:02
rneese_its making a data img14:02
rneese_if this works we should roll a new release with the .39 kernel in it14:03
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rneese_emwe wifi is broken14:19
rneese_in .3914:19
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rneese_wpa/wpa2 psk auth fails14:20
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rneese_it keeps reseting the wifi14:21
d3tul3hi emwe14:23
rneese_I will bringup the debugger14:24
rneese_ok multi icons are not shouing up in the control bar now14:28
rneese_the debug icon is not hwing up and the wifi14:28
rneese_and wifi is forked14:28
rneese_its not grabbing debug info eithe14:28
rneese_emwe you there'14:30
rneese_looks like bluetooth also is broken in the .39.314:31
rneese_what the link to the .39 kernels I will back step the kernel14:35
mgross029rneese_, Some items in the .39 .35 and other kernels are still being worked on, so not all options maybe functional just yet.14:37
rneese_well wifi is a big one14:37
mgross029.27 will be your most functional kernel at this point.  Most of the other kernels are still work in progress.14:39
rneese_I will backstep it14:39
mgross029I forget are you on something other than Rhod?14:40
rneese_noits rhod14:41
rneese_but O wanted to test a .39 kernel to get more uptodate14:41
mgross029Yeah that is more up to date but the devs are still working on them.14:42
rneese_well I found so far bt/wifi is broken14:42
rneese_on 39.314:42
d3tul3wifi is not broken14:43
d3tul3you shouldn't be on a testing kernel14:43
rneese_its a matter of testing14:43
rneese_I wanted to test14:43
d3tul3wanting is one thing, having the necessary know-how as well as the relevant information is another14:44
rneese_I am willing to learn14:44
rneese_and test14:45
rneese_and emwe pointed me to the .39 he thought would work14:45
rneese_I need the link again to backstep the kernel to see if a previous ver would work14:46
mgross029.39 does work just not certain things like bt.  Yet14:46
rneese_bt and wifi14:47
mgross029That is why it is still a test kernel14:47
rneese_the wifi keeps reseting14:47
d3tul3there's a testing kernel for .39 on xda which while not up to date on all aspects it does answer some questions like wifi14:47
rneese_and it fails to auth14:47
mgross029iirc wifi worked for me on .3914:47
rneese_well I have the 39.3 and it failed14:47
d3tul3you don't have all the relevant information14:48
d3tul3read up on it14:48
rneese_well I need the link to the .39 info and the kernel link14:48
d3tul3look it up do some work14:48
rneese_point me to opages to read14:48
rneese_I am reading but I see nothing that helps14:49
rneese_point me to specific pages14:49
rneese_I found the link to the 39 kernel14:50
rneese_htc-msm-linux-2.6.39 @ 20111108_015211 is the one I was testing14:51
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rneese_I recured back to the .2714:58
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rneese_so the .39 had issue so I backsteped to the .2715:41
rneese_andam reloading apps on to the sd15:41
rneese_emwe on .39 kernel the wifi kept reseting and the bt did not work .15:42
emwewifi needs a newer firmware in rootfs15:43
rneese_so where do I get that15:43
rneese_or is it not done yet15:43;a=blob_plain;f=firmware/sdio-g-cdc-reclaim-wme.bin;hb=5e9802c5cb6f7bd0d1e763b6d604cd3003fda8f815:43
emwefile needs to be pushed over /init.etc/wifi/bcm432x/bcm4325-rtecdc.bin15:44
rneese_well I need to get a 2nd micro sd for testing15:45
helicopter88rneese_: can't you just use another folder to test?15:52
rneese_ok ya was not thinking of that15:52
d3tul3emwe how goes it15:56
emwed3tul3: your mail brought to revisit a branch where i pulled in some earlysuspend and wakelock fixes from CA15:57
emwei think i told about it once.15:57
d3tul3i wish i remembered perhaps i need to find those as well15:59
emwemail coming ;)16:02
rneese_ok booting16:05
d3tul3thanks emwe16:07
d3tul3i wonder how many of those patches made it upstream?16:07
rneese_so it replaces the file16:07
d3tul3or are these in korg16:08
emwed3tul3: at least not in .35. haven't checked anything past that. i am mostly looking at CA only.16:08
emwerneese_: yes, push it over the present file.16:09
rneese_ok well its not mounting the sd16:09
rneese_in the /sdcard dir16:09
d3tul3to pay you back here's couple of commits you might be interested in;a=commit;h=0cbc008c56f7b4a11ba6fe80e196d7ab322baabf16:09
rneese_me or him16:11
emwed3tul3: sheesh. pretty recent. wow.16:12
rneese_ok with the card mounted how do I remount it rw16:13
rneese_it says its a ro file system16:13
rneese_is there a script16:13
emwemount -orw,remount /16:14
d3tul3emwe one more
d3tul3merry christmas16:16
emwei just wrote myself a mail with the other two links ;)16:16
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emwed3tul3: have you been able to "confirm" one of these?16:19
d3tul3well the one from android seems like an obvious typo16:20
d3tul3the rtc ones from korg, one should be helping with time drift so that one is hard to gauge16:21
d3tul3the other one i haven't tried to recreate the bug with the hardware alarm16:21
rneese_ok its rebooting now with the new  firmware16:22
rneese_ok wifi is working16:26
rneese_so is it in the initroot,fs not ?16:26
rneese_ok so we need to work on BT but I dont use bt that much at the min16:28
emwed3tul3: CA and .35 has the third bug at least.16:28
rneese_but I do waant to be able use bluetooth headset16:28
emweneeds to be fixed in .39 (kernel side)16:29
rneese_ok and no sound16:30
rneese_is there a fix for the sound16:30
emweneeds an updated userland (gingerbread) build which isn't out yet to the public16:31
emwestinebd: btw, any plans for building a release16:31
emwerneese_: best stick with .27 and frx07.116:31
rneese_I was hoping it was closer I want to see how far we could get this16:32
rneese_but ok16:32
rneese_is there a img I can test for the userland update?16:33
rneese_I want to help test then I feel better about using the software16:35
rneese_by helping16:35
emweno public download, yet.16:36
emwed3tul3: ok, patch 2 is partially in, and the alarm-disable one not at all on .35 or CA.16:37
rneese_wll when its ready I am standing by16:42
rneese_emwe is there a realease close ?16:44
emwerneese_: depends on if somebody builds one. should be.17:01
rneese_well the newer kernel and and modules and chages it booted faster17:05
stinebdemwe: i'm too busy right now, sorry17:07
stinebdafter the holiday at the earliest17:08
emwestinebd: mind me doing one? build-config ( is the one from the wiki, right?17:08
emwestinebd: and have arrrghhh package it up, given the case he has time as well.17:09
stinebdyes but please make sure non-rhod devices are tested as well17:09
emwethat's gonna be tough. topa and rhod work, but there's not much testers for the others. if at all.17:09
emweperhaps arrrghhh can gather some and throw out the most recent .releng image to them.17:10
rneese_ok well my phone is back working17:22
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d3tul3just release it as a beta to all devices17:30
d3tul3can't imagine other devices regressed from the alpha build17:30
emwein the hope acoustic doesn't do harm. doesn't to my raph, so sure its ok for the others as well17:32
d3tul3and alex has not had any issues on his xperia with acoustic17:38
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