Friday, 2011-12-09

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detulehey emwe10:09
detulenow-a-days when git am fails me, i go in with "patch -p1" and later i do git am --resolved10:14
detule"patch" seems to have more of a tolerance for 'fuzzy' merges10:14
emweah, he. i hate git am :)10:15
emwejust add the remote, fetch it regularly and git cherry-pick.10:15
detulewhat does cherry-pick do? probably run into the same problems as git am if it doesn't apply cleanly or no?10:16
emwei always try to split commits up in usable pieces... one adds the driver and makefile changes, the other changes defconfig...10:16
detulebtw, i was stuck in a boot loop this morning10:16
emweyes, but you don't need to fetch the patch file and so on.10:16
detulei thought that only happened to people with nand-android set-ups10:16
emweyou git log on the remotes branch, copy the commit'ish, and do git cherry-pick <commit-ish> and it will add the commit to your current HEAD10:17
emweyou can git mergetool -t meld(or any other) and resolve the merge conflict, git commit <commit'ish> and be done.10:17
emwe(the latter all if merge conflicts appear)10:17
detulethat's pretty cool, i always do some long-roundabout way of git format-patch range-of-commits blah blah10:18
emwegit remote add <name> <url-to-linux-msm>10:18
emwegit fetch <name> git log <name>/htc-msm-2.6.35 , copy the commit-ish, git cherry-pick <commit-ish>10:18
detuleright, i have your tree locally i just don't cherry pick the commits i use git format-patch which is a bit longer10:19
emweof course this won't always work perfectly if the commits are of the early .39 butchering style...10:19
emweyeah, the double trees... i got the remotes on my main tree but also local copies for easier diffing.10:19
detulehah early .39 pioneering style :)10:20
emwemeld is supposed to support git and do two or three-way diffs on git branches, but i never got it to work.10:20
detule"git am -3" does a three way merge *i*think10:20
emwei got plenty of clone-directories here for diffing... a bit of a space waster.10:20
emwewhat i mean is using meld (the merge tool)10:21
emweit should support git, but it doesn't work for me10:21
emweso i can only diff directories.10:21
emwethat's what i mean10:21
emweso i have to keep around physical clones and also got the remote "code" fetched in my main repo for cherry-picking.10:21
emwes/main repo/main tree10:21
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arrrghhh12-09 09:09:56.720 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1278): msm72xx_set_audio_path: device=1 Mic = 0, DualMic = 0, Speaker = 1, Headset = 011:11
arrrghhhwould this mean mic = 0, dualmic = 0 - so it's not expecting input?11:11
emwei actually got loud and clear notifications and dial tones now.11:15
arrrghhhhowdy emwe11:16
arrrghhhtrying to help a guy on the forums use some 'other' voice command utilities11:16
emwestill puzzles me why the wince settings for the speaker don't show this agc influence audibly, for us they do.11:16
arrrghhhjust tried on this acoustic build to see what would happen, seems to fail the same way.11:16
arrrghhhthat is strange...11:16
arrrghhhthis acoustic stuff is maddening.11:16
emweit's executing setups twice which seems even more bogus to me.11:17
emwetime to go figure and not get side tracked again from other stuff11:17
arrrghhhfair enough.11:17
arrrghhhi'll try not to side track ;)11:17
emweyou're always welcome.11:17
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ryannathanshai guyz11:52
ryannathansEvery time I init a new repo it tries to pull from, one suggestion was to update repo binary, how does one do such madness? Everything appears up to date.11:53
arrrghhharen't there directions on how to download repo11:54
arrrghhhand make it executable11:54
arrrghhhdo that again -__11:54
ryannathansrepo init -u git:// -b froyo11:55
emweon first run, repo tries to update itself, and even the latest repo binary still tries to pull from korg.11:59
emwejust run it again11:59
emweyou don't wan't to mess with froyo anymore, though.12:00
ryannathanseveryone moved to gingerbread?12:00
rpierce99there's not a stable enough gb released for users to move yet12:02
ryannathansI keep getting the error.. sadly.12:02
ryannathansall kernel.org12:02
ryannathansI wonder if my cam works with ginger12:03
ryannathanshow do i beat this crap12:04
emwehm, it looks fine to me:
emwelet me test...12:05
* ryannathans has tried like 100 tiems now12:06
ryannathansgingerbread and froyo12:06
emweare you doing this on a clean directory?12:06
emwebecause it works fine for me.12:06
ryannathanscompletely clean12:06
emwedid you update the repo binary?12:06
emweit just syncs for me.12:06
ryannathanso.0 I can't even init12:07
emwefetch an updated repo binary.12:07
emwerepo --version12:07
ryannathanserror: repo is not installed.  Use "repo init" to install it here.12:08
ryannathanswtf i don't even12:08
ryannathansit's working now12:08
ryannathansi change nothing12:09
ryannathansmeh, thanks12:09
emweon first run, repo tries to update itself. dunno what happened over there.12:09
emweas i said earlier, you don't wanna mess with froyo anymore.12:09
ryannathansWhat's broken on gingerbread? Anything new since that july forum post?12:10
emwei assume you haven't been in the round of gingerbread testers. we need more testers anyway.12:10
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ryannathansI'm keen to test12:10
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emweeverybody "active" around here is running private builds ;)12:10
ryannathansI still don't even have a working cam12:10
emwei haven't cared for cam. said to be working on .39. likely .27 as well12:10
emwebut there's some showstoppers.12:11
rpierce99_yes cam works on .39 and .27 in GB12:11
ryannathansWhen I try to run the 'test' kernel for cam, it just freezes after haret executes12:11
ryannathansnothing out of ordinary, frx0712:11
rpierce99_you probably need to upgrade your haret12:11
ryannathanstried that12:11
rpierce99_kernel is too big to fit12:11
ryannathansused the new one supplied and without12:11
ryannathansboth same problrme12:12
rpierce99_did you change your startup.txt?12:12
ryannathanswhat needs changing12:12
rpierce99_the reason you upgrade haret is so that you can define your initrd offset12:12
rpierce99_in startup.txt12:12
emweset INITRD_OFFSET 0xa0000012:12
emweset INITRD initrd.gz12:12
emweadd the first line12:12
ryannathansset ramsize 0x1000000012:16
ryannathansset ramaddr 0x1000000012:16
ryannathansset initrd_offset 0x00a0000012:16
ryannathansset mtype 229212:16
ryannathansdo i need all of those12:16
ryannathanswrong lines12:18
ryannathanstime to play.. mwahaha12:22
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arrrghhhryannathans, ffs.12:26
arrrghhhi told you all of this before...12:26
ryannathansmind = blown12:27
arrrghhhyea, i'm sure.12:27
arrrghhhthe guy who made that kernel even stated what needed to be done AFAIK, lol.12:27
emwearrrghhh: i think nothing would speak against pulling ryannathans into the testers, or? ;)12:28
arrrghhhwell, he's relatively useless as you can see from the help you tried to provide above...12:28
arrrghhhhe seemingly can't read forum posts either -_-12:28
ryannathanswhere does it say what i need to do ;D12:29
emweand you haven't done the rootfs bcm firmware switch arrrghhh :P12:29
arrrghhhthat's not the first post12:29
arrrghhhemwe, i STILL haven't figured out the syntax.12:29
arrrghhhIIRC you couldn't either :P12:29
arrrghhhryannathans, that's not brinka's first post, i shall dig... ugh.12:29
ryannathansdon't worrry, found it12:29
ryannathansI never looked before12:29
arrrghhhreally helpful tester.12:30
ryannathanswhen i'm not given full details and don't have enough time to dig through many pages12:30
emwearrrghhh: i don't recall, but can some awk magic be done? not sure i've something like that.12:30
arrrghhhemwe, yea, awk might help.12:30
ryannathansgot time now though, just finished exams12:30
arrrghhhsave the time from trying to sort out the syntax problem...12:30
arrrghhhryannathans, so when you don't have time, it's up to everyone else to do the leg work for you?12:30
arrrghhh"I'd love to see this committed asap, as long as it's acceptable"12:31
arrrghhhyou're a funny guy.12:31
ryannathansin my pants12:31
ryannathansAs far as I am concerned I don't know what I'm actually running12:31
ryannathansor if any other problems are being caused i don't know of12:32
arrrghhhemwe, see what i mean?12:32
arrrghhhanyhoo, emwe i'll take another crack at that firmware patch.12:32
emweyou guys let my balls swallow...12:32
arrrghhheasy in mah head, hard to actually write evidently.12:32
arrrghhhi'm not sure i should respond to that emwe ...12:32
ryannathanswhy do I always do this at 1am...12:33
* ryannathans slaps self12:33
rpierce99god i hope something was lost in translation12:34
ryannathanswhere can I find the source of this camera patch12:34
arrrghhhmailing list12:35
arrrghhhor somewhere buried in that thread12:35
arrrghhhi don't think he's provided source for his newest patches tho.  i dunno.12:35
arrrghhhdon't really care, no one has bothered to adopt his patch.12:35
ryannathanssubbed to mailing list now12:36
arrrghhhlittle late12:37
arrrghhhbut ok.12:37
ryannathansgood to see I still remember how to pull all teh logs12:38
ryannathanswhere can i sign up to this testing business12:39
arrrghhhyou don't12:39
arrrghhhbuild the image, test12:39
ryannathansuserland or kernel12:40
arrrghhhkernel is your choice12:40
arrrghhhjust has to have acoustic12:40
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emwewell, without the acoustic kernel.. not much to test the userland with acoustic then...12:45
emweor well, it might be backwards compatible even.12:45
emwejonpry: hey. there's been a follow up article from ms. Hackborn. dunno if it's relevent/interessting.12:46
arrrghhhemwe, i'm not sure how useful it's going to be to have him test.  otherwise i'd just say throw him an image.12:48
jonpryoh yeah thanks btw12:48
jonpry^^ emwe12:48
ryannathanswhat ever happened to f22's keymaps12:48
jonpryi agree that the hardware ui renderer thing is not too useful. but i still have hope for the compositor12:48
ryannathansthey worked wonders for me12:49
arrrghhhryannathans, that's nice12:49
ryannathansnow i stuck with a broken ctrl/fn, thats the first thing im going to fix12:49
jonprytp2 is legacy now?12:49
arrrghhhjonpry, yup... :(12:49
emwehehe :O12:49
emwefinally next to it's brother TOPA12:49
jonprystrike on xda12:49
arrrghhhironically the TP2 successor was put legacy/low activity before the TP2 did, lol.12:50
arrrghhhi'm surprised the X1 is still not there...12:50
emwealex keeping peeps busy :)12:50
arrrghhhhave you seen that section?12:50
arrrghhhlike the wild west12:50
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arrrghhhpeople just put out build with different launchers, making it sound like a whole new build12:50
jonprywe need a GB image with the new egl and gles stuff12:50
arrrghhhwe need a GB release party damnit.12:51
emwejonpry: you mean the patched libs?12:51
arrrghhhor just a GB release.12:51
emwejonpry: i can make sure to bundle the new libs.12:51
ryannathanshow often if gb updated12:51
emweryannathans: i last updated on 2011-11-1912:51
emwehaven't been able to do much lately.12:51
arrrghhhryannathans, whenever it's necessary?12:51
arrrghhhwhat's with the esoteric questions?12:51
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emwejonpry: i picked up the binary from yesterday i think which was posted over on #htc-linux. assume this is the latest one.12:52
arrrghhhyea, i asked detule to post it.12:52
arrrghhhi was supposed to spam it out, never did12:52
jonprythere is also this libEGL issue12:52
emwecan you guys verify?12:53
emwe818d90167519c149923145793234f0f6  libEGL.so12:53
emwe5328299add5f036e47d4db6c0f636c92  libGLES_qcom.so12:53
emweryannathans: pm me your mailaddy12:53
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jonpryi don't even have a copy yet12:54
emweah so you just instructed the mods?12:55
arrrghhhjonpry, lol12:55
arrrghhhlemme spam it out.12:55
emweryannathans: if you fail to set that up, bad luck :P12:56
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jonpryemwe, yeah trying to copy my life to a new laptop. so stuff is all messed up12:56
ryannathansfail setting what up?12:56
emwethat what is coming via mail.12:56
ryannathanshow many megs?13:00
emweit's links!13:00
arrrghhhemwe, jonpry spam sent13:03
arrrghhhGLES has been distributed... hopefully i didn't forget anyone.13:03
arrrghhhI guess I should've included the EGL lib too.  oh well.13:03
jonpryyeah probably should get that out13:03
ryannathansme gb sauce is almost done13:03
jonpryor everyone will think its busted and will never try it again13:04
emweok, the GLES one is the one i have.13:04
emweawaiting follow up mail :)13:04
arrrghhhjonpry, lol13:04
arrrghhh1 sec...13:04
arrrghhhhum, can't find it.  i'll just pull it off mah damned phone.13:06
emweone stupid question, where does come from? source-built?13:07
ryannathansemwe: does it matter what haret/startup.txt i use13:07
arrrghhhemwe, good question, i don't know.13:07
emwethe one you had been setting up earlier.13:07
emwe^^ ryannathans13:07
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jonpryemwe, found it on a forum. we should build it, but the patch used to make it isn't know yet. detule is working on that13:08
emwearrrghhh: the build requisite on contian the GLES one.13:08
arrrghhhyou want me to send another mail with them zipped?  :P13:08
emwei was whondering this as well just now.13:08
emwelol, no.13:09
arrrghhhi can gift wrap if needed13:09
emweyou been understanding me wrong.13:09
jonprypersonalized cards?13:09
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emwei am whondering where the in our build comes from13:09
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emwethat's what i wanted to hear. so ehm... i don't get it.13:09
emwethe source built one isn't useful i take it?13:10
jonpryits broke13:10
jonprypretty sure we have a source patch but its not tested yet13:10
emweso you guys modded likely a vendor-baked one?13:10
detuleemwe, jonpry i got egl building from source13:10
jonprythis is a source built one with an unknown patch applied13:11
jonpryoh then we haz patch13:11
arrrghhhdetule, swoops in to save the day13:11
detulesame neocore score13:11
emwedetule: awaiting patch :P13:11
detuleso we can't be too far off13:11
detulejonpry, i also have a listing of the procnames that I am now returning null for13:11
detulenot sure if that's helpful but one or more of those most be causing the issue13:12
jonpryis it the minimal set?13:12
jonprylist would be cool13:12
detule <- that's the diff of the patch plus output while running neocore13:13
detuleemwe, i'll format this properly tonight13:13
ryannathansI need some sleep, talk to you guys tomorrow13:13
jonpry yeah these are new pbuffers glBindBufferOES that we don't support13:15
emwehaven#t you peeps been binary modding some buffer sizes or so in
emwegetting even more confused now with seeing the patch.13:15
emwesure somebody will write a lengthy patch mail to the ML13:16
jonpryinteresting that we have glBindBufferARB i can probably use that to get wormhole and electronbeam13:16
jonpryemwe, no buffer sizes in egl. just libGLES13:16
emweso the binary we got mailed around earlier is containg a similar "patch"?13:17
emwesorry for these dumb questions. just wan't to understand it right.13:17
emwei at least try to understand what i am pushing into the repository.13:18
jonpryi think so. didn't really disassemble it to verify how it works. but my limited understanding of the situation suggests it is the same patch. its impossible for the software renderer to have capabilities the hardware one doesn't. so the patch disables some of the software extensions to prevent that from happening.13:19
jonprydetule isn't glGetBufferParameterivARB supported?13:23
detuleit's possible it is, that' snot a minimal set13:24
jonprystrings libGles | grep glFoo13:25
detulei only see qglAPI_glGetBufferParameteriv13:26
jonprythose should work assuming they get linked13:28
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arrrghhhlol emwe13:49
arrrghhhi was just responding to his email.13:49
rneese_whats up this am13:49
arrrghhhjust livin the dream13:50
rneese_which dream is that. the one where the man pownz you ? or the one where we take over the world using android devices and MS gets rich off us13:51
arrrghhhi don't see how any company could get rich off our project.13:51
arrrghhhif anything we're keeping people from buying new devices...13:51
rneese_as you know MS makes money off every android device13:51
jonprynot those made by bn13:52
arrrghhhalmost every android device.13:52
arrrghhhwhich is insane, but i guess that's the life of a patent troll13:52
rneese_thats why I want to keep the device I have now13:53
rneese_and just update it as needed13:53
jonprymicrosoft also makes money on every pc i buy. but i do not know what this windows stuff is13:54
jonprysome kind of spyware  i guess13:57
jonpryor fraudware13:57
arrrghhhi love the tiwanese animations14:12
arrrghhhthey seem to make these animations for any reason14:13
arrrghhhi mean any.14:13
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rpierce99webos open source? interesting...14:53
stinebdstupid amazon pushing my keyboard dock back14:55
stinebdi should cancel it and get it from best buy instead14:55
emwestupid amazon make me buy a WD TV live (3rd gen) christmas present. likely the first amazon retoure i'll do.14:57
emweseriously dissappointed by it.14:57
arrrghhhamazon made you buy a christmas present?14:57
stinebdamazon went up to him and held a gun to his head14:58
arrrghhhrpierce99, webOS port tiem?14:58
rpierce99supposedly webos is pretty slick, minus the lack of apps14:58
emweexactly like that.14:58
arrrghhhi don't know if the framework is good or not14:58
arrrghhhbut it looks slick for sure.14:59
jonprywhat kind of license?14:59
arrrghhhi thought it was all built on HTML or some poop?14:59
arrrghhhjonpry, no word on license15:00
arrrghhhthey've merely stated that they're "going to" open source webOS15:00
jonpryits kind of useless if its like ms shared source or something15:00
jonpryi actually like webos15:01
arrrghhhHP will make the underlying code of webOS available under an open source license.15:01
detuleme too15:01
rpierce99i'm going to try to get a refurb TP on sun15:01
detuleit so damn functional15:01
jonpryoh yeah i almost forgot about that15:01
rpierce99doubt i'll succeed though15:01
jonprymaybe we need to write some scripts to nab up all the tp's15:02
rneese_webos hmmm15:02
detulethe TP is kind of a toy, it was cool for a while but i haven't picked it up in some time15:02
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jonpryi imagine all tablets are like that15:03
jonprywhat are you really supposed to do with it15:03
rneese_but why would you run webos on a phone15:03
jonprypalm pre15:03
arrrghhhjonpry, browse the web?15:04
arrrghhhnot sure what a tablet is good for.,15:04
arrrghhhit's certainly not good for creation of any content really.15:04
arrrghhhunless you draw on it...15:04
jonpryyeah i do that occasionally. but i usually have a pc nearby15:04
arrrghhhi've seen people taking notes on 'em in meetings.  useless.15:04
rpierce99in my house we have 0 personal laptops15:05
rpierce99the desktop is in the basement15:05
arrrghhhin my house we have 0 business laptops.15:05
arrrghhhi'm not allowed to take it home, lol.15:05
detulei have a kbd for mine and use it as a laptop with the ubuntu chroot from time to time, but that's because the last laptop i bought was in 200115:05
detulesucker still runs15:06
detulecan't kill it15:06
arrrghhhmy laptop from 2004 finally got unbearable15:07
detulePIII 512mb ram with puppy linux on it15:07
arrrghhhso i just bought a new lappy a few months ago.15:07
detulei just can't get adb to work on it15:07
rneese_yeah I have had the same laptop for 5 years and it runs great15:07
stinebd[15:04:40] <arrrghhh> it's certainly not good for creation of any content really.15:07
jonprythe trailing edge of technology?15:07
stinebdunless it has some sort of keyboard jigger15:07
rneese_its a core2duo15:07
rneese_it does the job15:07
arrrghhhC2D isn't too old15:07
arrrghhhstinebd, but then you have two pieces to lug around?15:07
stinebdthe jigger locks the tablet in place son15:08
stinebdboom, one piece15:08
arrrghhhi didn't realize that was the formal definition of jigger15:08
stinebdlook it up15:08
arrrghhhand you can transport with this jigger?15:08
arrrghhhi have a feeling i shouldn't do this at work.15:08
jonpryi can type at like half speed on touchpad15:08
stinebdstrange, i never get that feeling15:08
arrrghhhstinebd, lol epic.15:08
jonprybut the keyboard is no good because it doesn't ctrl+alt and stuff15:09
detuleoh yeah you need patience with the kbd15:09
arrrghhhwhich i have none15:09
detuleno ESC15:09
detuleno F-keys15:10
jonprycan't background jobs15:10
stinebdit definitely has at least one F key15:10
jonpryor kill things15:10
arrrghhhi think i blew one of the drivers in these earbuds.15:10
arrrghhhnever done that before...15:10
stinebddid you swallow?15:10
arrrghhhnah, didn't pay enough.15:10
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rneese_c2d ?15:33
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jonpryarrrghhh, i found this gentoo guide that explained  what is going on to get the dedicated graphics running. i haven't tried it. but it looks like it would work on radeon too15:38
arrrghhhcool, shoot me the link if you don't mind.15:39
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rneese_ok new battery came for my phone16:08
rneese_the other one was bulging16:09
rneese_and not keeping a charge16:09
jonprydetule, you ever find out why that one fps2d goes at 60fps?16:27
detuleno, i tried dex2jar as well and i still couldn't see anything in the diff16:28
detulei guess my dis-assembly skillz are non-existent16:28
jonpryi think it has something to do with copybit16:28
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rneese_anything good18:27
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