Thursday, 2011-11-24

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sytheznI'm getting a build error on trackMe in RefBase.cpp, passing void into bool...06:04
sytheznany clue where i start lookin'06:04
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arrrghhhsythezn, did you change something in that file...?08:50
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arrrghhhjonpry, did you see?  ICS on the G1 lol.09:32
arrrghhhslow as all getout.09:32
arrrghhhseems to be stuck in landscape mode too, heh09:32
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stinebdit's super fast on the atrix11:09
arrrghhhi heard.  still 3-4fps?11:09
stinebdstill not great11:10
arrrghhhnot atrocious either11:10
stinebdbut you can't see anything11:10
arrrghhhi guess with all that eye-candy, you need every bit of oomph to make it appear smooth.11:10
stinebdstill waiting for my transformer prime to arrive11:11
stinebdthey took it off amazon11:12
stinebdwonder why11:12
stinebdany merkans other than me working today?11:15
arrrghhhi got called and had to login11:15
arrrghhhattempted to fix something, but couldn't.11:15
rpierce99i fixed something this morning11:15
arrrghhhsome physical cabling issue it seemed like11:15
stinebdi work in a building full of crazy people and crazy people like to go crazier on holidays11:16
stinebdtherefore i'm boycotting work at noon11:16
arrrghhhsounds like a plan11:17
arrrghhhi've never seen any macy's thanksgiving parade before.11:17
arrrghhhsomeone should've told me they lipsync everything.  i'm crushed.11:18
stinebdit's an enormous waste of time and money11:18
rpierce99arrrghhh: have you seen the g1 ICS video?11:18
arrrghhhrpierce99, yea that's what i was talking about earlier11:19
arrrghhhoh you weren't here.11:19
arrrghhhgood stuff11:19
rpierce99yeah i'm not a log reader11:19
rpierce99i was wondering if that's what yours was like11:19
rpierce99or is it better11:19
rpierce99which ones worse11:19
arrrghhhmuch, much worse11:19
arrrghhher jonpry's11:19
rpierce99got it11:19
arrrghhhi don't think anyone else has touched it lol11:19
rpierce99so maybe there is something he can steal from jcarrz111:20
arrrghhhi couldn't really see much of anything, the launcher/screen was FUBAR11:20
arrrghhhyea i figured if the g1 can run it that's good news for us11:20
arrrghhhbut that is a bag of ass.  i know a lot is missing, but i'm not sure how much more they can optimize11:20
arrrghhhi saw jonpry talking about his fandangled new compositor11:20
arrrghhhnot sure where he got with it tho, still reading.11:20
stinebdfubar is how you can describe the atrix version right now11:26
stinebdartifacts everywhere, flickering, stuff disappearing11:26
arrrghhhstinebd, did you try booting it on the TP2?11:26
arrrghhhor is yours still MIA11:26
stinebdone of them is11:26
stinebdno clue wtf happened to it11:26
stinebdi think one of the cats took off with it11:26
stinebdseriously it's gonna be behind furniture in another room or something11:27
stinebdthat's what they do11:27
jonpryhey guys11:27
arrrghhhi was hoping they stole it for development purposes11:27
arrrghhhjonpry, wassup11:27
stinebdhey philip j. pry11:27
arrrghhhstine's been waiting to use that for weeks11:27
jonprywhere's g1 video? is it fast?11:27
arrrghhhjonpry, not fast.  1 sec.11:27
stinebdit's not fast at all11:27
stinebdi win11:28
jonpryi've almost got the hardware compositor going11:28
stinebdyoutube or it didn't happen11:28
arrrghhhstinebd, you do win, original thread even.11:28
jonpryshould work on all devices11:28
jonpryit might be worth while to search for msm 7230 blobs with different opengl extensions11:31
stinebdi don't like the way this log looks11:33
jonpryi have to rewrite something to not use it, then it will work11:33
stinebdwill this work for atrix's old ass gingerbread blobs?11:34
jonprythe rewritten thing would11:35
jonpryi wonder what GL_QUALCOMM_direct_texture is11:35
stinebdsome kinda direct texture operation11:36
jonprysounds like what we need11:37
stinebdthere's a qcom vbo extension too11:38
jonprybuts thats lame because 1.1 has vbo's as a non extension api11:39
arrrghhhso can our hardware support 1.0 or 1.1?11:40
arrrghhhi was under the impression that 1.1 works11:40
stinebd1.1 yes11:40
jonprysee log. also notice that flinger is using the qcom renderer11:40
jonprywe need to get that g1 guy11:45
arrrghhhbased on that xda-devs post, he didn't change much other than to make it compile for that arch...11:45
jonpryyeah which is already duplicated work11:46
stinebdshould be in the hero forums somewhere11:46
stinebdthe g1 guy says he got it from some other guy's heroc tree11:46
jonprycause we did armv6 compile a week ago11:46
arrrghhhjonpry, i noes...11:46
jonprywe are 10x closer to having composition than CM is for msm8x6011:49
stinebdwe do armv6j for gingerbread11:49
jonprydoes JIT work?11:50
arrrghhhok, wtf google music.  you say 20,000 songs yet choke at 14,841... wtf11:50
stinebdjonpry: yeah11:52
stinebdi'm always worried about it being unstable11:52
stinebdbut it seems just about as good as fast11:52
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arrrghhhi don't think our arch can really benefit fully (or at all) from JIT11:54
stinebdyou wouldn't think that11:54
jonpryhows that11:54
detulehappy thanksgiving/holiday/whatever-you-are-celebrating11:55
arrrghhhdetule, happy turkey day indeed11:55
stinebddon't dodge the topic11:56
stinebdexplain your insubordination about jit11:56
arrrghhhwell it blows things up11:56
arrrghhhand makes our devices slower (seemingly)11:57
arrrghhhso why would my 'insubordination' be unjustified?11:57
stinebdi'm gonna need to see some proof to those accusations11:57
stinebdit neither blows things up nor slows them down11:57
stinebdgingerbread jit is solid11:57
detulejit? not sure about blowing things up but my device seems more responsive jit-less11:58
arrrghhhdetule and rpierce99 said int:fast was faster than int:jit...11:58
detulebzo said something along the same lines as well11:58
detuleas did mgross02911:58
stinebda couple of numbnuts on some irc channel doesn't convince me11:58
stinebdno offense11:58
arrrghhhdetule, there was an ancient bug in froyo where if you spammed the volume rocker it would cause a mini-reset within Android.11:58
stinebdhaha yeah that one was hilarious11:58
stinebdgod damn froyo jit11:58
detulei am sure bzo wasn't offended11:59
arrrghhhi'm offended11:59
stinebdit was actually meant for rpierce9911:59
stinebdtime to go11:59
stinebdwork is over11:59
stinebd11:59, screw it11:59
stinebdi'm out early11:59
arrrghhhhave a good 'un stinebd11:59
sytheznarrrghhh, nah I initially changed the makefile to remove the java version check, but I've set it back12:24
arrrghhh"nah I initially changed the makefile to remove the java version check"12:25
arrrghhhlet's remove all the checks from our system/kernel12:26
arrrghhheverything will work so much better!!!!12:26
helicopter88i removed the check too12:26
helicopter88failed to build :(12:26
sytheznyeah, but i didn't change refbase12:26
arrrghhhwhy would it?12:26
arrrghhhyou guys are insane.12:26
sytheznanyways, all i did was comment out the check12:26
helicopter88arrrghhh,you have never messed with java then :)12:27
arrrghhhhelicopter88, nope.  just worked, following directions of course.12:27
sytheznthen i selected the java version and uncommented12:27
helicopter88well,i tried to follow direction,error 41 was there for me :(12:27
sytheznframeworks/base/libs/utils/RefBase.cpp: In member function ‘void android::RefBase::weakref_type::trackMe(bool, bool)’:12:28
sytheznframeworks/base/libs/utils/RefBase.cpp:483:67: error: passing ‘const android::RefBase::weakref_impl’ as ‘this’ argument of ‘void android::RefBase::weakref_impl::trackMe(bool, bool)’ discards qualifiers [-fpermissive]12:28
sytheznmake: *** [out/host/linux-x86/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libutils_intermediates/RefBase.o] Error 112:28
arrrghhhsythezn, what are you trying to achieve exactly?12:28
sytheznI'm trying to build froyo12:29
helicopter88sythezn: this could be due to GCC 4.6,search the make error on google12:29
arrrghhhit's already built, i don't think anything has changed on it in a while.12:29
sytheznyeah but i want to play with it to learn...12:29
sytheznyou mean frx07?12:29
arrrghhh.1, yes12:29
* sythezn is lost12:30
arrrghhhwell the directions on the building the source page worked great for me.12:30
arrrghhhare you dense?12:30
arrrghhhthe newest version12:30
sytheznyeah I figured that12:30
arrrghhhso where are you lost.12:30
sytheznthe build instructions here failed12:31
helicopter88are you running ubuntu?12:31
sytheznlol i was thinking froyo was still under active dev12:31
arrrghhhfroyo isn't12:31
arrrghhh.27 isn't12:31
arrrghhhit's probably not going to get any more updates.12:31
sytheznso gingerbread?12:32
arrrghhhunless there's some really compelling reason, dev focus is indeed on gb.12:32
sythezni've synced both trees...12:32
* sythezn tries a gb build12:32
arrrghhhsupposedly that's harder to build12:32
arrrghhhbut i didn't have a problem with that either...12:33
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sythezndoes it make any difference if I'm building with a 64 or 32 bit system?17:48
sytheznnevermind... blonde moment17:49
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bzoI can shed some light on the 12c00019:57
jonpryhi bzo19:59
bzohey jonpry19:59
jonpryplease do, and fix my 3d's19:59
bzoI can explain the 12c000, but am clueless about much more :P19:59
jonpryi hacked it to check for larger amounts, but there is still nothing on the screen19:59
bzobasically, the hardcoded buffer size in the libgles_qcom so and gralloc have to match20:00
jonpryclueless is about where i am at20:00
bzoarm assembly is kinda weird in how it represents numbers20:00
jonpryi'm pretty sure they do. but that is 2f000020:00
bzoinstead of just a 32 bit value, it is a 2 part thing with a barrel shift20:00
bzothe value specified in gralloc is the closest we could get20:01
bzowith doing a simple patch to the lib20:01
bzorepresenting 3000<<10 takes more than 32 bits20:01
bzoerr I meant explaining the 2F0000, not the 12c00020:02
jonpryits one of those immediate instructions that takes an 8 bit with a shift or something?20:03
bzodon't remember the specifics but it is damn confusing20:03
bzomaybe it's not 32 bits either, been a long time since I looked at it20:03
jonpryi suspect the 0x2f0000 is working ok because i'm using the xdandroid blob and gralloc with xdandroid constants20:04
jonpryalso hw3d sort of seems to be working. i am blasting it with gl commands and it at least pretends to be rendering something20:04
bzothere would be a lot of chatter in logcat if you ran out of gralloc memory20:05
bzothat's how we knew to expand it when we were fixing up the camera20:05
jonpryno errors like that20:06
jonpryonly E/EGL.oem (   52): invalid buffer offset (0x000bb800 + 0x000bb800 > 0x0012c000)20:06
bzohmm, seems like that might cause it not to display anything20:07
jonpryi hacked it to accept larger values as [acl] reported that fixed something20:07
jonprybut i wonder why this error appears. same blob under GB does not have that error20:08
bzowas that the old buf size constant before we changed it to 2f0000?20:08
jonprynot sure20:08
bzoah yes, it is 12C000=480*320*4*220:09
bzoso I would assume any constant of that value needs to be patched to the new one20:09
jonpryit must be using a different code path. like the image buffer has different flags, or is in different memory than on GB20:10
jonprythe whole system pretty much blows my mind20:14
bzoall this indirection from having to deal with the closed libs sucks20:14
bzoit's amazing that jb was able to reverse all the camera stuff20:15
jonprythere is all this madness with surface flinger doing all the allocations and then having other processes use its memory20:15
jonpryand they have all these opaque pointers that are then recast and used by other modules, including the blob20:15
jonprythe only sane place to have a 3d driver is in the kernel20:17
bzoI understand the position of the hard liners in the kernel now about "tainted" stuff now20:25
jonprysource would make this much easier20:43
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