Monday, 2011-12-12

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ONDR4SH3KHi all ... is possible port XDAndroid to Windows Phone 7?06:27
ONDR4SH3KLike native app06:28
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rneese_ok morning10:07
rneese_seems using wifi and xdandroid it wears out a fully charged battery in 8 hours10:07
rneese_is this normal10:08
rpierce99as long as GPS is off your battery life is completely determined by usage and the quality of the battery, you're not "doing it wrong" if that's what you're asking10:08
rpierce99i get less battery life than most people around here because my phone syncs a TON of accounts10:09
rneese_ok the gps is off10:09
rpierce99but i get more than 8 hours10:09
rneese_its a brand new battery10:10
rneese_and only syncing 1 email account to it10:10
rpierce99supposedly wifi uses less battery than the cellular radio, but having both on will likely give you less life than either one by itself10:11
rneese_no its only on wifi I turned the cell off when at home10:11
rneese_and use it only as a wifi device at night10:12
rpierce99"its a brand new battery" you mean aftermarket?10:13
rneese_tmobile sent me a new battery10:14
rneese_but yes its thier aftermarket battery10:14
detulehey arrrghhh you getlogs output of the camera failing on nand?10:15
detulenevermind found it10:17
detuleer rather found an outdated logcat on the issue tracker, i think it's of an old camera issue10:19
rpierce99rneese_: I don't know what kind of battery they sent you, but if I had to guess that's the reason for your short life. Some others have reported aftermarket batteries performing very poorly10:26
rpierce99also, since it is new, you may want to download a market app for battery calibration,10:27
rpierce99unless you've never used the old battery in android10:27
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rneese_the old battery was bulged10:52
rneese_on both sides10:52
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arrrghhhdetule, yea i think that issues page has some good logs from the jpeg issue11:55
detuleoh i only skimmed and found an early log of yours11:55
arrrghhhneed moar?11:56
detuleyeah i would love a getlogs output if you have a minute11:56
arrrghhhtime to flash back anyways.11:57
arrrghhh.39 losing time is driving me batty11:57
arrrghhhwell, not really losing.. just not keeping up.11:57
detulewhat's wrong with it11:57
detulejust the alarm business or something more acute11:57
arrrghhhwell my alarms never go off when they should11:57
arrrghhhi turn on the screen, and the clock is 2 hours behind11:57
* rneese_ is waiting on a new GB build11:57
detuledoesn't it quickly update?11:57
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arrrghhhthen it catches up almost immediately after turning on the screen, and then the alarm goes off lol.11:57
arrrghhhrneese_, keep waiting?11:58
arrrghhhemwe, what's up mate.11:58
arrrghhhlol not sure what you want11:58
arrrghhhthis stuff doesn't just happen.11:58
emwearrrghhh: continuing friday eve work on tracking "incall mic not enabled when in vibrate mode" after disabling some double-called acoustic setup code on sound start...11:59
detulenice that's my issue with acoustic....just substitute "when in vibrate" = "when in silent"11:59
arrrghhhemwe, nice11:59
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arrrghhhdetule, they're one in the same...?12:00
emweah good detule. good testbunny then :)12:00
detulei guess they are the same if you have vibrate enabled in silent12:00
emwearrrghhh: notification and ringer are on an audible volume now, too. "disabled" agc. (read that in quotes, plz).12:00
arrrghhhemwe, you are awesome.12:01
detuleemwe, you have an idea why the mic thing happens?12:01
emwedetule: it was really late when i got there. so no, not yet. need to track what is called when12:01
emwemust say hycs dmesg mod is quite helpful12:01
emweif that could be turned into something like /proc/kmsg_hyc, would be awesome.12:02
emweso one can cat it all day long.12:02
arrrghhhhyc, make it happen :P12:02
arrrghhhi think he's already moved on.12:02
detulei know that userland does say "turn the mic on" must be something about the order of operations12:02
emwejust on the weekend, we realized i only got 13-14 weeks left until the big party.12:02
emwedunno if i should get such a rhod100 still .. dunno if worthwhile.12:02
emwedetule: ok, will look. just had to go to bed when i got there.12:03
emwebtw, the egl patches are all good? or somethign bad cropped up later on?12:03
arrrghhhgood lord .39 has some good battery life tho.12:03
detuledon't think so you should give them a test run though....12:03
detuledon't think anything bad has cropped up that is12:04
emwewhat repo is it? ;)12:04
detuleother than me hitting 33.3 fps12:04
emwesorry, never dared for ogl12:04
emwegood. not another fork then ;)12:04
emwebtw, what you and jonpry been talking about 2.3.5 and 2.3.7 and the xdandroid repos? didn't get it all...12:05
detulehis hw compositor was originally built against 2.3.5 cyano....i was trying to get the patches in xdandroid so there was some talk whether we should look for 2.3.5 xdandroid repo (which i guess the github repo is stuck there still) or he would fast forward his stuff12:05
detulehe ended up fast forwarding12:06
detulepatches still don't apply cleanly:)12:06
emweah ok12:07
emweis this only userland patches or some kernel love needed? (thinking about at all the different kernels we got around here...)12:07
detulemostly userland, there's some pmem re-allocations in mach-msm but nothing major yet....don't know what he's got in store next12:08
emwebtw, you could edit your git config to show your real name instead of root@localhost... root looks so anonymous :)12:08
detuleright, i've fixed most my git config12:09
detulebut not the xdandroid-gb one :)12:09
arrrghhhi think he likes pushing as anon12:09
arrrghhhjonpry was doing that for a while too12:09
detulei guess nand and us are suffering from a different camera problem as my glorious patch didn't seem to do much for acl12:10
emweisn't there this old patch from the ML? said to be good but nobody looked.12:12
emwethough this is something different it seems.12:12
arrrghhhfor cam?12:12
emweyeah, rhod cam was it,no?12:12
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detulethis fixes the problem on 3.1 but that problem may have been unrelated to al others12:16
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rneese_root the tree12:34
rneese_lol joking12:35
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emwedetule: hm. 22.6fps as usual.12:49
arrrghhhoh right i'm supposed to be getting logs or something.12:50
emwemail sent.12:52
rneese_arrrghhh i have found 1 small issue that still stands witht he htc build12:53
rneese_speakerphone does not work12:53
arrrghhhthe htc build?12:53
arrrghhhspeakerphone works great for me.  you're on a RHOD right?12:53
arrrghhhi guess 'works great' is relative, but still.12:53
arrrghhhwtf is an htc build12:53
rneese_its not working for me I hit speakerphone and get no audio12:54
rneese_I ment the htc12:54
rneese_not the build12:54
arrrghhhnewest .27 kernel/rootfs?12:54
arrrghhhdunno then12:55
arrrghhhworks fine here.12:55
arrrghhhaudio routing is kinda flaky in general...12:55
arrrghhhtrying to get that fixed.12:55
arrrghhhemwe is trying to get that fixed i should say.  i just sit here and look pretty.12:55
detuleemwe, yeah should be business as usual with that egl patch, unexplicably though i scored + 30fps a few times this weekend12:55
rneese_I am just a tester at this point12:56
detulei have photos to prove it :)12:56
rneese_I want to learn more12:56
arrrghhhrneese_, ok...12:56
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arrrghhhi'm not sure what to tell you about speakerphone.  it does work, and has worked for ages.12:56
rneese_ok let me clarify its not working with skype or with any sip softclient12:56
arrrghhhdude... damn.12:57
rneese_have not tested with the normal dialing12:57
arrrghhhi said our phones probably won't work with that at all.12:57
rneese_I use it as a softphone at home alot12:57
rneese_they work12:57
arrrghhhskype, sip clients, etc.12:57
arrrghhhok, you're lucky they work at all then.12:57
rneese_they work fine exect for speakerphone issue12:57
arrrghhhwell since you're the only one that uses that12:58
arrrghhhyou're going to have to triage/troubleshoot.12:58
rneese_it was simply the bluetooth issue with slacker was causeing a issue12:58
arrrghhhbluetooth doesn't really work yet either.12:58
rneese_but I have the csimple softphone and it works great elsewise12:58
rpierce99this is the same issue from the forums, apps can't open the mic, the only reason phone opens the mic is the ril i'm guessing12:59
rneese_the slacker app needs the same fix the pandora has . being able to disable bt in the app12:59
arrrghhhrpierce99, why do other apps work then?12:59
arrrghhhlike soundhound, voice command, etc etc?12:59
rneese_yeah voice command works12:59
arrrghhhi think some apps request the mic differently than others...13:00
rpierce99yeah i'm guessing some use high level android apis and some use low level c apis13:00
arrrghhhi guess if voice command and soundhound request the mic via the RIL and all others don't...13:00
arrrghhhthat would surprise me.13:00
arrrghhhwell i guess we need to isolate which apps don't work.  hopefully it's all related and there's some request these apps are doing that just doesn't work on our port.13:01
detulesomeone should just rip that onRequestMute13:01
rpierce99what we need is to find an open source app that either works or doesn't work13:01
rneese_brb phone13:01
arrrghhhi would think most apps probably aren't open.13:02
detulePhone app13:02
arrrghhhwouldn't the RIL interaction foul the phone app's usefulness for debugging other apps?13:02
arrrghhhi don't really know.13:02
rpierce99i wonder if voice command and soundhound use the android MediaRecorder class, save it to a temp file, and upload it13:06
rpierce99versus sip and such trying to just open the mic live and transmit13:06
rpierce99wouldn't explain why works, but I bet we have some ril trickery or something for that13:06
arrrghhhwell you might be on to something there.13:06
arrrghhhbecause both voice command and soundhound do seemingly record the entire interaction before uploading13:07
detulei think if you rip out onRequestMute from the ril you can do away with the ril trickery13:07
rneese_vlingo has issues with voice command13:07
arrrghhhugh. stupid RAPH.13:07
arrrghhhrneese_, yea, those have been noted.13:07
arrrghhhworks on NAND ironically13:07
rpierce99but wouldn't that likely break something in detule ?13:07
arrrghhhonly one way to find out13:08
rpierce99i'm guessing's method of opening the mic has been fixed, now to find the alternate13:09
arrrghhhwtf i can't restore getlogs from tb.13:09
arrrghhhcurse you rpierce9913:09
rpierce99i have no idea why that is13:09
arrrghhhyea, never tried before.13:09
rpierce99it's not like i built it to break TB13:10
arrrghhhi clicked on it, and the only option i have is 'delete'.  restore is nowheres to be found.13:10
arrrghhhi guess i've never tried to restore it individually13:10
rpierce99maybe it's the way you installed it?13:10
arrrghhhway back when13:10
arrrghhhdetule, you're going to have to deal with 'normal' logs.13:10
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rpierce99if my theory is correct, MoonBlink (open source) should work13:12
arrrghhhdetule, <--- dmesg13:12
arrrghhhdetule, <----- logcat13:14
rneese_ok back13:14
arrrghhhdefinitely some explosions at the end of that lolcat13:14
rpierce99I think I found the alternate method13:14
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rneese_well arrrghhhcan you point me to the webpages abotu flashing the phone I have a 2nd one on its way13:14
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rneese_I am going to test on 1 of them and see if I can get it reflashed to android13:15
arrrghhhrneese_, depends13:15
arrrghhhxda-devs is more for GSM folk13:15
arrrghhhppcg is more for CDMA13:15
rneese_they are gsm13:15
arrrghhhNAND threads are in both places13:15
arrrghhhstick to xda-devs then.13:15
rneese_ok now to go find one13:19
arrrghhhkeep in mind it's still experimental13:20
arrrghhhthe OP will expect you to know how to pull logs etc if you have problems.13:20
arrrghhhplus it's not a very streamlined install process13:20
arrrghhhi'm out tho, bbl.13:21
rneese_I think i?13:26
rneese_just reading and learning13:26
rpierce99so there are two android apis for recording audio, MediaRecorder and AudioRecord13:33
rpierce99one you read bytes off the hardware, one saves it to a file13:33
rpierce99there's probably a c api as well13:33
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rpierce99apparenlty libmedia can be accessed directly, but it is discouraged, so i'm curious what these apps are using13:36
rpierce99i'd guess the native java audiorecord13:36
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rneese_wow 4.0 is already getting working on the tp213:43
stinebdi have 5.013:43
rneese_and whats not working13:44
rneese_and what is working13:44
rneese_and is there a test img13:44
rneese_why not13:46
rneese_something to test13:46
rneese_I have 3 microsd to play with13:48
rneese_and I will have a extra phone for testing13:48
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detulerpierce99, don't think it would break much, there's an "OnRequest" method somewhere in the ril that has a switch that calls onRequestMute....try commenting out that call14:18
detulethanks arrrghhh14:18
detulewhy is it using the dream blob?14:23
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detulearrrghhh, when you come back let's try a thing or two14:29
rneese_ok well my headset works and bluetooth is working great14:34
rneese_and I just got a small bt  car spaker so I will test it next14:37
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rneese_but willing to test other builds as they come avaible14:39
arrrghhhdetule, i'm back.  kinda.15:03
arrrghhhrneese_, you're welcome to test anything that's out thar15:04
arrrghhhjust some stuff is going to work better than others15:04
rneese_I have been testing gb abd I am on the wait and see for the next version15:06
rneese_and I am looking for other hardware to testwith15:06
arrrghhhnext release is gonna be big.  lots of changes.15:06
arrrghhhwe're probably going to do a 'test' release to make sure there wasn't something big missed for some device.15:06
arrrghhhi already did one for blackstone15:07
arrrghhhi think all 3 of their users ran it.15:07
rneese_ok well I would test it for the tp215:07
arrrghhhlol i know.15:07
helicopter88if you need an x1 tester,you know where to find me :)15:07
arrrghhhwe don't support x115:08
* arrrghhh runs15:08
detulearrrghhh, ls -l /system/lib/liboemcamera*15:08
helicopter88arrrghhh,frx07 runs extremely well15:08
arrrghhhdetule, -rw-r--r--    1 root     root        314372 Aug  1  2008 /system/lib/liboemcamera.so15:08
arrrghhhhelicopter88, i'm just kidding :P.  there aren't many with that device that hang out around here tho.,15:08
helicopter88there's me :)15:09
arrrghhhi think alex is the only dev i've ran into for that device...15:09
arrrghhhyea, now :P15:09
detulerename the one you have as
arrrghhhwhat horrible things are you doing to me.15:09
helicopter88how comes that android hasn't changed the clock?15:09
helicopter88*wm clock15:09
arrrghhhdamn this one is way bigger15:10
rneese_whats a good 2nd phone for testing15:10
arrrghhhhelicopter88, hasn't changed...?15:10
rneese_I am hunting ebay15:10
arrrghhhrneese_, uh... for testing on XDAndroid or just playing around with?15:10
arrrghhhplaying around with, hands down the HD215:10
arrrghhhtesting on XDAndroid, RHOD is probably creme de la creme.15:11
helicopter88it uses to change my wm clock by -1h15:11
arrrghhhhelicopter88, you haven't read FAQ?  :P15:11
helicopter88i know that15:11
helicopter88i never wanted to fix it15:11
arrrghhhthere isn't a fix.15:11
helicopter88find a proper way to avoid it15:11
arrrghhhwindows uses local time as hardware clock, linux uses GMT15:11
helicopter88like using those clock syncing apps15:11
arrrghhhdon't use windows?15:11
helicopter88i don't care15:11
helicopter88i don't care15:11
arrrghhhdetule, pushed just need to match perms.  this one is way bigger15:12
helicopter88i just figured that time is right after a kernel panic15:12
arrrghhhhelicopter88, -_-15:12
arrrghhhalright perms match.  hopefully i don't need to reboot.15:12
arrrghhhdetule, camera just FC's now lol15:13
detuledid you do some sort of restart15:14
arrrghhhdetule, no restart15:14
arrrghhhi'm guessing i should try that before flooding you with logs?15:14
detuleyeah try that15:14
detulethat's the blob we use in xdandroid15:14
detulenot sure if acl is using that dream blob on purpose15:15
arrrghhhi don't think he does a lot on purpose.15:15
detulei mean that dream blob is what JB refers to as "old" in his tagged comments so i assume that it's dated vs. the legend (larger) binary15:16
arrrghhhwhat's weird is, cam works fine on NAND if you use some "other" cam app15:17
arrrghhhit would preview and work all up until you actually snap a pic15:17
detuleyeah those other apps don't use the vendor blob15:17
arrrghhhmakes sense15:18
arrrghhhjust avoid 'em entirely.15:18
arrrghhhyea the app just FC's15:18
rneese_NAND ? ?15:18
detuleok send me the logs15:18
arrrghhh1 sec15:19
arrrghhhrneese_, yes...15:19
rneese_sorry brain went blank15:19
arrrghhhwe're troubleshooting here, don't mind us :P15:19
detulei guess reading at the issue tracker this is what used to happen, maybe that's when acl switched the blobs15:19
detulehm 12-12 13:18:53.020 E/QualcommCameraHardware(   84): FATAL ERROR: could not dlopen Cannot load library: reloc_library[1311]:    84 cannot locate '_debug_pthread_create'..15:21
detulenot opening the blobg15:21
arrrghhhyea, definitely not able to hit the cam either.  odd.15:22
arrrghhhbrb, gonna heat up some fewd15:22
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detulethis is somehow our error, not the blob, try 77715:26
detulealso md5sum that thing15:28
arrrghhhchmod to 777?15:28
arrrghhhseems crazy15:28
arrrghhhi matched at 64415:28
arrrghhhlol ok15:28
arrrghhhmatches what i have on mah PC15:29
detulethat's what i have15:30
arrrghhhchmodded to 77715:30
arrrghhhsame.  will reboot.15:30
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emwedetule: you have a1010 and adc3001 enabled on the kernel you got incall mic issue?15:34
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emweda man himself15:36
bzowho where? :P15:36
arrrghhhwho else but sir bzo15:36
bzoI think the camera problem is due to needing to fix the prelink map15:37
bzowe fixed it back in the day on xdandroid15:37
bzobut I bet acl never fixed it on his builds15:37
detuleemwe, no a101015:38
detulebzo how goes it15:38
bzohi detule15:38
emwedetule: i am just kexecing with vibrate/silent on here, but with a1010 and it still worked here for two calls.15:38
emwedetule: iiirc on friday i had a1010 not registered.15:38
emwedetule: now testing with a1010 off.15:39
detuleprelink map this is something during the build process?15:39
emwedetule: ok, it seems not to be a1010. still works. damnit. going to reboot with vibrate/silent on15:40
bzodetulle: one sec, looking for the commit15:40
emwedetule: sorry to spam, but what i see is quick/subsequent mic bias callbacks to off->on because acoustic is changing devices. dunno if these RPCs might be coming in too fast.15:41
detuleyeah i've seen those, perhaps we need to add some delays in there15:41
detuleactually i think i see more re-routing calls when device is not in silent15:42
detulebzo ic binary too big for the prelinker15:44
rneese_the nexus looks nice15:44
rpierce99detule: don't know if you heard but i picked up a touchpad in the latest fire sale15:46
emwedetule: should be one routing more for ringtone. on vibrate it only routes on pickup (apart from end-call and device-off)15:46
detulebzo ~1MB...this legend binary is 1.515:47
rpierce99jonpry got another as well15:47
detulethat comment is probably incorrect15:47
detulerpierce99, cool, i got three originally, but have given two away as early xmas presents15:48
bzodetule: hmm, is there anything currently located at A9500000?15:48
detuleprobably not so what looking at that the next thing is A96...~2mb?15:51
bzoI guess we got lucky that the next slot up happened to be free15:53
detuleway to swoop in, that something like that prelink-arm-map would even exists it would never even cross my mind15:54
bzoarrrghhh: can you shoot [acl] that pastebin and see if his prelink map is good?15:54
bzoif not, he'll have to create a new build to fix it15:55
arrrghhhyea, he's online.15:55
detulealso mention the legend binary15:55
arrrghhhthe pastebin with the dream or legend lib?15:55
arrrghhhi'm guessing dream.15:55
detulebzo so these addresses they are physical?15:55
detuledream is only 300KB it fits nicely in there15:55
bzoarrrghhh: will work with either15:55
bzodetule: hmm, not sure15:56
arrrghhhnow i'm just confused.15:56
arrrghhhdetule, yous said ACL tested your patch and it was nogo right?15:56
detulebzo coz i see this in the kernel
detulearrrghhh, here's the deal15:56
detulei think you guys are using a dated library15:57
detulewe are using legend in xdandroid currently15:57
detulethe legend library is too big, unless the prelink map is fixed15:57
detulethe prelink map allows for a +1mb library15:57
detulethis discussion is separate from the patch i mailed out15:57
detulewhich fixed the camera on 3.115:57
arrrghhhah ok.15:57
arrrghhhsorry for getting it mixed up.15:58
bzolooks like theres no A95, so a 2mb lib will fit15:58
arrrghhhi'll resume this in a few.  thanks guys.15:58
bzoacl probably needs both fixes15:58
detulei was looking at this but that's perhaps old15:58
arrrghhhbbl, meeting tiem15:58       0xA9A00000 # [~1M]15:59
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bzoI don't think we changed the prelink map since the initial fix15:59
[acl]do they know its Christmas ?15:59
[acl]fucking xmas songs15:59
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bzo[acl] so you check your prelink map yet?16:00
detulehey [acl]16:00
[acl]bzo: nope.. havent seen that thing in a while16:00
[acl]bzo: so thats why i mentioned it might be my blob16:01
[acl]detule: sup dood16:01
detuleyeah so xdandroid uses a different blob16:01
[acl]detule: yeah.16:01
[acl]the legend blob right?16:02
[acl]thing is massive16:02
bzojb coded the camera stuff to be able to use the dream or legend libs16:02
bzoonly benefit of the legend is that it also supports blackstone16:02
[acl]bzo: yeah we studied that thing to hell. (alex and I). So our plan was to move over to the cyanogen lib which does the jpeg outside the blob16:02
[acl]this way we have no issue using the dream16:02
[acl]due to lack of time, neither of us got to it16:03
detulesorry i didn't know you guys were using a different blob and are aware of it16:03
[acl]detule: well i tried both and the issue was similar.16:03
detulesomehow i thought you were seeing the same problem as what we were having16:03
detuleunless you had fixed this prelinker map it seems the legend blob is unusable at all16:04
detuleit would FC the camea app at startup16:04
bzodidn't arrrghhh just say he gets a FC with the camera app on nand?16:04
[acl]detule: In the dream when we call the jpeg_encode it returns an error. Honestly its prob a simple fix. Not sure if JB ever had success encoding with the dream blob16:04
bzoyes, it works16:05
bzocamera was fully working before supporting the legend lib16:05
bzoat least when I last looked at it, it is possible something got broken after that point16:05
[acl]neither alex or I could get it to work regularly on dream. Thats why people on nand right now use a 3rd party cam app16:06
bzothat could be that idiotic pmem overlap thing we've been fighting recently16:06
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[acl]could be, but if all is well with legend blob then thats good.16:07
[acl]ill have to either move to legend blob or port jpeg16:07
detulenot the pmem thing doesn't show up in dmesg16:07
bzothe legend blob is worth trying16:08
detuleplus my glorious patch seems to not work for [acl]16:08
[acl]only error i have is jpeg_encode16:08
bzoit's possible jb abandoned the dream lib support at a later point16:08
[acl]good ol jb16:08
[acl]ill def let yall know the outcome, but legend lib looks like its the easiest fix16:08
bzoonce you figure that out, the next thing will be to figure out wtf is need to fix video recording16:09
bzofor gb that is, works in froyo16:09
detulehow does it error out on GB?16:09
[acl]this is the cm camera i was going to kang16:10
bzogb ended openomx support or something that was used for encoding16:10
bzo[acl] may be worthwhile moving that cam just on princple16:11
bzoless blob crap used, the better16:11
[acl]who volunteers ?16:11
[acl]anyone ?16:11
bzochirp chirp chirp16:11
[acl]ill try to do it after xmas16:12
bzo[acl] think that will just drop in and work?16:13
[acl]nope, we need to make a hybrid16:13
[acl]alex started16:13
[acl]need to ask him where he left off16:13
bzoso is that libcamera fully blobless then?16:14
[acl]i think it still dls some crap. not sure16:14
[acl]bzo: anyways so much much to allocate for the legend lib on the prelink map ?16:19
bzosounds like it, u using something different than xdandroid map?16:19
[acl]i dont do any userland16:20
[acl]all handled by omgb team16:20
[acl]so i need to see wtf they have16:20
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[acl]or cm7 hero poop16:20
bzowe copied ours from cm, so good chance they are the same16:20
[acl]ahh then it should work.16:21
[acl]actually the error message was weird16:21
[acl]that i remember16:21
[acl]some pthread create16:21
[acl]wasnt a link map error16:21
detule12-12 13:18:53.020 E/QualcommCameraHardware(   84): FATAL ERROR: could not dlopen Cannot load library: reloc_library[1311]:    84 cannot locate '_debug_pthread_create'..16:21
[acl]thats it16:21
detuleif there are overlaps all sorts of weird stuff could be happening16:22
[acl]you know my errors better than i do :-p16:22
bzoin any case, best to rule out the prelink problem first16:22
detulei mean technically couldn't it be loading something on top of the legend library16:22
[acl]ill check tonight to make sure its 2mb16:22
emwe<emwe> detule: you got mic bias callback disabled for rhod, like it used to be from JB, right?16:23
emwe<emwe> i can't reproduce the incall mic issue failure...16:23
emwedamn conn today.16:23
detulehm yes currently it's disabled16:24
detulewait i thought you were just seeing hte failure16:24
emwei had the failure on friday night.16:25
emwecan't repdruce it.16:25
emweperhaps my friday eve testing was cursed with those endless kexecs and tests...16:25
emweso, basically i am with mic bias callback for rhod. going to prep an image with a bit of verbose acoustic again.16:26
emweand your egl patches and the modded libGLES_qcom.so16:26
[acl]so much going on16:27
[acl]the gles however did piss me off16:27
[acl]as how how no one else cared16:27
[acl]goes to show you cant count on other msm7k devs16:27
detulejonpry, is onto something good16:29
[acl]maybe after he is done, we will finally have the winmo performance :-p16:30
[acl]i knew the damn winmo was different.. grrrr16:30
detuleit's smoother i think, at least i don't think adw launcher was every so quick for me16:30
jonpryi got moar speed now16:31
detuleyou push those patches out16:31
[acl]jonpry: sky is the limit16:31
[acl]detule; even if its not smooth, at least we know what calls arent being used. damn this can open up alot of room for improvement16:32
jonpryif there is a limit we are pretty close. i only have like one idea left16:32
[acl]well the rest is how optimal you want to get16:32
[acl]the code itself is ugly for some effects16:33
[acl]seriosly s curves for the electron beam16:33
[acl]that shit can cause us 1 fps16:33
[acl]plus those fuckers do it 3 times16:33
jonprys curves?16:33
[acl]the electron beam uses a math scruve to determine how to map the texture16:34
[acl]it calculates it on the fly16:34
[acl]3 times16:34
jonpryjust for the text coords?16:34
[acl]you never seen my videos?16:34
[acl]you are gonna see what i mean16:34
jonpryelectron beam is kind of not an option at this point because the whole crashes and burns on screen blank16:35
[acl]this is stock code16:35
[acl]this is after full optimization
jonprydetule, speed ups pushed16:36
[acl]first one doesnt even have a texture, so its just pure slowness16:37
jonprythat looked pretty good to me16:37
bzoyou guys running WisTilt's vsync fix yet?16:37
[acl]now imagine with your improvements16:38
[acl]jonpry: if infact FBO can work, damn the wormhole will be a thing of beaty16:38
jonprywhat is wormhole? i couldn't find any vids of it16:38
[acl]no i only did the beam16:39
[acl]doing a framebuffer grab until fbo is available16:39
jonprytbh i don't see why fbo's are needed for electron beam16:39
[acl]a screenshot is taken using FBOs so it can be textured to the collapse16:40
detulejonpry, thanks, what was that about a 'vibrating pixel'16:41
jonprywhy not adjust the view matrix?16:41
jonprydetule thats current workaround for msm_fb craziness. can;t really see it unless you look16:41
jonpryevery other frame is offset by 1 y pixel16:42
[acl]anyways fellas i gotta jett16:42
[acl]jonpry: its looking good dood.. cant wait16:43
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emwejonpry: what repo you been pushing to?16:44
bzocheck out fps2d results:16:47
bzoguess removing the fake vsync makes fps much more consistent16:48
bzonot seeing any effect in changing panel refresh to 70hz though16:49
detuledon't know about benchmarks anymore, after i scored +33 on neocore16:49
jonpryi have this one fps2d apk that makes it score 60fps16:49
bzothe absolute results are questionable I suppose16:50
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emwebzo: yeah, think i see no effect of vsync70hzz16:50
bzobut I think it is very interesting that the distribution is so narrow now16:50
emwe3.94 here16:51
emwebut without msm_fb patch16:51
bzoyou get bars all over the place in the graph right?16:51
emweoh wait, this is w/o panel 70hz still16:51
emweno, not really. most around 3016:51
emweah, more then you ;)16:52
emwelemme try 70hz16:52
bzoI'm used to seeing results in like 10 different slots, though most at 2916:52
arrrghhhXirXes, you thar?16:55
detulejonpry, cool offset=!last_offset16:56
jonprythats what does it16:56
bzois the compositor going to be called schc?16:57
jonpryneed to add an ioctl to msm_fb to allow partial screen updates16:57
jonpryi've been calling it gposit. the ghetto compositor16:57
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emwe_bzo: no change with 70hz panel vsync17:00
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bzonot sure how to definitively test, but it seems like the panel refresh is not changing17:02
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detulejonpry, this partial redraw this in fbmem.c17:11
detulei see the ioctl there where it replaces the entire buffer for the frame17:12
emwe__detule: with disabled mic bias callback, mic only seems to work when dualmic=1. (latter toggling to off quite soon after being enabled in GVS.) going to look further into this tomorrow.17:27
jonpryright now it uses some kind of kernel framebuffer ioctl. but that  only causes a redraw if you change the virtual y coordinate17:27
jonpryand has to be a whole screen refresh17:27
jonpryso i think we invent a new ioctl17:28
jonprythen a little work needs to be done in surfaceflinger to get the dirty region. but iirc it calculates it anyways17:28
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jonprydetule, did you get those latest patches running?17:43
jonpryi was wondering what happens to 3d games during blank17:43
jonpryseems like they don't have to deal with egl death17:43
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arrrghhhXirXes, yo18:01
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d3tul3jonpry, i have it going18:36
d3tul3currently doing some battery yoga18:36
d3tul3certainly less artefacts18:45
d3tul3and plenty fast18:45
jonpryjust vibration :p18:48
jonpryand cache artifacts18:48
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d3tul3oh wow i forgot this is jit enabled19:02
jonpryfaster disabled?19:04
d3tul3imo yes19:05
jonpryever try fps2d?19:06
d3tul3no not on this thing19:07
d3tul3ok i think first order of business should be squashing this screen off thing, because other than that this build is very usable even at this stage19:07
jonprythat might be a really hard problem19:07
d3tul3you have an idea what's causing it19:08
jonprybest case scenario is we can stop the blob or whatever is doing it from losing egl context19:08
jonprybut if the context gets lost there is a serious problem19:08
jonprykernel hw3d.c there is all this stuff that performs a "revoke"19:12
d3tul3trying to educate myself on android context19:15
jonpryi wonder if devices that support gl compositor have to deal with revoke19:15
jonpryif we lose context. then we may be force to backup all surface contents. which is ok. but we won't necessarily be able to reallocate the surfaces at the same position in memory. so all client pointers become invalid19:16
d3tul3i guess
d3tul3probably not relevant19:18
jonpryi don't think that works for blank. only pause19:20
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